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Weekly Homework Template Tutorial

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March 25, 2018

Problem 6. a) Suppose an entire function f is bounded by M along |z| = R. Show that

the coefficients Ck in its power series expansion about 0 satisfy
|Ck | ≤ .

b) Suppose a polynomial is bounded by 1 in the unit disc. Show that all its coefficients
are bounded by 1.

Solution Part a): Since f is an entire function it can be expressed as an infinite power
series, i.e.
∞ ∞
X f (k) (0) k X
f (z) = z = Ck z k .
k! k=0

If we recall Cauchy’s Integral we have

1 f (w)
f (z) = dw,
2πi γ w−z
1 1 1
carefully notice that w−z
= w
· z
1− w
can be written as a geometric series. 1—

Then integrate along γ(θ) = Reiθ for θ ∈ [0, 2π] to get

M 2π |iReiθ dθ|
Z Z 2π
|Ck | ≤ k+1 ikθ
= k
dθ = k .
2π 0 |R e | 2π · R 0 R
Hence, |Ck | ≤ Rk

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