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= E. Brannock Notes Strengths Comprehension Strategies chart was referred to during instruction to recap strategies students had already learned and make connection with strategy currently being taught. Helped build student understanding by scaffolding background knowledge (Segregation/Setting was discussed) Added musical component to build student knowledge and understanding (Chopin and Swan Lake) Redirecting students by taking ownership, “I'm sorry, | didn't tell you that it is now the time to stop typing and pay attention to my instruction." Students used technology (Padiet) to have students add questions which were discussed. Opportunities for Growth Provide opportunities for collaborative discussions, this gives all students an opportunity to share questions and ideas. sacher: | 7) Dr any Time in: [| Se Time ou QuLedti 2aina/ Pot Bay Gad His Viol , Format of cass: 0 | Students areseated at? —],, deh \ >” Whole group a Carpetares SSCS TPS © Small group a Desks want Jer 3 Independent work Small group table boot © Transition between settings 5 Combination of arrangement” 5 Other other Instructional Components Observed Notes (2F Jorge) | learning Target: 5 we | yey 2 One clearly stated learning targets posted SLO students 2g SHO 2 Teacherstudents refer to posted leaning target naletec| Students demonstrate learning connected to learning target = Students can verbalize why the learning targets meaningful Secyre ly] \ 0 Teacher brings closure to lesson by referencing reves learning target - | /Ci1<\Tipdtructional input: The teacher provides information needed for students to reach the learning target by (7 Activating prior knowledge | Inquiry & discovery Interactive lecture Direct instruction | Academie vocabulary Anchor Chart development Remediation of previously taught objectives Extension of previously taught objectives he teacher uses '9“Think-aloud process x 5 . S —_| Checking for Understanding: Questioning srateaies: 3 © Questions are infere’ _Higher-level thinking encouraged Small Group: Actives are Purposeful with lar directions © Engaging Aligned to current/prior objectives © Graphic Organizers are used with Achieve 3000 3 SSRhas accountability Collaborative at least one small group) | Guided Practice/Independent: Time is allowed for students to demonstrate their understanding ofthe learning. Collaboration: students are learning rom each other © Inwhole group 3 Insmall group 3 Inteacher-ied group Talk to your partner strategy used | _ Repeat what your partner has sad stratepy used Feedback: The teacher provides feedback to students atthe Teacher Table. Structures are in place fort self-check & | seit assess, ‘Alignment: Activities are aligned with current or previous | instructional objectives |

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