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Result size Configuration on Client using parameter ResultSetSizeLimit

 You can change result size with the DataSourceConfiguration parameter ResultSetSizeLimit.
 In AO Administrator’s Guide the parameter is described as following:
 This setting defines the maximum number of data cells that are loaded from the server for one data source.
 If a data source contains data for more cells than defined here, a message displays.
 The standard value for this setting is empty and the maximum number of cells is 500000.
 If you set the parameter to a specific number greater than or equal to 0, you define the maximum number of
cells with this value.
 If you set the parameter to -1, the setting uses the values defined in the BW system.

 In AO 2.x, the settings are maintained in the file system and not in the registry like in AO 1.x versions.
 The ResultSetSizeLimit setting can be maintained in Ao_app.config (located in %PROGRAMDATA%\Sap\Cof)
or Ao_user_roaming.config (located in %APPDATA%\Sap\Cof).
 When scheduling Analysis workbooks, the ResultSetSizeLimit setting is maintained
in AO_BiPrecalculation.config (located in Analysis Precalculation installation folder).
 Please follow note 2083067 - How to maintain settings for Analysis Office 2.x to set ResultSetSizeLimit
 The value of the ResultSetSizeLimit setting is defined as below by default:

ResultSetSizeLimit value information

<!--default: value="500000" This is Comment Line.

--> The default value for this setting is empty. It means this setting will
<ResultSetSizeLimit /> use the default value 500000 for the maximum number of cells.

<ResultSetSizeLimit The parameter can be set to a specific number to define the maximum
value="400000" /> number of data cells with this value.
The example is changing the ResultSetSizeLimit to 400.000 data cells.

<ResultSetSizeLimit The parameter can be set to -1 so that the setting uses the values defined
value="-1" /> in the BW System (see section 3.2).
In HANA there is no configuration option in the backend. Hence, when using
the value "-1" AO will use the default limitation of 500000.

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