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Every company or industries have crucial responsibilities in order to record all the
accidents or occupational illness occurred in working area either it fatal or non-fatal injuries. All
of the information basically covered elements for report and record the dangerous occurrences
occupational accidents, occupational diseases and occupational poisonings under Act 514. The
main objective of Notification of Accident, Dangerous Occurrence, Occupational Poisoning and
Occupational Disease Regulations (NADOPOD) is to determine basic causes of the accidents in
order for wise and systematic plans or idea to be taken to avoid identical accident from
occurring in the future.

Accident can be defined as unexpected cases that have unwanted consequences that
could lead to health effects, economical losses and public relation losses. The examples of
accident that can occur in workplace are cuts, sprains and broken bones which can be either
fatal or non-fatal injuries. Occupational accidents and dangerous occurrence needed to be
recorded on form JKKP 6. Meanwhile occupational illness can be defined as any uncommon
situation that may cause by inhalation, absorption, ingestion or direct contact such as lung
disease and physical disorders which can also be either fatal or non-fatal cases. Occupational
poisonings and occupational diseases needed to be recorded on form JKKP 7. The purpose of
JKKP 8 form is to make it into one records of dangerous occurrence, occupational poisoning,
occupational accidents and occupational disease.

In addition, there are two common cases in NADOPOD which are recordable cases and
non-recordable cases. Recordable cases can be classified once lost workday cases occur
because of sick worker experiences either days aloof from work, days of restricted work activity
or both. Accidents without lost workdays contains comparatively minor injury that serious and
activity infection or industrial disease that flatter the standards for record ability but it does not
lead to death or need the affected worker to own days aloof from work or days of restricted work
action on the far side the when the injury occur or identification of activity industrial or poisoning
Therefore, form JKKP 6 ought to be stuffed and transfer to the Division of activity Safety
and Health workplace in between seven days from the date of accident or dangerous
prevalence. Besides that, JKKP 7 required to be stuffed once employers of someone tormented
by several of the activity poisoning or industrial disease listed in Third Schedule of the regulation
or Table 16 must report back to the closest Division of activity Safety and Health Office by
practicing JKKP 7 in between seven days of knowing the case exist. For each dangerous or
accident prevalence reported exploitation this way, it is required to record the circumstance
within the JKKP 8 form.

NADOPOD gives facilitate necessity and data on the notification of the process to be
trailed by the boss and the medical professional in accordance of prerequisites of Act 514. The
practical was done by analyze the accident report that been summarized and filled in the JKKP
6, 7 and 8 form. The accident report was for a company name LHL SDN BHD. The total number
of staff for this organization was 300 and the safety and health for the organization was Mr
Mohd Kamal Kamaluddin.

There were six accident reports that were summarized. First accident was an accident
about a storekeeper name Mohd Jafri bin Jamam that fall down under the path of the trailer
wheels and sprains his ankle. He was unable to work for two weeks. From the accident
summary, this accident falls under occupational injuries and was filled in JKKP 6. For the
second accident, it involve a maintenance personnel which was Pavindran a/l Subramaniam. He
was diagnosed with a sign of having musculoskeletal disease. From that, the accident falls
under JKKP 7 because he was having an occupational disease. Next, for Mohd Fadhil bin Ali,
he was the workshop personnel and was diagnosed with skin dermatitis on his right hand. From
the accident, it was falls under JKKP 7 which was occupational disease.

For the next accident, the chemical conductor which was Ng Teng Tze was handling the
chemical and the chemical spill at his hand and cause burn. It cause four stiches and he cannot
work for about a month. From the accident, it falls under JKKP 6 because it was occupational
injuries. Next, Charles David, which was the worker at warehouse two was diagnosed with
Leptospirosis which was cause from his old workplace at farm. The accident showed that it was
an occupational poisoning and was filled in the JKKP 7. Lastly, Azlina Yusof, which was the
worker at Storage Block C, she managed to escape from the fire at workplace and press the
emergency button. This accident falls under JKKP 6 which was occupational injuries.
For the form JKKP 8, the incident rate, frequency rate, fatality rate and severity rate was
calculated for both occupational accidental cases and occupational poisoning and disease
cases. The value for incident rate was 10 for both cases. Next, for frequency rate, the value
calculated was 5 for both cases. For fatality rate, the value was 0 for both cases and lastly for
severity rate, the value that been calculated was 80 for accident cases and 38.3 for poisoning
and disease cases.

In conclusion, the main objective of Notification of Accident, Dangerous Occurrence,

Occupational Poisoning and Occupational Disease Regulations (NADOPOD) is to determine the
basic causes of the accidents in order for wise and systematic plans or idea to be taken to avoid
identical accident from occurring in the future. Furthermore, the practical was done by analyze
the accident report that been summarized and filled in the JKKP 6, 7 and 8 form. Nevertheless,
from the current result obtained from the practical, it clearly showed that NADOPOD will provide
health benefits to society and good record management especially in industries.

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