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Application of conservation of mechanical energy for projectile motion – problems and


1. A kicked football leaves the ground at an angle θ = 30o with the initial velocity of 10 m/s. Ball's mass
= 0.1 kg. Acceleration due to gravity is 10 m/s2. Determine (a) The gravitational potential energy at the
highest point (b) The highest point or the maximum height
Known :
Mass (m) = 0,1 kg
The initial velocity (vo) = 10 m/s
Angle = 30o
Acceleration due to gravity (g) = 10 m/s2
Wanted : Kinetic energy (KE) at the highest point
Solution :
(a) The gravitational potential energy

Calculate the horizontal component (vox) and the vertical component (voy) of initial velocity.
vox = vo cos θ = (10)(cos 30o) = (10)(0.5√3) = 5√3 m/s
voy = vo sin θ = (10)(sin 30o) = (10)(0.5) = 5 m/s

The initial mechanical energy

The initial mechanical energy (MEo) = kinetic energy (KE)
MEo = KE = ½ m vo2 = ½ (0.1)(10)2 = ½ (0.1)(100) = ½ (10) = 5 Joule

The final mechanical energy

Kinetic energy at the highest point :
KE = ½ m vox2 = ½ (0.1)(5√3)2 = ½ (0.1)((25)(3)) = ½ (0.1)(75) = 3,75 Joule

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