BNK System SNP

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1. Title of the Project.

2. Introduction and Objective of the Project.
3. Project Category.
4. Tools/Platform, Hardware and Software Requirement
5. Problem Analysis
5.1. Product definition
5.2. Feasibility Analysis
5.3. Project Scope
5.4. Planning & Scheduling
6. Software Requirement Analysis
6.1. Introduction.
6.2. Functional Requirements.
6.3. Non Functional Requirements.
7. Design
7.1. ER Diagram.
7.2. Database Design
7.3. Data Dictionary
7.4. DFD.
8. Structure Of Website
8.1. Modules
8.2. Process Flow
8.3. Implementation Methodology
9. Overview Of Network Architecture
10. Future Scope & Enhancement.
11. Bibliography

1) Title of the Project

Online Banking System

2) Introduction & Objective

Online Banking is one of the most important financial activities which will
be carried out by any person who holds a bank account. There are various
activities that can be carried out once you log in to your bank account. Once a
user logs in he or she can check the bank balance, check bank account
transaction history or account summary, add beneficiary accounts, transfer funds
to another account, download account summary. Whenever we deal with a
banking system main concern should be the security related to banking
transactions and account login activity.
The main objective of our project is to provide more security while
performing online transaction by providing efficient authentication etc. In the
existing system, we can perform all the operations using a single user id and
password. Once this password is stolen, it is easy for the others to access all the
operations like transfer of money etc., so that the customer could pay a huge
loss. Thus it is not secured up to mark. In our project, we provide much security
to the customer while using the online banking service in the following ways. The
customer using the online banking service would be given user id along with two
other passwords. One called Login Password and the other called transaction
password. By using login password the customer can login to be account and we
can perform only some (limited) operations like viewing A/C balance and personal
details etc. But to perform transfer or online transaction, the user needs to
provide the transaction password and other secure information in order to
complete the transaction successful.
If the customer login password and id is stolen by someone else, he can
see the details but he can’t perform online transaction or transfer. Apart from the
transaction password the customer needs to get verified by providing the grid
values present on is debit card which would be asked randomly. So there is no
chance for the person whose steals the password details to make transaction
because he also needs to enter the values which are present on the customer’s
debit card.

3) Project Category
Networking & RDBMS
4) Environment:

i. Tools/Platform:
Platform: Microsoft Visual Studio 2008
Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 developed by Microsoft is a
Integrated development Environment based on .Net Framework. It is IDE
providing various tools and types to create various kind of project like
windows app, Web app and Mobile app etc. Following are the features of
the Microsoft Visual Studio 2008.
a) Graphical User Interface: The IDE provides a point and click
interface to develop the project which helps user to easily locate
and use the tools of IDE.
b) Integration: The IDE supports various languages like c++, C#,
Visual Basic etc.
c) Memory Management: The IDE provides garbage collection to
clean the unreferenced memory held by a program.
d) CLR: CLR stands for Common Language Runtime which is the
heart of the dot Net Framework.

Front End: Visual Basic

Visual Basic is used as front end tools as instructions are very
simple compared to other languages. Instructions can be written as a
normal English statement.

Back End: SQL Server 2005

SQL Server is also termed as the Sequel Server. SQL stands
for Structured Query Language is a relational Database management
system where data is strictly represented in the form of tables and all the
operations can be performed on it. SQL server 2005 provides following
a) Availability: SQL Server is highly available in terms of down time
and responses.
b) Reliability: SQL Server is a reliable in terms of data. It provides a
number of tools to recover data if any unexpected situation
c) Scalability: SQL Server is Scalable as it provides two features to
support the requirement of the large storage. In scale up SQL
Server can support up to 32 microprocessors to increase the
productivity. In Scale out the data can be distributed to other

Scripting Language: ASP

ASP stands for Active Server Pages developed by Microsoft as
web development technology. ASP is a server side scripting
language. ASP provides a set of controls (i.e. Label, Text etc) to
develop the user interface.
ii. Hardware Requirements
a) 240 GB hard disk
b) 2 GB RAM
c) Peripheral devices
d) Intel i3 and above

iii. Software Requirements

The software is developed with all the basic controls and
classes provided in Microsoft Visual Studio 2008. SQL Server 2005 is
used as back end. The website is getting developed on Windows 7 so
Windows 7 will be required as the OS.

5) Problem Analysis:

5.1- Product definition: In our project, we provide much security to

the customer while using the online banking service in the following ways:

 The customer using the online banking service would be given user
id along with two other passwords. One called Login Password and
the other called transaction password.
 By using login password the customer can login to be account and
we can perfume only some (limited) operations like saving A/C
balance and personal details etc.
 But to perform transfer or online transaction, he needs to provide
the transaction password.
 If the customer login password and id is stolen by someone else, he
can see the details but he can’s perfume online transaction or
transfer. Apart from the transaction password the customer needs to
get verified by providing the grid values present on is debit card
which would be asked randomly
 So there is no chance for the person whose steals the password
details to make transaction because he also needs to enter the
values which are present on the customer’s debit card

In the proposed system we will be able to provide an opportunity for the

user to make the mailing service to be highly secured by generating a
random password each and every time he wants to logon and encrypted
random password will be forwarded to the Personal mail id of the user
where will be giving a link to forward his decrypted password to the mail.

5.2- Feasibility Analysis: This product is feasible in terms of

infrastructure as it
will be deployed on the Web hosting Server for which the bank will be
charged around 10-15 thousand yearly depending on the storage space
they need. As it is a web portal it will increase the customer growth of the
bank as people would be able to access banking services from anywhere.
5.3 - Project Scope :
The proposed system would be a boon for small scale banking or para-
banking organizations. Based on the need, the project can be customized to suit
the requirements of the other such mid and large organization.

5.4 – Planning & Scheduling:

Project planning and scheduling are essential skills for the software
engineer. It is only part of project management which is a complex subject
Study . PERT & Gannt Charts are used for the Planning & Scheduling.

PERT : PERT Stands for Program (or Project) Evaluation and Review
Technique, is
a statistical tool used in Project Management that is designed to
and represent the tasks involved in completing a given project.
Following steps can be followed to create PERT chart:

 Use whiteboard, flipchart sheets or other large space.

 Make a list of all tasks or activities involved in the planning,
production, testing, and handoff phases of your project.
 Put them into sequential order.
 Now draw your PERT chart on the board. Your first pass will
probably not be your last. The chart doesn't have to be perfect
the first time. Be prepared to adjust tasks once you see the
sequence laid out.
 Next you will have to estimate the time it will take to complete
each task and put the time next to that task on your list. You'll be
using that information for the Gantt chart as well.
 Label each task on your PERT chart with the time you determined
in the above step.
 Readjust the sequence of tasks as necessary.
 Now determine who is responsible for each task on the list and
put his/her name next to that task.
 Label each task on your PERT chart with the name of the person
 Readjust sequence, if necessary, until all team members agree to
its accuracy.
 Once your PERT chart is complete, if it is on a board where it
can't be saved, redraw it on a piece of paper(the bigger the
better) so that it can be posted during team meetings, or redraw
it and make copies for your team members.
 Now, using the times on your list and the sequence in your PERT
chart, you can draw your Gantt chart.
Start Phase Client Meeting
Requirement gathering
Date: 16/01/12 to 19/01/2012

Feasibility Analysis
20/01/12 to 24/01/2012
20/01/12 to 25/01/2012


26/01/12 to 28/01/2012


30/01/12 to 06/02/2012


07/02/12 to 06/02/2012

07/01/12 to 23/02/2012


07/01/12 to 05/03/2012


6) Software Requirements Analysis
Software requirement specification provides the essential detail of the
system needs to be developed. In this phase of Software development Life cycle
the functions of the proposed system are identified and the Software
Requirement Specification document is prepared which will guide the developer
to go ahead and develop the system.
Following are the requirements identified for the System:

6.2) Functional Requirements:

a) The website should provide a page to open, delete, and modify an
account holder based on the privilege of the user. The modification
and deletion is only available to admin login.
b) Account holders should be able to perform online transactions.
c) It must provide a login page through which the designated
staff/admin or registered account holder can be authenticated and
can perform the various operations they are entitled for.
d) It must provide help functionality to help users’ query like how to
apply for an account, view list of branches etc.
e) It must have link on the home page to visit various page directly
once they login.
f) It must provide the highlights of the events or news related to bank.

6.3) Non Functional Requirements

a) It should take minimum time to open and populate data.
b) It must provide user interface to modify the details.
c) It can be opened in any web browser supported on Windows OS.
d) It must provide a security mechanism for updating the website.

7) Design:

7.1) ER Diagram- ER Diagram stands for Entity Relationship

Diagram introduced by Peter Chen when he introduced the Entity Relationship
Model. An Entity Relation(ER) Diagram is a specialized graphics that illustrates
the interrelationship between entities in a database. ER diagrams often use
symbols to represent 3 different types of information. Boxes are commonly
used to represent entities. Diamonds are normally used to represent
relationships and ovals are used to represent attributes.

An Entity Relationship Model (ERM), in software engineering is an

abstract and conceptual representation of data. Entity Relationship modeling
is a relational schema database modeling method, used to produce a type of
conceptual schema or semantic data model of a system, often a relation
database, and its requirements in a top-down fashion.

Entity is the thing which we want to store information. It is an elementary basic
building block of storing information about business process. An entity represents an object
defined within the information system about which you want to store information. Entities
are distinct things in the enterprise.

A relationship is a named collection or association between entities or used to relate
two or more entities with some common attributes or meaningful interaction between the

Attributes are the properties of the entities and relationship, Descriptor of the entity.
Attributes are elementary pieces of information attached to an entity.

ER Diagram Notation

Super Entity
Regular Entity

Weak Entity



Sub Entity Sub Entity




cBranch_Contact nBranch_Pin





ER Diagram

vRemark nAcc_Number vF_Name vFather_Nam


dtDOT ID vL_Name

nTo Transaction mAmount

vIFSC vAddress

Account Master
Does mMin_Ba

vNominee iAge
vRelationship dtDOR

vEmail vContact



tPassword lPassword
ER Diagram
7.2 Database Design: Database design is defined as the table structures of the
database. Following are the tables used for Rotary Website:

Table : adminlogin
Field Name Type Length Constraint Reference Table
cUser_ID Char 5 Primary Key -
vPassword Varchar 15 Not Null -
vName Varchar 50 Not Null -
dtDOC Datetime 8 Not NULL -

Description: This table stores the information of the admin credentials.

Table : branch
Field Name Data Type Length Constraint Reference Table
cCode char 10 Primary Key -
vBranch_Name varchar 50 Not Null -
vBranch_Address varchar 200 Not Null -
nBranch_Pin char 6 Not Null -
cBranch_Contact char 12 Not Null -

Description: This table contains the information of the bank branch.

Table : Account_Master
Field Name Data Type Length Constraint Reference Table
nAcc_Number nvarchar 13 Primary Key -
vF_Name varchar 50 Not NULL -
vL_Name varchar 50 Not NULL -
vFather_Name Varchar 50 Not NULL -
dtDOB datetime 8 Not NULL -
cGender Char 10 Not NULL -
vAdddress varchar 200 Not NULL -
vContact varchar 12 Not NULL -
iAge Int 8 Not NULL -
vNominee varchar 50 - -
vRelationship varchar 30 - -
mBal money - Default = 0 -
vEmail varchar 50 - -
mMin_Bal money - Default = 0 -
cCode char 10 Not NULL -
Description: This table stores the account holder details.

Table: Login_Master
Field Name Data Type Length Constraints Reference Table
nAcc_Number nvarchar 13 Primary Key/ Account_Master
Foreign Key
User_Name nvarchar 50 Not NULL -
lPassword nvarchar 50 Not NULL -
tPassword nvarchar 50 Not NULL -
Login_Stamp datetime 8 Null -
Security_Question nvarchar 100 Not NULL -
Security_Answer nvarchar 100 Not NULL -
dtDOR datetime 8 Not NULL -
Description: This table stores the information of the account holder login credentials.

Table: Transaction
Field Name Data Type Length Constraint Reference Table
ID Int 8 Primary Key -
vRemark Varchar 200 - -
dtDOT datetime 8 Not NULL -
nFrom nvarchar 13 Foreign Key Account_Master
nTo nvarchar 13 Not NULL -
vIFSC Varchar 13 Not NULL -
mAmount Money - Not NULL -
Description: This table is used for storing the various transactions done by the account

7.3 Data Dictionary: Data dictionary is a detailed description of the words (i.e.
column name etc) used in the tables.

Field Name Full Name Description

cCode Branch Code This is a column to store the unique code
generated for each branch of the bank.
vBranch_Name Branch Name Will store the name of the branch
vBranch_Address Branch Address Will Store the address of the branch
nBranch_Pin Branch PIN Code Will Store the pin code of the branch
cBranch_Contact Branch Contact Will Store the contact number of the
Number branch
nAcc_Number Account Number Will store the account number which will
be auto generated on new account
vF_Name First Name Will store the first name of the account
vL_Name Last Name Will store the first name of the account
vFather_Name Father Name Will store the father name of the account
dDOB Date of Birth Will store the date of birth of the account
cGender Gender Will store the gender of the account holder
vAdddress Address Will Store complete address of the account
vContact Contact Number Will store contact number of the account
vRelationship Relationship Will store relationship of nominee with
the account holder
mBal Balance Will store the balance amount for the
vEmail Email ID Will store email id of the account holder
mMin_Bal Minimum Balance Will store the minimum balance for the
account opened by account holder
lPassword Login Password Will store the login password of an
account holder
tPassword Transaction Will store the transaction password of an
Password account holder
Login_Stamp Login Time Stamp Will store the last time stamp of login of
the account holder

7.4- DFD (Data Flow Diagram):

A data-flow diagram (DFD) is a graphical representation of the "flow" of data through
an information system. DFDs can also be used for the visualization of data processing
(structured design). On a DFD, data items flow from an external data source or an internal
data store to an internal data store or an external data sink, via an internal process.
Dataflow diagrams can be used to provide the end user with a physical idea of where
the data they input ultimately has an effect upon the structure of the whole system from
order to dispatch to restock how any system is developed can be determined through a
dataflow diagram.

Data Flow Diagram Notation

External Entity



Context Level
On the context diagram (also known as the Level 0 DFD) the system's
interactions with the outside world are modeled purely in terms of data flows across
the system boundary. This context diagram shows the entire Rotary Club Web Site as
a single process.

Branch Details
Admin/ User
Admin/ Account

Online Banking


Account Master

This context-level data flow diagram shows the interaction between the system and
external agents which act as data sources and data sinks.
Level 1 (High Level Diagram)-
A level 1 data flow diagram shows the system’s primary processes, data stores, sources, and
destinations linked by data flows. Generally, a system’s primary processes are independent,
and thus, separated from each other by intermediate data stores that suggest the data are held
in some way between processes.

The purpose of this level is to show the major high-level processes of Rotary Club
Website and their interrelation. A level-1 diagram must be balanced with its parent
context level diagram, i.e. there must be the same external entities and the same data
flows, these can be broken down to more detail in the level 1, e.g. User Interaction
with “Rotary Club Website" data flow could be split into "Different Pages" that user
might access.


Home Page
Data Strore

Login Page

Transaction Holder
Report Page Admin


Add/Edit Add/Edit
Transaction Branch Account
Details Holder
Data Strore

Data Strore
D3 D3
Data Strore Data Strore
Level 1 Data Flow Diagram(DFD)

8) Structure of the Website:

8.1) Modules: There are following modules in the proposed system which needs
to be modeled:

o Home: This will be the default page when user requests the url.
o Admin: This will have all the functionalities related to admin.
o Account Holder: This will have all the functionalities related to an
account holder.
o Registration: This will let admin or user to open an account.
o Fund Transfer: This will be used to send or view fund transfer details.

8.2) Process Flow: Process flow of each module of the system is as follows:
o Navigation: This is the simple process in which the user clicks on the
provided link the respective page will be opened. Some pages are static.
For example the about us, foundation and contact us pages. Some pages
are dynamic which needs load to data from the server.
o Modification & Updation : The options for modification of any page is
available only after a valid login. Whenever a user tries to access these
pages, the login page will be displayed if the user is not logged in. After
login in, the administrator or registered account holder can change the
required information by selecting various privileged option.
o Security: The website will be having a sql based authentication in order
to prevent it from unauthorized access for modification to the website.
8.3) Implementation Methodology: As it is a website portal it will be
implemented on the Web Server. The website can be implemented by
using its web Setup file or by uploading the required files to the
destination server.
9) Network architecture: For development a LAN setup is needed for
checking the website from different nodes. We can setup LAN comprising of
two and three nodes in a room for testing purpose.

For accessing the website the user need to have internet connection. No other
network architecture is needed.

10) Future Scope & Further Enhancement

This website is developed to fulfill user requirement; however there are lots of
scope to improve the performance of the website in the area of database performance,
and query processing time. Etc.
Following things may be require an enhancement:
o SMS based alert to account holders about the login and other
o In the area of data security and system security.
o To optimize the query embedded in the system.
11) Bibliography

Following websites are referring to create this project reports.

11.2 Books
Following books and ebook are used to complete this project
 Mastering VB (Paperback)
 SQL Server Bible (Paperback)
 .NET Black Book (Paperback)
 Professional ASP.NET (Paperback)
 MCAD/MCSD Self-Paced Training Kit: Developing Web
Applications with Microsoft® Visual Basic® .NET and Microsoft
Visual C#® .NET, Second Edition
 ASP.Net Book from NIIT

 Database using SQL Server 2005 From NIIT

 SQL Server 2005 for Developers: From Novice to Professional by

Robin Dewson (Author)

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