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Special Veterinary Pathology

Article in The Canadian veterinary journal. La revue veterinaire canadienne · February 1990
Source: PubMed Central


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1 author:

Beverly Mcewen
University of Guelph


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Special Veteinary Pathology, Edited by R.G. Thomson. of the more commonly occurring tumors of compa-
Published by B.C. Decker Incorporated, Toronto. nion animals. Including diseases of the mammary
1988. 661 pages. Price $125.40. gland in the integumentary system, however, is a
departure from the traditional approach of address-
Special Veterinary Pathology successfully fulfills its ing the subject with the diseases of the female
editor's stated purpose of providing a comprehen- reproductive system. Although comprehensive his-
sive, yet concise, textbook for undergraduate veteri- tologic descriptions of mammary tumors are not given
nary students. This multi-authored, single-volume text and are not necessary for the intended audience, more
is organized into 15 chapters, each dealing with the attention should be given to the biologic behavior of
pathology of a specific anatomic system. The authors these tumors and the differences between dogs and cats
address the subject matter in a concise and authorita- in this regard.
tive manner and provide thorough but not exhaustive Irregularities between chapters are evident in the
references. A novel and welcomed addition to a text- style of composition, which may be intrinsic to a multi-
book of veterinary pathology is a chapter devoted to authored text. There is, however, a considerable lack
dental pathology. of uniformity between chapters concerning the depth
Most chapters begin with a lucid discussion of the to which the subject matter is discussed and the range
general mechanisms of reaction and pathophysiology of species included. Most chapters deal solely with
of the specific body system. This supplies valuable diseases of food-producing and companion animals,
information that can be used to synthesize a logical whereas diseases of laboratory animals, non-human
pathogenesis and arrive at a plausible diagnosis par- primates, poultry or wildlife are included in the
ticularly in those instances when the veterinarian is chapters on the cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, or eye
confronted by a case that does not conform to the and ear. Although the diseases of these species are well-
classical diseases described in the text. The chapter on documented, there should be consistency in the scope
gastrointestinal diseases would be enhanced by a more of species that are included in the text. Diseases of
complete discussion of intestinal pathophysiology. people, such as chronic atrophic gastritis, are irrele-
Similarly, anomalies of the eye would be more readily vant in a book of veterinary pathology and should be
understood if the complex embryological inductive omitted. Bacteriologic nomenclature should also be
phenomena of this organ system were concisely standardized throughout the text: manifestations of
reviewed. Following the introductory comments, the same equine disease were attributed to Rhodococus
methods of gross and microscopic examination of the equi in diseases of the respiratory system but to
tissue are then described. The gross and microscopic Corynebacterium equi in the chapter on the gastro-
lesions and pathogenesis of specific diseases are then intestinal system.
addressed. The index is relatively complete but there is no listing
A section on appropriate techniques for obtaining for swine dysentery, Treponema hyodysenteriae,
and submitting tissues for histopathology is included Actinomyces pyogenes, Fusobacterium necrophorum,
in the chapters on the muscular and integumentary sys- or equine sarcoid. Minor typographical errors are pres-
tems. It would be beneficial if the remaining chapters ent but are inconsequential.
emulated their example. Information of this type is Overall, Special Veterinary Pathology is an excel-
particularly germane to students and practitioners, lent textbook. The quality of the text and illustrations
because the chances of receiving a helpful diagnosis have not suffered for the sake of brevity. This text-
are greatly increased if a tissue sample is chosen book is highly recommended to undergraduate veter-
carefully and submitted correctly. inary students, the faculty teaching them and to vet-
A major strength of this book is the liberal use of erinary practitioners who want a concise, pertinent
excellent diagrams and photographs that complement account of the diseases of domestic animals.
the narrative. Informative tables succinctly summarize
the pathophysiology, etiologies or features of specific
diseases. For example, the table of characteristics of Beverly J. McEwen, DVM, MSc, PhD, DipACVP,
cutaneous neoplasms provides the veterinarian with Department of Pathology, Ontario Veterinary College,
readily accessible and practical data regarding some University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario NIG 2WL.

130 Can Vet J Volume 31, February 1990

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