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Traffic Management & Accident Investigation

1. When wheeled carts were invented, the next problem by man in traveling was?
A wider pathways which accommodate the much wider wheeled carts.
2. The frenchman who is attributed for the invention of the internal combustion engine is?
Etienne Lenoir
3. The land transportation office when it comes to the registration of motor vehicles is under what pill
4. What pillar of traffic is responsible for the dissemination of information concerning traffic?
5. Traffic engineering is the sole responsibility of the department of public works and highways and the local
government units. This statement is:
6. The construction and maintenance of roads and highways that interconnect cities and municipalities is the
primary concern of:
7. The study of biorhythm is considered an important aspect of traffic safety because an individual can avoid
By hitting on how he will tend to feel in a certain.
8. Safety campaign is an important of traffic safety education because it:
Is designed to make road users behave more safely
9. Theoretically, traffic safety education for adults relatively easier than for younger children because the .
Former are in better position to understand what is being taught to them
10. Traffic safety education for children needs to be systematic:
To lessen the fatalities among children while they are young
11. The expiry period of student driver’s permit should not be beyond:
12 months
12. The minimum age for professional driver’s license applicant is;
18 years old
13. The minimum age for non-professional driver’s license applicant is;
17 years old
14. The color of the logo of the professionals driver’s license is;
15. The applicant for non-professional driver’s license must present a student driver’s permit which he possessed
not less than how many months;
16. The chronological arrangement of the color of the traffic lights from the top is:
Red, yellow, green
17. When the red light is on , motorists should observe the following, except;
a. Stop at the designated line
b. Vehicles will be crossing at the other side
c. Expect pedestrian to cross at the pedestrian lane
d. Unless specified, you can turn left after a fool stop to clear traffic from the left
e. None of the above
18. When traversing on a highway with double yellow line with dotted line in between, you can:
Not overtake under any circumstances
19. Pedestrian when crossing on the road should use only the :
20. Pavement markings and markers indicate;
Traffic flow regulation
21. Lines indicating parking stalls or spaces on the ages of the highways are examples for;
Curb marking for restrictions
22. Inner lanes for four-lane two-way roads are designed for ;
Fast moving vehicles
23. When a driver violated any provisions of r.a 4136, in exchange of his confiscated license , he should be issued
a. TOP c. TCT
b.TVR d. Any of these
24. When stopping a violator, what should not be done ;
Consider your safety , the safety of others, and the safety of the stopped violator
25. Pursuit operation is conducted when the driver is;
Sideswiped a pedestrian and killing the victim instantly.
26. In dealing with the violator , be business-like means;
Communicating with the violator in the most polite manner
27. The objective of an officer in the principles of officer-violator relationship is to
Establish pleasant relationship
28. Any violator when cited, are advised to report to the appropriate office ;
Within 72 hours but not less than 24 hours
29. Which of the following refers to the enforcement action which does not contemplate possible assessment of
penalty by the court.
30. One of the following is not one of the goals of traffic enforcement activities;
a. To increase safety level c. To ensure harmonious and comfortable environment
b. To increase traffic efficiency d. To increase compensation of public utility vehicles
31. When using a whistle, how will you blow your whistle when stopping a lane of motor vehicles;
One long blow
32. When two police traffic officers are manning and directing traffic in an intersection, what should be observed?
Only one makes the decision while the other take his from the officer making the decision.
33, when directing and guiding traffic during night time and the light is sufficient;
Work as in day time
34. Traffic officers are only needed to direct and guide traffic when traffic signal lights are not functioning . This is;
Absolutely false
35. When you are assigned to direct traffic, you are expected to indicate to the drivers and pedestrians ;
How, when, and where they may move
36. The space occupied by two streets at the point where they cross each other is referred to as;
37. Traffic officers who are tasked to direct traffic should do it;
In the center of the intersection
38. A type of traffic patrol where it is conducted at a certain route or point of the major street in a city;
Area patrol
39. What is the type of stationary observation where the observer is in full view but it so located , at a side street,
so as to require effort on the part of the traffic users to discover the observer?
40. What is the type of stationary observation where the observer is not visible to persons using ordinary
41. To ensure a deterrent effect of traffic patrolling , which of the following should not be done ?
Delay enforcement actions against habitual violators
42. There is a need to be alert for potentially hazardous drivers because of the following, except;
a. Their actions are illegal c. They may be intoxicated of liquor or drug
b. You can avoid possible accident d. They may be running away from a criminal act
43. As a traffic investigator, what is the immediate action to be undertaken at the scene;
Check for hazards
44. A misnomer loosely applied to the most obvious or easily explained factor in the cause of an accident or the
most easily modified condition factor is;
45. The combination of simultaneous and sequential factors without any one of which result could not have
occurred is;
Primary cause
46. A motor vehicle accident which occurs entirely in any place other than a traffic way.
, motor vehicle traffic accident
47. Refers to any accident occurring on a traffic way involving persons using the traffic way or travel or
transportation, but not involving a motor vehicle in motion.
Non-motor vehicle traffic accident
48. It is the greatest collapse or overlap in a collision.
Maximum engagement
49. This event does not necessary occur after the accident but within any of the chain of events.
50. It is the separation of a traffic unit in motion from an object with which it has collided.

1. It is the official inquiry made by the police on the facts and circumstances surrounding the death of the person
which is expected to be unlawful.
Homicide investigation
2. Any person under investigation shall have the right to .
a. Be inform of such rights
b. Remain silent
All of these
d. Counsel
3. It is the law that makes the crime of rape as a crime against person.
R.A 8353
4. It is a statement made by a person in an impending death, and it is also known as “ante-mortem statement”.
Dying declaration
5. It is an investigative practice of placing the suspect within a group of people for the purpose of being viewed by
the eyewitnesses.
a. Police line-up
b. Identification parade
c. All of the above
d. None of the above
6. It is where the essential ingredients of the criminal act took place , and it includes the entry and exits of both
the offender and the victim.
Crime scene
7. It is an anticipatory or proactive approach to solving crimes, focusing on the small group of career criminals
responsible for a large amount of crime in the area.
Targeted investigation
8. These are the elements of the crime of robbery, except:
Without the owner’s consent
9. It is an act that prescribes the violation against women and their children.
R.A 9262
10. It is regarded by many experts as most commonly abused drug in our society.
. Alcohol
11. It is the penalty to be imposed to drug users during first offense.
6 months rehabilitation
12. Hesitation wounds which are cutting marks caused by an individuals attempt to build to courage before making
a fatal cutting wound indicates.
13. Defense wounds which are injuries suffered as a victims attempts to ward off an assailant’s blows are
indicators of ;
14. The following are the requisites of confession or admission, except;
It must be done before the court
15. Solving a crime by good future.
Felicity of information
16. The act of one in killing his own wife is;
17. Killing a child suffering from incurable disease
Euthanasia or murder
18. Killing one’s own child suffering from incurable disease;
19. The first in the order of examination of witnesses is;
Direct by the proponent
20. A question in which one assumes as true a fact not yet testified to by the witness
Misleading question
21. ZAN CHIZ raped SALASH has , after the criminal action was instituted , the victim forgive the offender . The
effect of pardon is;
None, because pardon was made only after the institution of action
22. The filing of criminal action is deemed the filing of;
Civil action
23. Lawyers are not duly bound to defend to defend a client which they believed guilty of the crime charge.
24. A police officer who entered the house of another suspected of having unlawful possession of heroin without a
search warrant and consent of the owner is liable for;
Violation of domicile
25. In a Barangay Chapel , a priest was ready to say mass and the number of people was there to hear mass . The
barangay captain made an actual threat on the life of the priest should the latter persist intention to say the mass.
As a result the mass was not celebrated. The barangay captain is liable for;
Interruption of religious worship
26. A child with no parent or guardian.
Dependent child
27. If the offender is over nine years of age but under 18 years of age to the time of the commission of crime , he is
often referred to as:
youth offender
28. A document stating the cause of death of the victim.
Necropsy report
29. Conditions produced simulated appearance of death are the following, except;
Cessation of hearty sound
30. Which of the following is not among the steps to be taken by the investigator upon reaching the crime scene..
attend to press interview
31. Punctured wound is caused by;
Sharp pointed instrument
32 . Gun shot and shot gun wounds are different because
The type of firearm use are different
33. In suicidal the wound is usually;
Located at the vital part of the body
34. When the victim is under the consciousness of an impending death at the of taking his statement but later on
survived, this is;
a. Part of res gestae c. Admission
b. Dying declaration d. None of the above
35. The anti cattle rustling of 1974 is
P.D 533
36. The equivalent of fence in the revised penal code is;
37. Prima facie evidence of arson;
Fire started simultaneously in more than one place
38. Part of the investigation report that give the brief summary of the major investigative steps accomplished;
39. It is known as the wire tapping law
R.A 4200
40. Special crime investigation is more concern on.
Physical evidence
41. Vigorous questioning of someone who is reluctant to divulge information
42. When the raped victim was still holding in her hands some pulled hairs allegedly owned by
the rapist, the presumption is that;
There was struggle
43. Kidnappers are of the following category except;
Mentally depressed individual
44. Forcing the door on windows with an iron tool in order to take the property is a technique known in robbery
Jimmy entry
45. One observation that is obvious that the first fireman in the fire scene will suspect arson is;
Two or more fires break out in the building
46. Prima facie evidence on arson;
Fire started in more than one place
47. The most potent part of the marijuana plant is;
The flowering tops of the female plants
48. The crude resin extracted from marijuana plant is called;
49. The investigative report are;
All of the foregoing
50. The two general reports of police reports are;
.Basic/informal reports and investigative/informal reports
51. A principle in good report writing that include not only exactly but also non-commission of error.
52. Part of the investigation that gives a brief summary of the major investigative steps accomplished.
53. GANGUE GAQUIRAN threw a hand grenade at the house of HINES NUMAUIG causing the destruction of the
back porch, walls and some parts of the house and placed in danger the safety of 9 person present therein. In this
case GANGEL GAQUIRAN has committed;
Crime involving destruction
54. It refers to a class of fire that involved fuels made up of flammable petroleum products
Class c
55. It means how hot the fire is burning.
Intensity of fire
56. A person may set fire on the building subsequently pretends to discover it, and turn in alarm so that he will
appear hero to the public.
Hero type
57. What factor is taken into consideration in the determination of the liability of the person find guilty of arson?
a. The kind of building and property that was burned
b. The location of the building or whether the building is inhabited
c. The extent of the damage due to fire
d. All of the above

58. The factor that is necessary to establish in attempted or frustrated homicide.

59. When someone is convicted in violation of Article 248 of the RPC book 2, the crime committed is;
b. Murder
60. The person stands on the dead man’s shoes is;
. Criminal investigator
61. The following are the presumptive signs of death except;
Loss of placing of nail beds in the finger nails
62. The following are the importance of determining the identity of the victim inn homicide case except;
It can narrate the circumstances surrounding the crime
63. The case similar to a jig saw puzzle is;
d. Mutilated remains
64. The following are the good results derived from the note taking except;
d. Protect the victim from false unfounded charges
65. In the crime of robbery , the property of another that is taken must be;
a. Personal property
66. It is otherwise known as the anti-fencing law;
a. PD 1612
67. A style in the robbery that involves minimum planning but the robbery scene is;
d. Selective type
68. A type of robber which is motivated by thrill. .
69. A method of safe breaking employed in robbery case wherein metal cutter is used.
d. Ripping
70. If someone commits the act of robbery with another and after killed the same is liable for;
Robbery with homicide
71. “A” entered to the house of “B” and forcefully get some of the personal property of the former, but when “B”
noticed “A” with treachery killed “B”. The crime committed is.

Robbery with homicide

72. If someone found a loss wallet and he fails to give the same to the owner is liable for.
73. Is otherwise known as the anti-car napping law.
. R.A 6539
74. The present of nitrate substance produced what color of smoke?
. Reddish-brown
75. The first step in investigation to be conducted after the fire is;
Safeguard the scene
76. The part of burning that needed to be follow in searching the origin of fire is ;
d. Upright
77. The primary factor to be consider in kidnapping cases is;
a. Apprehend the criminal b. Identify the criminal
c. Safe return the victim d. All of these

78. It is necessary to determine whether a fire started inside and outside the building to;
a. Aids in placing responsibility and establishing motive
79. The cause of majority of fire deaths is;
a. Asphyxiation
80. Arson is a crime which is difficult to secure evidence , because.
c. Evidence is usually consumed
Organized Crime Investigation
1. A complete set of people and function interrelatedly in hierarchical structure specifically for attaining set goals.
Organize Crime
2. A body of persons associated for some design and undertaking w/c is usually a bold and difficult are:
3. The one who make arrangements for killing and injuring the member or non-members.
An Enforcer
4. The one who bribes, buys, intimidates, threatens, negotiates into a relationship with the police, public officials
or any one else who might help the member security and maintain immunity from arrest, prosecution and
A Corrupter

5. A public official, usually not a member of the organization family who can wield influence on behalf of the
organizations interest.
A Corruptee
6. Manned by political criminals who use force and violence of means to obtain profit or gain, and or achieving
political aims or ambitions.
Political Graft
7. Committed by group for direct personal profit but prey upon unwilling victims.
The Mercenary/predatory Organized Crime
8. Manned by serial organized individual whose major goals are for psychological gratification
such as adolescent gangs
In Group Oriented Organize Crime
9. The Organization that participates in illicit activity in society by the use of force, threat or intimidation.
Syndicated Crime
10. Are American inventions that have been superimposed on a heterogeneous European crime landscape?
Syndicated Crime
11. Work in cooperative ventures involving black market activities, large burglaries, thefts and highjackings.
d. Political Graft
12. It is the most influential organized crime group in Japan.
b. Yakuza
c. Bor yo kudan d. both b and c
13. It is considered the most notorious in the world in terms of sex industry, importing at least one (1) million
women from china, Laos and Vietnam.
14. It is considered the heaven for the sex industry.
15. It is the country that has the lowest cases of organized activities due to stringent laws and severe penalties and
the government strong will power for the implementation of laws.
b. Singapore
16. It is the Anti-Trafficking in person Act of 2003.
b. R.A. 9208
17. It is an act defining violence women and their children.
R.A. 9262
18. It is an act defining “Migrant workers and Overseas Filipinos Act of 1995”.
. R.A. 8042
19. Refers to an act of inflicting physical harm upon a woman or a child resulting to the physical and psychological
or emotional stress.
20. The submission to a dominating influence or the state of a person who is a chattel of another.
21. These crimes are committed involving states or countries, crimes which exceeds boarders.
. Transnational Crimes
22. It is known as the Human Security Act of 2007.
R.A. 9372
23 It is a terrorist in w/c almost all illegal acts of violence committed for political purpose by clandestine groups.
National Terrorist
24. Terrorist who operates across national boarders, who actions and political aspirations may affect individual of
more than one nationality.
25. Terrorist who are controlled by and whose actions represent the national interest of a sovereign state.
. International
26. Are those marked by excessive enthusiasm and often intense uncritical devotion?
. Fanatics
27. An organization brazed with spiritual or ethical belief.
. Cult
28. Group w/c believes on unorthodox rituals crafted from established reglions Ideology.
. Sect
29. It is known as stumbling block or malicious gossip.
30. It is the secretive theft of information by sub-rosa criminals.
31. It is the science of government.
. Politics
32. In an ordinary sense, it is the carrying away or felonious removal of goods.
. Asportation
33. It is known as Bank Secrecy Law of 1955.
. RA 1405
34. The appointment of a person by the court to manage the affairs of an incompetent or to liquidate business.
35. A generic term covering all goods exported from or imported onto the country contrary to applicable statutes.
b. Contraband
36. Refers to the person whose property is transmitted through succession whether or not he left a will.
. Decedent
37. It is the absolute ownership or full right or proprietorship.
. Fee simple
38. A grant of some privilege, property or authority made by the gov’t or sovereign of a country to one or more
. Patent
39. This theory assumes that all people have some degree of opportunity to commit fraud.
a. Theory of Opportunity
40. This theory is intended to gain a dishonest advantage over the victim.
b. Theory of Concealment
41. This theory is considered a deviant behavior because it is a contrary to the desired rules of sociology that is the
conduct of an individual as part of a group.
c. Theory of Deviation
42. It is the totality of circumstances that would lead a reasonable, professionally trained, and prudent individual
to believe a fraud has occurred , and occurring and/or will occur.
43. It is the object compulsively used for attaining sexual gratification.
. Fetishism
44. Sex offenders with this peculiarity uses the same approach or pretext all the time.
45. Sexual gratification through being humiliated, hurt or beaten.
46. Inflicts injury and act the same time enjoys having injury inflicted upon to satisfy sexual desire.
a. Sado-masochism
47. It is known as Narcotics Law of 1953.
. RA 953
48. It is a notice based on national arrest warrants, are used to seek the arrest and extradition of suspects.
. Red Notices
49. It is a notice used to seek information on the identify of persons or on their illegal activities related to criminal
Blue Notices
50. Notices w/c are used to provide warning and criminal intelligence about persons who have common criminal
offenses and who are likely to repeat these crimes in other countries.
Green Notices

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