The Big Bang

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I started out this summer with only one goal«to enjoy every bit of it as if I had only this summer to live! True to
myself, I have accomplished this goal. I am currently traveling and will be doing so up until the very last
moment possible. I will return to my now home and hit the ground running with school starting the day after I
get back.

I am excited at what is to come this next year. It has now been one year since I picked up and left the comfort
of my hometown; and though it has only been a year I feel as though it has been longer! I have had the
summer of a lifetime. Enjoyed the beauty of NYC in the summer, the gorgeous sights of the Bahamas¶
beaches and water, and even got to see San Francisco for the first time. I¶m grateful for the social media
revolution that has allowed me to document and share every bit of it with my close friends, family, and the like.

Aside form an amazing traveling and sight seeing filled summer, I have also learned a lot of about myself and
about what I¶m to face as this last year of school begins. I am now entering a new phase of life, and though I
have fought hard to not let it happen it is impossible to stop.

It is a weird feeling to know life is changing. I am a proponent of change, as evident in my rhetoric; however, I
am also a strong supporter of no change. Yep, you read it right: I advocate change, but I hate changing.
Changing requires a lot of work. At times it requires a lot of painful work. Changing means having to give up
your old way and as much as it is needed, giving up your old ways is hard.

As hard as change is, it is inevitable and a major part of life. Just as in a year there are seasons, there are
seasons in our life. With each season comes a period of transition that is unstable and full of turmoil. Think
about it: with each season comes certain amount of days where the weather is constantly changing. It is hard
to predict what type of weather you are to face any given day or time of day. You somewhat have an idea
based on past experiences, but it can never truly be predicted. Such is life, we experience things and we can
use them as estimates for future events; however, we can never truly know exactly what to expect.

There are a lot of things I don¶t know, but there is one thing that I know in my heart to be so; God is a God that
is never changing and always there. God is a Father, a Comforter, a Redeemer, a Strengthener, a God of
purpose and great in faithfulness. I have gone through a lot in my short lifetime, and though I have not faced
everything in life I do know I can bear anything that comes because God is my God. I serve a God that is
good, and just. I serve a God that is alive inside of me, and will accomplish what he set out to accomplish.

I write these things no just out of my teeth, but out of my heart. I write these things believing in them and
trusting God. I also write these things in order to remind myself and you that we are not alone in this race. Our
pains and hurts are felt and are for a purpose. The pain so deep that brings us to our knees are for a reason,
and do not go unseen. This is truly the season for change in our lives. This is truly a season where many
things that we have been praying and hurting for will come to pass. The hard part is to not let go, no give up,
no surrender. The hard part is to continue to hope even though it hurts to hope. The hard part is to be thankful
for what is still to not here.

Summer time is drawing to an end. With each day that passes, the new season is entering. The summer was
just a transitional period to be ready for the new season that is entering.




"       " 



maybe i should just ask you? i try so hard to include you in so many things, but you find yourself constantly
isolated. you¶re constantly pushing yourself away from the crowd, maybe it¶s because you expect someone to
come follow, maybe it¶s because you want to be alone. but when you do that you¶ll constantly complain about
how lonely you are. But if someone is trying with all their might to include you into a conversation or a
discussion or just a group in general and you shut them out. don¶t you dare complain about being alone,
because someone was there trying to help you out. trying to bring you into a situation where you wouldn¶t be
      yeah, you may feel alone but when you¶re surrounded by
jokes and laughter that fills the room, you¶ll forget about your lonliness.


We all have secrets, and we all tell lies for what we hope to be the best. As a result, we are all suffering our
own individual emotional hells alone. We sit and cry about all of our sorrows and frustrations without anybody
else even knowing they exist. We all do this, we all try to protect others from being exposed to our own
personal tortures by keeping them to ourselves. But, if we shared them, the pain would be lessened. If each
person kept a part of the sadness, we would be able to power through it together.

Sometimes, you think you really know a person, you¶ve got them all figured out, but eventually some of their
defences start to weaken, and some of their truths begin to creep out. It is only then that you start to realize,
you never really knew that person at all.How many of our seemingly carefree and joyful friends have gone
home from a day of fun and laughter to cry themselves to sleep? We have to start to trust each other, let the
secrets and lies go, and rebuild our relationships upon the truth. If you are hurting, tell me. If you need help, tell
me. If you are afraid, tell me. I want to help you, I want to be there for you, 


I¶ve never been more comfortable or at ease with anyone other than you. There¶s this comfort, security and
safety that only you are able to give me and that there is the reason why I love to sit on your lap, I also feel like
a little child when I¶m sitting there. If I ever get shy, self-conscious or uncomfortable, that¶s just my insecurity
acting up. The things I told you, I never thought I would be able to share them with anyone but somehow, I told
you, out of all the people in the world.

I¶m thinking that this is it. This is as real as it¶s going to get. Let¶s make this last a lifetime. I love you to the
moon and back and my heart misses you more than you could ever know Ɔ

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