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General Relativity and Gravitation (GERG) pp808-gerg-462995 March 17, 2003 18:22 Style file version May 27, 2002

General Relativity and Gravitation, Vol. 35, No. 5, May 2003 (°

C 2003)

Nonlinear Connections and Nearly Autoparallel

Maps in General Relativity

Heinz Dehnen1 and Sergiu I. Vacaru2

Received January 3, 2003

We apply the method of moving anholonomic frames with associated nonlinear con-
nections to the (pseudo) Riemannian space geometry and examine the conditions when
locally anisotropic structures (Finsler like and more general ones) could be modeled in
the general relativity theory and/or Einstein–Cartan–Weyl extensions [1]. New classes
of solutions of the Einstein equations with generic local anisotropy are constructed.
We formulate the theory of nearly autoparallel (na) maps generalizing the conformal
transforms and formulate the Einstein gravity theory on na–backgrounds provided with
a set of na–map invariant conditions and local conservation laws. There are illustrated
some examples when vacuum Einstein fields are generated by Finsler like metrics and
chains of na–maps.

KEY WORDS: Anholonomic frame; Finsler metric; Einstein–Cartan–Weyl theory.


There have been constructed various classes of exact solutions of the Einstein
equations, in different dimensions, parametrized by off–diagonal metrics which
posses generic local anisotropy and depend on three and more variables [2]. They
describe anisotropic worm-hole and flux–tube configurations, Dirac–waves prop-
agating self–consistently with three dimensional solitons in anisotropic Taub NUT
spacetimes, static black ellipsoid/torus solutions with polarizations of constants
and a number of another nonlinear gravitational and matter field interactions and/or

1 Fachbereich Physik, Universität Konstanz, Postfach M 677, D–78457, Konstanz, Germany; e-mail:
2 Centro Multidisciplinar de Astrofisica - CENTRA, Departamento de Fisica, Instituto Supe-

rior Tecnico, Av. Rovisco Pais 1, Lisboa, 1049-001, Portugal; e-mail:;


0001-7701/03/0500-0807/0 °
C 2003 Plenum Publishing Corporation
General Relativity and Gravitation (GERG) pp808-gerg-462995 March 17, 2003 18:22 Style file version May 27, 2002

808 Dehnen and Vacaru

static configurations subjected to some anholonomic constraints. It should be em-

phasized that such solutions can be generated even in the framework of the general
relativity theory if the off–diagonal metrics and anholonomic frames are intro-
duced into consideration. The tangent Lorentz symmetry may be preserved for
a number of solutions which can be emphasized with respect to correspondingly
adapted tetrad (vierbein) bases. For certain models with reduction from higher to
lower dimensions the Lorentz symmetry may be violated in the bulk of for some
particular dimensions.
With respect to anisotropic cosmological scenaria, we note that there are pos-
sible effects when the anholonomic frames induce additional (to some anisotropic
matter distributions) local anisotropies which also may contribute to the cosmic
background radiation. In order to compare the anisotropic effects of two different
origins, it is necessary to perform a rigorous definition and analysis of fundamental
field equations with respect to anholonomic bases: we have dealings with models
with constrained dynamics and ‘mixed’ holonomic and anholonomic variables.
Theories of strings, gravity and matter field locally anisotropic interactions (in
brief, we shall use such terms as anisotropic gravity, anisotropic strings, anisotropic
spacetime and so on) have been elaborated following low energy limits of (super)
string theory when some anholonomic (super) frame and spinor structures with
associated nonlinear connections are emphasized [3]. Such effective models are
induced in a usual manner if the (super) frame (or, equivalently, vielbein) fields sat-
isfy some anholonomy conditions. In other turn, there were developed alternative
approaches to anisotropic spacetimes and gravity which are grounded on Finsler
geometry and generalizations without any connection to modern (super) gravity
and string theories [4, 5, 6, 7]. For instance, there is a subclass of models with
local anisotropy with violations of the local Lorentz invariance which is extended
to some transforms in Finsler geometry [8]. This introduces non infrequently the
misunderstanding that an ‘unusual’ relativity is presented in all Finsler like theo-
ries and lied to the misinterpretation that experimentally such Finsler spaces met
rather stringent constrains [9].
A surprising result is that Finsler like metrics and their generalizations could
be found as solutions of the Einstein equations in general relativity and higher
dimension gravity models (see [2] and Sections 2 and 8 in this work). The point
is to model various type of locally anisotropic structures by using anholonomic
frames on (pseudo) Riemannian spacetimes. This class of anisotropic spacetimes
are compatible with the paradigm of the Einstein–Lorentz–Poincare relativity and
physical interpretation of experiments in such curved spacetimes have to be adapted
with respect to anholonomic frames of reference.
The problem of equivalence of spaces with generalized metrics and connec-
tions was considered in a series of works by E. Cartan [5, 10] who developed an
unified approach to the Riemannian, affine and projective connection spaces, to
fiber bundles, Finsler and another type of curved spaces by using moving frames
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Nonlinear Connections and Nearly Autoparallel Maps in General Relativity 809

and differential forms. Paper [5] contains also the idea on nonlinear connection
(N–connection) associated to an anholonomic frame. The global definition of N–
connection is due to W. Barthel [11] and this concept was developed and applied
by R. Miron and M. Anastasiei [7] in their geometry of generalized Lagrange
and Finsler spaces modeled on vector and tangent bundles. The further geomet-
ric extensions and applications in physics are connected with anholonomic (su-
per) frames, metrics and connections in spinor spaces and superbundles provided
with N–connection structures and the geometry of locally anisotropic strings and
gravity [3].
The first purpose of this paper is to demonstrate that anholonomic frame struc-
tures with associated N–connections on (pseudo) Riemannian spacetimes display a
new ‘locally anisotropic’ picture of the Einstein gravity. Here is to be noted that the
elaboration of models with locally anisotropic interactions is considered to entail
great difficulties because of the problems connected with the definition of conser-
vation laws on spaces with local anisotropy. It will be recalled that, for instance,
in special relativity the conservation laws of energy–momentum type are defined
by the global group of automorphisms (the Poincare group) of the fundamen-
tal Minkowski spaces. For the (pseudo) Riemannian spaces one has only tangent
space’s automorphisms and for particular cases there are symmetries generated by
Killing vectors. No global or local automorphisms exist on generic anisotropic
spaces and in result of this fact the formulation of anisotropic conservation laws is
sophisticate and full of ambiguities. Nevertheless, we shall prove that a variant of
definition of energy–momentum values for gravitational and matter fields locally
anisotropic interactions is possible if we introduce moving frames and consider
that anisotropies are effectively modeled on (pseudo) Riemannian spacetimes.
The second aim of this paper is to develop a necessary geometric background
(the theory of nearly autoparallel maps, in brief, na–maps, and tensor integral
formalism on multispaces) for formulation and a detailed investigation of conser-
vation laws on locally isotropic and/or anisotropic curved spaces. We shall adapt
to anisotropic spacetimes the theory of na–maps of generalized affine spaces,
Einstein-Cartan and Einstein spaces, fibre bundles and different subclasses of gen-
eralizations of Finsler spaces, (see [12, 13, 14] and [15] as reviews of the second
author’s results published in some less accessible books and journals from former
URSS and Romania).
The problem of definition of the tensor integration as the inverse operation of
covariant derivation was posed and studied by A. Moór [16]. The tensor–integral
and bitensor formalism turned out to consist in a new approach to formulation
of conservation laws in general relativity [14, 15]. In order to extend the tensor–
integral constructions we proposed to take into consideration nearly autoparallel
and nearly geodesic [17, 15] maps (in brief, we write na–maps, ng–theory and
so on) which forms a subclass of local 1–1 maps of curved spaces with deforma-
tion of the connection and metric structures. The third purpose of this work is to
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810 Dehnen and Vacaru

synthesize the results on na–maps and multispace tensor integrals, to reformulate

them for anholonomic (pseudo) Riemannian spacetimes and to propose a variant
of definition of conservation laws and energy–momentum type values on locally
anisotropic spacetimes.
Our investigations are completed by giving some explicit examples of new
solutions of Einstein equations in general relativity which admit nearly autoparallel
maps and/or Finsler like structures.
The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 outlines the geometry of anholo-
nomic frames with associated nonlinear connection structures. The general criteria
when a Finsler like metric could be embedded into the Einstein gravity is formu-
lated. Section 3 is devoted to the theory of nearly autoparallel (na) maps of locally
anisotropic spacetimes. The classification of na–maps and corresponding invariant
conditions are given in Section 4. In Section 5 we define the nearly autoparallel
tensor–integral on locally anisotropic multispaces. The problem of formulation
of conservation laws on spaces with local anisotropy is studied in Section 6. We
present a definition of conservation laws for locally anisotropic gravitational fields
on na–images of locally anisotropic spaces in Section 7. Some new classes of
vacuum and non–vacuum solutions of the Einstein equations, induced by Finsler
like metrics, are constructed in Section 8. In Section 9 we illustrate how a class
of vacuum Einstein fields with Finsler like structures can be mapped via chains
of na–transforms to the flat Minkowski spacetime. The results are outlined in
Section 10.


We reformulate the Einstein gravity theory with respect to anholonomic

frames and associated nonlinear connections (N–connection) modelling m dimen-
sional local anisotropies in (pseido) Riemannian (n + m)–dimensional spacetimes.
Previous approaches based on the moving frame method (tetrads or vierbeins, in
four dimensions) considered in general relativity, metric–affine and gauge grav-
ity theories were developed without any relation to the N–connections formal-
ism (see, for instance, Refs. [18, 19, 20]). The N–connection geometry was for-
mally investigated in details in the framework of generalized Lagrange and Finsler
geometries modeled on vector and tangent bundle spaces [7] and with applications
to locally anisotropic spinor differential geometry and supergravity and super-
strings theories [3]. It was proven in a series of works [2] that the N–connection
method is an efficient method of constructing exact solutions of the Einstein equa-
tions parametrized by off–diagonal matrices, with some emphasized anisotropic
directions and/or imposed anholonomic constraints, or in order to develop self–
consistent relativistic theories with generic anisotropy, anisotropic distributions of
matter and field interactions, kinetic and thermodynamic processes on (pseudo)
Riemannian spacetimes.
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Nonlinear Connections and Nearly Autoparallel Maps in General Relativity 811

The purpose of this Section is to analyze gravity theories with mixed holo-
nomic and anholonomic variables and to demonstrate in which manner locally
anisotropic structures (Finsler like or more general ones) could be induced in
general relativity.

2.1. Anholonomy, Local Anisotropy, and Einstein Equations

In this work, spacetimes are modeled as smooth (i.e. class C ∞ ) (n + m)–

dimensional (pseudo) Riemannian manifolds V (n+m) being Hausdorff, paracom-
pact and connected. A spacetime V (n+m) is enabled with the fundamental structures
of a symmetric metric gαβ and of a linear, in general, nonsymmetric connection
0βγ (if we consider anholonomic frames, even the Levi–Civita connection became
nonsymmetric) defining the covariant derivation Dα which is chosen to satisfy the
metricity conditions Dα gβγ = 0. The indices of geometrical objects are given with
respect to a frame vector field δ α = (δ i , δ a ) and its dual δα = (δi , δa ). For instance,
a covariant–contravariant tensor Q is decomposed as
Q = Q βα δ α ⊗ δβ ,
where ⊗ is the tensor product. A holonomic frame structure on V (n+m) could be
stated by a local coordinate base
∂α = ∂/∂u α (1)
of usual partial derivatives and the dual basis
d α = du α , (2)
of usual differentials. An arbitrary holonomic frame eα could be related to a co-
ordinate one by a local linear transform eα = Aβα ∂β , for which the matrix Aβα is
nondegenerate and there are satisfied the holonomy conditions,
eα eβ − eβ eα = 0.
Let us consider a (n + m)–dimensional metric parametrized as
" #
gi j + Nia N bj h ab N ej h ae
gαβ = (3)
Nie h be h ab

with respect to a local coordinate basis (2), du α = (d x i , dy a ), where the Greek

indices run values 1, 2, . . . , n + m, the Latin indices i, j, k, . . . from the middle of
the alphabet run values 1, 2, . . . , n and the Latin indices from the beginning of the
alphabet, a, b, c, . . . run values 1, 2, . . . , m. The coefficients gi j = gi j (u α ), h ae =
h ae (u α ) and Nia = Nia (u α ) will be defined by a solution of the Einstein gravitational
field equations. The local coordinated on V (n+m) will be distinguished as u α =
(x i , y a ), or, in brief, u = (x, y).
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The metric (3) can be rewritten in a block (n × n) ⊕ (m × m) form

µ ¶
gi j (u α ) 0
gαβ = (4)
0 h ab (u α )
with respect to the anholonomic bases
µ ¶
δ δ ∂ ∂ ∂
δα = (δi , ∂a ) = α = δi = i = i − Nib (u α ) b , ∂a = a (5)
∂u ∂x ∂x ∂y ∂y
¡ ¢
δ β = (d i , δ a ) = δu β = d i = d x i , δ a = δy a = dy a + Nka (u α )d x k , (6)
where the coefficients N aj (u α ) from (5) and (6) are treated as the components of
an associated nonlinear connection, N–connection, structure [11, 7, 3].
A frame (local basis) structure δα on V (n+m) is characterized by its anholon-
omy coefficients wβγ defined by some relations
δα δβ − δβ δα = wαβ δγ . (7)
The rigorous mathematical definition of N–connection is based on the for-
malism of horizontal and vertical subbundles and on exact sequences in vector
bundles [11, 7]. In this work we introduce a N–connection as a distribution which
for every point u = (x, y) ∈ V (n+m) defines a local decomposition of the tangent
Tu V (n+m) = Hu V ⊕ Vu V
into horizontal, Hu V, and vertical (anisotropy), Vu V, subspaces which is given by
a set of coefficients N aj (u α ).
A N–connection is characterized by its curvature
∂ Nia ∂ N aj ∂ N aj b ∂ Ni
Äiaj = − + N b
− N . (8)
∂x j ∂xi i
∂ yb j
∂ yb
Here we note that the class of usual linear connections can be considered as a
particular case of N–connections when
N aj (x, y) = 0bj
(x)y b .
The elongation (by N–connection) of partial derivatives and differentials in
the adapted to the N–connection operators (5) and (6) reflects the fact that on the
(pseudo) Riemannian spacetime V (n+m) it is modeled a generic local anisotropy
characterized by anholonomy relations (7) when the anolonomy coefficients are
computed as follows
wikj = 0, wak j = 0, wia
= 0, wab
= 0, wab
= 0,
wiaj = −Äiaj , wab j = −∂a Nib , wia
= ∂a Nib .
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Nonlinear Connections and Nearly Autoparallel Maps in General Relativity 813

The frames (5) and (6) are locally adapted to the N–connection structure, define a
local anisotropy and are called adapted bases.
A N–connection structure distinguishes the geometrical objects into horizon-
tal and vertical components. Such objects are briefly called d–tensors, d–metrics
and d–connections. Their components are defined with respect to an adapted basis
of type (5), its dual (6), or their tensor products (d–linear or d–affine transforms of
such frames could also be considered). For instance, a covariant and contravariant
d–tensor Q, is expressed
Q = Q αβ δα ⊗ δ β = Q ij δi ⊗ d j + Q ia δi ⊗ δ a + Q bj ∂b ⊗ d j + Q ab ∂b ⊗ δ a .
In this paper, as a locally anisotropic spacetime (in brief, anisotropic space-
time) we shall consider a pseudo–Riemannian spacetime provided with a metric of
signature (−, +, +, +) (a permutation of signs being also possible) and provided
with an anholonomic frame basis defined by an associated N–connection structure
when the coefficients of the metric and N–connection are imposed to define the
Einstein equations.
A linear d–connection D on an anisotropic spacetime V (n+m)
Dδγ δβ = 0βγ (x, y)δα ,
is given by its h–v–components,
¡ ¢
0βγ = L ijk , L abk , C ijc , Cbc
Dδk δ j = L ijk δi , Dδk ∂b = L abk ∂a , D∂c δ j = C ijc δi , Dδc ∂b = Cbc
∂a .
A metric on V (n+m) with its coefficients parametrized as an ansatz (3) can be
written in distinguished form (4), as a metric d–tensor (in brief, d–metric), with
respect to an adapted base (6), i. e.
δs 2 = gαβ (u) δ α ⊗ δ β = gi j (x, y)d x i d x j + h ab (x, y)δy a δy b . (10)
Some N–connection, d–connection and d–metric structures are compatible if
there are satisfied the conditions
Dα gβγ = 0.
For instance, a canonical compatible d–connection
c α
¡c ¢
0βγ = L ijk ,c L abk ,c C ijc ,c Cbc

is defined by the coefficients of d–metric (10), gi j (x, y) and h ab (x, y) , and by the
coefficients of a N–connection,
L jk = g in (δk gn j + δ j gnk − δn g jk ),
c i
1 ¡ ¢
L bk = ∂b Nka + h ac δk h bc − h dc ∂b Nid − h db ∂c Nid ,
c a
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814 Dehnen and Vacaru

1 ik
C ijc = g ∂c g jk ,
c a
Cbc = h ad (∂c h db + ∂b h dc − ∂d h bc ) .
The coefficients of the canonical d–connection define a generalization for
anisotropic spacetimes of the well known Christoffel symbols. By a local lin-
ear nondegenerate transform to a coordinate frame we obtain the coefficients of
the usual (pseudo) Riemannian metric connection.
For a canonical d–connection (9) the components of canonical torsion,
T (δγ , δβ ) = Tβγ δα ,
α α α α
Tβγ = 0βγ − 0γβ + wβγ

are expressed via d–torsions

T.ijk = T jk
= L ijk − L ik j , i
T ja = C.i ja , Tai j = −C ija ,
T.ija = 0, a
T.bc = S.bc
= Cbc
− Ccb
, (12)
T.iaj = −Äiaj , a = ∂b Nia − L , a
T.ib = −

which reflects the anholonomy of the corresponding adapted frame of reference on

V (n+m) ; such torsions are induced effectively. With respect to holonomic frames
the d–torsions vanish.
For simplicity, hereafter, we shall omit the up left index “c” and consider only
connections and d–connections defined by compatible metric and N–connection
Putting the non–vanishing coefficients (9) into the formula for curvature
R(δτ , δγ )δβ = Rβγ τ δα ,
α α α α ϕ α α ϕ ϕ
Rβγ τ = δτ 0βγ − δγ 0βδ + 0βγ 0ϕτ − 0βτ 0ϕγ + 0βϕ wγ τ

we compute the components of canonical d–curvatures

jk = δk L .h j − δ j L .hk + L .h j L mk − L .hk L m j − C .ha Ä. jk ,
i i m i m i i a
jk = δk L .bj − δ j L .bk + L .bj L .ck − L .bk L .cj − C .bc Ä. jk ,
a a c a c a a c
¡ ¢
P j.ka = ∂k L i. jk + C.i jb T.ka
− δk C.i ja + L C.l ja − L l. jk
− L c.ak C.i jc ,
¡ ¢
Pb.ka = ∂a L c.bk +
c d
T.ka − δk
+ L
− L d.bk C.dac
− L d.ak C.bdc
S .ij.bc = ∂c C.i jb − ∂b C.i jc + C.hjb C.hc
− C.hjc C hb
.a = ∂d C.bc
− ∂c
+ C.bc
e a
C.ed −
e a .
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Nonlinear Connections and Nearly Autoparallel Maps in General Relativity 815

The Ricci d–tensor Rβγ = Rβγ α has the components

Ri j = Ri..kjk , .k
Ria = −2 Pia = −Pi.ka ,
.b .c
Rai = 1 Pai = Pa.ib , Rab = Sa.bc
and, in general, this d–tensor is non symmetric.
We can compute the scalar curvature R = g βγ Rβγ of a d-connection D,

R = R̂ + S, (14)
where R̂ = g i j Ri j and S = h ab Sab .
By introducing the values (13) and (14) into the usual Einstein equations
Rβγ − gβγ R = kϒβγ ,
written with respect to an adapted frame of reference, we obtain the system of field
equations distinguished by N–connection structure [7]:
Ri j − ( R̂ + S)gi j = kϒi j ,
2 (15)
Sab − ( R̂ + S)h ab = kϒab ,
Pai = kϒai ,
Pia = −kϒia ,
where ϒi j , ϒab , ϒai and ϒia are the components of the energy–momentum d–
tensor field ϒβγ which includes the cosmological constant terms and possible
contributions of d–torsions and matter, and k is the coupling constant.

2.2. Finsler Like Metrics in Einstein Gravity

In this subsection, we follow the almost Hermitian model of Finsler geome-

try [7] which in our case will be induced on a V 2n (pseudo) Riemannian spacetime.
Contrary to standard Finsler constructions we shall admit metrics of non–trivial
The locally anisotropic structure is modeled on the manifold T g V =
T V (n) \{0}, where \{0} means that there is eliminated the null cross–section of the
bundle projection τ : T V (n) → V (n) . There are considered d–metrics of type (10)
with identical (n × n)–dimensional blocks for both base and fiber components. On
T V (n) we can define a natural almost complex structure C(a) ,
C(a) (δi ) = −∂/∂ y i and C(a) (∂/∂ y i ) = δi ,
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where the elongated derivatives (5) and elongated differentials act on the bundle
T V being adapted to a nontrivial N–connection N = {N kj (x, y)} in T V and C(a)
−I. The pair (δs , C(a) ) defines an almost Hermitian structure on T
2 g V with an
associate 2–form
θ = h i j (x, y)δ i ∧ d x j
and the triad K 2n = (T V , δs 2 , C(a) ) is an almost Kählerian space. We can verify
that the canonical d–connection (9) satisfies the conditions
D X (δs 2 ) = 0, c D X (C(a) ) = 0
for any d–vector X on T V (n) and has zero hhh– and vvv–torsions (where h– and
v– denote the horizontal and vertical components).
The notion of Lagrange space [21, 7] was introduced as a generalization of
Finsler geometry in order to geometrize the fundamental concepts in mechanics. A
regular Lagrangian L(x i , y i ) on T V is defined by a continuity class C ∞ function
L : T V → IR for which the matrix

1 ∂2 L
h i j (x, y) = (16)
2 ∂ yi ∂ y j
has the rank n. A d–metric (10) with coefficients of form (16), a corresponding
canonical d–connection (9) and almost complex structure C(a) defines an almost
Hermitian model of Lagrange geometry.
Metrics h i j (x, y) of rank n and constant signature on T V which can not be
determined as a second derivative of a Lagrangian are considered in the so–called
generalized Lagrange geometry on T V (n) [7].
A subclass of metrics of type (16) consists from those where instead of a
regular Lagrangian one considers a Finsler metric function F on V (n) defined
as F : T V (n) → IR having the properties that it is of class C ∞ on T g V and only
continuous on the image of the null cross–section in T V (n) , the restriction of F on
T V is a positive function homogeneous of degree 1 with respect to the variables
y i , i. e.
F (x, λy) = λF (x, y) , λ ∈ IR,
and the quadratic form on IR2 , with coefficients
1 2 2
h i j (x, y) = ∂ F /∂ y i ∂ y j (17)
(see (10)) given on TgM, is non–degenerate and positive definite in standard Finsler
Very different approaches to Finsler geometry, its generalizations and appli-
cations are examined in a number of monographs [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 3, 15] considering
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Nonlinear Connections and Nearly Autoparallel Maps in General Relativity 817

that for such geometries the usual (pseudor) Riemannian metric interval
ds = gi j (x) d x i d x j
on a manifold M is changed into a nonlinear one
ds = F(x i , d x j ) (18)
defined by the Finsler metric F (fundamental function) on Tg M (it should be
noted an ambiguity in terminology used in monographs on Finsler geometry and
on gravity theories with respect to such terms as Minkowski space, metric function
and so on).
Geometric spaces with a ‘cumbersome’ variational calculus and a number
of curvatures, torsions and invariants connected with nonlinear metric intervals
of type (16) are considered as less suitable for purposes of the modern field and
particle physics.
In our approach to generalized Finsler geometries in (super) string, gravity
and gauge theories [3, 15] we advocated the idea that instead of usual geometric
constructions based on straightforward applications of derivatives of (17) fol-
lowing from a nonlinear interval (18) one should consider d–metrics (10) with
coefficients of necessity determined via an almost Hermitian model of a Lagrange
(16), Finsler geometry (17) and/or their extended variants. This way, synthezing the
moving frame method with the geometry of N–connections, we can investigate in a
unified manner a various class of higher and lower dimension gravitational models
with generic, or induced, anisotropies on some anholonomic and/or Kaluza–Klein
Now we analyze the possibility to include n–dimensional Finsler metrics into
2n–dimensional (pseudo) Riemannian spaces and formulate the general criteria
when a Finsler like metric could be imbedded into the Einstein theory.
Let consider on T V an ansatz of type (3) when
1 2 2 1
gi j = ∂ F∗ /∂ y i ∂ y j and h i j = ∂ 2 F 2 /∂ y i ∂ y j
2 2
 2 2 
∂ F k l ∂2 F2 l ∂2 F2
1  ∂ y i ∂ y∗ j + Ni N j ∂ y k ∂ yl N j ∂ y k ∂ yl 
gα̂β̂ = . (19)
Nik ∂∂y kF∂ yl ∂2 F2
2 2
∂ yi ∂ y j

A metric gα̂β̂ of signature (−, +, . . . , +) induced by two Finsler functions F∗ and

F (17) (as a particular case F∗ = F) is to be treated in the framework of general
relativity theory if this metric is a solution of the Einstein equations on a 2n–
dimensional (pseudo) Riemannian spacetime written with respect to a holonomic
frame. Here we note that, in general, a N–connection on a Finsler space, subjected
to the condition that the induced (pseudo) Riemannian metric is a solution of usual
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Einstein equations, does not coincide with the well known Cartan’s N–connection
in Finsler geometry [5, 6]. In such cases we have to examine possible compatible
deformations of N–connection structures [7].
We can also introduces ansatzs of type (3) with gi j and h i j induced by a
Lagrange quadratic form (16). In Section 8 we shall construct solutions of the
Einstein equations following from an ansatz for a generalized Finsler metric,
à 2 2 !
1 ∂∂y i ∂Fy∗ j + Nik N lj 3i j N lj 3kl
gα̂β̂ = , (20)
2 Nik 3kl 3i j
where the 2 × 2 matrix 3 is induced by a Finsler metric via a transform
∂2 F2
3kl = (C T )ki (C) jl , (21)
∂ yi ∂ y j
parametrized by a 2 × 2 matrix (C)(x i , y k ) and its transposition (C T )(x i , y k ). A
general approach to the geometry of spacetimes with generic local anisotropy can
be developed on imbeddings into corresponding Kaluza–Klein theories and ade-
quate modeling of locally anisotropic interactions with respect to anholonomic or
holonomic frames and associated N–connection structures. As a matter of princi-
ple every type of Finsler, Lagrange or generalized Lagrange geometry could be
modeled on a corresponding Kaluza–Klein spacetime.


The aim of this Section is to formulate the theory of nearly geodesic maps
(in brief, ng–maps) [17] and nearly autoparallel maps (in brief, na–maps) [de-
fined for metric affine space [22] and for anisotropic (super) spaces [15, 22] for
(pseudo) Riemannian spacetimes provided with anholonomic frame and associated
N–connection structures.
Our geometric arena consists from pairs of open regions (U, U ) of two locally
anisotropic spacetimes, U ⊂V (n+m) and U ⊂V (n+m) , and necessary 1–1 local maps
f : U →U given by some functions f α (u) of smoothly class C r (U ), (r > 2, or
r = ω for analytic functions) and their inverse functions f α (u) with corresponding
non–zero Jacobians in every point u∈U and u∈U .
We consider that two open regions U and U are attributed to a common
for f–map coordinate system if this map is realized on the principle of coordinate
equality q(u α )→q(u α ) for every point q∈U and its f–image q∈U . We note that
all calculations included in this work will be local in nature and taken to refer
to open subsets of mappings of type ξ ⊃ U −→ f
U ⊂ξ . For simplicity, we suppose
that in a fixed common coordinate system for U and U the spacetimes V (n+m) and
V (n+m) are characterized by a common N–connection structure, when
N aj (u) = N aj (u) = N aj (u),
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Nonlinear Connections and Nearly Autoparallel Maps in General Relativity 819

which leads to the possibility to establish common local bases, adapted to a given
N–connection, on both regions U and U . We consider that on V (n+m) it is defined
a linear d–connection structure with components 0.βγ . On the space V (n+m) the
linear d–connection is considered to be a general one with torsion
T α.βγ = 0 α.βγ − 0 α.γβ + w.βγ

and nonmetricity
K αβγ = D α g βγ .

As a particular case we can consider maps to (pseudo) Riemannian spacetimes,

when K αβγ = 0.
Geometrical objects on V (n+m) are specified by underlined symbols (for ex-
ample, Aα , B αβ ) or by underlined indices (for example, Aa , B ab ).
For our purposes it is convenient to introduce auxiliary symmetric d–connec-
α α
tions, γ.βγ = γ.γβ on V (n+m) and γ α.βγ = γ α.γβ on V (n+m) defined, correspondingly,
α α α
0.βγ = γ.βγ + T.βγ and 0 α.βγ = γ α.βγ + T α.βγ .

We are interested in definition of local 1–1 maps from U to U characterized

by symmetric, P.βγ , and antisymmetric, Q α.βγ , deformations:
γ α.βγ = γ.βγ
α α
+ P.βγ (22)

T α.βγ = T.βγ
+ Q α.βγ . (23)
The auxiliary linear covariant derivations induced by γ.βγ and γ α.βγ are denoted
respectively as (γ ) D and (γ ) D.
Curves on U are parametrized
u α = u α (η) = (x i (η), y i (η)), η1 < η < η2 ,
where the corresponding tangent vector fields are defined
µ i ¶
α du α d x (η) dy j (η)
v = = , .
dη dη dη
Definition 1. A curve l is called auto parallel, a–parallel, on V (n+m) if its tangent
vector field v α satisfies the a–parallel equations
v Dv α = v β (γ )
D β v α = ρ(η)v α , (24)
where ρ(η) is a scalar function on V (n+m) .
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820 Dehnen and Vacaru

Let a curve l⊂ξ be given in parametric form u α = u α (η), η1 < η < η2 with
the tangent vector field v α = du dη
6= 0. We suppose that a 2–dimensional distribu-
tion E 2 (l) is defined along l, i.e. in every point u∈l a 2-dimensional vector space
E 2 (l)⊂ξ is fixed. The introduced distribution E 2 (l) is coplanar along l if every
vector p α (u b(0) )⊂E 2 (l), u (0) ⊂l rests contained in the same distribution after parallel
transports along l, i.e. p α (u β (η))⊂E 2 (l).
Definition 2. A curve l is called nearly autoparallel, or, in brief, na–parallel,
on the spacetime V (n+m) if a coplanar along l distribution E 2 (l) containing the
tangent to l vector field v α (η), i.e. v α (η)⊂E 2 (l), is defined.
We can define nearly autoparallel maps of anisotropic spacetimes as an
anisotropic generalization of the constructions for the locally isotropic spaces
(see ng–[17] and na–maps [12, 15]):
Definition 3. Nearly autoparallel maps, na–maps, of locally anisotropic space-
times are defined as local 1–1 mappings V (n+m) →V (n+m) which change every
a–parallel on V (n) into a na–parallel on V (n+m) .
Now we formulate the general conditions when some deformations (22) and
(23) characterize na-maps:
Let an a-parallel l⊂U is given by some functions u α = u (α) (η), v α = du

η1 < η < η2 , satisfying the equations (24). We suppose that to this a–parallel
corresponds a na–parallel l ⊂ U given by the same parameterization in a common
for a chosen na–map coordinate system on U and U . This condition holds for the
vectors v α(1) = v Dv α and v(2)
α α
= v Dv(1) satisfying the equality
v α(2) = a(η)v α + b(η)v α(1) (25)
for some scalar functions a(η) and b(η) (see Definitions 2 and 3). Putting the
splittings (22) and (23) into the expressions for v α(1) and v α(2) from (25) we obtain:
¡ ¢
v β v γ v δ Dβ P.γα δ + P.βτ
P.γτ δ + Q α.βτ P.γτ δ = bv γ v δ P.γα δ + av α , (26)
b(η, v) = b − 3ρ, and a(η, v) = a + bρ − v b ∂b ρ − ρ 2 (27)
are called the deformation parameters of na–maps.
The algebraic equations for the deformation of torsion Q α.βτ should be written
as the compatibility conditions for a given nonmetricity tensor K αβγ on V (n+m)
(or as the metricity conditions if the d–connection D α is required to be metric):
Dα G βγ − P.α(β G γ )δ − K αβγ = Q δ.α(β G γ )δ , (28)
where ( ) denotes the symmetrical alternation.
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Nonlinear Connections and Nearly Autoparallel Maps in General Relativity 821

So, we have proved this

Theorem 1. The na–maps from an anisotropic spacetime V (n+m) to an
anisotropic spacetime V (n+m) with a fixed common nonlinear connection struc-
ture, N aj (u) = N aj (u), and given d–connections, 0.βγ on V (n+m) and 0 α.βγ on
V (n+m) , are locally parametrized by the solutions of equations (26) and (28) for
every point u α and direction v α on U ⊂V (n+m) .
We call (26) and (28) the basic equations for na–maps of locally anisotropic
spacetimes. They generalize the corresponding Sinyukov’s equations [17] which
were introduced for isotropic spaces provided with symmetric affine connection
structure, hold for generalized Finsler metrics modeled on vector and tangent
bundle spaces and consist a particular case of the na–maps of (super) vector bundles
provided with N–connection structures [15, 12].


Na–maps are classified on possible polynomial parametrizations on variables

v α of deformations parameters a and b, see formulas (26) and (27)).
Theorem 2. There are four classes of na–maps characterized by corresponding
deformation parameters and tensors and basic equations:
1. for na(0) –maps, π(0) –maps,
Pβγ (u) = ψ(β δγα)
(δβα is Kronecker symbol and ψβ = ψβ (u) is a covariant vector d–field);
2. for na(1) –maps
a(u, v) = aαβ (u)v α v β , b(u, v) = bα (u)v α
and P.βγ (u) is the solution of equations
δ τ δ τ δ δ δ
D(α P.βγ ) + P(αβ P.γ )τ − P(αβ Q .γ )τ = b(α P.βγ ) + a(αβ δγ ) ; (29)
3. for na(2) –maps
bαβ v α v β
a(u, v) = aβ (u)v β , b(u, v) = , σα v α 6=0,
σα (u)v α
τ τ τ
P.αβ (u) = ψ(α δβ) + σ(α Fβ)
and Fβα (u) is the solution of equations
D(γ Fβ) + Fδα F(γδ σβ) − Q α.τ (β Fγτ) = µ(β Fγα) + ν(β δγα) (31)
(µβ (u), νβ (u), ψα (u), σα (u) are covariant d–vectors);
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822 Dehnen and Vacaru

4. for na(3) –maps

αβγ δ v β v γ v δ
b(u, v) = ,
σαβ v α v γ
P.βγ (u) = ψ(β δγα) + σβγ ϕ α ,
where ϕ α is the solution of equations
Dβ ϕ α = νδβα + µβ ϕ α + ϕ γ Q α.γ δ , (33)
αβγ δ (u), σαβ (u), ψβ (u), ν(u) and µβ (u) are d–tensors.
Proof. We sketch the proof respectively for every point in the theorem:
1. It is easy to verify that a–parallel equations (24) on V (n+m) transform into
similar ones on V (n+m) if and only if deformations (22) with deformation
d–tensors of type P α βγ (u) = ψ(β δγα) are considered.
2. Using corresponding to na(1) –maps parametrizations of a(u, v) and b(u, v)
(see conditions of the theorem) for arbitrary v α 6= 0 on U ∈ V (n+m) and
after a redefinition of deformation parameters we obtain that equations
(29) hold if and only if P α βγ satisfies (22).
3. In a similar manner we obtain basic na(2) –map equations (31) from (26)
by considering na(2) –parametrizations of deformation parameters and d–
4. For na(3) –maps we mast take into consideration deformations of torsion
(23) and introduce na(3) –parametrizations for b(u, v) and P α βγ into the ba-
sic na–equations (26). The resulting equations, for na(3) –maps, are equiva-
lent to equations (33) (with a corresponding redefinition of deformation pa-
rameters). ♦
We point out that for π(0) -maps we have not differential equations on P.βγ (in
the isotropic case one considers a first order system of differential equations on
metric [17]; we omit constructions with deformation of metric in this Section).
To formulate invariant conditions for reciprocal na–maps (when every a-
parallel on V (n+m) is also transformed into na–parallel on V (n+m) ) it is convenient
to introduce into consideration the curvature and Ricci tensors defined for auxiliary
connection γ.βγ :
.δ ρ
rα.βτ = ∂[β γ.τδ ]α + γ.ρ[β
γ.τ ]α + γ δ αφ wφ βτ

and, respectively, rατ = rα.γ τ , where [ ] denotes antisymmetric alternation of
indices, and to define the values:
µ µ µ 1 ¡ µ δ µ δ ¢
T.αβ = 0.αβ − T.αβ − δ(α 0.β)δ − δ(α T.β)γ ,
(n + m + 1)
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Nonlinear Connections and Nearly Autoparallel Maps in General Relativity 823

·τ ·τ 1 £ τ τ ϕ ¡
Wα·βγ = rα·βγ + γ·ϕτ δ(α w β)γ − δατ r[γβ] + δγτ r[αβ]
¢¤ 1 £ τ¡ τ ϕ ¢
− δβτ r[αγ ] − δα 2γ·ϕτ w [γβ] − γ·ττ [γ wϕ β]ϕ
(n + m + 1)2
¡ τ ϕ ¢ ¡ τ ϕ ¢¤
+ δγτ 2γ·ϕτ τ
w αβ − γ·ατ wϕ βϕ − δβτ 2γ·ϕτ w αγ − γ·ατ τ
wϕ γ ϕ ,

δ δ 1 ¡ γ ¢£ τ
T .αβ = γ.αβ + δα − ²ϕ δ qα γ.βτ + ²ϕ τ (γ ) D β qτ
1 ¡ ¢¤
+ qβ ²ϕ τ γ.τλ λ + ϕ λ ϕ τ (γ ) D τ qλ + ²ϕ τ (γ ) D β qτ
1 ¡ δ ¢£ τ
− δ − ²ϕ δ qβ γ.ατ + ²ϕ τ (γ ) D α qτ
n+m β
1 ¡ ¢¤
+ qα ²ϕ τ γ.τλ λ + ϕ λ ϕ τ (γ ) D τ qλ ,

α .α α .τ
¡ α α
W .βγ δ = ρβ.γ δ + ²ϕ qτ ρβ.γ δ + δδ − ²ϕ qδ pβγ
¡ ¢ ¡ ¢
− δγα − ²ϕ α qγ pβδ − δβα − ²ϕ α qβ p[γ δ] ,

1 £ .τ
(n + m − 2) pαβ = −ραβ − ²qτ ϕ γ ρα.βγ

+ ρ − ²qτ ϕ γ ργ.τ.βα
n + m τ.βα
¡ ¤¢
+ ²qβ ϕ τ ρατ + ²qα −ϕ γ ρτ.βγ

+ ²qτ ϕ γ ϕ δ ργ.τ.βδ ,
where qα ϕ α = ² = ±1,
1¡ ¢
ρ α βγ δ = rβ·γ
δ +
ψ(β δϕ) + σβϕ ϕ τ wϕ γ δ
and ραβ = ρ·αβτ .
For similar values on V (n+m) we write, for instance,
1¡ ¢ ¢
ρ α·βγ δ = r ·α
β·γ δ −
ψ(β δϕ) − σβϕ ϕ τ w ϕ γ δ
and note that (0) T α.βγ ,(0) W ν.αβγ , T̂.βγ
α α
, Ť.βτ δ
, Ŵ.αβγ δ
, W̌.αβγ ,(3) T δ.αβ , (3)
W α.βγ δ are
given, correspondingly, by auxiliary connections 0 .αβ ,
?γ α.βλ = γ.βλ
+ ² Fτα (γ ) D (β Fλ)τ , α
γ̌.βλ =e α
γ.βλ + ² Fτλ e
D(β Fλ)τ ,
α α
γ.βτ = γ.βτ + σ(β Fτα) , α
γ̂.βλ = ?γ α.βλ + e α
σ(β δλ) ,
σβ = σα Fβα .
where e
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824 Dehnen and Vacaru

Theorem 3. Four classes of reciprocal na–maps of locally anisotropic space-

times are characterized by corresponding invariant criterions:
1. for a–maps
µ µ
T.αβ = (0) T .αβ ,
W.αβγ = (0) W δ.αβγ ;
2. for na(1) –maps
¡ δ
3 (γ ) D λ P.αβ + P.τδ λ P.αβ
τ .δ
= r(α.β)λ − r .δ(α.β)λ
£ ¤
+ T.τδ (α P.βλ)
+ Q δ.τ (α P.βλ)
τ δ
+ b(α P.βλ) δ
+ δ(α aβλ) ; (35)
3. for na(2) –maps
T̂.βτ = ?T α.βτ ,
Ŵ.αβγ = ?W δ.αβγ ;
4. for na(3) –maps
T.βγ = (3) T α.βγ ,
α (3) α
δ = W .βγ δ .
1. Let us prove that the a–invariant conditions (34) hold. Deformations of
d–connections of type
γ µ·αβ = γ µ αβ + ψ(α δβ) (38)

define a–applications. Contracting indices µ and β we can write

1 ³ ´
ψα = γ β αβ − γ β αβ . (39)
Introducing the d–vector ψα into previous relation and expressing
γ α βτ = −T α βτ + 0 α βτ
and similarly for underlined values we obtain the first invariant conditions
from (34). Putting deformation (38) into the formulas for r ·τα·βγ and r αβ =
r ·τατβτ we obtain respectively the relations
r ·τα·βγ − rα·βγ
= δατ ψ[γβ] + ψα[β δγτ ] + δ(α
ψϕ) wϕ βγ (40)
r αβ − rαβ = ψ[αβ] + (n + m − 1)ψαβ + ψϕ w ϕ βα + ψα wϕ βϕ , (41)
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Nonlinear Connections and Nearly Autoparallel Maps in General Relativity 825


ψαβ = (γ ) Dβ ψα − ψα ψβ .

Putting (38) into (40) and (41) we can express ψ[αβ] as

1 2
ψ[αβ] = r + γ τ wϕ [αβ]
n + m + 1 [αβ] n + m + 1 ·ϕτ
¸ ·
1 1
− γ τ·τ [α wϕ β]ϕ − r[αβ]
n+m+1 n+m+1
2 1
+ γ τ ϕτ w ϕ [αβ] − γ τ τ [α w ϕ β]ϕ . (42)
n+m+1 n+m+1
To simplify our consideration we can choose an a–transform, parametriz-
ed by corresponding ψ–vector from (38), (or fix a local coordinate cart)
the antisymmetrized relations (38) to be satisfied by d–tensor
1 2 1
ψαβ = r αβ + γ τ·ϕτ wϕ αβ − γ τ wϕ βϕ
n+m+1 n+m+1 n + m + 1 ·ατ
2 τ ϕ 1 τ ϕ
− rαβ − γ w αβ + γ w βϕ (43)
n + m + 1 ϕτ n + m + 1 ατ
Introducing expressions (38), (42) and (43) into deformation of curvature
(39) we obtain the second condition from (34) of a-map invariance:
Wα·βγ = (0) W ·δα·βγ ,

where the Weyl d–tensor on V (n+m) is defined as

1 h ¡ ¢i
W ·τα·βγ = r ·τα·βγ + γ τ·ϕτ δ(α
w ϕ β)γ − δατ r [γβ] + δγτ r [αβ] − δβτ r [αγ ]
1 h ³ ´
τ τ ϕ τ ϕ
− δ α 2γ ·ϕτ
w [γβ] − γ ·τ [γ
w β]ϕ
(n + m + 1)2
³ ´ ³ ´i
+ δγτ 2γ τ·ϕτ wϕ αβ − γ τ·ατ wϕ βϕ − δβτ 2γ τ·ϕτ w ϕ αγ − γ τ·ατ wϕ γ ϕ .

2. To obtain na(1) –invariant conditions we rewrite na(1) –equations (29) as to

consider in explicit form covariant derivation (γ ) D and deformations (22)
and (23):
2 (γ ) Dα P δ βγ + (γ ) Dβ P δ αγ + (γ ) Dγ P δ αβ + P δ τ α P τ βγ + P δ τβ P τ αγ
+P δ τ γ P τ αβ = T δ τ (α P τ βγ ) + H δ τ (α P τ βγ ) + b(α P δ βγ ) + a(αβ δγδ ) . (44)
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826 Dehnen and Vacaru

Alternating the first two indices in (44) we have

¡ ¡
2 r ·δ(α·β)γ − r ·δ ¢ ) = 2 (γ ) Dα P δ βγ + (γ ) Dβ P δ αγ − 2(γ ) Dγ P δ αβ
(α·β γ
+P δ τ α P τ βγ + P δ τβ P τ αγ − 2P δ τ γ P τ αβ .
Substituting the last expression from (44) and rescaling the deformation
parameters and d–tensors we obtain the conditions (29).
3. Now we prove the invariant conditions for na(0) –maps satisfying condi-
² 6= 0 and ² − Fβα Fαβ 6= 0
Let define the auxiliary d–connection
γ̃·βτ = γ α·βτ − ψ(β δτα) = γ α βτ + σ(β Fτα) (45)
and write
D̃γ = (γ ) Dγ Fβα + σ̃γ Fβα − ²σβ δγα ,
where σ̃β = σα Fβα , or, as a consequence from the last equality,
¡ ¢
σ(α Fβ) = ² Fλτ (γ ) D(α Fβ)
α λ
− D̃(α Fβ) τ
+ σ̃( αδβ) .
Introducing the auxiliary connections
?γ α·βλ = γ·βλ
+ ² Fτα (γ ) D(β Fλ)τ , γ̌·βλ
α α
= γ̃·βλ + ² Fτα D̃(β Fλ)τ
we can express the deformation (45) in a form characteristic for a–maps:
γ̂·βγ = ?γ α·βγ + σ̃(β δλ)
. (46)
Now it’s obvious that na(2) –invariant conditions (46) are equivalent with
a–invariant conditions (34) written for d–connection (46). As a matter
of principle we can write formulas for such na(2) –invariants in terms of
“underlined” and “non–underlined” values by expressing consequently
all used auxiliary connections as deformations of “prime” connections on
V (n+m) and “final” connections on V (n+m) . We omit such tedious calcula-
tions in this work.
4. Finally, we prove the last statement, for na(3) –maps, of this theorem. Let
qα ϕ α = e = ±1, (47)
where ϕ α is contained in
γ α·βγ = γ α βγ + ψ(β δγα) + σβγ ϕ α . (48)

Acting with operator (γ ) D β on (46) we write

(γ )
D β qα = (γ ) Dβ qα − ψ(α qβ) − eσαβ . (49)
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Nonlinear Connections and Nearly Autoparallel Maps in General Relativity 827

Contracting (48) with ϕ α we can express

¡ ¢
eϕ α σαβ = ϕ α (γ ) Dβ qα − (γ ) D β qα − ϕα q α qβ − eψβ .
Putting the last formula in (47) contracted on indices α and γ we obtain
¡ ¢
(n + m)ψβ = γ α·αβ − γ α αβ + eψα ϕ α qβ + eϕ α ϕ β (γ ) D β − (γ ) Dβ . (50)

From these relations, taking into consideration (46), we have

³ ´ ¡ ¢
(n + m − 1)ψα ϕ α = ϕ α γ α·αβ − γ α αβ + eϕ α ϕ β (γ ) D β qα − (γ ) Dβ qα

Using the equalities and identities (48) and (49) we can express the defor-
mations (47) as the first na(3) –invariant conditions from (37).
To prove the second class of na(3) –invariant conditions we introduce two
additional d–tensors:
1¡ ¢
ρ α βγ δ = rβ·γ
δ +
ψ(β δϕ) + σβϕ ϕ τ wϕ γ δ
1¡ ¢
ρ α·βγ δ = r ·α
β·γ δ −
ψ(β δϕ) − σβϕ ϕ τ wϕ γ δ . (51)
Using deformation (47) and (50) we write relation
α α α α α α
σ̃·βγ δ = ρ ·βγ δ − ρ·βγ δ = ψβ[δ δγ ] − ψ[γ δ] δβ − σβγ δ ϕ , (52)

ψαβ = (γ ) Dβ ψα + ψα ψβ − (ν + ϕ τ ψτ )σαβ ,
σαβγ = (γ ) D[γ σβ]α + µ[γ σβ]α − σα[γ σβ]τ ϕ τ .
Let multiply (51) on qα and write (taking into account relations (46)) the
eσαβγ = −qτ σ̃·αβδ + ψα[β qγ ] − ψ[βγ ] qα . (53)

The next step is to express ψαβ trough d–objects on V (n+m) . To do this we

contract indices α and β in (51) and obtain
(n + m)ψ[αβ] = −σ·ττ αβ + eqτ ϕ λ σ·λαβ
− eψ̃[α ψ̃β] .
Then contracting indices α and δ in (51) and using (52) we write
(n + m − 2)ψαβ = σ̃·αβτ − eqτ ϕ λ σ̃·αβλ
+ ψ[βα] + e(ψ̃β qα − ψ̂(α qβ) ),
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828 Dehnen and Vacaru

where ψ̂α = ϕ τ ψατ . If the both parts of (53) are contracted with ϕ α , it
results that
(n + m − 2)ψ̃α = ϕ τ σ·τλ αλ − eqτ ϕ λ ϕ δ σλαδ
− eqα ,
and, in consequence of σβ(γ δ) = 0, we have

(n + m − 1)ϕ = ϕ β ϕ γ σ·βγ

By using the last expressions we can write

(n + m − 2)ψ α = ϕ τ σ·τλ αλ − eqτ ϕ λ ϕ δ σ·λαδ
− e(n + m − 1)−1 qα ϕ τ ϕ λ σ·τδ λδ .
Contracting (53) with ϕ β we have
(n + m)ψ̂α = ϕ τ σ·ατ
λ + ψ̃α
and taking into consideration (54) we can express ψ̂α through σ·βγ δ.
As a consequence of (52)–(54) we obtain this formulas for d–tensor ψαβ :
(n + m − 2)ψαβ = σ·αβτ − eqτ ϕ λ σ·αβλ

1 τ
¡ ¢
+ − σ·τβα + eqτ ϕ λ σ·λβα
− qβ eϕ τ σ·ατ
λ λ δ τ
λ − qτ ϕ ϕ σ·αλδ + eqα
· ¸¾
e ¡ ¢
× ϕ λ σ·τβλ
− eqτ ϕ λ ϕ δ σ·λβδ
− qβ ϕ τ ϕ λ σ·τδ γ δ − eqτ ϕ λ ϕ δ ϕ ε σ·λδε

Finally, putting the last formula and (52) into (51) and after a rearrange-
ment of terms we obtain the second group of na(3) -invariant conditions
(37). If necessary we can rewrite these conditions in terms of geometrical
objects on V (n+m) and V (n+m) . To do this we mast introduce splittings (50)
into (37). ♦
For the particular case of na(3) –maps when ψα = 0, ϕα = gαβ ϕ β = δuδ α (ln Ä),
Ä(u) > 0 and σαβ = gαβ we define a subclass of conformal transforms
g αβ (u) = Ä2 (u)gαβ which, in consequence of the fact that d–vector ϕα must sat-
isfy equations (33), generalizes the class of concircular transforms (see [17] for
references and details on concircular mappings of Riemannian spaces).
We emphasize that the basic na–equations (29)–(33) are systems of first order
partial differential equations. The study of their geometrical properties and defini-
tion of integral varieties, general and particular solutions are possible by using the
formalism of Pfaff systems[10, 12, 15]. Here we point out that by using algebraic
methods we can always verify if systems of na–equations of type (29)–(33) are,
or not, involute, even to find their explicit solutions it is a difficult task (see more
detailed considerations for isotropic ng–maps in [17] and, on language of Pfaff
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Nonlinear Connections and Nearly Autoparallel Maps in General Relativity 829

systems for na–maps, in [15, 12]). We can also formulate the Cauchy problem
for na–equations on V (n+m) and choose deformation parameters (27) as to make
involute mentioned equations for the case of maps to a given background space
V (n+m) . If a solution, for example, of na(1) –map equations exists, we say that
the anisotropic spacetime V (n+m) is na(1) –projective to the anisotropic spacetime
V (n+m) . In general, we have to introduce chains of na–maps in order to obtain
involute systems of equations for maps (superpositions of na-maps) from V (n+m)
to V (n+m) :
ng<i 1 > ng<i 2 > ng<i k−1 > ng<i k >
U −→ U1 −→ · · · −→ Uk−1 −→ Uk = U ,
U ⊂ V (n+m) , U1 ⊂ V (n+m) 1 , . . . , Uk−1 ⊂ V (n+m) k−1 , Uk ⊂ V (n+m) k , U ⊂ V (n+m)
with corresponding splitting of auxiliary symmetric connections
γ α.βγ =<i1 > P.βγ
α α
+<i2 > P.βγ α
+ · · · +<ik > P.βγ

and torsion
T α.βγ = T.βγ
+<i1 > Q α.βγ +<i2 > Q α.βγ + · · · +<ik > Q α.βγ
where the indices < i 1 >= 0, 1, 2, 3, denote possible types of na–maps.
Definition 4. A locally anisotropic spacetime V (n+m) is nearly conformally
projective to the locally anisotropic spacetime V (n+m) , nc : V (n+m) →V (n+m) , if
there is a finite chain of na–maps from V (n+m) to V (n+m) .
For nearly conformal maps we formulate:
Theorem 4. For every fixed triples (N aj , 0.βγ , U ⊂ V (n+m) ) and (N aj , 0 α.βγ , U ⊂
V (n+m) ) and given components of nonlinear connection, d–connection and d–
metric being of class C r (U ), C r (U ), r > 3, there is a finite chain of na–maps
nc : U → U .
The proof is to performed by introducing a finite number of na-maps with
corresponding components of deformation parameters and deformation tensors in
order to transform step by step the coefficients of d-connection 0γαδ into the 0 αβγ ).
Now we introduce the concept of the Category of locally anisotropic space-
times, C(V (n+m) ). The elements of C(V (n+m) ) consist from objects
¡ ¢ © ª
ObC V (n+m) = V (n+m) , V (n+m) <i1 > , V (n+m) <i2 > , . . .
being locally anisotropic spacetimes, for simplicity in this work, hav-
ing common N–connection structures, and morphisms Mor C(V (n+m) ) =
{nc(V (n+m) <i1 > , V (n+m) <i2 > )} being chains of na–maps inter–relating locally
anisotropic spacetimes. We point out that we can consider equivalent models of
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830 Dehnen and Vacaru

physical theories on every object of C(V (n+m) ). One of the main purposes of the next
section is to develop a d–tensor and d–variational formalism on C(V (n+m) ), i.e. on
locally anisotropic multispaces, inter–related with nc–maps. Taking into account
the distinguished character of geometrical objects on locally anisotropic space-
times we call tensors on C(V (n+m) ) as distinguished tensors on locally anisotropic
spacetime Category, or dc–tensors.
Finally, we emphasize that the presented in this Section definitions and theo-
rems can be generalized for (super) vector bundles with arbitrary given structures
of nonlinear connection, linear d–connection and metric structures [15, 12].


The aim of this Section is to define the tensor integration not only for bitensors,
objects defined on the same curved space, but for dc–tensors, defined on two
spaces, V (n+m) and V (n+m) , even it is necessary on locally anisotropic multispaces.
A. Moór tensor–integral formalism [16] having a lot of applications in classical
and quantum gravity [23, 24, 14] was extended for locally isotropic multispaces
in [22]. The unispacial locally anisotropic version is given in [15, 12, 13].
Let Tu V (n+m) and Tu V (n+m) be tangent spaces in corresponding points u∈
U ⊂ V (n+m) and u∈U ⊂V (n+m) and, respectively, Tu∗ V (n+m) and Tu∗ V (n+m) be their
duals (in general, in this Section we shall not consider that a common coordinati-
zation is introduced for open regions U and U ). We call as the dc–tensors on the
pair of spaces (V (n+m) , V (n+m) ) the elements of distinguished tensor algebra
¡ ¢ ¡ ¢ ¡ ¢ ³ ´
⊗α Tu V (n+m) ⊗ ⊗β Tu∗ V (n+m) ⊗ ⊗γ Tu V (n+m) ⊗ ⊗δ Tu∗ V (n+m)

defined over the space V (n+m) ⊗ V (n+m) , for a given nc : V (n+m) → V (n+m) .
We admit the convention that underlined and non–underlined indices refer,
respectively, to the points u and u. Thus Q β.α , for instance, are the components of
dc–tensor Q∈Tu V (n+m) ⊗Tu V (n+m) .
Now, we define the transport dc–tensors. Let open regions U and U be homeo-
morphic to sphere R2(n+m) and introduce isomorphism µu,u between Tu V (n+m)
and Tu V (n+m) (given by map nc : U →U ). We consider that for every d–vector
v α ∈Tu V (n+m) corresponds the vector µu,u (v α ) = v α ∈Tu V (n+m) , with components
v α being linear functions of v α :

v α = h αα (u, u)v α , vα = h αα (u, u)vα ,

where h αα (u, u) are the components of dc–tensor associated with µ−1

u,u . In a similar
manner we have

v α = h αα (u, u)v α , vα = h αα (u, u)vα .

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Nonlinear Connections and Nearly Autoparallel Maps in General Relativity 831

In order to reconcile just presented definitions and to assure the identity

for trivial maps V (n+m) →V (n+m) , u = u, the transport dc-tensors must satisfy
h αα (u, u)h βα (u, u) = δαβ , h αα (u, u)h αβ (u, u) = δβ
α α
and lim(u→u) h α (u, u) = δα , lim(u→u) h αα (u, u) = δαα .
Let S p ⊂U ⊂V (n+m) is a homeomorphic to p-dimensional sphere and suggest
that chains of na–maps are used to connect the regions,

U nc(1) −→ S p nc(2) −→ U .
.γ .κ
Definition 5. The tensor integral in u∈S p of a dc–tensor Nϕ.τ .α1 ···α p (u, u), com-
pletely antisymmetric on the indices α 1 , . . ., α p , over domain S p , is defined as
.γ .κ .γ .κ
(u, u) = I(S ) Nϕ.τ .α1 ...α p (u, u)d S α1 ...α p

Z (56)
κ .γ .κ α 1 ···α p
= h ττ (u, u)h κ (u, u)Nϕ.τ .α1 ···α p (u, u)d S ,
(S p )

where d S α1 ···α p = δu α1 ∧· · ·∧δu αp .

Let suppose that transport dc–tensors h α and h αα admit covariant derivations
of order two and postulate existence of deformation dc–tensor Bαβ (u, u) satisfying
β ..γ β
Dα h β (u, u) = Bαβ (u, u)h γ (u, u) (57)

and, taking into account that Dα δγβ = 0,

β ..β γ
Dα h β (u, u) = −Bαγ (u, u)h β (u, u).
By using the formulas for torsion and, respectively, curvature of connection 0βγ we
can calculate next commutators:
γ ¡ ¢ γ
D[α Dβ] h γ = − Rγ.λ.αβ + T.αβτ
Bτ..λγ h λ . (58)

On the other hand from (57) one follows that

γ ¡ ..λ ..λ ..τ
¢ γ
D[α Dβ] h γ = D[α Bβ]γ + B[α|τ |. Bβ]γ . h λ , (59)

where |τ | denotes that index τ is excluded from the action of antisymmetrization

[ ]. From (58) and (59) we obtain
..λ ..λ
¡ .λ τ ..λ
D[α Bβ]γ . + B[β|γ | Bα]τ = Rγ .αβ + T.αβ Bτ γ . (60)
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Let S p be the boundary of S p−1 . The Stoke’s type formula for the tensor–
integral (56) is defined as
.γ .κ .γ .κ
I S p Nϕ.τ .α1 ...α p d S α1 ...α p = I S p+1 ?( p) D [γ | Nϕ.τ .|α1 ...α p ] d S γ α1 ...α p ,
?( p) .γ .κ .γ .κ
D [γ | Nϕ.τ .|α1 ...α p ] = D[γ | Nϕ.τ .|α1 ...α p ]
² .γ .κ ..² .γ .κ ..κ .γ .²
+ pT.[γ α1 | Nϕ.τ .²|α2 ...α p ] − B[γ |τ Nϕ.².|α 1 ...α p ] + B[γ |² Nϕ.τ .|α 1 ...α p ] .

We define the dual element of the hypersurfaces element d S j1 ... j p as

dSβ1 ...βq− p = ²β ...β α ...α d S α1 ...α p , (61)
p! 1 k− p 1 p
where ²γ1 ...γq is completely antisymmetric on its indices and
²12...(n+m) = |g|, g = det | gαβ| ,
.γ κ
gαβ is taken as the d–metric (10). The dual of dc–tensor Nϕ.τ .α1 ...α p is defined as
.γ .κβ ...β
the dc–tensor Nϕ.τ 1 n+m− p satisfying

.γ .κ 1 .γ .κβ 1 ...β n+m− p

Nϕ.τ .α1 ...α p = N ²β 1 ...β n+m− p α1 ...α p . (62)
p! ϕ.τ
Using (61) and (62) we can write
.γ .κ .γ .κβ 1 ...β n+m− p−1 γ
I S p Nϕ.τ .α1 ...α p d S α1 ...α p = p
D γ Nϕ.τ dSβ 1 ...β n+m− p−1 , (63)
S p+1

.γ .κβ 1 ...β n+m− p−1 γ .γ .κβ 1 ...β n+m− p−1 γ .γ .κβ 1 ...β n+m− p−1 γ
D γ Nϕ.τ = D γ Nϕ.τ − Bγ..²τ Nϕ.²
.γ .²β 1 ...β n+m− p−1 γ .|γ .κ|β 1 ...β n+m− p−1 ]γ
+ Bγ..κ² Nϕ.τ + (−1)(n+m− p) (n + m − p + 1)T.γ[²² Nϕ.τ .
To verify the equivalence of (62) and (63) we must take in consideration that
γ ]
Dγ ²α1 ...αk = 0 and ²β1 ...βn+m− p α1 ...α p ² β1 ...βn+m− p γ1 ...γ p = p!(n + m − p)!δα[γ11 · · ·δα pp .
The developed tensor integration formalism will be used in the next section for
definition of conservation laws on spaces with local anisotropy.


The definition of conservation laws on curved and/or locally anisotropic

spaces is a challenging task because of absence of global and local groups of
automorphisms of such spaces. Our main idea is to use chains of na–maps from
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Nonlinear Connections and Nearly Autoparallel Maps in General Relativity 833

a given, called hereafter as the fundamental, locally anisotropic spacetime to an

auxiliary one with trivial curvatures and torsions admitting a global group of au-
tomorphisms. The aim of this section is to formulate conservation laws for locally
anisotropic gravitational fields by using dc–objects and tensor–integral values, na–
maps and variational calculus on the Category of locally anisotropic spacetimes. R.
Miron and M. Anastasiei [7] calculated the divergence of the energy–momentum
d–tensor on vector bundles provided with N–connection structure (the same for-
mulas hold for (pseudo) Riemannian locally anisotropic spacetimes)
Dα E βα = Uα , (64)
1 ← −
E βα = Rβα − δβα R
is the Einstein d–tensor, and concluded that the d–vector
1 ¡ βδ γ φ φ β φ ¢
Uα = G Rδ φβ T·αγ − G βδ Rδ γ φα T·βγ + Rφ T·βα
vanishes if and only if the d–connection D is without torsion. On V (n+m) the d–
torsion T·αγ could be effectively induced with respect to an anholonomic frame
and became trivial after transition to a holonomic frame.
No wonder that conservation laws, in usual physical theories being a con-
sequence of global (for usual gravity of local) automorphisms of the fundamen-
tal spacetime, are more sophisticate on the spaces with local anisotropy. Here
it is important to emphasize the multiconnection character of locally anisotropic
spacetimes. For example, for a d–metric (10) on V (n+m) we can equivalently define
an auxiliar linear connection D̃ constructed from by using the usual formulas for
Christoffel symobls with the operators of partial differential equations (5) chainged
respectively into the locally adapted to a N–connection ones (1). We conclude that
by using auxiliary symmetric d–connections, we can also use the symmetric d–
connection γβγ from (22) we construct a model of locally anisotropic gravity
which looks like locally isotropic on the spacetime V (n+m) . More general gravi-
tational models with local anisotropy can be obtained by using deformations of
connection 0̃·βγ ,

0 α βγ = 0̃·βγ
+ P α βγ + Q α βγ ,
were, for simplicity, 0 α βγ is chosen to be also metric and satisfy the Einstein equa-
tions (15). The d–vector Uα is interpreted as an effective source of local anisotropy
on V (n+m) satisfying the generalized conservation laws (64). The deformation d–
tensor Pβγ is could be generated (or not) by deformations of type (29)–(33) for
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834 Dehnen and Vacaru

From (56) we obtain a tensor integral on C(V (n+m) ) of a d–tensor:

Nτ.κ (u) = I S p Nτ..κ..α1 ...α p (u)h ττ (u, u)h κ (u, u)d S α1 ...α p .
We point out that tensor–integrals can be defined not only for dc–tensors but
and for d–tensors on V (n+m) . Really, suppressing indices ϕ and γ in (62) and
(63), considering instead of a deformation dc–tensor a deformation tensor
..γ ..γ γ
Bαβ (u, u) = Bαβ (u) = P.αβ (u) (65)
(we consider deformations induced by a nc–transform) and integration
I S p . . .d S α1 ...α p in locally anisotropic spacetime V (n+m) we obtain from (56) a
tensor–integral on C(V (n+m) ) of a d–tensor:
Nτ.κ (u) = I S p Nτ.α

1 ...α p
(u)h ττ (u, u)h κκ (u, u)d S α1 ...α p .
Taking into account (59) we can calculate that curvature
R .λ ..λ ..τ ..λ τ .. ..λ
γ .αβ = D[β Bα]γ + B[α|γ | Bβ]τ + T.αβ Bτ γ
γ γ ..γ ..γ
of connection 0 .αβ (u) = 0.αβ (u) + Bαβ. (u), with Bαβ (u) taken from (65), van-
ishes, R .λ
γ .αβ = 0. So, we can conclude that a locally anisotropic spacetime V

admits a tensor integral structure on C(V (n+m)

) for d–tensors associated to the de-
formation tensor Bαβ (u) if the nc–image V (n+m) is locally parallelizable. That way
we generalize the one space tensor integral constructions from [14, 13], were the
possibility to introduce tensor integral structure on a curved space was restricted by
the condition that this space is locally parallelizable. For q = n + m the relations
(63), written for d–tensor Nα (we change indices α, β, . . . into α, β, . . .) extend
the Gauss formula on C(V (n+m) ):
.βγ .βτ
I Sq−1 Nα dSγ = I Sq q−1 D τ Nα d V , (66)
where d V = |g αβ |du 1 . . .du q and

.βτ .βτ βτ .βτ ..β

D τ Nα = D τ Nα − T.τ² ² Nα − Bτ..²α N² + Bτ ² Nα.²τ . (67)
.β .βγ
Let consider physical values Nα on V (n+m) defined on its density Nα , i. e.
.β .βγ
Nα = I Sq−1 Nα dSγ (68)
with this conservation law (due to (66)):
D γ Nα = 0. (69)
We note that these conservation laws differ from covariant conservation laws
for well known physical values such as density of electric current or of
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Nonlinear Connections and Nearly Autoparallel Maps in General Relativity 835

energy–momentum tensor. For example, taking the density E β , with correspond-
ing to (67) and (69) conservation law,
γ γ τ .² ..²
D γ E β = Dγ E β − T.²τ E β − Bτ β E ²τ = 0, (70)
we can define values (see (66) and (68))

Pα = I Sq−1 E α dSγ .

The defined conservation laws (70) for E β are not related with those for energy–

momentum tensor E α from the Einstein equations for the almost Hermitian gravity
.γ .γ .γ
[7] or with a Ẽ αβ with vanishing divergence Dγ Ẽ α = 0. So Ẽ α 6= E α . A similar
conclusion was made in [14] for the unispacial locally isotropic tensor integral.
In the case of multispatial tensor integration we have another possibility (firstly

pointed in [22] for Einstein–Cartan spaces), namely, to identify E β from (70) with

the na–image of E β on locally anisotropic spacetime V (n+m) . We shall consider
this construction in the next Section.


Let us consider a fixed background locally anisotropic spacetime V (n+m) with

given metric g αβ = (g i j , h ab ) and d–connection 0̃ ·βγ . For simplicity, we suppose
that the metricity conditions are satisfied and that the connection is torsionless
and with vanishing curvature. Considering a nc–transform from the fundamental
locally anisotropic spacetime V (n+m) to an auxiliary one V (n+m) we are interested
in the equivalents of the Einstein equations on V (n+m) .
We suppose that a part of gravitational degrees of freedom is “pumped out”
into the dynamics of deformation d–tensors for d–connection, P α βγ , and metric,
B αβ = (bi j , bab ). The remained part of degrees of freedom is coded into the metric
g αβ and d–connection 0̃ ·βγ .
Following [25, 22] we apply the first order formalism and consider B αβ and
P βγ as independent variables on V (n+m) . Using notations
Pα = P β βα , 0α = 0 β βα ,
p p q
B̂ αβ = |g|B αβ , ĝ αβ = |g|g αβ , ĝ αβ = |g|g αβ

and making identifications

B̂ αβ + ĝ αβ = ĝ αβ , 0 α·βγ − P α βγ = 0 α βγ ,
we take the action of locally anisotropic gravitational field on V (n+m) in this form:
S (g) = −(2cκ1 )−1 δ q uL(g) , (71)
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836 Dehnen and Vacaru

¡ ¢ ¡ ¢
L(g) = B̂ αβ Dβ Pα − Dτ P τ αβ + (ĝ αβ + B̂ αβ ) Pτ P τ αβ − P α ακ P κ βτ
and the interaction constant is taken κ1 = 4π c4
k, (c is the light constant and k is
Newton constant) in order to obtain concordance with the Einstein theory in the
locally isotropic limit.
We construct on V (n+m) a locally anisotropic gravitational theory with matter
fields (denoted as ϕ A with A being a general index) interactions by postulating this
Lagrangian density for matter fields
· ¸
δ δϕ A
L(m) = L(m) ĝ αβ + B̂ αβ ; γ (ĝ αβ + B̂ αβ ); ϕ A ; τ . (72)
δu δu
Starting from (71) and (72) the total action of locally anisotropic gravity on
V (n+m) is written as
−1 −1
S = (2cκ1 ) δ uL + c
q (g)
δ (m) L(m) . (73)

Applying variational procedure on V (n+m) , similar to that presented in [25] but

in our case adapted to N–connection by using derivations (5) instead of partial
derivations (1), we derive from (73) the locally anisotropic gravitational field
2αβ = κ1 (tαβ + Tαβ ) (74)
and matter field equations
= 0, (75)
4ϕ A
where 4/4ϕ A denotes the variational derivation.
In (74) we have introduced these values: the energy–momentum d–tensor for
locally anisotropic gravitational field
p 4L(g)
κ1 tαβ = ( |g|)−1 = K αβ + P γ αβ Pγ − P γ ατ P τ βγ
4g αβ
+ g αβ g γ τ (P φ γ τ Pφ − P φ γ ² P ² φτ ), (76)
K αβ = D γ K αβ ,
2K αβ = −B τ γ P ² τ (α g β)² − B τ ² P γ ²(α g β)τ + g γ ² h ²(α Pβ)

+ g γ τ g ²φ P ϕ φτ G ϕ(α Bβ)² + g αβ B τ ² P γ τ ² − Bαβ P γ ,

22 = D τ D τ Bαβ + g αβ D τ D ² Bτ ² − g τ ² D ² D (α Bβ)τ
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Nonlinear Connections and Nearly Autoparallel Maps in General Relativity 837

and the energy–momentum d–tensor of matter

4L(m) 4L(m)
Tαβ = 2 αβ
− g αβ g γ δ . (77)
4ĝ 4ĝ γ δ
As a consequence of (75)–(77) we obtain the d–covariant on V (n+m) conservation
D α (tαβ + Tαβ ) = 0. (78)
We have postulated the Lagrangian density of matter fields (72) in a form as to
treat tαβ + Tαβ as the source in (74).
Now we formulate the main results of this Section:
Proposition 1. The dynamics of the locally anisotropic gravitational fields, mod-
eled as solutions of the Einstein equations (15) and of matter field equations on lo-
cally anisotropic spacetime V (n+m) , can be locally equivalently modeled on a back-
ground locally anisotropic spacetime V (n+m) provided with a trivial d-connection
and metric structure (with vanishing d–tensors of torsion and curvature) by equa-
tions (74) and (75) on condition that the deformation tensor P α βγ is a solution of
the Cauchy problem posed for the basic equations for a chain of na–maps from
V (n+m) to V (n+m) .
Proposition 2. The local d–tensor conservation laws for Einstein locally
anisotropic gravitational fields can be written in the form (78) for both locally
anisotropic gravitational (76) and matter (77) energy–momentum d–tensors. These
laws are d–covariant on the background space V (n+m) and must be completed
with invariant conditions of type (34)–((37)) for every deformation parameters of
a chain of na–maps from V (n+m) to V (n+m) .
The above presented considerations consist proofs of both propositions.
We emphasize that the nonlocalization of both locally anisotropic and isotrop-
ic gravitational energy–momentum values on the fundamental (locally anisotropic
or isotropic) spacetime V (n+m) is a consequence of the absence of global group au-
tomorphisms for generic curved spaces. Considering gravitational theories from
the view of multispaces and their mutual maps (directed by the basic geomet-
ric structures on V (n+m) such as N–connection, d–connection, d–torsion and d–
curvature components, see the coefficients for basic na–equations (29)–(33)), we
can formulate local d–tensor conservation laws on auxiliary globally automorphic
spaces being related with some covering regions of the spacetime V (n+m) by means
of chains of na–maps. Finally, we remark that as a matter of principle we can also
use d–connection deformations in order to modelate the locally anisotropic grav-
itational interactions with nonvanishing torsion and nonmetricity. In this case we
must introduce a corresponding source in (78) and define generalized conservation
laws as in (64).
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838 Dehnen and Vacaru


In this Section we analyze the conditions when four dimensional (4D) vacuum
and non–vacuum solutions of the Einstein equations can be induced by Finsler like
metrics depending on three variables; we construct such solutions in explicit form.

8.1. Two Dimensional Finsler Metrics

There is a class of 2D Finsler metrics

¡ ¢
1 ∂ 2 F 2 x i , yc
h ab (x , y ) =
i c
2 ∂ ya ∂ yb
¡ ¢
generated by the so–called Finsler metric function F = F x i , y c , where the
indices i, j, k, . . . run values 1 and 2 on a 2D base manifold V (2) and y–coordinate
indices a, b, c, . . . = 3, 4 are used for 2D fibers Yx of the tangent bundle T V (2) .
Because for Finsler spaces the function F is homogeneous on y–variables we can

F(x 1 , x 2 , y 3 , y 4 ) = y 3 f (x 1 , x 2 , z), (80)

where z = y 4 /y 3 and
. ¡ ¢
f = f (x, z) = f (x 1 , x 2 , z) = F x 1 , x 2 , 1, z .
¡ ¢0
By introducing the function K (x, z) = f f 0 , where the ‘prime’ denotes the
partial derivation on z, the metric coefficients (79) are computed

h 3 = h 33 = K z 2 − 2 f f 0 z + f 2 , h = h 34 = −K z + f f 0 , h 4 = h 44 = K .

We note that if the 2D Finsler metric coefficients formally depended on four

variables, by introducing the function f (x 1 , x 2 , z) one has obtained an explicit
dependence only on three coordinates.
Consider a vertical 2D d-metric
µ ¶
h 3 (x i , z) h(x i , z)
h ab (x , z) =
h(x i , z) h 4 (x i , z)

which, by applying a matrix transform (21) can be diagonalized

µ ¶
λ3 (x i , z) 0
h a 0 b0 (x , z) =
. (83)
0 λ4 (x i , z)
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Nonlinear Connections and Nearly Autoparallel Maps in General Relativity 839

We can generate by a Finsler metric function a 2D diagonal (pseudo) Riemannian

µ ¶
λ3 (x i ) 0
h a b (t, r ) =
0 0 (84)
0 λ4 (x i )

depending only on coordinates x = {x i } if we choose the square of f –function

s(x i , z) = f 2 (x i , z) from (80) to be (see formulas (81))

s(x i , z) = z 2 λ2 (x i ) + λ1 (x i ). (85)

This is the simplest case when a 2D diagonal metric (84) is defined by a trivial
Finsler squared f –function (85) depending on z 2 and two functions λ1,2 (x i ).
The problem of definition of a corresponding Finsler metric function becames
more difficult if we try to generate not a diagonal 2D metric (84) depending only
on two variables (x i ), but a nondiagonal one depending on three variables (x i , z)
(see (82)). There are three classes of such type Finsler generated 2D metrics.

8.1.1. Euler Nonhomogeneous Equations and Finsler Metrics

The first class of 2D Finsler metric is defined by the condition when the func-
tion s(x i , z) is chosen as to solve the first equation in (81) when the coefficient
a1 (x i , z) of a nondiagonal 2D d–metric (82) are prescribed. The rest of compo-
nents of the vertical d–metric, b1 (x i , z) and h(x i , z), are not arbitrary ones but
they must be found by using partial derivatives s 0 = ∂s/∂z and s 00 = ∂ 2 s/∂z 2 , in
correspondence with the formulas (81).
The basic equation is

z 2 s 00 − 2zs 0 + 2s = 2a1 (86)

which for a1 = 0 and variables x i treated as some parameters is the so–called Euler
equation [30] having solutions of type

C1 (x i )z 2 + C2 (x i )z.

By integrating on the z–variable we can construct the solution s(a1) of (86) for a
nonvanishing right part,
Zz Zζ
a1 (x i , τ )
s(a1) (x , z) = zC(0) (x ) + z C(1) (x ) + z ·
i i 2 i
dζ dτ , (87)
const2 const1

i i
where C(0) (x ) and C(1) (x ) are some arbitrary functions, the index (a1) emphasizes
that the Finsler metric is associated to the value a1 (x i , τ ) and the const1 and const2
in the integrals should be chosen from some boundary conditions.
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840 Dehnen and Vacaru

The 2D d-metric coefficients h(x i , τ ) and b1 (x i , τ ) are computed

1 00 s0
b1 = s and h = −zb1 + ,
2 2
where s = s(a1 ) .

8.1.2. The Simplest Case

If the coefficient b1 (x i , τ ) is given, the squared 2D metric Finsler function is to

be found from the last formula in (81), b1 = s 00 /2. By considering the coordinates
(r, t) as parameters, and integrating on z we obtain
Zz Zτ
s(b) = 2 dτ dϑb1 (x i , ϑ) + zS(0) (x i ) + S(1) (x i ),
const1 const2

where S(0) (x ) and S(1) (x i ) are some functions on variables x i .


The corresponding 2D vertical d–metric coefficients h(x i , τ ) and a1 (x i , τ )

are computed
a1 = s − z 2 b1 − 2zh and h = −zb1 + ,
where s = s(b).

8.1.3. Prescribed Nondiagonal Coefficients

In this case one choose the coefficient h(x i , τ ) for definition of the squared
Finsler metric function s(x i , τ ). As the basic equation we consider the equation
zs 00 − s 0 = −h
which has the solution
Zz Zζ
h(x i , τ )
s(h) = ϕ1 (x ) + z ϕ2 (x ) − 2
i 2 i
ζ dζ · dτ
const1 const2

depending on two arbitrary functions ϕ1,2 (t, r ) .

The explicit formulas for the rest of 2D vertical d–metric coefficients b1 (x i , τ )
and a1 (x i , τ ) follows from
h = −zb1 + and a1 = s − z 2 b1 − 2zh
where s = s(h) .
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Nonlinear Connections and Nearly Autoparallel Maps in General Relativity 841

8.2. An Ansatz for Finsler Like Vacuum Solutions

Let us consider a particular case of metrics (3) are generated as generalized

Lagrange metrics (20) by a diagonalization transform (21) of a Finsler induced
v–metric (83)
 
g1 + q1 2 h 3 + n 1 2 λ4 q1 q2 h 3 + n 1 n 2 λ4 q1 λ3 n 1 λ4
 q q h +n n λ 1 + q2 2 λ3 + n 2 2 λ4 q2 λ3 n 2 λ4 
 1 2 3 1 2 4 
  (88)
 q 1 λ3 q2 λ3 λ3 0 
n 1 λ4 n 2 λ4 0 λ4
with coefficients being some functions of necessary smooth class g1 =
g1 (x 2 ), g2 = 1, qi = qi (x j , z), n i = n i (x j , z), λ3 = λ3 (x j , z) and λ4 = λ4 (x j ).
Latin indices run respectively i, j, k, . . . = 1, 2 and a, b, c, . . . = 3, 4 and the
local coordinates are denoted u α = (x i , y 3 = z, y 4 ), where one from the coor-
dinates x 1 , z and y 4 could be treated as a timelike coordinate. A metric (88) is
δs 2 = g1 (x 2 )(d x 1 )2 + (d x 2 )2 + λa (x j , z)(δy a )2 , (89)
with respect to corresponding anholonomic frames (5) and (6), here we write down
only the ‘elongated’ differentials
δz = dz + qi (x j , z)d x i , δy 4 = dy 4 + n i (x j , z)d x i .
The system of Einstein field equations (15) reduces to four nontrivial second
order partial differential equations on z for functions qi (x j , z), n i (x j , z), λ3 (x j , z)
and λ4 (x j ),
" µ ¶ #
qi 1 ∂λ3 2 ∂ 2 λ3
P3i = − ,
2λ3 λ3 ∂z ∂z 2
· ¸ (90)
λ4 ∂n i ∂λ3 ∂ 2ni
P4i = −2 2 .
4λ3 ∂z ∂z ∂z
There are two possibilities to satisfy the equations (90): 1/ If the function
λ3 (x j , z) is a nonvanishing solution of
µ ¶
1 ∂λ3 2 ∂ 2 λ3
− = 0, (91)
λ3 ∂z ∂z 2
the N–connection coefficients qi (x j , z) could take arbitrary values in correspon-
dence to a stated Cauchy problem. 2/ The coefficients qi (x j , z) ≡ 0 if the function
λ3 does not satisfy the condition (91); we have only one anisotropic direction
distinguished by some nontrivial functions n i (x j , z).
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842 Dehnen and Vacaru

The general solution of (90) is written

Z z · ¸
λ3 (x j , ζ )
n i (x , z) = pi(0) (x )
j i
exp dζ + n i(0) (x i ), (92)
0 2

where the functions pi(0) (x i ) and n i(0) (x i ) have to be defined from some boundary
(initial) conditions.
We conclude this Section by formulating the rule for generation by Finsler like
metrics of vacuum solutions of the Einstein equations. Firstly, we take a Finsler
metric function (80) and following (81) we induce a nondiagonal 2D v–metric
(82). Diagonalizing (21), we obtain a h–metric (83). If the induced coefficient λ4
depends only on horizontal variables x j , the ansatz (88) solves the vacuum Einstein
equations under the conditions that the functions qi (x j , z), n i (x j , z), λ3 (x j , z) and
λ4 (x j ) satisfy the conditions (91) and (92). Instead of starting the procedure by
fixing the Finsler metric function we can fix a necessary type coefficient h 3 (h or
h 4 ) and then, as was stated in subsection 8.1.1 (8.1.2 or 8.1.3), we must define
the corresponding class of Finsler metrics. Finally, diagonalizing the v–metric, we
obtain the coefficients which must be put into the ansatz (88).
We restricted our constructions only for some trivial Finsler like induced
h–components of d–metrics, for simplicity, considering h-components of type
gi j = diag[a1 (x 2 ), 1]. To induce more general Finsler like h–metrics is possible
by a similar to the presented for v–subspaces procedure.

8.3. Non Vacuum Locally Anisotropic Solutions

In this subsection we generalize the ansatz in order to induce non–vacuum

solutions of the Einstein equations (88). We consider a 4D metric parametrized
 
g1 + q1 2 h 3 + n 1 2 λ4 q 1 q 2 h 3 + n 1 n 2 λ4 q 1 λ3 n 1 λ4
 q q h +n n λ g2 + q2 2 λ3 + n 2 2 λ4 q2 λ3 n 2 λ4 
 1 2 3 1 2 4 
  (93)
 q 1 λ3 q 2 λ3 λ3 0 
n 1 λ4 n 2 λ4 0 λ4

with the coefficients being some functions of necessary smooth class g1 =

−α(r ), g2 = 1/α(r ), qi = qi (x j , z), n i = n i (x j , z), λ3 = λ3 (x j , z) and λ4 =
λ4 (x j , z) where the h–coordinates are denoted x 1 = t (the time like coordinate)
and x 2 = r. Our aim is to define the function α(r ) which gives a solution of the
Einstein equations with diagonal energy momentum d–tensor

ϒγβ = [−ε, p2 , p3 , p4 ]

for a matter state when p2 = −ε and p3 = p4 .

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Nonlinear Connections and Nearly Autoparallel Maps in General Relativity 843

Putting these values of h–metric into (13) we compute

R11 = R22 = − α̇,
where the dot denote the partial derivative on r. Considering the 2D h–subspace
to be of constant negative scalar curvature,
R̂ = 2R11 = −e
and that the Einstein equations with anholonomic variables (15) are satisfied we
obtain the relation
e2 = κϒ33 = κϒ44 .
α̇ = m (94)
m r − M) which defines a
The solution of (94) is written in the form α = (e 2 2

2D h–metric
ds(h) = −(e m 2r 2 − M)−1 dr 2
m 2r 2 − M)dt 2 + (e (95)
being similar to a black hole solution in 2D Jackiw–Teitelboim gravity [26] and
display many of attributes of black holes [27, 28, 29] with that difference that the
e is defined by 4D physical values in v–subspace and for definiteness of
constant m
the theory the h–metric should be supplied with the equations for the v–components
of the d–metric which in our case is
µ ¶ µ ¶µ ¶
∂ 2 λ4 1 ∂λ4 2 1 ∂λ3 ∂λ4 κε
− − + λ3 λ4 = 0.
∂z 2 2λ4 ∂z 2λ3 ∂z ∂z 2
Prescribing one of the functions λ3 , or λ4 , the second one is to be defined by
integration on the z–variable (see detalies in [2]). One has a forth order partial
differential equation for the metric function f (x i , z), see (80) if we try to induce
the horizontal part in a pure Finsler like manner.


We analyze chains of na–maps which by corresponding deformation param-

eters and deformations of connections induce a vacuum d–metric (89) (for non–
vacuum metrics considerations are similar).
The nontrivial canonical d–connection coefficients (11) and d–torsions (12)
are respectively computed
1 ∂ ln |a1 | 1 ∂a1 1 ∂ ln |λ3 |
L 112 = L 121 = , L 222 = − ; C 333 = ;
µ 2 ∂x 2
¶ 2 ∂x 2 2 ∂z
1 ∂λ3 ∂h 3 λ4 ∂n i 1 ∂n i
L 33i = − qi , L 34i = − , L 43i = ,
2λ3 ∂ x i ∂z 2λ3 ∂z 2 ∂z
1 ∂ ln |λ4 |
L 44i = , (96)
2 ∂xi
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844 Dehnen and Vacaru

T 33i = −T 3i3 = − L 33i , T 34i = −T 3i4 = −L 34i ,
∂n i
T 43i = −T 4i3 = − L 43i , T 44i = −T 4i4 = −L 44i ,
∂q1 ∂q2 ∂q1 ∂q2
T 312 = −T 321 = 2 − 1 − q2 + q1 ,
∂x ∂x ∂z ∂z
∂n 1 ∂n 2 ∂n 1 ∂n 2
T 412 = −T 421 = 2 − 1 − q2 + q1 . (97)
∂x ∂x ∂z ∂z
The obtained values allow us to define some na–map chains, for instance, from
the Minkowski spacetime V[0] = M 3,1 , where it is pointed the spacetime signature
(3,1), to a curved one with local anisotropy, V (2+2) , provided by a metric (88)
(equivalently, a d–metric (89)).
In this Section we shall consider sets of invertible na–maps (the inverse to a
na–transform is also considered to be a na–map) when we could neglect quadratic
terms like P P and F F [17] in the basic na–equations (29), (31) and (33), for
simplicity, taken in a nonsymmetrized form:
r for na(1) –maps
Dα P.βγ − Q δ.ατ Pβγ
τ δ
= bα P.βγ + aβγ δαδ ; (98)
r for na(2) –maps the deformation d–tensor is parametrized
τ τ
P.αβ (u) = σ(α Fβ) (99)
and the basic equations are taken
Dγ Fβα − Q α.τ γ Fβτ = µγ Fβα + νγ δβα ; (100)
r for na(3) –maps the deformation d–tensor is parametrized
P.βγ (u) = σβγ ϕ α , (101)
and the basic equations
Dβ ϕ α = νδβα + µβ ϕ α + ϕ γ Q α.γ δ . (102)

9.1. Chains of na(1) –Maps

We illustrate that the canonical d–connections and d–torsions of the men-

tioned vacuum metrics with local anisotropy could be induced by a chain of three
na(1) –transforms

na1[1] na1[2] na1[2]

V[0] −→ V[1] −→ V[2] −→ V (2+2) . (103)
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Nonlinear Connections and Nearly Autoparallel Maps in General Relativity 845

The first step in this chain is defined by some deformations of the symmetric
(22) and antisymmetric (23) parts of the d–connection

α α α
na1[1] : [1]
γβτ =[0] γβτ +[1] Pβτ ,
α α
Tβτ =[0] Tβτ +[1] Q αβτ ,

where it is considered that on the flat background space is chosen a system of

α α
coordinates for which [0] γβτ = 0 and [0] Tβτ = 0. The values
¯ ¯ © ª
bα = ∂α ln ¯ L 112 ¯,[1] aβγ = 0, [1] α
Pβγ = L 112 = L 121 , [1]
Q αβγ = 0

solve the system of na(1) –equations (98). The resulting auxiliary curved space
V[1] is provided with a d–covariant differential operator [1] Dα , defined by the
α α α
d–connection [1] 0βτ =[1] γβτ +[1] Tβτ .
The second step in the chain (103) is parametrized by the deformations

α α α
na1[2] : [1]
γβτ =[1] γβτ +[2] Pβτ ,
α α
Tβτ =[1] Tβτ +[2] Q αβτ ,

with associated values

³ ¡ ¢−1 [1] © ª ´
bα = L 211 Dα L 211 , [2]
aβγ = 0, [2]
Pβγ = L 211 , [2]
Q αβγ = 0

solving the system of na(1) –equations (98) for fixed initial data on the auxiliary
space V[1] . The resulting auxiliary curved space V[2] is provided with a d–covariant
α α α
differential operator [2] Dα , defined by the d–connection [2] 0βτ =[2] γβτ +[2] Tβτ .
The third, final, map na1 , which induces a locally anisotropic spacetime
V (2+2) with the d–connection (96) and d–torsions (97), could be treated as trivial
na(1) –map with a simple deformation of the torsion structure

α α
Tβτ =[2] Tβτ +[3] Q αβτ ,

which is given by the set of values ( [3] bα = 0, [2] aβγ = 0, [2] Pβγ = 0, [2] Q αβγ =
α α
Tβγ ), where Tβγ has just the components (97).
So, we have proved that the vacuum Einstein fields given by a metric (88)
(equivalently, by a d–metric (89), induced by a Finsler like metric, are nearly
conformally flat, being related ba chain of two na(1) –maps and a deformation
of torsion structure with the Minkowski spacetime. On every spacetime, on the
initial V[0] , two auxiliary, V[1] , and V[2] , and on the final image, V (2+2) one holds
na(1) –invariant conditions of type (35).
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846 Dehnen and Vacaru

9.2. Chains of na(2) –Maps

The considered vacuum anisotropic spacetimes could be also induced by a

chain of three na(2) –maps from the Minkowski spacetime,

V[0] na2[1] −→V[1] na2[2] −→V[2] na1[3] −→ V (2+2) . (104)

The first na2 –map from this chain is defined by some deformations of the
symmetric part (22), with the deformation d–tensor parametrized as (99), and
antisymmetric (23) part of the d–connection
α α
na2[1] : [1]
γβτ =[0] γβτ +[1] σβ [1]
Fτα ,
α α
Tβτ =[0] Tβτ +[1] Q αβτ ,
where it is considered that on the flat background space is chosen a system of
α α
coordinates for which [0] γβτ = 0 and [0] Tβτ = 0. The values
¡[1] α © 1 ª [1] ¯ 1 ¯ [1] ¢
Fτ = L 12 , µα = ∂α ln ¯ L 12 ¯, νβ = 0, [1] σα = δα1 , [1] Q αβγ = 0
solve the system of na(2) –equations (100). The resulting auxiliary curved space
V[1] is provided with a d–covariant differential operator [1] Dα , defined by the
α α
d–connection [1] 0βτ =[1] γβτ .
The second na2 –map from (104) is parametrized as
α α
na2[2] : [2]
γβτ =[1] γβτ +[2] σβ [2]
Fτα ,
α α
Tβτ =[1] Tβτ +[2] Q αβτ ,
with the values
¡[2] α © ª ¡ ¢−1
Fτ = L 211 , µα = L 211
[2] [1]
Dα L 211 , [2]
νβ = 0, [2]
= δα1 , [2] Q αβγ = 0
solving the system of na(2) –equations (100). The second resulting auxiliary curved
space V[2] is provided with a d–covariant differential operator [2] Dα , defined by
α α
the d–connection [2] 0βτ =[2] γβτ .
The third step in the chain (104) is a trivial na2 –map with “pure” deformation
of d–torsions given by the values
Fτα = 0, [3]
µα = 0, [3]
νβ = 0, [3]
σα = 0, [3]
Q αβγ = Tβγ
where the d–torsions are those from (97). We can conclude that a vacuum Einstein
V (2+2) spacetime provided with a Finsler like induced metric of type (88) (equiva-
lently, by a d–metric (89), could be alternatively induced by a chain of na2 –maps
for which, on every stape, one holds the invariant conditions (36). This is a partic-
ular property of this class of d–metrics. We shall prove in the next subsection that
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Nonlinear Connections and Nearly Autoparallel Maps in General Relativity 847

in a similar fashion we can consider chains of na3 –mapa for inducing such types
of vacuum locally anisotropic spacetimes.

9.3. Chains of na(3) –Maps

Finally, we elucidate the possibility of inducing vacuum Finsler like induced

Einstein spaces by using chains of na(3) –maps,

na3[1] na3[2] na3[3]

V[0] −→ V[1] −→ V[2] −→ V (2+2) . (105)

Now, the first na3 –map is defined by some deformations of the symmetric
part (22), with the deformation d–tensor parametrized as (101), and antisymmetric
(23) part of the d–connection
α α [1] α
na3[1] : [1]
γβτ =[0] γβτ +[1] σβτ ϕ ,
α α
Tβτ =[0] Tβτ +[1] Q αβτ ,

where it is considered that on the flat background space is chosen a system of

α α
coordinates for which [0] γβτ = 0 and [0] Tβτ = 0. The values
¡[1] α
©[1] ª [1] α
Pτβ = σ12 ϕ = L 112 ,
[1] 1 [1]
µα = ∂α ϕ
[1] 1 [1]
ν = 0, ϕ
= δ1α , [1] Q αβγ = 0

solve the system of na(3) –equations (102). The resulting auxiliary curved space
V[1] is provided with a d–covariant differential operator [1] Dα , defined by the
α α
d–connection [1] 0βτ =[1] γβτ .
The second na3 –map from (105) is stated by
α α [1] α
na3[2] : [2]
γβτ =[1] γβτ +[2] σβτ ϕ ,
α α
Tβτ =[1] Tβτ +[2] Q αβτ ,

with the values

©[2] ª [2] α
Pτβ = σ11 ϕ = L 211 ,
[2] 2 [2]
µα =[2] Dα ϕ
[1] 2 [2]
ν = 0, ϕ
= δ2α , [2]
Q αβγ = 0

defining a solution of the system of na(3) –equations (102).

The third step in the chain (105) should be treated as a trivial na3 –map when all
parameters and deformations vanishes excepting a pure deformation of d–torsions,
[3] α α
Q βγ = Tβγ , where the d–torsions are those from (97).
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848 Dehnen and Vacaru


In this paper, we have studied the problem of formulating the Einstein gen-
eral relativity theory with respect to anholonomic frames with associated nonlinear
connection structures, when the dynamics of gravitational and matter field inter-
actions is described by mixed sets of holonomic and anholonomic variables.
We demonstrated that by using anholonomic frames on (pseudo) Riemannian
spacetimes we can model locally anisotropic interactions and structures (Finsler
like and more general ones) which are defined in the framework of the general
relativity theory. The important questions connected with the status of frame sys-
tems in Einstein gravity were emphasized by explicit examples when the tetrad
coefficients are selected as to define new classes of solutions, with generic local
anisotropy, of the Einstein equations. There were considered vacuum and non–
vacuum gravitational fields induced by some generalized Finsler like metrics
Our principial aim in this work was to underline locally anisotropic gravita-
tional effects and give them a rigorous geometrical spacetime description.
We elaborated the theory of nearly autoparallel locally anisotropic maps gen-
eralizing the geometry of conformal and geodesic transforms and applied it for
definition of conservation laws (via tensor integrals and/or by introducing nearly
autoparallel backgrounds) on curved spacetimes provided with anholonomic frame
structures. Nearly autoparallel chain resolutions of Finsler like induced vacuum
Einstein fields were constructed. The techniques developed in the current paper can
be employed to derive new classes of exact solutions in different gravity theories
and to elaborate new cosmological scenaria with generic local anisotropy.


The authors thanks B. Fauser, D. Singleton and E. Gaburov for collaboration

and discussing of results. S. V. is grateful to J. P. S. Lemos for kind hospitality. The
work was supported by a visit grant of the German Academic Exchange Service
(DAAD) at Konstanz University, Konstanz, and by a NATO/Portugal fellowship
grant at the Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisboa.


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Nonlinear Connections and Nearly Autoparallel Maps in General Relativity 849

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