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1.Tested and fixed issues in mobile builds.5h

2.Spent time on documentation.1h

3.checked logs status of collection service.1h and made requested db changes.0.5h

5.testing of mobile build.0.5h



1.added logic in app for app update mandatory and tested locally.7h

2.production db and job changes for coolections.2h and discussion on collection changes and fix.1h


1.added logic in server for app update mandatory and tested locally.6h

2.production submit pod fixes and push to production.3h


1. Worked App update and fixed in taking builds. Tested and discussed with Team , and started
making the required flow changes.-5h

2. Checked logs about cron issue in production , discussed with team for the fix.-2h

3. Checked dev logs for the issue and notified the team reg. the issues.-0.5

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