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using RAM like a drive with Software.

Must have Extra RAM for this.
Especially use with SSD

The RAM-Disk would hit the Terra Flops."

Flops is a unit of measure for CPU floating point operations performance. It has
nothing to do with memory or disk transfer speed.

If you think I don't know that than you sorley underestimate my intelligence. When
I say the Ram-Disk is relative to the Speed of the RAM I am referring to the
electronic design of the ram, how many electrolytic caps in parallel and how many
transistors between each cap ? how many resistors to buffer the outputs between
each cap and each collector pin on each transistor ? Each bit in RAM is stored in a
cap and the circuit for bidirectional transfer consists of a electrolytic cap with
the positive connected to the base of the transistor the negative connected to the
emitter of the next cap's positive the resistor connected to the collector and the
next caps negative. The circuit is laid out in a rows of 4 or 8 and at one end a
jumper connects the emitter to the next row. A 555 chip is also present in most RAM
circuits which is maintained by the cpu clock. Each IC on a standard RAM card will
contain an average of 256 caps per row. The more expensive RAM cards contain more
caps per row and may also contain layered rows, which allow each IC to contain up
to 16 rows, 8 rows of caps in the bottom layer and 8 in the top.
Depending on the quality of the components used, the manufacturing technique, and
signal transmission rate through these components along the internal signal lines
of the IC's on the RAM cards the speed of a RAM-DISK at 10GB can very relative to
the RAM in the system.

Well if the speed of a RAM-Disk is relative to the speed of the RAM than I have to
see the benchmark results of a RAM-Disk on a computer with *4 of those new Korean
DDR 4 128 Gb RAM cards.

The RAM-Disk would hit the Terra Flops.

Not to mention the material used in the bus's on the mobo would have to contain
extra latency in the Lambda constants of the material to allow for the Nu of the
signals flowing to increase relative to Eta.
(or if you don't understand the previous sentence you could just translate as the
mother board design would need to be updated to accommodate RAM in a 1Tb range)
The only other solution is to use server dual core mobo, and they cost the same
price as a fully built I7 computer.

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