ActivateB2VocabTest 7

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B2 Extra Vocabulary Tests

Test 7

1. Choose the word (A, B, C, or D) that best completes the sentence.

1 When the … is moved, the cursor on your screen also moves.

A hard drive
B mouse
C software
D keyboard

2 Because it is a(n) … exhibition, children are permitted to touch the displays.

A online
B hands-on
C virtual
D high-tech

3 The information should have been saved on my … but I can’t seem to find it anywhere.
A mouse
B screen
C monitor
D hard drive

4 These museum … were designed to show how interesting the world of science can really
A souvenirs
B exhibits
C gadgets
D illusions

5 I’m having the Internet connected to my computer so I can go … whenever I want.

A hands-on
B interactive
C online
D virtual

6 It’s hard to believe but the museum’s ...... has had over three thousand hits in the last
A keyboard
B webpage
Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas
2009 1
Activate! B2 Extra Vocabulary Tests
Test 7

C software
D mouse

7 … to remind you of your visit can be purchased in the museum gift shop.
A Illusions
B Lasers
C Souvenirs
D Keyboards

8 If your computer ever …, you can get it fixed at the shop on Elm Street.
A downloads
B measures
C crashes
D demonstrates

9 Many … are created by tricking our eyes and our brains into believing something that is
not real.
A illusions
B lasers
C theories
D phenomena

10 That … my brother is using was bought at a very high-tech shop in the city centre.
A theory
B exhibit
C website
D gadget

11 The … of evolution was developed by Charles Darwin.

A theory
B research
C phenomenon
D genes

12 The graphics of this computer game allow you to enter the world of … reality.
A interactive

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas

2009 2
Activate! B2 Extra Vocabulary Tests
Test 7

B hands-on
C virtual
D high-tech

Marks / 12

2. Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.

1 Our Biology/Astronomy class, which is taught by Ms Dean, is exciting because I love

learning about the stars and the planets.

2 Our new kitchen gadgets/appliances, including a fridge and a cooker, are being delivered
this afternoon.

3 I was taught some interesting facts about plants and animals in today’s
Biology/Mathematics class.

4 We learned about how the ‘New World’ was invented/discovered by Christopher


5 This Physics/Astronomy book, which was written in the 1700s, talks about experiments
that were done to see if a gas weighs more than water.

6 You must never touch a key/plug with wet hands because you could get an electric shock.

7 Many great theories about Mathematics/Geology and Geometry were written by a Greek
named Pythagoras.

8 After our trial/experiment failed, we were made to do it again.

9 This is an amazing new piece/square of technology from the university science lab.

10 When this switch/key is hit, the data will be saved on the hard drive.

Marks / 10

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas

2009 3
Activate! B2 Extra Vocabulary Tests
Test 7
3. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar
meaning to the first sentence using the word given.

1 I’m tired of doing Chemistry experiments.

I’m ………………………….. Chemistry experiments. FED

2 That beeping noise makes me feel crazy! DRIVING

That beeping noise is ………………………….. .

3 Jerry applied for a job at Info Tech but the manager there rejected him. TURNED
Jerry applied for a job at Info Tech but he …………………………... by the manager there.

4 His problems at work are connected to his aggressive attitude. DO

His problems at work are to …………………………... his aggressive attitude.

5 His success is due to knowing the market really well. DOWN

His success is …………………………... fact that he knows the market really well.

6 The lab assistant’s job is to prepare the experiment for the scientist. SET
The lab assistant’s job is to …………………………... the experiment for the scientist.

7 Jerry became unconscious when the man hit him. KNOCKED

The man …………………………... .

8 Biologists are doing an experiment into human genes. CARRYING

Biologists …………………………... an experiment into human genes.

Marks / 8

4. Complete the sentences with words to do with technology. All the letters are
given, but they are mixed up.

1 eunctoddc The research is being ……………. at ESA, the European Space

Agency in the Netherlands.

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas

2009 4
Activate! B2 Extra Vocabulary Tests
Test 7

2 ruifnsg Some people think that your time is wasted when you sit
……………. the internet all day.
3 ucsror The ……………. shows you where you are on the computer
4 odlonwded I ……………. this program for viewing photos from the
a internet.
5 elcsl In this disease, the healthy ……………. are infected by
diseased ones.
6 yebardok My ……………. has the letters in English and in Russian.
7 orbto Japanese scientists have developed a ……………. which
dances and sings!
8 edceiv This hand-held ……………. can help you to find your keys
when you’ve lost them.
9 bla Students are not allowed to use the science ……………. if the
teacher is not present.
10 aadt We have collected all the ……………. and now we’re inputting
it into the system.

Marks / 10

Total Marks / 40

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas

2009 5

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