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EMPLOYEES’ STATE INSURANCE CORPORATION -Pehchan Card Insured Person: Hakam Malkan Singh Yadav [THIS CARD IS VALID up to 19/01/2017 “(WAndhaar number isnot entered) Insurance No.: 3413526184 |For extending te vakaty please get he Aacnaar numberof sel an ory Date of Registration : 21/12/2016 _,__ |seedod though Employersa of ESICHP portal or vt a Panenen Camp slong with tsi or giving Bio-matics/Photograph, YOUR REGISTRATION DETAILS [Employee Name: akam Makan Sigh Wodne ype of Disablty None ame of Fatner/Husbana: | ealkansingh yacav ate of Bian ovowse97 marital tats Unmarniod Condor Mate Indira nagar jo voed, mud west ‘nin nagrn rand, mand west Present Address 00080.Dist Mumba: Feemanont Aste 400080 Dist umes Cy Manarasira 00080 ‘City Maras, 00080 Jaacnaar A JAadhaar Status NA oisponsary 1 mr Nona “Current Employer Detala First Employer Detala [Employers Code No. :34000834690000969 Employers Code No. None [Sub Units Code Non Toe Sub Units Code No. one [Date ot Appeintment zareAOTe First insurance No. one ame of Employer BUILO ENTERPRISES ame of Employer: None "ROOM NO 2, RAWNATH CRAWL, [Adress of Employer

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