Activate! B2 Extra Vocabulary Tests Test 9: The Shops

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B2 Extra Vocabulary Tests

Test 9

1. Choose the word (A, B, C, or D) that best completes the sentence.

1 She said that what she wears helps her … who she is.
A respect
B express
C personalise
D appeal

2 She said that she believed … clothing was just as good as the more expensive clothes in
the shops.
A brand
B ongoing
C mass-market
D fashion

3 Brian says that he would be embarrassed if he were … wearing brand name trainers.
A respected
B expressed
C quizzed
D spotted

4 The teacher complained that young people didn’t know how to show their … . any more.
A lifestyle
B trends
C individuality
D issues

5 Kevin told me that he refused to follow fashion … and that he would wear whatever he felt
comfortable in.
A respect
B chains
C trends
D issues

6 He explained that famous … like Nescafe, BMW, and Coco sold well because they were so

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas

2009 1
Activate! B2 Extra Vocabulary Tests
Test 9

A designer labels
B status symbols
C fashion victims
D brand names

7 My brother declared that he was going to change his … and become a better person.
A respect
B lifestyle
C trend
D issue

8 My mother asked me when I would stop being a … victim and start wearing what made
me feel comfortable.
A fashion
B designer
C status
D brand

9 The manager warned the young boy that if the … detective ever caught him stealing
again, he would call the police.
A bargain
B store
C special
D chain

10 Sherry congratulated her daughter on getting the trendy new clothes at such … prices.
A bargain
B window
C chain
D store

11 Even though she had no money, Carol begged me to go … shopping with her.
A store
B chain
C window

D fitting
Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas
2009 2
Activate! B2 Extra Vocabulary Tests
Test 9

12 Although I couldn’t afford the jeans, my sister persuaded me to go into the … rooms and
try them on.
A window
B fitting
C bargain
D special

Marks / 12

2. Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.

1 The article in The Guardian stated that baggy trousers were going to be very in/over that
year and every woman should own a pair.

2 The shop assistant told me that mini skirts were so over/into and that I would look silly
wearing one.

3 You should always try clothes in/on before buying them.

4 Don’t know what to wear to a party? Don’t worry, help is off/at hand!

5 We picked off/up some great bargains in the January sales.

6 Buying a car isn’t like buying clothes; you should shop around/about before you make
your final decision.

7 Grace wants to show on/off how rich she is by wearing her new fur coat.

8 A store detective came up/out to me in the middle of the shop and accused me of

9 Wide trousers are completely out/away of fashion; throw them away!

10 Jake is really over/into heavy metal music; he doesn’t listen to anything else.

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas

2009 3
Activate! B2 Extra Vocabulary Tests
Test 9
Marks / 10

3. Complete the sentences with words to do with the fashion industry. All the
letters are given, but they are mixed up.

1 rarerci She put all her shopping into a ……………. bag and left the
2 nesdergi I can’t afford to buy ……………. labels; I usually buy my
clothes in the high street.
3 vxecusiel This ……………. bag can only be bought from one store in the
UK and there is a waiting list of five hundred!
4 ieropsnas Some people like to ……………. their accessories by having
el their initials printed on them.
5 tsatsu The ‘Birkin Bag’ which costs thousands of pounds is a
……………. symbol for many rich and famous women.
6 umlsiep I never
7 oogl The company ……………. is printed on all their bags and
8 roputdsc Mum buys all her beauty ……………. at The Body Shop.
9 epalap It seems that designer clothes are losing their …………….
amongst young people.
10 nnfueceil Fashion designers have a huge amount of ……………. over
peoples’ tastes and decisions.

Marks / 10

4. Complete each sentence with one word in each space.

1 Fran likes to ………. off how rich she is by wearing expensive clothes and jewellery.

2 Are hats going to be ………. fashion this winter?

3 Is it ok if I pay by ………. card?

4 I always ………. a laugh with my friends when we go out shopping.

5 I always do my Christmas shopping in a big department ………. because you can find
absolutely everything there.
Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas
2009 4
Activate! B2 Extra Vocabulary Tests
Test 9

6 This year’s ……….-have is a little black dress from D & G.

7 She always tries to dress in the most fashionable clothes, but sometimes she ………. it

8 Do you think I ………. fat in these jeans?

Marks / 8

Total Marks / 40

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas

2009 5

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