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Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

School: Teresa Carreño


Students: Ethan Rojas, Sofía Guedez, Tomás Hernandez, Arturo Ameliach, Gabriela Ladera

Valencia; Noviembre 23 de 2.017.

A day in my friend´s house.
Sofia: Hey guys!

All: Hello!

Gabriela: So, what do we do?

Tomás: I don´t know, have you any idea?

Gabriela: Well…

Arturo: What about if we play some video games?

Ethan: It’s a nice idea!

Tomás: I’m not sure about that, I would like more to see a movie.

Sofía: You got any food?

Arturo: Yes! I got some on the fridge, but let me ask my mother if I can take it.

Ethan: Let me see if I got time for seeing a movie, my parents might be here at 5:00 pm

Sofía: Meanwhile we can talk.

Arturo: About what?

Tomás: About school, did you guys do the homework already?

Sofía: Yeah, for me it was pretty easy.

Ethan: I really hated the last question.

Tomás: Well, we still have a lot for this year.

Arturo: Guys! We can see the movie, I got the food.

Ethan: Nice, what movie are we going to see?

Arturo: It´s one called “Honor judgement”

Tomás: Where is the movie from?

Ethan; I think is a United States movie.

Gabriela: It sounds promising.

Tomás: Pass me the food, I’m hungry.

Arturo: Patience friends, let me put the movie on the TV.

Ethan: Come on, I’m getting bored here.

Arturo: Okay, that should do it.

Tomás: Nice, movie time!

Sofia: What´s the movie about?

Arturo: Some military stuff.

Ethan: I like the music of this movie.

Tomás: Yeah, me too.

Arturo: Is everybody okay?

Ethan: I’m fine.

Sofia: Me too.

Tomás: I don´t have any problem.

Ethan: Okay, okay. Sit down, stay quiet and just enjoy the movie.

Gabriela: This is going to be interesting.

Tomás: Shhh!!! Silence! The movie is beginning.

Arturo: I’m too exited.

Ethan: We´re going to have a good time!!

Sofía: Sorry guys but my parents are here, I got to go now.

Arturo: Too bad, I will make another reunion in my house.

Sofía: Fine, I will see you guys later.

All: Bye.

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