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5 love FOR SINGLES INGUAGES It’smare meaningful to me when. someone Ilove sends me loving note/textemallfor no special reason E _Ihugsomeone love, I'smore meaningful to me when. B_Icanspendalone time with someone| ove -justus. D someone love does something practical to help me out, Iesmore meaningful to me when. someone Ilove ives me litle gift as token of ourlove © ofconceen foreach other fp {gettospend uninterruptedleisure time with those love. Itsmore meaningful tome when. someone Ilove does something unexpected formeto helpme with aproject. > EI canshare an innocent ouch with someone love, Iesmore meaningful to me when. someone! love puts theirarm around mein public. © someone! love surprises me witha gift Iesmore meaningful to me when. | maround someone lov anything, 2, evenif we're not really doing leanbe comfortable holding hands, high-ving, or putting my arm around someone love. Itsmore meaninail tome when, © recoiveaaittfromsomeone Ilove. ‘A. hear from someone! love that they love me. Ie’smore meaningful to me when, E | sitcloseto someone love, lam compiimented by someone love for no ‘apparent reason Te) TU Neo tte Ueto) e = 1t'smore meaningful to me when. BI getthe chance to just “hang out" with someone! love. € _lunexpectedty get small aifts from someone love. 1t'smore meaningful tome when. A. Ihearsomeone love elle, "Im proud of you: D someone! love helps me with atask 1t'smore meaningful tome when. BI gettodo things withsomeone love ‘A. {hear supportive words from someone love t'smore meaningful tome when. someone Ilove does things forme insteadof just talking about doing nice things. > {feel connected to someone love through ahus. 1t'smore meaningful tome when. ‘A. Ihear praise fromsomeone love. someone Ilove gives me something that shows they were really thinking about me. t'smore meaningful tome when. B__mableto ust be around someone | ove, E_ Igetabackrub from someone love. 1t’smore meaningful tome when. someone love reacts positively to something ve * accomplished 1p Someone! love does something forme that Iknow they don't particularly enjoy. |t’smore meaningful to me when. mabe to beinclose physical proximity to someone! love. sense someone love showinginterestin the things! care about. LOVE LANGUAGES PERSONAL PROFILE FOR SINGLES 1’smore meaningful tome when. ‘someone love works on special projects with me that have to complete someone love gives me an exciting gif |’smore meaningful tome when. ‘A imcomplimented by someone | love on my appearance. someone ove takes thetime to listen tome andreally Understand my flings |’smore meaningful tome when. \canshareameaningfultouchinpube with someone! © ow. 1D someone love offers to run errands for me. |t'smmore meaningful tome when. 1p _S0Mmeone! love does something special forme tohelp me out € I geta siftthat someone love put thought into choosing. t's more meaningful to me when. 'p._ someone! love doesn't check their phone while we're talking with each other. ‘someone love goes out oftheir way todo something > that relieves pressure one, It's more meaningful tome when. Icanlook forward toa holiday because!'lprobably get a siftfrom someone love ‘A. hear the words, "I appreciate you" from someone love, st'semore meaningful tome when. ¢_ someone! love andhaventt seenin awhile thinks enough ofmetosive mealitiegift someone Ilove takes care of something 'm responsible todo that feel too stressed to doat the time, ‘Now go back and count the numberof times you circled each incividval letter and waite that number io the appropriate blank below. ‘A; WORDS OF AFFIRMATION. : QUALITY TIME cc: __ RECEIVING GIFTS b: ___ ACTS OF SERVICE Which love language received the highest score? Thisis your primary love language. point totals for two love languages are equal, you are"bilingual” andhave two primary love languages. And, if you havea secondary lovelanguage.or one thatis close inscore to your primary ove language, thismeans that both expressions of ove are important to you. Thehighest possible scorefor any single lovelanguageis12. © JF eS more meaningful tome when. 'B someone love doesn't interrupt me while talking sift giving isan important part ofthe relationship with someone liove. les more meaningful tome when. someone llovehelps me out when they know 'malready > tite 1p. !9ettog0somewhere while spending time with someone Hove les more meaningful tome when. someone llove touches my arm or shoulder to show thelr someone llove gives me alittle giftthat they picked upin the course of theirnormal day, les more meaningful tome when. ‘A. someone love says something encouraging to me | get to spend time ina shared activity orhobby with someone love. eS more meaningful tome when. someone llove surprises me with asmalltoken of their ‘appreciation. rm touching someone love frequently to express our friendship, ts more meaningful tome when. someone llovehelps me out- especially if know they're already busy ‘A. Ihearsomeone | love tellme that they appreciate me. Itsmore meaningful tome when. EI getahug from someone whom haven't seen in a while ‘A. [hear someone| love ell me how much Imean te him/her. Knowing the love languages is powerful, but knowing how they work in your relationships—that’s the game changer. : ___ PHYSICAL TOUCH oa =

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