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Move Orders

Training Documentation

Table of Contents

Move Orders ............................................................................................................................................... 2

Move Orders Feature .............................................................................................................................. 2
Move Orders Setup ................................................................................................................................. 3
Basic Move Order Transaction Process................................................................................................ 11
Manual Move Order Issue ................................................................................................................. 12
Basic Move Order Transfer................................................................................................................ 15
Basic Move Order Allocation ............................................................................................................. 17
Basic Move Order Transfer................................................................................................................ 19
Move Orders sourced from Kanban ...................................................................................................... 20
Move Orders sourced from Sales Orders ............................................................................................. 24
Move Orders sourced from WIP Jobs ................................................................................................... 31
Move Orders sourced from Min-Max Planning...................................................................................... 37
Move Orders sourced from other sources (API) ................................................................................... 41
Move Order Pick Slip Report................................................................................................................. 42

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Move Orders

Move Orders Feature

Move Order is a new process in Oracle 11i. Move Orders allow transaction of material transfer
from one subinventory to another in the same inventory organization. Move Order process have
two basic steps: Creation of the Move Order and Move Order transfer transaction.

A Move Order can be manually created or it can be automatically created from various
replenishment and material demand processes. Please see diagram for Move Order process

Move Order 1. Manual Move Order request using Move

Sources Order Issue form
2. Min-Max replenishment if item sourced from
another subinventory
3. Kanban replenishment if item sourced from
another subinventory
4. Sale Order Pick Release based on Picking Rule
5. WIP Job Component Pick Release using
Pick Component Release form
Move Order Pick Slip Report
6. Other sources using Move Order API

Move Order Move Order is the actual order created from

various sources.

Move Order Move Order request can follow an approval cycle or

Approval it can be approved automatically based on setup

Move Order Move Order can be allocated for the entire quantity
Allocation or it can be allocated partially

Move Order Actual transfer of the quantity is performed at

Transfer the Move Order Transfer form.

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Move Orders Setup

Step Set up Move Orders in Organization Parameters Setup

PreReqs Prerequisites Required Org Setup
Mov 1 Define Move Order Time out period Not Required
Mov 1 Define Move Order Time out action Required

Move Order Time Out: Use if you want to require approvals for the move orders in your organization. If
this is left blank, the Move Order will be approved automatically.

Time Out Period: the length of time, in days, you will let your move orders sit in a pending –approval
queuing status.
The following rules apply when setting up your time-outs:
• After one time-out period, a reminder is sent to the approver.
• After two time-out periods, the move order time-out action is performed.
• The time-out action is, either approve or reject.
• If the time-out period is 0, all move orders are automatically approved.
• If the time-out period is left blank, the setting defaults to 0.

Set Up Planner: Define a planner for the item in the General Planning page of the items window. If you do
not designate a planner, the move order will be automatically approved.

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PREREQS Prerequisites Required

The following setup steps must be completed in other modules before entering Inventory setups:

Complete all Oracle Organization setups.

Mov 1 Define Move Order Time Out Not Required

Mov 1 Define Move Order Time Out Action Required

Responsibility: Inventory

Navigation: → Setup Organizations Organizations

Query up the organization you want to work with and then go to the Inventory Parameters Tab to see the
Move Order Timeout Period & Action. We will have the move order timeout action to be set to Approve

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Step Set up Notification List & Associate the notification Setup
list to a subinventory
PreReqs Prerequisites Required Subinventories
should be defined
Mov 2 Define Notification List Not Required
Mov 3 Associate the notification list to subinventory Not Required

Assumption: Any move orders created with respect to the particular subinventory, a notification will be
sent to the people on the notification list, which is associated to the subinventory.

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Mov 2 Define Notification List Not Required

Responsibility: Inventory GUI

Navigation: → Notification List

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PREREQS Prerequisites Required

The following setup steps must be completed in other modules before entering Inventory setups:

Complete Subinventories setup.

Mov 3 Associate the notification list to subinventory Not Required

Responsibility: Inventory GUI

Navigation: → Setup Organizations Subinventories

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Step Create items & receive items using miscellaneous Setup
Mov 4 Create Item Not Required Not required if you
have already
define an item
Mov 5 Do Miscellaneous receipt to have quantity on hand Not Required Not required if you
have QOH.

Note : You can use the items that have already being created and use it. Make sure there is quantity on
had to do the move order transaction.

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Mov 4 Create Item Not Required

Responsibility: Inventory GUI

Navigation: → Items Master Items

You can create an item and use any template you want to apply. Then assign the item to the organization
where you want to do move order transactions.

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Mov 5 Do Miscellaneous receipt to have quantity on hand Not Required

Responsibility: Inventory GUI

Navigation: → Transactions Miscellaneous Transactions

In this Example we are receiving 100 quantities of Ferrari in the Engineer subinventory.

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Basic Move Order Transaction Process

Step Test Move order Issue And Transfer

Mov 6 Move Order Issue Issue to an
Mov 7 Move Order Transfer Basically used to
do subinventory
Mov 8 Allocation For Move Orders
Mov 9 Transact Move Orders

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Manual Move Order Issue

Mov 6 Move Order Issue

Responsibility: Inventory GUI

Navigation: → Move Orders Move Orders

Select Move Order Issue from the LOV for the field Transaction Type.
Enter item, Quantity in the item tab and in the Destination tab enter the account combination.
Save the record. Note the Move Order number.
Hit Approve button to approve the move order. The status of the move order is changed from
Incomplete to Approved.
Note: If the Move Order Time Out was set to some value greater than zero and the item that you
are using for planning had a planner code different from the requestor then on Approval the
status of the move order transaction would be Pending Approval.
The planner has to go to the Notification Summary and find the notification.
Then select the approve button to approve the move Order. After that the requestor gets the
notification that the move order is approved. When you query up the move order in the move
order screen it will have the status as Approved. Below are the screen shots for it.

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Navigation: → Notification Summary

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Basic Move Order Transfer

Mov 7 Move Order Transfer

Responsibility: Inventory GUI

Navigation: → Move Orders Move Orders

Select Move Order Issue from the LOV for the field Transaction Type.
Enter item, Quantity in the item tab and in the Destination tab enter the destination subinventory.
Save the record. Note the Move Order number.
Hit Approve button to approve the move order. The status of the move order is changed from
Incomplete to Approved.

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Navigation: → Notification Summary

Users that are listed in the notification list associated with the subinventory are notified of the move order

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Basic Move Order Allocation

Mov 8 Allocation For Move Orders

Responsibility: Inventory GUI

Navigation: → Move Orders Transact Move Orders

Enter the Move Order Number and hit find.

When to check the select check box for the record the ALLOCATE button gets enabled. You have two
options 1. To select Allocate button which would allocate the whole requested quantity.
2. To go to View/Update Allocations button to manually update any information that is not correct.

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Save the record.

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Basic Move Order Transfer

Mov 9 Transact Move Orders

Responsibility: Inventory GUI

Navigation: → Move Orders Transact Move Orders

Select the Transact button to transact the move order. This will reduce the item quantity from the source
inventory and for move order transfer update the corresponding item quantity in the destination

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Move Orders sourced from Kanban

Step Move Orders For Kanban Setup

PreReqs Prerequisites Required Kanban cards are
PreReqs Item is already defined and quantities are there in Required
the source subinventories
Mov 10 Kanban Move Orders

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Mov 10 Kanban Move Orders

Responsibility: Inventory GUI

Navigation: → Kanban Kanban Cards

Initially the Kanban card is set to full. The source type is Intra Org. Now you select the Replenish button
to replenish the quantities. Now the Supply Status changes from Full to In Process. This creates a move
order. You can go to Transact Move orders screen and query up based on the item.

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Navigation: → Move Orders Transact Move Orders

When you scroll to your right you will see the Kanban Card number in reference Number.
Now you can allocate and transact.

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Navigation: → Kanban Kanban Cards
After you have done the transact go to the Kanban Cards screen and query up your Kanban card. Now
you will see that the Supply Status has changed from In Process to FULL.

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Move Orders sourced from Sales Orders

Step Pick Wave Move Orders For Sales Orders

PreReqs Prerequisites Required Order Management
Setups are complete
PreReqs Item is already defined and quantities are there in Required
the source subinventories
Mov 11 Pick Wave Move Orders For Sales Orders

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Mov 11 Pick Wave Move Orders For Sales Orders

Responsibility: Order Management GUI

Navigation: → Setup Shipping Define Release Rules Form

Here in this scenario there is a subinventory defined for staging materials before it is shipped from the

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Navigation: → Orders, Returns Order Organizer
Enter a new order. Select the customer, price list. Go to the Line Items tab and enter the line items
details. Enter the schedule ship date

In the shipping tab enter the correct organization. Now Book the Order by selecting the Book Order

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Schedule it by going to TOOLS and selecting scheduling option.

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Navigation: → Shipping Release Sales Orders Release Sales Orders
Enter the sales order. In the Inventory tab select the organization.

Now select online button.

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Responsibility: Inventory

Navigation: → Move Orders Transact Move Orders

Under the Pick Wave tab check Sales Order and enter the Sales Order number, Order Type & Order
Source and select the find button. You will see the Pick Wave move order for Sales Order.

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Navigation: → On-Hand, Availability Reservations

The pick wave move order for sales order creates a reservation.
You can now go to Transact Move orders screen and transact.

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Move Orders sourced from WIP Jobs

Step Pick Wave Move Orders For Work Orders

PreReqs Prerequisites Required WIP, BOM Setups are
PreReqs Item is already defined, BOM is created and Required
quantities are there in the source subinventories
Mov 12 Pick Wave Move Orders For Work Orders

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Responsibility: Bills Of Material GUI

Navigation: → Bills Bills

Define a bill. Here in this example we are using FG-CJP as finished good and SUB-CJP1 and SUB-CJP2
as sub assemblies. Suppy type should be push and no subinventory

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Mov 12 Pick Wave Move Orders For Work Orders

Responsibility: Work In Process GUI

Navigation: → Setup Parameters

Navigation: → Discrete Discrete Jobs

Create a discrete job and select the assembly. Put the Start/MRP Net quantities, and start date.
Save. Change the status from Unreleased to Released and save.

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Under components tab go and check the component details.

Under quantities tab go and check the quantities.

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Navigation: → Discrete Component Pick Release

Now Query up the WIP job and then select Release button.

Responsibility: Inventory GUI

Navigation: → Move Orders Transact Move Orders

Go to Pick Wave tab and select Work Order. Enter the job number. Now select find button.

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You can now see that the move orders are created for the two subassemblies.
You can now transact the two lines. There is no reservation created for pick wave move orders for work
You can go to the discrete job screen and query up the WIP job and see the quantities for the

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Move Orders sourced from Min-Max Planning

Step Move Orders For Min-Max Planning

PreReqs Prerequisites Required Min-Max Items are
defined and the Min-
Max is at subinventory
PreReqs Item is already defined with planning as Min-Max. Required
Mov 13 Move Orders For Min-Max

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Mov 13 Move Orders For Min-Max Planning

Responsibility: Work In Process GUI

Navigation: → Items Master Items

Define the item and in general planning tab select inventory planning method as Min-Max.
Navigation: → Setup Organizations Subinventories

Associate the item to the subinventory and set the sourcing rule to be sourced from another subinventory
within the same organization.

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Navigation: → Planning Min-Max Planning

Run the Min-Max planning at subinventory level ie. Planning Level select Subinventory. Enter the
Subinventory name, Item Number ( if for a specific item) and restock parameter as ‘YES’. Now submit the
request. Go to view my requests and check the output.

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Navigation: → Move Orders Transact Move Orders

Move Order of type Replenishment is created. You can now allocate and transact the move order.

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Move Orders sourced from other sources (API)

Step Move Orders Report & Move Order API

PreReqs Prerequisites Required Move Orders Should be
present for report.
Mov 15 Move Orders Pick Slip Report

The Move Order API is a public API that allows you to do the following:
• Create a move order header
• Create a move order line
• Process a move order (create or update)
• Lock a move order
• Get a move order for a given header or header identifier
• Process a move order line (cancel or update)

For more information on Move Orders API please refer to Manufacturing API’s And Open Interfaces

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Move Order Pick Slip Report

Mov 15 Move Orders Pick Slip Report

Responsibility: Inventory GUI

Navigation: → Reports All

You can run the Move Order Pick Slip report and even allocate the approved move orders by setting the
parameter Auto Allocate Approved lines to ‘Yes’

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Output of the Move Order Pick Slip report.

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