Live Beat Video Activities All Levels

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Live Beat 1 – Video Resources

3 Talking about yourself

Listen to Harry and answer True or False.

1. Harry is 14 years old.
2. Harry is from London.
3. Harry's dad isn't English.
4. Harry's mum isn't English.
5. Harry lives in London.
6. There are 4 bedrooms in Harry's house.
7. There are two bathrooms in Harry's house.
8. There are 28 students in Harry's class.
9. There are 50 girls.
10. There are 13 boys.

3 Talking about yourself

Listen to Harry and answer True or False.

1. Harry is 14 years old.

2. Harry is from London.
3. Harry's dad isn't English.
4. Harry's mum isn't English.
5. Harry lives in London.
6. There are 4 bedrooms in Harry's house.
7. There are two bathrooms in Harry's house.
8. There are 28 students in Harry's class.
9. There are 50 girls.
10. There are 13 boys.
6 Daily routines

Listen to Nina and choose the correct word.

1. My mum and dad __________ from India.

2. My mum's a __________.
3. My dad's a __________.
4. Sahid is __________ years old.
5. Rajiv is __________ years old.
6. I'm__________ .
7. My birthday is in the __________.
8. Sahid's birthday is on the __________ of May.
9. Rajiv's birthday is on the 8th of __________.
10. School __________ at 9.15 everyday.
11. I always get up at __________.
12. I’m __________ late for school.
13. I __________ walk to school in the morning.
14. My brothers __________ run!

6 Daily routines

Listen to Nina and choose the correct word.

1. My mum and dad __________ from India.

2. My mum's a __________.
3. My dad's a __________.
4. Sahid is __________ years old.
5. Rajiv is __________ years old.
6. I'm__________ .
7. My birthday is in the __________.
8. Sahid's birthday is on the __________ of May.
9. Rajiv's birthday is on the 8th of __________.
10. School __________ at 9.15 everyday.
11. I always get up at __________.
12. I’m __________ late for school.
13. I __________ walk to school in the morning.
14. My brothers __________ run!
6 My weekend
1. Watch the video and complete the words with one letter in each gap.

a) I always ________ at six o'clock in the morning and have a shower.

b) My friends and I often ________ up in the town centre.
c) I usually ________ Sundays with my grandparents.
d) Do you often ________ sports on the television?
e) My family and I sometimes ________ for a bike ride.
f) What do you do ________ Sundays?
g) Do you want to go ________ something to eat?
h) What________ do you usually wake up at the weekend?
i) we ________ go swimming.

2. Put the questions and sentences in the correct order.

j) What time / you / usually / get up
k) Where / your friends / you / meet
l) What / at the weekend / you / do
m) When / you / spend time with your family
n) you / watch / any sports on television
o) you / often / go / for a bike ride on Sundays
p) When you / usually / finish / getting ready to go out

6 My weekend

1. Watch the video and complete the words with one letter in each gap.

a) I always ________ at six o'clock in the morning and have a shower.

b) My friends and I often ________ up in the town centre.
c) I usually ________ Sundays with my grandparents.
d) Do you often ________ sports on the television?
e) My family and I sometimes ________ for a bike ride.
f) What do you do ________ Sundays?
g) Do you want to go ________ something to eat?
h) What________ do you usually wake up at the weekend?
i) we ________ go swimming.

2. Put the questions and sentences in the correct order.

j) What time / you / usually / get up
k) Where / your friends / you / meet
l) What / at the weekend / you / do
m) When / you / spend time with your family
n) you / watch / any sports on television
o) you / often / go / for a bike ride on Sundays
p) When you / usually / finish / getting ready to go out
9. London
Watch the video and put the adjectives into the correct place.

peaceful fantastic black taxis famous nice busiest


Up here, it’s __________ and __________. But down there is one of the __________
cities in the world ... London. Red buses, _______________. Over there, the Houses
of Parliament, with Big Ben. The River Thames, running through the heart of
the city … And there, the famous, __________ London Eye. This is my city. This is
London … When you say ‘London’, most people think of places like this. The
Houses of Parliament. And of course ... Big Ben … The __________ London Eye …
Or Buckingham Palace … But there’s more to London than these __________
sights. There are places like Covent Garden, with its cafés, shops and buskers
… Or the South Bank, where you can skateboard ... Amazing art galleries like
the Tate Modern … Museums like the Natural History Museum … And don’t
forget Hyde Park!

9. Video London
Watch the video and put the adjectives into the correct place.

peaceful fantastic black taxis famous nice busiest


Up here, it’s __________ and __________. But down there is one of the __________
cities in the world ... London. Red buses, _______________. Over there, the Houses
of Parliament, with Big Ben. The River Thames, running through the heart of
the city … And there, the famous, __________ London Eye. This is my city. This is
London … When you say ‘London’, most people think of places like this. The
Houses of Parliament. And of course ... Big Ben … The __________ London Eye …
Or Buckingham Palace … But there’s more to London than these __________
sights. There are places like Covent Garden, with its cafés, shops and buskers
… Or the South Bank, where you can skateboard ... Amazing art galleries like
the Tate Modern … Museums like the Natural History Museum … And don’t
forget Hyde Park!
10. Video The best holiday ever

1. Watch the video and match the verbs to the correct endings.

go to ice cream
take a plane
spend Italy
eat time swimming
visit to the hotel by bus
get a castle

2. Match the questions to the correct answers. Use the video to help you.
1. Where did you go on holiday? We spent the time swimming and cycling.
2. How did you get there? I went to France.
3. Who did you go with? We went by car.
4. What did you do there? A castle and some pretty, old towns.
5. What did you buy? I bought a cool hat.
6. Did you like the food? My mum and dad.
7. What places did you visit? Probably the language. I love French.
8. What did you most like about France? Yes, I did. I loved it.

10. Video The best holiday ever

2. Watch the video and match the verbs to the correct endings.

go to ice cream
take a plane
spend Italy
eat time swimming
visit to the hotel by bus
get a castle

2. Match the questions to the correct answers. Use the video to help you.
1. Where did you go on holiday? We spent the time swimming and cycling.
2. How did you get there? I went to France.
3. Who did you go with? We went by car.
4. What did you do there? A castle and some pretty, old towns.
5. What did you buy? I bought a cool hat.
6. Did you like the food? My mum and dad.
7. What places did you visit? Probably the language. I love French.
8. What did you most like about France? Yes, I did. I loved it.
Live Beat 2 = Video Resources

0 Free time activities

Listen and complete.
I get up every day at half past seven. I have a shower, then I __________. At 8 o’clock, I have
my _________. I always have toast. I _________ have cereal too.

In my free time? What free time?? I’m busy, busy, busy. I ___________ to music, I
___________ DVDs, I __________ the net, I __________ computer games, I __________ on
the phone, I __________ with my friends – we play __________, we go to the internet café,
we __________ to the __________, we go __________, we go to gigs …

I play __________ every Monday. On __________, I practise the __________. On
Wednesdays, I play __________. On Thursdays, I go to __________ club. On Fridays, I have
___________ lessons.

0 Free time activities

Listen and complete.
I get up every day at half past seven. I have a shower, then I __________. At 8 o’clock, I have
my _________. I always have toast. I _________ have cereal too.

In my free time? What free time?? I’m busy, busy, busy. I ___________ to music, I
___________ DVDs, I __________ the net, I __________ computer games, I __________ on
the phone, I __________ with my friends – we play __________, we go to the internet café,
we __________ to the __________, we go __________, we go to gigs …

I play __________ every Monday. On __________, I practise the __________. On
Wednesdays, I play __________. On Thursdays, I go to __________ club. On Fridays, I have
___________ lessons.
1 My dream job

Watch the video and put the jobs in the order that they are mentioned.

Footballer actor presenter hairdresser

Musician chef dentist teacher musician

1 My dream job

Watch the video and put the jobs in the order that they are mentioned.

Footballer actor presenter hairdresser

Musician chef dentist teacher musician

1 My dream job

Watch the video and put the jobs in the order that they are mentioned.

Footballer actor presenter hairdresser

Musician chef dentist teacher musician

2 Relax
Fill in the gaps.
Lucy: Hi guys it’s Lucy, welcome to my blog. I’m here with my friend, Michael …
Michael: Hi!
Lucy: How are you feeling today, Michael?
Michael: Erm … I’m a little worried to be honest.
Lucy: Worried? Why?
Michael: Because I’ve got an exam coming up and … I’m quite nervous.
Lucy: I know a really great way for you relax before exams.
Michael: Really? Could you teach it to me?
Lucy: Of course! Of course! So, _______ with your back straight …
Michael: OK.
Lucy: … and _______ your ears with your fingers …
Michael: OK.
Lucy: … and then _______ your ears … and close your eyes.
Michael: OK.
Lucy: OK. So breathe slowly … and just _______! Yeah, that’s good!
Michael: Feels nice.
Lucy: Do you feel relaxed?
Michael: Yeah, it’s working!
Lucy: If you guys know any ways to relax before exams, let us know or try this one at home!
Michael: Bye!

02 Relax
Fill in the gaps.
Lucy: Hi guys it’s Lucy, welcome to my blog. I’m here with my friend, Michael …
Michael: Hi!
Lucy: How are you feeling today, Michael?
Michael: Erm … I’m a little worried to be honest.
Lucy: Worried? Why?
Michael: Because I’ve got an exam coming up and … I’m quite nervous.
Lucy: I know a really great way for you relax before exams.
Michael: Really? Could you teach it to me?
Lucy: Of course! Of course! So, _______ with your back straight …
Michael: OK.
Lucy: … and _______ your ears with your fingers …
Michael: OK.
Lucy: … and then _______ your ears … and close your eyes.
Michael: OK.
Lucy: OK. So breathe slowly … and just _______! Yeah, that’s good!
Michael: Feels nice.
Lucy: Do you feel relaxed?
Michael: Yeah, it’s working!
Lucy: If you guys know any ways to relax before exams, let us know or try this one at home!
Michael: Bye!
2 Video A TV studio
Watch the video and match.
1. Follow me and What’s this one?
2. Is it alright I’ve only got 30 minutes.
3. Sure. But not a lot of questions walk around?
4. There are a lot of buttons. our programme?
5. You mustn’t touch, Rachel if we ask questions?
6. Why don’t you all your favourite sports.
7. Today, we are going to show This all costs a lot of money.
8. Who’s going to edit don’t touch anything

2 Video A TV studio
Watch the video and match.
1. Follow me and What’s this one?
2. Is it alright I’ve only got 30 minutes.
3. Sure. But not a lot of questions walk around?
4. There are a lot of buttons. our programme?
5. You mustn’t touch, Rachel if we ask questions?
6. Why don’t you all your favourite sports.
7. Today, we are going to show This all costs a lot of money.
8. Who’s going to edit don’t touch anything

2 Video A TV studio
Watch the video and match.
1. Follow me and What’s this one?
2. Is it alright I’ve only got 30 minutes.
3. Sure. But not a lot of questions walk around?
4. There are a lot of buttons. our programme?
5. You mustn’t touch, Rachel if we ask questions?
6. Why don’t you all your favourite sports.
7. Today, we are going to show This all costs a lot of money.
8. Who’s going to edit don’t touch anything
5. Video Draw your dream

1. Watch the video and match the words to the definitions.

haunted field weird bridge foggy trapped ghost dark

n. an area of land, often part of a farm:

adj. not light:

adj. strange:

n. a structure that goes over a road or river:

adj. it's difficult to see very far:

adj. visited by the spirits of dead people:

n. the spirit of a dead person:

adj. when you cannot escape:

2. Watch the video and listen to how they describe the story in the past.
Then complete the new story below with the verbs in brackets in the
past simple or the past continuous.

A Weird Dream

It was late at night. My friend and I _______________ (walk) home. It

_______________ (rain) . Some police officers _______________ (stand)
by the side of the road. They _______________ (carry) guns and torches
and they _______________ (look) for something.

Suddenly, one man _______________ (shout). "There it is". I

_______________ (see) my pet rabbit. The man _______________ (lift) up
his gun. "No, don't kill it" I _______________ (shout). I pushed him.

Suddenly, my rabbit _______________ (jump) up. It _______________

(have) huge, sharp teeth and red eyes. It _______________ (come)
towards me and _______________ (open) its mouth. I _______________

Then I _______________ (wake) up.

5 At the cinema
Watch the video and type the missing words.
Simon: So? What’s the number one ________ in London right now?
Harry: I hope it’s an ________ film!
Nina: No.
Harry: A spy film? A ________?
Nina: No ...
Harry: Is it a ________ film? Science-fiction?
Nina: No, it’s called ‘Love Sick’ – it’s a ________.
Harry: Yurrrr.
Nina: It’s a ________ too.
Rachel: I think that sounds great.
Simon: Me too.
Harry: Can’t we see London’s number two film?
Nina: No! Come on.
Simon: And you can buy the ________, Harry ...

5 At the cinema
Watch the video and type the missing words.
Simon: So? What’s the number one ________ in London right now?
Harry: I hope it’s an ________ film!
Nina: No.
Harry: A spy film? A ________?
Nina: No ...
Harry: Is it a ________ film? Science-fiction?
Nina: No, it’s called ‘Love Sick’ – it’s a ________.
Harry: Yurrrr.
Nina: It’s a ________ too.
Rachel: I think that sounds great.
Simon: Me too.
Harry: Can’t we see London’s number two film?
Nina: No! Come on.
Simon: And you can buy the ________, Harry ...
6 Ordering a take-away

Choose the correct word. Use the video to help you.

1. It isn't meat.
bacon, ham, chips
2. It isn't an adjective to describe food.
spicy, friendly, disgusting
3. It isn't a fruit.
pineapple, Hawaiian, apple
4. It isn't a pizza size.
side, medium, large
5. It isn't something you can have on pizzas.
cookies, pineapple, ham

6 Ordering a take-away

Choose the correct word. Use the video to help you.

1. It isn't meat.
bacon, ham, chips
2. It isn't an adjective to describe food.
spicy, friendly, disgusting
3. It isn't a fruit.
pineapple, Hawaiian, apple
4. It isn't a pizza size.
side, medium, large
5. It isn't something you can have on pizzas.
cookies, pineapple, ham

6 Ordering a take-away

Choose the correct word. Use the video to help you.

6. It isn't meat.
bacon, ham, chips
7. It isn't an adjective to describe food.
spicy, friendly, disgusting
8. It isn't a fruit.
pineapple, Hawaiian, apple
9. It isn't a pizza size.
side, medium, large
10. It isn't something you can have on pizzas.
cookies, pineapple, ham
6 Video London fashion and food

1. Watch the video and match the phrases to make complete the sentences.

1. Harry’s talking about am I doing?

2. We’re going lunch at a fantastic Indian restaurant.

3. We’re filming are we having lunch?

4. What time about their clothes.

5. We’re all having the voice-over.

6. What all the different types of food.

7. You’re talking into the West End.

8. You’re doing some young people.

6 Video London fashion and food

1. Watch the video and match the phrases to make complete the sentences.

1. Harry’s talking about am I doing?

2. We’re going lunch at a fantastic Indian restaurant.

3. We’re filming are we having lunch?

4. What time about their clothes.

5. We’re all having the voice-over.

6. What all the different types of food.

7. You’re talking into the West End.

8. You’re doing some young people.

7 Types of music
Watch the video. Which types of music do Harry and Nina mention?
1 heavy metal

2 classical

3 jazz

4 hip hop

5 country and western

6 soul

07 Types of music
Watch the video. Which types of music do Harry and Nina mention?
1 heavy metal

2 classical

3 jazz

4 hip hop

5 country and western

6 soul

7 Types of music
Watch the video. Which types of music do Harry and Nina mention?
1 heavy metal

2 classical

3 jazz

4 hip hop

5 country and western

6 soul
8 My school project
Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box. Use the video to help you.
C________ change is how the weather and temperatures in the world are changing because of

A t________ is what you get when the sun makes your skin go darker.

The oceans in the Arctic and Antarctic have i________ floating in the water. The Titanic hit one of

Water turns into ice when the temperature is below 0 degrees. When it gets warmer, the ice
m_________ and becomes water again.

There are many n________ disasters in the world like hurricanes, volcanoes and other problems.

There was a f________ in our village because of all the rain. The water was a metre deep in the
main street.

In an e________, the ground shakes. When this happens under the sea, it can cause huge waves
and this is called a t________.

Some people are worried that, when temperatures go up, ice will melt and sea l________ will rise.

08 My school project
Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box. Use the video to help you.
C________ change is how the weather and temperatures in the world are changing because of

A t________ is what you get when the sun makes your skin go darker.

The oceans in the Arctic and Antarctic have i________ floating in the water. The Titanic hit one of

Water turns into ice when the temperature is below 0 degrees. When it gets warmer, the ice
m_________ and becomes water again.

There are many n________ disasters in the world like hurricanes, volcanoes and other problems.

There was a f________ in our village because of all the rain. The water was a metre deep in the
main street.

In an e________, the ground shakes. When this happens under the sea, it can cause huge waves
and this is called a t________.

Some people are worried that, when temperatures go up, ice will melt and sea l________ will rise.
9 London fashion
Watch the video and type the missing words.

This is London Fashion. London is Britain’s fashion capital. And what are
y______ people wearing right now? Let’s find out ... Not in the shops, but
on the s________! Pink’s a p________ colour. And she’s wearing a
g________ scarf. And look at her. She’s wearing a b_____ belt.

He’s wearing j________ and a c________ T-shirt. I love those s________.

And she’s got interesting h________, too! And she’s wearing a very pretty
d________. If you’re tall or s_______, if you’re fat or t_______, young or
o_______, blonde or dark, it doesn’t matter. Wear what you like. Be what
you like. This is London.

9 London fashion
Watch the video and type the missing words.

This is London Fashion. London is Britain’s fashion capital. And what are
y______ people wearing right now? Let’s find out ... Not in the shops, but
on the s________! Pink’s a p________ colour. And she’s wearing a
g________ scarf. And look at her. She’s wearing a b_____ belt.

He’s wearing j________ and a c________ T-shirt. I love those s________.

And she’s got interesting h________, too! And she’s wearing a very pretty
d________. If you’re tall or s_______, if you’re fat or t_______, young or
o_______, blonde or dark, it doesn’t matter. Wear what you like. Be what
you like. This is London.
Live Beat 3 – Video Production assistant

Watch the video and choose the correct answer.

Rachel is a good production assistant.
Rachel is a bad production assistant.
Rachel isn’t a production assistant.

The receptionist booked the wrong day for filming.
Rachel booked the wrong day for filming.
Rachel booked the right day for filming.

Rachel should check appointments.
The receptionist should check appointments.
Rachel shouldn’t check appointments.

Rachel should hurry more.
Rachel should hurry less.
Rachel is always in a hurry.

Rachel booked the restaurant for the right time but the wrong day.
Rachel booked the restaurant for the wrong time on the wrong day.
Rachel booked the restaurant for the wrong time on the right day.

Simon put a bottle of water in Rachel’s bag.
Rachel put a bottle of water in Simon's bag.
Rachel put a bottle of water in her bag.

Simon isn’t the presenter, Harry is the cameraman.
Harry is the presenter, Simon isn’t the cameraman.
Harry is the presenter, Simon is the cameraman.

Harry thinks Rachel should be more careful.
Simon thinks Rachel should be more careful.
Simon doesn’t trust Rachel.
2 Jobs for cash

Complete the text with the words in the box. Use the video to help

Saturday festivals tickets clean help make pay take


These are the jobs I have to do every week.

I ________the dog for a walk every day before school. I ________ my dad in
the garden on Sunday. We sometimes ________ the car together, too. On
Saturdays, I ________ my mum and dad a cup of tea in the morning and
take it to their bedroom. I get up early because I've got a ________ job at
a supermarket.

I work hard because I want money. My parents ________ me a little and I

get money from my job. In the summer I want to buy ________ for all the
big music ________ and see lots of great ________ but I haven't got enough
money for more than two yet.

2 Jobs for cash

Complete the text with the words in the box. Use the video to help

Saturday festivals tickets clean help make pay take


These are the jobs I have to do every week.

I ________the dog for a walk every day before school. I ________ my dad in
the garden on Sunday. We sometimes ________ the car together, too. On
Saturdays, I ________ my mum and dad a cup of tea in the morning and
take it to their bedroom. I get up early because I've got a ________ job at
a supermarket.

I work hard because I want money. My parents ________ me a little and I

get money from my job. In the summer I want to buy ________ for all the
big music ________ and see lots of great ________ but I haven't got enough
money for more than two yet.
LB3 4 Making the film

Watch the video and choose the correct word or phrase.

Hi, I’m Simon. Well, we__________________________ (work) on our film for 5 days now
and it’s brilliant! We in London this week, we __________________________ (film) Big
Ben, the Houses of Parliament, the London Eye, Hyde Park and much more.

I __________________________ (live) in London all my life. I’m 15 years old, so that means
I __________________________ (live) in London for ____ years. I used to live in north
London near Hampstead. When I was ____ years old we moved to Notting Hill and
we __________________________ (live) there ever since.

I love London and I __________________________ (enjoy) making this film and I’ve made
some great new friends: Nina, the _______________, Harry, the ______________, and well ...
Rachel, our _______________. We __________________________ (spend) too much time with
________ because she’s always in a hurry, or late! She __________________________ (arrive)
late ____ times this week already. Harry’s been _________________ every evening, and
__________ been working really hard on the film. Nina __________________________
(organise) everything and Rachel ... , well, she’s __________________________ (ruin) it for
everyone. I don’t know what’s wrong with her.

LB3 4 Making the film

Watch the video and choose the correct word or phrase.

Hi, I’m Simon. Well, we__________________________ (work) on our film for 5 days now
and it’s brilliant! We in London this week, we __________________________ (film) Big
Ben, the Houses of Parliament, the London Eye, Hyde Park and much more.

I __________________________ (live) in London all my life. I’m 15 years old, so that means
I __________________________ (live) in London for ____ years. I used to live in north
London near Hampstead. When I was ____ years old we moved to Notting Hill and
we __________________________ (live) there ever since.

I love London and I __________________________ (enjoy) making this film and I’ve made
some great new friends: Nina, the _______________, Harry, the ______________, and well ...
Rachel, our _______________. We __________________________ (spend) too much time with
________ because she’s always in a hurry, or late! She __________________________ (arrive)
late ____ times this week already. Harry’s been _________________ every evening, and
__________ been working really hard on the film. Nina __________________________
(organise) everything and Rachel ... , well, she’s __________________________ (ruin) it for
everyone. I don’t know what’s wrong with her.

LB3 4 Gap year dreams

1. Complete the words. Then watch the video to check.

R______________ - place where people go to eat.

T______________ - place where people go to watch plays.
M_____________ - something that people listen to. It can be pop, rock, classical or other
W_____________ - this includes things like rain, snow and sun.
B______________ - this adjective means that a place is crowded and there is lots happening.
M______________ - this adjective means that a place has a mixture of people, food, music
and other things from different parts of the world.
S_________ M______________ - place outside where you can do your shopping.
G_________ Y______________ - year between finishing school and going to university or
between finishing university and getting a job.

2. Complete the sentences with one word in each gap. Use the video to help you.

I've b_____ trying to contact you f____ ages.

I've n_____ had enough money to go to India.
H______ you been to Italy?
My brother h_____ been in Africa s_____ September. He's on a gap year.
My parents have been t______ of selling their house but they haven't decided yet.
I've known Sam s_____ we were little children.

LB3 4 Gap year dreams

3. Complete the words. Then watch the video to check.

R______________ - place where people go to eat.

T______________ - place where people go to watch plays.
M_____________ - something that people listen to. It can be pop, rock, classical or other
W_____________ - this includes things like rain, snow and sun.
B______________ - this adjective means that a place is crowded and there is lots happening.
M______________ - this adjective means that a place has a mixture of people, food, music
and other things from different parts of the world.
S_________ M______________ - place outside where you can do your shopping.
G_________ Y______________ - year between finishing school and going to university or
between finishing university and getting a job.

4. Complete the sentences with one word in each gap. Use the video to help you.

I've b_____ trying to contact you f____ ages.

I've n_____ had enough money to go to India.
H______ you been to Italy?
My brother h_____ been in Africa s_____ September. He's on a gap year.
My parents have been t______ of selling their house but they haven't decided yet.
I've known Sam s_____ we were little children.
6 A school trip

Put the words in the correct order. Use the video to help you.

1. tents? Where our will put we


2. will probably a on campsite. stay You


3. will get How there? We


4. definitely the will organize school coach. а Don't worry,


5. take? What need will I to


6. clothes backpack. Warm and definitely You'll need a strong


7. weather be like? will the What


8. won't be probably but the It probably cold. nights will rain

7 Talking about Rachel

Watch the video and choose the correct answer.

Rachel is worried about Nina.
Nina is worried about Rachel.
Nina and Rachel are worried.

Rachel is a good presenter.
Rachel is a bad presenter.
Rachel isn’t the presenter.

Rachel said that she didn’t want to be the presenter.
Rachel said that she wanted to be the presenter.
Rachel said that she didn’t want to be the production assistant.

Rachel has a lot of time and is always in a hurry.
Rachel doesn’t have a lot of time and doesn’t make mistakes.
Rachel doesn’t have a lot of time and is always in a hurry.

Nina told Rachel that they wanted to eat at 13.00.
Rachel told the waiter that they wanted to eat at 13.00.
Rachel told the waiter that they wanted to eat at 14.00.

Rachel made a phone call when they were filming.
Nina called Rachel when they were filming.
Rachel’s phone rang when they were filming.

Rachel didn’t explain why she had to go.
Rachel interrupted filming to make a phone call.
Rachel wouldn’t explain why her phone rang.

If Rachel turned her phone off, Nina would try and help.
If Rachel explained the problem, Nina would try and help.
If Rachel phoned Nina, she would try and help.
8 Who’s got talent

1. Watch the video and match the beginnings to the correct endings.

Win a medal

Sing a people

Tell a musical

A group of song

A song from a amazing

It was joke

I was talent competition

Enter a amazed

2. Choose the correct verb forms. Use the video to help you.

If you entered a talent competition, what __________?

I don't know. If I __________, people would laugh at me. If I __________, I would fall
over. If I __________ a joke, no-one would understand it.

Would you take me to see a film if you __________ it?

I don't know. If I __________ bored in the cinema, I would want to do something

else. You __________ it if I started sending texts during the film. I know! I'd go if
you __________ me a giant box of popcorn!

If our drama teacher asked you to be in the school play, what __________?

I don't know. If it __________ a small part, I'd do it. I'd be too nervous if it was an
important part. And, if I spent too much time learning for a play, my parents
__________ worried about my exams.

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