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Oct Planned Task Notes (done, not done, issues etc).

Reflections and reasons for


19 Attend first I was extremely nervous and almost left the dojo. I asked my
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu mother to take me home and she encouraged me to push myself
class and get on the matts. I was intimidated as everyone was much
older and experienced than I was. I ended up being highly
Film first session satisfied at the end of my first 2-hour session. I felt very happy as
I had pushed myself and overcame the fear I felt initially.
My mom filmed my first session in short clips. She filmed
vertically with my iPhone, however, next time I will remind her
to film horizontally as a horizontal video is ideal for iMovie. A
vertical video will appear smaller, and so I will be careful so this
does not happen next time.

20 No class No activity

21 BJJ Group I attended class for a 2-hour session.


22 No class No activity

23 Private technique I went to practice for 3 hours today, and my mother filmed my
BJJ session technique class. In addition, she filmed a short video of my group
session, however this is not necessary as I will be filming once a
BJJ Group week. I filmed one sparring match with team members, however
Session they were not high-quality as they were filmed with my mothers
Samsung, so I will not be able to use these in my video.
Film extra footage
of sparring

24 No class No activity

25 BJJ Group I attended class for a 2-hour session.


26 Weekend (no No activity


27 Weekend (no No activity

28 BJJ Group Today, we had a Q and A session and an open matt. A Q and A
Session- Attend session is when we ask our sensei, Burak Deger Bicer, questions
class and record about techniques. An open matt is when we dedicate the session
videos of to 5-6 minute sparring. I really enjoyed today's session. I learned
sparring. how to effectively execute a kimura (a double joint arm lock).

29 No class No activity

30 No class No activity

Dec Planned Task Notes (done, not done, issues etc). Reflections and
reasons for changes

1 BJJ Group Session- I could not attend class today because I needed to complete
Attend class and homework.
record videos of

2 Weekend (no class) No activity

3 Weekend (no class) No activity

4 BJJ Group Session I attended class for a 2-hour session.I recorded videos today
as I could not record on Monday.

5 No class No activity

6 BJJ Group Session I attended class for a 2-hour session.

Film additional videos I asked my instructor, Melike Agansoy to record my
sparring match with my sensei, Burak today. I was worried I
would not be able to film today because my mother did not
come but I asked Melike to do it. This was a better option as
she could film me from a better distance as she can come
onto the matt.

7 No class I have completed the planning section, however I need to

answer question 3 and 6 on the investigation stage. In
Investigation and addition, I need to write 2 process journals for the planning
planning sections to be stage by tomorrow.
fully completed

8 BJJ Group Session I could not attend class due to my birthday celebrations.
2 Process Journals for I have only completed one of two process journals. I hope to
Planning Section have finished the second one by tomorrow.

9 Weekend (no class) Today I collected the videos from my mother's phone and
mine and arranged them into a folder onto my computer so I
Final Process Journal do not lose track of all the videos.
for Planning Section
I have finished both process journals for the planning stage.

10 Weekend (no class) No activity

11 BJJ Group Session- My mother did not come with me to practice. Therefore, I
Attend class and was not able to collect any footage today. I came 15 minutes
record videos of late to my private session taught by my sensei, Burak Deger
sparring Bicer. This resulted in us having a 1 hour 45 minute session.
I had a 10 minute break before starting my group session. I
Private technique BJJ was exhausted today, however I was taught a de la riva and
session inverted de la riva sweep.

12 No class No activity

13 BJJ Group Session Melike Agansoy, my instructor and second expert, told my
mother how she is happy to see that I am using the
techniques I am learning during the private sessions during
my sparring matches.

14 No class I proofread the planning section and made final edits for the
deadline tomorrow.
Proofread planning
Send to Ms. Costello,
and arrange a meeting
to go over planning
section and edit.

15 BJJ Group Session I did not attend class today as I had homework to do. My
mother told me I cannot go to my jiu-jitsu sessions unless
all my homework for the night is complete.

16 Winter Break No activity

Weekend (no class)

17 Winter Break No activity

Weekend (no class)

18 Winter Break I attended class for a 2-hour session.

BJJ Group Session- As my mother could not come today, my father came for the
Record videos first time and watched me. He filmed my sparring matches
with my sensei.

19 Winter Break No activity

No class

20 Private technique BJJ I could not stay late today because of homework. I still
session wanted to have a session however, so I arranged a private
technique session with Melike Agansoy.
Check that I have a
sufficient amount of I have collected a solid number of videos. I will however,
footage to create my continue to film a few more to have as a backup. The videos
final video. have dull moments during sparring matches when no
techniques (ex. sweeps) are happening. I will include
submissions and techniques in my final video. Just in case I
do not have enough, I will make sure to continue to film a
bit more. I will be out of the country and I will not be taking
my computer with. I will not be able to work on my project
until I get back to Istanbul.

21 Out of the country No activity

(winter break)

22 Out of the country No activity

(winter break)

23 Out of the country No activity

(winter break)

24 Out of the country No activity

(winter break)

25 Out of the country No activity

(winter break)

26 Out of the country No activity

(winter break)
27 Out of the country No activity
(winter break)

28 Out of the country No activity

(winter break)

29 Out of the country No activity

(winter break)

30 Out of the country No activity

(winter break)

31 Out of the country No activity

(winter break)

Jan Planned Task Notes (done, not done, issues etc). Reflections and
reasons for changes

1 Out of the country (winter No activity


2 Out of the country (winter No activity


3 Out of the country (winter No activity


4 Out of the country (winter No activity


5 Out of the country (winter No activity


6 Out of the country (winter No activity


7 Winter Break No activity

Arrive back in Istanbul
Weekend (no class)

8 BJJ Group Session Unable to attend class today.

9 No class No activity

10 BJJ Group Session I attended a 2-hour session and collected my final

footage for my video today.

11 No class I made a good choice in arranging the footage in a

folder. It was very easy to upload all the videos onto
Upload all the videos onto iMovie. I am experienced with iMovie due to past
iMovie assignments. I do not have any trouble navigating and
using iMovie.

12 BJJ Group Session I attended a 2-hour session.

13 Weekend (no class) I was unable to do any work today.

Crop the videos to only
important parts where I am
either executing techniques/
being submitted/ submitting.

14 Weekend (no class) Today I managed to both crop all the videos and find
the music. I will be using 'Black Skinhead' by Kanye
Find/experiment music I West as the soundtrack to my video. It is upbeat and
will be putting as the complements the clips very well.
soundtrack of my video.

15 BJJ Group Session I attended a 2-hour session.

16 No class I encountered problems trying to match the music with

the video clips. I attempted to change/show a different
Arrange soundtrack with the clip with the tempo. I was successful in doing so, and
clips on tempo. this resulted in a high-quality video.

17 BJJ Group Session I attended a 2-hour session.

18 No class I watched the video over today to check for any

mistakes. I realized the clip I am submitting my sensei
Make final edits to video. is off beat. This took quite a while, however I fixed the
Get feedback from family problem. Initially, I did not know how I was going to
members and peers. end my video. I luckily found this excellent video
where my sensei is helping me up and taps my head. I
edited the music so it fades off and matches with this
clip .I have finally finished my video.
I have received positive feedback from my family
members and peers (Kat, Kubra, Lal, Melissa).

19 BJJ Group Session I attended a 2-hour session.

20 Weekend (no class) No activity

21 Weekend (no class) No activity

22 BJJ Group Session I was unable to attend my session today.

23 No class No activity

24 BJJ Group Session I attended a 2-hour session.

25 No class No activity

26 BJJ Group Session I attended a 2-hour session

27 Weekend (no class) No activity

28 Weekend (no class) No activity

29 BJJ Group Session I attended a 2-hour session.

30 No class Final video has been successfully completed. I will

show it to Mr. Esmail on Monday during class and
Final video has been check if I need to make any changes.
completed so I can show
Mr. Esmail next class.

31 BJJ Group Session I attended a 2-hour session.

Melike praised my video after I sent a clip of it to her
on Whatsapp. I aim to share the video with Burak and

Feb Planned Task Notes (done, not done, issues etc). Reflections and reasons
for changes

1 No class No activity
2 BJJ Group Session I attended a 2- hour session.

3 Weekend (no class) No activity

4 Weekend (no class) No activity

5 BJJ Group Session I attended a 2-hour session.

Show Mr. Esmail my I was happy to see Mr. Esmail's positive reaction to my
final video today video. I asked if I needed to make any changes, and he told
during class. me not to. I am very satisfied with my final product.

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