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Anonymous 03/24/18(Sat)14:17:11 No.65235804

How do you deal with the loss of a hard drive and all the data on it?

139 KB JPG

Anonymous 03/24/18(Sat)14:18:06 No.65235817

i buy a new one and copy the data from my backup
you have a backup, right?

Anonymous 03/24/18(Sat)14:18:16 No.65235822

When this happen i get wasted and cry myself to sleep

Anonymous 03/24/18(Sat)14:18:36 No.65235828

I depricate drives before they fail. I keep backups

Anonymous 03/24/18(Sat)14:20:02 No.65235843

I remember that I probably didn't need those videos of thai prostitutes getting cream-pied

Anonymous 03/24/18(Sat)14:20:05 No.65235846

not an issue for me, i back up my data to five different sources

Anonymous 03/24/18(Sat)14:21:35 No.65235867

I have no worthwhile data on offline drives to begin with :)

Anonymous 03/24/18(Sat)14:21:35 No.65235868

send it to data recovery specialist
or cry more
if it's sensitive data

Anonymous 03/24/18(Sat)14:22:37 No.65235880

you should also be doing this

Anonymous 03/24/18(Sat)14:26:32 No.65235918

Just go to /b/ and start a reaction faces thread.

Anonymous 03/24/18(Sat)14:30:44 No.65235971

I don't deal at all. All my sensitive data is backed up in multiple places, everything that's not backed up can be easily downloaded or
otherwise recreated.

Anonymous 03/24/18(Sat)14:43:39 No.65236108

Thanks for your 5k just because you were too cheap to buy an external drive for $100 :^)

Anonymous 03/24/18(Sat)15:01:54 No.65236362

I restore the data from Google Drive.

It takes a while to download several terabytes, but it's alright. At least the data isn't lost.

Anonymous 03/24/18(Sat)15:11:13 No.65236459

Why the fuck would you pay the extortionate amount Google charges instead of just buying a few drives?

Anonymous 03/24/18(Sat)15:13:49 No.65236487

I can afford 8 euro per month.
I was already paying 4 euro per month for having my domain hooked up to Gmail, so I'm really just paying 4 euro extra per month.

Also, I do have a few extra drives. GDrive is just my off-site backup, because even a million drives isn't gonna save me, if my house
burns down.

Anonymous 03/24/18(Sat)15:14:49 No.65236498

I wouldn’t know because I don’t lose data, cause I’m not a retard who keeps anything important in only one place - on a physical
device that I know can break at any time without warning and lose everything.

Anonymous 03/24/18(Sat)15:16:17 No.65236524

Have them backed up on different drives and in some cloud

Anonymous 03/24/18(Sat)15:16:53 No.65236529

>thumb drives in my pocket
>fire thwarted

Anonymous 03/24/18(Sat)15:17:55 No.65236540

1. Denial and isolation
2. Anger
3. Bargaining
4. Depression
5. Acceptance

Anonymous 03/24/18(Sat)15:21:49 No.65236583

>send it to data recovery specialist because i'm autist
>he discovers my loli collection
>tells me that disc is unrecoverable and ads my collection to his
fuck this shit anons

Anonymous 03/24/18(Sat)15:24:09 No.65236619

i only own 100gb worth of data i would care about losing and it's all safely backed up to the google botnet :)

Anonymous 03/24/18(Sat)15:25:50 No.65236638

Seems a bit cumbersome.
That amount of thumbdrives is also not particularly economically viable.

Anonymous 03/24/18(Sat)15:26:43 No.65236651

>I can afford 8 euro per month.
2tb on google drive is fucking 100 euro a montj

Anonymous 03/24/18(Sat)15:27:24 No.65236658

I don't care, because I want new drive anyway.

Anonymous 03/24/18(Sat)15:28:55 No.65236676

1. Crush it with hammer
2. Heat it up
3. Trash
4. Buy new one
5. Install OS, restore shit from backu-... Oh, I don't have one.
6. Download 100+ Gig of porn again.

Anonymous 03/24/18(Sat)15:29:37 No.65236682

No it's not.

I'm using the GSuite Business. They don't enforce the 5-users-for-unlimited-storage thing. If you sign up as a single user, you'll get
unlimited storage.

Anonymous 03/24/18(Sat)15:30:54 No.65236703

I take money from my mom and buy a new hddd, then I download torrents.


Anonymous 03/24/18(Sat)15:32:51 No.65236722

1. Pretend that you're able to get your data back (Denial)
2. Get frustrated when you failed (Anger)
3. Tell yourself that the data you lost is unimportant. (Bargaining)
2.79 MB WEBM
4. Recall that /g/ told you to back up but you think data loss will never happen to you. Cry a lot and ask /g/ about how
do deal with the loss of a hard drive. (Depression)
5. Accept that you're too poor to get another hard disk for backup, and data loss will always plague you. (Acceptance)

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