List of Spanish Verbs

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List of Spanish Verbs

acordarse - to remember
abandonar - to abandon, leave behind, desert; to quit, give up
abordar - to board, get on [plane, bus, etc.]; to approach, accost [a person]
abortar - to abort, cause to miscarry; to have a miscarriage
abrazar - to hug, embrace
aburrir - to bore; to tire, weary
aburrirse - to get bored, become bored, be bored
abusar - to go too far, take advantage
acabar - to finish, end
acampar - to camp, encamp, go camping
aceptar - to accept, approve; to agree to
acercarse - to approach
acompañar - to accompany, go with, escort
aconsejar - to advise
acontecer - to happen, occur, come about
acortar - to shorten
acostarse - to go to bed, lie down
acostumbrar - to be accustomed to, be in the habit of; to get </I>[someone]<I> used to
acostumbrarse - to get used to, get accustomed to
actuar - to act, perform, actuate, operate
adivinar - to guess, fortell, prophesy; to guess correctly
admirar - to admire, respect, look up to
admitir - to admit, accept, allow, recognize
adorar - to adore, worship
adornar - to adorn; to decorate, embellish; to garnish [food]
advertir - to notice, observe, advise, warn
afeitar - to shave
afeitarse - to shave [oneself]
afirmar - to make firm, steady, strengthen; to affirm, state, assert
agradar - to please, be pleasing
agradecer - to be thankful for</I>; <I>to thank [for]
aguantar - to put up with, endure, bear, stand
ahorcar - to hang
abrir - to open
acercar - to bring near[er], move [something] nearer
acordar - to decide, resolve, agree [on]
acostar - to put to bed
agorar - to predict, prophesy
ahorrar - to save
alcanzar - to reach, catch, catch up to, catch up with
alegrar - to make happy, cheer [up], gladen
alegrarse - to be glad, happy; to become/get happy; to rejoice
alentar - to encourage, cheer, insnpire, bolster up
aliviar - to alleviate, ease, lessen, lighthen, relieve
almorzar - to lunch, eat lunch, have lunch
alquilar - to rent; to rent out, let
amanecer - to dawn</I>; <I>to wake up [feeling or being ...]
amar - to love
amenazar - to threaten, menace
andar - to walk, go
anhelar - to be eager for/to, long for/to, yearn for/to
anunciar - to announce
a&ntilde;adir - to add; to increase
apagar - to extinguish, put out, turn off
aplaudir - to applaud, cheer, clap
aplicar - to apply
apostar - to bet, wager
apoyar - to support, hold up, prop up; to back
apreciar - to appreciate, value, esteem, estimate, notice
aprender - to learn
apretar - to be too tight; to squeeze; to tighten [up]; to press [down/against]
arreglar - to arrange, settle, fix up, repair, tidy up
arrepentirse - to repent, be repentant, regret
arrojar - to throw, hurl, cast, toss
asistir - to attend
aspirar - to breath in, inhale; to suck in; to aspirate; to aspire
asustar - to frighten, scare, startle
asustarse - to be frightened [oneself]
atacar - to attack
atender - to attend to, pay attention to
atraer - to attract, draw, lure
atravesar - to cross, cross over, go across, go over, pass through
atreverse - to dare
aumentar - to increase, add to, augment; to be on the increase, rise
avanzar - to advance, move forward
averiguar - to find out, discover
avisar - to warn, inform, notify
ayudar - to help
abanicar - to fan
abatir - to overthrow, to knock down, to throw down
abarcar - to include
abastecer - to suply
aberrar - to err, to be mistaken
abdicar - to abdicate
ablandar - to soften
abofetear - to slap, to hit in the face
abogar - to advocate, to intercede, to plead
abollar - to dent
abominar - to abominate
abonar - to pay, to credit, to fertilize
abolir - to abolish
abrasar - to burn, to set on fire
abreviar - to abbreviate, to shorten
abrigar - to keep warm, to shelter
abrillantar - to burnish, to polish
abrochar - to fasten, to do up
abrogar - to abrogate
abrumar - to overwhelm
absorber - to absorb, to soak up
absolver - to acquit, to absolve
abstenerse - abstain; de + infinite = to refrain from
abuchear - to boo
abultar - to bulge up, to beef up
abundar - to abound
acachetear - to slap
acallar - to silence, to quiet
acanalar - to groove, to flute, to corrugate
acaparar - to hoard, to stockpile
acariciar - to caress
acarrear - to carry, to transport, to entail
acartonar - to make wizened
acatar - to obey, to comply
accionar - to propel, to bring an action against, to act
acaudillar - to lead
acceder - to access
acechar - to lie in wait for
aceitar - to oil, to grease, to lubricate
acelerar - to accelerate, to speed, to hurry
acendrar - to refine
acentuar - to accent, to emphasize
acerar - to coat in steel
acertar - to guess right
acezar - to puff and pant
achantar - to intimidate
achatar - to flatten
achicar - to take in
acidificar - to acidify
aclamar - to acclaim
aclarar - to explain, to clarify, to make clear
acobardar - to unnerve, to intimidate
acoger - to welcome, to receive
acogotar - to choke, to strangle
acolchar - to quilt, to pad
acollar - to earth up
acometer - to attack
acomodar - to lodge, to accommodate, to find a place for
acompasar - to keep in step
acomplejar - to give a complex
acoplar - to put together
acopiar - to stockpile
acosar - to harass
acreditar - to accredit, to prove
acribillar - to riddle, to bombard
acriminar - to incriminate
acrisolar - to refine (metal), to purify
acromatizar - to achromatize
activar - to activate
acuatizar - to land in the sea
acuartelar - to billet, to quarter
acuchillar - to knife, to cut, to slash
acuciar - to plague, to pester
acuitar - to afflict
acudir - to attend, to be present frequently, to respond (to a call)
acumular - to accumulate
acunar - to rock
acu&ntilde;ar - to mint (moneda)
acusar - to accuse
adaptar - to adapt
adecentar - to straighten up, to tidy up
adecuar - to adapt
adelantar - to advance, to progress, to go forward
adelgazar - to slim, to loose weight
aderezar - to season, to dress
adeudar - to owe
adicionar - to add
adiestrar - to train ( animal )
aditar - to add
adjetivar - to use adjectivally
adjudicar - to award, to adjudicate
adjuntar - to enclose, to attach
administrar - to manage
adoctrinar - to indoctrinate
adoptar - to adopt
adquirir - to obtain, to acquire, to buy
afanar - to nick, to rush, to toil
afiliar - to affiliate
afinar - to tune, to refine
afligir - to afflict, to trouble, to distress
aflojar - to loosen
aflorar - to surface
afluir - to flock, to flow
aforar - to assess, to value
aforrar - to hit (pegar), -se ( to make a mint or fortune )
afrentar - to insult, to affront
afrontar - to face, to confront
agachar - to lower, to bend, to bow down
agarrar - to grasp
agarrochar - to goad
agarrotar - to garrote
agasajar - to celebrate, to give honor
agitar - to agitate, to wave, to shake up
agotar - to exhaust, to drain
agrandar - to enlarge
agravar - to aggravate, to make worse
agregar - to add
agrupar - to group, to divide or put (en grupos)
aguardar - to wait, to hold on
ahogar - to drown
ahondar - to make deeper
ahorquillar - to prop up
ahuchar - to urge on
ahuecar - to hollow out
ahumar - to smoke
ahuyentar - to frighten off
airar - to anger
airear - to air
aislar - to isolate
ajar - to rumple, to crumple, to garlic field
ajardinar - to landscape
ajuiciar - to bring to his/her sense
ajuntar - to be friends with
ajustar - to tighten up, to adjust, to fit
ajusticiar - to execute
alabar - to praise, to compliment
alabear - to warp
alambrar - to fence, to wire
alardear - to boast
alargar - to lengthen, to extend, to prolong
alarmar - to alarm
albergar - to house, to accommodate
alborear - to dawn
alborotar - to make a racket, to incite
alborozar - to rejoice
alcahuetear - to gossip
alear - to alloy
alebrestar - to startle
aleccionar - to lecture
alegar - to allege, to assert, to plead
alinear - to line up, to put into line, to align
allegar - to bring closer
almacenar - to store
alumbrar - to illuminate, to light
alzar - to lift up, to rebel, to rise up in arms
amadrinar - to be godmother
amamantar - to breast feed
amargar - to spoil, to make bitter (persona)
amarrar - to tie up, to fasten, to moor
amartillar - to hammer
amasar - to knead, to mix, to amass
ampliar - to enlarge, to extend, to increase
analizar - to analyze
anotar - to write down, to make a note, to annotate
anular - to annul, to cancel, to rescind
a&ntilde;ejar - to age, to mature (vino, queso)
añorar - to be homesick, to miss, to long for
apaciguar - to assuage, to calm
apadrinar - to be godfather
apalear - to beat, to batter
aparecer - to appear, to show up, to turn up (objeto perdido)
apilar - to pile up, to heap up
apocar - to make smaller, to diminish, to feel small (humillado)
apoderar - to empower
aprobar - to approve
aprovechar - to use, to exploit, to take advantage of
apurar - to drain to the last drop, to embarrass, to hurry up
armar - to arm, to put together, to assemble
arrancar - to start
arrestar - to arrest, to detain, to confine
articular - to articulate
asaltar - to assault, to attack, to rob
asegurar - to ensure, to assure
asentar - to put
asesinar - to murder
asignar - to assign, to allocate, to attribute
asir - to seize, to grasp, to take root
asomar - to show, to stick out, to appear
asombrar - to astonish, to amaze, to be astonished
atar - to tie
atribuir - to attribute, to ascribe, to impute
autorizar - to authorize
ayunar - to fast, to go without food
abalanzar - to balance, to dart, to impel
abaratar - to cheapen, to abate
abarquillar - to bend, to warp
abarrotar - to overstock, to bind
abnegar - to abnegate
aborrecer - to detest, to hate
abstener - to abstain, to abstention, to abstinence
abstraer - to abstract
acaecer - to happen, to occur
achaplinar - to change ones mind
achicharrar - to feel extremely hot
acongojar - to distress, to grieve
acotar - to mark off, to make marginal notes or citations
acrecentar - to increase
actualizar - to update
adherir - to adhere, to stick
adolecer - to suffer, to lack
adormecer - to make sleepy, to fall asleep, to turn numb
aducir - to adduce
afectar - to affect, to pretend, to feign
afilar - to sharpen
agilizar - to speed up, to acelerate, to facilitate
agobiar - to oppress
agredir - to assault, to attack
aguar - to water down, to to spoil
agudizar - to sharpen, to worsen, to aggravate
agujerear - to perforate, to make holes
alejar - to move further away
alertar - to alert, to warn
aligerar - to lighten, to alleviate, to hurry
alimentar - to feed
alistar - to enroll, to enlist, to join up
alojar - to lodge, to accomodate, to house
alterar - to change, to alter, to disturb
aludir - to allude, to refer
amodorrar - to get sleepy, to doze off, to get drowsy
amojonar - to delimit
amolar - to grind, to ruin, to annoy
amonestar - to admonish, to reprimand, to advise
amordazar - to gag, to muzzle, to silence
amortiguar - to muffle, to soften, to deaden
amotinar - to riot
amueblar - to furnish
anclar - to anchor
anestesiar - to anesthetize
animar - to animate, to liven up
aniquilar - to annihilate, to destroy, to exterminate
anochecer - to get dark
ansiar - to long for
anteponer - to prefer, to place before
anticipar - to anticipate, to foresee
antojar - to fancy, to feel like
anudar - to knot, to tie
apañar - to grasp
aparcar - to park
aparear - to mate (animals), to pair off, to math up
aparentar - to seems to be, to show off, to feign
apartar - to set apart, to separate, to step aside
apenar - to sadden
aperturar - to open, to issue
apestar - to stink, to smell, to infect
apetecer - to desire, to want
aplastar - to squash, to crush
aplazar - to postpone, to adjourn
aporrear - to bang, to hammer on
aportar - to contribute
apresurar - to hurry, to rush
aproximar - to place or bring near, to approximate, to approach
apuntar - to inscribe, to note, to write down
arañar - to scratch
archivar - to file
arder - to burn
argüir - to argue, to deduce
argumentar - to argue
arraigar - to take root, to settle down
arrasar - to destroy, to win
arrastrar - to drag, to crawl, to grovel (to somebody)
arrebatar - to snatch
arrendar - to rent
arrepentir - to regret
arribar - to arrive
arriesgar - to risk, to take a risk
arrodillar - to kneel
arrollar - to roll, to knock down
arrugar - to wrinkle, to crumple up, to crease
arruinar - to ruin, to wreck
asar - to roast
ascender - to ascend, to promote
asear - to clean, to straighten, to tidy up
asediar - to besiege
asentir - to nod
asesorar - to advise, to counsel
asfaltar - to asphalt
asfixiar - to suffocate, to asphyxiate
asimilar - to assimilate, to absorb, to take in
asociar - to associate
asolar - to destroy
asolear - to sun, to get sunburnt, to bask in the sun
asumir - to assume
atañer - to concern
atardecer - to get late, to grow dark
atascar - to obstruct, to block
atentar - to attempt the life of someone
atenuar - to attenuate
aterrar - to fill with earth, to terrify
aterrizar - to land
atestar - to pack or cram, to testify
atestiguar - to testify, to witness, to attest
atornillar - to screw
atracar - to bolt
atrapar - to catch, to capture
atrasar - to delay, to postpone, to put back
atrever - to dare
atropellar - to knock down, to run over, to abuse
aullar - to howl, to yell, to cry
aunar - to join, to combine
autentificar - to authenticate, to legalize
auxiliar - to help
aventar - to throw, to throw out, to throw air to someone
aventurar - to hazard, to risk, to venture
avergonzar - to embarrass
averiar - to break down
adelantarse - to go ahead, go in advance
admirarse - to be surprised
alejarse - to go away
altercar - to quarrel
apartarse - to go away, depart
aprestar - to make ready, prepare
arrodillarse - to kneel down
avivar - to enliven, quicken; [aviva el ojo], keep your eyes
arbitrar - arbitrate
abjurar - abjure, abnegate, forswear
amortizar - amortize
amagar - threat
anidar - nestle
almiar - haycock, hayrick, haystack, rick
amontonar - amass
atemperar - mollify
apuñalar - stab
asalter - assault, violate
apear - lean on, support
acurrucarse - snuggle
aplzar - postpone, shunt
arquitecturar - establish
aventajar - surpass
acarciar - caress, chuck, fondle
aclimatar - acclimatize
amorrar - pout, sulk
anexar - affiliate
armonizar - attune
arremeter - accrue
aprehender - apprehend
amplificar - amplify
azuzar - abet
azotar - flog, scourge, thrash
alojarse - be a guest of, stay with
aletargar - lull to sleep
arrimar - abut, bring nearer
aquietar - calm down, reassure, soothe, to appease
arredrar - disjoin, disrupt, dissociate, unlink
aletear - flicker, flounder, flutter, thrashing, waver
asemejarse - resemble
asquear - cloy
atizar - stoke
atrasarse - lag
aduanar - tariff
acgrandar - dilate, enlarge, expand, ream, upgrade
acicalar - slick
aguijar - goad
arar - plough (plau)
amoldar - sculpt
acantonar - accommodate
atisbar - peek
acardenalar - to queeze
acomunarse - ally
apearse - dismount
adormecerse - fall asleep
astringir - tighten
agostar - dehydrate
anieblar - darken
aguzar - sharpen, whet
alebrarse - despond
anquilosarse - stiffen
autocar - coach
aterrorizar - terrorize
amistar - reconcile
alternar - take turns
atormentar - harass, tantalize
agravarse - deteriorate
atrancarse - stuck
abismarse - engulf
alucinar - hallucinate
amputar - amputate
anublar - overcloud
averiarse - addle, ruin, spoil, to spoil
almonedar - auction
agraviarse - libels, offends, scathes, slights
alistarse - report
agarrarse - cling
agregarse - affiliate
arrullar - lull
aherir - adherence, append, foist
aturdir - daze, numb, stun
aocrrar - fasten
atontar - flummox
agonizar - agonize
americanizar - americanize
ayer - yesterday
afianzar - secure
amalgamar - amalgamate
agacharse - cower, crouch
alongar - lengthen, renew
adulterar - adulterate, corrupt
ametrallar - strafe
abrirse - flourish, prosper
arropar - endue
atrofiar - stunt
aseverar - asseverate
arreglarse - to get ready
arengar - harangue
agotarse - come out
astillar - smash
arriar - deluge
arrastrarse - crawl, creep
apostrofar - salutations, speak to
acensuar - excise
aproximarse - approach
adular - adulate, flatter
aciberar - crush, kibble
alisar - slick, smooth
amparar - guard
alienar - alienate
aglomerar - accumulate
atener - new verb
atenerse - accept, adjust, live with
bajar - to lower, go down, descend, download
ba&ntilde;arse - to take a bath, bathe [oneself]
barrer - to sweep, sweep clean, sweep out, sweep away
batir - to beat, hammer, pound [on]
bautizar - to baptize, christen
beber - to drink
bendecir - to bless, foretell, forecast
bordar - to embroider
borrar - to erase, rub out, to cross out, obliterate, wipe out
brillar - to shine, sparkle, glitter, gleam
brindar - to toast
broncearse - to get a suntan, tan
bucear - to skin-dive; to dive under water; to dive
burlar - to deceive, trick; to seduce
burlarse [de alguien/algo] - to mock, ridicule, make fun of [someone/something]
buscar - to search for, look for
bailar - to dance
balancear - to swing, to balance
balbucear - to babble, to stutter, to stammer
balear - to shoot
balsear - to cross on a raft
bambolear - to swing
bandear - to cross (rÃo) , to get over
banquetear - to feast
bañar - to bathe
barajar - to shuffle, to discuss
barbechar - to plough
basar - to base
bastar - to be enough, to be sufficient, to suffice
batallar - to battle, to fight
becar - to give a scholarship
beneficiar - to benefit, to profit
besar - to kiss
besuquear - to kiss repeatedly
blanquear - to bleach, to whitewash
blasfemar - to blaspheme
bloquear - to blockade
bobinar - to wind
boconear - to gossip
bochar - to squash, to flunk (estudiante)
bochinchear - to fight (informal)
boicotear - to boycott
bolear - to knock up, to knock a ball about
bolsear - to pick ( bolso -Mexico), to cadge
bombardear - to bomb
bonchear - to have a fight
bonificar - to subsidize, to award a bonus/discount
boquear - to open one's mouth
borbotear - to bubble
bordear - to go around, to skirt
bornear - to swing at anchor
borrajear - to scribble
bosquejar - to sketch
bostezar - to yawn
botar - to fling, to launch, to bounce
boxear - to box
bramar - to roar
bracear - to wave
bregar - to argue, to slave away, to toil
broncear - to get a tan, to get a suntan, to bronze
brincar - to jump, to frolic
bromear - to joke
brotar - to sprout, to come out, to rise
brujulear - to fan out carefully (cartas)
bru&ntilde;ir - to polish, to burnish
brutalizar - to brutalize
bufar - to snort
bufonear - to joke, to jest
buitrear - to throw up (informal)
bullir - to boil
burbujear - to bubble
burilar - to engrave
balbucir - to stammer, to stutter
barnizar - to varnish, to glaze
batear - to bat
bajarse - get down
borbotar - seethe
bifurcarse - fork, branch
bifurcar - branch
beatificar - beatify
balancearse - swing
babysitter - babysitter
barrenar - drill
bachiller - bachelor
bisecar - bisect
bizcar - squint, strabismus
caer - to fall
calcular - to calculate, compute, add up
calentar - to heat [up], warm [up]
calentarse - to heat up, warm up</I> [intrans.]; <I>to become heated/warmed, to get heated/warmed
callar - to keep quiet about, pass over in silence; to hush
callarse - to keep quiet , be quiet, shut up, be silent, remain silent
calmar - to calm (down), quiet, soothe
calmarse - to calm down [oneself]
caminar - to walk, go
cancelar - to cancel; to wipe out, write off [debt]
cansarse - to get tired, get worn out, get weary
caracterizar - to characterize
cargar - to load, load up; to charge
casar - to marry, join in marriage, join in wedlock
casarse [con alguien] - to marry [someone], get married [to someone]
castigar - to punish, penalize, castigate
causar - to cause; to create, make
cazar - to hunt, represent, stand for
celebrar - to celebrate; to praise, applaud
cenar - to eat dinner, have dinner; to dine; to have for dinner
censurar - to censor; to censure, criticize, blame
cepillar - to brush
cerrar - to close, shut
cesar - to cease, stop
charlar - to chat, talk
chismear - to gossip
chocar - to shock; to startle; to be suprising, startling; to collide, crash
civilizar - to civilize
clarificar - to clarify, illuminate, light [up], brighten
clasificar - to classify, grade, rate, sort
cobrar - to charge [a price]; to cash [a check]; to collect, receive [an amount]
cocinar - to cook; to do the cooking
coger - to catch, grasp, take hold of
colgar - to hang, hang up, be hanging, be suspended
colocar - to locate, place
colonizar - to colonize, settle
combatir - to combat, fight, oppose; to attack
comenzar - to begin, start, commence
comer - to eat
competir - to compete
componer - to compose, make up, put together
comprar - to buy, purchase
comprender - to understand, comprehend
comunicar - to communicate, transmit, tell, pass on
comunicarse - to communicate [e.g., with someone], be in touch, correspond; to be transmitted
condenar - to condemn, convict, sentence
conducir - to drive, conduct
confesar - to confess
confiar - to trust, be trusting, entrust
confirmar - to confirm, corrobrate, endorse
confiscar - to confiscate
conjugar - to conjugate
conquistar - to conquer, overcome, win
conseguir - to get, obtain
consentir - to consent to; to allow, permit; to tolerate, put up with; to admit; to agree, consent
conservar - to preserve, &nbsp;conserve; to keep, retain
consistir [en] - to consist [of], be composed [of]
constituir - to constitute
construir - to build, construct
consumir - to consume, eat, use upe
contaminar - to contaminate, pollute; to corrupt
contar - to count, relate, tell
contener - to contain, hold
contestar - to answer
continuar - to continue
contribuir - to contribute
controlar - to control; to inspect, check
convencer - to convince
convenir - to agree; to suit, be suited to; to be good for
conversar - to talk, converse; to tell, relate
convertir - to convert
convidar - to invite
copiar - to copy
corregir - to correct
correr - to run
cortar - to cut
coser - to sew, sew up; to stitch, stitch up
costar - to cost
crear - to create; to make
crecer - to grow [up]
creer - to believe
criarse - to grow [up]; to be brought up
criticar - to criticize
crucificar - to crucify
cruzar - to cross
cubrir - to cover
cuidar - to take care of, look after
culpar - to blame, accuse; to condemn
cultivar - to cultivate; to grow
cumplir - to fulfill, carry out; to reach (an age)
curar - to cure; to treat, dress [a wound]
cabecear - to nod one's head when sleepy
caber - to fit, to be possible, to be appropriate
cacarear - to crow
cachar - to understand, to see, to know
cachetear - to slap
calar - to soak, to cut a piece out to taste (frutas), to fret (madera), to make openwork (ropa)
calcar - to trace (dibujos)
calcificar - to calcify
calcinar - to calcine
caldear - to heat
calefaccionar - to heat (home heating system)
calibrar - to calibrate
calificar - to describe, to grade, to qualify
calzar - to shoe
cambiar - to change; to cash (a check)
camelear - to tell lies
campar - to camp
campeonar - to win a championship
camuflajear - to camuflage
canalizar - to canalize, to channel, to direct
cansar - to get tired
canturrear - to sing softly to oneself
cantar - to sing
ca&ntilde;onear - to shell, to bombard
capacitar - to train, to prepare
capar - to castrate
capear - to make passes at
capitalizar - to capitalize
capitular - to surrender, to capitulate
capitanear - to command
capotar - to overturn
captar - to attract, to captivate, to tune in
caramelizar - to coat with caramel
carburar - to carburet
carbonizar - to carbonize
carcajear - to burst out, to laugh
carcomer - to consume (envidia)
cardar - to card
carear - to bring face to face
carecer - to lack
carenar - to careen
caricaturizar - to caricature
cargosear - to pester, to keep on at
carnear - to slaughter
carnerear - to scab
carpinterear - to do woodwork
carretear - to crawl along
carterear - to be robbed, to have bag picked
cascabelear - to rattle
cascar - to crack, to chip
caste&ntilde;elear - to chatter
castrar - to castrate
catalizar - to catalyze
catalogar - to catalog
catapultar - to catapult
catar - to taste, to sample, to test
catear - to fail, to flunk (examen)
categorizar - to categorize
catequizar - to catequize
caucionar - to guarantee
cauchutar - to rubberize
cauterizar - to cauterize
cautivar - to captivate
cavar - to dig, to sink, to hoe
cavilar - to think
cebar - to fatten (animal)
cecear - to pronounce the Spanish s as z like people in Spain
ceder - to cede, to transfer, to diminish
cedular - to issue identity cards to
cegar - to blind
cejar - to give up, to cease
cementar - to cement
censar - to take a census of
centellear - to twinkle, to sparkle
centralizar - to centralize
cercar - to surround, to enclose
certificar - to certify, to assure, to guarantee
chapar - to cover, to plate with gold or silver
chiflar - to whistle, to be crazy about
chillar - to howl, to yell, to screech
chinchar - to annoy, to irritate
chistar - to utter (palabra)
chupar - to suck, to absorb
circular - to circulate, to flow
citar - to cite, to quote, to mention
clamar - to cry out
clavar - to nail
cobijar - to cover, to shelter
cocer - to cook
codear - to elbow, to nudge, to rub elbows with someone
colar - to strain
colear - to wag
colorear - to color, to dye
combinar - to combine, to mix together, to arrange
comandar - to command
comentar - to comment
cometer - to commit, to entrust
comparar - to compare
compartir - to share
compensar - to compensate, to make up for
compatibilizar - to make compatible
compilar - to compile
complacer - to satisfy, to please
completar - to complete
complicar - to complicate
comprobar - to check, to confirm
comprometer - to compromise, to promise, to become engaged
conceder - to concede, to grant
concentrar - to focus
concertar - to arrange
concluir - to conclude, to finish
conformar - to resign, to content oneself with, to conform
confundir - to confuse
congelar - to freezen, to congeal
conocer - to know (preterite: to meet)
considerar - to consider, to think
conspirar - to conspire
constatar - to verify, to state, to check
contemplar - to contemplate
contentar - to make-become happy, glad
contraponer - to compare, to contrast
contratar - to hire
consultar - to consult, to seek advice, to look up
contagiar - to infect, to transmit
contradecir - to contradict
convocar - to call together
corresponder - to correspond
corromper - to corrupt, to bribe, to become corrupted
criar - to breed, to bring up
cuestionar - to question, to ask
culminar - to end, to culminate
cabalgar - to ride
cabrear - to get angry, to make angry
caducar - to expire, to get out of date
cagar - to shit, to crap, to bugger
calendarizar - to program
camuflar - to camouflage, to hide, to cover up
canjear - to exchange, to interchange
cantinflear - to talk, to chat
capturar - to capture, to arrest
ceñir - to fit
cernir - to sift
chasquear - to click, to snap, to crack
chatear - to chat
chequear - to check
chingar - to bugger, to fuck, to screw
cicatrizar - to heal, to cicatrize
cimentar - to found
clonar - to clone
coadyuvar - to help, to assist, to contribute
coexistir - to coexist
cohibir - to feel embarrassed, to inhibit
coincidir - to coincide
cojear - to lame, to limp
colaborar - to collaborate
coleccionar - to collect
colectar - to colect
colmar - to fill up, to became sick of
comedir - to be moderate
compadecer - to feel sorry
comparecer - to appear
complementar - to complete, to finish
comportar - to behave
computar - to compute
concebir - to concieve, to imagine, to understand
concernir - to concern
conciliar - to conciliate
concordar - to agree
concretar - to sum up, to take shape
condescender - to tolerate
condicionar - to condition, to determine
condimentar - to season, to flavour
conectar - to connect
confeccionar - to make
conferir - to confer
confluir - to converge, to meet
confrontar - to confront
congestionar - to congest, to become flushed
conllevar - to support
conmover - to affect
consolar - to console, to comfort
constar - to be clear, to be stated, to be composed of
contactar - to contact
contraer - to contract, to infect, to shrink
contravenir - to contravene
converger - to converge
convergir - to converge
convivir - to live together, to coexist
cooperar - to cooperate
coordinar - to coordinate
copular - to copulate
coquetear - to flirt with
cosechar - to crop
cotizar - to quote prices, to prorate, to distribute proportionally
cristianizar - to christianize
crujir - to creak, to grate, to crunch
cuchichear - to whisper, to gossip
currar - to work
cursar - to study, to send, to process
colarse, (ue) - to slip
convertirse - (ie), to change
chirriar - creak
cartearse - correspond
conmutar - commute
conturbar - disquiet, harass, unsettle
correlacionar - correlate
chochear - dote
croupier - croupier
corroerse - corrode
caracter - character
cadáver - cadaver, carcass, corpse
cuantificar - quantify
circundar - surround, encompass, enfold
contrahacer - to clone
calcificarse - calcify
corroborar - corroborate
compeler - to force
coagular - thicken
circunscribir - circumscribe
claudicar - limp
cotillear - gossip
cortejar - woo
canonizar - canonize
concadenar - catenate
cifrar - cipher, encipher, scramble
chismorrear - blab
carcomar - erode
congraciarse - ingratiate
combiar - alter
coadunar - associate, unite, unify
calafatear - calk, caulk
cuadruplicar - quadruplicate
cernerse - hover
componerse - consist of
crepuscular - dim
controvertir - contest
comediar - halve
condolerse - condole
chantajear - blackmail (v)
consumar - achieve
connocer - detect, discern
cerrarse - shut
correrse - run away, orgasm (to have)
chancear - jest
contrastar - contrast
circuncidar - circumcise
charolar - enamel
condensar - condense
cautelar - forfend
consagrar - consecrate, devote
corroer - erode
colisionar - crash
cotejar - compare, liken
costear - defray
connotar - connote
circuir - bypass, circumvent
contemporizar - adapt oneself
comprimir - zip
comerse - eat up
comercializar - commercialize
concernirse - care (v)
complicarse - hamper
curiosear - snuffle, sniff, sniffle
comportarse - behave
cercenar - circumcise
cabacear - nod
concurrir - participate, forgather
cohabitar - cohabit
confutar - disprove, refute
coercer - coerce
conjurar - adjure, attest
comisionar - assign, instruct
cmargar - acerbate, embitter
consolidar - assure
corretear - scamper
conmemorar - commemorate
caviar - caviar
compendiar - abridge
convulsionar - convulse
codiciar - covet, desire
congeniar - harmonize
centrifugar - centrifuge
cuajar - clot, coagulate
calumniar - asperse, slander, slur, traduce
conglomerar - accumulate
colectivizar - collectivize
codificar - codify, encode
cristalizar - crystallize
chapucear - fumble
convalecer - convalesce
congregar - assemble
congelarse - congeal
ciscar - smirch
chamuscar - sear, singe
codearse - hobnob
cualquier - any, whatever, whichever
chispear - scintillate, spray
contender - to contend, to fight
dar - to give
deber - to owe; must, should, ought to
decidir - to decide, settle, resolve
decidirse - to decide, make up one's mind
decir - to say, tell
declarar - to declare, state; to bid [in cards]
decorar - to decorate, adorn
dedicar - to dedicate
dedicarse - to devote oneself, dedicate oneself, go in for, take up [carrer/interest in something]
defender - to defend
dejar - to leave, abandon; to let, allow
demostrar - to demonstrate, show
depender - to depend
depositar - to deposit; to place; to put away, store
deprimir - to depress, press down, flatten
derretir - to melt, liquefy, thaw
desagradar - to displease, be displeasing
desagradecer - to be unthankful for, to be unappreciative of
desayunar - to eat breakfast, have breakfast
descender - to descend, lower
describir - to describe
descubrir - to discover
desarrollar - to develop, expand; to unroll, unwind; to unfold
desarrollarse - to develop, evolve; to unwind
desear - to desire, want, wish
deshacer - to undo, unmake, ruin, spoil, take apart
despedir - to say goodbye to, show out, dismiss
despertarse - to wake up, lie down
destruir - to destroy
detener - to stop; to hold up, delay; to arrest, detain
detenerse - to stop, pause, linger
detestar - to detest, hate
devolver - to return, give back
devorar - to devour, eat up, gobble up
dibujar - to draw, sketch, depict
dirigir - to direct
dise&ntilde;ar - to design
disgustar - to displease, be displeasing; to annoy, upset
disminuir - to diminish, decrease
distinguir - to distinguish, discern, make out, recognize, single out
distribuir - to distribute, hand out, send out, give out
divertir - to amuse, entertain
divertirse - to have fun, have a good time, enjoy oneself
divorciar - to divorce
divorciarse [de alguien] - to get divorced [from somebody]
doblar - to double; to turn [a corner, to the right, etc.]; to fold, crease
doler - to hurt, pain, ache
dormir - to sleep
dormirse - to go to sleep, fall asleep
ducharse - to take a shower, shower [oneself]
dudar - to doubt
durar - to last, go on, continue
damasquinar - to demask
damnificar - to be a victim (fire, flood, etc)
dañar - to hurt, to damage
datar - to date (carta, cuenta)
datear - to inform
deambular - to walk
debatir - to debate, to argue
debilitar - to weaken, to debilitate
debitar - to debit
debutar - to make one‘s debut
decantar - to decant
decapar - to strip (pintura)
decelerar - to decelerate
decepcionar - to disappoint
decimalizar - to decimalize
declamar - to declaim, to recite
declinar - to decline, to go down, to bend down
decolorar - to bleach
decretar - to order, to decree
decuplar - to multiply tenfold
deducir - to deduce
defeccionar - to defect
defenestrar - to throw out of the window, to defenestrate
deflagrar - to deflagrate
defoliar - to defoliate
defraudar - to disappoint
deformar - to deform
definir - to define, to explain, to clarify
degradar - to degrade
delatar - to denounce, to accuse
delegar - to delegate
delinquir - to commit a crime
delirar - to be delirious
deliberar - to deliberate
delimitar - to delimitate, to delimit
delinear - to outline, to draft
demarcar - to demarcate, to delimit
demeritar - to discret
demorar - to delay, to arrive late
demudar - to alter, to change
denegar - to deny
denominar - to name, to designate
denostrar - to revile
denotar - to denote
dentar - to teethe, to provide with teeth
dentellar - to chatter (diente)
denudar - to denude
denunciar - to denounce
deparar - to provide, to supply
departir - to converse
depauperar - to impoverish
depilar - to depilate, to remove hair
deplorar - to deplore, to lament, to regret
deportar - to deport
depravar - to deprave
depreciar - to depreciate
depredar - to prey on
depurar - to purify
derivar - to derive
derogar - to derogate
derramar - to spill, to shed
derrapar - to skid, to spin
derribar - to demolish
derrotar - to defeat
derrumbar - to demolish, to overthrow, to collapse
derruir - to demolish
desabollar - to beat the bents out
desabotonar - to unbutton
desabrigar - to unwrap ( con ropa ), to take off
desabrochar - to undo
desacatar - to disobey
desacelerar - to decelerate
desacertar - to get wrong, to be wrong
desacomodar - to untidy, to mess up
desaconsejar - to advise against
desacoplar - to uncouple
desacordar - to be in discord
desacreditar - to discredit
desactivar - to disactivate
desadaptar - to disorient
desaferrar - to weigh anchor
desafiar - to challenge
desafinar - to be out of tune
desagotar - to empty, to drain
desagregar - to disintegrate
desaguar - to drain, to empty
desahogar - to ease, to console, to let off steam
desahuciar - to evict, to dismiss
desairar - to snub
desajustar - to loosen
desalambrar - to cut the wire
desalar - to desalt
desalentar - to discourage
desalinizar - to desalinate
desalojar - to dislodge, to evict, to expel from a lodging
desamarrar - to cast off, to untie
desamortizar - to seize, to confiscate
desamparar - to abandon, to desert
desamueblar - to remove the furniture from
desangrar - to bleed
desanidar - to leave the nest
desanimar - to depress, to discourage
desanudar - to untie, to undo, to unknot
desaparecer - to disappear
desapreciar - to underestimate
desaprender - to unlearn
desarticular - to disarticulate
desbaratar - to ruin, to wreck
descalificar - to disqualify
descansar - to rest
descargar - to discharge, to unload, to download
desconcertar - to disturb
desconectar - to disconnect, to unplug
descolgar - to off-hook
descollar - to protrude
descomponer - to put out of order, to descompose, to become upset
descontar - to discount
desechar - to discard, to reject, to refuse
desempeñar - to perform, to play
desencantar - to disenchant
desenvolver - to develop, to unwrap
desequilibrar - to unbalance
desgajar - to rip off, to tear off
designar - to appoint, to designate
desnudar - to undress, to strip
desmentir - to refute, to deny
despachar - to dispatch, to deal with, to dismiss
despegar - to detach, to take off (a plain), to become detached
despertar - to wake up
desplegar - to deploy
desterrar - to exile
desviar - to divert, to dissuade
detectar - to detect
determinar - to determine
deteriorar - to deteriorate
diagnosticar - to diagnose
dialogar - to dialogue
dictaminar - to sentence
dictar - to dictate
diezmar - to decimate
difamar - to libel
diferir - to differ
digerir - to digest
dilatar - to dilate
discriminar - to discriminate
discutir - to discuss, to argue
diseminar - to disseminate
disfrutar - to enjoy
disimular - to dissimulate, to dissemble, to pretend
dispensar - to distribute
disponer - to have, to arrange
distanciar - to space out, to grow apart
distorsionar - to distort
distraer - to distract
disolver - to dissolve
disuadir - to dissuade
dividir - to divide, to split
divulgar - to divulge, to make known
documentar - to document
domar - to break in (caballo), to tame
domesticar - to domesticate
dominar - to dominate
donar - to donate
dorar - to gild
dotar - to provide, to endow
duplicar - to duplicate
danzar - to dance
decrecer - to decrease
degenerar - to degenerate
degollar - to cut the throat
deletrear - to spell
demandar - to demand, to sue
demoler - to demolish
deponer - to depose, to lay down, to overthrow
derrochar - to squander, to waste
desaprobar - to disapprove
desarmar - to dismantle, to dismantle
desatar - to untie
desatender - to neglect
desbordar - to overflow, to overwhelm
descafeinar - to remove caffein
descartar - to rule out
descongelar - to defrost
desconocer - to not know
descuidar - to neglect, to overlook, to be careless or negligent
desembarcar - to disembark, to unload
desembocar - to flow into, to lead to
desenchufar - to unplug
desenclavar - to open up
desengañar - to disappoint, to open sb‘s eyes, to disillusion
desenredar - to disentangle, to straighten out
desenterrar - to unearth
desentumecer - to loosen up
desesperar - to hopeless, to desperate
desfallacer - to grow weak, to faint
desfallecer - to become weak
desfavorecer - to work against
desgastar - to wear out, to consume
deshelar - to melt
deshojar - to pull the petals off, to tear, to rip the pages out of
deshuesar - to bone
desilusionar - to disappoint
desinhibir - to lose one‘s inhibitions
desistir - to desist, to abbandon, to give up
desligar - to separate, to cut
deslizar - to slip, to slide, to skid
deslucir - to spoil
desmayar - to faint
desmembrar - to dismantle
desmerecer - to criticize, to look down on
desmontar - to apart, to dismantle
desmoronar - to crumble, to crumble down, to fall gradually to pieces
desobedecer - to disobey
desocupar - to vacate, to empty
desoír - to ignore, to disregard
desollar - to skin
desordenar - to disturb, to confuse, to upset
desosar - to bone
despejar - to clear
desplazar - to displace, to move, to travel
despoblar - to depopulate
despreciar - to despise, to scorn
destacar - to emphasize, to stress
desteñir - to fade
destinar - to appoint, to assign, to address
destituir - to remove, to dismiss
destorcer - to detwist
destrozar - to destroy
desvanecer - to vanish
desvestir - to undress
detallar - to detail
devastar - to devastate, to lay waste, to destroy
devenir - to become, to befall, to be transformed into
diferenciar - to differentiate, to disagree, to distinguish oneself
dificultar - to make hard, to make difficult
difundir - to spread
digitalizar - to digitalize
discar - to dial
discernir - to discern
disculpar - to apologize, to forgive
disentir - to dissent
disfrazar - to disguise, to dress up
disparar - to fire, to shoot
dispersar - to disperse
disputar - to argue, to compete
divergir - to diverge, to differ
divisar - to descry, to see
dogmatizar - to dogmatize
dramatizar - to dramatize
drogar - to drug
duchar - to shower
dulcificar - to make more pleasant, to mellow, to sweet
deleitarse - to delight
descontinuar - to discontinue, stop
deslizarse - to slip
desmejorar - to decline, deteriorate
despedirse, (i) - to take leave
diferenciarse - to consider one's self different
discurrir - to discuss, converse; think out
desenganchar - unhook
devolverse - return
descodificar - decode
desembarazar - extricate
dignificar - dignify
descolorar - discolor
desconfiar - mistrust
deleitar - delight
destornillar - screw off, unscrew
desmoralizar - demoralize
despiojar - delouse
desovar - spawn
deslumbar - dazzle
distendir - distend
desoxidar - deoxidize
desinflar - deflate
decampar - decamp
disociar - dissociate
descifrar - decipher, decode, decrypt
desmenuzar - hackle
desvalorizar - devaluate, devalue
defenderse - fend
disciplinar - punish
descorchar - uncork
desnatar - skim
desintegrar - disintegrate
denigrar - denigrate
desembolsar - disburse
desvelar - unveil
desagrupar - ungroup
desposeer - dispossess, divest
desmayarse - faint, swoon
desolar - desolate, devastate, ravage
desenmascarar - unmask
desfalcar - embezzle
destronar - dethrone
detonar - detonate
desandar - retrace
decolar - take off, running, start up, to launch
diversificar - diversify
descorazonar - discourage, dishearten
desunir - disunite
devaluar - depreciate, devaluate, devalue
desarraigar - disroot, uproot
deslumbrar - daze, glare
desheredar - disinherit
decapitar - behead
destilar - distill
desenvolverse - evolve
desarzonar - unseat
desnegar - deny, gainsay
dividirse - share
diluir - dilute
desapoderar - dispossess, expropriate, forjudge, oust
desembalar - unpack
dosar - measure out
desenrollar - uncoil, unroll
deforestar - deforest
destapar - uncover
desarreglar - disarray, disorder
desmantelar - dismantle
desmovilizar - demobilize
descentralizar - decentralize
decentar - cut into
derretirse - fusion, melting, smelt
dignarse - condescend, deign
desempaquetar - unpack
dislocar - dislocate
doblegar - flex
destajar - make a contract
divagar - digress
desestimar - underrate
descoger - unfold
domiciliar - set up, settle
desnudarse - undress
desviarse - deviate
desnaturalizar - denature
desmilitarizar - demilitarize
desplegarse - pop-up
desproteger - unprotect
descarrilar - derail
desinfectar - disinfect
dispar - unequal, unhomogeneous
desquiciar - unhinge, unsettle
desquitarse - retaliate
dormitar - doze, slumber
derrocar - overthrow
descolocar - misplace
disecar - dissect
deificar - deify
deshidratar - dehydrate
defecar - defecate
demontar - take apart
desposar - betroth, espouse
disipar - disband, disintegrate, dissolve
desorganizar - disorganize
echar - to throw, cast, fling, hurl, pitch, toss
echarse - to throw, fling, hurl [oneself]
efectuar - to effect, carry out, bring about
ejercer - to exercise, wield [power, influence, etc.]; to practice [a profession];&nbsp;to manage,
conduct [a businsess]
elegir - to elect, choose
eliminar - to eliminate, remove, get rid of
emborrachar - to make drunk, intoxicate; to get [someone] drunk
emborracharse - to get drunk, become drunk
emigrar - to emigrate; to migrate
empezar - to begin, start
emplear - to employ, hire; to use
enamorar - to inspire love in, win the love of
enamorarse - to fall in love
encantar - to delight, be delighting, charm, enchant
encender - to burn, light, turn on
encontrar - to find, encounter
enfadar - to anger, irritate, annoy
enfadarse - to get angry, get irratated, get annoyed
enfermar - to make ill, make sick, cause illness in
enfermarse - to get sick, become ill, fall ill. become sick
enflaquecerse - to get thin; lose weight; to grow weak
enga&ntilde;ar - to deceive, cheat, trick, swindle
enojar - to anger, upset, annoy; to make angry
enojarse - to get angry, get upset, lose one's temper
enriquecer - to enrich, make rich
enriquecerse - to get rich
ense&ntilde;ar - to teach, instruct, train, educate
ensuciar - to dirty
entender - to understand
entrar - to enter, go in, come in
entregar - to deliver, hand over
entretener - to entertain, amuse
entrevistar - to interview
entusiasmar - to excite; to fill with excitement [or enthusiasm]
entusiasmarse - to get excited, become excited [filled with excitement or enthusiasm]
envejecer - to age, make old, grow old, get old
envejecerse - to get old, age
enviar - to send
equivocar - to mistake
equivocarse - to make a mistake
errar - to err, make an error
escoger - to choose, select, pick
esconder - to hide, conceal
esconderse - to hide [oneself], be hidden
escribir - to write
escuchar - to listen to, hear
esquiar - to ski
establecer - to establish
estimar - to estimate; to appraise; to esteem, respect
estudiar - to study
evacuar - to evacuate, empty
evitar - to avoid; to prevent
exhibir - to exhibit, show, display
exigir - to demand, require
explorar - to explore; to &nbsp;pioneer
explotar - to exploit; to explode
exponer - to expose
exportar - to export
expresar - to express, voice, state
extender - to extend
extinguir - to extinguish, put out
editar - to edit, to publish
educar - to educate
ejecutar - to perform, to distrain, to carry out
ejercitar - to exercise, to train
elaborar - to manufacture, to elaborate
electrificar - to electrify
electrocutar - to electrocute
elevar - to raise
elogiar - to praise
eludir - to evade, to avoid
emanar - to emanate
emancipar - to emancipate
embalar - to pack, to crate
embalsamar - to embalm
embarcar - to embark, to ship, to engage
embargar - to seize, to distrain, to impound (auto)
embaucar - to trick, to con (informal)
embeber - to soak in/ up, to suck in
embelesar - to captivate
embellecer - to embellish
embetunar - to polish, to put polish on
embobar - to hold spellbound
embocar - to get/put in the basket (pelota), to hole (golf)
embojotar - to wrap up
embolatar - to mess up
embolinar - to confuse
embonar - to fit (tubos)
emboquillar - to point
emborronar - to smudge, to blot
emboscar - to ambush
embotar - to dull
embotellar - to bottle
embragar - to engage the clutch
embrear - to pitch, to tar
embriagar - to intoxicate, to get drunk
embrollar - to tangle, to complicate
embromar - to pester, to hassle
embrujar - to bewitch, to haunt, to cast a spell on
embrutecer - to stultify
embuchar - to stuff, to feed
embutir - to stuff with
emerger - to emerge, to surface
emitir - to issue, to broadcast, to emit
emocionar - to cause emotion
empacar - to pack
empachar - to give an upset stomach
empadronar - to register
empajar - to thatch, to mix with straw
empalagar - to be cloying / too sweet
empalmar - to splice, to link
empapar - to soak
empeorar - to worsen
encerrar - to lock up
enchufar - to plug in
enfriar - to cool, to chill
enfundar - to put in its case, to hoster (pistola), to cover
enfurecer - to infuriate
engalanar - to adorn, to dress up
enganchar - to hook, to hitch
englobar - to include (global), to lump together
engordar - to fatten
enjuagar - to rinse
enmascarar - to hide, to disguise, to mask
enmendar - to amend
enmudecer - to become silent
ennegrecer - to blacken
enorgullecer - to be proud of
enrollar - to wind, to roll
ensayar - to try, to attempt
ensillar - to saddle
enterar - to inform, to find out, to hear (about sth)
enterrar - to bury
enunciar - to enunciate, to express, to formulate
envolver - to wrap
equipar - to furnish
equiparar - compare, to match, to make equal
erguir - to raise, to lift up, to erect
escalar - to climb, to scale
escapar - to escape
escupir - to spit, to spit out
esforzar - to make an effort
espantar - to frighten, to scare
esparcir - to scatter, to spread
esperar - to wait, to hope
esposar - to handcuff
estancar - to stop the flow of, to block, to hold up a deal
estar - to be
estrechar - to narrow, to tighten
exagerar - to exaggerate
exaltar - to excite
examinar - to examine, to consider
exasperar - to exasperate
excavar - to excavate
exceptuar - to except
excitar - to excite
exclamar - to exclaim
excluir - to exclude, to rule out
exculpar - to exonerate
excusar - to excuse
exhalar - to exhale
exhortar - to exhort
existir - to exist
expedir - to send
explicar - to explain
extraer - to extract
economizar - to economize, to save
edificar - to build
educir - to deduct, to infer
egresar - to leave, to pass, to graduate
embestir - to attack
empapelar - to paper, to wallpaper
emparentar - to become related
empatar - to be even, to come to a draw
empeñar - to pawn, to pledge, to persist
emplazar - to locate, to site, to summon
empobrecer - to impoverish
emprender - to undertake
empujar - to push
emular - to emulate
enaltecer - to praise
enardecer - to inflame
encarcelar - to imprison, to put in jail, to incarcerate
encarecer - to increase in price
encargar - to put in charge, to entrust with, to order
encerar - to wax, to polish
encoger - to shrink, to contract
encomendar - to entrust
encuestar - to survey, to opinion poll
enderezar - to straighten up
endulzar - to sweeten
endurecer - to harden
enfatizar - to emphasize
enflaquecer - to make thin, to weaken, to get thin
engreir - to spoil, to spoil oneself, to show off
engrosar - to thicken
engullir - to devour
enhebrar - to thread
enloquecer - to drive crazy
enmohecer - to rust
ennoblecer - to ennoble
enrarecer - to rarefy
enredar - to entangle, to involve, to confuse
enrojecer - to blush
ensamblar - to assemble, to join
ensangrentar - to cover with blood
ensombrecer - to darken
ensordecer - to deafen
enternecer - to get moved
entonar - to tone, to intone
entornar - to half open
entorpecer - to obstruct
entrecerrar - to leave, to ajar
entrenar - to train
entrever - to glimpse, to catch sight of
entristecer - to sadden
entrometer - to intrude, to butt in on, to crash (a party)
enumerar - to enumerate
envenenar - to poison
equilibrar - to balance
equivaler - to be equivalent
erradicar - to eradicate
escabullir - to escape
escarmentar - to learn lesson
esculpir - to sculpt, to engrave, to carve
escurrir - to drain, to wring, to drip
esgrimir - to wield, to brandish
especializar - to specialize
especificar - to specify, to spell
espesar - to thicken, to become dense
espiar - to spy
espolvorear - to sprinkle
estacionar - to park
estallar - to burst, to explode, to blow up
estimular - to stimulate
estirar - to stretch, to pull up/down
estornudar - to sneeze
estrangular - to strangle
estrellar - to crash
estremecer - to shake
estrenar - to open
estreñir - to constipate, to slow down, to indispose
estropear - to damage, to spoil, to break
estructurar - to structure
evadir - to avoid
evaluar - to evaluate
evaporar - to evaporate
evocar - to evoke, to recall
evolucionar - to evolve, to develop
exceder - to exceed, to surpass, to overdo
eximir - to exempt
expandir - to expand
experimentar - to experiment
exprimir - to squeeze, to wring, to exploit
expulsar - to expel, to send off, to throw out
extrañar - to miss
elevarse - to rise
empalar - to impale
encalabrinarse - to become infatuated with
escaldar - to burn; scald
escalfar - to poach (eggs)
espirar - to expire, die
estremecerse - (pres. [estremezco]), to receive a shock,
expirar - to expire, die
esclavizar - enslave, enthrall
entrelazar - entwine, intertwine
estorbar - disturb, derange
excederse - overdo
emocionarse - excited (get ~)
engomar - rubberize
endosar - endorse
expender - issue, write out
expropiar - expropriate
embarcadar - embark, to embark
execrar - execrate
enfurecerse - enrage
engendrar - beget, engender
estratificar - stratify
exonerar - exonerate
excomulgar - excommunicate
enjugar - wipe off
endechar - deplore, regret
engatusar - cajole, wheedle
encajar - palm off on
eclipsar - upstage
extractar - yank
expiar - atone
espigar - glean
esclarecer - to brighten
estipular - stipulate
encogerse - cringe
escabullirse - sneak
entrecruzar - thwarting, to thwart
entretejer - interweave
empequeñecer - belittle
empotrar - embed
entremezclar - intermingle
enclavar - enclave
espumar - scum
estabilizar - stabilize
expurgar - expurgate
enlodar - pollute
electrizar - electrify
estafar - diddle
exultar - rejoice
encentar - cut into
ensanchar - broaden, widen
extraditar - extradite
eyacular - ejaculate
encarnar - embody
estancarse - stagnate
embozar - mantle
estandarizar - standardize
espolear - impel, instigate, spur on
exterminar - exterminate
especular - speculate
empaquetar - envelop, wrap
enredarse - hamper
esforzarse - strive
expectorar - expectorate
envainar - sheathe
exteriorizar - utter
entrenarse - spar
enclaustrar - cloister
emparejar - mate
ejemplificar - exemplify
especializarse - specialize
enjoyar - bejewel
encajonar - encase
eructar - burp
estilizar - stylize
estigmatizar - stigmatize
escatimar - scant, skimp
escrutar - scrutinize
endemoniar - bedevil
esquematizar - schematize
esquivar - shirk
enguatar - wad
escanear - scan
especiar - spice
embadurnar - daub
esterilizar - sterilize
espaciar - entlarge, expand
expatriar - expatriate
enfangar - smudge
escaparse - escape, leak (v), run away
extraviarse - straggle
exorcizar - exorcise
esmaltar - enamel
embarcarse - embark
encorvarse - flex
escoltar - escort
erizar - ruffle
emir - emir
emigrarse - emigrate
enlazar - intertwine
enervar - unnerve
esquilar - shear
encontrarse - be found, be located, find oneself
erogar - distribute
exhumar - exhume
exacerbar - exacerbate
enarbolar - hoist
escandalizar - scandalize
escombrar - clear away, tidy, tidy up
endurecerse - harden
entrometerse - meddle
enfrentar - new verb
empalidecer - to turn pale
engrandecer - magnify, increase, enlarge
envanecer - to become conceited, to grow vain
fabricar - to manufacture
faltar - to lack, be lacking, be missing, be absent
fascinar - to fascinate, captivate
felicitar - to congratulate
fijar - to fix, fasten, secure
fingir - to fake, feign, pretend
firmar - to sign
florecer - to flourish, flower, bloom
formar - to form, shape, fashion, make
fortalecer - to fortify, strenthen
fre&iacute;r - to fry
fumar - to smoke
facilitar - to provide, to make easy
fallar - to fail
fallecer - to pass away
falsificar - to falsify, to make false, to forge
familiarizar - to famirialize
fatigar - to tire, to fatigue
favorecer - to favor
fastidiar - to annoy
festejar - to celebrate
fiar - to guarantee
finalizar - to finish
financiar - to finance
flamear - to flutter, to flap
flanquear - to flank
flechar - to sweep off (amor)
flirtear - to flirt
flotar - to float
foetear - to horsewhip
foliar - to foliate, to number (páginas)
fomentar - to promote
fondear - to anchor
forjar - to forge, to create, to shape
formalizar - to formalize
formular - to formulate
forzar - to force
fotocopiar - to photocopy
fotografiar - to photograph
fregar - to mop
frotar - to rub
frustrar - to frustrate
funcionar - to operate, to function
fusionar - to combine, to merge
fusilar - to shoot
facturar - to invoice, to bill for
falsear - to falsify, to distort, to pick
figurar - to figure, to form, to represent
filmar - to film
fiscalizar - to supervise, to control
flexionar - to flex
fluctuar - to fluctuate, to vary
fluir - to flow, to run
follar - to tread, to trample
formatear - to format
forrar - to line, to cover
fosforescer - to be luminous
fracasar - to fail
fracturar - to fracture, to break up
fragmentar - to fragment
frecuentar - to frequent
frenar - to break, to slow down, to restrain
fruncir - to wrinkle, to pucker, to knit
fumigar - to fumigate
fundar - to found, to base
fundir - to melt
fungir - to act (as)
festejarse - to enjoy one's self
fraccionar - break, dissipate
fisgar - pry
facultar - authorize, empower
filtrar - percolate
fortificar - fortify
fosilizarse - fossilize
fructificar - fructify
farfullar - mumble
franquear - put a stamp on
feriar - exchange
falisficar - counterfeit
fotograbar - photoengrave
fornicar - fornicate
familiarizarse - familiarize
faquir - fakir
fermentar - ferment
fulminar - fulminate
fertilizar - fertilize
filtrarse - permeate
fugarse - leak (v)
friccionar - rubbing
federarse - federate
fundirse - thaw
fraternizar - fraternize
filosofar - philosophize
ganar - to win, gain, earn, get, acquire
gastar - to spend, expend; to use up, consume; to wear away, wear down
generalizar - to generalize
glorificar - to glorify, praise
gobernar - to govern
graduarse - to graduate
gritar - to shout, yell, scream, cry out
gru&ntilde;ir - to grunt, growl
guardar - to guard, watch over, protect, take care of; to keep, hold on to; to put away, store away
guiar - to guide
gustar - to like, to be pleased by
galopar - to gallop
garantizar - to guarranty
gatear - to crawl, to clamber, to climb
gemir - to moan
generar - to produce
gerenciar - to manage
gestionar - to negotiate
girar - to turn, to revolve
golpear - to beat, to strike, to hit
gotear - to leak, to drip
gozar - to enjoy
grabar - to record
graduar - to adjust, calibrate (instrumento)
gravar - to burden
gravitar - to gravitate
guisar - to stew
galardonar - to award
granizar - to hail
granjear - to win
gratinar - to brown
graznar - to caw, to honk, to quack
guarecer - to give shelter
guiñar - to wink
granar - to bear fruit
garabatear - scrabble, scrawl
globular - globular
granear - granulate
germinar - germinate
granular - granulate
guinchar - perforate, pierce
galvanizar - galvanize
gimotear - whine
gesticular - gesticulate
gibraltar - gibraltar
gandulear - stroll
garantir - avouch, ensure, guaranty, underwrite
gargarizar - gargle
hablar - to speak
hacer - to do, make
hallar - to find; to discover; to locate; to find out
hallarse - to be, to find oneself; to be located, found
herir - to injure, hurt, wound; to beat, strike
hervir - to boil, entertain
huir - to flee, run away
haber - to have (auxiliary or helping verb)
habitar - to inhabit
habituar - to accustom, to become accustomed
hartar - to get fed up
hechizar - to bewicht, to cast a spell on, to captivate
heredar - to inherit
hermosear - to beautify, to embellish
hidrolizar - to hydrolyze
higienizar - to clean, to sanitize
hilar - to spin, to string together
hilvanar - to baste, to tack
hincar - to sink
hinchar - to blow up, to inflate, to swell
honrar - to honor, to honour
hurtar - to rob, to steal
haber - to have (auxiliary)
haber - there to be (impersonal)
habilitar - to qualify, to equip, to activate
halagar - to flatter
halar - to haul, to pull
heder - to have bad smell
helar - to freeze
henchir - to fill, to be filled
herrar - to shoe
hibernar - to hibernate
hipnotizar - to hypnotize
homologar - to standardize, to approve
hornear - to bake
horrorizar - to horrify
hospedar - to guest
hospitalizar - to hospitalize
hostigar - to harass, to bother, to beat
humedecer - to dampen
humillar - to humiliate
hundir - to sink, to plunge
hundirse - to sink
horadar - pierce
hincharse - swell
hender - cleave
hojear - browse
hacerse - become
hacer revivir - revitalize
habituarse - accustom oneself, get used
homogeneizar - homogenize
hollar - leave tracks on, press with feet
ilustrar - to illustrate, explain, make clear
importar - to import</I>; <I>to be important, be of consequence, matter
imprimir - to print</I> </U></BIG><U>[as with a printer]</U><BIG><U>, <I>to imprint, impress,
incluir - to include
indicar - to indicate
inducir - to induce
influir - to influence
informar - to inform, tell, announce
iniciar - to initiate, begin, start
inmigrar - to immigrate
insistir - to insist
instalar - to install; to set up, erect
insultar - to insult
intentar - to try, attempt
interesar - to interest, be of interest [to]
interpretar - to interpret; to translate
introducir - to introduce, insert
invadir - to invade, overrun
inventar - to invent
invertir - to invest
investigar - to investigate
invitar - to invite
invocar - to invoke
ir - to go
irse - to go away, leave, depart
idealizar - to idealize
identificar - to identify
ignorar - to be ignorant
igualar - to equalize, to make equal
ilegalizar - to make illegal
iluminar - to illuminate
ilusionar - to build up
imaginar - to imagine
imantar - to magnetize
imitar - to imitate, to copy, to mimic
impacientar - to make impatient
impactar - to shock, to stun, to hit
impartir - to impart
impedir - to prevent
imperar - to reign, to rule
implicar - to implicate, to imply
implorar - to implore
imponer - to impose
impresionar - to impress, to move, to touch
incendiar - to set on fire
incitar - to incite, to rouse
inclinar - to tilt, to be inclined
incrementar - to increment
indexar - to index
indignar - to make angry, to get angry, to make indignant
indisponer - to disable, to indispose
individualizar - to individualize
indultar - to pardon
infamar - to defame
infectar - to infect
infraccionar - to fine, to offend, to commit an offense
infravalorar - to undervalue
inferir - to infer, to deduce, to cause
infestar - to infest
infiltrar - to infiltrate
inflar - to inflate
influenciar - to influence
infundir - to inspire, to arouse
ingeniar - to devise, to think up
ingerir - to ingest
ingresar - to enter, to go in, to deposit
inhalar - inhale
inhabilitar - to disqualify, to disable, to incapacitate
inhibir - to inhibit
injertar - to graft
inmovilizar - to immobilize
inocular - to inoculate
inscribir - to enroll
insertar - to insert
insinuar - to insinuate
inspirar - to inspire, to inhale, to breathe in
instituir - to establish, to institute
instruir - to instruct, to train, to teach
integrar - to compose, to make up
interponer - to interpose
interrogar - to interrogate, to question
involucrar - to involve, to get involved
inyectar - to inject
ironizar - to ridiculize, to treat ironically
irradiar - to irradiate, to radiate
irritar - to irritate, to become exaspered
irrigar - to irrigate
italianizar - to italianize
implantar - to implant, to introduce
implementar - to implement
impregnar - to impregnate
improvisar - to improvise
impulsar - to impel, to drive, to motivate
inaugurar - to open, to inaugurate, to unveil
incorporar - to incorporate, to add
incrustar - to inlay, to incrust, to set into
inculcar - to inculcate, to teach
indentificar - to identify, to recognize
independizar - to emancipate, to become independent
inflamar - to inflame, to ignite, to catch fire
infligir - to enjoin, to inflict, to impose
infringir - to infringe
inhumar - to bury
injerir - to ingest
instar - to urge, to press, to be urgent
instaurar - to found
intensificar - to intensify, to make stronger
intercambiar - to interchange, to exchange, to swap
interceptar - to intercept, to block
interferir - to interfere
intermediar - to mediate, to intercede, to intervene
interrumpir - to break, to interrupt
intervenir - to intervene
intrigar - to intrigue, to interest
invernar - to hibernate
investir - to invest
izar - to hoist, to haul up
importunar - to importune, bother
incomodar - to trouble
indignarse - to become angry
inquietar - to disturb
incapacitar - incapacitate
interconectar - interconnect
insidiar - outfox, outwit
impar - unlevel
informatizar - computerize
inficionar - infected
insensibilizar - desensitize
inundar - inundate, overflow
intercomunicarse - intercommunicate
indagar - investigate
inclinarse - bow
inflamarse - fire-proof
ijar - flank
instilar - instill
impugnar - arraign
idolatrar - idolize
inmunizar - immunize
inquirir - enquire
incinerar - cremate, incinerate
indemnizar - compensate
innovar - innovate
incicar - indicate
internacionalizar - internationalize
imaginarse - imagine, visualize
inmortalizar - immortalize
inmolar - immolate
industrializar - industrialize
intimidar - browbeat, daunt, intimidate, overawe
imputar - impute
impeler - incite, stimulate
interpolar - interpolate
incriminar - incriminate
invalidar - devitalize, enfeeble, invalidate, rebut
intercalar - collate
incubar - incubate
intimar - signalize, to announce
inspeccionar - inspect
idear - comprehend, grasp
irregular - irregular
incurrir - incur
interceder - intercede
interrelacionar - interrelate
inseminar - inseminate
instigar - instigate
injuriar - offend, slight
inmiscuir - new verb
intuir - to sense
jactarse - to boast, brag
juntar - to join, unite, put together, assemble
juntarse - to join, come together, gather together, meet
jurar - to swear
jabonar - to soap, to lather
jacarear - to annoy
jadear - to pant, to breath with difficulty
jalar - to pull
jalonear - to tug at
jaranear - to have a good time
jerarquizar - to organize into hierarchy
jinetear - to ride
jorobar - to be a nuisance
jubilar - to retire
jugar - to play (deportes, juegos)
juguetear - to play
juramentar - to swear, to take an oath
justificar - to justify
juzgar - to judge
jactar - to boast, to brag
joder - to fuck, to screw up, to piss off
juego malabar - juggle
jubilarse - retire
L.ladrar - to bark
lamentar - to lament, regret, feel sorry about
lanzar - to throw, hurl, cast, fling
lastimar - to hurt, injure, harm; to pity; to move to pity
lavar - to wash
lavarse - to wash [oneself], to wash up
leer - to read
legalizar - to legalize, make lawful
levantar - to raise, to lift
levantarse - to get up
limpiar - to clean
llamar - to call, to name
llamarse - to be called, be named
llegar - to arrive, come, reach; to bring up
llenar - to fill; to fulfill
llevar - to carry, bring
llorar - to cry, weep; to weep for/about, cry about, lament
llover - to rain
lograr - to get, obtain; to achieve, attain
luchar - to fight, struggle; to wrestle
laborar - to work ( rarely used. Most commonly used is: trabajar)
labrar - to plough, to cultivate
laburar - to work
lacear - to snare, to lasso
ladear - to tilt
lagrimear - to weep
lamer - to lick
laminar - to laminate, to roll
largar - to let go, to let out, to beat it
laurear - to honor, to award
levitar - to levitate
lesionar - to injure
liberar - to liberate
liberalizar - to liberalize
librar - to free, to release, to get rid of
licenciar - to license, to permit, to allow
licitar - to put in, to submit a tender for
liderar - to lead
lidiar - to fight
ligar - to tie, to join, to alloy, to bind
limar - to file
limitar - to limit, to restrict
linchar - to lynch
liquidar - to settle, to liquidate, to murder
lisonjear - to flatter
listar - to list
litigar - to litigate
llagar - to cause a sore
localizar - to locate
lloviznar - to drizzle
lubricar - to lubricate
lustrar - to polish
languidecer - to languish
latir - to beat, to palpitate
liar - to wrap up, to tie up
licuar - to blend
lijar - to sand, to rub down
lucir - to shine, to look nice
lamentarse - to complain
libertarse - to free one's self, become free
lacerar - injure, violate
lastimarse - hurt oneself
legar - bequeath
legitimar - legitimize
lugar - place, spot (place), occasion
legislar - legislate
lubrificar - lubricate
lunar - mole, lunar
largarse - scoot
lindar - abut
limpiarse - wash
madurar - to mature; to ripen
mandar - to order </I>[give an order]<I>; to send
mantener - to maintain, get
maquillarse - to put on make-up [on oneself]
marcar - to mark, stamp, to show, indicate; to dial [e.g., a phone]
masticar - to chew
matar - to kill, slay, slaughter
matricularse - to register, enroll, matriculate [oneself]
merecer - to deserve, merit
merendar - to have a[n afternoon] snack, have as a snack
meter - to put [in], place, insert
mezclar - to mix, mix up, mix together, blend; to combine, merge, shuffle
mirar - to watch, look at
modificar - to modify, change
molestar - to bother, annoy, inconovenience, put out, upset
morir - to die
mostrar - to show
mover - to move
moverse - to move [oneself]
mudarse - to move [=change residence]
macanear - to lie
macerar - to soak, to marinate
machacar - to crush, to grind
machar - to beat, to crush
machetear - to cut, to chop, to cheat (Argentina)
machucar - to bruise, to crush
magnificar - to magnify
magnetizar - to magnetize
magullar - to batter, to bruise
majar - to crush
malbaratar - to squander
maldecir - to curse, to speak ill
malear - to spoil, to change shape
maleficiar - to damage, to harm, to injure
malgastar - to squander, to waste
maliciar - to suspect
malinterpretar - to misinterpret
malograr - to waste (oportunidad), to spo
maltratar - to mistreat, to maltreat
mamar - to suck, to nurse
manar - to pour
manchar - to stain, to smudge, to sully
mancomunar - to join together
manejar - to manage, to handle, to drive
manipulear - to manipulate
manufacturar - to manufacture
manuscribir - to write by hand
maquillar - to make up
maquinar - to machinate, to plot
maravillar - to amaze
marchar - to walk, to march, to go
mascar - to chew
materializar - to materialize
matizar - to match
matricular - to register, to enroll, to matriculate
mediar - to intermediate, to be in the middle
medir - to measure
meditar - to meditate, to think about sth.
mejorar - to better, to improve, to recover
memorizar - to memorize
mencionar - to mention, to refer, to name
mendigar - to beg
mentir - to lie
mimar - to pamper
mitigar - to mitigate, to allay, to alleviate
moderar - to moderate, to reduce (velocidad)
modernizar - to modernize
modular - to modulate
mojar - to wet, to moisten
mojonear - to spin a yarn, to tell stories (some countries)
moldear - to shape
moler - to grind
monologar - to deliver a monologue
monolopizar - to monopolize
montar - to ride
moquear - to run the nose
morder - to bite
mortificar - to mortify, to upset
movilizar - to mobilize
multar - to fine
muletear - to fight with the muleta (toro)
multiplicar - to multiply
municipalizar - to municipalize
murmurar - to murmur
mutilar - to mutilate
madrugar - to get up early
malcriar - to spoil, to bring up badly
malherir - to hurt to death
malversar - to embezzle
manifestar - to declare
manipular - to manipulate, to handle, to operate
marear - to make sick
mear - to piss, to pee
mecer - to swing, to rock, to sway
menear - to shake, to move, to stir
menguar - to diminish, to reduce
menospreciar - to scorn, to disdain, to underestimate
mentar - to mention
merodear - to maraud, to prowl around
morar - to dwell
motivar - to motivar, to rationalize
mudar - to move
mártir - martyr
marrar - weakness
minimizar - minimize
manosear - tamper
mofarse - taunt
militarizar - militarize
masturbar - masturbate
minorar - lessen
momificar - mummify
multiplexar - multiplex
menoscabar - damage
masturbarse - masturbate
manager - boss, manager
medicar - medicate
minar - undermine
marchitarse - fade, wilt, wither
menstruar - menstruate
miniaturizar - miniaturize
mecanizar - mechanize
mordisquear - champ
monopolizar - monopolize
malvender - undersell
micronizar - micronize
moralizar - moralize
militar - militate
mirarse - seem
nacer - to be born
nadar - to swim
navegar - to navigate, sail
necesitar - to need, require
negar - to deny, refuse
negarse - to refuse
negociar - to negotiate
nevar - to snow, to whiten
notar - to note, notice, observe
nacionalizar - to nationalize, to naturalize
narrar - to narrate, to tell
naturalizar - to naturalize
naufragar - to be shipwrecked, to suffer wreck
necear - to mess around
neutralizar - to neutralize
nidificar - to nest
nombrar - to name
nominar - to nominate, to name
noquear - to knock out
normalizar - to normalize
normar - to control, to regulate
noticiar - to inform
notificar - to notify, to inform
novelar - to write a novel about
numerar - to number, to enumerate, to count
nutrir - to nourish
nivelar - to level, to grade, to make even
nublar - to become cloudy
nacionalizarse - naturalize
nausear - nauseate
nublarse - overcast
obedecer - to obey
obligar - to oblige
obtener - to obtain, get
ocurrir - to occur, happen
odiar - to hate
ofender - to offend
ofrecer - to offer
o&iacute;r - to hear
oler - to smell
olvidar - to forget
organizar - to organize
obcecar - to blind
objetar - to object
obliterar - to obliterate, to erase
obrar - to build, to work
obsequiar - to give a gift
observar - to observe
obsesionar - to obsess, to haunt
obstinar - to insist
obturar - to block
ocasionar - to cause, to bring, to out
ocupar - to take up, to concern, to take care
ocultar - to hide
ofertar - to offer
oficiar - to officiate
ofrendar - to offer (religioso)
ofuscar - to dazzle (brillo/sol), to blind (celos)
ojear - to look at
olfatear - to smell, to sniff
omitir - to omit, to overlook
ondear - to wave, to waver
ondular - to wave
opacar - to make opaque
operar - to operate
opinar - to think
oponer - to oppose
opositar - to take a competitive examination
oprimir - to oppress, to press
optar - to opt
optimizar - to optimize
orar - to pray
ordenar - to tidy up, to sort out, to order
originar - to cause, to lead to, to appear
ornar - to adorn
ornamentar - to adorn
osar - to dare
oscilar - to oscillate, to fluctuate
oscurecer - to darken
otorgar - to grant
oir - to hear
orientar - to orient
orinar - to urinate, to piss
ostentar - to flaunt, to hold
oxidar - to rust, to oxidize, to oxidate
obscurecerse - to become dim
obstruir - to obstruct
oxear - to shoo
ocluir - occlude
obviar - eliminate, eliminating, get rid of, redress
orientarse - orientate
osificarse - ossify
orquestar - orchestrate
oponerse - oppose
padecer - to suffer
pagar - to pay, pay&nbsp;for
parar - to stop, halt
parecer - to seem, appear
participar - to participate, take part in; to share in; to inform, notify
pasar - to pass, pass by, go; to pass on, hand; to spend [time]; to happen
patinar - to skate; to slide, skid
pedir - to request, ask for
pegar - to stick, glue, hit
peinar - to comb
peinarse - to comb one's hair; to do one's hair
pelear - to fight; to brawl, scruffle
pensar - to think
perder - to lose
perdonar - to forgive, pardon, excuse
permanecer - to stay, remain
permitir - to permit, allow
perseguir - to pursue, chase, hunt down
pertenecer - to belong, pertain
picar - to prick, puncture, perforate; to sting, bite </I> [said of an insect or snake]; <I>to peck
(at)</I>; <I>to itch, sting
pintar - to paint
planchar - to iron, press; to do the ironing
plantar - to plant
poder - to be able, can (preterite: to manage, to be able, to succeed)
poner - to put, place, set
practicar - to practice
predecir - to predict, foretell, forecast
preferir - to prefer
preguntar - to ask, inquire
preguntarse - to wonder, ask oneself
preparar - to prepare, get </I>[something] <I>ready
preservar - to preserve, &nbsp;protect
prever - to foresee, anticipate, envisage, visualize
probar - to taste, try, test
producir - to produce
prohibir - to prohibit, forbid
prometer - to promise
proponer - to propose
proseguir - to continue, proceed with
proteger - to protect
provocar - to provoke
publicar - to publish
purificar - to purify
pacificar - to pacify
pactar - to pact
paginar - to paginate
palabrear - to have a chat about
paladear - to savor, to taste
palmar - to kick the bucket
palmear - to clap hands (note: aplaudir is most commonly used)
palpar - to feel (with hands), to touch
palpitar - to palpitate, to beat, to throb
paralizar - to paralyze
paragonar - to compare
parasitar - to parasitize
parchar - to patch
parcelar - to divide into plots
parchear - to patch
parir - to give birth, to have a baby, to bear
parlamentar - to parley, to talk
parlotear - to chatter (informal)
parpadear - to blink, to flicker
parrandear - to go out (informal)
particularizar - to distinguish
partir - to leave, to break
pasear - to take a walk
pastar - to graze
pasteurizar - to pasteurize
pastorear - to pasture
patalear - to stamp one&#039;s feet
patear - to kick
patentizar - to display, to demonstrate
patrocinar - to sponsor
patrullar - to patrol, to go on patrol
pautar - to rule, to regulate
pavear - to clown, to lark around
pavonar - to blue
payasear - to clown around
pecar - to sin, to transgress
pedalear - to pedal
pelar - to peel
pelechar - to molt, to grow hair
peligrar - to be in danger
pellizcar - to pinch
penetrar - to penetrate, to seep through
perecer - to perish, to die
peregrinar - to make a pilgrimage
percibir - to perceive
perfeccionar - to improve, to perfect
perfilar - to streamline, to shape
perforar - to perforate, to pierce
perfumar - to perfume
perjudicar - to damage, to harm
perjurar - to commit perjury
permutar - to swap, to exchange, to permute
pernoctar - to stay overnight
perpetrar - to perpetrate
perorar - to hold forth
perpetuar - to perpetuate
perseverar - to persevere
persistir - to persist
personalizar - to personalize
persuadir - to persuade
pesar - to weigh
pescar - to fish
pesta&ntilde;ear - to blink
pilotear - to pilot
pisar - to step on
platicar - to talk, to chat
plagar - to plague
planear - to plan, to glide, to plane
plegar - to fold, to bend, to submit
posar - to pose, to put, to lay down
poseer - to possess
preciar - to appraise, to value
precipitar - to precipitate, to throw oneself headlong, to rush
predicar - to preach
predominar - to predominate
preocupar - to worry, to preoccupy
preponderar - to preponderate, to predominate
presagiar - to presage
prescindir - to disregard
prescribir - to prescribe
preseleccionar - to shorlist, to preselect
presentar - to present
presentir - to have a feeling
presionar - to press
prestar - to loan
presuponer - to presuppose
prevaler - to prevail
prevenir - to prevent
principiar - to begin, to commence
privar - to deprive
proceder - to come from, to proceed, to continue
procesar - to process, to prosecute
proclamar - to proclaim
procrear - to procreate
procurar - to obtain, to try, to procure
profesionalizar - to professionalize
proferir - to utter
profesar - to profess
profundizar - to deepen
prolongar - to prolong
pronunciar - to pronounce
propagar - to propagate, to spread
proporcionar - to supply
protestar - to protest, to object
proyectar - to project, to cast, to throw
pujar - to struggle, to strain
pulir - to polish
pulsar - to press, to push
palidecer - to wane
parecer - to seem, to look alike, to resemble eachother
penar - to suffer, to penalize, to punish
pender - to hang
perturbar - to perturb, to disturb
pervertir - to pervert
pillar - to catch, to plunder
pinchar - to prick, to puncture
planificar - to plan
plantear - to raise, to think
poblar - to inhabit, to populate
podar - to prune, to trim
portar - to take, to behave
posponer - to put off, to put in second place, to postpone
postergar - to delay, to pass over, to postpone
potenciar - to strengthen
preceder - to precede, to go before, to have priority over
precisar - to need, to describe
premorir - to die before another person
preñar - to get pregnant, to fertilize
prender - to light, to set fire to
presumir - to boast, to presume, to suppose
pretender - to pretend, to solicit, to seek
prevalecer - to prevail
priorizar - to give priority
profetizar - to prophesy
programar - to program, to schedule
progresar - to progress
promocionar - to promote
promover - to promote
propalar - to publish
prostituir - to prostitute
protagonizar - to star in
proveer - to provide, to supply, to supply oneself
provenir - to come from, to stem fromm
pudrir - to rot, to putrefy, to corrupt
pulverizar - to pulverize
puntuar - to punctuate, to score
pararse - to stop
pasearse - to take a walk
ponderar - to ponder, consider, weigh
precipitarse - to rush down
presenciar - to witness
profanar - to profane, desecrate
picotear - chop
preocuparse - worry
premeditar - premeditate
propulsar - propel
procurarse - purchase
pulular - teem
polarizar - polarize
posibilitar - enable
personificar - impersonate
pavimentar - pave
particular - business deal
plisar - pleat
perpendicular - orthographical, perpendicular, upright, vertical
promulgar - enact
presidir - preside
prorrogar - extend
propender - incline, tend, tilt
prepararse - ready (get ~)
popularizar - popularize
ponerse - put on (clothes), commence
predestinar - foreordain
par - pair
predeterminar - predetermine
parecerse - resemble
proliferar - proliferate
prefabricar - prefabricate
pizcar - nip, pinch
peculiar - particular
preordenar - foreordain
plagiar - plagiarize
pilar - pillar, pillars
pulmonar - pulmonary
popar - caress
púlsar - pulsar
prefijar - preset
poderse - can (v)
pulimentar - flatten, smooth
probarse - try on
pudrirse - putrefy
prorratear - apportion
perderse - lose, lose one's way
pulgar - thumb
pertrechar - equip
puntear - stipple
porrear - discommode, vex
pleitear - litigate
prosperar - thrive
petrificar - petrify
pisotear - trample
privatizar - privatize
primar - primate
quebrar - to break, smash; to fail, go bankrupt
quebrarse - to break, smash, get broken
quedar - to stay, remain, be left; to be [indicating location]
quedarse - to stay [behind], remain [behind]
quemar - to burn [up], set on fire, scald, scorch; to be burning hot
querer - to want, love (preterite: to attempt, to try)
quitar - to take away
quejar - to complain, to protest
quejarse - to complain
quitarse - take off (clothes), dismiss, unseat
quehacer - boutique, trade
quásar - quasar
realizar - to achieve, attain, accomplish, realize
rechazar - to reject; to push back, repel
recibir - to receive; to welcome, greet
reciclar - to recycle; to retrain [a person]
recoger - to pick up
recomendar - to recommend
reconocer - to recognize
recordar - to remember, remind
reducir - to reduce
regalar - to give [as a gift]; to present; to give away; to treat royally, pamper
regar - to water, irrigate, wash, sprinkle, spray
regatear - to haggle (over), bargain (over)
regir - to rule, govern, be in charge of, be at the head of
registrar - to register, record; to search
registrarse - to register [oneself]
regresar - to return, go back
regular - to regulate, adjust, control
rehusar - to refuse
reinar - to reign, rule
re&iacute;r - to laugh
renacer - to be reborn
renovar - to renew; to renovate
renunciar - to renounce, surrender, resign
re&ntilde;ir - to quarrel, fight; to scold, tell off, reprimand
reparar - to repair, mend, restore
repetir - to repeat
replicar - to reply, answer back
reportar - to bring, carry; to obtain; to report, inform; to denounce, accuse
requerir - to require, need; to request, ask; to send for, call for
reservar - to reserve; to keep, keep in reserve
respetar - to respect
respirar - to breathe, breathe in, inhale
responder - to respond, answer, reply to
resultar - to turn out (to be), prove [to be], ensue
revelar - to reveal, disclose; to develop [film]
rezar - to pray
robar - to rob, steal, burgle, break into
rogar - to plead, beg, ask for
romper - to break
rabiar - to rage
racionar - to ration
racionalizar - to rationalize
radicalizar - to radicalize, to intensify
radicar - to lie (problema)
radiografiar - to x-ray
radiotelegrafiar - to radiotelegraph
raer - to scrape, to smooth
rajar - to crack, to tear
ralentizar - to slow down
rapar - to shave (cabeza)
raptar - to kidnap
rascar - to scratch, to scrape, to rasp
rasgar - to tear
raspar - to scrape
rasquetear - to scrape, to groom
rastrear - to comb (lugar), to track, to trail
rastrillar - to rake
rasurar - to shave
ratificar - to ratify
rayar - to scratch, to line, to border
razonar - to reason
reaccionar - to react
reajustar - to adjust
reanudar - to restart, to resume, to renew
reamar - to rearm
reaparecer - to reappear
reasumir - to reassume
reavivar - to revive
rebajar - to reduce, to discount, to humiliated
rebanar - to slice
reba&ntilde;ar - to mop up (informal)
rebatir - to refute
rebelarse - to rebel
rebobinar - to rewind
rebosar - to brim
rebotar - to bounce, to rebound
rebozar - to coat (huevos)
rebrotar - to produce, to sprout
rebuscar - to search carefully
recalentar - to reheat, to warm over
recapacitar - to reconsider
recapitular - to recapitulate
recargar - to recharge, to overload, to overdecorate
recetar - to prescribe
recitar - to recite, to read
reclamar - to demand, to protest, to complain
reclinar - to recline
recuperar - to recover
redactar - to write
reemplazar - to replace
reenforzar - to reinforce
referir - to refer
refinar - to refine
reformar - to reform
reforzar - to reinforce
refundir - to recast
refutar - to refute
regañar - to scold, to tell off
regenerar - to regenerate
reglamentar - to regulate
regocijar - to delight, to fill with joy
rehacer - to remake
reiterar - to reiterate, to repeat
relanzar - to throw back, to repel
relatar - to relate, to recount
rellenar - to refill, to fill with, to fill in
relumbrar - to dazzle, to sparkle
remarcar - to emphasize, to underline
rematar - to liquidate
remorder - to feel guilty
remediar - to remedy
remirar - to look over again
remitir - to refer, to remit
remojar - to soak, to steep, to dunk
remontar - to go up, to move up, to overcome
remover - to remove
rendir - to render, to give up
renegar - to apostatize
reorganizar - to reorganize
repartir - to distribute, to allot
repasar - to check, to go over, to review
reponer - to replace, to reinstate, to recover
reproducir - to reproduce
resecar - to over dry
resolver - to solve
restaurar - to restore
restituir - to restitute, to restore, to return
resucitar - to resuscitate
retar - to challenge
retardar - to slow down, to delay
retirar - to take away, to retire
retrasar - to delay, to defer, to retard
retratar - to paint a portrait
reunir - to gather, to collect
revocar - to revoke, to plaster, to abolish
revolotear - to fly around
revolver - to turn around
ridiculizar - to ridicule
rimar - to rhyme
rizar - to curl
rociar - to spray, to sprinkle
rodear - to surround
roncar - to snore
rondar - to patrol, to hang around, to court
rotar - to rotate, to take turns
rotular - to label
rallar - to grate, to shred
rebelar - to rebel, to revolt
reblandecer - to soften
recabar - to manage to obtain, to request
recaer - to fall, to fall again, to fall back
recaudar - to take, to collect, to recover
recluir - to imprison, to lock up, to confine
recobrar - to recover, to recuperate
recolectar - to harvest, to gather, to collect
reconciliar - to reconcile, to make it up
reconquistar - to reconquer
reconstruir - to reconstruct, to rebuild
reconvertir - to reconvert, to restructure
recorrer - to travel, to walk around, to tour
recortar - to cut, to trim
recostar - to lay
recrudecer - to break down again
recurrir - to resort to, to turn to
redimir - to redeem, to ransom
reelegir - to reelect
reenviar - to resend, to return, to forward
reescribir - to write again, to correct a written text
reexpedir - to reissue
reflejar - to reflect
reflexionar - to think, to consider, to reflect
refrigerar - to cool
rehuir - to shy away from
reincidir - to backslide, to relapse
reintegrar - to refund, to reimburse
reir - to laugh
relacionar - to relate, to connect, to put in touch
relajar - to relax
relamer - to lick again, to smack one&lsquo;s lips
relevar - to emboss, to relieve, to replace
relucir - to shine
remendar - to improve
remolcar - to tow, to tug, to drag
remplazar - to replace
renombrar - to rename
repensar - to rethink
replegar - to fold
reposar - to rest, to lie
reprender - to reprimand, to scold, to tell off
representar - to represent
reprimir - to repress, to check, to repress oneself
reprobar - to reprove, to disapprove
reprochar - to reproach
resbalar - to slide, to skid
rescatar - to rescue, to save, to recover
reseñar - to review
resfriar - to catch a cold
residir - to reside, to live
resistir - to resist, to endure, to bear
resollar - to snort
resonar - to resonate
resoplar - to puff
respaldar - to endorse
resplandecer - to shine
restablecer - to restore
restar - to subtract, to deduct, to reduce
restregar - to scour, to scrub , to chafe
restringir - to restrict
resumir - to sum up, to condense, to summarize
resurgir - to reappear, to reemerge
retener - to retain
retorcer - to wring
retozar - to frolic, to smooch
retraer - to retract, to put off, to dissuade
retribuir - to repay, to recompense, to reward
retroceder - to go back, to recede
reutilizar - to re use, to use again
reventar - to burst
revertir - to revert
revestir - to decorate the walls
revisar - to inspect, to revise, to check
revolcar - to revolt
rodar - to roll, to travel
roer - to gnaw
ronronear - to purr
rozar - to touch, to brush
ruborizar - to blush
rugir - to roar, to rumble
recelar - to distrust; =--se de=, to distrust
recrearse - to amuse one's self
refrenar - to rein in, stop
refrescarse - to recuperate, gain new strength
regalarse - to treat one's self
repicar - to sound, ring, toll
retemblar, (ie) - to tremble
reunirse - to join; reunite, meet again
revender - resell
resorber - reabsorb
realzar - increments, to increase
relegar - relegate
recular - flinch
rehogar - braise
recompensar - reward
retocar - freshen, refresh, refreshing
recauchutar - recap
repetirse - recur
reembolsar - repay
reformatear - reformat
reconsiderar - reconsider
revolucionar - revolutionize
repugnar - hate
remunerar - remunerate
reinstalar - reinstall
rebasar - outgrow
redondear - roundoff, round off
reduplicar - reduplicate, redouble
reabrir - reopen
rezumar - ooze
replantar - replant
recatar - conceal
reintentar - retry
refocilarse - gloat
reiniciar - reboot
resentirse - resent
referirse - refer
renumerar - renumber
recuperarse - recover
repatriar - repatriate
rebajarse - grovel
revalidar - certify, ratify
remar - row
ramificar - branch
readmitir - readmit
reagrupar - regroup, resettle
remodelar - remodel
reactivar - reactivate
reirse - laugh at
reverberar - reverberate
rarificar - dilute
reivindicar - claim back, reclaim
regentar - route
redoblar - redouble
ramonear - browse
reencender - rekindle
rezumarse - infiltrate
reasegurar - reinsure
revaluar - revalue
reasignar - reallocate
rembolsar - refund (v), reimburse
revolcarse - flail
rezagarse - loiter
radiar - radiate
redundar - redound
rectificar - emend, rectify
rechinar - gnash, squeak
regocijarse - exult
reconstituir - reconstitute, recontruct
reestructurar - rearrange, restructure
recopilar - compile
reinvertir - reinvest
reabastecer - restock
recriminar - disburden, disencumber, exonerate
reclutar - recruit
reencarnar - reincarnate
redibujar - redraw
recomenzar - recommence
redistribuir - redistribute
rasar - round down, wipe off
repesar - reweigh
roncear - dawdle, loiter
retractarse - recant, retract
rentar - rent (v) (n), yield
resarcirse - recoup
rezagar - bereave
refractar - refract
rejuvenecer - rejuvenate
rumiar - ruminate
refrescar - freshen, refresh
reafirmar - reaffirm
reacondicionar - recondition
repintar - repaint
recrear - re-create, recreate
retomar - retake
relajarse - relax
retumbar - din, thud, to drone
reanimar - reanimate
rendirse - give in, give up, surrender
repudiar - disavow, disown, repudiate
rasguear - strum
rivalizar - emulates, vie
rehabilitar - reinstate
rearmar - rearm
regularizar - regularize
recalibrar - recalibrate
sanar - to heal
sancionar - to sanction, to authorize, to punish
sanear - to reorganize
santificar - to sanctify
santiguar - to bless, to make the sign of the cross over
saquear - to pillage, to loot, to sack
sargentear - to boss around
satisfacer - to please, to satisfy
saturar - to saturate
sazonar - to season
secretear - to whisper, to gossip
secuenciar - to arrange in sequence
secuestrar - to kidnap, to hijack, to sequestration
secularizar - to secularize
secundar - to help, to aid
sedar - to soothe, to quiet, to sedate
seducir - to seduce
segregar - to segregate
seleccionar - to select, to choose
sellar - to stamp, to seal
sembrar - to seed
semejar - to resemble
sensacionalizar - to sensationalize
sensibilizar - to sensitize
sentenciar - to sentence
se&ntilde;alizar - to signpost
separar - to separate
sepultar - to bury
ser - to be
serenar - to soothe, to calm
serializar - to serialize
serrar - to saw
serruchar - to saw
sermonear - to sermonize
sentar - to sit
sesionar - to be in session
sestear - to have a siesta
siestear - to have a siesta
signar - to sign
silabear - to syllabify
silbar - to whistle
silenciar - to silence, to keep, to quiet
simpatizar - to hit if off, to get along
simplificar - to simplify
simular - to pretend, to simulate
simultanear - to do together
sincopar - to syncopate
sincronizar - to synchronize, to time, to tune in
sindicar - to acusar, to charge with
singularizar - to make special
sintetizar - to synthesize, to summarize
sobrar - to surpass, to be more than enough, to remain
sobronar - to bribe
sobreactuar - to overact
socializar - to socialize
solidificar - to solidify
solicitar - to request
soltar - to loosen
solucionar - to solve
sondar - to probe
sondear - to sound, to probe, to sound out
sintonizar - to tune in, to syntonize
sitiar - to besiege
sobregirar - to overdraw
sobreponer - to superimpose
sobresalir - to stand out, to excel
sobresaltar - to frighten, to attack, to alarm
sobrevenir - to come upon, to happen
socorrer - to help, to aid
sofocar - to suffocate, to stifle, to smother
sollozar - to sob, to whimper
sombrar - to shade
someter - to submit
sonar - to sound
soplar - to blow
sorber - to slurp, to soak
sortear - to draw lots of, to raffle, to overcome
sospechar - to suspect
sostener - to hold up, to support
suavizar - to soften
subastar - to auction
sublimar - to sublimate, to sublime
subordinar - to subordinate
subrayar - to underline
subsistir - to subsist
substraer - to substract
subvencionar - to subsidize
subvenir - to provide for needs
subvertir - to subvert
sucumbir - to succumb
sudar - to perspire
sugestionar - to influence
sujetar - to hold, to fasten, to secure
sumar - to add
sumergir - to submerge
suministrar - to supply, to provide
superar - to exceed, to overcome
suplantar - to supplant, to take the place of
suplicar - to supplicate, to beg, to implore
suprimir - to suppress, to omit, to cancel
surtir - to supply, to stock, to provide
suscribir - to subscribe
suspender - to suspend, to cancel, to hang
susurrar - to whisper
sutilizar - to file, to refine
sangrar - to bleed
segar - to cut off, to harvest
segmentar - to segment
sesgar - to slant, to slope
sobrevolar - to fly over
soldar - to weld
sosegar - to calm
soterrar - to bury
subarrendar - to sublease
sublevar - to incite to rebellion, to rouse to revolt, to infuriate
subseguir - to follow immediately, to continue
substituir - to substitute
subyugar - to subjugate
suicidar - to commit suicide
sumir - to plunge
supervisar - to supervise
surcar - to plough
surmergir - to submerge, to plunge, to sink
sustraer - to steal, to remove, to subtract
socavar - to dig
sentirse - to feel (reflexive)
sombrear - overshadow
similar - similar
sobornar - bribe
solar - land lot, solar
subscribir - underwrite
sobreentender - presuppose
setter - setter
subdividir - subdivide
sobrescribir - overtype, overwrite, superscribe
suscribirse - subscribe
sistematizar - systematize
superponer - overlap, overlay, superpose
sobrepasar - exceed, excel, outclass, outrange, outnumber
suscitar - evoke
sobrecargar - overburden, overstress
subestimar - underestimate, underrate, undervalue
secretar - eliminate
sabotear - sabotage
saltarse - skip
sobrestimar - overestimate
solaparse - overlap
solazar - delectation
solemnizar - solemnize
salirse - elapse, rundown
subexponer - underexpose
sobrealimentar - overfeed
sobrepujar - outclass, surpass
soliviantar - discompose
sorprenderse - to be surprised
solapar - overlap
separarse - secede
sonar ambicionar - dream (v)
solear - bask
solventar - settle
suplementar - recruit, replenish, supplement
suputar - calculate, compute, quote, work out
regurgitar - regurgitate
sacar - to take out, stick out
sacrificar - to sacrifice
sacudir - to shake, beat, flap
salir - to leave, go out
saltar - to jump, leap; to jump over, leap over; to omit, skip, leave out
saludar - to greet, salute, hail, welcome
salvar - to save, rescue; to except, exclude
satirizar - to satirize
secar - to dry, dry up, dry off, wipe dry
secarse - to dry, dry off, dry up
seguir - to follow, continue
sentarse - to sit down, seat oneself
sentir - to feel, regret
se&ntilde;alar - to point out, point to, indicate; to signal; to mark
servir - to serve
significar - to signify, mean
simbolizar - to symbolize, represent, stand for
situar - to place, put, situate
sobrevivir - to survive, outlive, outlast
soler - to be accustomed to, be accustomed to
soñar - to dream
sonre&iacute;r - to smile
soportar - to support, hold up, bear; to put up with, tolerate
sorprender - to surprise, take by surprise, startle, amaze
subir - to go up, rise, move up, climb; to lift up, raise up
suceder - to happen; to succeed, follow
sufrir - to suffer; to undergo, experience, put up with
sugerir - to suggest
suponer - to suppose
surgir - to arise, emerge, spring up, come out, appear
suspirar - to sigh
sustituir - to substitute, replace
saber - to know, to know how to + infinitive (preterite: to find out)
saborear - to enjoy
saciar - to satiate
salar - to salt, to season with salt
saldar - to sell off (productos), to settle (cuenta), to pay off (deuda)
salivar - to salivate
salpicar - to sprinkle, to spray
saltear - to sauté
tachar - to cross out
taclear - to tackle
tajar - to slice
tajear - to slash
taladrar - to drill
talar - to cut down
tallar - to sculpt, to cut, to carve
tamizar - to sieve
tañer - to play music, to play
tapizar - to uphoster, to hang tapestry
tartamudear - to stutter, to stammer
teclear - to type, to key, to play the piano
tejer - to knit, to spin, to weave
telefonear - to telephone
telegrafiar - to telegraph, to cable a telegram
temblar - to shake
tender - to spread out
tentar - to tempt
teorizar - to theorize
testificar - to testify
testar - to make a will, to testament
titular - to title, to entitle
tocar - to touch, to play (instrument)
tolerar - to tolerate
torturar - to torture, to torment
tostar - to toast
trabar - to lock, to tie, to join
traicionar - to betray
tramitar - to process
trascender - to extend
transcribir - to transcribe
transitar - to journey, to travel, to transit
transformar - to transform
transmitir - to transmit, to broadcast
transpirar - to perspire, to sweat
transponer - to transpose, to transfer
transportar - to transport
tranquilizar - to tranquillize, to calm, to reassure
tranzar - to trick, to cheat
trasegar - to decant
trascolar - to strain
trasladar - to move, to transfer, to travel
traspasar - to go, to traspass, to cross
trastornar - to upset, to disturb
trazar - to draw, to sketch, to draw up
trenzar - to braid
trepar - to climb
tributar - to pay tribute
trinchar - to slice
trillar - to wear out
triplicar - to triplicate, to triple
triturar - to crush, to grind
trizar - to tear to shreds
trocar - to barter, to exchange, to change
trocear - to cut, to crack, to chap
tronar - to thunder, to rant
tronzar - to slice
trotar - to trot
tutear - to address as &quot;tú&quot;, to be in familiar terms
turbar - to disturb
tumbar - to knock down, to lie down
templar - to temper
teñir - to dye
tergiversar - to distort, to twist
tiranizar - to be a tyrant
titubear - to hesitate, to stammer
torear - to fight a bull, to dodge, to make fun of
tornar - to return, to become
traficar - to deal, to trade, to pass
transbordar - to transfer, to transship
transcurrir - to pass, to elapse
transferir - to transfer
transfundir - to tranfuse, to transmit, to spread
transgredir - to break
transmutar - to transmute
trasgredir - to transgress
traslucir - to show, to reveal
trasplantar - to transplant
tasar - appraise
traumatizar - traumatize
tiznar - grime
tremolar - oscillate
transmigrar - transmigrate
tintinear - chime, ring the bell
traslumbrar - dazzle, glare
transfigurar - transfigure
tartar - try
trapalear - chat
tragarse - swallow
topar - thrust
tartalear - waver
televisar - televise, telecast
telar - loom
temblequear - dodder
tiritar - shiver
topetar - stumble
truncar - garble
timbrar - ring (v)
tinturar - dye
trastrocar - confuse
timar - cheat
tantear - overturn

tapar - to cover; to put the lid on, put the cap on, put the stopper in </I>[a container]; <I>to cover
up, hide, conceal
tardar - to delay, take a long time, be long, be slow [in doing something]
temer - to fear
tener - to have (preterite: to get, to receive)
terminar - to finish, end
tirar - to throw, hurl; to shoot, fire; to throw away; to pull [out]
tomar - to take, drink
torcer - to twist, bend, warp, wring, sprain
toser - to cough
trabajar - to work
traducir - to translate
traer - to bring; to get, fetch; to carry
tragar - to swallow, drink up, gulp down; to absorb, soak up; to put up with
tratar - to treat, handle
triunfar - to triumph, win
tropezar - to trip, stumble, slip up
tabicar - to wall up
tablear - to pleat
tabletear - to rattle
tabular - to tabulate

usar - to use
utilizar - to use, utilize
ubicar - to locate
ultimar - to finish off
ultrajar - to outrage, to insult, to offend
ulular - to hoot
unificar - to unify
uniformar - to make uniform
unir - to unite, to join
ungir - to anoint, to put ointment on
untar - to smear, to grease, to bribe
urbanizar - to urbanize
urdir - to warp
usurpar - to usurp
urgir - to be urgent
unirse - unite
uncir - chuck
vaciar - to empty
valer - to be worth
variar - to vary
vencer - to conquer, defeat, beat, overcome, win; to expire, cease to apply
vender - to sell
venir - to come
ver - to see
verificar - to verify, check, inspect
viajar - to travel, journey
violar - to violate; to rape
visitar - to visit
vivir - to live
volar - to fly
volver - to return, go back
vomitar - to vomit, throw up, bring up
votar - to vote
vacar - to fall vacant, to be left vacant
vacilar - to hesitate
vacunar - to vaccinate
vagabundear - to roam, to idle
vagar - to roam, to wander
validar - to validate
vallar - to fence in, to barricade
valsar - to waltz
valorar - to value
valorizar - to value, to fix the price
vaticinar - to vaticinate, to foretell, to predict
vedar - to prohibit, to forbid (rarely used)
vegetar - to grow, to vegetate
velar - to watch, to keep a vigil over, to veil
vendar - to bandage
venerar - to revere, to worship
vengar - to avenge, to take revenge
ventear - to sniff, to air
ventilar - to ventilate
veranear - to spend the summer
versar - to be on
versificar - to versify
versionar - to do a cover version of, to cover
verter - to spill
vestir - to dress
vibrar - to vibrate
viciar - to get into a bad habit
victimizar - to victimize
vigilar - to watch, to guard, to invigilate
vigorizar - to invigorate
vincular - to link
vindicar - to vindicate
violentar - to force
visar - to endorse, to visa
vitalizar - to revitalize
vitorear - to cheer
vitrificar - to vitrify
vitrinear - to window shop (rarely used)
vituperar - to scold, to vituperate against, to condemn
vivificar - to revitalize
vocalizar - to vocalize
vocear - to voice, to shout, to yell
vociferar - to shout, to yell
volatizar - to volatilize
volear - to turn, to toss
voltear - to turn over, to knock down
vomitar - to vomit
vosear - to address a person using the vos form
vulgarizar - to vulgarize
vulnerar - to infringe, to violate
vapulear - to beat
vetar - to veto
virar - to tack, to turn round
vislumbrar - to glimpse, to see
visualizar - to see, to make out, to discern
volcar - to upset
vestirse - to dress oneself, get dressed
vertir - shed
vulcanizar - vulcanize
volverse - become
vadear - wade
yacer - to lie, to be lying
yuxtaponer - juxtapose
yugular - jugular
yodar - iodize
zambullirse - to dive, plunge
zafar - to clear, to free, to escape
zumbar - to buzz, to hum (motor)
zurcir - to darn, to mend
zambullir - to plunge
zampar - to gobble, to wolf down
zapatear - to tap with one‘s foot, to illtreat
zarpar - to set sail
zurrar - to curry, to drub, to defeat
zanjar - excavate
zurriagar - scourge, whips
zampuzar - pawls, snitch
zanganear - mooch
zamparse - guzzle
zozobrar - miscarry
zurrir - to whir
A: abandonar; abordar; abortar; abrazar; abrir; aburrir; aburrirse; abusar; acabar; acampar; aceptar;
acercar; acercarse; acompañar; aconsejar; acontecer; acordar; acordarse; acortar; acostar; acostarse;
acostumbrar; acostumbrarse; actuar; adivinar; admirar; admitir; adorar; adornar; advertir; afeitar;
afeitarse; afirmar; afligir; agorar; agradar; agradecer; aguantar; ahorcar; ahorrar; alcanzar; alegrar;
alegrarse; alentar; aliviar; almorzar; alquilar; amanecer; amar; amenazar; andar; anhelar; anunciar;
añadir; apagar; aparecer; aplaudir; aplicar; apostar; apoyar; apreciar; aprender; apretar; aprobar;
argüir; arreglar; arrepentirse; arrojar; asistir; asociar; aspirar; asustar; asustarse; atacar; atender;
atraer; atravesar; atreverse; aumentar; avanzar; averiguar; avisar; ayudar;
B: bailar; bajar; bañar; bañarse; barrer; batir; bautizar; beber; bendecir; besar; bordar; borrar; brillar;
brindar; broncearse; bucear; burlar; burlarse; buscar;
C: caber; caer; calcular; calentar; calentarse; callar; callarse; calmar; calmarse; cambiar; caminar;
cancelar; cansar; cansarse; cantar; caracterizar; cargar; casar; casarse; castigar; causar; cazar;
celebrar; cenar; censurar; cepillar; cerrar; cesar; charlar; chismear; chocar; civilizar; clarificar;
clasificar; cobrar; cocinar; coger; colgar; colocar; colonizar; combatir; comenzar; comer; competir;
componer; comprar; comprender; comunicar; comunicarse; condenar; conducir; confesar; confiar;
confirmar; compartir; confiscar; conjugar; conocer; conquistar; conseguir; consentir; conservar;
consistir; constituir; construir; consumir; contaminar; contar; contener; contestar; continuar;
contribuir; controlar; convencer; convenir; conversar; convertir; convidar; copiar; corregir; correr;
cortar; coser; costar; crear; crecer; creer; criar; criarse; criticar; crucificar; cruzar; cubrir; cuidar;
culpar; cultivar; cumplir; curar;
D: dar; deber; decidir; decidirse; decir; declarar; decorar; dedicar; dedicarse; defender; dejar;
demostrar; depender; depositar; deprimir; derretir; desagradar; desagradecer; desaparecer;
desayunar; descansar; descender; describir; descubrir; desarrollar; desarrollarse; desear; deshacer;
despedir; despertar; despertarse; destruir; detener; detenerse; detestar; devolver; devorar; dibujar;
dirigir; diseñar; disfrutar; disgustar; disminuir; distinguir; distribuir; divertir; divertirse; divorciar;
divorciarse; doblar; doler; dormir; dormirse; duchar; ducharse; dudar; durar;
E: echar; echarse; educar; efectuar; ejercer; elegir; eliminar; emborrachar; emborracharse; emigrar;
empezar; emplear; enamorar; enamorarse; encantar; encender; encontrar; enfadar; enfadarse;
enfermar; enfermarse; enflaquecer; enflaquecerse; engañar; enojar; enojarse; enriquecer;
enriquecerse; enseñar; ensuciar; entender; enterarse; entrar; entregar; entretener; entrevistar;
entusiasmar; entusiasmarse; envejecer; envejecerse; enviar; equivocar; equivocarse; errar; escoger;
esconder; esconderse; escribir; escuchar; esperar; esquiar; establecer; estar; estimar; estudiar;
evacuar; evitar; exhibir; exigir; explicar; explorar; explotar; exponer; exportar; expresar; extender;
F: fabricar; faltar; fascinar; felicitar; fijar; fingir; firmar; florecer; formar; fortalecer; fregar; freír;
fumar; funcionar;
G: ganar; gastar; generalizar; glorificar; gobernar; graduar; graduarse; gritar; gruñir; guardar; guiar;
H: haber (verbo impersonal); haber (verbo auxiliar); hablar; hacer; hallar; hallarse; helar; heredar;
herir; hervir; huir;
I: ilustrar; importar; imprimir; incluir; indicar; inducir; influir; informar; iniciar; inmigrar; insistir;
instalar; insultar; intentar; interesar; interpretar; introducir; invadir; inventar; invertir; investigar;
invitar; invocar; ir; irse;
J: jactarse; jugar; juntar; juntarse; jurar;
L: ladrar; lamentar; lanzar; lastimar; lavar; lavarse; leer; legalizar; levantar; levantarse; limpiar;
llamar; llamarse; llegar; llenar; llevar; llorar; llover; lograr; luchar;
M: madurar; mandar; manejar; mantener; maquillar; maquillarse; marcar; masticar; matar;
matricular; matricularse; medir; mentir; merecer; merendar; meter; mezclar; mirar; modificar;
molestar; montar; morir; mostrar; mover; moverse; mudar; mudarse;
N: nacer; nadar; navegar; necesitar; negar; negarse; negociar; nevar; notar;
O: obedecer; obligar; obtener; ocurrir; odiar; ofender; ofrecer; oír; oler; olvidar; olvidarse; oponer;
oponerse; organizar;
P: padecer; pagar; parar; parecer; participar; partir; pasar; patinar; pedir; pegar; peinar; peinarse;
pelear; pensar; perder; perdonar; permanecer; permitir; perseguir; pertenecer; pesar; pescar; picar;
pintar; platicar; planchar; plantar; poder; poner; ponerse; practicar; predecir; preferir; preguntar;
preguntarse; preparar; prepararse; presentar; presentir; preservar; prever; probar; producir; prohibir;
prometer; proponer; proseguir; proteger; protestar; provocar; publicar; purificar;
Q: quebrar; quebrarse; quedar; quedarse; quejarse; quemar; quemarse; querer; quitar; quitarse
R: realizar; rechazar; recibir; reciclar; recoger; recomendar; reconocer; recordar; redargüir; reducir;
regalar; regar; regatear; regir; registrar; registrarse; regresar; regular; rehusar; rehusarse; reinar; reír;
renacer; renovar; renunciar; reñir; reparar; repasar; repetir; replicar; reportar; requerir; reservar;
resolver; respetar; respirar; responder; resultar; revelar; rezar; robar; rogar; romper;
S: saber; sacar; sacrificar; sacudir; salir; saltar; saludar; salvar; satisfacer; satirizar; secar; secarse;
seguir; sentar; sentarse; sentir; sentirse; señalar; ser; servir; significar; simbolizar; situar; sobrevivir;
soler; sonar; soñar; sonreír; soportar; sorprender; subir; suceder; sufrir; sugerir; suponer; surgir;
suspirar; sustituir;
T: tañer; tapar; tardar; temer; tener; teñir; terminar; tirar; tocar; tomar; torcer; toser; trabajar;
traducir; traer; tragar; tratar; triunfar; tropezar;
U: ubicar; unir; untar; usar; utilizar;
V: vaciar; valer; variar; vencer; vender; venir; ver; verificar; vestir; vestirse; viajar; violar; visitar;
vivir; volar; volver; vomitar; votar;
Y: yacer;
Z: zambullirse.

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