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Anonymous 03/24/18(Sat)07:15:39 No.65231846

Musk supports #deletefacebook

Musk Takes Down the Tesla and SpaceX Facebook Pages
The chief executive officer of Tesla Inc. and Space Exploration Technologies Corp. tweeted Friday that he wasn’t
aware there was a Facebook page for his rocket company. After being asked by a Twitter user to delete it, he
responded “will do.”

102 KB JPG Musk wrote back to another user who shared a photo of Tesla’s official page on Facebook and asked if it, too, should
be deleted: “Definitely. Looks lame anyway.” Tesla’s and SpaceX’s Facebook pages vanished soon after.

Anonymous 03/24/18(Sat)07:17:09 No.65231854

He apparently didn't even know they had a Facebook page until 20 minutes before he ordered it deleted

Anonymous 03/24/18(Sat)07:20:44 No.65231878

can you read

Anonymous 03/24/18(Sat)07:40:15 No.65231999

He made the FB page.

Anonymous 03/24/18(Sat)07:44:48 No.65232036

who made those pages in the first place then?

Anonymous 03/24/18(Sat)08:13:34 No.65232195

Who owns Instagram again?

Anonymous 03/24/18(Sat)08:18:36 No.65232242

before /g/ spergs out about Musk, can we just be happy he's helping accelerate Facebooks death?

Anonymous 03/24/18(Sat)08:20:56 No.65232263

#musks father just had a child with his step daughter who he raised since she was 4

Anonymous 03/24/18(Sat)08:21:44 No.65232269

Nice dude I fucking LOVE science, upvoted.
Anonymous 03/24/18(Sat)08:22:57 No.65232273


Anonymous 03/24/18(Sat)08:23:23 No.65232277


Sounds like he's trying to make hentai real. Based.

Anonymous 03/24/18(Sat)08:23:58 No.65232285

So he pulled off the Hikaru Genji plan? Nice.

293 KB JPG

Anonymous 03/24/18(Sat)08:27:36 No.65232316

Wtf is wrong with these people


Anonymous 03/24/18(Sat)08:54:13 No.65232514

Nothing. they're smart getting that tottie.

Anonymous 03/24/18(Sat)08:56:43 No.65232533

Ah, good ole musky.

Anonymous 03/24/18(Sat)10:43:51 No.65233551

>gets billions in federal funding
>gets praised as the savior of science
wtf is wrong with people

Anonymous 03/24/18(Sat)11:25:59 No.65233969


Anonymous 03/24/18(Sat)11:31:52 No.65234037

I always wonder how retards like you have a problem with musk's products and services being bought by the government, but not
lockheed, boeing, or a million other contractors, and you never raise a fuss over literal bailouts and money thrown at companies like
exxon or GM

but you spaz out at musk getting a loan

I'm just fucking perplexed, it's like your brain was lobotomized and rather than looking at the world rationally, you just find ways to
attack this dude

Anonymous 03/24/18(Sat)12:36:46 No.65234719

old. already threads a day ago. fuck off

Anonymous 03/24/18(Sat)12:39:35 No.65234755

so that is the grand daughter (elon musk's daughter's daughter)

and also the sister? (elon musk's dad's daughter)

Anonymous 03/24/18(Sat)12:40:19 No.65234766

>people on /g/ has been complaining about facebooks immoral ways for ages
>one white rockety boi deletes his company's facebook pages
>praised as our lord and saviour

really /g/?

Anonymous 03/24/18(Sat)12:42:31 No.65234792

>one x boi
Take your fagbook memes back to fagbook

Anonymous 03/24/18(Sat)12:43:08 No.65234801

where can I find other forum/imageboard where people doesn't spam every meaningless PR moves?

Anonymous 03/24/18(Sat)12:46:05 No.65234830

Based father

Anonymous 03/24/18(Sat)12:49:22 No.65234873

>open any porn site, incest porn is the norm literally everywhere. Now they don't even bother to insert the word 'step' anywhere.
>act surprised when real people start doing it.

Anonymous 03/24/18(Sat)12:49:37 No.65234878

No, Elon Musk's father, Errol, got his stepdaughter (who would be Elon's stepsister) pregnant. Thus the baby is both
Elons half-brother and step-nephew. Weird, but the woman involved is 30, so old enough to make her own decisions.

341 KB JPG

Anonymous 03/24/18(Sat)12:50:24 No.65234884

learn some grammar first, nigger.

Anonymous 03/24/18(Sat)12:52:07 No.65234906

Musk paid back a gov loan to establish Tesla 9 years early with interest.
He had to sue to be able to bid on launces for the gov. and then exposed billions in inflated bids granted to the contractor the pentagon
established themselves, including millions in regular payments even when they weren't doing launches.
And yeah, Ford GM and Chrysler are all in the top ten US corporate welfare queens list.

Anonymous 03/24/18(Sat)12:54:13 No.65234932

Indeed; ordinary marrying a women with kids is a cuck thing to do, but raising the step daughter for breeding after her
mother gets too old shows great foresight.


Anonymous 03/24/18(Sat)12:55:36 No.65234946

oh i c
thought it was elon's daughter lel

Anonymous 03/24/18(Sat)13:03:03 No.65235019

>a 70 year old impregnates his step daughter because he saw it on pornhub
Wtf is wrong with these people?
362 KB PNG

Anonymous 03/24/18(Sat)13:37:15 No.65235358

Ok so nothing interesting. /g/ just loves to hate on ol'musky.

Anonymous 03/24/18(Sat)13:52:39 No.65235518

I hope that when I'm 70 that I can impregoo my step daughter. You don't? weirdo!

Anonymous 03/24/18(Sat)14:02:55 No.65235621

god i wish that were me

Anonymous 03/24/18(Sat)14:18:22 No.65235825

Musk quit Trump's business council, but then so did anyone else with an ounce of integrity.
/pol/ is butthurt, I guess.


Anonymous 03/24/18(Sat)14:27:17 No.65235928

Just trust Zuckerberg you dumb fucks!!

Anonymous 03/24/18(Sat)14:36:00 No.65236035

Nice, just like muh favrit mango

402 KB JPG

Anonymous 03/24/18(Sat)15:35:31 No.65236763

tesla marketing department

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