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ISSN 2047-0371

1.5.5. Ground Penetrating Radar

Martin Robinson1, Charlie Bristow2, Jennifer McKinley1 and Alastair Ruffell1
School of Geography, Archaeology and Palaeoecology, Queen’s University Belfast
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Birkbeck University of London

ABSTRACT: Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) is an effective tool to visualise the structure of the
shallow subsurface. The purpose of this article is to offer guidelines to non-specialist GPR users on
the collection, processing and interpretation of GPR data in a range of environments. The
discussion on survey design focuses on single fold, fixed-offset reflection profiling, the most
common mode of GPR data collection, however the design factors can be applied to other survey
types. Information on the visualisation of processed data, as well as the advantages and
disadvantages of GPR, is provided. Possible applications of GPR in geomorphological research
are presented, along with a case study outlining how GPR can be used to measure peat thickness.

KEYWORDS: Ground penetrating radar, survey design, processing, interpretation, applications

Introduction research. An operator of GPR equipment

must have an understanding of the
Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) has become fundamental principles underlying the
a popular tool in sedimentological studies, technique (Daniels, 2004). A training course
with Table 1 illustrating recent research that or field survey with an experienced operator
has utilised GPR in the analysis of is highly recommended.
environmental processes (Jol and Bristow,
2003). It is a non-invasive geophysical
technique designed primarily for subsurface Principles
investigation (Neal, 2004; Comas et al.,
A GPR system transmits short pulses of high
2004). A GPR system detects changes in the
frequency EM energy (10-1000 MHz) from an
electrical properties of the shallow subsurface
antenna into the subsurface (Jol and Smith,
using discrete pulses of high frequency
1991; Holden et al., 2002). As an EM wave
electromagnetic (EM) energy, usually in the
disseminates downwards, its velocity is
10-1000 MHz range (Neal, 2004). The
altered due to encounters with materials of
technique has been successfully applied in a
differing electrical properties (Neal, 2004).
wide range of environmental studies however
Abrupt changes in the dielectric constant
an understanding of the capabilities and
results in a portion of the energy being
limitations of GPR is vital when considering
reflected, with the receiving antenna of the
using the technique, with the quality of GPR
GPR system detecting the reflected EM
results often being dependent on the
energy (Figure 1a). Scattering of the radar
surveyed environment (Daniels, 2004). The
waves occurs when the radar signal travels
purpose of this article is to offer guidelines on
through overburden. It is worth noting that
the collection, processing and interpretation
most GPR antennas are not focussed and
of GPR data.
transmit energy into the air as well as the
ground. As a result it is possible to get
This paper presents an overview of good
reflections from objects above ground such
practice material for non-specialist users
as walls, cars, fences or overhead cables.
working in the field of environmental
Some antennas are shielded to reduce

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Ground Penetrating Radar 2
external noise and prevent the signals being medium, on application of an electric field
transmitted through the air but this adds to (Powers, 1997). The most important electrical
the weight and bulk of the antennas which conduction losses, in relation to GPR
can be awkward in the field. performance, occur due to ionic charge
transport in water and electrochemical
The time between transmission and processes associated with cation exchange.
reception, referred to as the two-way travel- Olhoeft (1998) describes the importance of
time (TWT) and commonly measured in clay mineral cation exchange in studies of
nanoseconds, is a function of reflector depth soil and sediment. The equation for the
and the EM velocity of propagation (Neal, velocity of propagation is expressed as
2004; Jol and Smith, 1991). GPR provides a (Equation 2):
continuous profile of the subsurface,
displaying horizontal survey distance against 𝑣 = 𝑐/ 𝜀! (Equation 2)
vertical TWT. Vertical TWT is converted to
depth with knowledge of the propagation In which 𝑣 is the velocity, 𝑐 is the speed of
velocity, expressed as (Equation 1): light (300mm/ns) and 𝜀! is the relative
dielectric constant. Table 2 provides typical
𝑑 = 𝑣×𝑡/2 (Equation 1) dielectric constant and electrical conductivity
values for common materials encountered
In which 𝑑 is depth, 𝑣 is velocity, and 𝑡 is using GPR.
TWT. The propagation of EM energy through
media is controlled by several material
properties. Dielectric constant (dielectric Suitability of GPR
permittivity), a property which is strongly It is essential from a scientific view to clearly
dependent on the water content of a material, establish what data are required to test a
is the primary factor controlling the velocity of particular hypothesis. This will influence the
an EM wave. Reflections therefore can size of the survey, the depth of investigation
typically be related to interfaces where there and the resolution needed (Jol and Bristow,
is a considerable change in water content 2003). Before planning a survey it is
(Comas et al., 2005). Electrical conductivity is important to determine if GPR will be
a measure of charge transport, through a effective.

Table 1. Recent environmental studies that use GPR

Depositional Setting Recent Papers

Glacial Appleby et al. (2010); Benediktsson et al. (2009); Degenhardt (2009);

Gibbard et al. (2012); Hart et al. (2011); Irvine-Fynn et al. (2006); Kim et
al. (2010); Langston et al. (2011); Leopold et al. (2011); Monnier et al.
(2011); Murray and Booth (2010)
Fluvial Ashworth et al. (2011); Johnson and Carpenter (In Press); Kostic and
Aigner (2007); Lunt and Bridge (2004); Nobes et al. (2001); Rice et al.
(2009); Słowik (2011)
Delta Barnhardt and Sherrod (2006); Gibbard et al (2012); Gutsell et al. (2004)
Coastal Bennett et al. (2009); Bristow and Pucillo (2006); Buynevich et al. (2010);
Clemmensen et al. (2012); Nielsen and Clemmensen (2009); Olson et al.
(In Press); Pascucci et al. (2009); Tamura et al (2011)
Aeolian Bristow et al. (2007, 2010); Buynevich et al. (2010); Clemmensen et al.
(2012); Tamura et al. (2011); Vriend et al. (2012)
Peatland Comas et al. (2005, 2011); De Oliveira et al. (2012); Kettridge et al.
(2008); Lowry et al. (2009); Plado et al. (2011); Rosa et al. (2009)
Faults Bhosle et al. (2007); Christie et al. (2009); Malik et al. (2010)

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being given by the reflection coefficient (𝑅),

expressed as (Equation 3):

!! ! !!
𝑅= (Equation 3)
!! ! !!

In which 𝑣! and 𝑣! are the velocities for

layers 1 and 2 i.e the target and the host
subsurface (Neal, 2004). In all cases, the
value of 𝑅 will be between +1 and -1, with
values further from zero representing greater
differences in electrical properties. Table 2
can be used as a guide to determine the
suitability of GPR for a particular study, with
velocity values for typical subsurface
mediums being provided. The environment
under investigation needs to be examined
before performing a survey. Metallic objects
and major structural features within the
vicinity of the survey location can seriously
affect GPR results (Annan and Cosway,

Survey Design
This discussion on survey design focuses on
single fold, fixed-offset reflection profiling
(Figure 1b), the most common mode of GPR
data collection, however the design factors
can be applied to other survey types (Jol and
Bristow, 2003; Annan, 2005). The step-like
procedure involves moving a signal
transmitter and receiver, in a fixed antenna
geometry, over the surface in repetitive steps.
This mode is preferred in studies that require
high spatial-horizontal resolution. Continuous
data collection is not recommended for
detailed sedimentary investigations as the
movement during collection can smear the
data, creating problems when locating a
specific subsurface feature. Continuous data
collection is more appropriate for
Figure 1. (a) The propagation of an EM wave reconnaissance surveys (Jol and Bristow,
in subsurface material (adapted from Neal, 2003).
2004); (b) Fixed offset profiling (adapted from
Annan, 2001); (c) Common mid-point (CMP) Several parameters need to be defined when
sounding (adapted from Annan, 2001). designing a single fold, fixed-offset reflection
GPR can quickly be deemed an unsuitable
technique if the target is beyond the depth
range of the GPR system. For GPR to work
Radar Frequency: Vertical Resolution
effectively, the target must exhibit electric Antenna frequency is a significant factor in
properties (dielectric constant and electrical survey design, determining the resolution and
conductivity) which contrast with the host depth of penetration (Baker et al., 2007). Low
subsurface. The strength of an EM reflection frequency waves tend to penetrate deeper
is proportional to the magnitude of this into the subsurface as they are not as easily
contrast, with the amount of energy reflected

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Ground Penetrating Radar 4
Table 2. Typical dielectric constant, electrical conductivity, velocity and attenuation values of
common subsurface materials (Leckebusch, 2003; rows labelled * from Annan, 2005)

Dielectric Electrical Conductivity Velocity Attenuation

Constant (mSm-1) (m ns-1) (dB m-1)
Air 1 0 0.3 0
Salt water 80 3000 0.033 600
Fresh water 80 0.5 0.033 0.1
Ice* 3-4 0.01 0.16 0.01
Granite, dry 5 0.01 0.13 0.01
Limestone* 4-8 0.5-2 0.12 0.4-1
Shales* 5-15 1-100 0.09 1-100
Sand, dry 5 0.01 0.13 0.01
Sand, wet* 20-30 0.1-1.0 0.06 0.03-0.3
Clay, wet 10 500 0.095 300
sandy, dry 2.6 1.4 0.19 1
sandy, wet 25 69 0.06 23
clayey, dry 2.5 2.7 0.19 3
clayey, wet 19 500 0.07 200
frozen 6 0.1 0.12 0.1

attenuated as high frequency waves. The The majority of sedimentary studies use
ability of a GPR system to resolve fine antenna with frequencies between 50 and
subsurface features however deteriorates at 500MHz (Jol and Bristow, 2003). Table 3,
lower frequencies, meaning the selection of based on the assumption that the required
the optimal antenna frequency is a trade-off spatial resolution is approximately 25% of the
between the desired resolution and the target depth, can be used as a simple guide
achievable penetration depth (Harari, 1996). to determine a suitable frequency. It is
As a rule of thumb, it is better to trade important to understand that the depth of
resolution for depth, with high resolution penetration is highly dependent on the clay
being useless if the target cannot be detected content of the medium, with clay significantly
(Annan, 2005). attenuating EM waves and limiting the
investigation depth (Bristow, 2013). The
An antenna does not transmit EM waves at a information presented in Table 2 therefore
single frequency but across a frequency should not be a substitute for thorough
spectrum, with the higher frequencies in the survey planning, with the depth of penetration
range being preferentially attenuated as they being subject to the soil type (Annan, 2001).
propagate through the subsurface. This
results in the return centre frequency, the Table 3. Guideline frequency values (Annan,
most common frequency detected by the 2001)
receiving antenna, typically being lower than
the nominal centre frequency of the Depth (m) Centre Frequency (MHz)
transmitting antenna. More realistic vertical 0.5 1000
resolution estimates are consequently 1.0 500
obtained using the return centre frequency
2.0 200
(Neal, 2004). The preferential attenuation of
high frequency radar waves also causes a 5.0 100
decrease in resolution down the GPR profile 10.0 50
even when no changes in the velocity exist. 30.0 25
50.0 10

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Stratigraphy in sedimentary environments with the maximum depth and minimum
occurs at scales ranging from 10-3 to 101 m velocity likely to be observed being used. The
both horizontally and vertically (Jol and equation accounts for uncertainty in velocity
Bristow, 2003). Identifying a suitable and depth variations by increasing the
resolution is often a vital component of many estimated time by 30% (Annan, 2005). Table
subsurface environmental studies. Vertical 2 can be used as a guide if no information on
resolution is usually considered to be the electrical properties of the survey site is
approximately one quarter of the radar signal available.
wavelength in the subsurface, with
wavelength being a function of antenna
frequency and the velocity of the signal
Temporal Sampling Interval
(Bristow, 2009). This is shown by Equation 4. The time interval between points on a
recorded waveform is another parameter
! which needs to be considered when
λ =   ! (Equation 4)
designing a survey. Annan (2005) indicates
λ = Wavelength that as part of a good survey design, the
V = Velocity sampling rate should be approximately six
f = Frequency times the centre frequency of the antenna
being used, with the following expression
Bristow (2009) provides theoretical values for being utilised to calculate suitable sampling
GPR resolution in sands based on Eq.4 intervals (Equation 6):
(Table 4). For example, a 100MHz transmitter
used to investigate sand saturated with fresh 𝑡= (Equation 6)
water (velocity of 0.06m ns-1) will produce a !!
wavelength of 0.6m and a resolution of 0.15m
(one-quarter of the wavelength value). The In which 𝑡 is the maximum sampling interval
approximate velocity values presented in (ns) and 𝑓 is the centre frequency (MHz).
Table 2 can be used with a desired resolution Table 5 indicates the calculated sampling
value to identify a suitable GPR frequency for interval for a variety of antenna frequencies.
a particular study. Various antennas The sampling values presented in the table
frequencies can be employed to effectively should only be exceeded when data volume
image the subsurface using GPR (Jol and and acquisition speed are more important
Bristow, 2003). The use of multiple than the integrity of the data (Annan, 2001).
frequencies depends entirely on the research The consequence of using small sample
question, with the time and cost of swapping values is that random signals (noise) are
several different antennas, as well as given more influence on the trace. An
processing data collected at different increase in antenna frequency requires an
frequencies, needing to be considered. increase in the sample rate due to the
preferential attenuation at high frequencies.
Time Window Increases in sample rate should be based on
the Nyquist principle - the greatest vertical
The required time window (W) is estimated
using the following equation (Equation 5): resolution that can be expected is one-
quarter the wavelength (Jol and Bristow,
2×Depth 2003).
W = 1.3   Velocity (Equation 5)

Table 4. Theoretical values for GPR resolution in different sands (Bristow, 2009). Note: Velocity
value for dry sand differs slightly from figure provided in Table 1
Theoretical Resolution Theoretical Resolution Theoretical
Antenna Central
(m) for Saturated Sand (m) for Damp Sand Resolution (m) for Dry
Frequency (MHz) -1 -1 -1
(0.06 m ns ) (0.1m ns ) Sand (0.15m ns )
50 0.3 0.5 0.75
100 0.15 0.25 0.375
200 0.075 0.125 0.1875
400 0.0375 0.0625 0.09375

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Table 5. Suitable sampling intervals and A maximum step size of one metre, often less
corresponding antenna frequencies (Annan, (0.1-0.5m) depending on antenna frequency,
2001) should be used in sedimentary studies to
provide detailed horizontal resolution of
Antenna Centre Maximum Sampling structures (Jol and Bristow, 2003). A typical
Frequency (MHz) Interval (ns)
survey performed with 100MHz antennas
10 16.7 should have a step size of 0.25m, however a
20 8.3 larger step size can be used when the
subsurface comprises continuous horizontal
50 3.3
layers. GPR data will not adequately define
100 1.67 steeply dipping reflectors if the step size is
200 0.83 too large (Annan, 2005).
500 0.33
1000 0.17 Antenna Separation
The majority of GPR systems have separate
Each trace in a GPR profile should be antennas for transmitting and receiving
vertically stacked to enhance the return (bistatic operation), with some antennas
signals, with the running average of a number having a fixed separation while others can be
of radar transmissions being taken (Jol and varied (Annan, 2005; Jol and Bristow, 2003).
Bristow, 2003). If a GPR system was Antenna separation should be as small as
programmed to collect 512 samples for each possible based on the needs of the survey
trace, with the system also being set up to and the wavelength of the antennas. The
stack 16 sequential traces into one record, depth resolution of targets decreases as the
then at least 8192 pulses (512 pulses distance between antennas increases,
multiplied by 16) would need to be however this effect is not significant until the
transmitted for every recorded reflection trace antenna separation nears half of the target
(Conyers, 2013). This stacking process depth (Jol and Bristow, 2003). A safe
minimises random signals (noise) and antenna separation, if there is very little site
emphasises persistent signals (reflections). information available, is 20% of the target
An increase in trace stacking however will depth (Annan, 2005).
increase survey time (Jol and Bristow, 2003).
Line Spacing and Orientation
Step Size: Horizontal Resolution
Line spacing is a compromise between the
Step size, the distance between each data amount of detail required for the survey and
collection point made along a GPR profile, is the extent of the survey area. To avoid spatial
an important part of the survey design aliasing, where the target is not correctly
process (Jol and Bristow, 2003). A minimum resolved, the line spacing is required to be
step size for each antenna frequency is approximately one quarter of the extent of the
usually suggested by the manufacturer structure being investigated (Bristow, 2009).
(Bristow, 2009). The extent of the target Survey lines should be arranged, whenever
however outweighs the guidelines proposed possible, in a grid, with lines running parallel
by the manufacturer, with the object of and perpendicular to the expected dip
interest needing to be resolved both direction of the structure (Jol and Bristow,
horizontally and vertically. These values are 2003). Bristow (2009) indicates that images
based on the Nyquist sampling interval, one- of sedimentary structures are improved if
quarter of the wavelength in the subsurface data is collected in the up-dip direction.
and expressed as (Equation 7): Closely spaced lines give sufficiently dense
coverage to produce 3D block models of the
!" subsurface (Jol and Bristow, 2003).
n! =   (Equation 7) Grasmueck et al. (2005) recommend a
quarter-wavelength spatial sampling (step
n! = Sampling Interval (m) size) as the minimum requirement for a full
f = Antenna Centre Frequency (MHz) resolution 3D survey.
K = Dielectric Constant

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Figure 2. GPR profile using unshielded 200MHz antennas with 0.1m step size, dewow and SEC
gain in a parkland setting (a) with trees and a fence, includes reflections from above (b) and
beneath the ground (c) with interpretation (d) see text for details

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Ground Penetrating Radar 8

Antenna Shielding Common mid-point (CMP) sounding (Figure

1c) and wide angle reflection and refraction
When a GPR antenna directs EM energy into (WARR) surveys estimate signal velocity by
the subsurface, a portion of the energy is lost
increasing the separation between the
to the air. These EM waves, as they
transmitter and receiver in steps at a fixed
propagate through the air, can encounter an
location and measuring the change of the
object or planar surface with a different
two-way travel-time to reflections (Jol and
dielectric constant, resulting in part of the
Bristow, 2003; Annan, 2005).
signal being reflected to the receiver (Neal,
2004). Thus, not all reflections on radar CMP surveys are generally considered to be
profiles necessarily originate from features
more precise than WARR surveys and should
within the subsurface which can be seen in
be the first survey completed on arrival at a
(Figure 2). The GPR profile in Figure 2
site (Jol and Bristow, 2003). Jol and Bristow
includes reflections from objects above and
(2003) suggest to start a CMP survey with a
beneath the ground. These can be readily
minimum antenna separation then move
distinguished by velocity analysis fitting
each antenna out by 5 or 10cm until no signal
hyperbolic curves to observed hyperbolic
is returned. This however is only appropriate
reflections. The hyperbolas from the trees
when performed above a horizontal reflector
with metal tree guards indicate a velocity
in multiple directions. Some software
around 0.3mns-1 (Figure 2b) which is programs can measure the angle of
consistent with the velocity of the GPR signal
hyperbolic reflections as a proxy for the
through the air at the speed of light (0.299
moveout encountered in CMP, calculating
mns-1). The tighter hyperbola shown in Figure
velocity by fitting curves to observed
2c indicates a velocity of 0.064 mns-1, a
hyperbolas as illustrated in Figure 2b and
typical velocity for water saturated sediments.
Figure 2c.
The gently inclined planar reflection picked
out in blue in Figure 2d could be mistakenly
interpreted as dipping bedrock strata but Data Processing
actually comes from a fence between 12.5
and 15.5 m from the GPR profile as shown in GPR data processing can be a daunting task
Figure 2a. Shielding can be used to reduce for new users. This section provides good
these unwanted surface reflections. However, practice guidelines to ensure consistent,
shielded antenna never fully eliminate efficient and realistic processing. A brief
airwaves, therefore shielded antenna data overview of several basic processing
should be treated with caution. Operators techniques is provided.
should always look for potential sources of
airwave in the area of study. Profile lines - It is important to keep processing simple. The
run towards and away from a possible source majority of GPR data collected in
to evaluate if the object is scattering energy sedimentological environments only requires
(Annan, 2005). minimal processing to allow interpretation (Jol
and Bristow, 2003). The temptation to
overprocess should be avoided as more
Velocity Sounding Design sophisticated processing methods are likely
The velocity of an EM wave needs to be to introduce bias and potential artefacts into
determined to convert two-way travel-time the data (Cassidy, 2009). The user should
into depth. This value can be obtained by the take a systematic and consistent approach to
basic process of probing or excavating to the processing sequence, accurately
determine depth to a known reflector, then recording all processing steps and
using the depth and measured reflection time parameters. GPR utilises many aspects of
to calculate the velocity (Jol and Bristow, seismic data analysis that have been
2003). An example of this “ground truth” developed to industry-standard. Although not
approach is shown in Figure 3 where a CMP all seismic processing methods can be
survey on the top of the outcrop indicated a applied to GPR data, the majority can be
surface velocity of 0.13mns-1 (Jol et al., used directly (Annan, 2005).
2003). However, correlation with a measured
section of the outcrop indicates an average Basic processing steps, usually directly
velocity at depths up to 30m is 0.1mns-1. applied to the raw data, typically take the
form of trace editing, filtering or data

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correction, introducing minimal user bias. be remembered that no amount of processing
Most, if not all, of these steps need to be will save poor quality data (Cassidy, 2009).
used to make a basic interpretation. It must

Figure 3. 50 MHz GPR profile of the Navajo Sandstone, a Jurassic cross-stratified aeolian
sandstone at Zion National Park in Utah (adapted from Jol et al., 2003). Reflections of cross-
stratification and the bounding surfaces between them are clearly imaged by the GPR to a depth of
almost 30m. A photograph of the outcrop is shown in Figure 8. Beneath 30m depth the arc shaped
crossing reflections are reflections through the air from the canyon walls.

applied. This usually involves setting a

Data Editing particular rule such as the time-zero position
Data editing, often the most time consuming is the airwave first break point or the first
part of a processing sequence, involving negative peak of the trace. Successful
tasks such as data reorganisation, data file realignment causes all reflections beneath to
merging and updating background become correctly aligned. Time-zero
information (Annan, 2005). The occurrence of correction is therefore often the first data
inevitable errors during data acquisition processing step performed (Neal, 2004). The
means some traces may need to be processing software often performs this
reversed, merged or omitted. The automatically (Cassidy, 2009).
maintenance of data is important when trying
to obtain good quality interpretations Dewow Filtering
(Cassidy, 2009).
Dewowing is a basic processing step which
uses temporal filtering to remove very low
Time-zero Correction frequency components from the data (Annan,
Traces need to be adjusted to a common 2005). It reduces the data to a mean zero
time-zero position before processing can be level, with the majority of modern GPR

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Ground Penetrating Radar 10
systems applying dewow to each trace function. AGC equalises the amplitudes down
automatically (Cassidy, 2009). For advice on each trace, making it ideal for monitoring
manual dewow correction see Cassidy stratigraphic horizon continuity as well as the
(2009). continuity of other reflections. This function
however eliminates all amplitude information
(Jol and Bristow, 2003).
Topographic Correction
Topographic correction is required to place SEC attempts to emulate the variation in
the GPR data within its correct spatial context signal amplitude as it travels through the
(Cassidy, 2009). When the surface and subsurface (Annan, 2005). Unlike AGC, SEC
subsurface stratigraphy are horizontal, retains the relative amplitude information,
elevation static corrections can be used to with the reflections representing the true
topographically correct data, repositioning the strength of the returned signal (Cassidy,
time zero in the vertical axis and adjusting 2009). This however only really applies if you
reflections accordingly (Bristow, 2009). have equivalent gains at the same depth.
Dipping reflections can be restored to the
correct dip by migrating the data, then
applying the static correction for topography
(Bristow, 2009). For information on advanced Filters are applied to remove system or
methods, such as migration, see Cassidy human-induced noise and improve the visual
(2009). quality of the GPR data (Cassidy, 2009).
There are many different types of filters, from
simple band-pass filters to sophisticated
Gain domain and transform filters. Simple filters
The next basic processing step is to select a are usually very effective at removing
gain function for the data. Gains improve the high/low-frequency noise, while sophisticated
visual form of the GPR sections, with most functions are more appropriate for specific
techniques altering the data structure in some problems. Filters can be applied before or
form. It is therefore important to understand after gains however pre-gain filters operate
the effects of gain functions. Radar signals on the data in its truest form (Cassidy, 2009).
are rapidly attenuated as they propagate
through the subsurface, making events from Filters can average down the trace (temporal)
greater depths more difficult to discriminate or from trace to trace (spatial), smoothing the
(Annan, 2005). Gains enhance the data and removing high frequency noise
appearance of later arrivals due to the effect (Bristow, 2013). Temporal filters are used to
of signal attenuation and geometrical remove noise at frequencies that are higher
spreading losses (Cassidy, 2009). There are or lower than the main GPR signal, ultimately
several different types of gains including acting as clean-up filters which make the
constant gain, exponential gain, exponential GPR section visually better (Jol and Bristow,
gain compensation (SEC) and automatic gain 2003). Spatial filtering is applied to either
control (AGC), with each function having suppress or emphasise specific features.
different characteristics. Gain functions can These filters are often used to remove the
be easily changed, usually by altering the strong air/wave response and ringing from
time window (a region of the trace in time), GPR data (Cassidy, 2009). Low pass spatial
the gain function (linear, exponential, user- filters are suitable when trying to identify
defined, etc) and the maximum gain allowed sedimentological features of interest, such as
(Cassidy, 2009). bedding, which are usually spatially extensive
and low-angled (Cassidy, 2009). A high pass
Constant, linear or exponential gains are spatial filter has the opposite effect in that it
systemically applied gain functions that have suppresses flat-lying reflections and
a specific mathematical operator that is emphasises dipping events (Annan, 2005).
defined by the user or system automatically
(Cassidy, 2009). High pass filters (frequency domain filters)
allow higher frequency components to pass
Automatic gain control (AGC) and spherical while removing low frequency components -
and exponential gain compensation (SEC) low pass filters do the opposite. High-pass
are two of the most popular types of gain and low-pass filters can be combined in

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11 Martin Robinson et al.
band-pass filters, letting through frequencies A selection of GPR profiles, collected from a
either side of the peak frequency of the range of depositional environments, has been
transmitted signal (Bristow, 2013). More provided.
information and advice on when to use
certain filters can be found in Cassidy (2009). Figure 5 shows an interpreted 200 MHz GPR
profile across a normal fault at Piano di
Pezza in the Italian Apennines. The
Background Subtraction processed GPR profile shows a strong sub-
Background removal is one of the most horizontal reflection that dips gently towards
common processing steps applied to GPR the north. At its southern end, this reflection
data (Annan, 2005). It often takes the form of is at a depth of approximately 0.5m below the
a high pass filter or an average trace removal surface. Towards the northern end of the
(a form of spatial filtering). This step allows profile, the deep purple reflection is at a
subtle weaker signals to become visible in depth of approximately 6m from the surface
the processed section (Annan, 2005). at its deepest part, approximately 7m south of
Background subtraction is usually not the footwall scarp. The change in depth to the
necessary, therefore if data always requires reflector is indicative of subsidence adjacent
background removal the equipment used to to the fault and the accumulation of sediment
collect it may be flawed (Annan, 2005). in the hanging wall of the fault. Breaks in the
reflections where there is a vertical offset are
For information on advanced processing interpreted as faults; the displacement of the
methods see Cassidy (2009). reflection is of the order of 1m indicating a
fault displacement of a similar magnitude.
Between the northward dipping reflections
Visualising Processed Data there is a “wedge” of weakly defined
The processed GPR data only becomes reflections which thins towards the south,
useful when it is available in image format away from the main fault scarp. Offsets in the
(Daniels et al., 1988). It is traditionally reflections indicate approximately 0.5m
presented as a radargram, a pseudo cross vertical displacement across faults. The
sectional image comprising a horizontal faulting identified on the GPR profile is
distance axis against a vertical TWT axis dominated by vertical offset across synthetic
(Figure 4; Noon and Narayanan, 2002). and antithetic normal faults within and parallel
These can be difficult to interpret, with to the main fault zone and this is consistent
several closely spaced point scatterers with the published trench profile (Pantosi et
producing reflection hyperbolas which blur al., 1996). The main zone of deformation is
the radargram (Brunzell, 1999). The localised within 8m south of the fault on the
identification of multiple targets within a trench and GPR profiles. For additional
radargram unavoidably introduces information on this study see Jewell and
subjectivity to the data analysis process Bristow (2004).
(Daniels, 2004).

Figure 4. Radargram illustrating decrease in depth of peat

British Society for Geomorphology Geomorphological Techniques, Part 1, Sec. 5.5 (2013)
Ground Penetrating Radar 12
Figure 6 shows 200 MHz GPR profiles across associated loss of resolution. See figures on
sand dunes a linear dune in Namibia to outcrop for scale and log on Figure 3 for
investigate the internal structure of linear depth and bedding thickness. Modified from
dunes from Bristow et al. (2000). Jol et al. (2003).

Figure 7 displays a 200 MHz GPR profile

across a gravel beach ridge, Waitaki coast, Interpretation
South Island, New Zealand. The profile The interpretation of a GPR profile is
shows inclined reflections interpreted as inherently subjective, dependent on the
sedimentary layers within the beach ridge. knowledge, skill and experience of the user
The reflections are divided into two radar (Annan, 2005). GPR profiles should receive
facies shaded orange and pink. Seaward preliminary interpretation once collected to
dipping reflections are interpreted to be determine if resurveying is required (Jol and
formed by beach (foreshore) progradation Bristow, 2003). After the data has been
(Orange), while landward dipping reflections processed, an interpretation, independent of
are interpreted as backshore washover sedimentary models and other datasets such
deposits (Pink). Radar sequence boundaries as cores, should be completed. Many
are picked at horizons where there are interpretations based on models and other
reflection terminations or truncations marking data can overlook key components that are
erosion of the foreshore during storms. Some visible in the GPR profile (Jol and Bristow,
of these surfaces can be correlated with 2003). At the surface the earliest arrivals are
surfaces within the washover deposits which the direct transmissions from the transmitter
are interpreted to have been formed during to the receiver through the air at the speed of
coeval storm events. For further information light, the air wave, after this comes the direct
see Dickson et al. (2009). signal through the ground or along the
surface, the ground wave. These two direct
As processing power has advanced, GPR signals form a pair of black and white lines
data has been increasingly presented in the along the top of all GPR profiles. They cover
form of 3D models and time/depth slices any reflections approximately equivalent to a
(Annan, 2009). 3D surveying involves depth of half the antenna spacing.
collecting data along closely spaces lines, Reflections from the subsurface appear
with sufficiently dense data coverage allowing beneath the air and ground waves. The GPR
the generation of 3D block models (Jol and signal is not a simple sine wave but has a
Bristow, 2003). These 3D models allow the more complex waveform and as a result a
user to interpret the depositional structure of single reflector can appear as a pair of
stratigraphic units in greater detail than was reflections. This is sometimes overlooked
possible using sparsely spaced 2D profiles resulting in over interpretation of GPR
(Jol and Bristow, 2003). Although 3D profiles.
surveying can provide the best visualisation
of the subsurface, the collection of 3D data is Data should initially be printed out, with major
time consuming, with a considerable amount reflections being identified and traced around.
of time being required to accurately record The next step is to identify and characterise
the position and elevation of the data points (as downlap, onlap, offlap, etc) reflection
(Serma and Setan, 2009; Bristow, 2009). terminations, constructing a chronology of
This is why, in general, only small areas are sedimentary deposits (Jol and Bristow, 2003).
surveyed. Figures 7 and 9 show examples with
bounding surfaces picked out in red and
In the case of Figure 8, a grid 10m x 7m was reflection terminations marked by small black
surveyed with 200MHz antennas which arrows. The ability to identify significant radar
imaged to a depth of around 12m. This can reflection patterns allows the location of
be compared with the depth of penetration of features such as bedding planes, bedsets
almost 30m achieved on the same outcrop and cross-stratification to be determined (Jol
with 50MHz antennas (Figure 9). With a and Bristow, 2003).
longer wavelength the 50MHz antennas
penetrate much deeper but with an

British Society for Geomorphology Geomorphological Techniques, Part 1, Sec. 5.5 (2013)
13 Martin Robinson et al.

Figure 5. An interpreted 200 MHz GPR profile across a normal fault at Piano di Pezza in the Italian Apennines (modified from Jewel and Bristow, 2004).

British Society for Geomorphology Geomorphological Techniques, Part 1, Sec. 5.5 (2013)
Ground Penetrating Radar 14

Figure 6. 200 MHz GPR profiles across sand dunes a linear dune in Namibia to investigate the internal structure of linear dunes (Bristow et al., 2005).
British Society for Geomorphology Geomorphological Techniques, Part 1, Sec. 5.5 (2013)
15 Martin Robinson et al.

Figure 7. 200 MHz GPR profile across a gravel beach ridge, Waitaki coast, South Island, New Zealand (Dickson et al. 2009). Although
saline sea-water will normally attenuate the GPR signal, this coarse grained, well drained gravel beach combined with high rainfall means
that sea-water is flushed from the beach sediments permitting imaging of beach progrades and washovers.
British Society for Geomorphology Geomorphological Techniques, Part 1, Sec. 5.5 (2013)
Ground Penetrating Radar 16

Figure 8. Site photograph accompanied by a 10m x 7m grid surveyed with 200MHz antennas, figures for scale (adapted from Jol et al., 2003).
The depth of penetration (approx. 12m) and resolution of <0.2m can be compared with the 50MHz profile of the same outcrop shown in Figure 3
where depth of penetration is approx. 30m with resolution approx. 1m.

British Society for Geomorphology Geomorphological Techniques, Part 1, Sec. 5.5 (2013)
17 Martin Robinson et al.




Figure 9. Image indicates how a GPR profile (a) can be interpreted to identify radar sequence boundaries (b) to derive a relative
chronology (c) and select sites for optical dating to constrain rates of dune migration (Bristow et al., 2005).

British Society for Geomorphology Geomorphological Techniques, Part 1, Sec. 5.5 (2013)
Ground Penetrating Radar 18

Figure 10. Annotated 100MHz GPR profile collected across part of a sand bar in the
Jamuna / Brahmaputra River, Bangladesh (adapted from Best et al., 2003).

Figure 9 shows a GPR profile across a sand basis of superposition and cross-cutting
dune in the Namib Sand Sea from Bristow et relationships a relative chronology is derived
al. (2005). The top panel (Figure 9a) shows numbers 1 to 22 in the yellow shaded section
the GPR profile with topographic correction. (Figure 9c). The interpreted GPR profile has
The second panel (Figure 9b) shows been used to select sample points for dating
reflection terminations marked by small in order to determine the rate of migration of
arrows with truncation where arrows point up, the sand dune (Bristow et al., 2005).
and downlap where arrows point down. The
radar sequence boundaries which are picked Another common interpretation strategy is to
out in red mark breaks in deposition. On the identify reflection patterns with similar

British Society for Geomorphology Geomorphological Techniques, Part 1, Sec. 5.5 (2013)
19 Martin Robinson et al.
geometry which are termed radar facies (Jol Existing studies (Table 1) suggest that GPR
and Bristow 2003). An example of radar can be used effectively to identify the
facies interpretation is shown in Figure 10. subsurface contact point between the base of
Figure 10 shows a 100MHz GPR profile the peat and drift material.
collected across part of a sand bar in the
Jamuna/Brahmaputra River, Bangladesh.
Three different reflection patterns have been
Survey Design
identified and interpreted as radar facies, 50 MHz antennas were used to ensure the
including: discontinuous concave reflections maximum depth of the peat would be
from sets of trough cross-stratification identifiable (~6m). Although the average peat
produced by dune bedforms migrating across thickness for the site was approximately
the top of the sand bar; inclined tangential 1.5m, blanket bogs can reach depths of 6m.
reflections from the lee-side slipface on the The employment of an antenna frequency of
downstream margin of the bar migrating 100MHz, reaching an approximate depth of
obliquely across the channel; continuous 5m (Table 3), may have resulted in the target
undulating reflections from scour and fill at (peat and subsoil interface) not being
the base of the channel (Best et al., 2003). detected.

The survey was completed using a MALÅ 50

The source of all signals should always be
MHz Rough Terrain Antenna (RTA). The
questioned. Novice users tend to incorrectly
flexible snake-like design of the antenna
assume that all GPR responses originate
(comprising both a transmitter and receiver)
from the subsurface. Airwave events,
provides optimum results in difficult
features associated with energy that
environments, with the equipment allowing
propagates through the air and gets reflected
the operator to perform a survey without
back to the GPR receiver, can originate from
having to clear an access route. This system
above ground objects including fences,
is therefore ideal for surveying peatlands
telephone poles and overhead wires (Annan,
affected by turf cutting (removal of peat for
2005). Such lateral reflections of the airwave
fuel or horticulture).
can appear as hyperbolic features on a GPR
profile (See Figure 2). Survey areas should
Continuous data collection was used in this
be checked for potential sources of airwave
survey, with a step size therefore not being
events. If a potential source is found, profile
specified. A time window of 405ns was
lines should be run towards and away from
employed, with the time trigger interval being
the object to assess its effect on the GPR
every half second and traces being stacked
output. Users should always treat shielded
by 16 - settings were selected based on the
antenna data with doubt as antenna shielding
experience of GPR users at Queen’s
is never fully effective (Annan, 2005).
University Belfast. The antennas of the MALÅ
system have a fixed separation meaning the
EM wave velocity could not be determined
Case Study: Determining Peat using CMP sounding. Velocity was
Thickness using GPR determined through the manual probing of
the transect line, a process providing
Aim of the Study accurate information on the depth of the
GPR was used to determine the thickness of subsurface reflector. A series of connected
peat at a site in Northern Ireland. The aim of probes were driven into the peat until a
the study was to rapidly acquire continuous significant change in resistance was
peat thickness data for a profile located on an encountered. The peat probe was then
upland blanket bog (a peatland up to 6m removed and measured using a tape. Using
deep) situated approximately 9km north-west the thickness of the peat and the basal
of the town of Dungiven (Co.Derry). The site, reflection on the GPR profile, a velocity of
a gently sloping hill facing the north and 0.037mns-1 was calculated.
north-west, has an average topographical
height of approximately 210mAOD. The Due to the survey environment, it was not
underlying geology of the bog is psammite possible to collect data in a straight line.
and pelite, with a superficial geology of sandy Differential global positioning system (dGPS)
silt and sandy clay.

British Society for Geomorphology Geomorphological Techniques, Part 1, Sec. 5.5 (2013)
Ground Penetrating Radar 20




Figure 11. (a) Unprocessed radargram of case study transect; (b) Processed radargram of case study transect; (c) Processed radargram of
case study transect with base of peat labelled.
British Society for Geomorphology Geomorphological Techniques, Part 1, Sec. 5.5 (2013)
21 Martin Robinson et al.



Figure 12. (a) Processed radargram of case study transect section (200m - 400m); (b)
Processed radargram of case study transect section (200m - 400m) with base of peat labelled

points were collected approximately every accentuating stratigraphic horizon continuity

20m along the profile using a Leica SR530 in the radargram. Background subtraction, a
rover system, with the degree of sinuosity in common processing step, was then applied,
the survey line being investigated in ArcGIS. removing noise from the data. Down-the-
It was determined that each dGPS point, on trace averaging (running average) was used
average, deviated from the predetermined to reduce random noise, acting as a low pass
survey line by approximately 2.50m, with the filter.
greatest deviation being 8.07m. This degree
of sinuosity in the profile was deemed
acceptable, considering the extent of large-
Visualising Processed Data
scale vegetation and safety issues related to The data from the transect has been
historical peat cutting. presented in the form of a radargram, with
Figures 11a and 11b showing the
unprocessed and processed data,
Data Processing
respectively. Figure 11c shows the processed
Minimal processing was applied to the radargram, annotated with a broken line
collected data before interpretation. De- indicating the estimated base of the peat.
wowing and time-zero correction were Figures 12a and 12b show a subsection of
automatically applied to the data. Automatic the line, allowing reflections to be viewed in
gain control (AGC) was employed,

British Society for Geomorphology Geomorphological Techniques, Part 1, Sec. 5.5 (2013)
Ground Penetrating Radar 22
greater detail. Depth scale was determined reflection on a 2D radar profile is obtained
using manual probe measurements. from directly beneath the survey point is
incorrect. Out-of-plane reflections from
The radargram was printed, with the first isolated point reflectors and reflector surfaces
continuous major reflection, the contact (known as “side swipes”) are difficult to
between the base of the peat and drift identify on reflection profiles (Neal, 2004).
material, being traced. Although the data This can lead to errors in depth estimation
were not collected within close proximity of and interpretation (Olhoeft, 1998) - see
any metallic fencing or buildings, the profile Figures 2 and 3 for examples of out of plane,
was situated adjacent to a nearby windfarm, airwave reflections.
with the closest turbine being approximately
200m. The wind turbine, located A major limitation of GPR is that the
approximately 150m along the profile, does performance of a system can be seriously
not appear to have a noticeable impact on affected by the environment it is surveying,
the radargram. This is due to the exponential with conductive soils strongly attenuating EM
decay of the emitted EM wave, with Table 3 waves. Rapp and Hill (2006) states that a
clearly indicating that the footprint of a 100MHz GPR can penetrate approximately
50MHz antenna would not incorporate a wind 15m of dry sandy soil or sediment compared
turbine located over 200m from the survey to as little as 1m of wet clayey soil. The rapid
line. attenuation of EM waves by conductive fine-
grained sediments can produce high
frequency ringing which can subsequently
Summary obscure primary reflections (Neal, 2004).
Moorman et al. (2003) indicates that
The brief case study provided shows how problems can occur when using GPR to
GPR can be successfully utilised in survey permafrost environments, with the
environmental studies, providing a noise created by diffractions from small ice
continuous profile of varying peat thickness lenses resulting in deeper structures being
values for a selected case study site. Minimal masked. Another problem is that limitations
processing was successfully used to indicate that are dependent on the applied data
the boundary between overlying peat and the collection configuration cannot be overcome
superficial geology, with the visualised profile once the basic GPR survey data has been
being very useful in peatland studies. collected (Neal, 2004).

Advantages and Limitations Conclusion

A major advantage of GPR is that the scale GPR, a geophysical technique with
of resolvable features can range from several multidisciplinary applications, has become a
centimetres to hundreds of metres using a valuable tool in sedimentological studies.
selection of available antennas (Mellet, This article has provided good practice
1995). GPR systems have the ability to guidelines on the collection, processing and
rapidly collect large amounts of continuous interpretation of GPR data. A variety of
subsurface data (Hruska et al., 1999; survey design factors were proposed
Doolittle and Collins, 1995). Most GPR including operating frequency, temporal
techniques also allow acquired data to be sampling interval, step size and antenna
reviewed on-site for quality control purposes separation. Basic data processing steps have
(Mellet, 1995). The ability to use remote non- been reviewed, with information also being
contacting tranducers of radiated energy, as provided on data visualisation and
opposed to ground contacting types needed interpretation. Possible applications of GPR
for seismic studies, is a significant advantage in geomorphological research have been
that GPR has over seismic techniques. presented, with a case study outlining how
GPR has been used to measure peat
A significant limitation of GPR is that the thickness being provided.
antennas transmit and receive EM energy in
a complex 3D cone, with reflections
originating from anywhere on the radar wave
front (Neal, 2004). The impression that a

British Society for Geomorphology Geomorphological Techniques, Part 1, Sec. 5.5 (2013)
23 Martin Robinson et al.

Acknowledgements Benediktsson ÍÖ, Ingólfsson Ó, Schomacker

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