Integrated Thematic Unit Plan Name: Dustin Johnson Unit Title: Throwing and Catching Grade Level: 3 Teaching Context

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Integrated Thematic Unit Plan

Name: Dustin Johnson

Unit Title: Throwing and Catching

Grade Level: 3

Teaching Context:

Dutchtown Primary School is a public school located in a relatively urban area surrounded by
more of a rural area and is located in Geismar, LA in Ascension Parish. This school is led by
Principal Patricia S. Espinoza and assistant principal Sandra Alfred. Dutchtown Primary have
grades Kindergarten to 5th grade with a total of 846 students. 51% of the students are female
compared to the other 49% being male. 67% of their students are not eligible for free and
reduced lunch. 28% of them receive free lunch along with the remaining 5% being eligible for
reduced-price lunch. They are open from 8:10 a.m until 3:30 p.m. This school is rated above
average in school quality when compared to other schools in the state along with their test scores
being above average. This school has performed better than 92% of all Louisiana schools. Out of
their whole school students are 33% students of color, 9% of them have disabilities, 1% Native
American, 2% Asian, 21% African American, 6% Hispanic, and 67% white. The student to
teacher ratio is about 16.7 to 1. Every teacher at Dutchtown Primary school is a totally certified.
50% of teachers have a Masters degree and 50% of them have a Bachelor degree. This class had
38 students. Twenty-two of these students were male and sixteen of them were female.

Subject Area(s): Physical Education

Broad Unit Understandings/Goals:

Students will understand and learn how to properly aim and throw a ball over hand towards a
target while using the skill cues and practicing proper safety. Students will also learn how to
catch a ball being thrown to them by using the proper skill cues and safety. Students will finally
learn how to hit a ball off of a tee while using skill cues and practicing proper safety. Students
will cooperate and respect others while practicing good sportsmanship when working with

Unit Questions:
What should the students know and be able to do upon completion of the unit?
What do I know about this content and what do I need to learn to teach this content?
Where can I find additional information to learn about his content?
How can I make my lessons and skill cues easy to learn and easy to connect with students?
How will you assess student learning?
How will this content connect to students? Why is this important?
What are some resources that can be helpful when looking for activities that will get the students
engaged in?
What are some backup ideas that I may have to use if we are not able to go outside for the

State and National Standards and Benchmarks:

Standard 1: The physically literate individual demonstrates competency in a variety of motor

skills and movement patterns.

GLE: 1.3-1.1 Perform a sequence of movements with a beginning, middle and end.
GLE: 1.3-2.1 Throw overhand with force using appropriate critical elements
GLE: 1.3-2.2 Catch a variety of objects in dynamic conditions using the critical elements
GLE: 1.3-2.3 Strike and objet with an implement using the critical elements
GLE: 1.3-2.6 Send an object to a target using critical elements in a stable environment

Standard 2: The physically literate individual applies knowledge of concepts, principles,

strategies and tactics related to movement and performance.

GLE: 2.3-1.1 Identify the choices to make to score a goal or point

Standard 4: The physically literate individual exhibits responsible personal and social behavior
that respects self and others.

GLE: 4.3-1.1 Exhibits personal responsibility in teacher-directed physical activities

GLE: 4.3-1.2 Adjust performance to characteristics of the environment to ensure safe play
GLE: 4.3-1.3 Participate in team activities and stay on task with prompts and encouragement
from others
GLE: 4.3-2.1 Work cooperatively with a partner or small groups during class activities.
GLE: 4.3-2.2 Cooperate with a partner or small group by taking turns and sharing equipment
while participating in physical activities
GLE:4.3-2.4 Demonstrate cooperation with others when resolving conflict during game play and
sharing equipment

Standard 5: The physical literate individual recognizes the value of physical activity for health,
enjoyment, challenge, self-expression and/or social interaction.

GLE: 5.3-2.3 Describes the positive social interactions that come when engaged with others in
physical activity.

Louisiana K-12 Technology Standards: C. Demonstrate knowledge and skills of internet use and
other resources consistent with acceptable use policies.

Louisiana K-12 Mathematics Standards: Operations and Algebraic Thinking: 3.OA: A.

Represent and solve problems involving multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction.
-1. Interpret products of whole numbers
-2. Interpret whole-number quotients of whole numbers
Description of Unit:
Identify the section of the Louisiana Comprehensive Curriculum (or other required curriculum)
to be used in this unit. Note how the comprehensive curriculum was enhanced or changed to
create this unit of study for the students. Attach a copy of the Louisiana Comprehensive
Curriculum unit on which your unit is based.

Unit Objectives/Learning Outcomes:


TLW implement safe practices while throwing, catching and hitting.

TLW respect differences among their other classmates by maintaining a positive environment
throughout each lesson.
TLW maintain safe environment by following the classroom’s safety procedures along with the
safety cues I will give them before each and every class.
TLW cooperate with others while displaying good sportsmanship when working with others.


TLW demonstrate an awareness for safety while throwing.

TLW demonstrate an awareness for safety while catching.
TLW demonstrate an awareness for safety while hitting.
TLW practice the throwing cues when throwing to a target or a classmate during class by looking
at their target, stepping at their target, and following through to their target.
TLW practice the catching cues during class by keeping their eyes on the ball and using their
TLW practice the hitting cues during class by having the right grip on the bat, keeping their eyes
on the ball, lining up their belly button, and by controlling their swing through contact.


TLW be able to identify what the skill cues are when throwing a ball.
TLW be able to explain why these skill cues are important when throwing a ball.
TLW be able to identify what the skill cues are when catching a ball.
TLW be able to explain why these skill cues are important when catching a ball.
TLW be able to identify what the skill cues are when hitting a ball off of a tee.
TLW be able to explain why these skill cues are important when hitting a ball off of a tee.
TLW be able to identify and explain how to exhibit proper safety while hitting, throwing, and

TLW exercise correctly and safely.

TLW demonstrate an awareness for safety while throwing.
TLW identify and practice the throwing cues when throwing to others or a target.
TLW demonstrate an awareness for safety while catching.
TLW identify and practice the catching cues during activities.
TLW demonstrate an awareness for safety while hitting.
TLW identify and practice the hitting cues when hitting off of a tee.

This section includes a prioritized list of content objectives that students will master by the end
of the unit. Your objectives should reflect the specific GLEs.

Content Outline:

Before class begins we will do a quick pre assessment on the overhand throw and catching cues.
Then we will first be going over the overhand throw. We will go over the four overhand cues
which include having their side to the target, making a T with their body, flexing the arm with
the ball in it, and then throwing and following through. Students will also learn the benefit and
uses of the overhand throw using the human anatomy (muscles) along with giving specific
examples where the overhand throw is used outside of class. Our first class will include an
overview of what I described along with the four skill cues. We will then practice our new skill
cues while throwing at a given target. The following lesson will be much of the same but we will
introduce some levels and extensions. Students will be required to use different sizes of
balls/objects to throw and at different distances. Our third day will be much of the same but the
target will be a little bit smaller. They will be asked to knock over a ball which is placed on a
cone at different distances from them. The following lesson will involve the same activity of
knocking over an object on the cone, but as a friendly competition. This is when my formal
assessment will be taking place. Students will assess their peers on the proper throwing cues.
There will be teams assembled who are required to work together to try to knock over more
objects that the other team. After this we will then introduce catching. I will go over the many
benefits and uses of catching outside of the classroom along with going over the cues which are
having their eyes on the ball, having ready hands, and squeezing once the ball gets to them. The
first day of catching we will practice by doing a throwing and catching relay race using hula
hoops and gator skin balls. Next we will practice a slightly longer throw and catch using
different types of balls. Once we are proficient, we will play a game in which students will work
in teams trying to run to hula hoops and catching a ball thrown to them in order to earn a ball.
The team with the most balls in their bucket by the end will be the “winner.” Finally we will end
the unit playing a game of handball for a couple lessons. The final day we will be doing journals
to do a summative assessment on their learning over the throwing and catching unit.

Lesson Plans:
Lesson Plan Template

Name: Dustin Johnson Date: 2/8/2018 Lesson #: 1

Lesson/Unit Focus: To introduce skill cues and Grade: 3 Class Size: 38

have students show competency while
Class Length: 45 min.
participating in an overhand throwing target

Standard 1. The physically literate individual demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns.
GLE: 1.3-1.1 Perform a sequence of movements with a beginning, middle and end.
GLE: 1.3-2.1 Throw overhand with force using appropriate critical elements

Standard 2. The physically literate individual applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and performance.

GLE: 2.3-1.1 Identify the choices to make to score a goal or point

Standard 4. The physically literate individual exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.

GLE: 4.3-1.1 Exhibits personal responsibility in teacher-directed physical activities

GLE: 4.3-1.2 Adjust performance to characteristics of the environment to ensure safe play
GLE: 4.3-1.3 Participate in team activities and stay on task with prompts and encouragement from others
GLE: 4.3-2.1 Work cooperatively with a partner or small groups during class activities.
GLE: 4.3-2.2 Cooperate with a partner or small group by taking turns and sharing equipment while participating in physical activities
GLE:4.3-2.4 Demonstrate cooperation with others when resolving conflict during game play and sharing equipment

Cognitive: I will introduce the skill cues to perform a proper throw before class and during class verbally. I will also go over how our scoring will work for the act

Affective: I will communicate appropriately when introducing the skill cues and giving out instruction along with reminding them to work together and to encoura
also stress safety for the activity.
Psychomotor: I will demonstrate the proper way to throw a ball overhand along with verbalizing the skill cues before the activity begins.


Cognitive: TLW know the four skill cues for throwing a ball overhand and be able to recite it by the end of the class period at least 75% of the time.
Affective: TLW communicate appropriately and will demonstrate how to work together safely and give positive feedback 100% of the time by the end of class.
Psychomotor: TLW demonstrate the proper cues for the overhand throw 75% of the time by the end of the class period.

Cognitive: Students will be asked at the beginning of class about what the four skill cues are.
Affective: Students will be monitored by the teacher during the activity ensuring that they show proper sportsmanship, give their group positive feedback, and dem
Psychomotor: Students will be monitored by the teacher to ensure that the four skill cues are being used 75% of the time by the end of class mentally.

 3.OA- 1. Represent and solve problems involving multiplication, division, addition and subtraction.

 Students will integrate math by counting up their score based on their throws.

Item: Amount:

buckets 6
Tennis balls 24
Bean bags 12
Gator balls 24


Having the hula hoops allows the students to throw from a short, medium and longer throw.

There are also two different balls that can be used for the ladder ball throw depending on which ball you need to use. (gator ball
or tennis ball)


Time Instant Activity/Task Organization Criteria to move on

5 Instant Activity Instruction: Students will be waiting at the door before “Are you ready!?”
minutes “Are you ready!? Okay well let’s make sure once we get inside the class when I give the instruction.
classroom that everyone is moving and playing rock, paper, scissors, “Oranges in our spots!”
with our feet!” When I inside, I want to see everyone exercising!” It tends to get a little noisy but it is usually
organized chaos.
Then pick someone to open the door.

During activity, give feedback to students.

Transition: “Okay can I please get oranges in your spots?”

“I should see everyone looking forward with their eyes on me.”

Time Introduction/Set Induction & Organization Criteria to move on

Behavior Focus
5 Introduction: “Okay so my name is Mr. Johnson, and I will be your Students will be sitting down on their The students will be asked to f
minutes P.E. teacher for this unit! I am from LSU and I am Mr. LeBlanc’s colored lines during instructions. forward and pay attention if ne
student teacher. I ask that you treat me the same way you would treat
him! I will also say “peaches” when
If I want a student to talk they are to either
So lets begin by doing a quick pre-assessment! This is going to be about raise their hand or say the answer as a
for them to line up at the door,
overhand catching and throwing! So all I ask is that you answer these class if prompted to do so. go outside. (I would normally
questions at your best ability! Once you are done, you can turn them in each line one at a time if the cl
to me and sit back down in your spot quietly.” to be rowdy. But since they are
older, they tend to do better all
Gets two volunteers to hand out papers and pencils. at the same time. We will see h
class goes.)
Transition: “Okay can I get peaches at the door!? We all need t make sure were zipped and flipped when walking in the hallways” (ask
for someone to hold the door)

Time Demonstration Organization Criteria to move on

2 minutes Task: “Okay so, who here can tell me a sport or a game that you Students will be sitting in front of me, Grapes and oranges! (tells stud
use overhand throwing?” get answers and give feedback. outside, while I demonstrate how to rotate. down in a group)

If not give examples (football, basketball, baseball, soccer)

“So now lets talk about how we overhand throw. There are 4 very
important cues that we all need to know! So first, we need to make
sure our side is to the target!(talk about feet being shoulder
length) It has to be the opposite side of your throwing hand. Once
we have that we then have to make a T with our body! One hand is
pointing to our target while the other is holding the ball back!
Then we have to flex and make a muscle with the arm that has the
ball in their hand! (talk about power and elbow!) finally, we need
to follow through and throw the ball to our target! (talk about
twisting spine.”

Go through cues a few more times.

Transition: “find a group of four by making a hand sandwich!”

Time Task/Skill Organization Criteria to move on

Task: overhand throwing (target) Students will be at stations while I Freeze or whistle>
Extension: using different types and sizes of balls.

Refinement: underhand toss can be used if needed.


Time Culminating Activity Organization Criteria to move on

30 minutes Activity Instruction: “Okay so today we are going to play a little Students will be at stations rotating while I Freeze! (if needed)
team building game! We will be working on how well we work monitor.
together as a team along with our overhand throwing! So this is
how it is going to work. I will split you up into even groups on
your colored lines. You will then all lie down from head to foot in a
row down your line except for the last person in the line who will
be standing. The object is to transfer the object (beanbag, tennis
ball, gator ball) from player to player using specific rules until the
last person gets the ball who will then use their over hand throw to
try to make the ball into the bucket located at the front of the line.
A few examples could be transferring the ball without using your
hands, or without communicating verbally, or with only using
your feet, etc. once the last student throws the ball, he will then go
to the front of the line and start the game over as the student next
in line will stand and take their place.”

Goes through demonstration.

Purpose/skill used:
Overhand throwing cues.
Transition: ”Okay freeze! Can I get everyone to put their equipment back and sit down oranges in your spots!?”

Time Closure: Organization Criteria to move on

3 minutes Check for understanding: “Okay so overall (then go over what I Students will be sitting grapes and oranges Peaches on the yellow line, zip
saw along with things that need to be worked on).” in the same spot we were at the beginning flipped!”
of class.
Ask students what the four overhand throwing cues are.

“tomorrow hopefully we will be able to go outside so we can do

some fun throwing activities!”

“Peaches on the line!”

*****Don’t forget to give them the welcome letter to parents that

has the video for them to watch.

 Cognitive: Go over the skill cues and safety precautions
that I observed need to be improved verbally.
 Psychomotor: I will observe their cues throughout the
lesson. (pre assessment)
 Affective: Throughout the lesson I will be watching for
sportsmanship along with safety issues.

Lesson Plan Template

Name: Dustin Johnson Date: 2/8/2018 Lesson #: 2

Lesson/Unit Focus: To introduce skill cues and Grade: 3 Class Size: 38

have students show competency while
Class Length: 45 min.
participating in an overhand throwing target

Standard 1. The physically literate individual demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns.

GLE: 1.3-1.1 Perform a sequence of movements with a beginning, middle and end.
GLE: 1.3-2.1 Throw overhand with force using appropriate critical elements

Standard 2. The physically literate individual applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and performance.

GLE: 2.3-1.1 Identify the choices to make to score a goal or point

Standard 4. The physically literate individual exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.

GLE: 4.3-1.1 Exhibits personal responsibility in teacher-directed physical activities

GLE: 4.3-1.2 Adjust performance to characteristics of the environment to ensure safe play
GLE: 4.3-1.3 Participate in team activities and stay on task with prompts and encouragement from others
GLE: 4.3-2.1 Work cooperatively with a partner or small groups during class activities.
GLE: 4.3-2.2 Cooperate with a partner or small group by taking turns and sharing equipment while participating in physical activities
GLE:4.3-2.4 Demonstrate cooperation with others when resolving conflict during game play and sharing equipment

Cognitive: I will introduce the skill cues to perform a proper throw before class and during class verbally. I will also go over how our scoring will work for the act

Affective: I will communicate appropriately when introducing the skill cues and giving out instruction along with reminding them to work together and to encoura
also stress safety for the activity.
Psychomotor: I will demonstrate the proper way to throw a ball overhand along with verbalizing the skill cues before the activity begins.


Cognitive: TLW know the four skill cues for throwing a ball overhand and be able to recite it by the end of the class period at least 75% of the time.
Affective: TLW communicate appropriately and will demonstrate how to work together safely and give positive feedback 100% of the time by the end of class.
Psychomotor: TLW demonstrate the proper cues for the overhand throw 75% of the time by the end of the class period.

Cognitive: Students will be given a handout asking them what the four overhand throwing cues, catching cues, and hitting cues at the begging of class as
Affective: Students will be monitored by the teacher during the activity ensuring that they show proper sportsmanship, give their group positive feedback, and dem
Psychomotor: Students will be monitored by the teacher to ensure that the four skill cues are being used 75% of the time by the end of class mentally.

3.OA- 1. Represent and solve problems involving multiplication, division, addition and subtraction.
Students will integrate math by counting up their score based on their throws.

Item: Amount:
Scoring target 4
Cones 8

Tennis balls 24
Clown things 2
Bean bags 6
Hula hoops 2
Allowing the students to move closer to the target if they are having trouble reaching it.


Time Instant Activity/Task Organization Criteria to move on

5 Instant Activity Instruction: Students will be waiting at the door before “Are you ready!?”
minutes “Are you ready!? Okay well let’s make sure once we get inside the class when I give the instruction.
classroom that everyone is moving and playing rock, paper, scissors, “Oranges in our spots!”
with our feet!” When I get inside, I want to see everyone exercising!” It tends to get a little noisy but it is usually
organized chaos.
Then pick someone to open the door.

During activity, give feedback to students.

Transition: “Okay can I please get oranges in your spots?”

“I should see everyone looking forward with their eyes on me.”

Time Introduction/Set Induction & Organization Criteria to move on

Behavior Focus
5 Introduction: Students will be sitting down on their The students will be asked to f
minutes “Okay so who remembers what the four throwing cues are!?” colored lines during instructions. forward and pay attention if ne

“What parts of the body do you need to use to generate power when we If I want a student to talk they are to either I will also say “peaches” when
throw?” raise their hand or say the answer as a for them to line up at the door,
class if prompted to do so. go outside.
“So the throwing cues are
-side to target
-make a T
-flex your muscle!
-and then throw to the target”

“Who knows why we want our side to the target, make a T, and flex our
It helps us generate power so we can throw the ball harder! It also helps
for us to throw more accurately!”

“So today, we are going to be practicing our throwing cues outside by

throwing to targets!

But before we go outside I need to remind you of our outside rules and
safety.” (reads outside rules on poster)
(go over safety while working with others in the group and the

“Okay well now the quietest line will get to line up at the door.”

Skill Focus: The four skill cues of having our side to the target, making
a T with our arms, flexing your throwing muscle, and following through
to target.

Behavior Focus: The behavior focus is making sure all students are
working together as a group moving from station to station along with
ensuring they are practicing proper safety while throwing at all times.
Transition: “Okay can I get peaches at the door!? We all need to make sure were zipped and flipped when walking in the hallways” (ask
for someone to hold the door)

Time Demonstration Organization Criteria to move on

2 minutes Task: “Okay can I get everyone to be grapes and oranges in front Students will be sitting in front of me, Grapes and oranges! (tells stud
of me?” outside, while I demonstrate how to rotate. down in a group)

Introduce equipment

“Okay so can I get two volunteers!?”

Then I will demonstrate how to rotate when throwing towards the

target along with going over safety precautions that go with
retrieving the ball after throwing.

Transition: “Okay so now lets get foot to foot with a group of four or five!”
Time Task/Skill Organization Criteria to move on

Task: Overhand throwing to a target Students will be at stations rotating while I Freeze! (if needed) or whist
Extension: Closer or further from the target

Refinement: possibly throw from knees

Transition: Stop activity midway to clean up the biggest mistake that I see so far.

Time Culminating Activity Organization Criteria to move on

30 minutes Activity Instruction: “So the object of this activity will be to Students will be at stations rotating while I Freeze! (if needed)
practice our throwing cues while trying achieve the best score on monitor.
the target. The first person up, will pick up a ball and use the skill
cues to try to hit the target in the middle. Each person will get
three different throws! Once you are done, you will retrieve the
balls and put them back in the bucket and go to the back of the

“Once you throw the ball and hit the target three times, you can
then, and only can you then move to the next cone that is further

Go over safety once again.

Purpose/skill used: overhand throwing

Transition: ”Okay freeze! Can I get everyone to put their equipment back where they found it and add up their scores!”

Time Closure: Organization Criteria to move on

3 minutes Check for understanding: “Okay so overall (then go over what I Students will be sitting grapes and oranges Peaches on the yellow line, zip
saw along with things that need to be worked on).” in the same spot we were at the beginning flipped!”
of class.
Ask them what the skill cues are.

“So tomorrow we will be back out here but we will be adding a

few more stations!”

 Cognitive: Go over the skill cues and safety precautions
that I observed need to be improved verbally.
 Psychomotor: I will observe during the lesson.
 Affective: Throughout the lesson I will be watching for
sportsmanship along with safety issues.

Lesson Plan Template

Name: Dustin Johnson Date: 2/8/2018 Lesson #: 3

Lesson/Unit Focus: To introduce skill cues and Grade: 3 Class Size: 38

have students show competency while
Class Length: 45 min.
participating in an overhand throwing target

Standard 1. The physically literate individual demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns.

GLE: 1.3-1.1 Perform a sequence of movements with a beginning, middle and end.
GLE: 1.3-2.1 Throw overhand with force using appropriate critical elements

Standard 2. The physically literate individual applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and performance.

GLE: 2.3-1.1 Identify the choices to make to score a goal or point

Standard 4. The physically literate individual exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.
GLE: 4.3-1.1 Exhibits personal responsibility in teacher-directed physical activities
GLE: 4.3-1.2 Adjust performance to characteristics of the environment to ensure safe play
GLE: 4.3-1.3 Participate in team activities and stay on task with prompts and encouragement from others
GLE: 4.3-2.1 Work cooperatively with a partner or small groups during class activities.
GLE: 4.3-2.2 Cooperate with a partner or small group by taking turns and sharing equipment while participating in physical activities
GLE:4.3-2.4 Demonstrate cooperation with others when resolving conflict during game play and sharing equipment

Cognitive: I will introduce the skill cues to perform a proper throw before class and during class verbally. I will also go over how our scoring will work for the act

Affective: I will communicate appropriately when introducing the skill cues and giving out instruction along with reminding them to work together and to encoura
also stress safety for the activity.
Psychomotor: I will demonstrate the proper way to throw a ball overhand along with verbalizing the skill cues before the activity begins.


Cognitive: TLW know the four skill cues for throwing a ball overhand and be able to recite it by the end of the class period at least 75% of the time.
Affective: TLW communicate appropriately and will demonstrate how to work together safely and give positive feedback 100% of the time by the end of class.
Psychomotor: TLW demonstrate the proper cues for the overhand throw 75% of the time by the end of the class period.

Cognitive: Students will be asked at the beginning of class about what the four skill cues are along with bringing up some concerns from the previous clas
Affective: Students will be monitored by the teacher during the activity ensuring that they show proper sportsmanship, give their group positive feedback, and dem
Psychomotor: Students will be monitored by the teacher to ensure that the four skill cues are being used 75% of the time by the end of class mentally.

 3.OA- 1. Represent and solve problems involving multiplication, division, addition and subtraction.

 Students will integrate math by counting up their score based on their throws.

Item: Amount:
Scoring target 4
Cones 16
Tennis balls 24
Hula hoops 24
Clown target 2
Ladder ball ladders 2
Poly spots as targets for ladder ball ladder 8
Bean bags 6
Gator balls 12***
Having the hula hoops allows the students to pick where they are throwing from so they can either throw from the closer hoop,
medium hoop, or the harder hoop.


Time Instant Activity/Task Organization Criteria to move on

5 Instant Activity Instruction: Students will be waiting at the door before “Are you ready!?”
minutes “Are you ready!? Okay well let’s make sure once we get inside the class when I give the instruction.
classroom that everyone is moving and playing rock, paper, scissors, “Oranges in our spots!”
with our feet!” When I inside, I want to see everyone exercising!” It tends to get a little noisy but it is usually
organized chaos.
Then pick someone to open the door.

During activity, give feedback to students.

Transition: “Okay can I please get oranges in your spots?”

“I should see everyone looking forward with their eyes on me.”
Time Introduction/Set Induction & Organization Criteria to move on
Behavior Focus
5 Introduction: “Okay so today we will be doing a lot of the same things Students will be sitting down on their The students will be asked to f
minutes we did yesterday on the outside field but instead I have added a couple colored lines during instructions. forward and pay attention if ne
more activities!”
If I want a student to talk they are to either I will also say “peaches” when
Go over skill cues again by asking guiding questions. raise their hand or say the answer as a for them to line up at the door,
class if prompted to do so. go outside. (I would normally
“Some things that I noticed about last class was that we weren’t doing a each line one at a time if the cl
great job at making sure we were flexing! Remember that we need to to be rowdy. But since they are
keep that elbow up so the ball reaches the target with more accuracy!” older, they tend to do better all
at the same time. We will see h
“Also, it is very important for us to talk about how to throw the ball class goes.)
with a lot of power! So lets talk about what we can do to generate a lot
of power! First, it is important to have your elbow up high, because if it
is low the ball wont go! Next we need to remember to make sure we
take a big step when we throw! It helps make our momentum go
towards our target! Finally we need to have a really good follow
through! We need to reach out to the target after we throw the ball. We
should not be standing straight up after we throw!”

“So lets go outside so I can go over our new activities. Quietest line lines
up first!”

Skill Focus: The four skill cues and safety is the focus.
Side to target
Make a T
Flex muscle
Follow through target

Behavior Focus: The behavior focus is making sure all students are
working together as a group moving from station to station along with
ensuring they are practicing proper safety while throwing and rotating.
Transition: “Okay can I get peaches at the door!? We all need to make sure were zipped and flipped when walking in the hallways” (ask
for someone to hold the door)

Time Demonstration Organization Criteria to move on

2 minutes Task: “Okay can I get everyone to be grapes and oranges in front Students will be sitting in front of me, Grapes and oranges! (tells stud
of me?” outside, while I demonstrate how to rotate. down in a group)

“So as you can see, we have some of the same stations we have
yesterday. We will be following the same rules. Each person gets
three throws, and you can only move to the next cone if you hit the
target three times! Remember to always stand behind the cone
when we are waiting! Next, these four stations are our new
stations. We are trying to throw the ball for a long distance! So
remember to use those throwing cues and the three helpful hints to
generate a lot of power! The rotation will be exactly the same as
the other station. If you throw the ball in the first zone, you have
10 jumping jacks. If you reach the second zone you get 5 jumping
jacks. If you reach the furthest zone you only have 3 jumping
jacks! If you throw past all of the zones, then you don’t have any!
Also, if you miss and the ball doesn’t even land in your lane, then
you have to do 10 jumping jacks so its important to have nice and
controlled throws. You will also notice that in the buckets, there
are tennis balls and whoofle balls. Once you throw three tennis
balls, the next time you go to throw you must throw the woofle
balls! Think about the difference between the distances between
your throws and why it happens!”

Go over safety again and the rotations.

Transition: “Get into groups of four or five! (5,4,3,2,1)

Time Task/Skill Organization Criteria to move on
Task: Overhand throwing At stations while I monitor and they Freeze!
Extension: zones and different distance cones. Rotate to the next station!

Refinement: different stations meet different needs of the students.


Time Culminating Activity Organization Criteria to move on

30 minutes Activity Instruction: I will be giving specific feedback to students Students will be at stations rotating while I Freeze! (if needed)
throughout the whole activity along with looking out for safety monitor.
issues and that everyone is rotating correctly.

Purpose/skill used: safety and overhand skill cues

Transition: ”Okay freeze! Can I get everyone to put their equipment back where they found it and add up their scores!”

Time Closure: Organization Criteria to move on

3 minutes Check for understanding: “Okay so overall (then go over what I Students will be sitting grapes and oranges Peaches on the yellow line, zip
saw along with things that need to be worked on).” in the same spot we were at the beginning flipped!”
of class.
Ask students what the skill cues are and why they are important.

Ask students what they thought worked best for them for the
distance throws.

Ask students what they thought the biggest differences were

between the woofle balls and the tennis balls.

“Now everyone else can line up peaches zipped and flipped behind

 Cognitive: Go over the skill cues and safety precautions
that I observed need to be improved verbally.
 Psychomotor: I will observe throughout the lesson
 Affective: Throughout the lesson I will be watching for
sportsmanship along with safety issues.

Lesson Plan Template

Name: Dustin Johnson Date: 2/8/2018 Lesson #: 4

Lesson/Unit Focus: To continue going over the Grade: 3 Class Size: 38

four overhand throwing skill cues while
Class Length: 45 min.
throwing at targets while implementing
different throwing objects and distances.

Standard 1. The physically literate individual demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns.

GLE: 1.3-1.1 Perform a sequence of movements with a beginning, middle and end.
GLE: 1.3-2.1 Throw overhand with force using appropriate critical elements

Standard 2. The physically literate individual applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and performance.

GLE: 2.3-1.1 Identify the choices to make to score a goal or point

Standard 4. The physically literate individual exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.

GLE: 4.3-1.1 Exhibits personal responsibility in teacher-directed physical activities

GLE: 4.3-1.2 Adjust performance to characteristics of the environment to ensure safe play
GLE: 4.3-1.3 Participate in team activities and stay on task with prompts and encouragement from others
GLE: 4.3-2.1 Work cooperatively with a partner or small groups during class activities.
GLE: 4.3-2.2 Cooperate with a partner or small group by taking turns and sharing equipment while participating in physical activities
GLE:4.3-2.4 Demonstrate cooperation with others when resolving conflict during game play and sharing equipment

Cognitive: I will introduce the skill cues to perform a proper throw before class and during class verbally. I will also go over how our scoring will work for the act

Affective: I will communicate appropriately when introducing the skill cues and giving out instruction along with reminding them to work together and to encoura
also stress safety for the activity.
Psychomotor: I will demonstrate the proper way to throw a ball overhand along with verbalizing the skill cues before the activity begins.


Cognitive: TLW know the four skill cues for throwing a ball overhand and be able to recite it by the end of the class period at least 75% of the time.
Affective: TLW communicate appropriately and will demonstrate how to work together safely and give positive feedback 100% of the time by the end of class.
Psychomotor: TLW demonstrate the proper cues for the overhand throw 75% of the time by the end of the class period.

Cognitive: Students will be asked at the beginning of class about what the four skill cues are along with bringing up some concerns from the previous clas
Affective: Students will be monitored by the teacher during the activity ensuring that they show proper sportsmanship, give their group positive feedback, and dem
Psychomotor: Students will be monitored by the teacher to ensure that the four skill cues are being used 75% of the time by the end of class mentally.

 3.OA- 1. Represent and solve problems involving multiplication, division, addition and subtraction.

 Students will integrate math by counting up their score based on their throws.

Item: Amount:

Cones 24
Tennis balls 24
Ladder ball ladder 4
Gator balls 24
Hula hoop 12
Having the hula hoops allows the students to throw from a short, medium and longer throw.

There are also two different balls that can be used for the ladder ball throw depending on which ball you need to use. (gator ball
or tennis ball)


Time Instant Activity/Task Organization Criteria to move on

5 Instant Activity Instruction: Students will be waiting at the door before “Are you ready!?”
minutes “Are you ready!? Okay well let’s make sure once we get inside the class when I give the instruction.
classroom that everyone is moving and playing rock, paper, scissors, “Oranges in our spots!”
with our feet!” When I inside, I want to see everyone exercising!” It tends to get a little noisy but it is usually
organized chaos.
Then pick someone to open the door.

During activity, give feedback to students.

Transition: “Okay can I please get oranges in your spots?”

“I should see everyone looking forward with their eyes on me.”
Time Introduction/Set Induction & Organization Criteria to move on
Behavior Focus
5 Introduction: “Okay so today we will be doing something a little bit Students will be sitting down on their The students will be asked to f
minutes different while working on our over hand throwing” colored lines during instructions. forward and pay attention if ne

“Today we will be trying to hit and knock something over using our If I want a student to talk they are to either I will also say “peaches” when
overhand throw!” raise their hand or say the answer as a for them to line up at the door,
class if prompted to do so. go outside. (I would normally
Go over safety precautions along with asking students what the skill each line one at a time if the cl
cues are for throwing. to be rowdy. But since they are
older, they tend to do better all
Skill Focus: The four skill cues for the overhand throw and practicing at the same time. We will see h
safe throws are the focus of this lesson. class goes.)

Behavior Focus: The behavior focus is making sure all students are
working together as a group moving from station to station along with
ensuring they are practicing proper safety while throwing at all times.
Transition: “Okay can I get peaches at the door!? We all need t make sure were zipped and flipped when walking in the hallways” (ask
for someone to hold the door)

Time Demonstration Organization Criteria to move on

2 minutes Task: “Okay can I get everyone to be grapes and oranges in front Students will be sitting in front of me, Grapes and oranges! (tells stud
of me?” outside, while I demonstrate how to rotate. down in a group)

“As you can see, I set up a bunch of different stations, each with
three big cones, three gator balls, and three tennis balls. How this
is going to work is, first you are to place the gator ball on top of
the cone. Then you go back to the bucket of balls and attempt to
throw the ball to knock off the gator skin ball from the cone! You
get three tries. It is very important to remember that you are not
to run out to the cone while someone else is throwing. Once you
are done throwing, you can then put the gator skin ball back on
the cone and return the golf balls to the bucket. If you hit it on
your first try, you can try to hit the next gator skin ball that is
right behind that one! The goal is to hit all three gator balls in one
turn! Any questions!?”

“Also, after your three throws, if you knock down none of the balls
you have to do 10 squats, if you knock down one ball you have to
do 5 squats, if you know down two balls you have to do 3 squats, if
you knock down all 3 you don’t have any squats to do!”

“At your stations, you will see a clipboard with an assessment on

it. You are to put the throwers name and mark an X if they are
doing the skill cues all of the time, some of the time, or none of the
time! you are only assessing the third throw! The first two throws
are for practice.”

Transition: “find a group of four by making a hand sandwich!”

Time Task/Skill Organization Criteria to move on

Task: overhand throwing (target) Students will be at stations while I Freeze or whistle>
Extension: different cones at different distances

Refinement: underhand toss can be used if needed.


Time Culminating Activity Organization Criteria to move on

30 minutes Activity Instruction: I will be giving specific feedback to students Students will be at stations rotating while I Freeze! (if needed)
throughout the whole activity along with looking out for safety monitor.
issues and that everyone is rotating correctly.

Purpose/skill used:
Overhand throwing cues.

Transition: ”Okay freeze! Can I get everyone to put their equipment back where they found it and add up their scores!”

Time Closure: Organization Criteria to move on

3 minutes Check for understanding: “Okay so overall (then go over what I Students will be sitting grapes and oranges Peaches on the yellow line, zip
saw along with things that need to be worked on).” in the same spot we were at the beginning flipped!”
of class.
“Peaches on the line!”

Ask for assessments

 Cognitive: Go over the skill cues and safety precautions
that I observed need to be improved verbally.
 Psychomotor: I will observe their cues throughout the
lesson. And have the peer assessments.
 Affective: Throughout the lesson I will be watching for
sportsmanship along with safety issues.

Lesson Plan Template

Name: Dustin Johnson Date: 2/8/2018 Lesson #: 5

Lesson/Unit Focus: To introduce skill cues and Grade: 3 Class Size: 38

have students show competency while Class Length: 45 min.
participating in a catching activity.

Standard 1. The physically literate individual demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns.

GLE: 1.3-1.1 Perform a sequence of movements with a beginning, middle and end.
GLE: 1.3-2.2 Catch a variety of objects in dynamic conditions using the critical elements.

Standard 2. The physically literate individual applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and performance.

GLE: 2.3-1.1 Identify the choices to make to score a goal or point

Standard 4. The physically literate individual exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.

GLE: 4.3-1.1 Exhibits personal responsibility in teacher-directed physical activities

GLE: 4.3-1.2 Adjust performance to characteristics of the environment to ensure safe play
GLE: 4.3-1.3 Participate in team activities and stay on task with prompts and encouragement from others
GLE: 4.3-2.1 Work cooperatively with a partner or small groups during class activities.
GLE: 4.3-2.2 Cooperate with a partner or small group by taking turns and sharing equipment while participating in physical activities
GLE:4.3-2.4 Demonstrate cooperation with others when resolving conflict during game play and sharing equipment

Cognitive: I will introduce the skill cues to perform a proper catch before class and during class verbally. I will also go over how our scoring will work for the acti

Affective: I will communicate appropriately when introducing the skill cues and giving out instruction along with reminding them to work together and to encoura
also stress safety for the activity.
Psychomotor: I will demonstrate the proper way to catch a ball or bean bag along with verbalizing the skill cues before the activity begins.


Cognitive: TLW know the three skill cues of catching a ball and be able to recite it by the end of the class period at least 75% of the time.
Affective: TLW communicate appropriately and will demonstrate how to work together safely and give positive feedback 100% of the time by the end of class.
Psychomotor: TLW demonstrate the proper cues for catching 75% of the time by the end of the class period.

Cognitive: Students will be asked what the three skill cues of catching are at the end of class verbally.
Affective: Students will be monitored by the teacher during the activity ensuring that they show proper sportsmanship, give their group positive feedback, and dem
Psychomotor: Students will be monitored by the teacher to ensure that the three skill cues are being used 75% of the time by the end of class mentally.

3.OA- 1. Represent and solve problems involving multiplication, division, addition and subtraction.
Students will integrate math by counting up their score based on their throws.

Item: Amount:
Gator skin balls 12
Cones 24

Tennis balls 12
Hula hoops 16
Allowing the students to use different objects to execute the catch easier.


Time Instant Activity/Task Organization Criteria to move on

5 Instant Activity Instruction: Students will be waiting at the door before “Are you ready!?”
minutes “Are you ready!? Okay well let’s make sure once we get inside the class when I give the instruction.
classroom that everyone is moving and playing rock, paper, scissors, “Oranges in our spots!”
with our feet!” When I get inside, I want to see everyone exercising!” It tends to get a little noisy but it is usually
organized chaos.
Then pick someone to open the door.

During activity, give feedback to students.

Transition: “Okay can I please get oranges in your spots?”

“I should see everyone looking forward with their eyes on me.”

Time Introduction/Set Induction & Organization Criteria to move on

Behavior Focus
5 Introduction: “Okay so before I introduce you to a new skill we will be Students will be sitting down on their The students will be asked to f
minutes learning, who here knows what the four skill cues are for overhand colored lines during instructions. forward and pay attention if ne
throwing? Who knows of some sports and games that involve overhand
throwing?” If I want a student to talk they are to either I will also say “peaches” when
raise their hand or say the answer as a for them to line up at the door,
“Awesome so next we are going to start catching! First things first, who class if prompted to do so. go outside.
here knows of some sports and games that involve us having to catch

Basketball, football, baseball, soccer, etc.

“Awesome, so lets now talk about what the skill cues are for catching!
First we need to make sure that we have ready hands! (show demo) next
we need to make sure that we keep our eye on the ball. (introduce fun
catching demo which involes me asking them what we use to catch the
ball.. they will say hands.. then I will ask for someone to throw me a ball
while my eyes are closed.. then I will ask again, they will say eyes, then I
will have them throw me a ball with my hands behind my back.. then I
will ask one last time…
Finally the last skill cue is to squeeze the ball when it gets to us!”

Go over safety

Skill Focus: The three skill cues of having our eyes on the ball, ready
hands, and squeeze!
Behavior Focus: The behavior focus is making sure all students are
working together as a group moving from station to station along with
ensuring they are practicing proper safety while throwing at all times.
Transition: “Okay can I get peaches at the door!? We all need to make sure were zipped and flipped when walking in the hallways” (ask
for someone to hold the door)

Time Demonstration Organization Criteria to move on

2 minutes Task: “Okay can I get everyone to be grapes and oranges in front Students will be sitting in front of me, Grapes and oranges! (tells stud
of me?” outside, while I demonstrate how to rotate. down in a group)

Introduce equipment

“Okay so can I get two volunteers!?”

Then I will demonstrate how to rotate when throwing towards the

target along with going over safety precautions that go with
retrieving the ball after throwing.

Transition: “Okay so now lets get foot to foot with a group of four or five!”
Time Task/Skill Organization Criteria to move on

Task: Overhand throwing to a target and catching Students will be at stations rotating while I Freeze! (if needed) or whist
Extension: Closer or further from the target

Refinement: possibly throw from knees

Use different balls to throw

Transition: Stop activity midway to clean up the biggest mistake that I see so far.

Time Culminating Activity Organization Criteria to move on

30 minutes Activity Instruction: “So the object of this activity will be to Students will be at stations rotating while I Freeze! (if needed)
practice our throwing cues while also trying to practice our monitor.
catching cues! So as you can see, I have four different poly spots at
each station. You have to try to catch a ball from each of the
targets. you get four total throws! You are to start from the first
poly spot to try to make the catch. You can only move to the
second spot if you make the first catch. You cannot move to the
next spot until you catch the first ball at the first spot! Once you
finish up your catches, you go to the back of the line, and the
thrower will then try to catch the balls at the spots. Are there any

“Also, if you end up only at the first poly spot, you have 10
jumping jacks.. then 5 then 3 then 1.”
“the next station is also about catching! As you can see there are
big cones with the numbers 5-8. Next to those cones are four hula
hoops all lined up in a row. If you are at this station, each person
in the group must stand in one hula hoop. The object of the game
is to throw the ball in a relay fashion. *show example. You need to
work together to throw the ball to each person in your group to
one end, and then all the way back to the other. The goal is to have
all successful catches! If while doing the relay, someone doesn’t
successfully catch the ball, everyone in their group have 3 jumping
jacks! Each time there is an unsuccessful catch, you must add 3 to
the total number of jumping jacks. The jumping jacks are to be
done once the ball returns back to the first thrower, then they will
count up their jumping jacks and do them. Then they will rotate
and start over!”

Go over safety once again.

Purpose/skill used: overhand throwing

Transition: ”Okay freeze! Can I get everyone to put their equipment back where they found it and add up their scores!”

Time Closure: Organization Criteria to move on

3 minutes Check for understanding: “Okay so overall (then go over what I Students will be sitting grapes and oranges Peaches on the yellow line, zip
saw along with things that need to be worked on).” in the same spot we were at the beginning flipped!”
of class.
Ask them what the skill cues are.

“So tomorrow we will be back out here but we will be adding a

few more stations!”
 Cognitive: Go over the skill cues and safety precautions
that I observed need to be improved verbally.
 Psychomotor: I will observe during the lesson.
 Affective: Throughout the lesson I will be watching for
sportsmanship along with safety issues.

Lesson Plan Template

Name: Dustin Johnson Date: 2/8/2018 Lesson #: 6

Lesson/Unit Focus: To Grade: 3 Class Size: 38

introduce skill cues and have
Class Length: 45
students show competency
while participating in a
catching activity.

Standard 1. The physically literate individual demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills an

GLE: 1.3-1.1 Perform a sequence of movements with a beginning, middle and end.
GLE: 1.3-2.1 Throw overhand with force using appropriate critical elements
GLE: 1.3-2.2 Catch a variety of objects in dynamic conditions using the critical elements.

Standard 2. The physically literate individual applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and
and performance.
GLE: 2.3-1.1 Identify the choices to make to score a goal or point

Standard 4. The physically literate individual exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that re
GLE: 4.3-1.1 Exhibits personal responsibility in teacher-directed physical activities
GLE: 4.3-1.2 Adjust performance to characteristics of the environment to ensure safe play
GLE: 4.3-1.3 Participate in team activities and stay on task with prompts and encouragement from others
GLE: 4.3-2.1 Work cooperatively with a partner or small groups during class activities.
GLE: 4.3-2.2 Cooperate with a partner or small group by taking turns and sharing equipment while participa
GLE:4.3-2.4 Demonstrate cooperation with others when resolving conflict during game play and sharing equ

Cognitive: I will introduce the skill cues to perform a proper catch before class and during class verbally. I
scoring will work for the activity.
Affective: I will communicate appropriately when introducing the skill cues and giving out instruction along
work together and to encourage each other during the activity. I will also stress safety for the activity.
Psychomotor: I will demonstrate the proper way to catch a ball or bean bag along with verbalizing th
activity begins.


Cognitive: TLW know the three skill cues of catching a ball and be able to recite it by the end of the class p
Affective: TLW communicate appropriately and will demonstrate how to work together safely and give pos
time by the end of class.
Psychomotor: TLW demonstrate the proper cues for catching 75% of the time by the end of the class

Cognitive: Students will be asked what the three skill cues of catching are at the end of class verbally.
Affective: Students will be monitored by the teacher during the activity ensuring that they show proper spo
group positive feedback, and demonstrates proper safety during the activity.
Psychomotor: Students will be monitored by the teacher to ensure that the three skill cues are being u
end of class mentally.
3.OA- 1. Represent and solve problems involving multiplication, division, addition and
Students will integrate math by counting up their score based on their throws.

Item: Amount:
Gator skin balls 12
Cones 24
Tennis balls 12
Poly spots 36
Allowing the students to use different objects to execute the catch easier.


Time Instant Activity/Task Organization Criteria to move o

5 Instant Activity Instruction: Students will be waiting at “Are you ready!?”
minutes “Are you ready!? Okay well let’s make sure the door before class when
once we get inside the classroom that everyone I give the instruction. “Oranges in our spo
is moving and playing rock, paper, scissors,
with our feet!” When I get inside, I want to see It tends to get a little noisy
everyone exercising!” but it is usually organized
Then pick someone to open the door.

During activity, give feedback to students.

Transition: “Okay can I please get oranges in your spots?”

“I should see everyone looking forward with their eyes on me.”

Time Introduction/Set Induction & Organization Criteria to move o

Behavior Focus
5 Introduction: Students will be sitting The students will be
minutes down on their colored lines to face forward and
“Okay now, who here remembers what the during instructions. attention if needed.
first catching cue is? Who knows the second
cue? Who knows the third?” If I want a student to talk I will also say “peac
they are to either raise their when it is time for t
Allow answers then go into detail about why hand or say the answer as a line up at the door,
we want to do each catching cue and examples class if prompted to do so. to go outside.
of how it helps us successfully catch the ball.

“Now today we are going to be going outside

once again! So remember our outside rules!”

Go over safety

Skill Focus: The three skill cues of having our

eyes on the ball, ready hands, and squeeze!

Behavior Focus: The behavior focus is making

sure all students are working together as a
group moving from station to station along
with ensuring they are practicing proper
safety while throwing at all times.
Transition: “Okay can I get peaches at the door!? We all need to make sure were zipped
and flipped when walking in the hallways” (ask for someone to hold the door)

Time Demonstration Organization Criteria to move on

2 Task: “Okay can I get everyone to be grapes Students will be sitting in Grapes and oranges!
minutes and oranges in front of me?” front of me, outside, while I students to sit down
demonstrate how to rotate. group)
Introduce equipment

“Okay so can I get two volunteers!?”

Then I will demonstrate how to rotate when

throwing towards the target along with
going over safety precautions that go with
retrieving the ball after throwing.

Transition: “Okay so now lets get foot to foot with a group of four or five!”
Time Task/Skill Organization Criteria to move o

Task: Overhand throwing to a target and Students will be at stations Freeze! (if needed)
catching rotating while I monitor whistle

Extension: Closer or further from the target

Refinement: possibly throw from knees

Use different balls to throw

Transition: Stop activity midway to clean up the biggest mistake that I see so far.

Time Culminating Activity Organization Criteria to move on

30 Activity Instruction: “So today we are going Students will be at stations Freeze! (if needed)
minutes to play a little game at sea! As you can see, rotating while I monitor.
there is a big seas of hula hoops in the
middle of the big rectangle made out of poly
spots! You might also notice that there are
many different balls in these hula hoops!
The object of the game is to bring back as
many balls to your base as possible! We will
be working in twos today. You and your
partner will work together to catch a ball in
the hula hoop, which will then allow you to
bring that ball back to your bucket! Each
ball is worth a different amount of points.
The thrower must always be standing on the
“land” (behind the poly spots). Once your
partner is at sea and finds a hula hoop, the
person on land must throw the ball to them!
If they catch the ball, they get to take one of
the balls out of that hula hoop and bring it
back to their bucket. After every throw, you
and your partner must switch! The thrower
will be the catcher and so on. Also, you are
not allowed to catch a ball in the same hula
hoop twice! So make sure when you are at
sea, you explore and try to find new

Go over safety once again.

Purpose/skill used: overhand throwing and


Transition: ”Okay freeze! Can I get everyone to put their equipment back where they
found it and add up their scores!”

Time Closure: Organization Criteria to move on

3 Check for understanding: “Okay so overall Students will be sitting Peaches on the yello
minutes (then go over what I saw along with things grapes and oranges in the line, zipped and flipp
that need to be worked on).” same spot we were at the
beginning of class.
Ask them what the skill cues are.

“So tomorrow we will be back out here but

we will be adding a few more stations!”
 Cognitive: Go over the skill cues and
safety precautions that I observed
need to be improved verbally.
 Psychomotor: I will observe during
the lesson.
 Affective: Throughout the lesson I
will be watching for sportsmanship
along with safety issues.

Lesson Plan Template

Name: Dustin Johnson Date: 2/8/2018 Lesson #: 7

Lesson/Unit Focus: To Grade: 3 Class Size: 38

introduce skill cues and have
Class Length: 45
students show competency
while participating in a
catching activity.

Standard 1. The physically literate individual demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills an

GLE: 1.3-1.1 Perform a sequence of movements with a beginning, middle and end.
GLE: 1.3-2.1 Throw overhand with force using appropriate critical elements
GLE: 1.3-2.2 Catch a variety of objects in dynamic conditions using the critical elements.

Standard 2. The physically literate individual applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and
and performance.
GLE: 2.3-1.1 Identify the choices to make to score a goal or point

Standard 4. The physically literate individual exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that re
GLE: 4.3-1.1 Exhibits personal responsibility in teacher-directed physical activities
GLE: 4.3-1.2 Adjust performance to characteristics of the environment to ensure safe play
GLE: 4.3-1.3 Participate in team activities and stay on task with prompts and encouragement from others
GLE: 4.3-2.1 Work cooperatively with a partner or small groups during class activities.
GLE: 4.3-2.2 Cooperate with a partner or small group by taking turns and sharing equipment while participa
GLE:4.3-2.4 Demonstrate cooperation with others when resolving conflict during game play and sharing equ
Cognitive: I will introduce the skill cues to perform a proper catch before class and during class verbally. I w
scoring will work for the activity.
Affective: I will communicate appropriately when introducing the skill cues and giving out instruction along
work together and to encourage each other during the activity. I will also stress safety for the activity.
Psychomotor: I will demonstrate the proper way to catch a ball or bean bag along with verbalizing th
activity begins.


Cognitive: TLW know the three skill cues of catching a ball and be able to recite it by the end of the class p
Affective: TLW communicate appropriately and will demonstrate how to work together safely and give pos
time by the end of class.
Psychomotor: TLW demonstrate the proper cues for catching 75% of the time by the end of the class

Cognitive: Students will be asked what the three skill cues of catching are at the end of class verbally.
Affective: Students will be monitored by the teacher during the activity ensuring that they show proper spo
positive feedback, and demonstrates proper safety during the activity.
Psychomotor: Students will be monitored by the teacher to ensure that the three skill cues are being u
end of class mentally.
3.OA- 1. Represent and solve problems involving multiplication, division, addition and
Students will integrate math by counting up their score based on their throws.

Item: Amount:
Gator skin balls 12
Cones 24
Tennis balls 12
Poly spots 36
Buckets 8
Allowing the students to use different objects to execute the catch easier.


Time Instant Activity/Task Organization Criteria to move o

5 Instant Activity Instruction: Students will be waiting at “Are you ready!?”
minutes “Are you ready!? Okay well let’s make sure the door before class when
once we get inside the classroom that everyone I give the instruction. “Oranges in our spo
is moving and playing rock, paper, scissors,
with our feet!” When I get inside, I want to see It tends to get a little noisy
everyone exercising!” but it is usually organized
Then pick someone to open the door.

During activity, give feedback to students.

Transition: “Okay can I please get oranges in your spots?”

“I should see everyone looking forward with their eyes on me.”

Time Introduction/Set Induction & Organization Criteria to move o

Behavior Focus
5 Introduction: Students will be sitting The students will be
minutes down on their colored lines to face forward and
“Okay so today we will continue working on during instructions. attention if needed.
our throwing and catching! Its going to be a
little different from the activity we have done If I want a student to talk I will also say “peac
the past couple of days. But before we get into they are to either raise their when it is time for t
that, lets talk about some strategies that we hand or say the answer as a line up at the door,
used yesterday!” class if prompted to do so. to go outside.

Call on students.

“What is a good strategy for students who

don’t have a strong arm? What if one group
has a really good thrower, and the other is a
good catcher?”

Skill Focus: The three skill cues of having our

eyes on the ball, ready hands, and squeeze!

Behavior Focus: The behavior focus is making

sure all students are working together as a
group moving from station to station along
with ensuring they are practicing proper
safety while throwing at all times.
Transition: “Okay can I get peaches at the door!? We all need to make sure were zipped
and flipped when walking in the hallways” (ask for someone to hold the door)

Time Demonstration Organization Criteria to move on

2 Task: “Okay can I get everyone to be grapes Students will be sitting in Grapes and oranges!
minutes and oranges in front of me?” front of me, outside, while I students to sit down
demonstrate how to rotate. group)
Introduce equipment
“Okay so can I get two volunteers!?”

Then I will demonstrate how to play the

game, the rules, and the proper way to play

Transition: “Okay so now lets get foot to foot with a group of four or five!”
Time Task/Skill Organization Criteria to move o

Task: Overhand throwing to a target and Students will be at stations Freeze! (if needed)
catching rotating while I monitor whistle

Extension: Closer or further from the target

Refinement: possibly throw from knees

Use different balls to throw

Transition: Stop activity midway to clean up the biggest mistake that I see so far.

Time Culminating Activity Organization Criteria to move on

30 Activity Instruction: “So today we are going Students will be at stations Freeze! (if needed)
minutes to play a game of ultimate ball! As you can rotating while I monitor.
see, there are six different fields that we
painted. Each field has a mid field line, two
endzones, and four pennies in one of the end
zones. The object of this game is to work
together to get the ball from one endzone to
the other without dropping it while not
allowing the defense to catch or disrupt the
ball. There are a few rules. Everyone in
their group is to catch the ball once before
you can score in the endzone. You also may
only take two steps when you catch the ball.
If your drop the ball, take more than two
steps, or step out of bounds, it will be a
turnover and the other team gets the ball
where the turnover occurred. Also, on
defense you are allowed to be an arms
length away. You are only allowed to knock
the ball out of the air, you should never put
your hands on another player or knock the
ball out of someones hand.”

“One thing that can help us out today is

moving to open space! So make sure you
focus on that during the games today!”
Do demonstration of each thing I said.

Go over safety once again.

Purpose/skill used: overhand throwing and


Transition: ”Okay freeze! Can I get everyone to put their equipment back where they
found it and add up their scores!”

Time Closure: Organization Criteria to move on

3 Check for understanding: “Okay so overall Students will be sitting Peaches on the yello
minutes (then go over what I saw along with things grapes and oranges in the line, zipped and flipp
that need to be worked on).” same spot we were at the
beginning of class.
Ask them what the skill cues are.

“So what kind of strategies worked best for

you today?”

“How many of you found that moving to

open space helped you out today?”
“what happened when you didn’t move to
open space?”

“So tomorrow we will hopefully be back out

here, but if not we will continue with our
throwing and catching!”
 Cognitive: Go over the skill cues and
safety precautions that I observed
need to be improved verbally.
 Psychomotor: I will observe during
the lesson.
 Affective: Throughout the lesson I
will be watching for sportsmanship
along with safety issues.

Lesson Plan Template

Name: Dustin Johnson Date: 3/5/2018 Lesson #: 3

Lesson/Unit Focus: To Grade: 3 Class Size: 30

continue with the four
overhand throwing cues while Class Length: 45
working together with a group min.
to accomplish a task while
being safe.

Standard 1. The physically literate individual demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills an

GLE: 1.3-1.1 Perform a sequence of movements with a beginning, middle and end.

GLE: 1.3-2.1 Throw overhand with force using appropriate critical elements

Standard 2. The physically literate individual applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and
and performance.
GLE: 2.3-1.1 Identify the choices to make to score a goal or point

Standard 4. The physically literate individual exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that re
GLE: 4.3-1.1 Exhibits personal responsibility in teacher-directed physical activities
GLE: 4.3-1.2 Adjust performance to characteristics of the environment to ensure safe play
GLE: 4.3-1.3 Participate in team activities and stay on task with prompts and encouragement from others
GLE: 4.3-2.1 Work cooperatively with a partner or small groups during class activities.
GLE: 4.3-2.2 Cooperate with a partner or small group by taking turns and sharing equipment while participa
GLE:4.3-2.4 Demonstrate cooperation with others when resolving conflict during game play and sharing equ

Cognitive: I will introduce the skill cues to perform a proper throw before class and during class verbally. I
scoring will work for the activity.
Affective: I will communicate appropriately when introducing the skill cues and giving out instruction along
work together and to encourage each other during the activity. I will also stress safety for the activity.
Psychomotor: I will demonstrate the proper way to throw a ball overhand along with verbalizing the


Cognitive: TLW know the four skill cues for throwing a ball overhand and be able to recite it by the end of
75% of the time.
Affective: TLW communicate appropriately and will demonstrate how to work together safely and give pos
time by the end of class.
Psychomotor: TLW demonstrate the proper cues for the overhand throw 75% of the time by the end

Cognitive: Students will be asked at the beginning of class about what the four skill cues are along wit
concerns from the previous class.
Affective: Students will be monitored by the teacher during the activity ensuring that they show proper spo
group positive feedback, and demonstrates proper safety during the activity.
Psychomotor: Students will be monitored by the teacher to ensure that the four skill cues are being us
end of class mentally.
 3.OA- 1. Represent and solve problems involving multiplication, division,
addition and subtraction.

 Students will integrate math by counting up their score based on their throws.

Item: Amount:

Poly spots 8
Paper balls 24
Basketball goal 1
Dart board 1
Darts 3
Hanging target 1
Tennis balls 3
Suction dart 1
Throwing from their knees or varying the distance at which they make their throws.

There are also different balls that can be used when throwing at stations.


Time Instant Activity/Task Organization Criteria to move o

5 Instant Activity Instruction: Students will be waiting at “Are you ready!?”
minutes “Are you ready!? Okay well let’s make sure the door before class when
once we get inside the classroom that everyone I give the instruction. “Oranges in our spo
is moving and playing rock, paper, scissors,
with our feet!” When I inside, I want to see It tends to get a little noisy
everyone exercising!” but it is usually organized
Then pick someone to open the door.

During activity, give feedback to students.

Transition: “Okay can I please get oranges in your spots?”

“I should see everyone looking forward with their eyes on me.”

Time Introduction/Set Induction & Organization Criteria to move o

Behavior Focus
5 Introduction: “Okay so since it is raining Students will be sitting The students will be
minutes today, we are going to do some overhand down on their colored lines to face forward and
throwing stations!” during instructions. attention if needed.

Skill Focus: The four skill cues for the If I want a student to talk I will also say “peac
overhand throw and practicing safe throws are they are to either raise their when it is time for t
the focus of this lesson. hand or say the answer as a line up at the door,
class if prompted to do so. to go outside. (I wo
Behavior Focus: The behavior focus is making normally call up eac
sure all students are working together as a one at a time if the
group encouraging each other to do their best seems to be rowdy.
while displaying good sportsmanship. Safety is since they are a littl
key! older, they tend to d
better all lining up a
same time. We will
how the class goes.
Transition: “Okay can I get peaches at the door!? We all need t make sure were zipped and
flipped when walking in the hallways” (ask for someone to hold the door)

Time Demonstration Organization Criteria to move on

2 Task: “Okay can I get everyone to be grapes Students will be sitting in Grapes and oranges!
minutes and oranges in front of me?” front of me, outside, while I students to sit down
demonstrate how the game group)
“As you can see, we have 6 different stations is played.
around this room. First lets talk about the
net station. There are 6 nets, the object of
this station is to stand at the poly spot, and
attempt three throws to make the balls into
the nets. Once you are done, you can move
to the back of the line. Next we have our
hanging target station. Make sure to throw
from the poly spot and get the tennis ball to
stick to it. don’t walk in front of friends
while they are throwing. Then we have the
clown station. We will be attempting to
throw the yarn balls into the clown. After
three throws, you switch. We also have a
suction cup dart game. You will use your
overhand throwing cues to make the suction
cup onto the poly spot to make it stick! Last
but not least, we have the basketball station.
We will not be playing basketball, we will
instead work on our overhand throwing. We
will throw the paper balls to try to hit the
square on the backboard to make the ball
bounce into the net!”

Transition: “Find a group of four or five using our feet!” 5,4,3,2,1.

Time Task/Skill Organization Criteria to move on

Task: overhand throwing (target) Students will be at stations Freeze or whistle
while I monitor.
Extension: different cones at different

Refinement: underhand toss can be used if



Time Culminating Activity Organization Criteria to move on

30 Activity Instruction: I will be giving specific Students will be at their Freeze! (if needed)
minutes feedback to students throughout the whole cone, behind the line, either
activity along with looking out for safety throwing or waiting to
issues and that everyone is rotating

Purpose/skill used:
Overhand throwing cues.
Transition: ”Okay freeze! Can I get everyone to put their equipment back where they
found it and add up their scores!”

Time Closure: Organization Criteria to move on

3 Check for understanding: “Okay so overall Students will be sitting Peaches on the yello
minutes (then go over what I saw along with things grapes and oranges in the line, zipped and flipp
that need to be worked on).” same spot we were at the
beginning of class.
“tomorrow if the rain holds off, we will be
outside playing ultimate ball!”

“Peaches on the line!”

 Cognitive: Go over the skill cues and
safety precautions that I observed
need to be improved verbally.
 Psychomotor: I will observe their
cues throughout the lesson.
 Affective: Throughout the lesson I
will be watching for sportsmanship
along with safety issues.

Lesson Plan Template

Name: Dustin Johnson Date: 2/8/2018 Lesson #: 9

Lesson/Unit Focus: To Grade: 3 Class Size: 38

introduce skill cues and have
Class Length: 45
students show competency
while participating in a
catching activity.

Standard 1. The physically literate individual demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills an

GLE: 1.3-1.1 Perform a sequence of movements with a beginning, middle and end.
GLE: 1.3-2.1 Throw overhand with force using appropriate critical elements
GLE: 1.3-2.2 Catch a variety of objects in dynamic conditions using the critical elements.

Standard 2. The physically literate individual applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and
and performance.
GLE: 2.3-1.1 Identify the choices to make to score a goal or point

Standard 4. The physically literate individual exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that re
GLE: 4.3-1.1 Exhibits personal responsibility in teacher-directed physical activities
GLE: 4.3-1.2 Adjust performance to characteristics of the environment to ensure safe play
GLE: 4.3-1.3 Participate in team activities and stay on task with prompts and encouragement from others
GLE: 4.3-2.1 Work cooperatively with a partner or small groups during class activities.
GLE: 4.3-2.2 Cooperate with a partner or small group by taking turns and sharing equipment while participa
GLE:4.3-2.4 Demonstrate cooperation with others when resolving conflict during game play and sharing equ

Cognitive: I will introduce the skill cues to perform a proper catch before class and during class verbally. I w
scoring will work for the activity.
Affective: I will communicate appropriately when introducing the skill cues and giving out instruction along
work together and to encourage each other during the activity. I will also stress safety for the activity.
Psychomotor: I will demonstrate the proper way to catch a ball or bean bag along with verbalizing th
activity begins.


Cognitive: TLW know the three skill cues of catching a ball and be able to recite it by the end of the class p
Affective: TLW communicate appropriately and will demonstrate how to work together safely and give pos
time by the end of class.
Psychomotor: TLW demonstrate the proper cues for catching 75% of the time by the end of the class

Cognitive: Students will be asked what the three skill cues of catching are at the end of class verbally.
Affective: Students will be monitored by the teacher during the activity ensuring that they show proper spo
group positive feedback, and demonstrates proper safety during the activity.
Psychomotor: Students will be monitored by the teacher to ensure that the three skill cues are being u
end of class mentally.
3.OA- 1. Represent and solve problems involving multiplication, division, addition and
Students will integrate math by counting up their score based on their throws.

Item: Amount:
Journals 30
Pencils 30
Paper balls 3
Yarn balls 2
Crossword puzzle 30
Allowing the students to use different objects to execute the catch easier.


Time Instant Activity/Task Organization Criteria to move o

5 Instant Activity Instruction: Students will be waiting at “Are you ready!?”
minutes “Are you ready!? Okay well let’s make sure the door before class when
once we get inside the classroom that everyone I give the instruction. “Oranges in our spo
is moving and playing rock, paper, scissors,
with our feet!” When I get inside, I want to see It tends to get a little noisy
everyone exercising!” but it is usually organized
Then pick someone to open the door.

During activity, give feedback to students.

Transition: “Okay can I please get oranges in your spots?”

“I should see everyone looking forward with their eyes on me.”

Time Introduction/Set Induction & Organization Criteria to move o

Behavior Focus
5 Introduction: Students will be sitting The students will be
minutes down on their colored lines to face forward and
“Okay so today we will be doing our journals! during instructions. attention if needed.
It is very important that we stay quiet while
everyone is doing their journals. Make sure to If I want a student to talk I will also say “peac
keep your eyes on your own paper. Once you they are to either raise their when it is time for t
are finished with the journal, you may grab a hand or say the answer as a line up at the door,
word search and sit quietly and work until class if prompted to do so. to go outside.
everyone is finished.”

Tim is a new students here at Dutchtown

Primary and has never been taught how to
throw and catch. Can you explain to Tim what
the four overhand throwing cues and the three
catching cues are so that he can participate in
our next lesson.

Transition: “Okay can I get everyone to be quiet before we begin!? We need to be able to
hear when the timer is up.”
Time Demonstration Organization Criteria to move on
2 Students will be sitting in Grapes and oranges!
minutes Introduce equipment front of me, outside, while I students to sit down
demonstrate how to rotate. group)
“Okay so can I get two volunteers!?”

Then I will demonstrate how to play the

game, the rules, and the proper way to play

Transition: “Okay so now lets get foot to foot with a group of four or five!”
Time Task/Skill Organization Criteria to move o

Task: Overhand throwing to a target and Students will be at stations Freeze! (if needed)
catching rotating while I monitor whistle

Extension: Closer or further from the target

Refinement: possibly throw from knees

Use different balls to throw

Transition: Stop activity midway to clean up the biggest mistake that I see so far.

Time Culminating Activity Organization Criteria to move on

30 Activity Instruction: After the journals are Students will be at stations Freeze! (if needed)
minutes finished we will play a quick game. rotating while I monitor.

“now lets play a quick game, can I get (line

by line) to sit down in a big square around
the room? Now this is a game that will
involve our throwing and catching cues.
There will be three groups of two who will
be playing at a time. the object of the game
is to make as many catches and throws with
your partner before the timer runs out. The
timer is everyone sitting in the square. They
are going to be transferring three yarn balls
around the whole square. Once they all
reach the end, the game ends and everyone

Show demonstration

Go over safety once again.

Purpose/skill used: overhand throwing and


Transition: ”Okay freeze! Can I get everyone to put their equipment back where they
found it and add up their scores!”

Time Closure: Organization Criteria to move on

3 Check for understanding: “Okay so overall Students will be sitting Peaches on the yello
minutes (then go over what I saw along with things grapes and oranges in the line, zipped and flipp
that need to be worked on).” same spot we were at the
beginning of class.
Ask them what the skill cues are.

“So tomorrow we will hopefully be back out

here, but if not we will continue with our
throwing and catching!”
 Cognitive: Go over the skill cues and
safety precautions that I observed
need to be improved verbally.
 Psychomotor: I will observe during
the lesson.
 Affective: Throughout the lesson I
will be watching for sportsmanship
along with safety issues.

Lesson Plan Template

Name: Dustin Johnson Date: 2/8/2018 Lesson #: 10

Lesson/Unit Focus: To Grade: 3 Class Size: 38

introduce skill cues and have
Class Length: 45
students show competency
while participating in a
catching activity.

Standard 1. The physically literate individual demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills an

GLE: 1.3-1.1 Perform a sequence of movements with a beginning, middle and end.
GLE: 1.3-2.1 Throw overhand with force using appropriate critical elements
GLE: 1.3-2.2 Catch a variety of objects in dynamic conditions using the critical elements.

Standard 2. The physically literate individual applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and
and performance.
GLE: 2.3-1.1 Identify the choices to make to score a goal or point

Standard 4. The physically literate individual exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that re
GLE: 4.3-1.1 Exhibits personal responsibility in teacher-directed physical activities
GLE: 4.3-1.2 Adjust performance to characteristics of the environment to ensure safe play
GLE: 4.3-1.3 Participate in team activities and stay on task with prompts and encouragement from others
GLE: 4.3-2.1 Work cooperatively with a partner or small groups during class activities.
GLE: 4.3-2.2 Cooperate with a partner or small group by taking turns and sharing equipment while participa
GLE:4.3-2.4 Demonstrate cooperation with others when resolving conflict during game play and sharing equ

Cognitive: I will introduce the skill cues to perform a proper catch before class and during class verbally. I
scoring will work for the activity.
Affective: I will communicate appropriately when introducing the skill cues and giving out instruction along
work together and to encourage each other during the activity. I will also stress safety for the activity.
Psychomotor: I will demonstrate the proper way to catch a ball or bean bag along with verbalizing th
activity begins.
Cognitive: TLW know the three skill cues of catching a ball and be able to recite it by the end of the class p
Affective: TLW communicate appropriately and will demonstrate how to work together safely and give pos
time by the end of class.
Psychomotor: TLW demonstrate the proper cues for catching 75% of the time by the end of the class

Cognitive: Students will be asked what the three skill cues of catching are at the end of class verbally.
Affective: Students will be monitored by the teacher during the activity ensuring that they show proper spo
group positive feedback, and demonstrates proper safety during the activity.
Psychomotor: Students will be monitored by the teacher to ensure that the three skill cues are being u
end of class mentally.
3.OA- 1. Represent and solve problems involving multiplication, division, addition and
Students will integrate math by counting up their score based on their throws.

Item: Amount:
Gator skin balls 12
Cones 24
Tennis balls 12
Poly spots 36
Buckets 8
Allowing the students to use different objects to execute the catch easier.


Time Instant Activity/Task Organization Criteria to move o

5 Instant Activity Instruction: Students will be waiting at “Are you ready!?”
minutes “Are you ready!? Okay well let’s make sure the door before class when
once we get inside the classroom that everyone I give the instruction. “Oranges in our spo
is moving and playing rock, paper, scissors,
with our feet!” When I get inside, I want to see It tends to get a little noisy
everyone exercising!” but it is usually organized
Then pick someone to open the door.

During activity, give feedback to students.

Transition: “Okay can I please get oranges in your spots?”

“I should see everyone looking forward with their eyes on me.”
Time Introduction/Set Induction & Organization Criteria to move o
Behavior Focus
5 Introduction: Students will be sitting The students will be
minutes down on their colored lines to face forward and
“Okay so today we will continue working on during instructions. attention if needed.
our throwing and catching! Its going to be
very similar to last time we were outside!” If I want a student to talk I will also say “peac
they are to either raise their when it is time for t
Call on students. hand or say the answer as a line up at the door,
class if prompted to do so. to go outside.
“What is a good strategy for students who
don’t have a strong arm? What if one group
has a really good thrower, and the other is a
good catcher?”

Skill Focus: The three skill cues of having our

eyes on the ball, ready hands, and squeeze!

Behavior Focus: The behavior focus is making

sure all students are working together as a
group moving from station to station along
with ensuring they are practicing proper
safety while throwing at all times.
Transition: “Okay can I get peaches at the door!? We all need to make sure were zipped
and flipped when walking in the hallways” (ask for someone to hold the door)

Time Demonstration Organization Criteria to move on

2 Task: “Okay can I get everyone to be grapes Students will be sitting in Grapes and oranges!
minutes and oranges in front of me?” front of me, outside, while I students to sit down
demonstrate how to rotate. group)
Introduce equipment

“Okay so can I get two volunteers!?”

Then I will demonstrate how to play the

game, the rules, and the proper way to play

Transition: “Okay so now lets get foot to foot with a group of four or five!”
Time Task/Skill Organization Criteria to move o
Task: Overhand throwing to a target and Students will be at stations Freeze! (if needed)
catching rotating while I monitor whistle

Extension: Closer or further from the target

Refinement: possibly throw from knees

Use different balls to throw

Transition: Stop activity midway to clean up the biggest mistake that I see so far.

Time Culminating Activity Organization Criteria to move on

30 Activity Instruction: “So today we are going Students will be at stations Freeze! (if needed)
minutes to continue our final day and play a game of rotating while I monitor.
ultimate ball! As you can see, there are six
different fields that we painted. Each field
has a mid field line, two endzones, and four
pennies in one of the end zones. The object
of this game is to work together to get the
ball from one endzone to the other without
dropping it while not allowing the defense to
catch or disrupt the ball. There are a few
rules. Everyone in their group is to catch the
ball once before you can score in the
endzone. You also may only take two steps
when you catch the ball. If your drop the
ball, take more than two steps, or step out of
bounds, it will be a turnover and the other
team gets the ball where the turnover
occurred. Also, on defense you are allowed
to be an arms length away. You are only
allowed to knock the ball out of the air, you
should never put your hands on another
player or knock the ball out of someones

Do demonstration of each thing I said.

“A few things that we can make better from

last time, is to make sure that we come up
with a good strategy before hand to make
sure everyone on our team catches the ball
at least once. There were many times when
you would end up catching the ball in the
endzone and it wouldn’t count because not
everyone completed a catch on your team.
Also, we need to work on moving to open
space! I noticed many people just standing
around last time! we need to move to open
space to get away from the defense!”

Go over safety once again.

Purpose/skill used: overhand throwing and


Transition: ”Okay freeze! Can I get everyone to put their equipment back where they
found it and add up their scores!”

Time Closure: Organization Criteria to move on

3 Check for understanding: “Okay so overall Students will be sitting Peaches on the yello
minutes (then go over what I saw along with things grapes and oranges in the line, zipped and flipp
that need to be worked on).” same spot we were at the
beginning of class.
Ask them what the skill cues are.

“So what kind of strategies worked best for

you today?”

“How many of you found that moving to

open space helped you out today?”

“what happened when you didn’t move to

open space?”
“So tomorrow we will hopefully be back out
here, but if not we will continue with our
throwing and catching!”
 Cognitive: Go over the skill cues and
safety precautions that I observed
need to be improved verbally.
 Psychomotor: I will observe during
the lesson.
 Affective: Throughout the lesson I
will be watching for sportsmanship
along with safety issues.

Integration of Technology:

I plan on using a couple different forms of technology. I plan on playing music every day during
class to help students feel comfortable and will lighten the mood during class. I also plan on
sending home a letter to their parents introducing myself along with the unit I plan on going
over. In the letter I will include a link to a youtube video that I will encourage parents to watch
with their children. This video will describe the same skill cues that I go over in class. This way
they can think of what we do in class while they are at home with their parents. This can also
give them an opportunity to even go outside and practice their overhand throwing at home.

Kids Bop on Pandora


Describe how you and the students will use technology in the classroom. If applicable, this
section should also include an explanation of how you used technology to communicate with
students and parents. Provide a list, with links, for any internet sites that you used when
planning the unit. The LA K-12 Educational Technology Standards define technology as
consisting of any electronic tool used for solving problems, communicating clearly, processing
information, increasing productivity, accomplishing a task, making informed decisions, and
enhancing the quality of life.

Materials and Resources:


Include the necessary materials and resources such as literature (titles and authors), textbooks
and reference materials, supplies, and Internet resources to implement the unit.
Sequenced Potential Learning Experiences/Activities:
Use the attached template to briefly describe specific and appropriate relevant learning activities
that could be used with this unit of study. Included in this section are instructional
activities/learning experiences that were taught, as well as additional resource activities that
would be appropriate. Activities included in this section should be sequenced to promote
maximum learning for the students.


Pre-Assessment Evidence:
Students will be pre-assessed on their first day in class. I will give them a two question test
which asks them to identify the four over hand throwing cues along with the three catching cues.
This will be a quick five minute assessment given on a sheet of paper that they will be turning in.

Pre-Assessment used:


Circle the over hand throwing cues.

a. Make a T using your body d. follow through to target
b. Close your eyes e. eyes on the ball
c. Side to target f. Flex your muscle

Circle the catching cues.

a. Eyes on your hands d. squeeze your hands!
b. Ready hands e. eyes closed
c. Closed hands f. eyes on the ball

Formative Assessment:
Students will be formatively assessing themselves during this unit. I will be giving one or two
different peer assessment sheets during class. It will include the students writing the overhand
thrower’s name along with the four throwing cues. Students will be asked to mark an X in the
appropriate area. This will depend if the student uses the cues all of the time, some of the time, or
none on the time.

Formative Assessment used:

Thrower’s Name: ___________________________ Grade: ________



Side to target

Make a T

Flex your


Follow through

and throw!

Summative Assessment:
Students will be summatively assessed by completing their unit journal. It will include a scenario
on the board which states, “Amanda is a new student at Dutchtown Primary. She has just been
put into our P.E. class and has no idea on how to properly perform an overhand throw. Can you
tell her what the four overhand cues are and give her an example of how to be safe while
throwing with friends?” This will be the final assessment that they will be given to ensure that
they learned and improved throughout the unit.

Reflective Analysis of Student Learning:

I think overall, my unit improved the students’ knowledge and physical ability when throwing
and catching. At the end of the unit, every student had been exposed to not only the skill cues
themselves, but also how each skill cue contributes to a successful throw and catch every single
day. A point was made to make sure that the students were asked every day about the skill cues
and what the skill cues should look like. I thought that was a strength of my unit. I also did many
demonstrations of the cues along with every activity. After the skill cues seemed to be
understood, I also introduced different levels by having them throw and catch different types of
objects at different distances.
One thing I would have done differently is to make sure that I don’t talk too much in front of the
classes. I found myself saying the same thing over and over trying to ensure that they understood
the instructions or demonstrations that I gave them. If I would have just gone over the things that
they absolutely need to know before the activity and nothing else, not only would I have more
activity time but they would also be much more engaged throughout the class. I also think that I
could have made my assessments slightly more in depth. I really only asked about what the skill
cues are. If I were able to do it again, I would also assess the students on how each skill cue
contributes to the efficiency of their throws.
In regards to psychomotor, by the end of the unit all students were using the correct skill cues
when throwing during our activities. There were times where they would forget to use them
simply due to the type of game it was. This is when I would stop the whole class and address the
issues and make it the new “objective” or “focus” of the lesson so that way, they would finish off
the lesson making proper adjustments.
In regards to my pre and post assessments, the scores definitely sky rocketed and improved. On
my pretest, which was a simple multiple choice assessment, the average score was a 55.2%. The
post-test which was something like an essay question, the scores ended up being 89.7%. I think
that they increase in test scores were highly due to my introductions and conclusions every day. I
made sure to go over every skill cue at least one to two times per class. There were only two
students who ended up not passing the post assessment. This was due to the student being pulled
out of the class every day due to speech or other classroom activities.

Pre-Assessments: (Pre)
Low, Medium, and High Grades
Formative Assessments: (Middle)
Summative Assessments: (Post)
Low, medium, and high scores
Pre-Assessment vs Post-Assessment Grades
Pre-Assessment vs Post-Assessment Scores


10 8
5 4
0 0 0
0-35% 35-50% 50-70% 70-80% 80-100%
Pre-Assessment 6 5 21 2 0
Post Assessment 0 0 4 8 22

Formative Assessment (Psychomotor Assessment):

Psychomotor Assessment

Throw and Follow
Side to Target Make a T Make a Muscle
None of the Time 6 6 5 4
Some of the Time 12 13 14 15
All of the Time 17 16 16 16

Communication with Parents/Guardians:

I plan on sending home a letter introducing myself along with introducing what unit I will be
going over. I will also encourage an at home assignment which will involve the students
watching a video with their parents and practicing the skill cues that they see in the video. I also
included that they will be tested on what the skill cues of throwing and catching towards the end
of the unit and that they could help their children to be prepared to take the assessment. I
encouraged them to email me and I could provide updates on how they are progressing in class
in regards to throwing and catching.

Community and Parent Involvement:

During my unit, I constantly encouraged the students to practice their throwing and catching cues
at home with their friends and parents. Along with that I informed students of good places to go
just in case they did not have the resources or room to do so. I brought up some local parks along
with some recreational fields that they can go to for free. At the beginning of the unit, I sent
home a letter to their parents introducing myself and my plans for the unit. In the letter I
encouraged parents to ask their children what their skill cues are and to practice with them. I also
provided a great youtube video that they were able to watch and learn the exact skill cues that we
used in class just in case they didn’t know the skill cues themselves!

Guidelines for Submission of Unit Plans:

 When possible, lesson plans, assessments, worksheets, outlines, etc. should be saved in
one contiguous document (Unit Plan Master Document)
 If one Unit Plan Master Document cannot be created, then parts of the unit plan should be
saved in the least number of documents possible
 Power Points may be saved as separate files, if necessary
 Student work samples should be scanned and added to the Unit Plan Master Document,
whenever possible. If the student work samples cannot be added to the Unit Plan Master
Document, they should be scanned and combined into one PDF file
 If various parts of the Unit Plan cannot be saved into one master document, then all parts
of the unit plan should be saved and contained in one folder for submission to the
University Supervisor

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