1-Chapter I - Business English

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Business English Accounting Department

2ND Semester



Business English Accounting Department
2ND Semester

What Is Business English?

Business English is a specialized area of English that relates to the language that
is used in business. Every year more and more people are studying Business English to
improve their chances of finding a job in foreign companies, career prospects and to be
able to work in English speaking countries. If you have already studied General English or
your English has been already quite good, you might be want to know why it is useful to
study Business English.
In a Business English, you learn the vocabulary that is used in business and
perform different business tasks that need to be practiced and applied. These include, for
example, how to do a business presentation in English, how to negotiate and business
writing. Further topics include how to conduct meetings, how to give opinions,
understanding job profiles and marketing vocabulary and writing letters and emails.
Business has its own vocabulary, and there are specialized fields within business
that have their own (unique) vocabularies as well. Such fields include finance, politics,
law and trade. It is impossible to cover all vocabulary in these fields of Business during
this semester because the time allocated does not allow. However there are many people
use English textbook or dictionary to translate specific terms in their area of work or
business profession.
Vocabulary: relates to(yg berhubungan dgn); chances(peluang); perform(melakukan); applied (diterapkan);
include(termasuk); conduct(menyelenggarakan); cover(mencakup)

Here are certain words which name business transactions primarily:

Buy sell exchange barter trade
purchase shop customer funds tire
Rent pay fee price retail
Wholesale lease mortgage merchandise commodity
Goods stock Office factory finance
Money funds sum Capital interest sum
Amount balance Cash currency bill
Receipt note Draft check bank
Cashier bookkeeper stenographer clerk accounting

Business English Accounting Department
2ND Semester
Hundreds of business words will be found randomly with their strange meaning. In
other words, most of the information that circulates in business world, such as mail, radio,
cable, internet, etc. – is in English. This language has become the working language or
bridge language of our time. The use of business English plays an important role in the era
of globalization. (Vocabulary: strange:yg aneh; role:peran).

Business English – Why Is It Important Today?

Business English is the general term that is used for English related to international
commerce, finance and industry. In the global environment, it has been common for non-
native English speakers to study business English as a specific tool, with the aim of
Interacting with English-speaking countries, or with companies that use English as the
common language. In this situation, business English is what one is required in order to
join, communicate and compete in the international market. This is why the importance of
good business English can no longer be underestimated in the age of the new global
business market.
Vocabulary: environment(era); the aim of(tujuan); is required(diperlukan); compete (bersaing);

As a specific tool, the main purpose of business English is to carry messages in

order to reach an agreement. This is why it demands a business-oriented English
vocabulary and the amount of skills. These skills can include (a) English letter writing,
(b) delivering presentations, and (c) negotiating or small-talk. With this in mind, such
skills are already considered to be a prerequisite of modern-day international cooperation,
and an important key for global business. In order to meet the demands, from students of
university graduates to senior managers must be able use English for work. Effective
internal and external communication is essential to the success of any business, and
professionals who need to communicate with each other as non-native English speakers
Business English Accounting Department
2ND Semester
can greatly benefit from learning Business English. You will also be able to concentrate
on topics that are relevant to your industry or company, which could
include law, finance, medicine, IT, Marketing or Human Resources, while simultaneously
enhancing your General English skills.
Vocabulary: main(utama); small-talk (obrolan ringan); mind (pemikiran); prerequisite (prasyarat);
demands (tuntutan); essential (perlu); professionals (para pakar).

What is the difference between Business English and General English?

The truth is, there are probably more similarities than differences. They both
require the development of core skills in speaking fluently, reading, writing, listening, and
the application of linguistic principles and, of course, it needs plenty of hard work. It is
to have a good basis of General English to be able to communicate effectively. However,
Business English is more focus on particular vocabulary, topics and skills that are
applicable to the workplace and enable you to communicate accurately.
Vocabulary: core skills (keterampilan inti); applicable(bisa diterapkan)

Here are some Business English topics:

I. Business English Vocabulary
II. Making phone/conference calls
III. Doing presentations
IV. Taking part in meetings
V. Being involved in negotiations
VI. Writing Business Letters, emails/reports

Business English : Abbreviations

@ At
a/c Account
AGM annual general meeting
a.m. ante meridiem (before noon)
a/o account of (on behalf of)
AOB any other business
ASAP as soon as possible
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2ND Semester
ATM automated teller machine (cash dispenser)
Attn for the attention of
Approx Approximately
Cc copy to
CEO chief executive officer
c/o care of (on letters: at the address of)
Co Company
Cm Centimeter
COD cash on delivery
Dept Department
e.g. exempli gratia (for example)
EGM extraordinary general meeting
ETA estimated time of arrival
etc et caetera (and so on)
GDP gross domestic product
GNP gross national product
GMT Greenwich mean time (time in London)
i.e. id est (meaning : 'that is')
Inc Incorporated
IOU I owe you
Jr Junior
IPO initial public offer
K Thousand
Lb pound (weight)
£ pound (money/currency)

Exercise (1) : Business English Vocabulary

Instruction: Choose the best response for each question.

1. He is the head of the accounting department. = He's ______________ of the

accounting department.
a. in charge b. charge c. in control

2. I'd like to _____________ you to Lisa, our database specialist.

a. introduce b. meet c. assist

3. I'm __________________manager at Disney. (There are many managers there)

a. the b. an c. a

4. I'm ____________________CEO of Herbalife International. (There is only one

a. a b. the c. an

Business English Accounting Department
2ND Semester
5. James always does _________________well.
a. job b. working c. his job

6. You should always call the customer by his/her _______________, not his/her first
a. last name/surname b. second name c. familiar name

7. I remember faces very well. = I'm ______________.

a. good with faces b. good at faces c. good in faces

8. Do you have any _________________on you?

a. cards of business b. work cards c. business cards

9. Another word for colleague is ________________.

a. compatriot b. co-worker c. acquaintance

10. Our business is _______________. We have to hire two more people.

a. slowing down b. growing c. growing up

11. Many companies require you to wear a nice shirt and a _____________ to work.
a. tie b. hat c. belt

12. Lowest paying jobs = ______________ jobs

a. Small wage b. Minimum wage c. Little wage

13. I always have a __________________________ attitude. ( = I'm always

a. Positive b. negative c. pleased

14. I want to _____________for this seminar.

a. Sign b. sign up c. sign in

15. Victoria was ___________________ today.

a. Late 15 minutes b. late by 15 minutes c. 15 minutes late

16. To be ________________ means to always be on time.

a. punctured b. punctuated c. punctual

17. The amount of work that you have to do is called your __________________
a. workload b. job-load c. work-heap

18. Please let me know _________________.

a. through email b. by email c. with email

19. I'm sorry, he just _____________( = left the office). He'll be back in half an hour.
a. stormed out b. walked c. stepped out

Business English Accounting Department
2ND Semester
20. He is always _____________ to help me.
a. willing b. wants c. wailing

21. I need a new chair. This one is not very ______________.

a. common b. comfortable c. comforting

22. He _______________ his time very well.

a. counts b. takes c. manages

23. There's no rush. _______________your time. When you finish the report, let me
a. Make b. Take c. Count

24. My _______________ is $50,000 per year.

a. salary b. sale c. celery

25. In Canada, ______________are higher than in the United States.

a. taxes b. tax c. taxation

26. There's no rush. _______________your time.

a. cash b. incoming cash c. income

27. I'm __________________ right now, can we talk in one hour?

a. busy b. occupied c. business

28. My ______________ is very important to me..

a. career b. workload c. working

29. These days I almost have no ______________

.a. fun time b. free time c. good time

30. We have to _______________ ( = discuss/review) this report.

.a. go b. get over c. go over

31. Can you finish this ______________ 5:00 PM today?

.a. by b. in c. until

32. I don't think he's _______________ ( = here) today.

.a. alone b. around c. along

33. My _______________change all the time. ( = what I have to do changes all the
.a. duty b. responses c. duties

34. It's a manager's job to _______________duties to an employee.

.a. assign b. assist c. assail

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2ND Semester
35. Could you please _______________ ( = help) me with this?
.a. assail b. assign c. assist

36. He is always very ________________.

.a. helping b. helpful c. help-giving

37. This has to be done __________________.

a. as soon as possible b. as soon as probable c. as soon possible

38. I got pregnant and was on _______________ for six months.

.a. live b. (maternity) leave c. maternal

39. We were unable to come to an ______________. ( = We were unable to agree)

a. agree b. agreement c. action

40. I don't work full-time. I work ________________.

a. partly b. part-schedule c. part-time

41. George doesn't have a job. He's _________________.

a. unaware b. unknown c. unemployed

42. It's a lot of work, but I can _______________ it.

a. hand b. handle c. answer

43. Every meeting has an _______________. This is a list of things that you have to
discuss (go over) during the meeting.
a. agency b. agenda c. agent

44. There is no _______________ on this = Not everyone agrees about this.

a. consensus b. census c. complaint

45. If something is mandatory, ________________.

a. it does not have to be done
b. it is has to be done by a manager
c. it has to be done

46. I think I should ________________ ( = take part) in these discussions.

a. participate b. part c. control

47. I'm sorry, but could you please _____________ ( = explain) what you mean by
a. clarify b. clear c. clear out

48. Most meetings are held in the ________________.

a. lunch room b. stairwell c. boardroom

Business English Accounting Department
2ND Semester
49. You and I make a _______________! = You and I work really well together!
a. great duo b. great team c. great friends

50. I'd like to hear your _______________ about this. ( = I'd like to know what you
think about this)
a. opinion/ thoughts b. speech c. brainstorming

51. We haven't been very _______________ in promoting our products. ( = we haven't

been promoting our products too much)
a. action b. acting c. active

52. We're investing money in areas where we think we can grow and be
a. profit b. profitable c. profiting

53. The inflation rate has been ______________ higher by rising food and energy
a. put b. pushed c. increased

54. The __________________ results surprised everyone.

a. better-than-expected b. better-than-thought c. beat expectations

55. I expect this to become the next big _____________. ( = popular thing)
a. trendy b. trend-setter c. trend

56. Job opportunities are sometimes referred to as "job ________________."

a. prospects b. offers c. training

57. We expect this to _________________ ( = change) in the months ahead.

a. turn around b. turn out c. turn

58. They are the world's largest _______________ of anti-inflammatory drugs.

a. produce b. production c. producer

59. We used to make these cups from glass, but we ____________ to plastic in 2004.
a. swapped b. switched c. altered

60. Our factory is inspected on a ___________. ( = regularly)

a. regular basis b. scheduled visit c. time to time

Exercise (2) : Business English

(a) “Unfair Payment Differences”,
(b) “Royals on the Trading Floor”
(c) “Preparing for a Job Interview”

Business English Accounting Department
2ND Semester
Instruction: Fill in the blanks in the text below with one of the following words
1. increase (rise) 8. senior (higher in rank / older)
2. stem (arise from / originate) 9. causes (reasons)
3. lack (be missing / not enough) 10. equal (the same amount)
4. pay (salary) 11. found (discover)
5. leave (authorize absence from work) 12. connected (related to)
6. workplaces (place where you work) 13. promoting (giving a higher position)
7. salaries (regular payment for work) 14. solution (answer to problem)

“Unfair Payment Differences” :

A report has revealed that men are paid higher (1) ___salary_______ and receive
bigger bonuses than women. The gender pay gap still exists in companies and (2)
______workplace_____ in many countries, despite legislation has ensured to pay
(3) ____equal_________
What are the causes? Some people believe that women are more hesitant (ragu2) in
asking for a pay (4)_____increase_________. Others suggest a variety of reasons such
as (5) ____lack__________ of ambition, poor role models or problems (6)
_____connected__________ with maternity (7) __leave_____________ and time off for
child care.
However, the problem could also (8) ___stem_______from the fact that it’s
usually (9) ___senior______ managers who decide on (10) __pay______ rises, and most
of those are men! It is also thought in some companies that there is no in point
in (11)______promoting_____ a woman who might leave to have a baby and never come
back. Whatever the (12) ________cause_____, this modern-day problem continues to
exist and a (13)______solution_______ needs to be (14) _______found_____
Vocabulary: revealed(megungkapkan; gap(perbedaan); despite(walaupun); legislation
(peraturan); variety of(berbagai); role (peran); maternity (melahirkan); rises (kenaikan)

“Royals on the Trading Floor”.

1. broker (person who buy and sell on 8. trader (people who buy and sell on
stock exchange) stock exchange)
2. record (highest level ever reached) 9. efficient (capable)
3. money (cash or bank note) 10. split (divided)
4. died (lost their lives) 11. raised (collected)
5. deal (transaction) 12. value (worth in terms of money)
6. Trade (business / buying and selling) 13. amount (sum)
7. transaction (deal) 14. negotiation
Business English Accounting Department
2ND Semester

Prince William and Prince Harry recently took to the trading floor where they
registered a world record 25 billion euro deal for charity. They spent around an hour
negotiating deals at the BGC Partners brokerage in London's Docklands during the
firm's annual charity day to raise (1 )_______money_____ in memory of its 658
employees who (2) _died_________ in the 9/11 attacks on the World (3)
___trade________Centre in New York exactly 12 years ago.
The last and biggest (4) _________deal__ the brothers made was for 25 billion
Euros, a deal which broke a world (5) _____record______ for a forward foreign
exchange. A BGC (6). _______broker_______ mentored Harry through the deal he
made alongside William.
As the brothers switched from desk to desk (7) _______negotiate_________ deals
with firms including Barclays and Citi (8)___traders____________. gave Harry gifts for
his little nephew Prince George. Prince Harry encouraged brokers to raise the (9)
__________value____ of deals, calling out figures and lifting his hand to indicate
the (10)_____amount__________ needed to be higher. Prince William was also very
(11)____efficient____________, making enough efforts to concentrate on the (12)
___transaction____________despite the noise around him.
The money 13. ___raise_________by each charity day is (14)
_______split______ between several charities in the UK and abroad. The Princes were
raising money for “Skill Force”, of which William is patron, and “Well Child”, where
Harry is patron.
(“Skill Force” & “Well Child”)
Vocabulary: took to the trading floor(turun ke lantai bursa; registered(terdaftar sebagai; deal for
charity(kesepakatan utk amal); deals(penawaran; brokerage(broker/makelar); raise(meningkatkan);
broke(memecahkan); forward foreign exchange (valuta asing berjangka); mentored (yg dibimbing);
encouraged (mendorong); figures (para tokoh); patron (pelindung); “Skill Force” & “Well Child”(nama
badan amal UK untuk pendidikan)

(c) “Preparing for a Job Interview”

1. History (the past development) 8. Organization (company / firm)
2. Information (details / data) 9. Opportunity (occasion)
3. Experience (prior jobs) 10. Practice (rehearse/repeat regularly)
4. Questions (request for information) 11. Specific (particular)
5. Current (at the present time) 12. Appropriate (suitable)
6. Interest (desire to learn more) 13. Impression (have an effect)
Business English Accounting Department
2ND Semester
7. Panel (group of people / examiners) 14. Introducing (giving your name)

Prior preparation is essential for a successful interview. To begin with, it's

important to do some background research to get as much 1. ___iformation__________
on the company as possible. This might include researching any 2.
_______current______ events that relate to the organization or industry, the
organization’s objectives, and the 3. __history______ of the company.
Find out as much as you can about the 4. _______specific______ position
including the skills, academic background, and 5. _____experienced_______ required for
the job. This will help you understand the employer's needs and show you how you can
benefit their organization. Anticipate 6. __questions___________ the interviewer may
ask. Prepare and 7. ___practice________ responses to the questions - but don't try to
memorize them. Answers need to sound natural.
At the end of an interview, you are typically asked if you have any questions about
the 8. _________organization_____or job you’re applying for. This is an 9.
______opportunity_______for you to show your 10. _interest___________ in the
position and the company by asking 11. ________appropritae_____ questions which you
have previously prepared.
Last but not least, to make a good first 12. _____impresson_______, practice
opening a door, coming into a room, greeting the interviewer or 13. _pannel___________
members by offering your hand confidently, smiling and 14.
________introduce_____ yourself.
Vocabulary: Prior (awal); include (termasuk); required (yg diperlukan); typically (biasanya); previously
(sebelumnya); confidently (dg percaya diri)

Exercise (3) : Business Terms and Expressions

Instruction: Choose the correct meaning for the terms and expressions below

1. a deadline 9. clinch a deal

a) a short-term credit deal a) put an end to discussion
b) a strict time limit b) reach an agreement
c) a line no longer manufactured c) spoil an arrangement
2. get down to business 10. comer the market
a) travel to work a) reduce sales significantly

Business English Accounting Department
2ND Semester
b) start a business b) manage to enter the market
c) start working c) dominate an area of business
3. quite a bargain 11. go down the drain
a) a good deal a) be waster or lost
b) a bad deal b) need further analysis
c) still under negotiation c) decrease in quantity
4. at short notice 12. in the pipe line
a) with a brief explanation a) ready for delivery
b) not far away b) currently in progress
c) not long in advance c) under discussion
5. in high demand 13. second a motion
a) very frequently ordered a) agree with a proposal
b) need urgently b) put something in action
c) ordered by top official c) make a second proposal
6. put in a tender 14. shelf life
a) make tentative suggestion a) must be kept for a long time
b) make an offer b) use within a certain length of time
c) make an appearance c) place for discarded objects
7. selling point 15. a down payment
a) argument in favor of a product a) a redundant payment
b) place were products are sold b) a part of the total payment
c) sales level reached c) a cash payment
8. key factor 16. pick up the tab
a) successful product line a) increase the amount
b) main factory b) notice the price
c) important reason or fact c) pay the bill

Exercise (4) : Abbreviations

Instruction: Find the Correct Answer to the Abbreviations in Business

1. R.S.V.P. 5. A.O.B.
a) as soon as possible a) for the attention of
b) please reply b) with reference to
c) per week c) account receivable
d) value added tax d) annual general meeting
e) paid e) any other business
2. Qty 6. attn
a) as soon as possible a) application
b) please reply b) for the attention of
c) please c) with the application
d) quantity d) estimated time
e) paid e) accounting
3. Thx 7. I.P.O.
a) thanks a) copies to

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2ND Semester
b) please reply b) chief executive officer
c) please c) initial public officer
d) quantity d) any other business
e) with reference to e) approximately
4. E.T.A. 8. ASAP
a) thanks a) as soon as possible
b) for the attention of b) please turn over
c) estimated time of arrival c) per week
d) quantity d) value added tax
e) with reference to e) assumption

9. pls cfm 16. Re

a) thanks a) please reply
b) for the attention of b) please turn over
c) estimated time of arrival c) per week
d) number d) value added tax
e) please confirm e) with reference to
10. @ 17. C.O.D.
a) at a) copies to
b) for the attention of b) with reference to
c) estimated time of arrival c) cash on delivery
d) number d) chief executive officer
e) please confirm e) initial purchase offer
11. a/c 18. Approx
a) at a) attention
b) account b) account
c) estimated time of arrival c) approximately
d) number d) annual general meeting
e) please confirm e) any other business
12. A.G.M. 19. E.G.M.
a) at a) extraordinary general meeting
b) account b) initial purchase offer
c) estimated time of arrival c) cash on delivery
d) annual general meeting d) eager enthusiasm management
e) please confirm e) please turn over
13. G.D.P. 20. mo
a) great production a) memorandum
b) gross domestic product b) mouth
c) cash on deliver c) number
d) development project d) month
e) as soon as possible e) incorporated
14. G.N.P. 21. Mth
a) gross domestic product a) month
b) general national meeting b) memorandum
c) gross national product c) please reply
d) eager enthusiasm d) copies to
Business English Accounting Department
2ND Semester
management e) reference to
e) cash on delivery
15. Pls 22. Inc.
a) please a) gross domestic product
b) please reply b) hire purchase
c) paid c) in advance
d) as soon as possible d) incorporated
e) please turn over e) gross national product

23. no 30. H.P.

a) normal a) high quality
b) estimated time of arrival b) hire purchase
c) number c) cash on delivery
d) with reference to d) gross domestic product
e) negotiation e) hopefully
24. Lb 31. VAT
a) public limited company a) value added tax
b) gross national product b) please turn over
c) incorporated c) additional variation
d) limited company d) accounting term
e) pound (weight) e) public relation
25. C.E.O. 32. N/A
a) copies to a) number of payment
b) chief executive officer b) national product
c) any other business c) approximately
d) emergency calling d) not applicable
e) important reason or fact e) value added tax
26. I.O.U 33. p.w.
a) public limited company a) public relations
b) incorporated b) please turn over
c) I owe you c) paid
d) please reply d) per annum
e) international organization e) per week
27. Jr 34. Nb
a) limited company a) pay attention to this
b) junior b) not applicable
c) for the attention of c) junior
d) quantity d) pound (weight)
e) jungle area e) any other business
28. Plc 35. pd.
a) per week a) not applicable
b) public limited company b) pay attention to this
c) incorporated c) personal assistant
d) please turn over d) per annum
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2ND Semester
d) hire purchase e) paid
29. PA 36. PR
a) not applicable a) personal account
b) down payment b) per annum
c) personal assistant c) paid
d) public limited company d) personal assistant
e) formal meeting e) public relations

37. p.a. 39. Cc

a) not applicable a) copies to
b) pay attention to this b) account
c) per annum c) annual report
d) personal assistant d) any other business
e) public relations a) corporation
38. Ltd. 40. PTO
a) limited company a) please turn over
b) incorporated b) public relation
c) not applicable c) paid
d) gross domestic product d) new product
e) lower purchase e) personal assistant

Business English Dialogs: Practice

Instruction: Sit down in pairs. Read the Dialogs (take turns with partner) and then Write
a summary of the dialogs with your owns words and then Tell your
summary to the class.

(1) Telephone Banking - Business English Dialogues

Representative : Hello. How can I help you today?

Customer : Hello. I'd like some information on the telephone banking services
offered at by your bank.
Representative : Certainly. Where do you live?
Customer : at the High Street Branch.
Representative : What would you like to know?
Customer : How do I sign up?
Representative : Just let me know, I'll sign you up immediately.
Customer : Can you tell me how the telephone banking services work?
Representative : You can do all your day-to-day banking over the telephone, 24
a day.
Business English Accounting Department
2ND Semester
Customer : That's great. How do I access my account?
Representative : Just call the bank, key in your PIN number and listen to the menu
options available.
Customer : How do I choose which option I want?
Representative : Just press the number for the service stated by the recording.
Customer : What kind of things can I do?
Representative : You can check your balance, pay bills, order a statement or even
transfer money to another bank.
Customer : That's fantastic! Can I trade stocks and bonds.
Representative : I'm afraid you will have to have a special account for that.
Customer : What about getting help if I have any problems?
Representative : There's an automated answering machine and staff are available 9
to 5
seven days a week.
Customer : It all sounds very good to me. I'd like to sign up.
Representative : Alright, can you answer a few questions please?
Customer : Certainly...

Useful Vocabulary:
 24 hours a day  to check your balance
 account number  to key in a PIN number
 automated answering machine  to order a statement
 day-to-day banking  to pay bills
 menu of options  to sign up
 telephone banking services  to trade stocks and bonds
 to access an account  to transfer money


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2ND Semester

(2) Bargaining
LYN : Excuse me. How much do you want for this bowl?
OWNER : Let’s see. Hmm... That’s an outstanding piece of Depression glass --- in
perfect shape. It’s worth 150 bucks.
LYN : A hundred and fifty dollars! Oh, I couldn’t possibly pay that much. It’s a
shame. It’s really nice.
OWNER : Hold on, lady. I said it was worth 150 bucks I’m only asking $115.
LYN : A hundred and fifteen dollars?
OWNER : Yeah, it’s a real bargain
LYN : Oh I’m sure it is. But I can’t afford that
OWNER : Well, look. Tell you what I’ll do. I’ll make it an even $100. I can’t go any
lower than that.
LYN : I’ll give you $65.
OWNER : Sixty- five! Come on, lady. You’ve got to be kidding. I paid more
than that for it myself. Take it for $90. It’s worth every penny.
LYN : Well, maybe I could give you $75.
OWNER : Eighty-five. That’s my final price.
LYN : Eighty.
OWNER : Make it $83.
LYN : OK. Eighty-three.
OWNER : Let me wrap it up for you. There you are, lady ----- a real bargain
LYN : Yeah, thanks a lot.

Useful Vocabulary:
 Bargaining - Something offered or acquired at a price advantageous to the buyer
 Bargain - An advantageous purchase
 Buck - A dollar
 Outstanding - distinguished from others in excellence
 Depression - basin, bowl
 Penny -In the United States and Canada, the coin that is worth one cent
 Even -Having an exact amount, extent, or number; precise

Practice :
A: How ______do you want for the bowl?
B: Its _________ $75.

A: A hundred and fifteen __________?

B: Yeah, it’s a real ________.

A: Oh I’m sure it is. But I can’t _________ that.

Let me _____ it up for you. There you are, lady _____ a real bargain
B: Yeah, ________ a lot.

More Exercise:

Business English Accounting Department
2ND Semester
1. Do you know how to ask discount in a store? How do you do it?

2. Do you always make a bargain when you buy in a store? Why?


3. Where do you go when you look for bargains?


4. Do you think bargains usually have low quality than those items which are not
bargains? Prove or defend your answer.

5. What can you say about the dialogue?


(3) Small Talk Dialogue

Maria : The service is really slow here. I've been trying to get the waiter's
attention for the last ten minutes.
Ali : I hope he waits on us soon. I have a class at two o'clock.
Maria : Me, too. I recognize that English book. You must be a student at the
English Language Center.
Ali : Yeah. I'm in the fourth course. Are you studying there?
Maria : Yes, I'm in the fifth course. I took the fourth course last month.
Ali : I just came here two weeks ago. Do you like the institute?
Maria : It's pretty good. I think I've learned a lot of English so far.
Ali : Yeah. I only wish the classes were a little smaller, though, because we
don't get enough chance to talk. But I like my teachers a lot.
Maria : How long are you going to be here?
Ali : I guess a year, but sometimes I feel like going home tomorrow.
Maria : You'll get used to it. Where are you from?
Ali : Saudi Arabia. How about you?
Maria : Venezuela. I'm only staying here three more months. Then I go to
Columbia University in New York.
Ali : By the way, my name's Ali.
Maria : Hi. I'm Maria.
Ali : Hi. Oh, here comes the waiter. It looks like we're going to get served after
Maria : Good. I'm starving.

Dialogue Analysis

1. What led up to the opening of the conversation between Maria and Ali?
Business English Accounting Department
2ND Semester

2. Did Maria start the conversation by introducing herself?


3. What did she say to start the conversation?


4. How did Ali show he was interested in talking to Maria?


5. What other things did they talk about before telling each other their names?

6. What expressions did Ali use to casually introduce himself?


7. Why didn't Ali ask Maria her age or telephone number?


8. Would you start a conversation with someone in a student cafeteria? In what

situations do you feel comfortable talking to strangers


There are 3 DVD-RW:

1. DVD RW (a) : It is about “A New Job Challenge”
2. DVD RW (b) : It is about “Business Dinner”
3. DVD RW (c) : It is about “Talking to a Co Passenger”

(a) Instruction: Now, listen to the DVD RW (a) – “A New Job Challenge” with
the subscript on the screen. Try to understand what the speakers say in this
Video. Here are persons who are involved in the dialogs.

(a) Sonia ] is a strategic planner

(b) Ben ] company’s staffs

(c) Alex ]

(d) Emma ] New secretary for Mike

(e) Mike ] Director

(f) Joanna Castle ] Account Director

Business English Accounting Department
2ND Semester
1. First you will see Sonia (She is a strategic planner) who is busy with
making phone call but the line is busy.
2. Then you see Ben introduce Emma (a new secretary for Mike) to Sonia.
Ben want to introduce Emma to Joanna (Account Director) but she is
still in a meeting.
3. On the way, Emma wants Ben to tell her about “Valvet Selestion”
It is a kind of “a deal” for a luxury chocolate by Eidinburgh Chocolate

4. You will listen to more dialogs about :

- Milburgh Anderson Company whose manager is Cameron Black
- Jamie Fraser who works for the Anderson company.
- Most of these persons are talking about “Valvet Selection” because
last week the Anderson company took over(mengambil alih) it and
still look after(memegang) the “Valvet Selcetion”
5. In Mike’s room you will see that Alex and Mike are seriously talking
about the “Valvet Selection” and you will know that they will be
fighting to keep it. And that is why Joanna will arrange a dinner with
the manager of Milbergh Anderson company and Jamie Fraser.
6. At the same time you will see Ben coming with Emma to Mike’s room.
7. Next, you will see Ben take a telephone call from Steven Archer from
Stanley Park Hotel who wants to talk to Joanna Castle.
8. Here, Sonia and Joanna are busy talking about a good news in which
they will go ahead(melanjutkan) to pitch the “Woodhouse Hotels
9. Until the end of this Video, you will see that Sonia and Joanna are
seriously talk about the “workhouse account”.
And Joanna talks about Ed Clark, a new Chief Executive who wants to
invite Joanna to pitch because Ed will make changes and put
10. Finally you will see that Sonia should cancel her holiday to Paris
because Joanna needs her for the “New Job Challenge” that they have
to be arranged.
(b) Instruction: Listen to the DVD RW (a) – “Business Dinner” and you may see
the subscript on it. Try to understand what the speakers say in the
Video. Here are persons who are involved in the dialogs:

(a) Joanna Castle ]They are directors of a company

(b) Mike ]

(c) Ben ] They are their staffs

(d) Alex ]

(e) Jamie Fraser ] Employer of company who sends a

Business English Accounting Department
2ND Semester
] messages to Joanna via Ben.

(f) Cameron Black ] The Project Manager to whom Joanna

] and Mike are introduced by Jamie Fraser

NOTE: You will watch and listen to the dialogs and you will know that Joanna,
Mike and Alex are worried after getting the phone messages. Why?
Then, you will listen to (or read the subscript) that they talk about
“Woodhouse pitch” and “Velvet Selection account”. Please write down a
small paragraph after you listen to it for 2 or 3 times.

(c) Instruction: Continue watching DVD RW (c) at your home. The Title is :
“Talking to a Co Passenger” and Make a Summary of the Video
In Group Work of 3 students for each

Role Play!
a. Have you watched a number of dialogs given above? Do you understand it?
b. Now, you are assigned to practice speaking in the form of Role Play.
c. You have to make a group of (mostly consisting of 3 students) for English
Speaking Practice next week.
d. You may choose your own topic.
e. The time allowed for each group to present the Role play is 10-15 minutes.
f. The assessment will be determined by the Pronunciation, Content, and Expressions
(Body Language).

CROSSWORD PUZZLES : Vocabulary Improvement

N.B. There are no spaces between words.
Across Down
1. rate and efficiency of work 2. proof of payment
4. ask the bank to advance money 3. put money into a company or business
6. money paid for a loan 5. money paid to owner of copyright or
10. wealth of person or business patent
12. promise to repair or replace 7. part of the capital of a company
13. amalgamation of two companies 8. where shares are bought and sold
14. legal agreement 9. money lent
Business English Accounting Department
2ND Semester
16. total sales of a company 11. amount of money spent
17. share of profits paid to shareholders 14. neither cheque nor credit card
15. money returned

(a) Business & Finance

Across: Down:
dividend expenditure
contract invest
productivity refund
capital receipt
turnover stockexchange
borrow cash
merger royalty
interest loan
Guarantee share

(b) Money

Instruction: Find the words in the list below in the grid. Words can go
horizontally, vertically and diagonally, backwards or forwards.

Business English Accounting Department
2ND Semester
banknote debit Loan
borrow deposit Payment
budget donate Receipt
cash fee Refund
cheque interest Save
coin invest Spend
credit lend Tip
currency loan Withdraw
















Business English Accounting Department
2ND Semester


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