Advocacy Visual

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How We Advocate Against Injustice

Step 1: Feel Step 2: Imagine Step 3: Do Step 4: Assess

•Notice a •What is the reason this •Act based on the •Did our actions
problem. problem exists? plan. make an impact?
•Identify an issue •Research causes of the •Record •How has the
we care about as problem. observations as problem been
a community of •How can we act to we implement affected?
learners and solve this problem? the plan. •What further
leaders that we •Based the brainstorm, action do we
want to solve. write a specific plan to need to take?
solve the problem.

Action Idea Bank After Research:

Actions Inside School: Actions Outside School:
• Schedule a meeting with SFC, Principal Mobley or • Write a letter or email to your elected official
Assistant Principal • Start a Go-Fund-Me to raise funds
• Write a petition • Volunteer
• Organize a student club • Write an Op-Ed for the Baltimore Sun
• Prepare a bulletin board with information • Organize or participate in a meeting
• Write an announcement for the Bulletin or morning

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