Lab Experiment # 01 Objective:: Heat Engine

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Lab Manual Internal Combustion Engines


Familiarization with test equipment of IC Engine Lab with special emphasis on
components / models of an IC Engine displayed on various Tables and to draw a
layout of IC Engines Lab.


An engine is a machine designed to convert one form of energy into mechanical energy.
Engine is widely used in automobile industries or we can say that engine is the heart of an

Heat Engine:
Heat engine is device which can convert chemical energy of fuel into heat energy and heat
energy is further converted in to mechanical work.

IC Engines
It is an engine in which combustion of fuel take place inside the engine. When the fuel burns
inside the engine cylinder, it generates a high temperature and pressure. This high pressure
force is exerted on the piston (A device which free to moves inside the cylinder and transmit
the pressure force to crank by use of connecting rod), which used to rotate the wheels of
vehicle. In these engines we can use only gases and high volatile fuel like petrol, diesel.
These engines are generally used in automobile industries, generation of electric power etc.

Advantages of I.C Engines

 It has overall high efficiency over E.C. engine.
 These engines are compact and required less space.
 Initial cost of I.C. engine is lower than E.C. engine.
 This engine easily starts in cold because of it uses high volatile fuel.

EC Engines
It is an engine in which combustion of fuel take place outside of the engine. In this type of
engine heat, which is generated by burning of fuel is use to convert the water or other low
boiling temperature fluid into steam. This high pressure steam used to rotate a turbine. In this
engine we can use all solid, liquid and gases fuel. These engines are generally used in driving
locomotive, ships, generation of electric power etc.

Advantages of E.C Engine:

 In these engines starting torque is generally high.
 Because of external combustion we can use cheaper fuels as well as solid fuel.
 They are more flexible compare to internal combustion engines

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Lab Manual Internal Combustion Engines


Physical arranegement of machines setup in a systematic manner is called layout

Importance of Layout:
Layout is the physical arrangement of experimental equipment or apparatus in a
laboratory to allow their maximum use so as to increase their experimental capabilities. Each
item of equipment / apparatus is placed in the laboratory in such a way so that it can work
properly and experiments can be performed easily. Also sufficient place is provided for
work.Special requirements, such as electricity, heat produced, ventilation, exhaust (smoke
ets), vibrations generated, noise generated, safety of the equipment and the person working
on them atc. are also considered.

Types of Layout:
1. Product Layout
2. Process Layout
3. Fixed Layout

Product or Line Layout:

If all the processing equipment and machines are arranged according to the sequence of
operations of the product, the layout is called product type of layout. In this type of layout,
only one product of one type of products is produced in an operating area.

Process or Functional Layout:

The process layout is particularly useful where low volume of production is needed. If the
products are not standardized, the process layout is lower desirable, because it has creator
process flexibility than other. In this type of layout, the machines and not arranged according
to the sequence of operations but are arranged according to the nature or type of the

Fixed Position Layout:

This type of layout is the least important for today’s manufacturing industries. In this type of
layout the major component remain in a fixed location, other materials, parts, tools,
machinery, man power and other supporting equipment’s are brought to this location

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Lab Manual Internal Combustion Engines


i. Familairize with various equipments/ relevant apparatus realated to IC


ii. Study of various working models / chasis of automotive vehicles

available in the laboratory.

iii. To make a sketch / layout of the IC Engine labs with reference to IC

Engines and its experimental apparatus.


Apparatus and Equipment Avaialable:

Table 1
Table 2
Miscellaneous Equipments / Models


 Advantages and disadvantages of process and product layout

 Difference between IC and EC engines. Also give examples of both types
of engines.

Questionnaire :

Students to be asked questions, what they have laernt and observed in the lab.
Specific questions to be asked about a particular equipoment and practicals
which can be performed on the same.

Department of Mechanical Engineering

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