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452 Chipstead Valley Road

Coulsdon Surrey
tel : 123 246 88 88

1 June 2003

Mr/Mrs. XXXX

Re. : Application to your job offer n°XXXXXX

Dear Sir/Madam,

I read your job offer in XXXXX with great interest. My application for said job is
motivated both by the guarantee of an in-house product training programme and by the career
prospects you can offer.

Currently employed as a consultant, my aim today is to specialize in one field of work, and
one particular sector, and I am attracted above all to the world of insurance and financial
services. As you can see from my CV, the various experiences I have had in consulting and in
other businesses have given me the ability to get operational fast, and to adapt easily to new
challenges and to different brands of company culture.

I enclose my CV in the sincere hope that your company’s future experiences could turn
into experiences we build together. As this document alone is far from sufficient as proof of
my desire to join your team, I remain at your disposition for an interview, in which I would
hope to further discussion of my application.

Yours faithfully,


452 Chipstead Valley Road
Coulsdon Surrey
tel : 123 246 88 88

1 June 2003

Mr/Mrs. XXXX

Re. : Response to job offers posted on the site

Dear Sir/Madam,

Why have your job offers caught my attention ? Initially, I noted with great interest the
possibility of working for a blue chip company, but over and above your reputation, I feel that
the chance to build a career at the heart of a large group, along with the wide range of posts
presented on your site, totally correspond to my professional aspirations.

Indeed, as you can see from my CV, throughout my career so far, I have been able to prove
my creativity time and again through the use both of traditional media and new technologies
in a number of companies with different cultures; and I have learnt the attention to detail
necessary to manage projects in a technological world. The opportunity to combine these
qualities and this knowledge in a single post would allow me to totally fulfil my ambitions
with your company. Today, I am seeking either an operational position in the marketing and
commercial field, or a transversal role where my skills in terms of listening, analysis and
communication could be put to optimum use in facilitating user/designer interaction.

Additionally, as I am fascinated by the world of finance and the stock exchange on a

personal level, I believe I could integrate your company culture relatively easily.

I look forward to meeting you in order to discuss my career path and my ambitions in a
more personal, detailed manner.

Yours faithfully,


452 Chipstead Valley Road
Coulsdon Surrey
tel : 123 246 88 88

1 June 2003

Mr/Mrs. XXXX

Re. : Application to your job offer n°XXXXXX

Dear Sir/Madam,

As financial service providers, you are constantly having to deal with the demands of
competition on the Internet. And since this sector is constantly evolving, it requires 24-hour

I am contacting you following the inception of your new Internet site. New technologies
have always been a source of great fascination for me, and I have had the opportunity in the
past to manage several innovative projects in the field of strategic surveillance on the Internet.
Indeed, I have already set up a project identical to the one you currently have in operation in
the XXXXX bank. I therefore believe I have expert knowledge of the constraints and the
possibilites such a project brings with it.

Today I would like to have the opportunity to put my skills to optimum use in helping your
projects grow, in order to keep the value of your company growing likewise.

Since I am aware that my CV alone is far from sufficient as proof of my skills and the
extent of my motivation, I remain at your disposal for a face-to-face meeting in the near

Yours faithfully,


452 Chipstead Valley Road
Coulsdon Surrey
tel : 123 246 88 88

1 June 2003

Mr/Mrs. XXXX

Re : Speculative job application

Dear Sir/Madam,

Faced with today's aggressive and competitive business environment, it is clearly of vital
importance to have a worthy team of people at your side. It therefore seems an absolute
necessity for you to select qualified and effective co-workers to help you reach your aims.

I have always been fascinated by the world of communication, and hope to continue
building my career in this same area. In addition, thanks to my studies, as well as my
professional experience, I now master the tools and technologies used in this field of work

Moreover, the qualities, both personal and professional, which I have been able to develop
throughout my life, reinforced by my excellent knowledge of the international business
environment, lead me to believe that I could be of great service to you as part of your
company. I am convinced that my experience, coupled with my desire to build my career, can
bring as much benefit to you as that which you can offer me.

I therefore remain at your disposition for an interview in which I would hope we could
discuss our common goals in further detail.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,


452 Chipstead Valley Road
Coulsdon Surrey
tel : 123 246 88 88

1 June 2003

Mr/Mrs. XXXX

Re. : Speculative job application

Dear Sir/Madam,

After having consulted your Internet site, I would like to apply for a position at your

I am currently employed as a XXXXXX XXXXXX for a XXXXXX company, where I

manage a portfolio of clients from the XXXXXX sector. Specialized in XXXX XXXX and
XXXX, my main task is to deliver appropriate solutions to the client quickly and effectively
for any technical or commercial problems they may encounter. I therefore work very closely
with the XXXXXX XXXXXX department, as well as with XXXXXX XXXXXX and

My aim today is to broaden my knowledge in the field of XXXXX and build a career in a
forward-looking company. I also hope to put my ‘commercial’ skills to good use. Organised
and motivated, I feel ready to meet fresh challenges in my professional life.

I look forward to having the chance to meet you in person, in order to obtain a better idea
of what working together in the future could bring us. I would like to thank you in advance
for your interest in my application.

Yours faithfully,


452 Chipstead Valley Road
Coulsdon Surrey
tel : 123 246 88 88

1 June 2003

Mr/Mrs. XXXX

Re. : Application to your job offer n° XXXXXX

Dear Sir/Madam,

I read the job offer you posted on the XXXXX web site with great interest. After several
months working at a consultancy specialized in marketing and communication for new
technologies, I am in fact seeking to return to a more operational position, which would allow
me to build a stronger relationship both with the company and its products, as well as
developing my creative talents.

In addition, I had similar responsibilites to those offered by this job in my previous post
with a publisher of e-business software.My various experiences in the field of consultancy
and in web agencies have given me the ability to get operational fast and to adapt easily to
fresh challenges and to new brands of company culture.

I enclose a copy of my CV; however, as I am aware this document alone is far from
sufficient as proof either of my desire to join your team (in the above-mentioned post, or
another similar position) or my skills in this particular field, I remain at your disposition for a
more detailed interview.

Yours faithfully,


452 Chipstead Valley Road
Coulsdon Surrey
tel : 123 246 88 88

1 June 2003

Mr/Mrs. XXXX

Re. : Application to your job offer n°XXXXXX

Dear Sir/Madam,

I read the job offer you recently published with great interest, since I regularly follow the
developments of your business sector, and had already noted your ambition to launch your
credit services on the Internet.

My postgraduate level studies have allowed me to learn financial mechanisms in detail. In

addition, I have completed a training period with XXXXX where I was able to design the
interface for a new credit administration software programme. I therefore feel I have the skills
and the knowledge necessary to fill the position which you have an offer in your main XXXX
subsidiary today.

I would thus like to put my skills as a computer graphic artist at your service, in
developing a new graphic concept for your site.

I remain at your disposition for an interview, in which I would hope to go into further
detail about the extent of my skills and my professional experience.

Yours faithfully,


452 Chipstead Valley Road
Coulsdon Surrey
tel : 123 246 88 88

1 June 2003

Mr/Mrs. XXXX

Re. : Application to your job offer no. XXXX

Dear Sir/Madam,

I read your job offer, published in XXXXX with great interest. The terms in which you
describe the desired candidate correspond perfectly to my own profile.

My professional experiences include the organisation of conventions and other corporate

communication events for prestigious companies such as XXX, XXX and XXX. My last
assignment with XXX, where I was responsible for everything from client and supplier
prospection to the coordination of the teams on site, allowed me to prove my ability to
manage a training seminar totally autonomously.

My managerial skills, coupled with my enjoyment of interpersonal contact could be put to

optimum use at your company in the very near future.

I look forward to having the chance to meet you face-to-face, in order to further discussion
of my career path and my motivation.

Yours faithfully,


452 Chipstead Valley Road
Coulsdon Surrey
tel : 123 246 88 88

1 June 2003

Mr/Mrs. XXXX

Re : Application to your job offer for a product manager in the Entertainment division

Dear Sir/Madam,

Why did the above-mentioned job offer catch my eye ? Undoubtedly because the terms in
which the job is described correspond to the type of post I am currently seeking.

I noted with interest the possibility you could give me to work for a blue chip company,
the top private telecommunications operator in England. But over and above your reputation,
it is the very nature of the post on offer which totally corresponds to my professional

Indeed, as you can see from my CV, throughout my career so far, I have been able to prove
my creativity time and again through the use both of traditional media and new technologies
in a number of companies with different cultures; and I have learnt the attention to detail
necessary to manage projects in a technological world. The opportunity to combine these
qualities and this knowledge in a single post would allow me to totally fulfil my ambitions
with your company.

Moreover, since new IT tools in the realms of information and communication are a source
of great fascination for me, having the chance to contribute to better consumer knowledge
where these technologies are concerned by creating new entertainment services strengthens
my desire to join your team still further.

I look forward to meeting you face-to-face in order to discuss my career path and my
ambitions in a more personal and detailed manner.

Yours faithfully,

452 Chipstead Valley Road
Coulsdon Surrey
tel : 123 246 88 88

1 June 2003
Mr/Mrs. XXXX

My reference XXXXXX XXXXXX.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I read your job offer, posted on the XXXXXX web site, on XXXXXXXX (date) with great

With XX years of experience in the field of XXXXXX, I have developed in-depth

knowledge of the world of work and corporate business, of its constraints, its risks, and of the
way things are run in different sectors of activity (luxury goods, industry, new technology,
consulting, aerospace etc.)

I have also had the opportunity to broaden my expertise in XXXXXXXXX through the use
of XXXXXX, and various other tools (XXXXXX list tools here XXXXXX)

Moreover, I carried out several XXXXXX with XXXXXX during my studies in the field of
XXXXXX and organized a XXXXXX for XXXXXX over a period of one month in XXXX.

I am extremely interested in your offer and would be pleased to meet you to discuss it
further, present you with my ideas, and explain the reasons for my motivation more clearly.

Yours faithfully,


452 Chipstead Valley Road
Coulsdon Surrey
tel : 123 246 88 88

1 June 2003

Mr/Mrs. XXXX

Re. : Speculative job application.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am currently seeking a position as a XXXXXX, which would allow me to use my

XXXXXX qualities, as well as the professional skills I have acquired working for temp
agencies and also in an international XXXXXX firm.

Over the last XX years, I have developed in-depth knowledge of the world of work and
corporate business, of its constraints, its risks, and of the way things are run in different
sectors of activity. I successfully set up a XXXXX system for several companies and
participated in XXXXX as part of a XXXXXX project.Gifted with strong relational talents, I
am seen by others as an active, autonomous and organized person in my work.

I am very interested in your sector of activity and by the responsibilities a job with you
could offer me.

I would be happy to meet you to discuss this, present my ideas in further detail, and
elaborate on the idea of us working together.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,



452 Chipstead Valley Road
Coulsdon Surrey
tel : 123 246 88 88

1 June 2003

Mr/Mrs. XXXX

Re. : Application to your job offer n°XXXXXX

Dear Sir/Madam,

You recently published a job offer in XXXX for a post as a pharmacist’s assistant in the
London area. I would like to apply for this job, as I am currently seeking to return to my
native region.

Since I qualified in XXXX (type year here), I have had the opportunity to work in different
establishments in the North of England. I easily integrated the team in each pharmacy where I
was employed, and was able to become autonomous fast. I now understand several levels of
pharmacy management (according to the size of the company, and whether it is in the town or
the country) as well different company set-ups (IT systems).

My most recent employers (who are about to retire) can vouch for my professionalism and
I can provide you with their details on request.

I look forward to meeting you in the near future. Please do not hesitate to contact me,
should you need any more information concerning my application.

Yours faithfully,



452 Chipstead Valley Road
Coulsdon Surrey
tel : 123 246 88 88

1 June 2003

Mr/Mrs. XXXX

Re. : Application to your job offer n°XXXXXX

Dear Sir/Madam,

I read the secretarial job offer you published in XXXX with interest.

Your company is developing within a competitive market, of which you are the leader, and
due to the success of your products, the decision to increase the number of people you work
with has imposed itself. It is for this reason that I would like to apply for the above-mentioned

As you can see from my CV, I have been working exclusively with companies in your
sector throughout my career. I would therefore be able to adapt to your working methods and
integrate your teams quickly. My previous employers remain at your disposition to provide a
reference for my skills, and I myself am open to discussing any offer you may care to make
me within your firm.

I look forward to meeting you face-to-face in order to present myself in a more precise and
lively manner.

Yours faithfully,


452 Chipstead Valley Road
Coulsdon Surrey
tel : 123 246 88 88

1 June 2003

Mr/Mrs. XXXX


Dear Sir/Madam,

I read your above-mentioned job offer with great interest.

After my recent graduation from the University of XXXXX in XXXXX, I would like to
apply for the post as a XXXXXX XXXXXX which you currently have on offer.

Dynamic and sociable, I feel that the various experiences I have had have allowed me to
develop the indispensable skills any successful and effective co-worker needs: a sense of
autonomy, the ability to take initiative, attention to detail and the ability to work as part of a

As I am convinced that a simple letter is far from sufficient in showing you my personality
and my skills, I would like to ask you for an interview, in order to convince you of my

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,



452 Chipstead Valley Road
Coulsdon Surrey
tel : 123 246 88 88

1 June 2003

Mr/Mrs. XXXX

Re.: Application to your job offer no. XXXX; my reference: XXXXX

Dear Sir/Madam,

I read the job offer you published on XX/XX/XXX with interest.

Recently graduated from the Business School of Manchester, I would like to apply for the
post which you have an offer.

Dynamic and sociable, I feel that the various experiences I have had have allowed me to
develop the indispensable skills any successful cash controller needs: a sense of autonomy,
the ability to take initiative, attention to detail and the ability to work as part of a team.

As I am convinced that a simple letter is far from sufficient in showing you my personality
and my skills, I would like to ask you for an interview, in order to convince you of my

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Enc. : my curriculum vitae



452 Chipstead Valley Road
Coulsdon Surrey
tel : 123 246 88 88

1 June 2003

Mr/Mrs. XXXX

Re. : Application to your job offer n°XXXXXX

Dear Sir/Madam,

At the advice of Mr XXXXX, XXXXX(type job here) of XXXX(type company here), I

sent you my job application on the XXXXX(type date here).

I remain extremely interested in a position as a XXXXX at the heart of the XXXXX

department, and that is why I am contacting you again today.

My experience working for temp agencies, as well as for an international XXXXX firm
has allowed me to develop expert XXXXXX skills and to hone my knowledge of the world of
work and corporate business. In this way, I have learnt to work with an eye to detail, ensuring
high standards of quality, as well as the respect of XXXXXXX ; likewise, I have developed
organisational skills, creativity, and the ability to listen and to multitask.

I am extremely motivated by your sector of activity and by the responsibilites a job with
you could offer me, and I remain entirely at your disposition for a face-to-face meeting in the
near future.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,


452 Chipstead Valley Road
Coulsdon Surrey
tel : 123 246 88 88

1 June 2003

Mr/Mrs. XXXX

Re.: Application for an apprentice's contrat

Dear Sir/Madam,

Your bakery is famous throughout the region for its delicious cakes, made the old-
fashioned way. It is for this reason that I would like to work as your apprentice as part of my
NVQ in patisserie & confectionary diploma.

I will begin my studies in September, but I already have some notions of the job, which I
have learnt through my natural curiosity.

Conscientious, methodical and hard-working, I believe that I could get operational fast.

I remain at your disposition to meet you on a suitable date.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,



452 Chipstead Valley Road
Coulsdon Surrey
tel : 123 246 88 88

1 June 2003

Mr/Mrs. XXXX

Re. : Application for a traineeship

Dear Sir/Madam,

At the advice of Mr XXXXX, managing director of XXXXX XXXXXX, I am contacting

you to apply for a post as a XXXXXX. I would be delighted to integrate a dynamic team such
as the one you lead.

I hold a high school diploma with a major in XX and have learned to work on XXXXXX
XXXXXX. During my studies, I have also been able to improve my sense of organisation and
develop an eye for detail.

My aim today is to obtain a XXXXXX. A traineeship seems to me to be the best way to

achieve this, allowing me to gain my first professional experience whilst continuing my

This contract would be advantageous for your business, as it exempts you from paying
employers social security contributions. In addition, the cost of my training period is totally
reimbursed by an accredited mutual funding agency.

I remain at your disposition to arrange an appointment.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,



452 Chipstead Valley Road
Coulsdon Surrey
tel : 123 246 88 88

1 June 2003

Mr/Mrs. XXXX

Re. : Speculative job application

Dear Sir/Madam,

Has your recent merger led you to totally reorganize your company structure? If so, the
key departments of communication and human resources should be the first to benefit from
this reorganization, since they can then help the whole company make its way through the
planned changes with minimal disturbance and maximum calm.

A specialist in crisis communication and change management, I have already faced up to

the constraints such a big corporate change can bring. Indeed, I participated in the merger of
the XXX group with the XXX group, and between XXX company and XXX company. My
role as a mediator during the implementation of the redundancy plans at XXX and XXX put
my relational qualities to the test. My aim today is to use my skills to help a responsible and
innovative company such as yours to anticipate and minimize crises.

I hope that my application will be of interest to you and that we will be able to meet face-
to-face in the near future, in order that I may have the opportunity to discuss my skills with
you in more detail.

Thank you in advance for your interest in my request.

Yours faithfully,



452 Chipstead Valley Road
Coulsdon Surrey
tel : 123 246 88 88

1 June 2003

Mr/Mrs. XXXX

Re. : Speculative job application

Dear Sir/Madam,

I have been at the head of one of the French subsidiaries of the international group
XXXXX XXXXX, founded in Norway, for the past 5 years. This group is a major player in
the market, with an annual turnover of 13m€, branches in 120 countries, and 30 000
employees in total.

This group is run according to Anglo-Saxon management methods, especially where

matrix organisation, financial reporting, and the implementation of new technologies in the
realms of information and communication are concerned.

Answerable to the CEO of the group, I have been able to run this SME autonomously at all
levels, with particular responsibility for XXXX.

With a considerable amount of experience to my name, I am also an old hand at analysing

the strategic, marketing and field work elements of the overall management of a firm with an
international and multicultural environment. I am a capable and enthusiastic leader and invest
a lot in everything I do.

Qualified in XXX XXX XXX, I speak French (the working language at my previous
group) and Spanish fluently.

I would be delighted to discuss the benefits we could gain from working together in a face-
to-face interview.

I look forward to meeting you soon.

Yours faithfully,

452 Chipstead Valley Road
Coulsdon Surrey
tel : 123 246 88 88

1 June 2003

Mr/Mrs. XXXX

Re. : Speculative job application

Dear Sir/Madam,

Your company is the main supplier of XXXX, and you are the leader of your sector of
activity. It is for this reason that I would like to work with you.

Currently employed as Head of Purchasing with one of your clients, my aim today is to
move to a post in sales. My experience in purchasing has allowed me to gain expert
knowledge of the kind of expectations and needs your potential clients, as well as those who
already do business with you, may have.My communication skills and my ability to listen to
others will allow me to get operational fast in a commercial position.

The exact nature and the range of professional experiences I have had can be seen from my
CV, and I remain entirely at your disposition should you require any further information.

I hope that you will give me the opportunity to put my skills to the test, and I look forward
to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

452 Chipstead Valley Road
Coulsdon Surrey
tel : 123 246 88 88

1 June 2003

Mr/Mrs. XXXX

Re. : Speculative job application

Dear Sir/Madam,

Your company produces XXX for the general public. You have used a variety of media for
your advertising campaigns, and they stand out from the rest due to their pertinence.
However, you do not seem to have developed an on-line advertising strategy using Internet

Today, the Internet is vital to accompany your development and ensure your brand image
stays in people’s minds. My experience in this field, which is detailed in my CV, as well as
my skills as a Internet Project Manager, would surely be of great utility in your company.

I would like to suggest that we meet so that I can present the range of my skills to you in
more detail, and I remain open to any proposition you may care to make me.

Yours faithfully,


452 Chipstead Valley Road
Coulsdon Surrey
tel : 123 246 88 88

1 June 2003

Mr/Mrs. XXXX

Re. : Speculative job application

Dear Sir/Madam,

Your firm is seen as the leader in such sectors of activity as XXXXX. I am contacting you
as the perspective of working together on a project such as XXXX has encouraged me to send
in my job application.

I recently graduated from university with an MSc in Chemistry, majoring in water

chemistry, and I am currently seeking a position which would allow me to put my knowledge
of water resource management in the field of urban wastewater recycling into practice.

Your experience, coupled with my sense of initiative and my thirst for new knowledge,
would, I am sure, allow both of us to progress towards a cleaner world.

As I am certain that these few words alone are far from sufficient as proof of my
motivation, I remain entirely at your disposition for an interview.

Yours faithfully,

452 Chipstead Valley Road
Coulsdon Surrey
tel : 123 246 88 88

1 June 2003

Mr/Mrs. XXXX

Re. : Course application

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to ask you to consider my application for the XXXXXXX course on offer at
your establishment.

I have been studying XXXXX XXXXX for three years, and have completed a specialized
module which has allowed me to develop in-depth knowledge of the XXXXX sector. My
studies have brought me both theoretical expertise in the field of XXXXXX XXXXX and
methodological skill. I am currently in my XXXX year of study, and am preparing my finals
to obtain a XXXXXX. My studies have allowed me to confirm the motivation I have felt for a
long time, and which has become clearer for me over the years, and thanks to the different
experiences I have had. I am now sure of my desire to become a XXXXX.

The strong points of my current studies have been the traineeships I have been able to
carry out, both for the knowledge of the corporate world which they have brought me, and for
the chance I had to meet different professionals from this sector of activity, and to see how
they work. I also participated in different projects such as XXXXX XXXXX whilst
continuing my studies. This enabled me to develop XXXXX XXXXX.

I feel that my personality corresponds well to my professional motivation. Open-minded

and naturally curious, I am always striving to do my best. I know how to adapt to different
situations, and I believe I have a good sense of responsibility and organisation. I hope to
become a XXXXX as this profession demands a lot of XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX, and I
believe my profile fits this picture.

I hope I have convinced you of the strength of my motivation, and I look forward to
hearing from you soon.

Yours faithfully,
452 Chipstead Valley Road
Coulsdon Surrey
tel : 123 246 88 88

1 June 2003

Mr/Mrs. XXXX

Re. : Speculative job application

Dear Sir/Madam,

During my studies as an administrative assistant, where in-company training periods were

a part of the course, I acquired sound knowledge and genuine skills in a variety of different
business sectors. Nevertheless, the desire to develop more in-depth legal grounding
encouraged me to continue my studies at university level.

I am contacting you today in the hope of being able to put my knowledge into practice. My
aim at present is to learn about new structures, such as that of your company, in a continuing
desire to enlarge my realm of competence.Adaptable, efficient and a quick worker, I feel my
dynamism would bring a lot to your firm.

I hope to have the opportunity to meet you soon.

Yours faithfully,


452 Chipstead Valley Road
Coulsdon Surrey
tel : 123 246 88 88

1 June 2003

Mr/Mrs. XXXX

Re. : Speculative job application

Dear Sir/Madam,

Your company was present at the XXX and XXX trade fairs. This allowed me to learn
more about your services and your products, as well as your human resources policy.

Currently a student in accounting and management control, I am seeking a traineeship for a

period of XX months, and am in the process of specializing in the XXX sector with
XXX(type company name here).I have already completed several traineeships in management
control with XXX and XXX, and these experiences have allowed me to confirm my
enthusiasm for figures and taught me how to deal with different tasks in a professional
manner. Today, I hope to be able to carry out a traineeship in your company in order to
improve my knowledge of the XXX sector, of which you are the leader.

Please find enclosed a copy of my CV. I remain at your disposition for any further
information you may require concerning my career path, my ambitions or my motivation.

I hope to hear from you soon.

Yours faithfully,


452 Chipstead Valley Road
Coulsdon Surrey
tel : 123 246 88 88

1 June 2003

Mr/Mrs. XXXX

Re. : Speculative application (for a traineeship)

Dear Sir/Madam,

Currently in my second year of study at the University of XXXXX, I have chosen to

specialize my research in the physical and mechanical properties of different materials.

I would like to carry out my end of year traineeship in this field as a member of your
research department, whose technological sophistication I was able to admire during a factory
visit organized by my university.I hope in particular to develop my knowledge of fluid
mechanics or of thermal behaviour, in order to enable me to write a dissertation on

I am available from the month of June onwards, for a period of 6 months in total.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,


452 Chipstead Valley Road
Coulsdon Surrey
tel : 123 246 88 88

1 June 2003

Mr/Mrs. XXXX

Re. : Speculative application

Dear Sir/Madam,

Having become aware of the courses available at your establishment thanks to your
Internet site, it is my pleasure to apply for a place there, with a view to obtaining a NVQ
qualification in XXXXXXX(type subject here). I hope to obtain more in-depth knowledge of
the different aspects of this area of business, including preparation, technical design,
administration and sales.

My first professional experience in XXXXXX accustomed me to the constraints linked to

the world of direct marketing, and I would hope to use this knowledge as a base on which to
build on.

I sincerely hope that you will be able to offer me a place for the next school year.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,


452 Chipstead Valley Road
Coulsdon Surrey
tel : 123 246 88 88

1 June 2003

Mr/Mrs. XXXX

Re. : Application for your job offer published in the press

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing in regard to your job offer, published in XXXXXXX on (date), reference

XXXXXX. I would like to apply for the job advertised for a secretary in your technical
documentation department.

This job is of great interest to me, since I am able to fill the conditions you have stipulated.
In fact, I have already held a position in a documentation centre in an industrial firm.

I enclose my CV so that you can judge for yourself the quality of my skills, and I remain
entirely at your disposition should you require any further information.

I hope that you will be so kind as to take my application into consideration, and I look
forward to meeting you for a face-to-face interview soon.

Yours faithfully,


452 Chipstead Valley Road
Coulsdon Surrey
tel : 123 246 88 88

1 June 2003

Mr/Mrs. XXXX

Re. : Speculative job application

Dear Sir/Madam,

I have become aware of your specializations and the development of your establishment
through various trade press reports, and I would like to know more about your current needs
in terms of the recruitment of nursing auxiliaries.

I was forced to leave my previous post in the XXXXXX retirement home in order to
follow my spouse, who has been transferred to your region. As you can see from my CV,
which is enclosed, I have been in constant employment until now, and would like to avoid any
interruption in the development of my career. My previous employer remains at your
disposition should you require an outside view of my professional skills.

I hope that you will offer me the possibility to integrate one of your teams.

Yours faithfully,


452 Chipstead Valley Road
Coulsdon Surrey
tel : 123 246 88 88

1 June 2003

Mr/Mrs. XXXX

Re. : Application for school year XXXX/XXXX

Dear Mr./Mrs. XXXX,

Please find enclosed my application for a place in your establishment for the school year
XXXX/XXXX. The reasons for my application are both the specialized qualifications you
help students to prepare and the career prospects which you can offer school leavers, and
which I was able to learn about thanks to the special report published in XXXXX magazine
last month.

My interest for this field of study has its origin in the logic of my previous choices, and I
have been able to compare it with the real nature of the profession through the various
traineeships I have completed. I have in fact already carried out 3 traineeships with the
XXXXXX company as a XXXXX, and this allows me to state my career choices today with

I hope to hear from you soon, and would welcome your advice on how to follow up this
initial contact.

Yours sincerely,


452 Chipstead Valley Road
Coulsdon Surrey
tel : 123 246 88 88

1 June 2003

Mr/Mrs. XXXX

Re. : Application for school year XXXX/XXXX

Dear Sir/Madam,

Please find enclosed my application for a place for the school year XXXX/XXXX. The
reasons for my application are both the specialized qualifications you help students to prepare
and the career prospects which you can offer school leavers. I have been able to learn about
the precise nature of your study programme thanks to the various press reports I have read.

My interest in this field of study was awakened following a change of career path, after a
seasonal job placement which allowed me to discover my fascination for XXXXX, and where
I obtained very satisfactory results as you can see from my CV (enclosed). I therefore hope to
gain more in-depth knowledge in this field, in order to be able to obtain a post which
corresponds better to my aspirations and my personal skills in the future.

I hope that you will take my application into consideration and I remain at your disposition
should you require any further information, whether by post, or through a face-to-face

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

452 Chipstead Valley Road
Coulsdon Surrey
tel : 123 246 88 88

1 June 2003

Mr/Mrs. XXXX

Re. : Speculative application

Dear Mr./Mrs. XXXX,

I am currently a final year student in XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX, majoring in

XXXXX XXXXX. I aim to work in the following sectors : XXXXXX XXXXXX.

I have already had my first contact with this sector of activity through various summer
traineeships in different firms : XXXXXX XXXXXX and XXXXXX.My hope today is to be
able to prolong these experiences by gaining a NVQ qualification on a course which includes
in-company placements, and which would therefore allow me both to acquire more theoretical
knowledge and to compare this with corporate reality, in order to be fully equipped for a
future job in XXXXXX.

I hope to hear from you soon.

Yours sincerely,


452 Chipstead Valley Road
Coulsdon Surrey
tel : 123 246 88 88

1 June 2003

Mr/Mrs. XXXX

Re. : Speculative application

Dear Sir/Madam,

I have recently had the chance to consult the documentation which is used to inform
people both about your establishment, and about the careers for which it can help people to
prepare. I am currently a final year student in XXXXXX, majoring in XXXXXX, and I am
particularly interested by the subjects and the future career options you have on offer, such

I sincerely hope to be able to integrate your establishment on obtaining my high school

diploma, and would be grateful if you could tell me more about the exact conditions you
stipulate for admissions candidates.

Thank you in advance for your help.

Yours faithfully,

452 Chipstead Valley Road
Coulsdon Surrey
tel : 123 246 88 88

1 June 2003

Mr/Mrs. XXXX

Re. : Speculative application for a post as XXXXXX

Dear Sir/Madam,

I have been employed as the manager of a shop in XXXXXXX for the past XXXXXX
years. Before accepting this position, I had various responsibilities and put into practice
various skills in different sectors of activity such as : XXXXXX XXXXXX and
XXXXXXMy strong points include the above-mentioned experiences, as well as a strong
network of contacts in the XXXXXX region, and I now hope to be able to seize the
opportunity to work in a field where I feel I have the talents to help things progress :

I believe that you can help me to turn my ambitions into reality, and make the most of
them to benefit your own projects, as well as improving your business relations, and the
contact you have with your own clients.I dearly hope that we will be able to meet for a face-
to-face interview in which we might discuss the different advantages working together would
bring us, and I remain at your disposition to arrange an appointment.

Thank you in advance for your interest in my request.

Yours sincerely,


452 Chipstead Valley Road
Coulsdon Surrey
tel : 123 246 88 88

1 June 2003

Mr/Mrs. XXXX

Re. : Speculative application for XXXXXX

Dear Mr./Mrs. XXXX,

Currently in my final year of studies at XXXXX(type school name here) in XXXXX(type

town here), I am seeking a job for the months of July and August.

I already have professional experience in the following areas : XXXXXX. I speak

XXXXXX and XXXXXX fluently, and understand XXXXX well, as I have made trips to
both XXXXX and XXXXX in the past.I am geographically mobile over the XXXXXXX
sector, as I have my own means of transport, as well as a clean driving license. As proof of
my motivation and my commitment, I would be prepared and am available to work a few days
as a trial period during my Easter holidays, from XXXXXX to XXXXX, according to the
school calendar.

I would be grateful if you could tell me whether a placement such as the one described
above would be possible with your company, and I am happy for you to pass my request on to
your business contacts if you feel that it might interest them.

I hope to hear from you soon.

Yours sincerely,


452 Chipstead Valley Road
Coulsdon Surrey
tel : 123 246 88 88

1 June 2003

Mr/Mrs. XXXX

Re. : Speculative application for a work placement

Dear Mr./Mrs. XXXX,

I am contacting you to ask if you would be willing to take me on for a work placement in
the field of XXXXXX.I have completed a recognized course of study in this subject, and
already hold a XXXXXX diploma in XXXXXX. As I am aware that these studies are
insufficient to launch a career as a XXXXXX, I have registered for a course in XXXXXX.
This course, which takes the form of a work placement, is official recognized, and will equip
me with IT skills to complement my initial study programme. It will last 2 years.

It is for this reason that I am now seeking a company requiring XXXXXX skills and
concerned with the professional training given to its employees. That is why I am writing to
you, as the Vocational Training Authority has informed me that your firm has always invested
in training, and thereby produced high quality co-workers.

I look forward to meeting you soon.

Yours faithfully,


452 Chipstead Valley Road
Coulsdon Surrey
tel : 123 246 88 88

1 June 2003

Mr/Mrs. XXXX

Re. : Speculative application following professional contact

Dear Sir/Madam,

Mr. XXXXXX has informed me that your company was looking for someone to work in
car preparation, for your XXXXXX firm. Should this post still be available, I feel that I am a
particularly appropriate candidate, and that is why I am sending in my application.

I already have experience in this field of activity, since I have worked successively in the
following positions : XXXX XXXXX XXXXX in 3 firms which are very similar to yours.I
therefore have good knowledge of the brands, products and services which you sell, and since
I have also worked in contact with clients, I am aware of the kind of demands the clientèle
you wish to target may have.

I hope that I will have the opportunity to join your team in the near future, and I remain at
your disposition for an interview in which we could develop this initial contact.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,


452 Chipstead Valley Road
Coulsdon Surrey
tel : 123 246 88 88

1 June 2003

Mr/Mrs. XXXX

Re. : Application following initial contact

Dear Mrs. XXXX, (or Mr. XXXX)

Further to our telephone conversation on XXXXXX(type date here), I thought it would be

helpful to send you some further information about myself, as detailed on my CV (enclosed),
in order to apply for a job within your XXXXXXX firm.

Your publishing house mainly releases documentary works, which corresponds perfectly
to my own interests. I feel this is particularly the case where your need for translations from
English or from French is concerned, as my in-depth knowledge of these two languages could
be of great service to you.

I have already completed one traineeship at XXXXXX Publications, in the department

which develops works in the fields of corporate business and taxation.

I believe that my traineeship and the course my studies have taken have allowed me to
assimilate knowledge and skills which will prove to be essential in your branch of activity.
My understanding of economic matters, my rudimentary knowledge of marketing and my
editorial skills will allow me to enrich the quality of your work still further.

I hope to have an interview with you soon, in order to convince you of my skills.

Yours faithfully,


452 Chipstead Valley Road
Coulsdon Surrey
tel : 123 246 88 88

1 June 2003

Mr/Mrs. XXXX

Re. : Application to your job offer n°XXXXXX

Dear Sir/Madam,

I read the job offer you published in XXXXXX with interest, as it corresponds exactly to
the job description I am currently seeking.

XXXX years of experience in this same position at firms very similar to your own have
allowed me to develop expert knowledge of the whole of the XXXXX network, in the rather
specific context of an SME, with its tightly controlled management of suppliers, coupled with
strong pressure from creditors.These daily challenges are, to my mind, the greatest source of
interest of this position, and provide the energy behind my professional dynamism.

I hope to meet you soon for a face-to-face interview in which I could provide you with any
more detailed information you may require concerning my skills and my motivation.

Yours faithfully,


452 Chipstead Valley Road
Coulsdon Surrey
tel : 123 246 88 88

1 June 2003

Mr/Mrs. XXXX

Re. : Speculative job application

Dear Sir/Madam,

I recently read in a press article that your company has just won an important contract with

It is for this reason that I would like to work with you, putting my talents as a bilingual
speaker of XXXXX and XXXXX and my knowledge of your sector of activity at your
service. In fact, I have been working as the PA of Mr. XXXXXX, CEO of XXXXX,
specialized in the same sector as your company for the last XXX years.I have expert
knowledge of all aspects of this position, both technical (ranging from the most common IT
tools to the most specialized) and in terms of my personal qualities (organisational rigour,
working to deadlines).

I hope to meet you soon, in order to go into the interest of my application in more detail.

Yours faithfully,


452 Chipstead Valley Road
Coulsdon Surrey
tel : 123 246 88 88

1 June 2003

Mr/Mrs. XXXX

Re. : Application for your job offer ref. XXXXXX

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am very interested in your job offer, concerning a position as head of advertising,

published in XXXXX last (date).

I am currently employed in an equivalent post with XXXXXX(agency) and I would like to

increase the scope of my experience by adding the sort of international dimension described
in your job offer. I speak English and Spanish fluently (Spanish is my native tongue) and I use
both languages in my personal and my professional life.My talents in the realm of sales,
which are detailed on my CV (enclosed), coupled with my natural intellectual curiosity and
my creative skills mean that my work as head of advertising is appreciated both internally and
externally !

I look forward to having the chance to meet you.

Yours faithfully,


452 Chipstead Valley Road
Coulsdon Surrey
tel : 123 246 88 88

1 June 2003

Mr/Mrs. XXXX

Re. : speculative job application

Dear Sir/Madam,

Both the local and the national press have made much of your success: your start up has in
fact increased its turnover tenfold in less than 3 years and the number of employees has risen
from 5 to 110. This strong growth necessitates very methodical administrative management in
terms both of your premises and your pay roll.

I have been working as a XXXXXX in a XXXXXX company for several years. I have
managed the general services department and organised several office moves in this capacity,
in order to ensure the day-to-day comfort of 160 employees.Today, I feel that I have reached
the limits of my position in the XXXXX sector, and I am seeking new challenges, such as the
opportunity to bring my skills to a young and dynamic firm. I can provide you with active
support in the development of your company on both administrative and logistical levels.

I hope to have an interview with you soon, in order to discuss the idea of us working
together in the future in greater depth.

Yours faithfully,


452 Chipstead Valley Road
Coulsdon Surrey
tel : 123 246 88 88

1 June 2003

Mr/Mrs. XXXX

Re. : Speculative application

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am contacting your company, as I read in XXXXXX that you have a large IT

maintenance department.

I hold a diploma in XXXXX and XXXXXX XXXXXX. IT maintenance is my preferred

area of work, as I have already carried out 3 traineeships in this field.My communication
skills, coupled with my technical knowledge, lead me to believe I would be better suited to a
position where I would be in contact with users rather than in a production site.I also achieved
excellent results as a XXXXXXXXXX assistant in the XXXXXX company.

I would like to suggest a face-to-face meeting in the near future, in order for us to discuss
the idea of working together in more detail.

I hope to hear from you soon.

Yours faithfully,


452 Chipstead Valley Road
Coulsdon Surrey
tel : 123 246 88 88

1 June 2003

Mr/Mrs. XXXX

Re. : Job application for your offer n° XXXXX

Dear Sir/Madam,

I read the job offer you posted at the National Employment Agency for a position waiting
tables with interest, as it corresponds in every way to the job I am currently seeking.

I know the restaurant business well, since I have a vocational diploma in XXXXX, which I
obtained through an apprenticeship, and also because I am currently employed as a XXXXXX
with XXXXXX.I am a careful, organized and punctual employee, and I learned through my
job at XXXXXX to work and react quickly : essential qualities in a waiter.

I look forward to meeting you.

Yours faithfully,



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