Dragon Magazine 336

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oe i Som ay he) on rad i ry jee | po . a A Wis |e Uitlg iN Re Le 1 oe eee ee Us ii yal WOT es) i 4 a DFASoONni contents NOT FOR THE LIVING by James Jacobs The mysterious eidolon ity are but two of six hau! ss that ean make even the BIRTH OF THE DEAD by Ari Marmell rom the suid ed allip tle-bom sword wraith, your eto the creation of undead. BANDITS IN THE PATHS: OF FAME by James Lowder Accompanied by 2 mysterious rostesrii sino apDRES CHANCESIO. warrior and a disillusioned politician, a headstror journeys to restore her kingdom, Scrunoe OF A008 Seariaare by Owen K.C. Stephens and Gary Holi feu a ty eens Pere See mae a eh caine CONTEN ee eee ea HERBIE 021200336 ore ON THE COVER 3 James Ryman shows why its so hard FROM THE EDITOR firatingleaisnaaplogeraaite Wes explores the lure of forbidden loz. SCALE MAIL We get compared to ‘magazines. See how FIRST WATCH Previews, news, and gear for gamers, ming stack up! ECOLOGY: THE SPAWN OF KYUSS \Worming their way into your heart (and brain), WORMFOOD Ready for a night on the town in the Free City? BAZAAR OF THE BIZARRE Use these items of horror. if you dare! SILICON SORCERY Shadow of the Colossus. Nobody steps on a temple in my town! GAMER GUIDE SAGE ADVICE The Sage answers your rules questions. 8 CLASS ACTS Options and insights for your f comics rite classes, acer id FORBIDDEN LORE ct, wasnt even born until six years after the game's release. Instead, I discov ered D&D another way, searching for what I shouldn't know. Like all things worth having, my fither kept his collection of worn paperbacks on a high shelf Although only few feet off the floor, for mynine-year-old stature they might as well have been locked away a mile up, Every now and then Ta geta glimpse, though. Covers of glowing swords, menacing Figures and titles I couldnt pro- rnournce—in tis early ease usually incorporating the name “Shanmara’—piqued my wonder at these tiny volumes, so different from those on my shelves. But L wasnt allowed to read these books—which, of course, only made me want to even more. Curiosity about these forbidden tomes would eventually lead me to DUNGEONS & Dragons, but not directly. Mythology, H. P. Lovecraft, and reports of ghosts and UFOS all served as stops, but eventually it was a friend's inherited collection of gaming books that most caught my attention. Sure Vampire was fin, but the morbidly designed black-bound books—some of which I knew my parents would never let me keep—possessed exactly the iliit attrac tion Fa so desived, The gume didn't entertain my friends and me for long, however, leading us to relocate our adventures to the unfimiliar world detailed ina battered boxed-set. Although trying to play Vampire in the FoRcoTrEn Rats ‘work out terribly well. this first brush with D&D left ime with a whole new world to explore and a vast, seemingly secret mythology that expanded with every sourcebook, Ultimately and quite appropriately it was a boxed-set called Forbidden Lore that most satisfied my tastes: an acces: [Ee playing D&D since 1974. n sory filled with advice to mislead and terrify, cryptic dice, and a mysterious tarokka deck, all for the darkest world in a game surrounded by taboo, This was exzetly what 1@ been looking for...and it had only taken me about a half dozen years of blind searching to find it. BET 02100536 osc 2005 I suspect that like me, many D&D players actively seek out those things they weren't meant to know, I suppose that desire is impliei to playing a game largely about exploring dark places crawling with terrible things. In my nearly two years at DRacon Tve realized that exploring and piceing together the obscure and mysterious are two of the ‘magazine's most important purposes. Sure the Book of Vile Darkness might tell you all about Oreus, but Dracon reveals the seeret of his truename, something, no mere planeswalker or archmage ‘would know (DRacon #317) In one issue Dracow reveals the Mesopotamian god Ninurta and Tat etails the somehow- connected demon Pazuzu, raising ques tions about the latter’s real word origins (Deacox #320). This very issue explores some of the greatest pieces of D&D's forbid den lore, opening the pages of the blasphemous Demenomi- con for the first time since The Lost Caverns of Tigjcanth, while elsewhere hinting at the impending horrors of Duncrow’s mysterious Age of Worms, Essentially, ifthe devil's in the details, its Dracow’s job to give them to you. So go ahead and page through. Every time you'll find something you recognize, some weapon, spell, or monster you know—or at least thought you did, You'll also always find something new, ready to make your awn. Yet every now and then, on the lines or sometimes betereen them, welll tell you something that you most definitely didn't know... and just maybe weren't supposed to, F bib by > LETTE ‘ell us what you think of this issue, Send an email to sealemall@palzo.com. Please include your name, city, and state. ne Pat Praise, Two Parts OMPLINT there are two objectives? would ike to complete in this eter. The firsts to praise you. Then, nformately,1 Fislyf would lke totell you just gy mock Tone your tigastne Tadat relly ealze he quality ofthe maga- se ul nay paced py of conic Caring Moniy. No offense ‘to the Electronic Gaming people, but the auagerins aan exlstiacement had tremendously dull-vted jokes that ster very adal,and not sulted forme to even read aloud to ry latle brother: ‘Now, {wouldnt have minded the mato- tty not forthe fact that the arteles seetned to have been wten by teenage boys in bh thei ack of intligence and thls coetous ove of tpi pe- verted punch lines. I strted reading the magazine epecting to see Deacon quality articles and excellently portrayed information, but in that respect I was rudely duped. Nor tint you have received your prise, you must receive your enticism, Firstly, mustask you to consider your cover artwork bore printing, While these full-colae piece of art are beaut {al issues suchas #20 and ye are issues I can take to school and read because it may raise some questions. love the pictures do nat msinerpret there, however also want tobe able to show the magazine to inguiring people instead afhiding it away avaiting a dark corner where no one wil assume ‘what 'm reading is revolting. Secondly, must ask you about issue J find not 2 er the Forcorre Reacts fins have long. been requesting a part of the Magazine tobe FR, I must ask why you had to ‘print an entire issue of FORGOTTEN REALMS information. a person who doesn't use the Forcorren ReaLs, could possibly forage fora inspiration hhereand there, but I think that instead of printing whole issues for one setting, ‘you could rather just print one Forcor- ‘Ten REALMS, one EnERRoN, and two general articles for everyone's use, That ‘way everyone will be happy every issue. ‘Azual Via Email It for about fve years at the re different gaming magazines, 1 tind it’ pretty fir to say that no mat- ter what, not everyone is going to e happy with every issue. Your point abouts is well taken, however, and readers should not expect to see another issue so closely tid to a speci setting in the nea future. Were toying with the pessbiity of always including one article foreach ofthe ¢ rently supported campaign settings in every issu, how id be interested in raider feedback on the idea fining a Biast Wirt THE Past Thave to give you guys credit. Every month there is something in this magazine somehow relevant to my campaign. This game Lam currently running will take the characters to. goth level, While have not gotten to Hi, which I believe is Bloodstone Pas, 1m ploting out the adventure and adding my personal twist and my own NPGS tot. Ihave alot of work to do to-convertit to third edition and alse the challenge level, ut that sal part After tryin heim herr of the fun of DMing, Of course having read the “Blast from the Past” blur’ in DRAGON i334, | will be removing the Hand of Veena. Thanks for the heads up. Dr. Dennis D. Harry Via Email BrcxcRouno lito I'm sorry to write my first letter to ‘racow abouta complaint, bat youre doing something that relly bothers me. stopped buying White Dwarf maga- zine beause their art editor insite on putting background art behind very atic, and this generated ot of reader complaints which the staff 24 White Da dealt wth by telling the subscribers to photo-opy the articles (not heft}. tn issue 330 of Deacon you published anarticleon shadow hres that was o dark Twas unable to ead the Black print In this same ies you printed aarti on estes that had white printing on a dark blue Tackgrourd—good work Since you eat alleviate this contrast problem please do $0, hate to have to cancel ry subs to Duncrow as vell as Daacon simply becmite your art department has fie ured outa way to make these magazines unreadable to thse of us with visa imnpuirments thankyou Douglas James Berry Lakeville, MA We've become increasingly sensitive to this issue as more and more readers let ws know aon problen grounds, Douglas. Thanks for taking the time to write in amd share your views. Going _foruid, we're eying to be as sensitive to these concerns as posible without making the magazine look too drab or boring I's @ ‘with the colened back ae offworlddesigns.com What do you buy a gamer ae for the Holidays... eee Bela ae | ‘sng to spack your next mac Ws October and you're planning on going out on the jist asa ghost again, e escapade b (moritoriush.com). Several masks include Gary actual dossiers of documents, including, : \ notes like “One page torn from Lilip Gregorio eo (Giraldis 1548 De Deis Gentium For those with more elegant tastes or seeking seer= ingly more planar fare, Wendy Klein (wendyMlein.com) offers leather and copper creations that really are works of art. As either decoration or disguise, add abit of mystery to your next gaming session, -Mike Felauher delicate balancing act, at times, but well needed research, potions and scrolls, and Tn your “Living in the City” editorial (Deaco campaign you ran that was sively in the city, and every session was _prietors that could be easily spun in up tothe players. To which Ican only plots of their own, say—details, we want details! How do With this base flamework in place, 1 you arrange things so that players have came up wi enough choices, and you have enough lapsing thie 9 evil army information, that you ean just dive inn the north tha: would ul and start a uring based on what and occupy the ant? f the PCS’ backgrounds to these em Bill Trost threats. kept notes about all Aloha, Oregon on standard 3 5 index cards tha alphabetize Vaiermelon, an inn and tavern where he PCs would meet and eventually stay Because I knew my large group would ant more than just their home hase, and encounter tables fiom vat reated a few additional taverns, one rees. I wouldn't run a.game this way forthe seedy side of the city, one fo ese days, but atthe n't take ‘he nobles, and s0 on, I followed this hings guite so ome had Tiana up with applying the sam temples. Ifthe PCs n “ PIES 00290059056 Kironestep sign Mtb offworlddesigns.com Woe PREVIEWS NOTES. AND NEWS FOR GHMERS Sa EW RELEASES “Terrify the p paign. Heroes of Horror is an entive signed to help DMs playing into 1¢ encounters, whole adventur ras the f For example, the taint mechan: Oriental Adventures has been expand re settin with rule physi Dreamscape adventuring also grants a a single episode or solo play. Written by veteran de: Marmell and C. Heroes of Horror and see wh drive your players ins igners Bruce Cordell, Stever Schubert, and Chris Thomasson ch more Earnnox arcana in rituals m: the additions found in this tome of mysteries. A new character race called the Breed, the blood magi ase class, prestige dragon proph and impure prince symbionts and homun: ome psionics also f EDeRRON much m spells. -8.B sw monsters, uli, and make Mag than just a book of NEXT MONTH IN DRAGON # 337 chee Renee Deny iterate tty oe Pee eer eee Aer ens eee ee ere eet oer ee Lords of Dust ere See es rakshasas and even greater fends seek ene ee Cee ergs eect ther bound special Eaton 1 Mase’ Guide(s.35 of handy rib- }bon bookmark. This edition contains the latest errata compiled from wizards, ‘com plus some corrections not found elsewhere. Also releasing this month is the Races Series Gift Set, packaging the complete set (Race of Destiny, Races Stone and Races of he Wil slip-covered box, giving you everything yout need to knc nside one about all the core races of D&D and ineludi D&D character sheet. SB. a special «page eee ee ae Pree Cea ait Pence a Oliver Frank ee ee Pong te ee eee the ustilagor and explore new horrars like the brainstealer dragor ee ee eee ee Mail, Sage Advice, Wormfood, and comics porte hy Shelly Rawr, Jasom Bulmchn, Mike Fehlauer, Mike E. Fiege), and James Sutter THE DARKER SIDE OF | HAILTOTHEKING, | MINDYOURMUTANTS | BORN'TO RE CHICAGO | BABY { Released in 2003, Mulanis | WILDERLANDS Since the release of | This month the game- Masterminds won awards |The first fantasy campaign Chicago by Night, thousands | smiths at Twilight Cre- for Best dao Game, Best setting ever fleshed-out of World of Darkness | ations (twilightereatione Interior Art,and Best in print is back with « gamers have set their sine.com), creators of Gcaphic Design at the vengeance. Judges Guild chronicles in the Windy | the corpseskilling game | 2003 ENnies,anda version | and Necromancer Games City. Now, this popular | Zombies, unleash their new- | ofits innovative damage | present the Wilderan setting is being updated | estundead-slaying game, | systemeven ended up in | High Faniasy, home of the with the new World | MidEyil‘The themes should | Unearthed Arcana. Now | infamous City tate of the of Darkness: Chicago ‘be familiar to Bruce Camp- | Green Ronin presents Invincible Overlord This sourcebook, the first true | bell fins, with MidEvil pit | Mutants & Masterminds | old-school boxed set brings crossover title forthe | tingyour time-traveling | and Fition, updating and __ you an oxerdose of epic new World of Darkness. | character against an army {streamlining the game = high fantasy with 38 highly ‘This grim guidebook of sword-swinging ske engine while retaining | detailed maps, wo map offers advice and ideas for | etons. New game elements | its fast play style. What | books, new magic items Storytellers and players | include player vs. player camyou expect? Easier and artifacts, more than alike, with more than co | combatandamorbid gear | character building, more 400 NPCs and monsters, pages devoted to each of | purchasing system. Like | archetypes, multi-ranked | details on more than 30c0 the Vampire, Werewolf, | Zombies, MidBvils quick feats, new powers, and locations, and unique new and Mage lines, Also | and violent game play | much more to help you Judge's Only” tools, like check out Boston Unveiled + makes ita great party game, + create your perfect alter new geography threats and VIE,both available and the handfuls of minis | ego. For previews, visit and encounter tables, For F canbe puttoallsorts of | mutantsandmasterminds. | more information, visit | uses. ME com. MLE. Judgesguild.com. -M.L.F this month, Learn more at -wolf.com -M.LF. VENTURE INTO THE UNDERDARK ‘Underdark, the eighth set of Duxcron & Deacons Miniatures, celeases this November. Like previous sets, Underdark has 60 miniatures, some with epic stat cards for 500-point play, and 8 large uncommon miniatures with one in cach box. But enough talking, Grab your Drizzt from Archfiend and get ready fora prepainted plastic showdown because this set features the infamous assas- sin Artemis Entreri, Drizat might have a little help though, asa certain loyal panther companion is summoned in Underdask as well. Be sure to cheek out wizards.com for more sneak peeks of what's to come

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