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City Workshop Rhema Stewart 4340 26

F.A.T. City Workshop: How Difficult Can This Be?

by Richard Lavoie

F.A.T. City
Tension _____

Name 2 ways delayed processing effects a student’s performance
1. They are often behind their peers when trying to follow instructions given by the teacher. They
possess the previous piece of information at a slower rate.
2. Difficulty following the lecture or lesson in class, thus they do not complete work or can turn
partial work.
Risk Taking:
Name 2 ways you as a teacher can reduce the fear of academic risk-taking during class.
1. Give praise or positive reinforcement when an answer is correct.
2. Do not embarrass a student if he or she answers the question incorrectly. Do not make a big deal out
of it. A teacher could say, “Almost there” or another encourage statement.
Visual Perception:
A) What do teachers often do when a child cannot do academic tasks students say they cannot do?
1. Look at the visual “harder”
2. Give an incentive/bribe to answer the question What do you think this
picture is (before shown)?
3. Take objects or privileges away as punishment
A partial map of Latin
B) What is the difference between seeing & perceiving? America connecting to
1. Seeing is physically looking at something such as an image South America.
on a piece of paper.

2. Perception is bringing meaning to what you see.

Reading Comprehension:
What is necessary for children to be able to comprehend?
1. Background knowledge of the subject (having worked in this subject or topic beforehand)
F.A.T. City Workshop Rhema Stewart 4340 26
2. Training in the subject (given by teacher)

Effect of Visual Perception:

List 2 tasks that are difficult for children with learning / mild disabilities.
1. Visual motor integration- when a student’s mind computes one Write a title for the picture.
thing and his or her hand computes something else
She Looks in the Mirror
2. Processing verbal information quickly like in a conversation or and Sees Death

Cognitive Processing:
Explain the difference between an associative and a cognitive processing.
1. Associative Process / Activity is completing more than one task at a time such as driving and talking
to your children.
2. Cognitive Process / Activity is completing one task at time. Students with LD may also have dynomia
as well. Speaking is a cognitive process to them. For example, taking notes and listening to a lecture is
very difficult for students with dynomia.

What are the two lessons when the group is telling a story?
1. Students with dynomia point out mistakes because their teachers and peers do this to them.
2. Students with dynomia also must remember information from the “storage” part of the brain and this
takes more time at a slower rate. Therefore, a gift that a teacher can give a student with dynomia is more
Auditory / Visual Learners:
List two examples of problems or struggles associated with auditory vs visual learners:
1. Students with dyslexia have difficulty with spatial orientation as they attempt to read. The students
must decode the letters based on their position; for example, the letter “d” is the upright while “p” is
upside down compared to “d.” When they attempt to read a story like the group in the video, they read at
a slower pace and could not comprehend what they read.
2. When a student walks to the teacher and says, “I do not know how to do this worksheet.” The teacher
eventually states what is on the worksheet and the student leaves to complete the worksheet. This
student is an example of an auditory learner and obtains information clearer when it is stated, verbally.
What does fairness mean?
Every student receives what he or she needs, not the same as peers. To be fair, some students need to be
treated differently.
F.A.T. City Workshop Rhema Stewart 4340 26
Paragraph Reflection:

My overall reaction to this video is amazement. I knew that every student struggled in the

classroom; however, I did not know the extent of the struggle. Students with LD do not need pity,

sympathy, or any other emotion that will not help them receive the best education possible. They need

teachers who are empathic, compassionate, and more importantly, patient. They also need teachers who

will go beyond the call of duty to individualize their instruction and implement it well. I will be a part of

the solution such as give cues. I will also never ask questions they do not know the answer to and give

them more time to complete tasks. Lastly, it takes a lot of energy to decode words, possess them, and

respond the questions about them. Therefore, I will ensure that every student receives a fair education

with any or all accommodations and modifications needed.

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