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Guided reading: informational text Lesson plan

Materials: whisper phones, worksheet running record sheet, tablet (3rd day), pencils
Title: Rainforest Level: N Strategy: Comprehension
Objective: -students will be able to answer literal text questions with evidence from the
text through guided reading instruction discussion and worksheet questions.
-Students will be able to read fluently at level N, assessed through a running record
Day 1 (20 min)

Introduce book (5min)

-This book is about tropical rainforests. Today you will be reading and
answering some questions about the facts in this non-fiction informational
Q. What does non-fiction mean? A. Real story; true facts/information
Take a look through the story, TURN AND TALK with a partner about what
you see and are thinking when you look at the pictures in this book; what are
something’s you think this book will talk about looking only at the pictures?
Vocabulary (fill out on sheet)- Tropical, Howl
a. turn to page 12 the book says; read- to Time.
b. Q. What do you think tropical means?
c. A. Tropical is a part of the world that is near the equator where the
weather is very warm (write your own definition now on your sheet).
Q. Look at the map what does this text feature tell us? A. Where the tropical
countries are.
(Ask student to read the sentence below map. Q. Do we have tropical rain
forests? A. no, we are not shown on the map )
-Look under this picture here, this is a caption. Captions explain what the
pictures mean, what is this picture of? (have a student read the caption)

d. Open to page 9, find the word HOWL.

e. Go ahead and read that sentence; who can tell me what howl means?
f. HOWL means a long loud cry (write own definition)

Q. What other animals howl? Wolves, coyotes etc.

Students read silently (8 min)

Read silently until PAGE 9. When you get to the page with a post it note, write
a fact you learned. ** put post-it notes on alternate pages (8,7,6,5,4).
Conference starting with whomever is not on a post it note page.

Conference with each child, using a running record as assessment for the page
they are reading.

Discussion (7min)
Go over facts on each page, and answer questions sequentially on the worksheet.
Students will be able to answer questions using text evidence. Go over questions and
make sure students answer using and pointing to textual evidence.
“If-time” ask to turn and talk about the most interesting fact they found today
Day 2 (20 min) Pg. 10-16 (end)
Objective: Students will write textual/literal questions using a non fiction text.
(Before reading)
-Today we are going to continue reading about tropical rainforests and practice
writing your own questions about facts in this book
Vocabulary: Cacao, oxygen
-Pg.12 find cacao (in caption) tell and ask students to write definition shown in
teachers guide
-Pg.15 find oxygen- tell and ask students to write definition shown in teachers

-Turn to page 9 please;

Just like yesterday there is a post it note on a page in your book. However this
time, when you get to that post-it note, I want you to read that page and look at your
worksheet. There is a space where you can write a question and the answer to your
question on this sheet. You will use the page with the post it note to find a fact and use
that fact to form a question. Then we will come together and share the questions with
one another. You will read from page 10 to the end.

So on your worksheet there is this box called “green questions”, the type of questions I
am asking you to write is found IN THE TEXT. You can use “who, what, where ,
when, why ,how to start your question”.
So if My post-it note told me to stop on page nine, here we all are. I read the page.
(read the Page) then I choose a fact I can write a question about. So my fact coud be
“howler monkeys find each other by howling” Then using who what where when why
how, I could start my question with how, and my questions could be how do howler
monkeys find each other? And my answer would be….. They howl.
Read silently(8min)
Now your going to try, please start reading silently into your whisper phones, stop at
your post-it to write your question and read until the end.
** if you did not finish running records, do this here. Or conference and go over if their
question fits the format

Discussion (7min)
-go over each question, having the students ask their peers, evaluating if its an
appropriate question that the students can find the answer in the text for.
-strategy; turn to text for evidence of questions
Then go over questions on worksheet for extra comprehension of the text.

“If-time” ask to turn and talk about the most interesting fact they found today

Day #3 (20 min)

**if we didn’t finish any question from yesterday do them here**
-before we take an AR test on the book we’ve been reading, I’m going to ask you
different types of questions. So for the last two days I’ve asked you questions that the
answer was right in the text. But now I’m going to ask you some question that you
should be able to make an INFERENCE about by using what you know about the text.
Q. What is an inference? A. Coming to a conclusion or opinion that is formed because
of known facts/evidence
-go over questions on the worksheet and have students flip to the pages they think they
can use to help them answer the question, if any.
** What can we do to save the rainforest?***** EXTRA QUESTION
*Take AR Test to assess comprehension on tablet

Standards for ELA:

(Goal for Randall) ANCHOR Standard 1: read closely to determine what the text says
explicitly/implicitly and make logical inferences from it; cite specific textual evidence
when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text
RI.3.1 Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring
explicitly to the text as the basis for the answers
3RF4: read grade-level text with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support
3RFa: Read grade level text across genres orally with accuracy, appropriate rate,
and expression on successive readings.
3RF4b: use context to confirm or self-correct word recognition and understanding
3L4a: use sentence –level context as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase.
Rainforest: :

By Anne Miranda

Q. (pg.7) Why does the text say the

rain forest is like a
Q.(pg.8) What do most poisonous
animals look
Q.(pg.9) What are 2 ways animals find
each other?______________

Q:___________ A:___________
____________ ___________
___________ ___________

Q. (pg.13) Why is the rainforest in

Q. (pg.14-15) Why do we need rain
forests? __________________

Q: Why do plants need to grow to the

top of rain forests to get enough light?
Q. Why do you think chocolate is grown
in other places?________
Q. Why might it be important for us to
save the rain forest for animals?
Teacher’s guide
Tropical: A part of the world where
the weather is very hot
Howl: Long loud cry

Q. (pg.7) Why does the text say the

rain forest is like a supermarket?
animals have many choices on what
things (animals) to eat because there
are a lot of animals in the rain forest

Q.(pg.8) What do most poisonous

animals look like? They are brightly

Q.(pg.9) What are 2 ways animals find

each other? Howling or calling, and
the color or brightness of the animal
Cacao: the dried seed that is used to
make chocolate
Oxygen: Clear chemical in the air that
is necessary for life, not just us but all
living things

Q:___________ A:___________
____________ ___________
___________ ___________

Q. (pg.13) Why is the rainforest in

danger? People are cutting it down
Q. (pg.14-15) Why do we need rain
forests? Medicines and oxygen

Q: Why do plants need to grow to the

top of rain forests to get enough light?
The taller trees block or shade the
other plants so they need to grow to
the top to reach the sunlight; the
bottom of the rainforest is dark
Q. Why do you think chocolate is grown
in other places? Because people are
cutting down the cacao trees and
growing it elsewhere
Q. Why might it be important for us to
save the rain forest for animals?
Because when the trees are cut down
animals loose their habitats and the
food chain is effected.

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