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Clear Cell Tumors of the Central Nervous System

A Case-Based Review
Sandra Camelo-Piragua, MD

 Clear cell tumors of the central nervous system (CNS) tumor. A brief discussion follows with up-to-date diagnos-
encompass a variety of tumor subtypes that are challeng- tic tools. Finally, I propose an immunohistochemical
ing to diagnose given their similar morphologic features. algorithm to navigate through the complex features that
Here, I use a case-based approach to review the characterize clear cell tumors of the CNS. This review
clinicopathologic and radiologic features to help guide aims to provide a comprehensive approach to diagnosing
the general pathologist in the diagnosis of clear cell tumors clear cell neoplasms of the CNS based on improved
of the CNS. First, the reader is invited to study 6 images of assessment of the clinicopathologic and radiologic features
different CNS tumors with clear cell morphology. Then, of each entity.
each case is expanded in light of clinical and radiologic (Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2012;136:915–926; doi: 10.5858/
data and includes a histopathologic description of the arpa.2012-0216-CR)

C lear cell tumors (CCT) of the central nervous system

(CNS) share similar morphologic features that have led
to misdiagnosis in the past. With the advent of electron
with her right hand. Past medical history was relevant for
squamous supraglottic carcinoma (T3N2c, M0), following chemo-
therapy and radiation 4 years before the current symptoms. Her
microscopy and immunohistochemical stains, some of those tumor was thought to be in remission. Recent brain magnetic
tumors have been reclassified later.1–4 The CCT case studies resonance imaging showed high T2 and fluid-attenuated inversion
that follow are taken in part (cases 1–3) from a breakout recovery signal with loss of brain parenchyma, prominence of the
sulci and encephalomalacia in the left paramedial frontal region,
session held at the 2011 New Frontiers in Pathology
consistent with a left anterior cerebral artery stroke. In addition,
meeting hosted by the University of Michigan in Ann another incidental lesion was found on the right frontal lobe, which
Arbor. Two complementary cases are also presented to had an increased fluid-attenuated inversion recovery and a T2
provide a comprehensive picture of the most common CCTs signal abnormality with very minimal contrast enhancement. The
in the CNS and to illustrate the morphologic similarities that right frontal lesion had expanded some of the gyri and blurred the
pose challenges to practicing pathologists. grey white mater junction, changes suggestive of a primary
To illustrate the similar morphologic features on light neoplasm (Figure 2, A). An excisional biopsy was performed on
microscopy and the challenges to accurately diagnose CCT, the right side of the frontal lobe.
Figure 1, A through F, shows representative hematoxylin- Brain Biopsy Findings.—At low power, marked distention of
eosin images of the cases presented in this review in the the cortical ribbon, with loss of cortical layering and normal
absence of any clinical or radiologic data. Description of the cytoarchitecture, was observed (Figure 2, B). Higher magnification
clinical, radiologic, and pathologic features associated with showed increased cellularity, composed of cells with round nuclei.
the cases and their relevance to the accurate diagnosis of Overall, the chromatin was open, and one or more small nucleoli
these tumors is then discussed. were present. Nuclear pleomorphism was minimal with no overt
nuclear atypia. The cytoplasm was clear, and discrete cytoplasmic
REPORT OF CASES borders were present. Specific structures, such as rosettes or canals,
were not seen. In addition, there was a delicate, thin vasculature
Case 1 running throughout the tumor (‘‘chicken-wire pattern’’). Although
Clinical History.—A 52-year-old, right-handed woman com- occasional mitoses were present, mitotic activity was not brisk.
plained of right-sided numbness and an inability to hold a cigarette Entrapped, healthy neurons were evident within the tumor,
suggesting a diffusely infiltrating neoplasm (Figure 2, C). Immu-
nohistochemical stains demonstrated that the tumor was diffusely
immunoreactive for glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and for a
Accepted for publication April 17, 2012.
From the Department of Pathology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. mutant variant of isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 (IDH1) (Figure 2, D
The author has no relevant financial interest in the products or and E). Neurofilament highlighted entrapped axons within the
companies described in this article. tumor, confirming the infiltrating nature of the tumor (Figure 2, F).
Presented in part at the New Frontiers in Pathology: An Update for Synaptophysin staining was negative, and the proliferation index
Practicing Pathologists meeting; University of Michigan; October 13, (Ki-67) was low, approximately 3%.
2011; Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Reprints: Sandra Camelo-Piragua, MD, Department of Pathology, Diagnosis.—The diagnosis was oligodendroglioma, World
University of Michigan, 1301 Catherine Rd, MSB1, Room M4213, Health Organization (WHO) grade II. Subsequent molecular
Ann Arbor, MI 48108 (e-mail: studies showed codeletion of 1p and 19q chromosomal material.
Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 136, August 2012 Clear Cell Tumors of the Central Nervous System––Camelo-Piragua 915
Figure 1. Representative cases of clear cell tumors in the central nervous system with similar morphologic features on hematoxylin-eosin staining. A,
Hemangioblastoma. B, Oligodendroglioma. C, Clear cell meningioma. D, Clear cell ependymoma. E, Central neurocytoma. F, Renal cell carcinoma
(original magnifications 3200 [A] and 3400 [B through F]).

COMMENT infiltrated the cortex, as illustrated by the presence of

Histologic features of the incidentally found lesion of the entrapped neurons within the tumor. These features are key
right side of the frontal lobe demonstrated that the lesion characteristics that differentiate this tumor from other CCTs.
expanded the gyri, blurred the grey-white mater junction, Oligodendrogliomas are part of the infiltrating glial
and distorted the normal cortical cytoarchitecture, indicating neoplasms and, as such, are characterized by secondary
that the lesion was infiltrative. At high power, the tumor structures of Scherer, which are perineuronal satellitosis,
916 Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 136, August 2012 Clear Cell Tumors of the Central Nervous System––Camelo-Piragua
Figure 2. Case 1, oligodendroglioma, World Health Organization grade II. A, Axial fluid-attenuated inversion recovery: left anterior cerebral artery
stroke and a right frontal lobe lesion, with expansion of the gyrus. B, Hematoxylin-eosin results show thickening of the cerebral cortex with loss of
normal layering and cytoarchitecture. C, Hematoxylin-eosin results show tumor cells with round nuclei, clear cytoplasm, minimal nuclear
pleomorphism, and infiltration of the cortex (arrowheads: entrapped neuron), in the background of a thin capillary network. D, The GFAP stain
highlights tumor cells in a membranous pattern. E, Positive staining for mutant-specific IDH1. F, Neurofilament stain shows the thin delicate
entrapped axons, demonstrating tumor infiltration (arrowhead: neuronal satellitosis) (original magnifications 340 [B] and 3400 [C through F]).

perivascular satellitosis, subpial aggregation, and infiltration growing nature of the tumor. When sufficient tissue is
of white matter tracts. Oligodendrogliomas often display a available for evaluation, tumor growth in a nodular pattern
delicate capillary network (chicken-wire vasculature), which is often detected. Smear preparations often reveal regular,
makes them prone to hemorrhage. Areas of microcalcifica- round nuclei with relatively short glial processes, which can
tion are commonly observed and illustrate the slow- help guide the pathologist toward the glial nature of the
Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 136, August 2012 Clear Cell Tumors of the Central Nervous System––Camelo-Piragua 917
tumor during frozen-section analysis. The rounded nuclei Brain Biopsy Findings.—Smear preparations performed in the
morphology is lost once the tissue is frozen. In addition, the frozen-section room showed a homogenous population of small,
clear cytoplasm becomes more evident once the specimen round cells with scant cytoplasm; round nuclei; and salt-and-
has been embedded in paraffin sections. pepper chromatin. Some of the cells clustered around a central area
of eosinophilic granular material, forming so-called Homer-Wright
Immunohistochemical studies are helpful in distinguish-
rosettes (Figure 3, B). Paraffin-embedded sections show a relatively
ing oligodendrogliomas from other CCTs of the CNS. As well-circumscribed tumor with monomorphous, round cells, some
glial neoplasms, they are diffusely immunoreactive for of which had clear cytoplasm (Figure 3, C). A thin, delicate
GFAP. Oligodendrogliomas can have 3 different staining vasculature network was also present. No mitotic activity was
patterns: strong cytoplasmic staining with short, stubby identified (Figure 3, D). The tumor staining was diffusely
processes; perinuclear staining with a clear cytoplasm; and/ immunoreactive for synaptophysin and negative for GFAP (Figure
or membranous staining with a clear cytoplasm. Given its 3, E). Some of the tumor cells showed nuclear immunoreactivity for
infiltrative nature, the use of additional markers is helpful to neuronal nuclear antigen (NeuN) stain (Figure 3, F). The
proliferation index (Ki-67) was less than 1%.
highlight that feature. For example, neurofilament staining
Diagnosis.—The diagnosis was a central neurocytoma, WHO
will highlight entrapped axons in the middle of an
grade II.
infiltrative tumor. Synaptophysin staining is negative in
oligodendrogliomas, although you may see it in the COMMENT
background neuropil. Caution is needed when interpreting Central neurocytomas are benign tumors that commonly
synaptophysin results to ensure that the immunoreactivity is arise in the midline of the cerebral ventricular system. The
not within the tumor cells. Finally, staining for a mutant- lateral ventricles and foramen of Monroe are the most
specific antibody against IDH1 can be diagnostically helpful common locations for central neurocytomas. Attachment to
and informative as a prognostic marker. the septum pellucidum is frequently seen. Their peak
IDH1 is a mitochondrial protein that is mutated in most incidence is in the third decade of life. Symptoms are due
infiltrating gliomas: astrocytomas, oligodendrogliomas, and to cerebrospinal fluid obstruction and associated increased
mixed oligoastrocytomas. In contrast, mutant IDH is rarely intracranial pressure. Central neurocytomas are enhanced
detected in other primary CNS tumors: neuronal, circum- by magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography
scribed gliomas, ependymomas, meningiomas, or systemic scan.
malignancies, with the exception of a subset of acute Histologically, central neurocytomas are composed of
myeloid leukemias.5–10 Mutations can occur in IDH1 and sheets of uniform cells with small, round nuclei; salt-and-
IDH2; however, IDH1 mutations are more frequently pepper chromatin; and fine, granular eosinophilic cytoplasm
observed. Approximately 70% to 80% of all oligodendro- that stains positive for synaptophysin. Homer-Wright
gliomas harbor IDH mutations.6,11 The most common IDH1 rosettes may be present. Occasionally, ganglionic cells with
mutation involves codon 132, where arginine is replaced by Nissl substance can be detected. The tumor cells express
histidine (R132H).6–8,11 A monoclonal antibody for the neuronal markers, such as class III-b tubulin, microtubule-
most-common mutant form of IDH1 (R132H) has been associated protein 2 (MAP2), NeuN, and neurofilament
recently developed.12 This mutant-specific antibody has protein. Of note, GFAP may be focally positive, which has
proven to be very helpful in the differential diagnosis of been interpreted as reactive astroglia. Because of their
infiltrating gliomas from other primary CNS tumors and capillary network, central neurocytomas may present with
from reactive conditions that can mimic low-grade glio- bleeding. Microcalcifications can also be observed. Mitoses,
mas.13,14 Similarly, the mutant-specific IDH1 antibody can nuclear atypia, or hyperchromasia are usually not detected.
be used to distinguish various CNS tumors with clear cell Tumors that show microvascular proliferation, necrosis, and
morphology.15 Recent studies have suggested that glial mitotic activity have been designated as atypical neurocyto-
tumors harboring IDH mutations have a more favorable mas.20–22 Recurrence is associated with incomplete surgical
outcome, which may soon help stratify patient status and to resection and a proliferation index (Ki-67) more than 2%.21,23
tailor therapy.16,17 In addition, a molecular marker in Neurocytomas were misdiagnosed as oligodendrogliomas
oligodendrogliomas that carries a favorable prognosis is or ependymomas until their neuronal nature was elucidated
codeletion of 1p and 19q material. An oligodendroglioma by electron microcopy and immunohistochemistry.1,3,24–26
with those molecular alterations has a better response to Extraventricular neurocytomas (EVNs) are neurocytic tu-
PCV (procarbazine hydrochloride, lomustine [CCNU; Cee- mors located within the brain parenchyma or in areas of the
NU], and vincristine sulfate) chemotherapy.18,19 In our neuroaxis other than ventricles. Given its unusual location,
practice, all oligodendrogliomas are studied for their 1p EVNs pose a greater challenge in differentiating from other
19q status. CCTs.27,28 One diagnostic clue lies in the radiologic
appearance. Indeed, EVNs are usually well circumscribed
Case 2 and cystic with several mural nodules, thus sharing
radiologic characteristics with other low-grade neoplasms
Clinical History.—A 25-year-old woman complained of head-
of the CNS. However, EVNs, like their central counterpart,
aches that had been worsening in the previous 1 to 2 months. The
patient did not mention any visual symptoms, focal neurologic can have nuclear atypia, mitotic activity, vascular prolifer-
deficits, nausea, or vomiting. Magnetic resonance imaging of the ation, and necrosis, making it difficult to differentiate from a
brain showed a large mass on the right lateral ventricle extending primary, high-grade, glial neoplasm in the diagnosis. The
into the third ventricle, with concomitant dilation of the third EVN or atypical EVN is also considered a WHO grade II
ventricle and both lateral ventricles (Figure 3, A). A tumor resection tumor. The most important predictive features for recur-
was performed. rence of EVN are subtotal resection, a high proliferation
918 Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 136, August 2012 Clear Cell Tumors of the Central Nervous System––Camelo-Piragua
Figure 3. Case 2, central neurocytoma, World Health Organization grade II. A, Axial T2 fluid-attenuated inversion recovery sequence: right
intraventricular tumor with attachment to the septum pellucidum and dilation of the ventricular system. B, Hematoxylin-eosin (H&E) intraoperative
staining shows uniform, round nuclei, with minimal nuclear atypia; salt-and-pepper chromatin; and occasional, small nucleoli, with no discrete
cytoplasm, admixed in a granular, eosinophilic background, focally forming ill-defined rosettes (squares). C, The H&E results show relatively well-
circumscribed tumor, with surrounding brain parenchyma. D, The H&E paraffin sections highlight the uniform nuclei and thin, delicate vasculature. E,
Synaptophysin is diffusely positive. F, The NeuN stain shows nuclear staining in some of the tumor cells (original magnifications 3200 [B and F], 340
[C], and 3400 [D and E]).

index, atypical features, and older age of the patient; in harbors IDH mutations, as observed either by mutation analysis
those cases concomitant radiation is required.28 or immunohistochemistry, favors the diagnosis of an oligo-
Central neurocytomas and EVNs have not been associated dendroglioma.15,29 Finally, another ancillary test to aid in
with IDH mutations. Therefore, the presence of a CCT that distinguishing this tumor from oligodendroglioma is immuno-
Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 136, August 2012 Clear Cell Tumors of the Central Nervous System––Camelo-Piragua 919
Figure 4. Case 3, clear cell meningioma, World Health Organization grade II. A, Sagittal T2: intrathecal lesion extending from the lower thoracic
cord to the conus medullaris. B, Hematoxylin-eosin (H&E) results show polygonal cells with round-to-oval nuclei, clear cytoplasm, and occasional
mitosis. C, The H&E results show dense, sclerotic collagen bundles, with intervening clear cells. D, The H&E results show focal meningothelial whorls.
E, the H&E results show tumor necrosis. F, The EMA stain highlights the membrane of the meningothelial cells (original magnifications 3400 [B, D,
and E] and 3200 [C and F]).

histochemistry for Olig-2. This transcription factor is expressed She has normal sacral sensation and good rectal tone. Magnetic
highly in oligodendroglial tumors and to a lesser degree in other resonance imaging of the brain and spine were performed, which
glial neoplasms but is not expressed in neurocytomas.30 revealed a heterogeneous intrathecal lesion extending from T12 to
the most distal aspect of the conus medullaris, which caused
Case 3 significant compression of the conus and the cauda equina (Figure
Clinical History.—A 13-year-old girl presented with a 2-month 4, A). The lesion was resected.
history of back pain, followed by right leg pain, and a few days of Spinal Cord Biopsy Findings.—Histologic sections showed a
leg weakness. The patient had 2 episodes of decreased urination. nodular, well circumscribed tumor with a thick, fibrous capsule.
920 Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 136, August 2012 Clear Cell Tumors of the Central Nervous System––Camelo-Piragua
Most of the tumor cells had ample, clear cytoplasm. The nuclei expansile mass in the spinal cord at T7-8 level. The tumor was
were round to oval with moderate pleomorphism and occasional resected in an outside institution and sent for histopathologic
prominent nucleoli (Figure 4, B). Traversing, thick, hyalinized consultation.
collagen bands were commonly present (Figure 4, C). In some Spinal Cord Biopsy Findings.—Histologic sections showed a
areas, cytoplasmic borders were well defined, giving the appear- densely packed tumor composed of clear cells with rounded nuclei
ance of polygonal cells. However, in other areas, a syncytial growth and minimal nuclear pleomorphism. The tumor had areas devoid
pattern was present. Focally, meningothelial whorls were noted of nuclei, predominately around blood vessels. Instead, eosino-
(Figure 4, D). Mitotic activity reached up to 3 mitoses per 10 high- philic processes that extended from the tumor cells toward the
power fields. There were multiple small areas of tumor necrosis vessel wall, forming pseudorosettes were observed (Figure 5, A). At
(Figure 4, E). Immunohistochemistry demonstrated that the tumor high power, areas of tumor cells with eosinophilic processes
was diffusely immunoreactive for epithelial membrane antigen forming true rosettes were also noted (Figure 5, B). Mitoses were
(EMA) and vimentin but negative for GFAP and synaptophysin not common, and microvascular proliferation or necrosis was not
staining (Figure 4, F). The proliferation index (Ki-67) was 22%. identified. GFAP was diffusely immunoreactive, with increased
Diagnosis.—The diagnosis was clear cell meningioma, WHO staining of the glial processes extending toward the vessels
grade II. (pseudorosettes) (Figure 5, C). EMA showed only focal perinuclear
dot positivity (Figure 5, D). Neurofilament was present, predom-
COMMENT inately at the edge of the tumor, suggesting a relatively well-
Imaging studies suggested that the lesion was intradural circumscribed tumor. Synaptophysin and mutant-specific IDH1
and intra-axial. The original radiologic differential diagnosis immunostaining were negative. The proliferation index (Ki-67) was
included an ependymoma, myxopapillary ependymoma,
Diagnosis.—The diagnosis was clear cell ependymoma, WHO
infiltrating glioma, or, less likely, a primary nerve sheath
grade II.
Histologic sections showed a clear cell neoplasm. The key COMMENT
histologic features toward reaching the diagnosis included
the presence of meningothelial differentiation, such as Clear cell ependymoma is a rare variant that commonly
whorls, and areas with a syncytial growth pattern where occurs in a supratentorial location in children and young
cytoplasmic borders could not be elucidated. However, the adults, although they can be seen at any age. Other
typical meningothelial features may be focal or ill defined. In locations in the neuroaxis, such as the cauda equina are
addition, the classic psammoma bodies are not expected in also reported.36 Histologically, clear cell ependymomas can
this meningioma variant. Meningiomas usually show resemble any of the CCTs discussed here. Clear cell
membranous EMA staining, which can be diffuse or focal. ependymomas have round to oval nuclei, clear cytoplasm,
Vimentin was positive but is also detected in other and occasional microcalcifications. Identifying the presence
neoplasms. Cytokeratin, GFAP, and synaptophysin were of perivascular pseudorosettes or true ependymal rosettes is
negative, which can be helpful in excluding other tumors in instrumental in the diagnosis. Ependymomas are immuno-
the differential diagnosis. If histologic and immunohisto- reactive for GFAP; however, GFAP expression may be
chemical features are not sufficient to reach the diagnosis, variable. The GFAP expression is strongest in areas forming
ultrastructural studies can be performed, where the tumor pseudorosettes, with cell processes radiating toward the
cells should demonstrate intercellular junctions, interdigi- vessels. EMA is often focal and consists of perinuclear dot
tating cell processes, and intermediate filaments (10 nm) of positivity, or, less frequently, a ringlike pattern, lining the
vimentin. lumens of the ependymal rosettes. In addition, ependymo-
Clear cell meningioma is a variant of meningiomas mas are relatively well-circumscribed tumors. Absence of
classified as WHO grade II for its propensity to recur. infiltrative characteristics (neurofilament) is helpful in
Similar to atypical meningiomas, recurrence can be local or differentiating clear cell ependymomas from oligodendro-
distant and may have a mortality rate of up to 23%.31,32 It gliomas. Ependymomas are negative for neuronal markers
commonly affects children and young adults. Clear cell (neurofilament, synaptophysin, NeuN) and mutant IDH1.
meningiomas are often rich in glycogen, which gives them If light microscopy and immunohistochemical stains are
their clear cell appearance. Collagen bands are common, inconclusive, one can resort to electron microscopy studies.
and sometimes, the tumor has a sclerotic appearance with The main features of ependymal differentiation include the
only sparse clear cells in between the collagen bands. Clear presence of intermediate glial filaments (10 lm in diameter),
surface microvilli and cilia, and complex intercellular
cell meningioma diagnoses are challenging because the
defining meningothelial features are usually focal or ill
Grading is usually done as with conventional ependymo-
defined. It is important to differentiate this tumor from other
mas; however, some studies have shown that clear cell
CCTs, such as ependymomas, oligodendrogliomas, and
ependymomas have a more aggressive behavior.39
central neurocytomas.33 Clear cell meningiomas are often
found in the cerebellopontine angle and the cauda equina. Case 5
Although rare, meningiomas can occur in the ventricles, and
Clinical History.—A 66-year-old woman complained of head-
if the morphology has clear cells, a diagnostic challenge
aches, which were exacerbated when leaning forward. In addition,
arises in differentiating these tumors from central neurocy- the patient felt out of balance. The symptoms started 2 weeks
tomas or clear cell ependymomas.34,35 before her presentation to medical attention. Recent thyroid
ultrasound identified 2 nodules in the left thyroid. Family history
Case 4 was significant for breast and ovarian cancer in her mother,
Clinical History.—An 85-year-old woman who complained of pancreatic cancer in her father, breast cancer in a sister, and colon
back pain was found to have on imaging studies an enhancing, cancer in a brother. Brain magnetic resonance imaging demon-
Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 136, August 2012 Clear Cell Tumors of the Central Nervous System––Camelo-Piragua 921
Figure 5. Case 4, clear cell ependymoma, World Health Organization grade II. A, Hematoxylin-eosin results show a clear cell tumor with
pseudorosettes. B, Hematoxylin-eosin staining shows round nuclei, with minimal pleomorphism, surrounded by clear halos. Focal areas with true
ependymal rosettes (arrowhead) are shown. C, The GFAP staining is diffusely positive and highlights pseudorosettes. D, The EMA staining shows
focal perinuclear dot positivity (original magnifications 3200 [A and C] and 3400 [B and D]).

strated an enhancing intraparenchymal mass in the right cerebellar some of those clear cells showed prominent vacuolated and
hemisphere, partially cystic, with surrounding vasogenic edema bubbly cytoplasm, indicating the possibility of a hemangio-
and mass effect. The cerebellar lesion was resected. blastoma. Oil red O staining, performed on frozen tissue,
Cerebellar Biopsy Findings.—The tumor was a well-circum- showed the rich lipid content of the tumor, which is
scribed lesion with displacement of the cerebellar folia at the
periphery, and no evidence of infiltration (Figure 6, A). The tumor
characteristic of this entity. Unfortunately, fat globules
was composed of clear cells with round to oval nuclei in a rich disappear on processing and embedding the tissue in
vascular network with vessels of different calibers (Figure 6, B). paraffin sections; therefore, if frozen tissue is not available,
Some areas of the tumor showed clear cells with a bubbly one might have to use other ancillary studies to confirm the
cytoplasm and more nuclear pleomorphism (Figure 6, C). Mitoses diagnosis.
were not prominent. Oil red O in frozen tissue showed numerous Hemangioblastomas are relatively uncommon neoplasms
lipid globules of different sizes within the tumor cells (Figure 6, D). that can occur sporadically or in the setting of von Hippel-
Permanent sections showed the tumor was positive for S100 and
Lindau disease. Sporadic cases are usually seen in the
inhibin A, focally positive for D2-40, and negative for GFAP (Figure
6 E and F). cerebellum as a single lesion in patients with a mean age of
Diagnosis.—The diagnosis was hemangioblastoma, WHO 45 years. Tumors associated with von Hippel-Lindau
grade I. disease present at a younger age (mean, 36 years), they
can be multiple, and they can occur in unusual locations,
COMMENT such as retina, brain, and spinal cord. Patients with von
Given the prominent family history of carcinomas, the Hippel-Lindau disease may develop renal cell carcinomas
possibility of a metastatic lesion was high in the differential (RCCs). In such cases, assessing whether the brain lesion is
diagnosis. The resection of the tumor showed a clear cell a primary hemangioblastoma, a metastatic clear cell variant
tumor embedded in a rich capillary network, similar to of RCC, or, in some rare instances, an RCC metastatic to a
previously described cases in this review. Focally, however, hemangioblastoma, is challenging.40
922 Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 136, August 2012 Clear Cell Tumors of the Central Nervous System––Camelo-Piragua
Figure 6. Case 5, hemangioblastoma, World Health Organization grade I (A through F) and example of metastatic renal cell carcinoma (G through
H). A, Hematoxylin-eosin (H&E) staining shows a well-circumscribed tumor, pushing aside the cerebellar folia. B, The H&E staining shows clear cells,
with round nuclei, embedded in a rich capillary network. C, The H&E staining shows cells with bubbly cytoplasm and nuclear pleomorphism. D, Oil
red O in frozen tissue highlights the stromal cells, which are rich in lipid globules. E, Inhibin A staining is diffusely and strongly immunoreactive. F, The
D2-40 staining is focally positive in a membranous pattern. G, The H&E staining shows metastatic renal cell carcinoma with clear cell morphology. H,
The PAX2 staining shows strong nuclear immunoreactivity (original magnifications 340 [A], 3200 [B, E, and F], and 3400 [C, D, G, and H]).

Radiologically, a hemangioblastoma is frequently cystic tumor is embedded in a rich anastomosing network of

with a mural nodule. Intratumoral bleeding is not uncom- capillaries. Extramedullary hematopoiesis and mast cells can
mon and can be the presenting sign. Grossly, the tumor is be part of the tumor, and, in some instances, patients may
red because of the rich capillary network. Histologically, the have increased erythropoietin that normalizes after the
tumor is well circumscribed and may have a thin capsule. tumor is resected.41 Immunohistochemically, the tumor
The cells can range from clear cytoplasm with minimal cells, also called stromal cells, have variable reactivity for
nuclear pleomorphism to very bubbly cytoplasm with neuron-specific enolase (NSE), S100, and CD56. Vimentin
moderate or even marked nuclear atypia. Despite areas of and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) are usually
nuclear pleomorphism, mitoses are seldom found. The diffusely positive. Staining with GFAP is generally negative
Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 136, August 2012 Clear Cell Tumors of the Central Nervous System––Camelo-Piragua 923
Figure 7. Immunohistochemical algorithm for the differential diagnosis of clear cell tumors in the central nervous system. Abbreviations: þ, positive;
þ/, positive or negative; /þ, can be focally positive; CC, clear cell; EMA, epithelial membrane antigen; GFAP, glial fibrillary acid protein; mIDH1,
mutant-specific IDH1; NeuN, neuronal nuclear antigen; NF, neurofilament; ORO, oil red O; SYN, synaptophysin.

but can be seen in some cells.42–44 Recently, inhibin A, D2- found, ancillary studies are needed to achieve an accurate
40, and brachyury have been found to be present in diagnosis.
hemangioblastomas and may be helpful in differentiating Figure 7 proposes an immunohistochemical algorithm for
them from other CCTs.45–47 differentiating CCTs in the CNS. The first step is identifying
When the clear cell variant of RCC is in the differential whether the lesion is infiltrative or not. Good evidence of
diagnosis or suspected to be metastatic within the heman- infiltration is the entrapment of normal brain structures.
gioblastoma, the use of ancillary studies is helpful. Staining Other infiltrative features of gliomas, especially oligoden-
with CD10 and PAX2 is more sensitive and specific in drogliomas, are the presence of secondary structures of
differentiating RCC with hemangioblastoma than are other Scherer: perineuronal satellitosis, perivascular satellitosis,
markers, such as RCC, D2-40, or inhibin A (Figure 6, G and subpial aggregation, and infiltration of white matter tracts. If
H).48 the sample is small or these features are not evident,
observation of entrapped axons with neurofilaments in the
CONCLUSIONS middle of the tumor is a reliable indicator that the lesion is
infiltrative and likely oligodendroglial in nature. In addition,
Accurate diagnosis of CCTs in the CNS can be difficult,
if the tumor is immunoreactive for mutant-specific IDH1 (a
especially in the absence of comprehensive clinical and signature for infiltrating gliomas) and negative for synapto-
radiologic data. Histologically, CCTs of the CNS have physin and other neuronal markers, the presence of an
similar morphologic features, and often, ancillary studies are oligodendroglioma is highly suspected.
required to accurately diagnose these lesions. If the tumor is well circumscribed or axons are only seen
In some instances, morphologic features may direct us at the periphery of the tumor, identifying the origin of the
toward one diagnosis or the other. For example, the lesion by combining GFAP, EMA, and synaptophysin is
presence of pseudorosettes and ependymal rosettes is important. If the tumor shows diffuse immunoreactivity for
consistent with ependymal differentiation. In the presence GFAP or focal staining with an accentuation of the staining
of whorls and intranuclear inclusions, clear cell meningioma in glial processes toward vessels (pseudorosettes), it is most
is the most likely diagnosis. A bubbly cytoplasm in a tumor consistent with a clear cell ependymoma. In addition, focal
that was cystic with a mural nodule will suggest a staining with EMA in a perinuclear dot or ringlike pattern
hemangioblastoma. However, when such features are not may support such a diagnosis. If GFAP is negative and EMA
924 Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 136, August 2012 Clear Cell Tumors of the Central Nervous System––Camelo-Piragua
shows a diffuse membranous pattern of staining, then a 16. Hartmann C, Hentschel B, Tatagiba M, et al. Molecular markers in low-
grade gliomas: predictive or prognostic? Clin Cancer Res. 2011;17(13):4588–
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