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History Culture Dance

 Name of tribe  Trade with Papua  The use coconut
 Name of totems New Guinea. fibers and their
 It used to take 3 days  Traditional glue leaves to make
via boat now only 35 to attach the skirts, headbands
minutes. skins of reptiles and accessories.
 Education was limited to drums  Traditions passed
no book used slates.  Looked for down through
 English was a foreign partners (men) dance.(
language for the Saibai that. language, stories
people  Could dance, etc.).
 Languages and culture carve, and make  The handmade
are dying out. drums. Symbolic drums would
 One of the last islands of their abilities pound out the
to be called as a man, or beat for the
civilization. head of the dancers
 Land ownership family  Costumes are
survival in recognition  Drum skins made made with the
and power. out of reptile use of the
 Half of the population skin. leaves.
had to move inland due  Do things
to a King Tide that collectively as a
affected their housing community.
greatly. Everything is
 Climate and easier.
environment has been  Your culture,
slowly changing language and
identity are your
 Coconut trees
were utilized
with their use of
leaves and fruit

Explain how dance has been influenced by both history and culture

Dance for the Saibai people are very important. Overtime you can see how it has been
influenced by their history and culture. The Saibai people dance to songs sung in their own
native tongue and to instruments made by them. This is part of their culture and without it they
could not dance. Not only that they use coconut leaves and other plant fibers to weave
headbands, skirts and other dance accessories to accompany their dance. This is part of their
culture and dance utilizes it. All of this also helps pass down their culture from one generation
to another. Dance encompasses their language, arts and a part of their culture.
Dance has also been influenced by the history of the Saibai. Before the coming of the English
each Saibai tribe had their own territory and was strong and proud. However with the coming of
the English and the King Tides they have been forced to move further inland and causing many
tribes to come together as one. Only the largest tribes have their dances remembered and as
mentioned in the movie many tribes language and culture and dying out.

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