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12, 2013 1295

Compact CPW-Fed Planar Monopole Antenna

With Wide Circular Polarization Bandwidth
S. Ahdi Rezaeieh, Student Member, IEEE, A. Abbosh, Senior Member, IEEE, and M. A. Antoniades, Member, IEEE

Abstract—The design and implementation of a coplanar wave-

guide-fed planar monopole antenna with circular polarization and
broadband operation is presented. The antenna operates in the
Industrial, Scientific, and Medical (ISM) and wireless local area
network (WLAN) (5 GHz) bands with circular polarization (CP)
in both bands. It is demonstrated that a fractional bandwidth for
CP larger than 33% can be attained simply by introducing an in-
verted L-shaped slot in the ground plane and parallel-aligning an
inverted-L-shaped strip. The advantages of the proposed antenna
are the simple yet efficient design of the radiator, a wide 3-dB axial-
ratio operating band, and a compact size.
Index Terms—Circularly polarized antenna, compact antenna,
ISM band antenna, WLAN antenna.

I. INTRODUCTION Fig. 1. Geometry and photograph of the proposed antenna.

T HE RAPID development in the use of wireless technology

in personal and commercial systems in the last decades
has increased the demand for communication devices, such as
design. The CP antennas previously presented are characterized
by a large size [6]–[8], [14], [15], complex techniques [10], non-
antennas, couplers, filters, power dividers, etc., with compact
planar structures [11], [12], or narrow 3-dB axial-ratio band-
size and wideband performance [1]–[4]. In wireless systems
width (ARBW) [5], [9]. Therefore, designing an antenna with
where the positioning of the transmitter and the receiver are not
a compact size and a wide 3-dB ARBW covering the standard
fixed or their operation is vulnerable to weather conditions, cir-
bands realized by previous antennas is desirable.
cular polarization (CP) is desired to prevent the effects of dis-
Due to their low-profile, low-cost, and low-mass features,
placement and path loss of the antennas. In many applications,
coplanar waveguide (CPW)-fed planar antennas can be easily
such as global positioning systems, wireless local area networks
placed inside packages, making them an appropriate choice
(WLANs), wireless medical monitoring, and mobile communi-
for numerous wireless systems. Therefore, this letter presents
cations, the physical size of the CP antenna is a major concern.
a CPW-fed planar monopole antenna with a small defected
Therefore, designing a compact antenna with circular polariza-
ground plane for operation in the Industrial, Scientific, and
tion is an essential challenge.
Medical (ISM) (5725–5875 MHz) and WLAN 5.2-GHz
Reviewing the literature reveals a great effort in imple-
(5150–5350 MHz) and 5.8-GHz (5725–5825 MHz) bands. By
menting various methods and techniques both for achieving
sequentially introducing an L-shaped slot into the ground plane,
compact and wideband circularly polarized antennas [5]–[14].
and then introducing a complementary L-shaped strip above it,
Some of the utilized techniques include using an artificial
a 3-dB axial-ratio bandwidth larger than 33% is obtained in the
ground [5], slots in the ground [6], S-shaped slots [7], feed
required bands.
networks composed of three Wilkinson power dividers [8], four
notch slots [9], topology-based steps [10], feed positioning with
E- and U-shaped slots [11], asymmetric T-shaped strip [12], II. ANTENNA DESIGN
two linked square slot-rings [13], slotted monopole [14], and The geometry and photograph of the proposed antenna are
inverted L-slits on the ground [15]. presented in Fig. 1. Due to the CPW structure, the radiator and
In CP antennas, simple and planar structures in coincidence ground plane are built on the same layer of Rogers RO4003
with compact size have a great role in applicability of the final square substrate with a side length of 20 mm, thickness of
0.813 mm, dielectric constant of 3.55, and a loss tangent of
Manuscript received June 05, 2013; revised August 15, 2013; accepted 0.0027. The antenna is fed using a 50- CPW feedline that
September 26, 2013. Date of publication September 30, 2013; date of current
has a central signal strip with a width of 3.1 mm and a gap of
version October 17, 2013. This work was supported by the Australian Research
Council Discovery under Grant DP120101214. 0.45 mm. The radiator is a quasi C-shaped monopole connected
The authors are with the School of ITEE, University of Queensland, Brisbane, to the CPW transmission line. Two arms with dimensions of
Qld. 4072, Australia (e-mail: s.ahdirezaeieh@uq.edu.au).
1 6.2 mm and 2.9 1 mm are added to the upper left and
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this letter are available online
at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. right corners of the radiator to improve its impedance matching
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/LAWP.2013.2284003 and axial ratio value. A rectangular strip with dimensions of

1536-1225 © 2013 IEEE


1.36 4.16 mm is removed from the feedline to increase the

antenna’s effective electrical size and its operating band.
The main goal of the design is to create circular polarization.
Hence, the design is modified in a way that creates two electric
fields with equal amplitude and 90 phase difference, which
is the basis for circular polarization. Therefore, an inverted
L-shaped slot with dimensions of 3 1.63 mm is created in
the ground plane of the antenna. In alignment with the L-shaped
slot, another inverted L-shaped strip is positioned above the
slot. By adjusting the dimensions of the L-shaped slot and strip,
circular polarization can be created in the 5–6-GHz frequency
band. The structure shown in Fig. 1 can generate left-hand cir-
cular polarization (LHCP) and right-hand circular polarization
(RHCP) radiations in the - and -directions, respectively.


The success of the design of a circularly polarized antenna
depends mainly on whether the 3-dB axial-ratio (AR) band is
entirely enclosed by the 10-dB return-loss band. Therefore, the
main challenge in the design procedure focuses on how the
C-shaped radiator and truncated rectangle strip in coordination
with the L-shaped strips on the ground plane improve the
impedance matching and axial ratio of the antenna. Hence, the
antenna structure given as Antenna 1 in Fig. 2 is first simulated
using Ansoft HFSS ver. 14. Antenna 1 includes only a C-shaped
radiator and a rectangular ground. Applying the conventional
monopole antenna design method, the total length of the
C-shaped radiator is selected as a quarter-guided-wavelength Fig. 2. (a) Axial ratio, (b) amplitude ratio and their phase differ-
ence, and (c) of Antennas 1–3.
at the first resonant frequency (5.75 GHz). The length is then
tuned to provide the best impedance matching. Considering the
characteristics of Antenna 1 in Fig. 2, it can be observed that axial-ratio value by 2 dB. However, the antenna still cannot
the antenna is well matched from 5.2 to 7.93 GHz, but it has no attain a 3-dB axial-ratio bandwidth because of the improper
3-dB axial-ratio operating bandwidth. To explain how the 3-dB phase difference.
axial ratio can be improved when considering the evolution of To further improve the impedance matching of Antenna 2,
the design from Antenna 1 to Antenna 2 and then to Antenna 3, an additional rectangular strip is removed from the feedline. In
the amplitude ratio and phase difference (PD) of [15], it is indicated that the 90 phase difference required for
the far fields and in the -direction are depicted in CP excitation can be achieved through designing an inverted-L-
Fig. 2(b). shaped slit on the ground plane. The orthogonal electric field
For circular polarization, two electric fields with identical vectors of the inverted-L slit and the rectangular radiator have
amplitudes but with a 90 phase difference should be intro- a phase difference of 90 , which can excite CP. However, this
duced. The electric field elements of Antenna 1 have neither method provided a narrow ARBW. Therefore, to create the re-
the same amplitude nor the 90 phase difference at the same quired 90 phase difference for an improved axial ratio across
time. Therefore, to achieve a simultaneous improvement in the a wide band, an L-shaped slot is created in the right ground
impedance-matching bandwidth and the axial ratio of the an- plane, and another complementary L-shaped strip is added on
tenna, two arms are added to the right and left top corners of top of the slot. These changes are incorporated into Antenna 3
the C-shaped radiator. From the data collected from HFSS, the in Fig. 2. Considering the response of Antenna 3 in Fig. 2, it can
lengths of the arms are selected to be and (at be observed that introducing the slot reduces the first resonance
5.75 GHz) to increase the effective electrical size of the antenna to 5.3 GHz by increasing the effective electrical size of the an-
(the total length of the monopole radiator after adding the arms) tenna and improves the impedance matching of the antenna up
so that it can cover the whole WLAN band. to 7 GHz. As depicted in Fig. 2(b), it also provides the 90 phase
Adding the arms lowers the first resonance by 0.2 GHz, but difference from 5.2 to 7 GHz in coincidence with identical am-
decreases the overall operating bandwidth and confines it to plitude for the electric fields, thus creating the required 3-dB
5.15–6.4 GHz. Positioning the arms is done in a way that im- axial ratio. The current distribution for Antenna 3 at 5.8 GHz is
proves the amplitude and phase of the electric field. However, depicted in Fig. 3.
it is found that these arms are not able to provide the required
phase difference, but properly positioning them provides the an- IV. PARAMETRIC STUDY
tenna with nearly identical electric field amplitudes, which is in- In this section, geometrical parameters that affect the circular
dicated in Fig. 2(b). The latter modification improves the total polarization characteristics of the antenna are studied and

Fig. 5. Axial-ratio variations of Antenna 3 with different values of .

Fig. 3. Current distributions of Antenna 3 at 5.8 GHz.

Fig. 4. Axial-ratio variations of Antenna 3 with different values of .

reported. The optimum reflection coefficient and axial-ratio Fig. 6. Axial ratio of Antenna 3 considering three different configurations.
variations for the final design (Antenna 3) are presented through
Fig. 2. Therefore, for brevity they will not mentioned in the
between 5.45–6.35 GHz. The last case considers Antenna 3
parametric studies.
without the left upper arm. This configuration shifts the 3-dB
The first and most important element that generates the cir-
axial ratio in between 4.8–6.8 GHz. This study reveals the
cular polarization is the location of the L-shaped strip and slot.
importance of the arms attached to the radiator in enhancing
Considering Fig. 4, it is apparent that changing the location of
the axial-ratio purity to values as low as 0.12 dB (see Fig. 2,
the strip and slot greatly affects the 3-dB ARBW. Three cases
Antenna 3).
are considered for this study. The L-shaped strip and slot are
displaced with regards to the “ ” position. Placing the strips at
mm decreases the 3-dB ARBW to a great extent. Set- V. MEASUREMENTS
ting mm shifts and limits the 3-dB ARBW to between Antenna 3, being the optimized design, is fabricated (Fig. 1)
5.2–5.6 GHz. The last displacement occurs at mm. A and tested. Due to the very small size of the antenna, ferrite
total decrease of 0.5 GHz compared to Antenna 3 ARBW arises. beads are used to reduce the effect of the coaxial feed cable on
This displacement study reveals the importance and key func- the measurements. However, this will not be the case for ap-
tion of the positions of the L-shaped strip and slot in the circular plications of the antenna in mobile and WLAN devices. As an
polarization characteristic of the antenna. industry practice, the antenna would simply be fed using a short
The second parameter that has an important part in the CP miniature coaxial cable or a small finite-width CPW transmis-
operation of antenna is the length of the L-shaped strip ( ), sion line and therefore no need to use ferrite beads.
which is studied through Fig. 5. Setting mm com- The measured and axial-ratio results for the antenna are
pletely eliminates the 3-dB ARBW, which remarks the impor- presented in Fig. 7. The antenna provides an impedance band-
tance of this element in creating the phase difference between width with dB over the range of 4.8–7.2 GHz.
the E-field components. Increasing the value of to 3 mm re- Using the method outlined in [16], the 3-dB axial ratio of
sults in a 3-dB ARBW between 4.9–5.7 GHz with a minimum the antenna is measured. The antenna has a measured 3-dB
2.2-dB AR. Setting mm shifts the 3-dB ARBW be- ARBW from 5.15 to 7.1 GHz, representing a 33% fractional
tween 4.75–6.55 GHz. Increasing the value of beyond its op- bandwidth. Considering the effect of the SMA connector and
timum value of 5 mm shown in Fig. 1 eliminates the 3-dB band. the mismatching tolerance, the measured impedance bandwidth
This case is not shown in Fig. 5 for brevity. and axial ratio of the antenna are in fairly accurate agreement
The last study includes the effects of the arms connected to with the simulated ones.
the radiator on enhancing the 3-dB axial ratio of the antenna. The simulated and measured gain of the antenna are presented
Three cases are considered. In the first case, which is repre- in Fig. 8. It can be seen that the measured gain is between 2.4 and
sented in Fig. 6, the right upper arm is eliminated from Antenna 3.6 dBi for the 3-dB axial-ratio bandwidth from 5.15 to 7.1 GHz,
3. As can be seen from Fig. 6, the 3-dB ARBW degrades to respectively. As depicted in Fig. 8, the antenna has a simulated
between 5.6–6.2 GHz. The second case considers Antenna 3 efficiency from 84% to 90% in the same frequency range. The
without the right and left upper arms. The 3-dB ARBW shifts far-field radiation patterns of the antenna in both the - and

(5 GHz) with circular polarization, the current design offers

the most compact physical size. It is thus a good candidate for
small portable short-range wireless communication devices for
ISM and WLAN (5 GHz) applications.

A circularly polarized CPW-fed monopole antenna has
been proposed, and a prototype antenna has been successfully
implemented and measured. The obtained results show that the
antenna achieves a circular polarization across a 33% fractional
bandwidth at the ISM and WLAN bands (5.15–7.1 GHz) using
the 3-dB axial ratio and 10-dB return loss as a reference.
Compared to other available circularly polarized antennas
operating at the ISM and WLAN (5 GHz) bands, this antenna
is the smallest prototype. Therefore, the proposed antenna is
an excellent candidate for applications such as short-range
Fig. 7. (a) Axial ratio and (b) of the proposed antenna. wireless communications and navigational systems that require
compact antennas.

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