Fire Insurance Main

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Insurance sector is divided in two p a r t s a s under:

Life insurance Non-life or

General insurance
In this module we will explain various insurance polices related to
non-life / gene ral i ns ura nc e . Non-life /general i ns ura nc e
m e a n s the insurance of various tangible or non-tangible a s s e t s
other t h a n h u m a n life. Even loss of h u m a n life or damage to
h u m a n body due to accidents are covered by general Insurance.
T h u s , h u m a n life relates to life insurance a n d the belongings
i.e. properties of h u m a n beings fall u n d e r t hi s category.
Though there are various general insurance policies b u t we
will di s c us s only the following i m port a nt policies:
1. Fire Insurance
2. Marine Insurance (Transit)
3. Vehicle Insurance
4. Personal Accident Insurance
5. Health Insurance
6. Rural Insurance Policies
Fire Insurance

The above said policies are being sold only by general insurance
companies a n d cannot be sold by life insurance companies.
This restriction is imposed only in India b u t not in other p a r t s
of the world.
I n I n d i a also, prior to na t i onali zation, general i n s u r a n c e
b u s i n e s s was conducted by life insurance companies also b u t
after nationalization in 1 9 7 2 , consequent u p o n passing of the
General I n s u r a n c e B u s i n e s s N a t i ona l is a t ion Act (GIBNA)
General Insurance Corporation of India was formed a n d was
conferred the exclusive power to regulate a n d conduct the
b u s i n e s s of General Insuranc e in India.

Since 1 9 7 3 the GIC a n d its four subsidiary companies namely

New India Assurance Co. Ltd., National Insurance Co. Ltd.,
Oriental Insuranc e Co. Ltd., a n d United India Insurance Co.
Ltd. h a d been the sole players in the field until the passing of
the IRDA Act 1 9 9 9 which allowed the entry of private players.
Over the p a s t few years a few private players have entered the
a re na . The new players have entered the General Insurance
field b u t are playing cautiously. These are still early days b u t
the field is wide open, the future is bright a n d the customer is
t h e one who will b e benefited t h e m o s t by t h e growing
competition. We hope to see international level of service a n d
products in the country soon a n d a multiple choice to select
At the end of t hi s lesson, you will be able to:
¾ Explain the meaning of fire insurance ¾
Buy the fire insurance
¾ Settle the claim u n d e r fire insurance
¾ Know the practice of fire insurance in India.
¾ Know w ha t is not covered u n d e r fire insurance

I n t h e following p a g e s , we s h a l l b e d i s c u s s i n g t h e Fire
The development of fire Insurance c a n be traced back to 1 6 0 1
A.D. when the Poor Relief Act was p a s s e d in England. Vide
this act, letters called “briefs” were read from the church asking
for collections from the public to help those who suffered losses
from fire. There was a great fire in London–a historical disaster–
Fire Insurance

in which within s p a n of three days from 2 n d to 5 t h Sept.’1666,

80% of the city was destroyed which sowed the seeds of fire
Insurance a s we know it now.
First, only buildings were i ns ure d a n d the first fire office was
established by a builder Nicholas Barbon in 1 6 8 0 . In 1 7 0 8 ,
Charles Povey founded t he T ra ders Exchange for i n s u r i n g
movable goods, merchandise a n d stocks against loss or damage
a n d t h i s w a s the first to i n s u r e b o t h the building a n d its


The term fire in a fire insurance is interpreted in the literal
a n d popular sense. There is fire when something b u r n s . In
other words fire m e a n s visible flames or a c t u a l ignition.
S i m m e r i n g / s m o l d e r i n g i s n o t c o n s i d e r e d fire i n Fire
Insurance. Fire produces he a t a n d light b u t either of t h e m
alone is n o t fire. Lightening is n o t a fire b u t if it ignites
something, the damage m a y be due to fire.
Under section 2(6A) Insurance Act 1 9 3 8 , the fire insurance
b u s i n e s s is defined a s follows: “Fire insurance bu s i n e s s m e a n s
the b u s i n e s s of effecting, otherwise t h a n independently to
some other class of b u s i n e s s , contracts of insurance against
loss by or incidental to fire or other occurrence customarily
included among the ri s ks i ns ure d against in fire insurance
Example: The following are the items which c a n be b u r n t /
damaged t hrough fire:
‰ Buildings
‰ Electrical installation in buildings
‰ C o n t e n t s of b ui l d i ngs s u c h a s m a c hi n e r y , p l a n t a n d
equipments, accessories, etc.
‰ Goods (raw materials, in–process, semi–finished, finished,
packing materials, etc.) in factories, godowns etc..
‰ Goods in the open
‰ Furniture, fixture a n d fittings
‰ Pipelines (including contents) located inside or outside
the compound, etc.
The owner of abovementioned properties c a n insure against
fire d a m a g e t h r o u g h fire i n s u r a n c e policy which provides
Fire Insurance

financial protection for property a ga i ns t loss or damage by



(Dear learner, m o s t of t he features to be di s c u s s e d in t he
following p a r a g r a p h s of Fire Insurance you m u s t have studied
u n d e r Principles of General Insurance in other module)

1) Offer & Acceptance : It is a prerequisite to a ny contract.

Similarly, the property will be insured un d e r fire insurance
policy a f t e r t h e offer i s a c c e p t e d b y t h e i n s u r a n c e
company. Example: A proposal submitted to the insurance
c o m p a n y along wi th p r e m i u m o n 1 / 1 / 2 0 1 1 b u t t h e
insurance company accepted the proposal on 1 5 / 1 / 2 0 1 1 .
The risk is covered from 1 5 / 1 / 2 0 1 1 a n d a ny loss prior to
t hi s date will not be covered u n d e r fire insurance.
2) Payment of Premium: An owner m u s t ensure t h a t the
p r e m i u m is paid well in advance so t h a t the risk c a n be
covered. If the payment is m a d e t hrough cheque a n d it is
dishonored t h e n the coverage of risk will not exist. It is a s
per section 64VB of Insurance Act 1 9 3 8 . (Details u n d e r
insurance legislation Module).
3) Contract of Indemnity: Fire insurance is a contract of
indemnity a n d the insurance company is liable only to
the extent of actual loss suffered. If there is no loss, there is
no liability even if there is fire. Example: If the property is
i ns ure d for Rs 2 0 l a k h s u n d e r fire insurance a n d it is
damaged by fire to the extent of Rs. 1 0 l a k h s , t h e n the
insurance company will not pay more t h a n Rs. 1 0 l a k h s .
4) U t m o s t Good Faith: The property owner m u s t disclose
all the relevant information to the i ns ura nc e company
while i n s u r i n g their property. The fire policy s hal l be
voidable in the event of misrepresentation, mis-description or
non-disclosure of a ny material information. Example: The
u s e of building m u s t be disclosed i.e whether the
building is u s e d for residential u s e or m a nufa c t uri ng use,
a s in both the cases the p r e m i u m rate will vary.
5) Insurable Interest: The fire insurance will be valid only if
the person who is insuring the property is owner or having
insurable interest in t h a t property. Such interest m u s t
exist a t the time when loss occurs. It is well known t h a t
Fire Insurance

insurable interest exists not only with the ownership b u t

also a s a t e n a n t or bailee or financier. B a n k s c a n also

have the insurable interest. Example: Mr. A is the owner of
the building. He i n s u r e d t h a t building a n d later on
sold the building to Mr. B a n d the fire took place in the
building. Mr. B will not get the compensation from the i n s u r a n c e
c o m p a n y b e c a u s e h e h a s n o t t a k e n t h e i n s u r a n c e policy being
a owner of t h e property. After selling to Mr. B, Mr. A h a s no
insurable interest in the property.

6) Contribution: If a person i ns ure d his property with two

insurance companies, t h e n in case of fire loss both the
i n s u r a n c e c o m p a n i e s will p a y t h e loss to t h e owner
proportionately. Example: A property worth Rs. 5 0 l a k h s
was i ns ure d with two Insurance companies A a n d B. In
case of loss, both insura nce companies will contribute

7) Period of fire Insurance: The period of insurance is to be

defined in the policy. Generally the period of fire insurance
will not exceed by one year. The period c a n be less t h a n
one year b u t n o t more t h a n one year except for t h e
residential hous e s which c a n be i ns ure d for the period
exceeding one year also.

8) Deliberate Act: If a property is da maged or loss occurs

due to fire because of deliberate act of the owner, t h e n
t h a t damage or loss will not be covered u n d e r the policy.

9) Claims: To get the compensation u n d e r fire ins urance

the owner m u s t inform the i n s u r a n c e company
immediately so t h a t t he i n s u r a n c e c ompany c a n t a ke
necessary st eps to determine the loss.

Fire Insurance



For insuring a ny property u n d e r the fire insurance policy,

the following is the procedure:
1) Filling of proposal form
2) Inspection of the property
3) Payment of p r e m i u m

4) I s s u e of Cover n o t e / Policy d o c u m e n t i n l i e u of
acceptance of the proposal.
I) Filling of Proposal Form
The fire proposal includes the following information :
Description of t h e property. This would include:
I) (i) Construction of external walls a n d roof, n u m b e r of
(ii) Occupation of each portion of the building.
(iii) Presence of h a z a r d o u s goods.
(iv) Process of m a n u f a c t u r e .
(v) The s u m s proposed for insurance.
(vi) The period of insurance.
(vii) History of previous losses.
(viii) Insurance history - whether previously other i ns ure rs
h a d declined the risk, etc.
II) I n s p e c ti on of t h e property: In case of property of a ny
b u s i n e s s organization, whether m a nufa c t uri ng or other
type of organization, a risk inspection report is s ubm i t t e d
by the insurer’s engineers. The engineers s u b m i t in their
r e p o r t t h e n a t u r e of r i s k involved i n t h e f a c t o r y /
m a nufa c t uri ng uni t .
III) Payment of Premium: Based on the proposal form a n d
t h e inspection report of t h e engineers, t h e i n s u r a n c e
company will s u b m i t the p r e m i u m rates to the property
owner a n d if these rates are acceptable to h i m t h e n he
s houl d pay the a m o u n t to the insurance company. It is
also a legal requirement u n d e r section 64VB of Insurance
Fire Insurance

Act 1 9 3 8 t h a t the p r e m i u m is paid in advance in full to

the insurance company.

IV) Issue of Cover n o t e / Policy document: On receipt of a

completed proposal form a n d / or inspection report, the
cover note is issued, pending preparation of the policy document.
The cover note is a n u n s t a m p e d document
issued to provide evidence of cover till the time the policy is
i s s u e d . The cover note provides i n s u r a n c e a g a i n s t
specified perils on the u s u a l t e rm s a n d conditions of the
company’s policy.

The printed policy form provides for a schedule in which the

individual details of t he contract are typed. The items are
similar to those in t he Cover Note b u t with more detailed

After issuing the policy document, it is likely t h a t there m a y

be some changes in the n a t u r e of property or s u m i ns ur e d
ma y increase or decrease. In t hi s case, these changes c a n be
incorporated by way of e ndors e m e nt s which are i s s u e d to
record changes s u c h a s alteration in risk, increase or decrease of
s u m insured, etc.


A) If there are a ny damage or loss arising due to fire t h e n
t h e policy h o l d e r s h o u l d i m m e d i a t e l y i n f o r m the
insurance company in writing a n d with estimated a m o u n t
of loss.
B) Survey Report: If the a m o u n t of loss is small (i.e. u p to
Rs. 2 0 , 0 0 0 / - ) , the i ns ura nc e company m a y depute a n
officer to survey the loss a n d decide on the settlement of
the loss on the b a s i s of the claim form a n d the officer’s
report. However, in large losses, a n independent surveyor
duly licensed by the Government is appointed to give a
report on the loss.
The survey report would generally deal with the following
(i) Cause of loss.
Fire Insurance
(ii) Extent of loss.
(iii) Under-Insurance, if any.
(iv) Details a n d value of salvage, a n d how it h a s been
disposed of or proposed to be disposed of.
(v) Details of expenses (e.g. fire brigade expenses).
(vi) Compliance with policy conditions a n d warranties.

(vii) Details of o t h e r i n s u r a n c e policies o n t h e s a m e

property, a n d t h e a p p o r t i o n m e n t of t h e loss a n d
expenses among co-insurers.
C) Claim form: The policy holder will s u b m i t the claim form
with the following information :
(i) Name a n d a d d r e s s of the Insured.
(ii) Date of loss, time a n d place from where t h e fire
(iii) Cause of fire.
(iv) Details of the property damaged s u c h a s description,
(v) Value a t the time of fire, value of salvage a n d the
a m o u n t of loss.
(vi) Details of other policies on the s a m e property giving
the n a m e of t he i n s u r e r , policy n u m b e r a n d s u m
(vii) Fire Brigade report details.
(viii)F.I.R. a t the nearest police st ation regarding t h i r d
party liability, if any.
D) S e t t l e m e n t of claim: On the b a s i s of the claim form a n d
the survey report, decision is t a k e n a b o u t the settlement or
otherwise of the loss.
In India, u n d e r fire insurance policy, in addition to fire, other
perils are also included a n d the policy is known a s “Standard
Fire and Allied Perils Policy”.
The perils specified in the fire policy are:
A. Fire: It h a s been explained a s above.
Fire Insurance
B. Lightning: Any lightning due to cloud b u r s t m a y damage
the property a n d the s a m e will be covered u n d e r the fire
C. E x p l o s i o n / I m p l o s i o n : S u d d e n c h a n g e i n t h e te mpera ture
in a n y p l a n t & machinery or exposure to atmospheric pressure
m a y result into loss a n d the s a m e will be covered u n d e r fire policy.
D. Aircraft Damage: Any damage to the property due to a ny
droppings by aircraft or by itself will also be covered u n d e r
the fire policy.
E. Riot, Strike and Malicious Damage (RSMD): Any damage to
the property due to public or strike by employees or
malicious da m a ge (intentional damage) by a n y person
will be covered u n d e r t hi s policy.
F. Storm, C y c l o n e , Typhoon, T e m p e s t , Hurricane,
Tornado, Flood and Inundation (STFI): The property
damage due to a ny of these s t o r m s a n d flood will also be
covered u n d e r t hi s policy. The meaning of these perils
lies in different intensity of the s t orm s . Flood not only
m e a n s t h e l ea kage of w a t e r t h r o u g h river b u t a l s o
accumulation of water due to heavy r a i n s in the premises.
G. Impact Damage: Damage to the property du e to impact by
a ny Rail / Road vehicle or a ni m a l by direct contact, b u t
not belonging to or owned by t he I n s u r e d or a n y
occupier of the premises or their employees while acting in
the course of their employment.
H. Subsidence and Landslide including Rock Slide
Destruction or damage caused by Subsidence of p a r t of
the site on which the property s t a n d s or L a n d slide /
Rock slide.
I. Bursting and/or overflowing of Water Tanks, Apparatus
and Pipes: If due to burs t i ng or overflowing of water from
t h e w a t e r t a n k s i n s t a l l e d i n t h e p r e m i s e s of t h e
policyholder a ny damage or loss to the property of the
policyholder is caused, it will be covered u n d e r this policy.

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