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[CLHW&WK] Presented by: Mrs. D.


Name: Institution/Course: 2015 Date:

Choose Life - Heart Wise (& Why

Knot?) [Handbook-U]

Module 1 The Uniqueness of the Human Being – Purpose, value,

dimensions, autonomy, vision and virtue.

“He (God) has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of
men; …I know there is nothing better for men than to be happy and do good while they live.
That everyone may eat and drink and find satisfaction in all his toil – this is the gift of God.” -
King Solomon.

I AM UNIQUE and of VALUE - I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully

made. Psalm 139:14 … For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my
mother's womb. Psalm 139:13.

The basic dimensions of the Human Being are the body, mind and spirit. It is from here
that character is formed. [Med. Sc. (neuroscience) has recognized the connection of
the body, soul and spirit.] The Body – houses the consequences of the mental decisions.
The Mind (the Soul) – has the intellect, will and emotions. The Heart (the Spirit) –
Intuition, conscience and communion, [Guided by God’s Spirit]

Prayer is especially necessary when dealing with the subject of one’s mind – the enemy
does not want free minds ...look at the concept of neuroplasticity (how the
brain changes as we think) and how we are in control of that change! Renewing
of the mind is completely feasible when we apply scientific and spiritual
principles, God is wonderful? He has given us the weapons to defeat our
greatest enemy!

We live in a theistic universe with a God who is involved and understands the character of His
creation, us – He made us in own His image. So, what He says about His creation is true and
authoritative. God has created man with the ability to understand it is truth and we can know

Neuroplasticity is the brain’s ability to change itself. And, considering that 87-95% of
illness (both Physical and Mental) come from our though life, this is no little fact! We
can change our thought, and we become fulfilled and whole, because God gave us the
ability to do so! We can change, no matter what our past was or our present is!

And just how can we do this? Epigenetics is how! This term, simply put, means we have
the ability to influence our genes…thus we are not a victim of our circumstances or our
biology, but that we are a unique, beautiful, gifted creation with the power to choose
the way we live our lives! We don’t have to accept depression, anger, fear, hatred…
these are just distortions of our true, beautiful nature. We are wired for love, and we
can choose to have as much love, beauty, happiness and joy as we want!

God’s Truth is absolute and grounded in ‘The Source’ that is Him, is personal, unchanging and He
is Sovereign over all HIS creation. The wonderful assurance is that He has created us with a
free will - choice. Truth is revealed by God - Truth finds its source in God who is personal and
moral. … God has revealed Himself through creation and the human conscience. …. “(my) people
are destroyed for lack of knowledge…

Here is a timeless proof and record of our Creator’s promise: Ecclesiastes 3:11-14 “He (God)
has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; …I
know there is nothing better for men than to be happy and do good while they live. That
everyone may eat and drink and find satisfaction in all his toil – this is the gift of God.”
"Search your own heart with all diligence for out of it flow the issues of life." – The Psalmist
We realize that humankind is not perfect today, “I made them perfect BUT they chose to go
down their own pathway.” Ecclesiastes 7:29. – The enemy’s hijack. But our gracious Creator our
Sovereign God still leaves the choice to us to restore and redeem our original physical, mental
and spiritual perfect condition to enable us to pursue the purpose for which we are created.

It is the Spiritual center that can help to integrate decisions in all the other dimensions to
affect meaningful change in life in total.

The human species are truly blessed of all creation. We are unique compared to other living
creatures. We are made up of several dimensions.


We cannot repeat a choice already made, or undo a past decision.

You cannot predict what options will be open to you at a later date.
You will always have limited resources, time, options, money and interest, so you cannot take
advantage of every opportunity.
Everything you choose for your life will cost you something –and the cost is often more than you
originally thought.
We don’t know how long our lives will be. If we don’t invest ourselves wisely, we may leave this
world falling short of our potential.

PRIME PRINCIPLE: The way I spend my time and resources is a very good indicator of what I
truly value!

Research shows that genes are being turned on and off – every day – by our beliefs,
feelings and attitudes, which guide our choices. These beliefs, feelings and attitudes
are all housed in our thoughts, which are the neuron networks in the brain. When genes
turn on, genetic expression occurs stimulating many things to happen in your body and
brain, of which the growth of new thoughts and redesign of existing thoughts is
paramount. Science shows we have the potential to shift those genes through the

choices we make! These choices are electromagnetic and chemical signals that change
us physically for better or worse…for “life or death.”

Seeing and Being Paradigms (ideas) are inseparable from character. Being is seeing in the
human dimension. And what we see is highly interrelated to what we are. Paradigms could have
power why? Because they can create the lens through which we see ourselves, and the world.
Hence, it is important to pursue true knowledge which develops our understanding that will lead
to True fulfillment in life. There is always a breakthrough and freedom when people
comprehend the truth that everyone is uniquely gifted and that no other individual in the world
can do what you were created to do! [Act-Specs]

Our thoughts are real and that what we think really does affect how we feel, an
attitude cannot be hidden and that no thought is harmless is very freeing - guilt keeps
us bound in the toxicity of condemnation. Remember we are also designed to make
changes to any toxic thinking – harmful thinking. Considering that the driving force
behind all our word, actions behaviors’ are thoughts and that thoughts are living
structures in the brain. It becomes a matter of life and death to control our thoughts.
This is scientifically proven. Dr. Caroline Leaf explains: Research shows that genes are
being turned on and off – every day by our beliefs, feelings and attitudes, which guides
our choices. These beliefs feelings and attitudes are all housed in our thoughts. These
are the neuron networks in the brain. ...Science shows we have the potential through
the choices we make.

Moral Laws Imply a Moral Lawgiver – One who has set the laws in our hearts.

• Moral Laws are different from natural laws.

• Moral laws describe what ought to be not what is.

A PERSONAL VISION STATEMENT The most effective way to 'begin with the end in mind is
to develop a personal V.S., philosophy or creed. It focuses on what you want to be (character)
and to do (contributions and achievements) and on the principles & beliefs on which being and
doing are based.

[We need to understand that we cannot control the events and circumstances of our
life, but we can change our reaction to them. We are not a victim of our biology or
circumstances but we are created unique...with the power to choose the way we live our

We are more in need of a vision or destination and a compass. Whatever be the terrain our
inner compass should always give us direction – the Heart (conscience).

The Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have others do unto you!... But the more essential
meaning is to understand them deeply as individuals, the way you would want to be understood,
and then to treat them in terms of that understanding.


“Habits” Defined Effective Habits are internalized principles and patterns of behavior. The
motivation is a higher purpose - the willingness to subordinate what you think you want now for
what you want later.

Habit is the intersection of knowledge, wisdom & action. Creating a habit requires work in all
three dimensions.

Habits are powerful factors in our lives. Because they are consistent, often unconscious
patterns, they constantly, daily express our character and produce our
effectiveness or ineffectiveness. Habits can be made or broken, learned or
unlearned. But there is no quick fix. It involves a process and a tremendous

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. – ARISTOTLE

Seven key character traits : Love, Integrity, Respect, Virtue, Fair, Diligence & Humility

It is impossible for us to break the law. We can only break ourselves against the Law.”
- Cecil B. DeMille

“People of genius are admired People of wealth are envied People of power are feared! But only,
a person of character is trusted.” – Arthur Freidman

There is no real excellence in this entire world, which can be separated from right living.
D. S. Jordan

Module 2 Communication – Its understanding and importance and presenting

ourselves with clarity & virtue.

Albert Einstein : “Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.” (Entanglement-AV)

COMMUNICATION 7% of our communication is represented by the words we say.

Another 40% by our voice and tone; and 53% by our body language. In empathic
listening we listen with our eyes and with our heart. We listen for feeling, for meaning.
We listen for behavior. We sense, intuit and feel. When we really, deeply understand
each other, we open the door to creative solutions. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Relationships & Commitment – Adherence to the timeless principles of integrity and

virtue. The fabulous neurological effects of smiling… Did you know that the mere act of
smiling could stop a negative toxic mindset? In fact, research shows that smiling a lot
helps towards rewiring the circuit in the brain that helps you keep a positive attitude to

‘Relationship is the stuff Life is made up of’. Communication is the most important skill in
life. We spend most of our waking hours communicating. Its taken years learning how to read,
write and speak. Listening? Have we learned to listen so that we really, deeply understand
another human being from that one's own frame of reference?
The real key to my influence is my example, my actual conduct. My example flows naturally out
of my character, or the kind of person I truly am--not what others say I am or what I may want
them to think I am. It is evident in how you actually experience me. … The most important
ingredient we put into any relationship is not what we say or what we do, but what we are.

Our relationships often determine whether or not we reach out goals. Neuroscience shows
that yawning actually has a type of reboot function, which helps to increase our
alertness making us more cognitively aware. It sort of wipes out the tiredness and
refocuses us... Yawning activates an amazing pathway in the brain dealing with empathy
and the result is an increase in the quantity and quality of loving empathy and an
increase in conscious self-reflection.

… “A Brain science show that, when it comes to intelligence, bigger is not necessarily
better. In fact the whole gender intelligence argument misses the point. It not the size
of the brain that determines intelligence, but rather the “equipment” and connections
found within the brain.

“That “equipment” is the volume of gray and white matter: gray matter grows and white
matter gets thicker as we think and this is what determines our intelligence, not how
big our heads are! As we think we change the amounts and patterns of gray and white
matter, and this differs in every single one of us. In addition there is both a male
processing pathway and a female processing pathway, and science shows us that both
pathways are equally intelligent, like two sides of the same coin. We can reach pretty
much the same answers—we just take different neural circuits to get there.

What she said wasn’t what you heard….

What he thought wasn’t what you assumed…

When a word makes its way off your tongue and out of your mouth it’s no small feat or
random event – it’s a complex process that began as a thought. And the phenomenal
process of thinking, building and choosing a thought is incredibly complex. Add to this
maleness and femaleness, and we find ourselves sorting through multiple circuitous
loops happening in the brain at any one time to produce that sentence you just spoke to
each other. The entire intricate process takes about half a second. Isn’t it amazing
what can go wrong in that short time span!


It is in the shelter of each other that people live. - Irish proverb.

Characteristics of genuine friendship include commitment to each to each other, loyalty, trust,
and keeping your word.

If I want a friend, I must first be a friend.

Summary of Gender Differences: [NEUROSCIENCE]

“We live in a relational world and we, as males and females, are uniquely designed to
associate. Our fundamental design is different, yet complementary (and not
interchangeable as social engineering, cultural norms and political correctness would like
to dictate), and when recombined in relationships, is exponentially higher in functioning.
All this means we function better together, not at odds with one another

Research shows that genes are being turned on and off – every day – by your beliefs,
feelings and attitudes, which guide your choices. These beliefs, feelings and attitudes
are all housed in your thoughts, which are the neuron networks in the brain. When
genes turn on, genetic expression occurs stimulating many things to happen in your body
and brain, of which the growth of new thoughts and redesign of existing thoughts is
paramount. Science shows you have the potential to shift those genes through the
choices you make! These choices are electromagnetic and chemical signals that change
you physically for better or worse…for “life or death.”

So, in general, men speak the language of facts, actions and results; women speak the
language of feelings and emotions:

He’s designed to separate words, emotions and memories; she’s designed to link words,
emotions and memories.

Women bond as they are having a conversation and give support while they are listening.
Men have a conversation as a way of getting facts in order to solve problems and
accomplish tasks, which produces a greater bond in relationships.

Men mentally index their thoughts; women externally pour out their thoughts....

...these differences are part of our Intelligent design and that God did this for a
reason: to get us to think of others and not only of ourselves. When you go beyond
yourself trying to understand each other and the opposite sex, we follow the
CREATOR’S model of “100% give”. As we target this struggle, we will increase our
peace, happiness and joy as well as our intelligence!

In actual fact, EVERY word and EVERY action and EVERY communication event that you
produce was first and foremost a powerful thought. No human actions occur in a vacuum
—they are rooted deep in our thoughts. We all know toxic thoughts produce toxic
words, actions and communication. But, in what may seem at first like a statement so
obvious that is sounds almost silly to write, healthy thoughts can produce healthy words
actions and communication. The fact of the matter? It’s all YOUR choice…it is in YOUR
power to choose! If you clean up your thoughts and memories you will transform your
relationships, and your life will never be the same again!

Stress of Success : “The only trouble with success is that the formula for achieving it is the
same formula for a nervous breakdown.” - Chuck Swindoll.

SETTING SMART GOALS: Specific – Measurable – Attainable – Realistic - Time bound

TIPS SETTING SMART GOALS: 1st: Take time out to reflect on my vision.

2nd: Set goals – for the max positive impact – what are the most important things I need to
accomplish this week? Whatever, it must connect with my Vision.

3rd: Organize weekly – be flexible and focus on important matters - people more than things.

4th : Keep personal commitments as well those made to others - this too in line with my Vision.
(Remember when to Say “No”)

5th Reflect and evaluate – How did I accomplish? Or, why am I unable to? (We learn from

“We cannot help ourselves without helping others, we cannot enrich our lives without enriching
others’ and we cannot prosper without bringing prosperity to others .” – Janette Cole.

Stress of Success : “The only trouble with success is that the formula for achieving it is the
same formula for a nervous breakdown.” - Chuck Swindoll.

Social Graces:

Culture and etiquette is simply knowing what to do and when.

We need to hone in our guest/friend’s five senses.
Seeing – Smile as establishing eye contact. Mention your name. (Using names & speaking in quiet
Touching – Greet the person with a confident handshake (as well as when wishing her/him
‘goodbye’. Keep right hand free. (Touching and patting send wrong signals today).
Hearing (Listen for) Use the name during greeting and conversation. (Active listening and
encouraging. Communicating clearly & paraphrasing.)
Tasting – Offer a beverage. Ask twice, there is usually a first time refusal (out of politeness)
Smelling – Your visitor/friend could be overwhelmed with your favorite perfume.
Wear a pleasant fragrance.
Smokers should ask! Thank them for asking and say politely that you would appreciate if they
did not!!

Café courtesies :
Be sociable. (genuinely pleasant) Seat yourself erectly but comfortably (not slouching).
Be word-wise – some TV/movie popular vulgar language may be tolerated but not before you lose
your respect.
Treat café workers with respect.
Avoid derogatory remarks about the food or any other issue.
Leave your eating area neat.

PHYSICAL WELLBEING: It’s about keeping your self sharp so that you can deal with life in a
better way. It means renewing and strengthening of the three key dimensions of our life – Our
Body Mind and Heart.

Caring for your body – Keeping our physical selves sharp. 1. Meditate 2. Eat Good food. 3
Exercise 4. Relax. 5. Get enough sleep.

Caring for your Mind – The key to unlocking your future - An educated mind can focus,
synthesize, write, speak, create, analyze, explore, imagine and more.

BRAIN FOODS - Your brain needs four basic foods to survive:

1. Oxygen (aerobic exercise is good for you).

2. A balanced and nutritious diet (eat your greens).
3. New and varied knowledge and information (keep learning to understand about life in our
world today).
4. Affection and love

Caring for your heart. The best way to nourish your heart is to focus on building relationships.
“Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier. You can be the living
expression of God’s kindness: seen in your face, in your eyes and in your smile .”

Your Heart Diet – Follow your conscience you eventually become what you view, hear and read,
so continually ask yourself the question “Do I want this to be a part of me.?”



Module 3 Marriage on your mind!! The Pursuit of Purity! & the Act of Marriage.

Marriage – of a man and woman is the most unique and sacred relationship for life
created by the Creator for humans!

The Sanctity of marriage:

1. Marriage is monogamous – man & woman.
2. Marriage, to be healthy, requires fidelity on the part of both husband and wife.
We have a standard of morality and sacredness that guards the marriage union.
3. Marriage is for life; the bond should not to be dissolved.

Clear and good communication Good Communication – which builds intrinsic

understanding between each other needs to be constant. Whatever it takes to sustain
an open communication between yourselves, make time for it and give your undivided

• Good communication - the ingredients:

• Listening and Respect How do we spell LOVE -- T – I – M – E
• Physical space [as opposed to phone calls, emails or Instant Messenger]
• Undivided attention -– get off the Net and all phones off the hook.
• Openness – Transparency in communication breathes confidence in any relationship.


• The purpose of marriage act is to express love, and intimacy in a marriage relationship.
• Marriage to one person for a lifetime creates the strongest of human bonds.
• To enjoy an intimate relationship we do not need pre or extra marital involvement.
The Act of Marriage (AoM)

The physical activity of a husband and wife in the act of marriage involves a sacred and life-long
bonding of body, mind and spirit.

It is not any kind of simple recreational activity but binds both of them in a total commitment
of faithfulness sustained right through life.

Caroline Leaf: We are designed to complete each other and not compete with each
other. -- We are created to be compatible.-- We are created to be complimentary.

Men and women have been created to complement one another through their own unique
strengths; we are exponentially better together. This goes for husband/wife,
father/daughter, mother/son, personal and professional relationships.

STIs (sexually transmitted infections) …are contagious diseases that are passed to others
primarily by act of marriage.

Involving in the AoM before marriage people could get infected with diseases. Young
physically mature girls could become mothers.

• The Young are vulnerable - Certain infections affect young women quite severely.
• It may cause infertility, tubal pregnancy and/or long term abdominal pain.
• They are without symptoms more often. They are more likely to experience
long-term damage to the body.

Medical Science has proved: Inspection Is NOT Good Enough!

• Most STI’s can be present without any symptoms.

• People who do not know they are infected with an STI can still spread the infection
to others.


• Sexuality is the most precious gift to mankind given to us by our

Creator - to be used in ‘Marriage’ alone.

• It is the capacity of the ‘act of marriage. The special desires &

feelings that lead us through AoM is to procreate.

• Adolescent vulnerability - Venture into this area pre-maturely,

leads to irreversible misadventure – consequences.

• Risky behavior could result in many lifetime infections and problems

- leaving us with unhappiness, mixed up feelings and uncertainty.


• Knowledge & awareness.
• Abstinence before marriage & faithfulness in marriage.

• Safe blood transfusion.

• Sterile injection procedures.

• Sterile surgical procedures.

• Safe dental care.

• Precautions while tattooing, shaving & body piercing.

• Abstinence from alcohol/drugs.

• Prevention from mother to child transmission.


• Shaking hands, hugging.

• Living together. Sharing utensils.

• Sharing clothes

• Telephone

• Insect bites

• Swimming or bathing

• Coughing or sneezing.

• Using the same toilets.

• Donating blood.

• Caring for somebody with infections.

KEY CONCEPT: Hormonal birth control methods, such as “the pill” and “the shot” do not
provide protection against STI’s.

The Freedom Abstinence offers - Freedom from:

• fear of STI’s
• fear and consequences of pregnancy

• ever experiencing the trauma of abortion

• pressure to get married before being ready

• sustaining “bad” relationships

• the deep emotional scars that unhealthy choices bring.

• guilt

Freedom to:

• focus energy on establishing and realizing your goals

• experience that special relationship found only in marriage

• enjoy being young and healthy

• experience dignity in self-discipline

• be able to bear children.

KEY CONCEPTS :Peer pressure can be a positive influence if you challenge your peers to
be responsible…

Abstinence before marriage and fidelity in marriage is the best choice it brings freedom!!!

SKILLS : The Steps... what to DO: 1. Seriously commit to your decision to be

abstinent. This is for YOU, and no one else can do this for you.

2. Acknowledge responsibility for your body and what you do with it. You can control yourself.

3. Only date people who share and respect your views, you need them to work WITH you, not
AGAINST you. [This one is ENORMOUSLY important, a definite key to abstinence.]

4. Be sure you're not advertising what's not on the market, dress accordingly. Also, remember,
if someone treats you as though you owe them sex, they're wrong. They're treating you no
better than a prostitute.

5. Avoid movies, TV shows, web sites, magazines, music, and conversations that dwell on or
remind you of risky activities. "That's ridiculous!" you might be saying. Well, think of it as a
BRAIN DIET. The more you feed that part of your brain, the more difficult it will be to remain
abstinent. If you were on a diet, you wouldn't hang out in a bakery. That would be foolish. This
may sound unrealistic, but it's not as difficult as you might think.

6. Keep your clothes on. If you can't get to it, you can't get in trouble with it. It's that simple.

7. Beware of naps together, etc. Getting horizontal can inch you closer and closer to things you
never planned on doing.

8. Keep control. Drugs and alcohol don't make you less responsible for what you do with your
body. YOU still have to bear the consequences of your actions, no matter how unintentional they

9. Always keep in mind that this is not forever. You are just holding out now for the best in the
future. It'll be worth it.

10. Constantly assess yourself and find your points of weakness, then avoid them. You know best
what works for you, and since you are doing this for yourself, you'll try to do it well.

Resource: ©2004 Steps Toward Premarital Sexual Abstinence (Adapted)

KEY CONCEPTS : Peer pressure can be a positive influence if you challenge your peers to be

“The essence of chastity (abstinence) is not the suppression of lust, but the total orientation
of one's life towards a goal." - - Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Difference between Innocence & Virtue: INNOCENCE is when you don’t know any
better. VIRTUE is when you do!

Good Character Embodies Personal Commitment

• The person is consistently truthful.

• Keeps promises, even when it is inconvenient?

• There is evidence of self-control in all past relationships.

• Does not use alcohol or other drugs.

• There is no evidence of having cheated on others in the past.


Street Smart – Awareness and Self-protection skills.

If a thief asks for your handbag, DO NOT HAND IT TO HIM. Toss it away from you.... he is
probably more interested in your handbag than you and he will go for the handbag. RUN LIKE
MAD IN THE OTHER DIRECTION! (towards a public place where you see people.

Remember! Predators could be watching you at any time day or night, if walking remain in a
public area. If you observe you are stalked then make your way towards people you believe who
can help and protect you till you reach safety or home.

Beware of extending sympathy whether genuine or not we need to be cautious of anyone posing
as a person requiring help and assistance. We need to be careful, ascertain and always think of
involving more of the public around you as assurance of safety.

The First lesson to learn in Self-Protection is that you are important. The most valuable
possession you will ever have is you. No-one has the right to hurt, intimidate or harass you. You
have the right to protect yourself and you are well worth fighting for.

The second most important lesson is to learn to understand that your mind is your most valuable
weapon, in self-Protection we use our mind to control panic and fear, use our brain to assess a

situation and to judge the most appropriate action to take. We use our Brain to make choices
and making choices is a big part of Self-Defense.

Self Protection/Defense is not just about learning a few techniques; it’s about all the things we
do on a daily basis to make our lives safer. Much of it is common sense and the rest of it just
makes sense. When you do something often enough, it becomes a habit, after that it becomes

Body Language –

Staring at the ground, hunched shoulders, hiding your hands in your pockets and making yourself
small, carries the message- “I’m weak and vulnerable”. Women get targeted as easy prey so
having strong body language decreases the risk of being a target.

Make eye contact with people in a way that lets them know you’ve seen them (Would-be
Criminals are far less likely to do anything if they think they could be identified).

Swing your arms when walking, take up space. Strong Body Language not only affects how others
see you but it increases your own confidence.

Compare Predators on the streets to Predators in the wild, they are not looking for the biggest,
boldest, strongest animal to bring down but the weak, injured or isolated.

Try not to put yourself in a position where it increases your vulnerability. Predators are not
looking for a fight but an easy kill and when the target fights back ferociously the Predator will
often abort.

Verbal Strategies - Asserting yourself is an important part of taking control of your life. If
someone’s behavior is making you feel bad, uncomfortable or scared then confront the person.

Tell them – Name the behavior, Criticize it, tell them what you want them to do: - “You’re
constantly touching me, I don’t like it, stop it” –

Repeat if necessary. This is a direct, non-engaging way of establishing what you want, avoid
saying please when you are asserting yourself. If someone is bothering you in a public place,
make a scene, it will be much more embarrassing for that person than for you. Your voice is a
weapon too.

Yelling will alert other people around and can startle an attacker. It can also help channel your
fear into aggression - Shout “NO” loudly and deeply from your stomach.

Shouting tenses up your abdominal region so if you happened to receive a hit at that same time
then you are much less likely to be winded by it.

Trust your instincts, if something does not seem right, then it probably isn’t. Say someone
unpleasant is following you – Trust your instinct and do something whether it’s confronting
them, getting to safety, calling someone or look for something you could use as a weapon. Keep a
cell phone, for Emergency only, not only can you summon up help from anywhere but you can also
use it as a weapon (if you learn how).

Remember friend, there is absolutely no reason to be out alone at any given time of the day or

Always Remember: “No one can hurt you without your consent." - Eleanor Roosevelt

"They cannot take away our self respect if we do not give it to them." - Gandhi

Finally remember … Our world needs – men & women….

Who cannot be bought; Whose word is their bond; Who put character above wealth;
Who posses opinions and a strong will; Who are larger than their vocations;
Who do not hesitate to take risks; Who will not lose their individuality in a crowd;
Who will be as honest in small affairs as in greater; Who will make no compromise with wrong;
Whose ambitions are not confined to their own selfish desires;
Who will not say they do it ”because everybody else does it”;
Who are true to their friends through good and bad; in adversity as well as in prosperity;
Who do not believe that shrewdness, cunning and hardheadedness are the best qualities for
winning success;
Who are not ashamed or afraid to stand for the truth when it is unpopular;
Who can say “no” with emphasis, although all the rest of the world says “yes”. Stay the Course
Friend, you’ll move mountains!!!

Courtesy: Heart Wise - Resources : Life @ the Crossroads, Dr. Caroline Leaf . Maxwell & Covey
and the Bible


Top Essentials of Life 1. Oxygen 2. Water 3. Salt 4. Potassium 5. Exercise

[FACT - No one can live without these. Mainstream medicine too often ignores 2 & 3 in favor of
selling drugs and procedures to treat the symptoms of dehydration.

FACT - Nothing kills life quicker than lack of water.

FACT - The people with the worst health drink the least water and use the most deadly
diuretic drought causing drugs - caffeine and/or alcohol.

FACT - The salinity of the water outside the cells in our bodies is the same as the ocean.

FACT - In the middle ages people were put to a horrible death by salt deprivation.

FACT - Health care makes big bucks by selling a quart of water with salt in it (Saline drip), but
won't tell the patients they do indeed need more water and salt in their diets.

FACT - How can you expect drug companies to do research on the importance of water in our
daily lives when they can't make money on it? Who does research to put themselves out of

FACT - No two substances in the Bible are mentioned more than water and salt.

FACT - The environment of an unborn baby is water and salt. []


E.M. Gray wrote: "The successful person has the habit of doing the things failures don't like
to do. They don't like doing them either necessarily. But their disliking is subordinated to the
strength of their purpose."

[LWH Presented by: Mrs. D. Bastion]


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