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Conscious and Unconscious Processes in Human Desire

(2do llamado de Diciembre 2016)


Read the text and answer the following questions:

A. Global comprehension
1. Read the abstract and select 5 keywords
teoría de la intrusión elaborada, procesos asociativos inconscientes, deseo, imágenes sensoriales conscientes, abstinencia fisiológica
2. What is the purpose of this research article
El propósito del presente estudio es investigar

3. What gap in research do the authors mention?

4. What recommendations for future research do the authors make?
5. What are the implications of this research in terms of treatment?


B. Detailed comprehension
6. Define desire according to:
 The authors of the present article
 Field, Munafo and Franken
 Tiffani
7. What is the main difference that the authors point out between desire and
precursors of desire?
8. What is the main feature of El theory?
9. What evidence do the authors provide to support the distinction between
conscious and unconscious processes?
10. What findings of this research cannot be accounted for by neurobiological
theories? Why is it important?
11. How do top-down processes modify the effects of bottom-up precursors of
12. Explain the relevance of consciousness in El theory?

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