Olimpiada Engleza 7a

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Ministerul Educației Naționale

Inspectoratul Județean Suceava

Liceul Tehnologic „Tomșa Vodă” Solca

OLIMPIADA DE LIMBA ENGLEZĂ – 2017-2018, clasa a VII-a

Etapa pe școală

Subject I (50 points):

A. (20 points) Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct verb forms.
When Francis Lee was a boy he 1) ............................. (want) to be an astronaut. He 2) ……........…….
(watch) TV one day in 1969 when he 3) ……………………. (see) Neil Armstrong walk on the moon.
Since then he 4) …………….......……… (always/dream) of doing the same. Every night when there
is a full moon, he 5)………….……….. (stare) up at it for hours and 6) ……………..........…….
(imagine) himself walking around on it. At the moment, however, he 7) ……………….(work) as a
night-watchman at a meat factory. He 8) …………………………. (do) the same job since he left
school fifteen years ago, but he still hopes that one day his dream 9) ……….............…………..
(come) true. He has heard that in the 21st century they 10) …................... (sell) tickets to fly to the
B. (20 points) Read the text and choose the appropriate word from A, B, C or D to fill in the
More and more people live in large cities these days and this means that it is becoming more and more
difficult to find space and time for ourselves. But for many people, personal 1) …… is very important.
In many homes, a few minutes in the bathroom is all the privacy that is 2) …... Teenagers especially
need their own personal space at home where they can feel 3) ……. and private. But, of course, not all
teenagers are lucky enough to have a room of their own. Where space is short, they often have to
4) …… a bedroom with a brother or sister. In that case, it's a good 5) …… for them to have a special
area or corner of the room to call their own. It's especially important for young people to have
somewhere to 6) ….. their personal things. This may or may not be a tidy place and it is not a good
idea for parents to try and tell teenagers how to 7) …... their space, as this is 8) ….. to lead to
arguments. Parents can, however, 9) …… sure that there are enough storage space such as shelves,
cupboards and boxes. This will 10) …… the teenager to keep their space tidy if they want to.

1. A) private B) space C) society D) privacy

2. A) confident B) average C) general D) available
3. A) relaxed B) still C) rest D) quiet
4. A) share B) join C)divide D) separate
5. A) sense B) opinion C) though D) idea
6. A) support B) keep C) belong D) save
7. A) operate B) review C) organize D) repair
8. A) really B) actually C) likely D) quickly
9. A) make B) set C) let D) afford
10. A) let B afford C) allow D) set
C. (10 points) Read the sentences below and use the words given in capitals at the end of the
row to form words that fit in the gaps.

1) The …………….in this place is absolutely terrible. I want my money back. SERVE
2) Could you help me make a ……….. I don't know which phone to buy. DECIDE
3) What's the name of that ………you were singing earlier. SING
4) I started playing the piano, but I don't think I have much ………… talent. MUSIC
5) My mother had no idea that this vase was so ………. VALUE
6) Companies should always tell the ………. in their advertisements. TRUE
7) Credit cards are really ………….., but you have to be careful with them. USE
8) When you were young, did you ever play with other ………….. in your neighbourhood? CHILD
9) Alan wants to be an ................ but I don't think he's got much talent. ACT
10) You have to practice a lot if you want to work as a ................ MUSIC
Subject II. (25 points) Read the text and choose the correct answer (A, B or C) to the questions.
Sixteen - What now?
You’re 16 and finally you can leave school! By now, you’re probably sick of teachers, desks, tests and
exams. But don’t just run for the exit. You need to think carefully about what to do next.
If you want a professional career, you will need to go to university and get a degree. To do that, you
need to stay at high school for another two years. But you needn’t stay at the same place. There are
several options in the district of Northacre.
St. Leopold’s School has the best pass rate of all the high schools in the district. It offers a wide range
of subjects in the humanities and sciences. St Leopold’s is, of course, a private school, so it may be too
expensive for you. But don’t worry, there are several other options if you want to follow the academic
route. Knowle Grammar School is a state school, so there are no fees, and it has excellent tuition and
facilities. It is a boys’ school from the ages of 11-16, but from 16-18 it is co-educational. But it is
selective, so you’ll have to pass an exam to get in.
1) The aim of the article is to…
A. advise young people about how to get to university.
B. tell young people about the options available.
C. advise young people to stay in education.
2) The article advises reader who want a professional career to…
A. go to university immediately.
B. stay at the same school for two more years.
C. go to high school for two more years, then get a degree.
3) St Leopold’s is the best school for…
A. good exam results.
B. humanities and sciences.
C. facilities.
4) You can only attend St Leopold’s school if you…
A) pay tuition fees.
B) pass an exam.
C) study both humanities and sciences.
5) You can only attend Knowle Grammar School if you…
A) pass an exam.
B) are a boy.
C) can afford the tuition fees.
Subject III (25 points) Write a letter to a friend telling him/ her about your plans for the
Christmas Holiday in 120 – 150 words (12-15 lines). You should use the following plan:

1. Introduction (paragraph 1 – greet and thank for the letter)

2. Main body (paragraph 2 and/ or 3 – tell him/her about your plans)
3. Conclusion (final paragraph – ask him/ her about his/ her plans and state that you will be
waiting or their next letter)

Do not forget to use the appropriate alignment!

I. (50 points)
A. (2p x 10 = 20 points)
1. wanted; 2. was watching; 3. saw; 4. is; 5. stares; 6. imagines; 7. is working; 8. left; 9. will come; 10.
will sell/ will be selling

B. (2p x 10 = 20 points)
1-B; 2-D; 3-A; 4-A; 5-D; 6-B; 7-C; 8-C: 9-A; 10-C

C. (1p x 10 = 10 points)
1) service; 2) decision; 3) song; 4) valuable; 5) musical; 6) truth; 7) useful; 8) children; 9) actor; 10)

II. (5p x 5 = 25 points)

1. B; 2. C; 3. A; 4. A; 5. A
III. (25points) – Marking Scheme
NOTĂ: Pentru subiectul I.A se acceptă orice variantă posivilă corectă

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