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Part Seven: GRE Resources

Kaplan’s Root List


GRAD/GRESS: to step hyperglycemia: an abnormally high concentration

progress: forward movement of sugar in the blood
aggressive: given to hostile act or feeling HYPO: under, beneath, less than
degrade: to humiliate, dishonor, reduce to lower hypodermic: relating to the parts beneath the skin
rank hypochondriac: one affected by extreme
digress: to depart from main subject depression of mind or spirits often centered on
egress: going out; way out imaginary physical ailments
regress: to move backward, revert to an earlier hypocritical: affecting virtues or qualities one
state does not have
hypothesis: assumption subject to proof
GRAT: pleasing
grateful: thankful IDIO: one’s own
ingratiate: to bring oneself into favor idiot: an utterly stupid person
gratuity: money given for good service idiom: a language, dialect, or style of speaking
gracious: kindly, esp. to inferiors; merciful particular to a people
idiosyncrasy: peculiarity of temperament;
HER/HES: to stick eccentricity
coherent: logically consistent; having waves in
phase and of one wavelength IM/IN/EM/EN: in, into
embrace: to clasp in the arms; to include or
adhesive: tending to remain in memory; sticky; an
adhesive substance
enclose: to close in on all sides
inherent: involved in the constitution or essential
character of something intrinsic: belonging to a thing by its very nature
adherent: able to adhere; believer or advocate of influx: the act of flowing in; inflow
a particular thing implicit: not expressly stated; implied
heredity: the qualities genetically derived from incarnate: given a bodily, esp. a human, form
one’s ancestors and the transmission of those indigenous: native; innate, natural
qualities IM/IN: not, without
(H)ETERO: different inactive: not active
heterosexual: of or pertaining to sexual innocuous: not harmful or injurious
orientation toward members of the opposite indolence: showing a disposition to avoid
sex; relating to different sexes exertion; slothful
heterogeneous: of other origin: not originating in impartial: not partial or biased; just
the body indigent: deficient in what is requisite
heterodox: different from acknowledged standard; INTER: between, among
holding unorthodox opinions or doctrines
interstate: connecting or jointly involving states
(H)OM: same interim: a temporary or provisional arrangement;
homogeneous: of the same or a similar kind of meantime
nature; of uniform structure of composition interloper: one who intrudes in the domain of
throughout others
homonym: one of two or more words spelled and intermittent: stopping or ceasing for a time
pronounced alike but different in meaning intersperse: to scatter here and there
homosexual: of, relating to, or exhibiting sexual
JECT: to throw; to throw down
desire toward a member of one’s own sex
inject: to place (quality, etc.) where needed in
anomaly: deviation from the common rule
homeostasis: a relatively stable state of
dejected: sad, depressed
eject: to throw out, expel
HYPER: over, excessive conjecture: formation of opinion on incomplete
hyperactive: excessively active information
hyperbole: purposeful exaggeration for effect abject: utterly hopeless, humiliating, or wretched

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