Dublin - Philippine Government's Regulations On The Boom' of Online Shopping or Businesses

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International Political Economy

Daniel Dublin March 17, 2018

AB Foreign Service – FS 302 Sir Jumel G. Estrañero




Not so many years ago, most people shopped to their nearest stores and malls
experiencing long lines, parking and weather problems just to get some items they need. When
the rise of the Internet started, online businesses also started to developed and increase in number
but people are afraid of giving their personal information to online shops they are buying to. But
with the help of the advancement of cyber security and help of the government by implementing
laws and regulations to protect the consumers’ information and security, the online business
industry began to rise again and improve its dynamics in online transactions and exchange.

In the Philippines, Filipinos are fond of online shopping that’s why entrepreneurs are
expanding their businesses in the Internet field and create online shops. From airline tickets,
home appliances, clothing and accessories to hotel reservations 1 , Filipinos find them easy to
access and convenient because with just few clicks, they will easy get their wants and needs. But
with the increase of demand in online shopping and increase of establishing online businesses,
there are also increase of problems and issues between customers and online businesses like
scams and stealing of private information of customers. With these issues and problems, some
agencies of the Philippine government have come up with laws and regulations to address the
rapid increase in number of online businesses established and address the problems and issues
between the online businesses and customers. Examples of agencies are Department of Trade

Pedroso, Kate. ‘’More Filipinos choosing to Shop Online, study says.” July 26, 2015
Accessed March 13, 2018. http://business.inquirer.net/195931/more-filipinos-choosing-to-shop-online-study-says
and Industry (DTI), Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR), Securities and Exchange Commission
(SEC) and more.

In this research paper, we will find out how the Philippine government and its agencies
regulate the rise of online shopping industry in the Philippines and the laws and regulations of
the government addressing it. We will also find out the effects of Online shopping to the
economic field of the Philippines and what are the common issues the Filipino consumers
usually experience in the online shopping industry. 2


1. How the Philippine government regulate the BOOM of online shopping industry in the

2. What are the regulations and laws created by the Philippine government on relation to Online
Shopping Industry?

3. How the BOOM of Online Shopping Industry changes the Economic condition of the

4. What are the issues consumers usually face in the BOOM of Online Shopping Industry in the

5. What are the common factors why Filipino consumers choose Online Shopping?


In this research paper, the qualitative research method was used by the researcher. With
the help of the Internet, the researcher will get online sources like articles, other people's
researches and online books that are connected to the topic that will help the researcher to find
answers to his questions. The researcher will find sources regarding the Online shopping industry

Pedroso, Kate. ‘’More Filipinos choosing to Shop Online, study says.” July 26, 2015
Accessed March 13, 2018. http://business.inquirer.net/195931/more-filipinos-choosing-to-shop-online-study-says
in the Philippines, the laws and regulations of the Philippine government addressing the Boom of
the Online shopping in the Philippines. The researcher will also find out online about the effects
of Online shopping industry in the Philippine economic field and what are the common issues
that Filipino consumers face with their experience in Online shopping.


 Rise of Online Shopping Worldwide

Some people really love spending their money, especially when they got their bonuses
from their works, they got their allowances, and especially when they got high-paying jobs or
jobs from companies that pay well to their workers. The way people spend their money to had
changed over and over, from going to the nearest malls and shops to find and get their new
clothes, foods, gifts and gadgets, now with just a few taps, people could easily find and get their
wants and needs to the Internet and will be delivered to your house in just few days. That is how
the shopping industry in the world has evolved and become advanced with the help of Internet
connection. 3

Based on the annual analytic survey of comScore and UPS, they found that consumers
worldwide now do prefer buying things online than in the actual malls and stores with 51% of
consumers do purchase on online on 2016 compared to 2015 and 2014 survey having 48% an 47%
respectively. 4 With the continuous rise of online shopping, it became a huge challenge to
retailers, those traditional malls and shop companies like Macy’s, Nordstrom, and Wal-Mart in
United States and SM Supermalls and Robinson's Malls in the Philippines. These traditional
retailers have experienced small sales gains during the rising period of the online shopping. Two
of the traditional retailing and shopping game changers are the creation of Amazon and EBay e-
commerce. These Amazon and EBay online retailers have made big changes and development on
the traditional shopping method in the world with just setting up the website, posting the product

NA. “The Rise of Online Shopping Explained.” January 18, 2018
Accessed March 13, 2018. https://www.sdcexec.com/warehousing/blog/20989207/the-rise-of-online-shopping-
Farber, Madeline. “Consumers Are Now Doing Most of Their Shopping Online” June 8, 2016
Accessed March 13, 2018. http://fortune.com/2016/06/08/online-shopping-increases/
information and selling it online. Amazon’s revenue rose 15.8% in just one year and $82.7
billion in sales, compared to $12.5 billion for Wal-Mart in a same year. 5

 Consumers’ reasons why they prefer Online Shopping

When the traditional shopping was advanced with the Internet, online shopping was
developed. When it was first developed in the 1990s, people are still in doubt and sceptical to
buy things in virtual and not actual. As years have passed, the online shopping system and
dynamics was also developing and being properly managed enough to be trusted by the
consumers to try and be accepted by many.

In this figure, it illustrates what are the reasons why consumers prefer shopping online
than on the actual stores. 6

Farber, Madeline. “Consumers Are Now Doing Most of Their Shopping Online” June 8, 2016
Accessed March 14, 2018. http://fortune.com/2016/06/08/online-shopping-increases/

Chaffey, Dave. “The Reasons why consumers shop online instead of in stores” October 19, 2017
Accessed March 14, 2018. https://www.smartinsights.com/ecommerce/ecommerce-strategy/the-reasons-why-
Based on the figure, the convenience of shopping online is one of the reasons that why
consumers choose shopping online over shopping in actual stores. People could do their
shopping in minutes even when they are busy, aside from avoiding the crowd and it saves time
from searching for things. And with online shops, people are also given opportunity to shop for
things 24/7 and shop without experiencing exposure to different pollutions.7

Better prices and cheap deals and sales from online stores and ability to compare products’
prices are also one of the factors why consumers choose online shopping. Products may come
directly from the manufacturers or seller without the presence of middlemen. People are also get
easily notified and informed when there are sales, promos and discounts on online shops that are
incoming or on-going.8

Variety was also one of the big factors why consumers choose online shopping. People
could have different choices of brands and products in one website only. People could also easily
get products abroad that are not available on their respective country. People also have wide
variety and choices on where websites to buy things online in case of out of stocks of desired
sizes and colours of the products. 9

These online shopping preferences are also present to the Filipinos. With the popularity
of buying and selling online of different products here in the Philippines, many Filipinos became
fond of this concept. Lazada, Zalora, Shopee, and OLX are some examples of well-known online
shops and sites in the Philippines that Filipinos mostly visit and purchased things. 10

Miller, Gilon. “8 Reasons Consumers Like to Shop Online – Cater to Them for Online Retail Success” February 14,
Accessed March 14, 2018. http://upstreamcommerce.com/blog/2012/02/14/8-reasons-consumer-likes-shop-

Chaffey, Dave. “The Reasons why consumers shop online instead of in stores” October 19, 2017
Accessed March 14, 2018. https://www.smartinsights.com/ecommerce/ecommerce-strategy/the-reasons-why-

Ross, Eleanor. “12 reasons why online shopping is better than in-store” December 31, 2016
Accessed March 14, 2018. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/connecting-britain/why-online-shopping-is-
Lim, Patricia Marie. “Filipino Buying Habits: Offline vs. Online” December 2017
Accessed March 14, 2018. http://adspark.ph/filipino-buying-habits-offline-vs-online/
 History of Online Shopping or E-commerce

Before we go further to this topic, let us learn about the history and how the online
shopping or E-commerce have developed drastically. The online shopping or E-commerce was
developed and started when in 1971 where the invention of email happened, the first online
transaction occurred. In 1979, Michael Aldrich built the first online shopping system, wherein a
system connecting a live listing of products to a server through the phone. 11 In this event, called
‘teleshopping’ was developed. In 1984, Email became accessible and available throughout the
countries like USA and Canada that boosted the communication of people faster than before. In
1990, the World Wide Web was born and after two years, www.books.com, the first commercial
sales site was launched and online credit card processing became available for the first time.
1995 was the year of the debut of Amazon and Ebay and still are two of the most shares of online
purchases and transactions after two decades. In 1998, Paypal was created that enabled
transactions of money through online without sharing financial information. In 2001, Amazon
developed mobile online services where you can now shop online on your personal mobile phone
with just few taps. In 2003, the US online shopping hits $50 billion and Amazon gained in their
yearly profit of $35.3 million in that same year. In 2005, Social commerce arises where
consumers could recommend items to friends via Facebook and Twitter. In 2015 and up to this
date, many shoppers do still shopping online. With their computers, laptops and even
smartphones connecting to Wi-Fi, they easily access to online shops and purchase things they
need and want with just few buttons and taps anytime and anywhere they are. 12

Wood, Becky. “The history of online shopping” February 18, 2015
Accessed March 15, 2018. https://purple.ai/blogs/the-history-of-online-shopping/
Manssen, Sonia. “A Brief history of online shopping” July 1, 2016
Accessed March 15, 2018. https://www.shop.co/brief-history-online-shopping/
 Effects of Online Shopping in the Economic System

The online shopping has changed the consumers and retailers’ views in the economic
system where Internet is the new standard way to buy and sell products. Online shopping has
started in replacing the traditional shopping where people really go to the physical stores. But
these are few of effects of online shopping in the economic system in the world.

1. New Global Economy

Online shopping have reduced the barriers of countries and opened up the market to
buyers and sellers all over the world. The Internet increased the exposure of shops and their
products to people because of the frequent use of Internet. Buyers and sellers could have
transactions like buying products from international brands and deliver it to your doorsteps
regardless of the time zones and wherever you are.

2. Targeted Marketing

With online shopping, retailers have more access and know their customers’ needs and
wants and their shopping habits. They could easily advertise their products to their customers by
just creating and posting ads online.

3. Price Consistency

With the help of the Internet, customers are more likely to compare price online that leads
to transparency of online shops to the customers. With just few taps, they can easily search a
product from different shops with different prices. But retailers find it as a disadvantage for
them. When there is a trend or popular item, the competition arises. Consumers could easily find
and compare prices and find the cheapest price for that trend item. 13

Online shopping has also affected the retailers that still follow traditional shopping
system where they build physical stores. They have experienced less sales and profits when the

WWOnline. “How Online Shopping Benefits the Economy” February 25, 2014
Accessed on March 15, 2018. http://wwonline.net/how-online-shopping-benefits-the-economy/
online shopping became popular. People who visit shops physically have become lesser and
lesser over time. They forced to invest to creating their business and putting it in the Internet
field. Retailers have had to adopt the changes in the economic systems especially in the online
shopping system in order for their business to survive and have profits. 14

 Philippine government regulations for online shopping and businesses

In the Philippine government, there are four main laws that govern over online shopping
and businesses. The agencies in the Philippine government are giving attention to the online
transactions of buyers and sellers. To avoid any problems and inconvenience on the online
transactions, these are the Philippine laws, rules and regulations that online businesses should
follow so that the consumers could not experience problems in their shopping online. 15

1. Republic Act No. 8792 or the Electronic Commerce Act of 2000

- Provides for penalties on computer hacking, introduction of viruses and piracy of

copyrighted works of at least P100,000 and maximum commensurate to the damage incurred,
and imprisonment of six (6) months to three (3) years, among others. Promotes e-commerce in
the country, particularly in business-to-business and business-to-consumer transactions whereby
business relations are enhanced and facilitated and consumers are able to find and purchase
products online.

2. Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Republic Act No. 8792

- The IRR spells out the rules and regulations in implementing the E-Commerce Act and
provides clarifications/explanations on the law’s provisions.

AMP Capital Investors. “The impact of Online shopping on retail property” November 15, 2013
Accessed on March 15, 2018. https://www.ampcapital.com/site-assets/articles/insights-papers/2013/2013-
Mallo, Carlo P. “4 Philippine laws that govern online business” July 29, 2011
Accessed on March 16, 2018. https://www.entrepreneur.com.ph/business-ideas/4-philippine-laws-that-govern-
3. DTI Department Administrative Order No. 8 – “Prescribing Guidelines for the
Protection of Personal Data in Information and Communications System in the Private

- This governs data protection certifiers and processing of all types of personal data. The
intention of the guidelines is to encourage and provide support to private entities to adopt privacy
policies for the protection of the personal data in an information and communications system in
the private sector.

4. DTI-DOH-DA Joint Department Administrative Order (JDAO) No. 1, entitled

Rules and Regulations for Consumer Protection in a Transaction Covered by the
Consumer Act of the Philippines

- The JDAO aims to protect consumers doing online transactions, specifically on the
purchase of products and services pursuant to the Consumer Act of the Philippines. It applies to
all retailers or sellers, whether located here or abroad, engaged in electronic commerce with
consumers. Moreover, it adopts the provisions of the Consumer Act on fair business practices
and the prohibition from engaging in false, deceptive and misleading advertisements. 16

Being the 5th fastest growing online shoppers in the World, shopping through their
desktop, laptop, android phone and other gadget, the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI)
warned consumers in shopping online. Consumers also should be wary on online sellers that
have no business name, address, or contact details because the information posted on the Internet
could be faked because the field is a virtual world and not the real world. The DTI gave
emphasized on the Article 50 of Consumer Rights that considers practices as deceptive when
there is false representation or manipulation in a sale or transaction. DTI also pushed for laws
that will protect the rights of consumers who transact and purchase products online. The
Department of Justice Office of Cybercrime also made regulations protecting the consumers on
online illegal acts such as frauds and scams, misleading product advertisements, difficulty in

Mallo, Carlo P. “4 Philippine laws that govern online business” July 29, 2011
Accessed on March 16, 2018. https://www.entrepreneur.com.ph/business-ideas/4-philippine-laws-that-govern-
returns and replacements, leaking the personal and finance information of the consumers and
chaotic delivery procedures. 17


Based on the researcher’s sources like online journals and articles, the researcher have
come up with data that might help to answer the problems in regard to this research.

In this figure18, it shows that Filipino consumers give more value in online shopping
wherein nine out of 10 consumers prefer and go online to shop at least once a month. They prefer
online shopping more than in-store shopping. Based on the Visa eCommerce Consumer Monitor
2014, 58% of the Filipino consumers prefer the convenience of online shopping allowing them to
compare prices of items without needing to visit physical stores and they can buy things through
computers or mobile phones. 47% of them prefer the prices in online shopping. Aside from they
can easily compare the prices of items, since the stores do not have to pay for rental for their
physical stores, the prices of items will be lower instead of adding it to their prices, and 46% of
consumers prefer the deals in online shopping. This only shows that Filipino consumers really
like how online shopping made their lives easy in purchasing their wanted and needed items

Official Gazette. “Online shoppers cautioned”. July 14, 2015
Accessed on March 16, 2018 http://www.officialgazette.gov.ph/2015/07/14/online-shoppers-cautioned/
Uprade Staff. “Why more Filipinos are shopping online and what they’re buying”. March 9, 2015
Accessed on March 17, 2018 http://www.upgrademag.com/web/2015/03/09/why-more-filipinos-are-shopping-
online by just few taps and will be delivered to their doorsteps. And also, Filipino consumers like
to compare prices of items for them to save money and that made easy by online shopping
because they can just search for their items and all prices will be listed. 19

In online shopping, there are some issues that usually face and experience by Filipino
consumers. Trust issues like lack of online payment systems and security became one of the most
abundant issues. 20 Paying online with your bank account is a serious action for a Filipino
consumer to do. There may have circumstances like scams and errors in the systems that may
happen that’s why online shopping was given more attention by the government. Scamming is
also an issue faced in online shopping where consumers became victims in the online scams like
having sent by fake products, blocking them in messages and hacking their personal bank
accounts. Another one is the delayed of shipping packages in the Philippines where consumers
expected for their items to be delivered for just days but because of massive loads of packages
plus the heavy traffic in the Philippines, shipping became slower and now it takes weeks for their
items to be delivered.

In the government of the Philippines, there are some agencies that regulate and secure the
BOOM of Online Shopping in the Philippines. We have the Department of Trade and Industry or
DTI, National Economic and Development Authority or NEDA, Philippine Economic Zone
Authority or PEZA, National Telecommunications Commission or NTC and more.21 Being the
main agency of the DTI regarding online shopping in the Philippines and other agencies support
the DTI in regulating and governing the e-Commerce and Online Shopping of Filipino
consumers, they have come up with laws and regulations that will help to minimize and also
control the Boom of Online shopping in the Philippines. The Department of Trade and Industry
or DTI launched the PH E-Commerce Roadmap 2016-2020 as well as the e-commerce.gov.ph. It
became the collaboration of different government agencies and private sectors to fully accelerate

Uprade Staff. “Why more Filipinos are shopping online and what they’re buying”. March 9, 2015
Accessed on March 17, 2018 http://www.upgrademag.com/web/2015/03/09/why-more-filipinos-are-shopping-
Domingo, Katrina. “'Trust' issues hold back Philippine e-commerce boom” September 23, 2017
Accessed on March 17, 2018 http://news.abs-cbn.com/business/09/23/17/trust-issues-hold-back-philippine-e-
Lallana, Emmanuel C., Pascual, Patricia J., Soriano, Edwin S. “e-Government in the Philippines: Benchmarking
Agains Global Best Practices” April 2002
the growth of e-Commerce in the Philippines as well as come up with plans, policies and
supporting measurement to address the benefits and also issues of e-Commerce and Online
shopping in the Philippines. 22 Department of Trade and Industry also suggested some tips for
Filipino consumers before they shop online and have their transaction virtually:23

1. Secure Yourself

- DTI suggested that not to use computers with internet connection that is in public use,
consumers must use their own computer/laptop at home. There are now malicious sites and
viruses that collect personal and monetary information of consumers once they are connected to
public internet connection or have used public computers.

2. Transact with a reputable website/merchant/seller

- DTI also suggested shopping only to the trusted websites with many trusted customers
and reviews rather using search engines that will show different untrusted sites. Filipino
consumers should check for its legitimacy or authenticity or their trust mark or seal in the sites.

3. Do some research: do comparison shopping and ask around

- Filipino consumers should visit several websites and do comparison not just their
products and services but also prices, customer service, shipping and delivery methods and
payment methods.

4. Read and Understand the fine print

- Consumers should check the following information and policies of sites that they visit
for online shopping:

Department of Trade and Industry. “DTI launches PH E-Commerce Roadmap 2016-2020”
Department of Trade and Industry. “Online Shopping Safety tips for the Savvy E-Consumer”
- About Us
- Contact Us/Feedback
- Privacy Policy
- Shipping Policy
- Customer Service/After Sales Service
- Terms and Conditions
- Dispute Resolution/Complaints Handling
- FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)/Help24

In the Philippines, the online shopping or e-Commerce have transformed the way of
businesses reach their customers. With the help of the Internet, it was made easy for them to
make transactions in selling their products and consumers also have easy access to shop in online
platform. In 2015, the performances of the local e-commerce industry in Philippine market have
come up $75-billion, according to Inanc Balci, the CEO of Lazada Philippines. According to
Balci, stable and progress of e-commerce and online shopping in the Philippines have attracted
more foreign online marketplaces to set up local business. Nelson Liao, CEO of YiLinker
Philippines, the growth of online shopping from 2013 to 2015 has grown almost 100% each year.
Based on this, the Philippines could become a better market of e-commerce like China and other
developed countries. 25 1 percent of nominal GDP are projected from the total e-commerce-
related revenues in 2005, contributing up to 8 percent of GDP growth. Comparing to other Asian
countries and US, the adoption of e-commerce in the Philippine is slower but its growth of
revenues due to it as well its increase in contribution to GDP growth suggest that e-commerce
has the potential in developing the Philippine growth and recovery for long term. In the field of
employment, e-commerce had brought drastic change to it when it started to arise in the
Philippines. Jobs for businesses’ physical in-stores have affected due to the development of
online shopping since more Filipino consumers chose to shop online rather than in-stores. But as
the adaptation of the Philippines with e-commerce has changed, online businesses and shops
have created new jobs for them to develop better in online transactions.26 DTI have develop and
come up with PH e-Commerce Roadmap 2016-2020 that will ensure that e-Commerce and

Department of Trade and Industry. “Online Shopping Safety tips for the Savvy E-Consumer”
Vicente, Reynaldo. “SPECIAL REPORT: The state of e-commerce in the Philippines” February 18, 2016
De Vera, Roberto E. “Employment Impact of Business-to-Consumer E-commerce on Philippine Workers” 2004
online shopping will bring economic sustainable development as well as employment
development without hindrances from scams and evil-doers online.27


Online shopping have been arising in the Philippines and brought development in
economic context in our country. With its convenience, faster transactions, better prices and
deals, Filipino consumers hugged the online shopping industry in the Philippines that made many
businesses and entrepreneurs to set up their system online with the help of the Internet. At first,
when online shopping was introduced in the Philippines, there have doubts from consumers due
to lack of information on how the transactions work in online system. With advertisements and
commercials of different online shopping industry, Filipino consumers started to venture out and
shop online and preferred online shopping than in-store shopping more.

Different agencies from the Philippine government have come up with laws and
regulations that govern and secure the online safety of consumers in online shopping industry
and protection also of online shops and businesses in local evil-doers. With DTI being the main
agency that watches out online shopping and e-commerce in the Philippines and help of other
agencies and sub-agencies, they have come up with laws regarding online shopping industry.

The researcher concludes that Online shopping in the Philippines have been supported by
the Filipino consumers as well as the Philippine government. With the help of online shopping
and e-commerce industry in the Philippines, it made the economic condition more stable and
made more jobs for the Filipino workers. With the still growing industry, it was made safer and
secured for consumers as well as owners for them to have better transactions online.

Being an online shopper, I recommend to the Philippine government to maintain its

action towards online shopping industry and develop more laws and regulations for the
consumers to have safer and secure environment in online shopping industry. For the Filipino

Department of Trade and Industry. “DTI launches PH E-Commerce Roadmap 2016-2020”
consumers, they should be more observant and knowledgeable about online shopping for them to
have safer transactions online. Consumers should know how to find out legit online shops and
choose safer methods in paying online. And for the future researchers, they should do more
research about online shopping to expand the knowledge of readers about it for better
understanding of what really happens behind the online shopping industry.

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