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This Report is the outcome result of survey camp of Madan Ashrit Memorial Technical
School (Kageswori Manahara, Gothatar-Kathmandu) carried by the Group B, which is held
up to the date of 2017-Nov-29 to 2017-Dec-05.

The purpose of this fieldwork was to make the each student independent to carry out the work
in real problem in the field. We think, the purpose is suitable for further work and which
make us to produce the report of the fieldwork in time. We are sincerely indebted to our
collage MAMTS, for providing opportunity to consolidate our theoretical and practical
knowledge in engineering surveying.

I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to Er. Niraj Pudasaini and Er. Sanjaya
Subedhi for their vital encouragement and support in the completion of this project report.
This survey camp meant a lot to me as it gave me a lot of field experience. I would like to
thank for, Mr. Manoj Khadka, who co-operated with me in the matter of guidance to
providing instruments.
I would like to express our sincere gratitude to our camp teacher for their helpful suggestions,
friendly behavior and guiding any time during the field work an also providing prompt
comments and rectification necessary before finalization of the report for their
valuable instructions, during the fieldwork, without which it was very difficult to do the work
in the field and to produce the report.

Our camp Instructor:-

1. Er. Niraj Pudasaini (Vice Principle)
2. Er. Sanjaya Subedi (Instructor)
3. Er. Ashma Pokhrel (Instructor)
4. Er. Nita Khadka (Instructor)
5. Er. Sushanta Subedi (Instructor)
6. Mr. Manoj Khadka (Store Keeper)
7. Mr. Anish Bomjom (Teaching Aid)

This Report on Survey Camp is the brief Description of the works that were done in the one weeks during the
election time. The main objective of this survey camp is to provide an opportunity to
consolidate and update the practical knowledge in engineering.
Surveying in the actual field condition and habituate to work in different environment with
different people. In this Survey Camp, We are supposed to survey a given plot in all its aspect and work
on road alignment, topographic map and bridge alignment with proper X-section, L-Section
and its topography fulfilling all technical requirements.
This Report includes the entire description of the practical carried out during the Survey Camp. It also includes
the profile and cross-sections at different points of the Road Alignment and Bridge Site Survey. Also, this
report includes the determination of various orientations and curve fitting problems.
This Report helps us in our further Engineering Practice. The number of problems and calculations done in
this report helps us to deal with the similar problems in our further Engineering practice. Every
effort has been taken to ensure the accuracy in this report. However some errors might have occurred. We will
be very much grateful to the viewers who go through this report for bringing such errors in our notice.
Furthermore we would be very thankful for the examiners or viewers for their suggestions in improving
this report.

Our Surveying Team:

1. Suman Jyoti
2. Sunita Khatiwada
3. Bishnu Pd. Bhandari
4. Dipesh Jung Shai
5. Dubdorje Tamang
6. Dhurba Thapa
7. Dinesh Moktan

Surveying is the science and art of determining the relative positions of above, on, or beneath
the surface of earth, and is the most important part of Civil Engineering. The
results of surveys are used to map the earth, prepare navigational charts, established property
boundaries. Develop data of land used and natural resource information etc. Further survey
maintains highways, railroads, buildings, bridges, tunnels, canals, dams and many more.

Thus, the objective of survey camp was to make us gain the experience in this field by
performing topographic survey in a large area, learning to propose road alignment and select
suitable site for bridge axis.
The report reflects the methodology, observations, and calculations made by thestudents in
the Camp with the corresponding drawings. The large portion of the course covered with
elements of topographic surveying, and then those of road alignment and bridge site survey f
follow it. The main objective of the Survey Camp organized for us is to take an opportunity
to consolidate and update our practical and theoretical knowledge in engineering surveying in
the actual field condition.

In this survey camp we have to prepare a topographic map of the given area, road and bridge
site survey fulfilling all technical requirements. In this regard, we are required to carry out the
necessary field works in our sub-group so that we will get opportunity to the decision on
planning and execution of field works for the preparation of topographic map, road alignment
and bridge site survey. This survey camp helps us to build in our confidence to conduct
engineering survey on required accuracy.

1 Introduction
1.1 Background………………………………………………………..…. 1-1
1.1.1 Location…………………………………………………….…... 1-1
1.1.2 Site………………………………………………………….…. 1-1
1.1.3 Topography and Geology…………………………………….…. 2-2
1.1.4 Rainfall, Climate and Vegetation………………………………..... 2-2
1.1.5 Description of Work……………………………………….……. 3-3
1.1.6 Works details and Schedule…………………………………….... 3-3
1.2 Introduction…………………………………………………………...4-4
1.2.1 Surveying………………………………………………………. 4-4
1.2.2 Defination of terms……………………………………………… 5-6

2 Topographic Surveying
2.1 Linear Measurement……………………………………………….... ….7-7
2.2 Theodolite Traversing ………………………………………….…........... 8-9
2.3 Methodology……………………………………………………….…..9-11
2.3.1 Balancing the Traverse………………………………………….10-11
2.3.2 Closing Error…………………………………………………... 11-11
2.4 Detailing……………………………………………………………... 11-11
2.5 Tachometry Detailing ……………………………………………..…. 12-13
2.6 Levelling…………………………………………………………....... 14-15
2.7 Contouring………………………………………………………...….15-16
2.8 Total Station……………………………………………………...…....17-18
2.9 Calculation…………………………………………………....…...…..19-47

3 Bridge Site Survey

3.1 Overview……………………………………………………………...49-49
3.2 Brief description of Area……………………………………………….50-50
3.3Technical Specifications………………………………………………..50-50
3.4 Methodology………………………………………………………….50-52
3.5 Calculation….…………………………………………………………53-60

4 Road Alignment Survey

4.1 Introduction……………………………………………………………61-61
4.2 Curves………………………………………………………………....61-62
4.3 Equipment Requried………………………………………..…………..62-62
4.4 Norms……………………………………………………………...….63-63
4.5 Methodology…………………………………………………………..63-65
4.6 Calculation…………………………………………………………….66-74
4.7 Comments and Conclusion……………………………………………..75-75

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