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Organization: Auto Company ,,Ferrari''

Portfolio A: Competitive Race Motorcycles

Mission: ,,Created to be faster than time''
Core Values:
Vision for 10 years: To be the company that will produce 1 million samples of the race motorcycles.
Vision for 20 years: Company will expand and open its new outposts productions on new regions or
Vision for 30 years: To make the most profitable contract and partnership with ,,Suzuki'' in order to
'beat' current concurention in the world.
SWOT Analysis:
1. Rich heritage and legacy.
2. Looked upon as a cult brand and possesses strong brand equity.
3. Extremely strong presence in the racing world.
4. Provides an interactive channel to the owners through owner’s group.
5. Very light alloy used in manufacturing resulting into better acceleration and handling.
6. A dedicated pre-owned program to facilitate second hand sales increasing customer reach.
7. Endowed with world class safety facilities.
1. Extremely high priced.
2. Limited potential customer base in some markets.
3. Limited distribution and service network.
4. Lack of experienced service professionals in many countries.
1. Increasing pride in owning Ferrari.
2. Entering in hybrid and future car segment.
3. Leveraging the owners group network to reach potential customers.
4. Differentiating the product portfolio to accommodate variants.
5. Augmenting the distribution and service network.
1. Various custom policies in some countries making purchase a long procedure.
2. Increasing expectation from customers might not be met.
3. Product innovations and frugal engineering by competitors.
Strategic objectives:
-Increase market share
-Increase productivities
-Produce innovations
Strategy for developing:
-Increase market share – In order to meet and increase market share, company’s strategy is to
expand its outposts, where company can offer affordable service offerings where it doesn’t exist in a
such way, in certain countries e.g. in India.
-Increase productivities - Productivity for Ferrari company means fine tuning a business process to
achieve the best result for a customer while ,,Ferrari’’ could increasing profit.
-A manufacturing of Ferrari’s organization that fine tunes a process could reduce waste, reduce
production time, and in the end, make a better product that gets to the customer faster.
-Affirmating the service business of this company that changes the way customers are handled can
decrease call times and increase customer satisfaction and loyalty.
-Produce innovations - Innovations will be main strategy that company will develop in order to helps
a business stay ahead of the competition.
-Company is gonna place resources into research and development to create a new product innovations,
for e.g. raw materials for tires or alloys of light iron.
Organization: Auto Company ,,Ferrari''
Portfolio B: Competitive Consumer Vehicles
Mission: ,,Travel more, spend less''
Core Values:
Vision for 10 years: Company will produce 5 million samples of the race motorcycles.
Vision for 20 years: By producing electric and green vehicles, company expect less amount of
impactness on environment.
Vision for 30 years: Realizing and producting the car by upgrading renewable technologies such as
absorbing and consumption of solar energy.
SWOT Analysis:
1. Increased power – consumption ratio
2. Gears are in form of paddles behind steering providing shortened gear ratio in synchronization to the
engine performance
3. Aerodynamic shape supporting faster speed
4. Very light alloy used in manufacturing providing structural firmness
1. Small and niche segment of expensive sports cars means limited market share
2.Doesn’t have a strong presence in emerging economies despite having a great market potential
1. Increasing pride in owning Ferrari car
2. Increasing demand in the elite class
3. Leveraging the owners group network to reach potential customers
4. Augmenting the distribution and service network
1. Various custom policies in some countries making purchase a long & tiring procedure
2. Increasing expectation from customers might not be met
3. Product innovations and frugal engineering by competitors
Strategy objectives:
-Increase usage of electric energy instead of fuel
-Decrease cost of car and traveling
-Increase shape design to save energy
Strategy for developing:
-Design electric battery engine more effective than fuel
-Design light-weight car which is easier for engine to handle
-Design aerodynamic shape which will reduce resistant forces
Organization: Auto Company ,,Ferrari''
Portfolio C: Safe cars
Mission: ,,Drive more safely, live much longer''
Core Values:
Vision for 10 years: To be the company that will produce 3 million samples of the race motorcycles.
Vision for 20 years: Company will expand and open its new outposts productions in new regions or
continents where exists high level of unsafe roads.
Vision for 30 years: By production of this kind of cars, company expect less accidents on the roads.
That’s the way,among the others, how company can attract new customers to buy this new trend and
SWOT Analysis:
1. A 4 safety seat coupe providing superior engine performance
2. Stylish and luxurious exteriors as well as interiors
3. New intelligent shape supporting safe speed
4. Strong as well as safe road presence
1. Lack of experienced service professionals in many countries
2. Might not be able to meet road & traffic conditions in many markets like in Bosnia villages
3.Might not provide fast speed like other models of Ferrari
1. Increasing pride in owning safe Ferrari car
2. Prevent car accidents
3. Opportunity of longer durability of this kind of cars
1. Various custom policies in some countries making purchase with more procedure ‘cause of testing
2. Because of the upgrading of the new technologies in structure of safe cars, the price might be
unfavourable for not all customers
3. Product innovations and frugal engineering by competitors
Strategy objectives:
- Increase the safety for drivers
-Providing strength of cars with resistive materials
-Electronic stability
Strategy for developing
Increase the safety for drivers - In the event of a crash, improved seat belts are designed to keep
driver inside the vehicle.
- Super-special airbag will reduce the risk that driver will collide with the steering wheel, dashboard, or
- Organizing new testing experiment for performance of super-special airbag.
Providing strength of cars with resistive materials – Usage of light-weight alloy for shell of cars
- Providing dispersion of glass in case of accident. It means, this strategy will comprise the including of
high ductile glass within the structure of safe car.
Electronic stability - Use electronic like safety systems (prevent driving if belts is not used)

-Electronic for fire protection

-Use electronic for GPS

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