Entrevista Kishimoto

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kishi eligio a un naruto y shinobis coloridos porq al contrario de los de verdad era mas apropiado

para un shonen de la jump

en el gaiden y boruto hay avance en tecno porq las fondos q nantes eran para la guerra ahora se
destinan para otras cosas

kishi realzo varios intentos de hacer un manga hit antes de naruto


That would be interesting to read! With Naruto, you've created a very rich universe with many
characters, and you just did a Seventh Hokage and the Scarlet Spring side story, the Boruto
movie, which you wrote the screenplay for, and there's also the Kakashi Hiden side-story novel
that Viz Media is also publishing. That's a lot to enjoy, but are these sequel stories the last of
your Naruto stories, or do you think there's more stories left to tell? Or after 15 years, are you
just DONE with Naruto? (laughs)

There are infinite possibilities right now. If I decide that I want to do more Naruto stories,
perhaps I will, perhaps I won't. That said, there is nothing firmly in the works at this time. Just
that there is always the possibility…

I see! So I guess Naruto fans can keep their hopes alive to see more someday, maybe.


Did you expect such a divided reaction (in the U.S. at least) when you revealed whom Naruto
marries in the future?

I actually didn't realize I caused such controversy.

Really? You had no idea?

Mari Morimoto:

So the fans wanted Naruto to get together with Sakura?

Well, there's definitely camps of fans who felt that way, and there were also those that were
very happy he ended up with Hinata. But there were quite passionate opinions on both sides!

I almost caused a rift in my own household too, because my wife was very upset also that Naruto
didn't get together with Sakura. In fact, she complained quite vehemently to me!

Jo Otsuki:

Quite few of the female staff at Studio Pierrot that produces the anime, apparently were also

Whoah. So how did you handle that, especially with your wife?

I tried to defuse the situation by assuring my wife that SHE was actually the model for Hinata.

As you were saying that, I thought, I wonder if your family life was more like Hinata and Naruto's
family or Sasuke and Sakura's? (everyone laughs)

Masashi Kishiimoto: Well… it might not actually be like either. My wife is quite strong as well,
she's a strong character.

Oh, so kind of like Sakura!

So I think my wife might secretly realize that Hinata wasn't really the model for her… (laughs)

Did you decide this early on, that Hinata and Naruto would get together in the end, or when…?

From the middle, actually.

From the middle of the story? Hm! What sealed this decision for you?

I think what made me realize it was partly because, if you really look back and think about it,
Hinata always supported and acknowledged Naruto, even before Master Iruka. She had the
ability to see beyond his reputation and see the true person inside. I think I started realizing that
they were meant to be.

I wanted to say it might not be so long until my next series to appear as my answer implied!
After I spend enough time with my kids, they might be like typical kids and say stuff like, 'Okay
Dad, you can go away now.' (laughs) So you might see my next series in the not-too-distant


nunca penso q duraria tanto pensaba q lo acabarian a la 10 semana, q es lo normal en up con

series no populares.

la jump queria q kishi alargara naruto, pero el fue decidido y dijo no hasta aca

kishi tenia completamente pensado el final desde siempre, hasgi madara brazos juntos tirados

ODA cuando acabo naruto se dio cuenta q su manga tambien se acabaria algun dia

el sueño de kS era siempre ir a la jump porq el crecio con la epoca dorada de jump con DB
seintseiya hokuto y sentia adoracion por la jump

orochimaru ahora es inmortal





kishi se encontro con sawyer77 y estaba muy feliz porq el siempre lo veia y por haberse
encontrado con una persona q esta detras de la pantalla, en el baño le pidio saing pero no se lo
dio porque le dio pena

a kishi le tomo 3 meses para el script de boruto

creo a kaguya para el final de naruto 4ta guerra

su fav es hinata, porque no es violenta , porque sakura es......

*pero ahora es prob de sasuke lololol

*pero no para en su casa lololol

se sorpendio x un fan le dijo q lo salvo naruto e evito q suicidara

hubiera querido darle mas historia a sakura sus padres....

creo a madara pensando en un sasuke mayor mucho mas dark y malvado

la mascara de tobi la hizo poq le dio flojera no era x jutsu, pero al final fue dificil


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