Urban Tribes

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In their great majority the urban

tribes authorize activities that go

against the culture, against the
established, against the moral and
social norms, and in some cases
against the law.

In cities around the world. Society

itself is its place of habitation.

There are more than 100 urban

tribes in the world.

 People see in the tribe's ability to find a new way of

expression, a way to get away from the normality that
does not satisfy them and, above all, the chance to
enhance their personal experiences.

ORIGIN: The beginning of emos was born in the 80's as a

musical style derived from punk.
 The "emo" word stands for emotional hardcore music.
Nowadays, the majority of the Emos are teenagers,
between 14 and 20.
 They have a negative vision of the life and normally
they are pessimistic and think that they are victims from
a capitalist society.

They are usually depressed and hate life in general. Their present
song have added sentimental, sad and suicidal messages.They are
not dangerous to other people, but maybe they are to themselves
because of their suicide tendency.

TYPICAL ATTIRE: hair slicked to covering part of the face,

dark clothing, piercing, Converse and underpants at the
sight. They usually wear skinny jeans and t-shirt declaring
their love for their favourite band.

The punk movement has been one of the greatest number of

followers around the world.
ORIGIN: This urban tribe was born in the 70s in opossition
of the culture decadence.
TIPICAL ATTIRE: The punk style can be recognized by the
combination of several elements considered typical: patches,
scarves on display in the back pocket of pants, torn jeans,
black pants fair, leather jackets with rivets and messages
inscribed on the back, buskin, earrings, and Mohican haircut.

ORIGIN: Rolling is the name given to an urban of argentina,

whose popularity exploted in 1995.

 The urban tribes are called rollingas. A synonym of this

tribe is the word "stone". Members are fans of The
Rolling Stones.

TYPICAL ATTIRE: They wear a short fringe over their

forehead, Jamaican trousers or purposely-ripped jeans, and
their favourite band’s t-shirts. Their favourite bands are La
25, Los fardelitos, Intoxicados, Viejas Locas, among others.

The rollingas in general underestimate or despise

other musical genres, they only listen to rock
rollingas because they think that other styles are
part of the "establishment".

Despite being native to Japan, otaku culture has spread all

over the world.
ORIGIN: The word "otaku" was created in 1983 by Akio
Nakaori in the magazine manga Burikko where refers to as
"otaku" to one of the characters.

 The otakus are the base of the urban tribes fond of the
Japanese culture.
 The otakus are teenagers in the majority in a rage of 11
and 18 years that adores the anime and manga but
they also worships japan and anything that this country
could offers.
TYPICAL ATTIRE: They wear anime’s costumes and they go
out all dressed up.

 Use clothes and accesories releated to characters from

anime,manga or video-games.

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