Carl Nagel - Materializing A Powerful Magick Mentor and Other Acts of Ancient Magick PDF

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‘OTHER BOOKS OF INTEREST FROM fi “THE POWER OF GENUINE ANCIENT MAGICR Materializing a Powerful Magick Mentor and Other Acts of Ancient Magick CARL NAGEL Ea eA OK 1 Terns! Ray Poettone C130 2PA, Materializing a Powerful Magick Mentor and Other Acts of Ancient Magick CAPL NAGEL DEDICATION For Ralph, felow seeker ater things unknown enc ‘ano shall swat ma at the “Toreshald o he Inte. niet 1900 nF ME NATENAL ‘ase ones vant ook ae za oneal hagoenans ianet ‘in Ss Sr ses have Be proctor ar vay fe Drs concar ber chan’ slang th ram Sine ele ‘Eee al rt ates aa ‘ert Naga for fo, can olor personal alance in mare ve. ‘oli eordepahnce wif be rom inset comets \Weteto Garage, BO Box7,banaatown WSW-220, hase ttn ett ay ae ont ong enguano usa ox Sr vniarc cer as. ram ho INTRODUCTION Magick! Ever time you hea the wort invokes ail memories fiom deep within you of ance and serous powers Pores thacean bese to atest my, aos lve and esr in anther your chaning, bring gn Heath and youl wa nj Ink Si games of chance, tae ws tao the homes and mizds of fir oo learn teint secre and much moc moe! Ioick! Tis asc pomer source ca lp you tater and rmorefatitng Ute Wier seein are pated and ines ae femarded. "The once sexe pels andl that were psd ia tron rm ane generation to the nex are now reveled to ou i the page of this ba so You may earn hw to heel trom Ue lvoe maples, By ecg ond sing the fy orualesstind rit cetnee i be flowing hopes you ‘Sat discover ow 10 create an alot perfect eof power td Socom with the mouiag frce Koos as Geonine Ancient Mio ‘THE WORLD OF MAGICK Por many people the practice of magick ges hand x hav with desl works alg math bizare and ore val of aman Things fave ken ple din the came of history aad ave 8 Speci lace in shades ares magic the many sels adits tsa ia the pages of is Book do no fall oo his exe gy You iaoke oaly Henfc Fores hich are designed to hep 900 fin the taining of dese. Nestor doth spel reauze hard hin ocular oct suppers emote on pge 2 of ‘hiro el sappy you wth ay of the ecu lated you ‘Teeldvade mall oder serve “Magick eas oa ean abd at den as tomorrom. Longer ttn fu and The Lf the pi line of existence mack il stl be practiced. Mick uses the secret eras and Words of Donor gen w te Anseat Ones by perata fires achieve rents iy what appears othe unitate to be unnatural eas ‘ACHIEVE IN YOUR DAY-TO DAY LIFE Do you derive mone money for greater nancial security? Do sy dese preter harmny nal Your aterpersnal eatin? Da you wish to enjoy perretual goed luck? Do you desire live 2 more fulfil md meaningfl Mis? Do you wa. hetes Isl? Dre some ares of our if ae changing fo the Bete? ‘Do yeu watt a power able 79 creme the fare? — Are tare ‘dace tnt sou wich toe afta our Ile? Tr go answer Yes to any ofthe abore questions, worry no tongs, sour eats Ki abt change, Tone tore se hve echo th ed ofthis ook, ye wil ave dincoveseds may ofchansing aot area of our Me oreves" You (rl Karn dhe ancent spells and ta of tigi which an now enc 10 ute events petit nd station required forthe ta {utiiment of your ever eas dear, deste and ambition, Each nenery one of oir inva withs can be acieved th lave 4 ase, so nim the anon grinaies with the powers of ansint impicttetesand comets, ‘The rare wl ein aking shape incr your coms conte, Yeu cam experienc mys ar Pevowsan, Lave, money, heal, proveion snd happiess can Sppew in you ie a your command. ou ean i at, be the Tides find, renceing the mirclesworking power of 2 Maser Adept [A MAGICKAL JOURNEY OF DISCOVERY Ihe fllong chars you wll learn he ancient of magick cing of speci ad werd wae ie, you wl lear wat aick ise allabot. Not mone type magi of hing igs and wed noses, bathe eal purpose ‘agi and how cue be used by yous hat your whole ie ean come eter. The various pia "ols othe Wri long withthe fet ery simple itl wil be explained yu in ey 0 Adrants at yom ae fly prepare, Doth ental and [eyclip,dne you initio i he Rand ee "Paco il come the fit of xtyo-perorm spe rom the past ‘whi lca have affect inthis age af high technology.» Each ‘nes fstirnets lhe i eset propotion co Ue arnt — oF Lee ~ pri bli sled im yo in thee pver to produce esuls. Ths is why 10 many people fal in their tempts to Jnfluence een by magickal means wrongly Bbivis i simple A ater of roxting ow Magick Words snd king tata. You treet Rec 2 pref he gel eta achieve eae ‘Nes, yo wil be given asracons ea ow fo erate far to id yon in your mays persons. Your Magik Meio can bef zeae aerance structing you on which prc lly te fr ceremony os sted o soar pare, a wel a5 reveling 19 om sere elt Haledge ad eveats of ftir tt be "You willbe taken Though he varus sages of Ceremonial Magick hich wats pop during the Mlle Ages, and which Can tl rode rouse desi is store enough. Ce fal Mage encompases bo poutve and hegatve foes abd s should only be approche with cae "The tchnige asa proton wll then be explained w 98, so tht soa mes explore the multi-neasioal Asal Plane whee Tcl. you willbe given the ere spe od tl of High Maple hich can, acerding © dhe ancient exbooks of magizk, felewe » Mocte hagpines, sce and wiom into Your ie ‘Whoter sou ate a Neopbte new tothe world af agich or an Adept, thxe secret of Advanced Magis can help yon to ache happiness. ‘BEAM. “The poeroancint magick can Be focused on any pee area of yor Tie and, just Uke a ser bea ican disintgrte negate fowultioos which nay be hiner you ab ou tavel ang Bs fteay to fullaent and sussex. Anceat magia power fore which does exist and as the epabityf manssing each “Th Aira Nuwar th Mote Race the it ne thie seni power sce y mets and tere peril chaste {tnd mantzs given them by the Higher Sprtal Frees of the ‘sal Plane.” The mages ofthe Middle Ags wold perform Ge complicated aod imeconsuming est daw the poser out Inco the skal wari ol mate In mone resent ime thee is ‘bom marked and ever growing inerest i the mph orld of spell and wal: irs the purpose of ts Book to ealighen you os Iw a indivi cm ine er af pine ee ae {hier an othrvac tbe pol [MAGICK 18 ALIVE AND WELL AND LIVING IN THE HOUSE ACROSS THE STREET “Lats get something stiht eight here and a, and bopeily tt cet once and for ll se misconceptions garding te 9 Sill sequirements for becoming a succes practioner of "Yu don’t aver be superintligent or old a dpre in Latin [Neither do yu ive tae the sesenth ion of «seventh on. You drt cvea ave te suns afl of ches, a anytng he Toe that mate, wo pevform a succesfl magickal perio, ghigetileet eee foam sich 4 dinere backgrounds: Rouse ives bars meal Imonagers ts ves, dts, aches, ‘Magik dy forthe mos part, racine behind closed ders vay fom the psig eyes ofthe curs. Uafotutly eve intnay's cal enihtened” ge persion hose folowing Aileen clighn capt scuz, Where magick pedocmed the mapicis ence, bot more olten than tet real zooms Magick, you'd fd tht the magi hd redentged room is ‘hoe for muuch wit the Magik Ciele of Potion dreva in ‘hae won the Doe ‘So arjnc one of your neghbours could bea magician a dsgise! CHAPTER ONE INITIATION; HOW THE POWER OF GENUINE ANCIENT "MAGICK CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE! ‘Congrats. You ave fst ker the st mporat sep your enire Me, "From this moment on, many. cling and ‘ys hing wil bea bappeng in your fea our every need fet and every desir full. ‘You have the poet o erent ue af Your cule! ‘Yom cam baste Natt of Youre! ‘You ca tranaor your into a mldincmioal deme! ‘Yin can hive whatever $08 dese mst ut of Me! “These at nikal power whi mas csc manipulate and ‘contol sitions a evens onthe pial plane of existence 20 hit hie fe cn bose beter. ‘Thee powers can be as clos Sonim hehe anda as be fas ao mst el {G'Taca i guano eli ter blp and asstane in your aa. ° Win the pags of chs ook ou il erin wh tc smn he Tes Dinca of te Atal Pan a As mentine nthe Inout, the asthe pote obing ein tx happiness, yet man people thi fen seetely const with that afl ‘quite wronty and folly, that they ale Suni foes wich eventnly Ted 8 ‘Guimsnuog and such, ont eat Tifton, and never rae hi al pe my purpee in wring hi texto ea by whi yu cana et eve bind An frusetions which Plague Your evety ‘nbeace, eh al sor he, yous am ‘Som and pines ‘ter 34 have finshed ean ace hoo a ah ‘Fah ne gp a nag ‘ele ao oe pel a a ‘ymca hse i a of ge ee gee shou ne ooh pe sh Th hn rp of nok ‘self frou muteria) serviruce to multi-cimensioaal freeden, iad ‘Tis ook wl stom you how to ilize us the erate force Kaen “Genaine Ancient Mapick ‘Your eae Mii aba t change HOW MAGICK CAN CHANGE DeSIRES INTO REALITH "Tsp Foonrons of tth apes wes, Ca 1 ing nner desis for eter cenioms and genera wal-bein ‘om, oy there wa oes ay of puting these menial eae ee jeamican ecu actan provide soluians oe ares hore iva wast "Ths bk eserbes in am uy-oanderstind manne BOW 1 the imines of ancient magick to hep sve the probes ‘Pees und Sales petty prevexting You from eee Your Tre he ony requement on Four prt an open mind and a {oes minunc of your me eh ry 1S the surging BEES ot fowine ancien? mugik into son. With luck, you should ene suena he oe or axe lwaysserche fo which Bel nee "remind ever estes wach sat SSE TE Fein of our die “Many of you are 9 Jou, beginning 19 wonder i you wil ee 1o veus eapercaced mal adept who sled ia he ecu ‘Rapeas a pce succes ad apes By ing the ell ard Frans deeb in succeeding cae. "The anewer fa very define NO! ‘Nich exer ried 19 expec the peronal and fe ‘each nc of ance mapioe Nor shoud Tes 0 ou ‘dy, for yo mil Be meng oly postive oxcu ose and not seething coca emo Sean in nature. These Bnei ores ‘a help orale ea aml every goa et yoo uaa iw the racers and spi owls reve ie thess pages file yu 10 8 nN NPE a Fein le wee ou are the master of your own Sexi Tesucr ne the met poet fore athe Ces, They cam, sag db, crate he “THE GRAND OLD MAN OF MAGICK “the sei of interest inal things magickal cn be, ino sal sway crasel bck to the caber unasea acites of a eally Tinea perlnan hy the ame of Alciser Crowe "Cry ca ko abt Great Beas 6) was boa i 1575. gus he om oferta pazets and as reel of i ste Tein forme psoas of Chit ll x " Within he pugs of his tok you wil ihe spe rl and careronis with whic t SUNN these maga emer Irom at Taner Danensian ofthe Asal Pant, t which pict every eine FEAR OF THE UNKNOWN ‘As mentone! in the Inradton the power of erien magick ‘has the potenti brag an iil such Digs as: love, macy an happiness ot aye in th world pen fear anything ‘ren remotely sonnet ich hat al word “oa beleving, ‘ite wrongly nd folly cht they ne eating wth dark ane Saase feces skh eventually led 4 ne nay tp to ect tua sada ated, comic text with por helt, Sauna limitations and ever rete thei ul poten a isd Tem purposs in wong his texto of mick to show you ‘yay by whi on cant at ens bei lhe roubles, ween, tne frustrations which plague veur every waking moms nd bre eh al yor Bey ous ad evrcanging woed foe ad haps ‘Afr You have fied reading this book, yo wil he # very cattrnr ial the obe Who begun hs perven rey the work! of magick. No longer wll you be catent oust st hick, samnating in + coco of dengan he wor ps 90 by ot ator wll sou wane 10 he just anther fae in th cowed ‘Without « dow, the gests git that mak can give ones releaton tht be or ee posse hepa for grates: at asyone ca ce hemsele rom the ins of hg and esntion to emerge as a Beacon i the night to ude tHe 204 germ "Ths then the weve purpose of gis the transformation fhe sel rom material sevtude to suliizensinal redo ‘This book wl stow you howto wae he eee force aon bet ae ‘Genie Ancient Magic "ove oie ia oot to cane. OW MAGICK CAN CHANGE DESIRES INTO REALITIES ‘Thoughts. Feemasons of beth images and notions. Crs ting ine dss for borer concn and genera wellbeing [Now fel thee was some way of puting these meatal ener todynamic and restive acon 9 evden oes aro Ther x2 was! “This bk esis nam cay-osandersad manner Bow w se te mies power of soc mick to hep salve the pbleme Snore and oles resent preventing YOU Som essing Sour Mere only requrement ob your prt nun open mi 30d 4 few simi of yor ime exc dy to bet the surging energie of emai ance iagick int moon. Wah hess you shoud iv "onl now remain cnt ensive, wh cam case the ‘haterialaaion of your dete, Many of yu asym dow, hegianing te wonder iyon wil nad to be aa eapeiensed maka alepe eho sil 0 the oct “isos a poe sacrese ane happiness by using che spells ed tials ceseibed in seceding chapters The mero very definite NOL catching Veneigof ascent mac.” Nor ho on fear for soar ‘Sey or you wil be mvokng ony pose seat eres and ot lnyihing even rmotty Satan in are. These beet feces SRL hap sou 10 vie each ad every geal Tet your goa allow the mul dssensionl and sprit nti evel in Tee peste 7 3 nes BAP, and falling fe where sou are dhe maser four on dstiny heer pel rein the Cen They sau do, create the Ture. ‘THE GRAND OLD MAN OF MAGICK “The ebirh often inal thingy mugickal ea be, ia ab sll esyy traced back fo the rather Uausal aces of am ely {haul gentieman By the mame of Alter Crowiey ‘Cowiey ao own us the Great Beas 68) brn 1873 Her the son of net Chvnian parents ad asset of his tit ‘pbvinging formed pions ated of Chest all sei " ‘Astrea hrogh his bak you wl apf Bin 0 elise thatthe sere practioner of he Sacred See han aah — Bp Sine right to power source thats beyond Bll td Cat & ‘orl an aque the aie of ga ice i he retin ‘pia event a cna ‘Magik she only answer to solving Me's problems ANYONE CAN ATTRACT MONEY WITH MAGICK ‘The ality to magecie and staet mocey ina a ie 20 ‘wry depend up your socal or edocatonl Baca The Tactery morker who never had chance ih Riph boa can surat ists rich mana he husnen exci wih te elle {gre Thin an mot fatto remember tf pat Domes of ancient magic inte dynamic ad creative to ‘Pause fr jst a moment and conde great men of ahh ich as Howanl Highs, J. Pel Ges, Atte Ons, a Joh D. ‘Rocefellerto ame bura few. What the common bo share ty each and crey oe of thee men? Tn aot italia soy but about = apial qua pose y these men which ‘Sed he money to Hw tothe fires — a8 by mag ‘Greup? ich f thowe men wore ever alert to money-making ideas and sehures with nbich incre het respective bak ule, thd ‘theaeser sich an oppctuly presented el hove men wow ot simpy think about the psy — they grasped it with both hands tee proceed o put iin ras. “To bepa the proces of preucing money wih the powers of eine ancien maps es mst ist En at eal or ach “none ein at required tome your current net Fhe coupe ths knowledge, sad dese, with soa a sting bei the anion powers of nagisk to produce that which 9H deste Ou of Ie. "This ah nan avis power is vial eo the suse funy sack ot ‘Remeber, anthing is essibe with the powers of magick st your beck ard call. All he meney, bappinss, ad sucess You ‘ul err ten be ly pu te cag et ry ' Desi, We, Fath, These then ate she shee mye oacs that ca, hon usted tough tl, mace ony ad ‘Te dfrence een plan hat wer el thse at on't sock invariably tie level of desire abt ath ick oy Insiled in the performance of the chosen magical operation. You! ow be shown how to icone w sce practioner of te Steed Science of mapckl manipulation of eves an Adept ho ‘oes jst ucee a e s, Dut achive ea ever me Ibe empless the avesome power of music somone who mast Diligerly fellow thew rls aod regulations price them at ‘every cpportunty, and you wil maize the power of geuiae lancent thik iio praeing string and hfe hang ees rey ime eis used ATH Believe in the powers yeu lave, know that they have she fetal blag es all hos things which You tay desi ohare ano sa our ie cperonen Never fr one omen dot the ear of «spell ital, Davi i tamant 39 iting ‘your head against tat proverbial brick wal ~ yu get whee and Fart yours in the pees. SECRECY ‘you ate aie ah and ctery aoe of your desires ay covey garde secre Tein thes of your agi nestor billets open yu to Fidel el sgetons ha you ave Become Timalmeed, Sa pease, kop yur mouth hat. DESIRE A song emosonl dese for changing an unplesartsitustion s ital at all nes forse suscestal completion of any magickal bs CONCENTRATION you desise aint of your eatin a matral destes by sapickal means, thea you must develop the ability hawwn at fore cect i which the mind dlls po ae ‘hough or goal You rust foews yout wink stenann po the Sadia spl or ite and in doing, Bsr a par ‘Stet adherence eo the Foepingeues ad regulations ex ay Jmprove te socesfctor forthe beneficl sus sought fog the prt of Rita! Mop, ALTAR Fr some ofthe ituals which flow yu wl eguie the we of ander hich lcs prckvents, instal te ay fall table, ruck stan orinary safe le wil slice. You! be sing the aka 5a pone ef cones for he much power invoked by Ritual Magic Te the roe You hate chosen fr the pratce of magick sie sith several hems of forniure and pemona Belongings, sll teed to rerange thee av that you art with a arena at Fea nin et culo shape) aout he prince yur la CTeswe note: Tenino ciclur aca aroun te a2 sven abe can be ediced to apprsinately thre fet sould it be Impaler he age re), Place te arin the apprise cote ofthe dic, facing the awe You mist fice Hast during te course ofa all a ths svmblic of a futise crated by the magica wil To price the coset magical meeps nth whic to nvake the at of Bence Bein, he nltar shod renin vse nt {hed hy fou and you sone then ts wil be ex acomplds weer the rom used hy orars oer tan sours you sal hae o posi he al, afer having fist ated te tle, every ALTAR CLOTH For cach mack operation yeu wl be wsquized to cose your nar wih anata kan" tie approprite ole ar siven wh ach ra ‘ual — ofthe so cotton, Sik prefered as his wil lp tovcttean ai of respect Deen yo nd the ve gia power sth which yo Rape plac the olson a Yur ee quest Sit obwevance of the allt deal reli to hater mica person wat ing permed chs as to prone the rats crit of tinea the smportanse of whidh anoot be sssed ‘nohgh, Ie terete, mes eprint arya ore the aks tn rultons of every spell ané ital yu dade to peter insiading the cores cole for the alr lth. Your chines of scene wll Beir by his smple at of respect and intent A Book of Shadows 6 the persona textook of a pratnoner of sigh nd amet impor too the Seeley ‘ugk power feet. “Any votcbook wil slic for this purpose, thogh ts beter 9 select something lite more ors To cen the ight moa “The inal ents in your very en Book of Shxiows would omit os deal Hing of your dese and what you hoe mck Semen pt oacheves Yea he es OF oe ae vrohings iting the individ! dee th spell or ra and te bacore ofthe ont we of magick in yr CANDLES ethan the mot roar sre fay pl eis he Ime cain, o be nore pres, thet Mame ae 5 focal pn fer poste cel forces. The brig hursing candle Ler Sept ab Be peti eee stg Toner Fame. ‘Condo al shupes and sis can be gaily bub fom the local supermarket, Whilst the “ried” syle a candle can be ttn or the magick vital tala thatthe more adel “Stash” cane be used for this purpose. "Yt will a0 need candlesick im which ro place the cane. ‘The can be pcbasd for 4 mininal cot howeves, { siMaest spline wear cindestcee y elp in ctesng the coet ‘mood tod temowphere " The soquced amount of cals slong with the cutest clo is suv athe usuustins for acho the appropri ts ‘The burning oa speci nce wl fen al inating at securing the hep of map forees a your quest for a beet ad ‘mor failing He. The mom radi avaiable form of Incense into of joo sichs, Be nore to purchase sub contanet ‘buming the incense. ‘The pacing of salou of sand in the tartom of the meal container wil hp oho the jos sks fn in pe PARCHMENT PAPER or the constuction of amulets, lismans, end magick squares, Ic erent asa fom mt newsagents acl deparme rek sod, of sours, ay cecal suply estan, AMAGICK ROOM espera tha you ata one ape soo in your nm ota within the pages of this bok. Telly, should bes room use ony by you youre sah as sour om bao, bt if thi ot the question Then select a ‘om where yo re coideat that youl moe he disturbed Garg fi npstant pat a magical at chore are sever os fen wich 0 choose, hen slat tat one which fates rom sich distracnns ax tafe, ra, ee HOW TO INCREASE THE EFFECTIVENESS OF RITUAL ‘AND CEREMONIAL SAGICK hap fas the centive magickal fcc need hough the arcand peace of Rival and Ceremonial Magick ts a pod ea {emake shor ls of things you dete w achive cof This ist shoul be incodedin the fs fe paps of Your personal Book oF Shadows. List hoe things you wit achive fo thes wb wel suet Your fist igh: lok someting ike tis {Toi to ierome my ncbe tie year by the ta sam of ssn Jove flint, 3, Tes 19 mat wih ccs in my chon eae, 4. Cvish co heal my ir of his les 5. | deste id spre ot for my rent is. 6, Tosh lpm end tract the money he sods opal ie des, Tesco inflenceimporans and power people who an lp an Cte oe Read tvs the lat ttl of xen timc before commencing an ofthe spells 2nd ital contain the ges of hie er spesal Towle Visualize wih intome clarity ene and oly one — a the ‘esis on Kit a being filled. Vivi te sie a ae ‘sl elp you to atame gear mind t the Beadle Beings you ane ‘evaning The poser store within your eh PURIFICATION CEREMONY Having assembled ll the Instruments of te At, Yo wll a purify and consecrate them an ema any aegatvewletons ‘ich save hecome imbued in them eet thelr cng nt {our poseston, This cereiny mst be peared belo he ‘Senmenccment of any magical a1 piv rv are required from sit at. Place all your mapcl matron up the ala, which ast ‘secoved with whe alt cloth and ih wo he candles to he fear of te aan, On the ata shld fo all the cals ant fecenes, your Bok of Show, and ny ote tlt al you ae Intending to ue in your magi work. All hes beng tet Broper place, ete the following invocation "inthe Poe af the Most Hats Ado, Teagan ad the econ Ieborns I per hes he leeosee of ha Shred ‘tof Magic, of a eart and mega forse and inflaen, “By the earth beneath my fest, by the vind azanse my face, by the sit which T breathe, and by the everlasting fie, 1 command a purification ofthese instruments, So mote it be! "Now visualize «ray of Erg wie lat fam above bathing the arin a myste glow. Hold dus image tr atleast wo minutes Neat sprinkle a tele of salt around the occult tools assemble om the altar; extinguish the rw candles an lay them within circle, ove the lar with ite cloth and lave oth it and he assembled fstinents untouched for period of mo Tess than threy-trce ays soa ih. "Your tols sod slur are ao free of neputive influences and are ready to assist you in vour marcia endeavours ‘Porthos af you in desperate nee smacks help, youl be ga to hear that he purifieaton period can be eiuced frm 33 dav 10 just 25 hours, However, che longer period is he beer, acorn to oscule re, ofthe 690. START CREATING THE FUTURE TODAY Pause for just & moment and consider what iv you desire the st tof ie Now jor it down in your Book of Shadows, [Nommatter what yo have wkd for there x asp ritual ideally sted to your needs CHAPTER TWO USING THE POWERS OF THE SEVEN OLYMPIC SPIRITS FOR HAPPINESS AND SUCCESS Aco you raudy wo begin an amazing journey of self-discovery and personal fulfilment The mocivaing power of geowine ancient magick is 2 might power force that can bring pritive changes in your lie. thie CChapes you ill lara hes through the importance of snl invocation, is possible co release this onaiponene perforce inca your owe life; to use as sou will for the achievement of dests. sur si guingreter personal snd emotional well-being, achiewe cee, attain personal goals and desires, and to attt postive Fappening snot insta All inal, mick can make life a very happy expesicnce inet Man is god incarnate. Bebeve and accep this socient occult ‘rath an yon ean achieve whatever you desire ont of ie — he i a love, money, or eppiness, Use the powers of mapick wo become the happy and sect person yous have aliays wanted to be “Anything is posible with the powers of anckemt magick Doo’ wait another second, begin usin dhe miraculcus poe of Ritual Mayck tay and watch tke ely amin results" Stes ‘on hesome happiness. Lonsiness can become friendship. Lack ‘an beste the cornucopia of plenty Prepare yourself now for sme of the most tiling experiences of your ent lie STEP IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION The a and practice of Ritual Magick can be a most impoetnr and sasfing te inthe quest for personal oceult power, 4 it can bhe a channel through ovkich the powers of exernsized magick nergy can flow out into the objective world of tangible realy Ritual Magick can also be ase to focus the power on specific problem areas of at unhappy fe The rituals contained inthis and succeeding chapters are secret snd ulmately powerful, and whey should be weated a5 sch with a sir of respect. Always perform them in «solemn manner, and recite the word ofthe inacations ina firm and decisive voice, for ‘you are commanding the Occult Forces of the Cosmos t0 bend t0 our own desires apd They will obey a Gem neste ‘Before cammencing any fom of invocation i is first most vital to hve che object af your dsies larly in min: this will help inthe fting ofa ssong mid-oul ink with the wesime acct powers released by the rita. ‘The results ofthese vtuas are, according tthe ancient books of rmopick, automatic and assured providing you have illgenty ‘eyed all the rules and reguletions pertaining to them. More 3 "he eels wil tf ai he miner Dative a on ling i ast ‘ne sual perform on any given day. When sou have had a ‘wis, dream goal raid vou ca the use another ritual o spell to bring your next deste ito fous, So please read thi chaprer ‘sry carefully, fr it has ube poten to bring you results (EME RITUAL OF INCTIATION “This Initiation Rita is performed onby once, om any dy ofthe swoek, twill nite you into the amaving world of Ceremonial ind ital Magick, You wil become as one withthe Light of Universal Atysiie Brotherhood permeating the tnner Plas af the stl World. The exact same power mentioned ia the ocult ‘ertngs of nineteenth senrury magician Hpi Lv To perform shis Ritual, you must fist become a rebel possible. ‘This wll help 0 open the seven sult power exes, nova othe Hinds as chkas, whieh are lsat tvoughout ur ental neroos system. These power cents ae the connecting links becwsen the physical world and the surging energies of the sil Plane. Once acuvated, through this Initation Ritual, the kinetic energy, produced by emational desire is increased and can then be uses for the manievation of doses ‘Remember, there is absolutely nothing t» fear about Magick Power Force for ivan abundant and natal a che ir we bree the only diflerence being that ti mere pe and less plates! Now, proce 4 allows: 1. Retire to your Magik Room and place upon your altar un altar lott of pure white. Light a single white candle. Sanda spond is the coms incense to bath for enlightenment 2. Tae the phone off the hook, urn off the elvis and radio 4 Darken the room so that the only luminition i from the «anes flame 4. Sitor kel before Use altar. IE you choose tot, be sure thar the chai you have chosen i @comiortable one in which torrelas sor body 5 Position the burning incense in suck a way that the smoke rests before the andes Mame 9. Chose your ses snd 7, reathing event an decpiy, lace your mind imo 2 passive and receptive. state of occult Gently open your eves and gaze into the centre ofthe cundle's brightly Burning fume, —-Krow within youself that this is he Etemal Flame of Liuminsion Now that you have achieved this divine state of oceult revere, ae recite the words of the following invocation to yours loud and ‘wih Feeling: “L_— (your pam), sand at the threshold of the Infinite Void! becoming as one with the Universal Liahe thar bends 10 Iecome Truth creating all things that are good and pe. “Within me is giant celestial voter of pulang occalt power: reaching out to make my desites otal reality through he pers and forces of ancient magica 5s expeessel in my every ation and ‘thought “Tyas & human being, reflect the perfcet seat of Cosmo-Aea Awareness. The Ife Tosce within me becomes the spiritual fesonces of eration; interacting with all dimen and with all “Thecome asa beacon of light shining out of the darkest night adiatng occult power from my eyes und uur — drawing a never ceding slow of succes, happines nd fument imo my leas long, fT remain worthy ‘Tn the Name of Eternal Jehova swear to use the powers at my comming for only gnod and eonsmactive purposes. So mote i = ‘As rou sit or knee! hefre the altar reciting the peer words of ‘hin moat important seal, vislze in your mind 9 swisling as of pulsating power, gold im eooe adn ou from within vou, See this power flowing through sour eyes and aura. ‘The ouca is an vera Till surrounding the physical body. Fel your power evel eae no doubt that the Titaton tsa wil simile the ove of| ecul power through your seven power cenues.-Thave hada book abd paper eups yout of my hands for mo apparent reason due 0 tan eacos of sccult energies in their most pure nd sara forms: Alving tarough te air on a colsion course with sour head beanse cccult power in its mest basic, though sometimes uncopteollable, Tors aways works fr yo — never against 0. Though the Fitton Ritual should rally only be performed once in your lifes, if ou fel that sour magickal powers ate slipping ‘or noc pong ests then simply react Be ete Rit WHAT YOU WILL EXPERIENCE DURING ‘THE RITUAL OF INITIATION Aer you have performed the Initiation Ritu you should and T tors the wont sh. a8 ther is nn guarantee at what ge experince, but you should beg feeling slight tingle troughiout sour body — purseulirly in the bunds and fet — Filing you with sense of supteme power and Ienevolence. "There may even bea Slight tendency 10 sway feom side to side or backward and forward {x noulé a branch blown in the wind, — "There may even be the “oration of movement within your own body. Have o fear, for this is merely a sign that one of the Renefc Rings fom the Astra Plane is merging and Blending with the personal psychic vibrations ‘dating out through your eye and aura. Fear will ese you to Recome tense and contact may be lst — pethaps forever. Fear nothiag during tbe performance of your rituals, and ‘whatorer you truly desre can be your ‘Others among you may become aware of a pleasant smelling perfume, which wll eem to permeate the entre atiposphere of your Mayic Room daring the course ofthe Rial. Some may feel sent caressing of their arms and faces by an invisible preence ‘Others may fel worations ang thee spines and angling sensation er aras of ther bods ‘Yin may sc eult-oloured flashing lights before your closed eyes ‘ora sensation of hands placed upon your shotlders. You may hear the sounds of vices ia your mind, sometimes He moze than a Uahisper, revealing ancient occulekxowledge ‘Whatever snuation you experience, itu eae sig that you have been atcepted int the Ancient Society of Magicians; cansforming you imo one ofthe luckiest individuals on earth (allo Them, and ‘They shall answer. THE CABALISTIC CIRCLE OF PROTECTION ‘Whenever we apen door” between mensions, whichis exactly wha happens evry time a ritual is performed, there is always © Slight chance that ei spins will use the Ritual asa means of gaining seco 10 on world ‘The Renefic Rings you willbe invoking are inno way evil — the cae opposite, in fie. ‘The apparent miracies that ‘They ca emuse to happen in your lif will amaze yo, and ther overselming love, indaess and goodness wil eave you witha war glow in our heat Inag ater they have aoe However to ensure that you are absouely safe, and to make certtin that no Satanic Force ean ome throagh the "oorway” to nu you escay here isa Cabolistic Ritual that will protect you froma ham, creating an impenetrable forced against which all evil influences ae powerless. efore commencing any of the rituals described in this book, pesform this Cabelstic Rial. The Rit dates from the later rf of the nineteenthveentry an is extremely effective. Stand fing Bat with your fet togeher. Clove your eyes and relax. Visualize a bright white sphere of ihr a few inches above your sap. Caring the thumb, thet and fourth fingers of your sight band into your palm, raise Your hand up with the first and second fingers together aed touch the sphere of light, ‘Soy: “Arch.” Bring your hand sight down, visualizing as you do a fiery shaft ‘of Tight being drawn down theovgh your bed 10 your fet iui «seca Splise of ligt fay at Uap spat uel 0 cet Say: Mallat.” Benning your arm at the elbow, toc your right shoukler ad sulle tind sphere of power at that spot Say: "Ve Geburab.” Bring your hand straight aemss your body, wsuling secon shaft of fiery light passing trough your body. and iouch your let Souter: ishing # Tour sphere of fight forming a that spot Says "ve Ueaulan Ghsp both hands infront of your ches, Say? "Le Olahim. Amen.” ‘This ends the Fest stage of the Rita known as che Cabaitic rms,» The Gross symbolizes the four elements Earth, Wind, Fee snd Water. ‘With the image of the Cabulistc Gross Firmly im your ania, isulze «huge sword tld uprised in your right hand Recie the following invocation Inthe Name of Etemal jchova, and Mos: Holy Adoay, whose Nemes te supercell Spin 1 raise thie Swed of Peers Protecon in deface of Lucier, Master ofall the Fallen Angel st his command, and agains all malice.” Mima steong mena image of the Sword in your mind and sinulie yourself 0 being twice your normal sie: gigantic and immense figure, filled and vibrating with Power, the epitome af et cc fre. Now, lower the Sword of Power and draw a cice (citer nine feet or threefeet wide depending upon the amount cf space surrounding a individual alee clockwize direction. Vieslire 2 gotden flame lowing fom he point ofthe Sword erating golden tile of fre encrlng both you and te ater, "When the ccle veemplete, reject the image of the Sword from sour mind and clap both hands above your head acing Et ite “Teall on ‘Thee, Mighty Aschangel Raphael who stands in the ast, to proct me fm allel forces resign the eastern "Pec Sou "Teall on Thee, Mighty Archangel Michael, who stands in the South to protect me For ll evt forces residing in the southert quer F: ig West, ect: cll en Thee, Mighty Archangel Gabriel, who stands in the ‘west 2 protect mn Sfom all eit forces residing In the western guar.” acing Now, rece: ST'call on Thor, Mighty Archangel Usel, who stands ia the [North to protect me fron allel forces rein in the northern ‘quae Facing East, completing the Gree, repeat the words zd gestures of the Cabaltic Cross Rit "You can now be wsured hat ning evi can come ayshere near ‘The Ritual should be practised at every opportunity until the sualand cle of fief so viid that t would be alma w pysical realty w even th untrained ees of a casual observer ofthe Ril THE POWERS AND OPFICES OF THE SEVEN OLYMPIC SPIRITS, "The Abrael of Magic, an ancient grimeize of unknown author- ship, lata total of Seven Olympic Spirits, resing inthe firmament andthe su thereof, who hold sway over cert areas and ‘manifestations of the materia) work. The number seven it @ rysie number in occult lore, wath strong magickal wbeations sociated and aceriited to it and thi in ise would help 10 forests all of the presi prnvrs acer! 40 the Seven Olympic Spits ‘The powers possessed by these Spits ure very diverse and fi reaching in nature; from the acquisitions of god to the prolonging Of He. A Tull is of these Spits and ther governed urea of pysical maniexaion shal be given in due couse "The Arbre! teaches tha, together seth faith and detemisation, meditation and inner cortemplatien ofthe Self are the best of aide in the development of the Magickal Art. Only someane who a practtonsr of the Sacred Sciences, Se side en mines of oat line, either moraing or night, forthe purpose of meditating upon the many mystetis of the mind, soul, and spit. These moments peat inthis manner will bring forh the magician within you. The powers and fies of the Seven Olmipic Spirit are as felon sriRiT | ration Becher Hagich os | Ophist Pike PLANET — Jupiter Venus ‘sun Mars CONTROLLING SUBJECTS lovisiility. Spirits Alchemy. Mane Long lie, Pent. Great weal, Hones Gambling. Lang journeys Precious stones. Plenty Love, Beauty. Pleasure Social affaiss. The a xtrivagance. Lusty Good bath. Wiskm. Gok Money. Success, Material power Mental abilities, Rusiness ai, Short journeys, Write know ledge. Messages. Paper. | Miliary ans, Anger. Destruction, Hated Vitality. Senuaity Moon ‘Water, Ghosts. Women Silver” Spirit of water, The Official Seal of Hagith Figure 2-2 The Official Seal of Ophiet Fig 2-3 ——o Tae Otic Seat of Phat Big ¥1 HOW TO USE THE POWERS OF THE SEVEN OLYMPIC SPIRITS TO WORK MAGICK, IN EVERY AREA OF YOUR LIFE You can use the seven sllereat magickal spells sca situa contained on the following pages to bring success, increase your ‘money suppl aid in sealing, and generally oyprove yer whole ie The invocation of the Spins is simple. The rituals are perform dorns the da al hour of the planet which sasocated bith the Olympic Sprit to which the Ritual is decated. The Touts and days ne given atthe start of exery rials ato remove chances of error in sur mazickal endeavours. "Yu wil also requ the Olfical Seal of the Olympic Spirit. A stone which is associned aetologically with the pla importr: ingredient of the spl The Arbatl of Magic states tha ll magickal eperatins carried ‘out in such 1 manger, observing the rules laid down for the ritual ‘will invariabv be succes; but should you show even the slightest sloubt ll wil ul. is alo an Occult lore sates that certain stones possess the magickal anuibutes of the Seven Major Planets, and that the Spirits of the ‘even plness lok kindly upon the pesemor of wid stones, His also hel that to ensure the sucess of any given spell or tual i's essary includ, along wich the incense and seal asiocaied with the planet, the astrological stone spmbwlic of the planet's eke intluences. Those stones areas flows See ~ Ops, yen, sere ‘Mars ~ Ruby, garnet, blodstone Mercury ~ Agate, sadonvx, amethyst Jopiter ~ Turquoise sapphire, hive diamond Nenus ~ Herald, aquamarine ale. Sarum ~ Blick diamond, onyx Obviously some of these stones ate Beyonce reach of many people; should yu find that you ae unable o obtain the ated tone for an important ritual, then simply use a stone of similar coor in Tow ofthe more rational symbol of dhe planet a ite here All of the Magick Rituals on the following peges must, and this is most important, be preceded bs the Invocation as sted belo. “0 Hternl and Omnipotent Adonay, Who hast created all things, [beseech Thse to send (nant of sprit), ofthe ery Srmament, that he may bend to my and Tay wil, granting my every wish this dy aie forever more. Ameo.” Now you can relax and wit. The Spirit-Force is rushing to you ‘on the wings of an Ange. This Invocation must be uctened for ‘each one of the Seven Olympic Spirits you seck to invoke ‘THE OCH SUCCESS RITUAL Tngsedicns: Thee pol candles incense of saleon, gold or yellow star lok DDay ancl hours Sunday. ‘The frst ond eighth hour of dhe day ot the thie and vent hours of the nigh, Proceed as falls: 1. Inserbe on parchment in either gold or yellow ik the Oficial Seaver Oen {Figure 2-1) ana pice en the centro me a. 2, Plice the correct asrolegcl stone, or one ofa similar eolour on the Sel 3, Light oe three gold cades and et thera in weiaale with the stone and Soa ts cen, 4 Revte the following invocation: “i eal Tee, fiery Och win holds sway over the affairs of tien and the forces of seca “Tintrct Thee to respond wo my desires for personal success and reogion, “T now project The istic energy tothe minds of chose holding postions of authority and importance, and who can help me 10 chee region for my creative rants and aliis “Our minds an souls shall now end sith the Creative Boros vthich brought the Cosmos into existence, and all obstacles 10 my siccess hall become at Jeves against the wind “1 know nove that all of my state efforts shall soon be recognized andl personal fullent wil be mind “Tlear and obey this command, fiery Ochy and guide me to fdisios aces d a8 ror sstn whee yap eet ceres ‘ote it be.” '. Wrap the sone in the Sea and pass the talisman through the mes cising up fom che Durning incense, while resting the {allowing conjurstion: “In tae Power of the Names Jehovah, Etim, Adonay, Shadai Bl Chai and Teeraerammaton, ai wil, so mote i be!™ 6. Curry the talisman on your person ntl your sucaess aries, This Ritual is periculey suid to the aspirations of budding arity ad wou, Ho Waren N. Became 2 Success rcs With the Help of The Och Succes Rita ‘Warren N. (not his el name) was nobody with a dream, He wanted to bea writer of accult books; spending hours and hours Fis typeneiter, pati evrything, he had ino Mh work, oly %0 receive one recon after another fom cod and aloof pulser. “L might as well give up,” he thought wo himsel one day. “Ie 's obwous tnat I'm never going to make 2 cent irom wrung. Almost 30 without anp prospects forthe fare. The only thi thar I have to lok forward to are the weekly aneaployinent hhaouts from Social Security. No new ebhes, no money, xu items, no hope secing the werld —no nothing. "Tring co Sa! my dream has brought nowhing but sidness und frusation [spend evory minute siting here at my’ pester al or nuthing ‘What have I got w hve for tas abot this ime that Warten discorered The Och Suscess Ritual and, vere pradngls, decided togiveita try. Afterall what ie have to lose? Abvolutely nothing happenel for the nest three weeks und {Warren wes benning to fel ike 2 fol fr teving sch desperate method to gain success. “Then, suddenly, things started happening for Warren in such an smuzing ay, thet the wile afr It in uterly reste, ily he was inspite write snow manus in the sod Nine fst hr wks. Then, having completed he masscrp, te had x deen in which fe “caw” bis book pblahed by 8 well the publishing ir and ae acop The fst of many in face Within a couple of mans of pevorming the Rival, Warren ie had vader a ral ange Morey case odin into bis. He bought 3 wardrobe of wand new clhet” The few litle hrs he always wanted 42 have were now his to njy. Hea went on owt och coontes 5 Malgs,Sands Aria and Eg ‘THE HAGITH LOVE SPELL Tngedicnts: The pron cml nme ey ree ar dla Day and hour: Friday. ‘Theft and eighth hou ofthe dy, hein ates othe mit, cents ollons fn pla tthe cen of the la 2 Platte cnet trl tne, of oe fi the Sa 4. Tight the three sren candles an se hem in rane with the tae and Seal it con, 4. Rese the follwing invocation "i sumeon The, mf Hai, Thou pis fovea oy. 1 “ST etcumard Thee to bring in my Me he perfec parte for Jove ule and mul sists “order Thee, Thou Spc of love, wo mano ths poo ll the qalites Tesi in 3 partner. Sonate be SWap the stone inde Seal and pss the ln trough the fuer hing up fom he burning incense, while een the folowing ej: “tn he Pome af the Nan Jeho, Tenoee, Shall Ch, loin, Gibor and Tetugrammason, a0 wil 0 mt el” clear 0 6, Cay the tbsman on our pert nl your se desis have ‘The Spel could be sor pron key to motional fine Hc Som B Fund Ls Wid The Hai Love Spall ‘Som Ba gong oma from Meltotene, wat desprsely lonely witht = omanietteret in ie.” Avlly by, Sac bad “heey fund ei speak tn waren et lang sow Bie fecings for an wnctve woman. Ths, along wi the pan Imemnie of several anvaccoslstmpi tring sla oss, ‘aosed Sam to retreat io a prnecthe cont when hit nly ‘companions were books. ‘Dring ne hesmay cass mgs he spear sone ns sma sparen, Sam chaced upon The agit Lave Spl it origal frm i the well wom pugs ofan od fk of mapa ceremons bdo sy fen bre lectin a oul ols Est wonder” he oh that cold an aly wight can his ancient pil ring mete Toe a 8 Tere ws Pemubil young edhe vig in the same nares ~ esenthing Sem had ever dren ofa woman set she ‘ong wine act tat ae ape to Oe oy wien wm Ina e canes of anything “happening” hess the wo of thess ver sim indeed ‘One ek afer poring The Higith Love Spel eveything had cane The sery nent momingafer invoking theif Hai the youn seomar in quecon actualy sailed a hi ‘Oa the dhe day, se ited San up to her aparmene free 'By the seventh day the two of them wer vieuallyseprble, sing Yorn sre nthe val pu, acing obo the wa esau, and ene exying eich fhe’ ompany ‘Saw ca never sgn sy thal he ny [MAGICK WORKS REST WHEN USED ONLY FOR POSITIVE, REASONS Yow hae probally sd the pers ofthe Seven Oleic Spl, or are in the prox of esi jo which apll an expression of your needs as you prepare co practise magic in Uke ‘resribed fashion. The Olympic Spirits aby, according 10 fsecult lore, tespand to ur eal, ut even mage 50 when our weeds sires are ust ad honorable nd dot harm or inure innocent persons Performa mpickal itor cercmony only when magick i nde Never perform a ritual attract mores just forthe sake of having iL. this wil simply negate any chanes you have of secess. The world is filled with money, and there i enough fo every person at atime of genuine need." Just ake wat you really need when, Deeded. Leave the rest unt see. Spoils an stuals that ae peiormed ins tongue-in-cheek anne ites dan eb pd ee Sean righe despre ‘You must know exacdy what itr you wish tn achieve in this way, and most impercantly you must perform the spell or itil — bei for youself ar ancther — in a serious frame of mind, a in solemn reverance forthe Powers you ae invoking. ‘You need nor be selfish with magi, By all means wse the Powers to help yousef to 2 better life. But ou can ab une the ‘uals contained inthis hook fa help others who are unaware of the ‘ast inisble world surrounding vs onal sks, Become an cult Sle ysis tree bu pious Sate ie Deca assistance of powerful Benelic Beings and, ins doi, help your fa self wa beter and more fuliling lite Repeat the spells and tua as neccesary ‘THE BETHOR GAMBLING LUCK RITUAL Ingredients: The bie candles, incense of frankincense, Si altar cit Day and Hour: Thuralay. Fits and eighth hour ofthe day, ce the hind and tonth bots ofthe aight. Before beginning this Rill, pause fora moment and decide on casts what form of gambling ou desire to win at wih this Rite td 22, n your mind, yoursell winning no ast ence, bat again and seain ‘Now: proceed a fellow: 1. Tnscrbe on parchment in blue ink the Official Seal of eter nae tan place i the conte of se altar: 2, Place the apneopetatesatuopicl stone or ane of a similar ‘alr, the Seal 3. Light the cage blue candles and set them ina eine with the stone and Sea ais conte 4. Recite the following invocation “Mighty Rethor, who holds sway over the forces of luck and rambling, equire Toe 10 ring me ese. "sow command Thy myrtic energies 10 surround me sl (0 influence the urcome ofthe cottet I shall exter ‘Taso require Thee to heighten my intitive powers, so that sag be guides tothe succslul altanment of this, my fue dese 5. Wrap the stone in the Sealand pass the talisman dough the fumes sing up from the burning incense, while rccng the allecing craton: “In the Power of the Names hich, lod, ‘Tetragrammaton chin, El, Eloi Giboe, Heah Vs-Dasth, El Adenay Tzavoos, Elchin Teavoos aod Shadai El Chai, a Twi, so mote it be! 5. Carry the talisman on your person whenever you enter any tse ofehance to help increase your chances of sucess cher games of chance. Hons Gand C. Wor $1,000 at the Races With The Behor Gambling Lack Rita Conte. from a soll subuc of Sydney, liked tp gamble, but rover relly hala ig win in any of is encounters with games of chance. "Now and opain he would ein hack lite of what he had invested utmost she ame he would le everytg, Mt jst seered tat the frees of luck were forever flowing 9 others ae nett hin “dt koe why I other,” he tid his somone day. “T usd tw enjoy the thrill of che game, but now all ie brings me is tinhuppiness and frustration, 1 cat afford to om losing ke thin ‘Gonrai’s so jst sled «acting smile an lf his father vo be lone wit his thoughts. ‘That ight Caza’ we pesormed The Becher Gambling Luck Rita, vrizing hi father wii bg ot ‘he raced changed he words the vocntion tit is ure “Teli Story, Conta pangs cai ona “og soe in adepette i cea eo his st savings slp Tain hi oy men the ae sb” carn home i ft mei Cond cot $18, THE OLYMPIC HEALTH SPLLL Togrediens: One gold candi, one rl and atone black ‘Sl snmae opine gt sar oh Day and hoa: Ti pel can be pated bsp dy and at ans bot ofthe day. Before beaming ths Spel, stp fo moment and focus all your tention on the area f your buy thai dened at im ne of Featng ‘Now, proceed as follows: 1. Light the thes cane nd et shem in traole wih he ret 2 Gare to de fumes rise up from the boring incense, whe resting the fllovangsvocaion abd an it fling “samen sad ened The Ars, Os stl Phe, pr of pyscl and emia wal being. I reaute Tbe ail ad belp fo Thou bath dominion over sch hing, phere iT mal Tang Powers, for ay eis 0 teal fll physical antennal sree and distor from "Thine Powe are ewig throughout my hey, Relig at easing every nee ab ll his s ded am no ed ith new energy and tality a ney ere, cal and mse of cy ty ibates to Ue Cove Rtn of fst fea ad erring wisi, So mote.” 5 Repeat the above Invocation twice mize, making ttl of ‘ince ms sal, eben cc cling ote Tomson spend an adeqte amount of ime emo tothe med ‘Wualzng you bly ae being athe im ay olde ht from aoe; wing soar aginstion to focus the Healing Power ‘ofthe Spins on tapi arena your badly in noe a ling Obrint this pel shou al be use conjunction with “THE ARATRON SECRET KNOWLEDGE RITUAL Ingredients) Tre bck exes, seen of ms ck ahr cot Da sod our; Sindy. Fit and eighth hour ofthe dey, or ‘he tht and tems hours of the ait. Procol flows 1 mri on accent in bck ik the Official Sel of Anton td place 3 the ene a he a. 2, Place the appear astlopal sons, oF one of x simi tal, the Se 5, Light the hse had eno spd sat thm in ingle with ‘he an nd Sea it entre 4 Rete the falling invocation: Tiqeake Thee, O Get and Mighty Araton who hast dominion ove things hide fom the nds of morals. T comand Thee ocean septve tothe tights a tea a ed tn anger “te how esady aa able to ple thie core xa win sy mind drng bh lecpng and waking hour. Teoma Thee nthe ato of Sada, Tetarammatan. So wavest be." Wrap the sae in the Sea an pre the tlacan rough the Tunes sing uy fon the busuig incense rect the 4 he Pawo the Nemes Bich Jehovah lobia, Adansy and Sa EL Chl Ul 0 moet bel” ' Caar thetlan om your per al anes How 1 Used The Arar Sere Kole Riaal wo Obtain Set (ea Kreg a Wisk ‘When T wus tery yourgy Tan reoember, quite vividly in fa, sunning dow th tle of the hoe where Ine wt pres Iu upon tmnding te one, encountering gray and shapelss 6 mas sting in she a. The memery f stanng rote 19 the spot and seeamiaga sense lies in my nd a i Nd nly happened yesterday. When I soafided this incident tp those abut me a cl, hey weal ely lush an a that Tha ‘magic Thi encounier with che Uakaww had very mark effect 00 ‘my fe and i the way in which perceived the Gncepts of Geo land Ev even at sch a early age. Atte, the ery 19D the Puschic and Occult Worlde were sll beng persecuted the Gate Gnorch even moreso than iti tay, sd sojhing ‘unusual was inmedately considered be the work othe een homed and forked, Everyone aban dine my eit ‘foal sar me ofthe ex foc end sch hg Sito 6, and wonld suggest tha T tke an itcrat iy somethe ‘mol "The nly peson to isten way lteter bo at Ire! the epitome of psec wwarense, While tes ow he wot of the ecu igening, You! rane comforting ‘eamucog that there existed sway fr someone to ange the es ‘han acieas spel ori By the ime | ad eae ny ate tte, ad ade intense sido cic and sect per and noe er of bke at ‘he ube (aval fran Fibre International) | ke aoe ‘that Th erly srt he tp of the eee During thse lang years of rescuching smciontguiies am ter books of foil krowedgs, I came acs The Arson ‘Secret Knowledge Rial ints original aad highly cosuing form Thad never we i eceseUeoasdered atte ine tha oa ‘ot revel to me anything that Ud ot lead Kaw, Then | ‘rea to eee 2 eat de of ecultKavwllge ms elo hep fom me nowhsge and windom hat could hoof ge vale a Ielp others S0T oped eth mounting excitement my mid nl solo occ orcs and performed the ariel. “The sacra know fevede! o me ting fed You, in sery special war throug the pg of ts book. THE PHALEG PROTECTION SPELL Inge The canes nn ss, eae « Day and hour: Twedey. Fic and iehth hour ofthe dys oF the thie! and teh ours then. Proceed a2 flows meri om shen i ik he Oil Sl of ae 2, Plc the appropri warlogal one, oF ne of snlar ffl, on he Sel 3, Ligh the steed candies an st them na rangle withthe ‘onc und Seal cee 4. Recite the olinginestion: ‘Hear, perl Pale, Thos most mabe of al ve Seven ‘able barter aginst whale sal be ase aga fie “Thor who would seek io har me ba ie te ei ent ble sw tah a hundeedoid aml che End of Exe 7 "Alesis be powsrler again Thy mystic sil nw an forever ready to poe me, perl Phe, foe hem ad Injury. Somat i be ‘Wp the ste inthe Sealand pas the allman through the faye ising up trom the burning mcene, were the ‘lowing contrat: “la tbe Power ef the Names Jenoah, Tesgeammaten, dau ‘Shad HI Chat and Albin wil o mote el” (6 Cary the lasman jue peso ul Me negve fore ave Been reared 0 thee sare ‘This purdcutr operation sin ho sed whcnever vow slr suse an mysterious brut of tad ick, po hey lack god ‘ihr’ ep, ea general utappiness hese are A he sins of sje anak "Ths ait mops spel at repel the Fess ‘egaiveooslt power sett you by soar new sunken ei aches is Rober S, Used the Phaleg Proton Spelt Pash an Bit ‘Worn oho had Maree Bm oben 8. was avery done and bner young san. He ssssmary and dey upset when the young woman be loved ‘dae rag oe day an tok! hi that thee etn wa oer fr god, He was ts deat, epi ener Be i vat er dno and my sd aeston fie heel ob al th hal pow ute eae Ths was hm he wt Kil el a nye ee Ar Rober wn ened te . 2c wo ony oe hing sey etc wh mtn ada od het ‘iter erly Ceca nd ind pe hing pethidine notes hr had an ow he tld whe ee ae 280 err her coe He wollen sa ia ack sgh “he hn Bon ya nce hae wa rc in fal ade even mere dort len nc wie Poses invoked by Ritual Magick. er i ey es rain he Pk Pon So, geen cel rte Sher ben On hed yh xe don wih sen bs of ‘The third day saw ber fired fram ker job. concn nd dic oenin we he ea ka if Kor aac atu be weno hve sasonla hice Blof adcrour then eo he Postar ee sam are oe THE OLYMPIC POWER OVER OTHERS RITUAL Tngrdients One geld andy tol eal oe purple Day and hour: This Rita canbe pectrmed one ts ei be ere oy nyt of he sk ring he Bt and i us ay Before toing this Ri, at alin your mind the fice af pee he teh cts smc ‘Now, proceed a flow 1 Tight he cto canes we ce team in a tele wit te “ EE ;é~CSC=CSS = =~ lL ple a re canes ring the bse 2. Gor into the frmes ein up fom he uring inser ane ect the flowing invocation ak! ud wit feelings 1 rammed cniand Thine sd, ery Och, mosterioe, Pal and ponerol Phy, Ths Spins the Stor Bane oe Inara Thee to bathe te in Thine ras of mie power, so 2 te ‘lend my thoes with thom of wom {would sok contra tad tend oy il “Sih Thine ad shal 1 urn enemy ft ins, ure ia sucess, defeat int vey, uM Sede a happnes {ve ature my snd with she md fame of perso) ao ome th penn hots ad ations a hee relate tose, SO swore be 9 Repeat the sbuve Invocation twice mae, making a tr of tye times ia ll Benseen cach rok of the Words of Romer lavoaton, viele the face of the pesca 994 have med ia the Risa sad project the spproprate out ‘Soman the pen al he ne Rowing hat wl be reseed and acted pon “Thin Ril should oly Re uss for pve td eomstrwcive purps HOW TOEND ‘THE RITUALS AND SPELLS O8 THE SEVEN ‘OLYMPIC SPIRITS Sst as every spell and ial sri thi chapter mst be ceed the nwalatclsokiag ofthe dosed Spr, 0 ed {Be chose spel or ua un invocation ust be spoken od which ‘dim the invoked Spt. Thi tasting a every pel nd must ave a heponie, mde and an hd The inooled Spunt shld be “censed to depart” i he fogeing manner “Tadic The, Alig Sint who camest in peace 19 grant me sy aanad desir give thinks wot Bier! Jeboal, tn Whose ‘Name ie di Tt descend from the Grament Eat. Go.pew, in peas and genes an Thine rn aes of damiion bat be ‘Thon ready, willing and able to nsura st cal, wen shal ‘tammon Thee by Thy Nome. Amen so Ths then ends she Ritual ofthe Seven Olympie Sprit CHAPTER THREE HOW TO CREATE A SPIRIT FAMILIAR TO BE YOUR ‘OBEDIENT SERVANT AND MAGICKAL MENTOR ‘Whur ju ae trying to achieve by invoking the powers of sean ancien mpi, you how at ll be acorns tht ‘auch ore duchy sod efcenty if you coald call upon. the fukdene ind lnowiadee of someone welts in ish tings ‘Olmak Spsis in your que for prsoaleccal power an now ou ilar de clas guarded osu cre for ral ing ces ip all your magical endeasuss.- ‘That sere Shae To ‘ete Fmilr or Mick Mentor oi yo yon monk, ‘Atari is he stndan! spit companioa af eibes a magician so wth obeys its me's balding and can osume te apes {tings other than the of simular of the magician ot ith diferent ems wich a Talo cs appear on arth Pernane the mest famous of fais is that of the one pss by ‘Azipra von Netesbeim, Genin pllsophee ofthe feet ‘cry. which wasn te fon efalare bc deg cles Mocs. ‘Occult Laren fc, eset ae of rans maing ic ‘thes pine mst tpcgy nate conf ith he {cubs and Sucubws sex demon which ca Be sumone, bree ‘wich cr main espetively, forthe rpm of vex tise Ahvag the bere of he Ssping ste. The Fvmiiar Craton Rial is ewe to vow inl chapter the nly ay whi ‘oral can secre the vies and bp «lari ‘The Ritual el aie tines, bi is woth dhe ffoct a your rt warns Mag Monte wll ing the Servicer of pomerfa and fut sevant wh cans Jou to Schiese your goals an deste. ‘Thi apt which il be yout ‘nm asa sacrum sgh ta be a ferent sex ey "acts yor perwnal oatact wih the fer Planes ig Secret and frtwien Roowledge. Yeu wil seme & huprer eran y aceping Us fecal piri lp and ace, Hoes Silt 8. Bese « Sure Pic ml Onna 9 Far Joe by Leng Ber prs Pama ‘Sell. wera por and fer divorced worn with 9 money snd ateeage set cae fr. She ad cme st alex for ‘whi she eceived ram well and the inl ashe wood ‘onutines cam fom sewing reves at home. She and her unemployed sha vd i oe ented seater soy being fered 0 pack bags thei meager pieson bing ite more tam ‘few old lees whinceer he em eatin car ich ete ‘in, Sela was a maul and ged pes thou she bad ener pu ‘hose ts te postive use inher ey and ha alway had ery It imterest nll hinge psec. This oteret was prone + fdsead, Tor hi interetk rco coer the Paral Creation ‘Ritual and tha, tur, le t6 2 Whole new way of ie fe he ra he cn Te Spirit Fame reve to erst sb wat destined to bea suecesfilpayhic and seer, with el ad sted dente 2 _— —e He slo wonton to adie er that she should we sch things the est all and art cards mere as “props bene be would tse, in 4 most pie way, her x cond ro hich pest ‘Sta was ota overnight sucess but within few month of beaming er new cee er eputa or ng amzing pie pricier to he cents speed Br wordof-meut eich a coca Enabled Hoh her an ern ome it conor mer This the Dest thing that has ever pent "se sid ove dey. "Now T can aford to buy that far jacket Pve age 5% more than the small ptance I recived om Sl Security in my bad old day’ of strung to make ends ct.” Sel us mw joe er Spt Fania on she Asal Pane, but TU always remember how she changed ier Ife ow ove of the ares to one ofthe brights y employing just» singe ape femuine scent agik. TTGE SPIRIT FAMILIAR CREATION RITUAL. You are oo the snesold of peroring the rue Magick of an dean Adept a2 sich, ths Ritual shuld aly be atempted then yu fel within yourself chat your popehe i pepansy and Willing, to accpt the impiations f erating an inion of ie, eich i exacl what Your Spe Fume wal be a pare fo iain silly seeded nl ht te vermnansof s ‘mics, po can eg the process a creating, vi a ancient Fil, your peso Spt Fumie. Te in mypertant to Beep ‘mind, doing tis couse ofthe Rin that you are creating 4 Sp aio olp your ovrconeobtilesit e Ts, uke abrighty coloured eet and ckativeksly. Now ese your ees andy epee the image af che abet cleely jn your mind, "Repeat the process of sult wall you can ‘bjt edly in your ind. s ‘When you are expert at eating the mnt reproduction in Your smn, shih should’ ake more than hires mate th ai SoU poses patience and termina, revere te etre proces del eae pre onal seve tee Be able Of angie wali. ‘Selatan empty space atc imagine that Uehutevr objct hasbeen chosen fr the eerie ts hosing (0 year inthe apparel expty space belore soa. Visi with Sich Clty hat ou Begin actually ee” dhe mentally pra ‘When yoo have achieved suse in these pruntary exscies, se cam pn thao raion of wou Sie Far Map Proce allows: ‘Stan fag Hast with your fut Coe copier. Cle sour ec. ancl. Visualize abeigt sphere of patne whi gt» ew Inches above yur cp ‘Cr he thumbs nd far gee yur it ha ito 2 pln dase your han ui, with he st an second fingers fomehee, ad ues the sere ih Ting your hand sighs downs wean 9 Saf ey white light being drawn dora Uroggh jour tay, ad ttc your ces ‘sling heabal of ight storming inte ante pba ener nr fet Sey Malka Bend yeu rm tthe elbow nm ouch your sight suber as you ise thd spre of plug white gia hi spt Ss: “Ve char” ting your hand sraight serve your boy, viii «smd shat fer white Wg passing thoagh yon hoy, nd thing sou et sult, visa» tour aphete of light. ‘iv "We Gedulsh” {hsp hath hands in foo of your her a vie te Ca ie fry in ou min Seyi "Le Outhim, Ame. This ems the firs stage ofthe Ritual (lang of you el no doubt rempnive the receding as she ” (Ctalitie Cross Ril which forms he fs al ofthe Cabaitc Gir of Pretetion; howese, thsi where ny smi ends “The wocdh, by the way, sand for "To Thee the Kingder, ho ‘oth te forging moa andthe frtsoming Rial met be commited te memory vr witha hav ay hope of sues in your dese to crest ie oat of ak exptne ‘Shad eet, with sour leat owe together, an ce Bass. Your uns sould te Paging lmly at your ses. Close your exe. ‘You shoul ake fw deep brcths to bel you rel ‘uae in crys ca dell sal the (bak handed alt ound ty = Bcherng Vos Ouray held Sey cher ‘our iht or it han depends om what pf fami eu sek Right Mand fora trchl fami, left hand Fer 2 messenger ofthe [BnlOne Since we are seking to rata posite edo you'd hol the imaginary aan i your Hpk hae Tulse your and, with the imagnary shams pining urwand ay from your toys uri ten ine with your forehead ‘Dra large penagran (G-poiated sta) the ae befae 300, {Figure 3-2), ofthe pint sar. Vise the crm-cesng res, forming the pentagram, as ue fire. Literal a iat ste of Bic te “The five pointed penugram is, shove all vers she most omer nto of protection in the cca work of magick The ‘entra fuse i hn way ust be created empl in ene Fem centinans assure maton ofthe right ar. A wi any sera enh pee ltr peteos The pnt dhol ‘dawn the manner a indicated inthe ahve diagram. ‘When the pentagram iscomplete, andthe ine of 2 ant sar of as ie iste ad eler in ou ind, say the fining Words Leoeatoo ed Hay Va Ha.” ‘Nest ben and clo de acsompanie by a sot bree ‘mut be vue at ceare ofthe pentagram 8 you el Nez ‘ey sane sour fe. ‘Wick he irge ofthe daa, and the sensation oa get roze, s The Pentagea of Fite Figure 32 6 ‘aly esabihe in your mind al the Sle of the ast Wind by Name: Say "Ear, Thos Spi af the Bast Win, call Tice” now gradually canon th eps ad someon sca With hie pune speicfone Gm ou ims Term slowly tomar the South, ting ine of be fe a you iso ant eee» second ry pentagram in thee ae foe te belo ‘When the pentagram x completa, say the Sacred Nan of ‘Ape pn ld wis sly ps in aa pe reheat now be ized being beyond the centre area ‘ofthe pentagram. Atte sae mea the image serene iin ‘Your, yo st la “Yee” wi coming foward 308. Tnnng achieved the soma of ing touch by ts wes vrng alo the Sp ofthe South Wind by Name, ‘Soy "Novus Thin Spirit ofthe South Wid, call Thee. (ace more afer rv samliany hi Scone of opi ype ‘hind snd arn aol toward the Wee, aces» ine of blu are, fa daw 2 the penagam inthe Westera Quarter of the cice ‘When the pentagram» completed, say the Sacred Name of ang calle slows ths Sacred Name of Power, begin visalize ‘a topclsctcmplve eh sty spay ashing oars you om {oe beyond »cnee of pening of he Wet Wind by Name Sop: "Zephyrmusy Thou Spi af the West Wind, Yall Thee.” ‘gun ner monally ceatag the image and sensvons of 2 opal sea uind min spy remore f 3o onesoues, rd turn showy tonacde the North easing ine of Me ie wih the Fragma acme hd ret a arth penta. ‘When the gmt pentagram compe, sa te Sacral Name oh Picea background of th ee ol isd with am abundance 7 ofsipe Seo lem esting bound the cate of he pentagram, ‘ad “el” yi your heightens Sens sat and Irgaat id ‘owing owas Jou em ths ert of the Matsing pean ‘allt he Spt of the Nos ld by aaa Say: "Boru, Thou Spit af the North Win cll The.” Slowly remove the image sd semtoge acid with the Nethers Quarter from sour mind and teura to the, Eas ‘tang to ta ine of He lame 4 ou do to compe the rele You are ow a the cere ge laning ele of ‘ckerng be te, anda ach of he fur cal pats stands 9 slant Penge of Fe HOW 710 CREATE YOUR SPIRIT FAMILIAR he whine ofthe Ritual describes ari kaon in oct cise ss the Spice Familiar Creation Rita and You tad fc Es, {tht remine i for you to mun yur deses throgh the Sraton of endo Mem of totes ‘You mn doubt already hive a presinecived idea of what your eral Spit Servant wl ke Hein its ham fer, To lp ‘heat of «Creation Riel roid i ur Book of Shas 9 lead deserpsion fhe phil charters hat oun ommpanion wil possess: Blo ha, be ees, mun builds {st the sex yu ith your spit iad toe Vs ty als ‘ie jour servant any pe yo Ue "Your leah lek one ike this My Spe Pam (Chaaceisis A youth young man ety weve), bande hair shim bu, bight hc eye Ties assist me in all my magical endeavour, Having cryin your inner thegite io wing al at emit cecil resto You Sit Fania nie Falling ‘THE OOCULT SECRET FOR CREATING LIFE ‘Now tha you have complet the cle ae sand potted by se ‘he fur pga of Sie, yo can bei ection of your Fair tie the aeptel concept of Cement White Mack. Inning su wah apomphort ei rage Same oine ofa igure, heceniag more oi nd welhefined oe the ensindrof tebe materizes int oral poeadely “rhe beng vancing bere yoo shuld acy resemble, im ct lets the Spat Fain devoted i your Hook of Shadows. Ths Spat Reine acl an al etcasin of sour om sl, er epurte and dependent frm vou the extent hat can pas rouble rag te Vel which separates the co Rol “Soli ch lesang he, your Spit Fanar wil become sully separate ey wth compte Heedar of moveren md preston Hloweter, ee imprint to reerber that the fair oly a servant and nota master ‘Dvnt pert te fade Fee dhe prseson of he cic, as ‘his nook se stan desuctn od a ol arf Youre Se pould be ete fata capa va ay commana with you alia. HOW-TO COMMUNICATE AND WORK WITH YOUR SPIRIT FAMILIAR (Om your fist, an all suaguent metings with your fan, ‘onmricnon between the two of you wl direct ud-mind fentin.Youtare crewed ft dese nd yor sme Mogck Room, and your Suna now stag befre yo sas por commands, "Now men ste your problem of request — aay probler, ‘hse av asltly ns lit on what ean be ase wih he Si of your vse Spat Pam Then Ie ou ooghts rn fee and “ate” fr the answer 10 your question. You wil be ama at ow lly you can he "x problem san Ke slved cal. A cequet ean be granted uly. And guinea be anowered eat ‘opal nero cen magn a aa Sou an Masi: eave, Sins Ramin, Ya ere Gna deb ad have no way of alving my problem, Aso Tam about to bested om myhome sna hare sowtere tog What ca dn Mento: "Fear not, fe you he been chon co be tual through which nay be herd the Vee of Teeth, ‘The problems shal now be tle away frm You fer” somes sich seced betwen Sta’ an fe pena Shit Paar Cn Hy ws ded a he epnne of this ptr. Keep sour meting ith Your Spies Fale tc oon one hou ute, Any longer wil aly ie you tnd kare You its Se of ral and eal xeon, HOW To sre wNro THF purrURE wermH Han exceacr [OCCULT POWER OF SPIRIT-VISION You he hen dep wih te dps of year satonscons ‘mind the ost power tak tothe fc, and tee ins fd places. The power as Spii-Vion andi ia help you achieve ot may wont sn mein hing ire Satine ban yates oral Too amd Spo. Vou can “oe” te new oppti, fend, $ecees mony, ove an aprines fa furure Foto be "Yous sto in aia men so ou ca he se ‘Al of tse thins cn Be de kaon 9 ou You re now adrancol cough 10 projet small amount of ik nergy it cys ll and he that Kinetic pe ee ‘eth myc ener ona vohe Spt Fece oval images ‘fare yet to Bey sotha otay ave ie anges and preps o ‘ happy expectancy, forthe postive experienc aed Astgoa arte the occa koowledge eostanind within he page of he bok ino your poche, ve wl ears hw 2 "se" at is A poles ou may afr anyeme to sei te frase dinenigns of time aad space?” Yes, anvene can tramsend the terrier of the fourth immson wih the hep of spits and the FEnetic poser of Spit Vison. OF enue, it does help with she Sees rate a eqpeiment ach a thsi you hive ben sing the ‘Bagi tal oth and prosling chapters a eve wl ep 10 ‘multe the comes kinetic negisrequited wo rece re ins ‘Shia Vhon Roser wil enable you 9 go beyond the ries af ‘ime ad spice t cnge youre by ming the cree des Times, you will gant maze with ay dead-end paths ard ‘lyon crest path fo # sentra pol. Ics these with yout Tie, "A apiece ara cui ime can brag a Ke of bape, than incre che or decison an Big ter disse Prost follows: Places mesorae cytal alanis oo ay eal spy sumed uate isk vee. Foon the bal in oto 30 fa sola. Make sre thst hoe are wo istration’ hs will Irtp in concn, Gaze a spt midiay between sours fia the etal wllc i sear window othe peti plane of Caistence — inaveunad and recive nate of mind.” Place andes Ghee sie ofthe coat. One We candle repesening Truth Su eoe pute cand eprseting Spiral, Light the ‘Shale. "The moi forces of Tesh apd piknally serve a ‘sold parpese inte aca art of ect Sah Toy este that you riven. rc on af the are an lp duet positive Spun fons coy ding the conse of he expedient. "You are ve ready to Bin. "THE SPIRIT VISION POWER RITUAL Ingreint: One he candle, one white candle, square of bck never, oe medussize crystal ball Day and our; This Rival may Se performed ot ay day and {tang hoor othe day of a Prose a fons 1 Pesfonm the ene Spit Furi Creation Rit a ase sou aries ait you in developing the at of second ght tw help ia the invoke af pine si tos song ee 2. Sivin a comfortable straight back chair and rex by ekiog esp brah fortwo thre mines, Cootine boning i his way unl you fe all se tension and sts ow fc your by 3, Blak your min a all distin though any Ring 4 Recite the follwing Invcstion soit ad wil etna 0 Mighty Spit Fores ofthe Ace! Pl I al on The Thow ‘Mases of Tine and Seo oral usto rea tue oon of che funare witha tis expt. “Blend Thine mjc pomers with min, revealing the gol and the ad hidden beyod ie Vell o Tie. All thy beth Pa aod impave stall Thee show me, "Theseech Thee, ©-Miphty Spi 6 ZA me this rae of ‘eat and minds reveal tat yet be So mote be." 5. Sin aust meditation fr ten miantes_Consertra non te pets, place ce event of hich yom wih to wecue infocmation, Gaze ine the ery to receive your Spin Vision and guidance Pct and prence gether with determination wi bring yt ‘he dsr ros ‘Spit gukdance i avaiable in this maner emf bors of very dy ‘One uscmpoyed young ina who wed this aul power Pl 'B, "saw" ue outcome of hrs tae whch wuld he Be aoa ‘acetrck the following Sats. Ins tse, Palas para jockey would ride the winner of oo races lth hey ere both longo, Lucy for Pal, beth hoses care hone 8 petite! HOW TO DIsalss YOUR SPIRIT FAMILIAR ‘When you are finshed qdestining soar Spe Pamllar on @ LL I _<_£— ee ‘whan topic you have chosen you must remove th iad the ek fr he meron a iw, ander yur aniline 0 retar w whence it came. 1 yo fara sleet dei threaten wah The agin hams "Finn, peat te eae Caste Cros Risa and aa oor petaprams mn tvere~ i eter words crane Boch thet and he ‘Sule fem he smowphere as "You st ope the whole ofthe Spit Pamar Creation Ril very te joa wish fo commute with your familie 6 CHAPTER FOUR USING THE POWER OF MAGICK CHARMS, POTIONS ‘AND POWDERS TO WIN THE HEARTS OF OTHERS ‘Whar greater pin can these he thm he pin of oneness? De yuspen agate might siting aba beside the fireplace in sk Shale wih oaly soar towghis of everuste fappines fr fearuns? Isthte simone fn four wal cc of aequinances Sittin son yu woul! Ue to aroae he amovene offend esac? "Phere are lneally hands of lions fiddle the word ver inthis ig usciows poe cold and lgne {tbe midst of even the knget coeds, Gaia about thar repay allie wering 4 mak ef oops le de cancer of TGnclnes is levine them an empty sbellinsde- What could one might tink, te mone th to Tore somcone ade ly to ave that love rejected or nt even eecopived a all? If aly power ‘his with which i iaflene anther emtions abd fecings so ‘Sinend your kmelnes and fasta, 6 There just uch «power ~ an ancient magickal poner! Inthe prsvowschaper jou kext bow to creat ful aad sein: Spt Servet; nd in hs ay you can never be deni ‘companion fc sour Spice Fania wil hays sppest belore so ‘TRE many Bence Heings arabe ty Rta aed Corea ‘Magik cum a be caned ar the wish’ or magicians ends ho ‘neat slimes rend) eas a hepng hand whl thes bathe a {sie rs of ove and understanding, The paces the Sesred Arts sneer iy alvin the wot ‘This msl companionship wth the-wordly ings il ll ant goody but wey a5 sae’ moray eure all we aa A emnhat more “physical” eelniaaship, wih: meni of the sre sexo ve the same se You a ha Way ielbd ne ae oa eee ee YOU CAN ATTRACT ANOTHER WITH THE ANCIENT [POWERS OF LOVE MAGICK Loe i geaps the lest and mat else of all she mains of ithbourbod ich or magician was eed! spon by neon en ‘lw fife or asa aang the hers rove deste. kn the equeny soal-ending sere fr lye and afeson ale with toca satan, one propa oy anything regu of ow bare oy ser tit plnce~ which es ene hope for ssruting the love and compensa f aba. you sincerely dsr arouse ove nd po inthe Ber of Svempl on or more ft easy thy feet charts pts ‘in pomirs for puning love, which fl, and all of your lowe lien lia the cen grote rated in al DOES LOVE MAGICK REALLY WORK? “Techs, pin oo pers contained within Us pages of iis caper have See ken fom the prmoies an fle et Fw hor the patent produce flex fone ibd or aehet fate agile work det cel power stile into them em Thousands of years of hehe an ther magi and if-canging ‘ais ~ no-one, icdag mye cam pe you a guaran to the efficacy in psig the desired reaction to hse ase, 2 his ison very lng cat, dependens on the adler sid ‘hams, poses ad pode AN ATOZ GUIDE TO ANCIENT LOVE CHARMS, POTIONS ‘AND POWDERS Love aso sman. Some pepe hive aways belived inthe mes the filling Love Maan Farle, eer be ised ‘cna: the wos fom fset- deception, Only you can decide the hima elt You mst ave isi yours and te formula Yon fae chosen oft "hmedna Whe worn by ¢ woman at ective love arm, fem enare bee of er hunban’s love abd ction al eke mand. ie. oe a sna yininiewl emare thither lover rem Tat re Take bck usta hare tet new Waa tte Sine as penduefor sen dye an igh ‘erwin tony t0 bate, On th ght ay, sve tothe woman Su desire aad she wil speak Alam Boe: raga het which represents the male and Btn Coane Comin co fenale puncis of ti, When wd os love harm it ean help 0 aetin the oye etwen sane And wore, Foran isin he wea t ‘rormany he ina 50 clay occ re, bag the Everootincomact ibe css lover Awa sek give the mat se as chosen the Adan oat ‘Simoke the gill fees, The ota tery ‘mer Voodoo charm ‘Xnetee magickal rb which is famous inthe vec for egret nice ait Sian unkapyy tear The ery ere in sof rel wine fors enter a hor ed then stained and aed ss power love pon, To araue the ses mene af the opens set Mit saa of te sn have Bt eb fr potion vo Tine pom, int tla ed vine and pve 1 te conan lovers A ey famous ahi nd sca fove pion, Amita het are dl fc Shotse. "heii tceo nts od ‘Red with a drink Another legedaty Re thanks to thse pr pests acne tomatoe afl of tc bere 1s, ren th verre a pas athe weld af ove gained by nikal eam Ocal Saba and snag fete is ured ‘sv caro he Beha of Noemie. tye week ner serve the egg Fo ite Fuego Eris Mania: Ae sng yam ng he ir a (efor ct me i dg Seat ve sats Caste cod hie in aii Se The gd ca stn can as rng ‘yung he acl omens of sbi ‘iy wat apa wen ecw eine nd ted ih dred ne Selai dette wean The cnie cnn ‘it sted blues dy pom ‘Roman which vance gute wt tna fs poet am frag the le an Seton fhe opm oso angers Teal sab ue tig + bre os snd oan poder ae ie foo ora dana ews aid flee he raps the most fous love sf al elt (er antl i he mapa pone po sed bythe plc Cy te mot ‘Ee them fr Spe, To gn fe oe nd at, ee lig Sis rs sho by pe and woe te eo ae ti at card tails mem fp ly. Nmap a which br accatl wih te eda Venay ae er wine ft Sheen rs mn hs me 2 ve my il bg ve nd matin ‘atalios twenty ‘sue by bah pre di «po mg te A rom coe ia he ae ‘Sets ating my bart o Oi: Pent ed Wine Rae: {aan wishes make aman ors e esl pale dod ud see ade es shesise over a han of ces. The phen fan by the dein noe wit make as ee fie “Ths inn evn of wach prt love an ition Appar sou apvei, th Nowe is mae Im fine powder a spinel on fod fa he ices eg an uly. ‘ove poton whch conte by ctr sx 19 fain be hve of noice. is upernt po fevers ancl, surmaty inn nes ones ‘ound eins prec eres fie anda ‘all owne of chil te ine, Whe the ‘onsscton ben 0 sem, pl foo wel ae You rst thn scwin sb hest whi couting chard Hes 10,” Pour on it capa fifo oe hoe love Jou ato ce. {ou fave fod ovr ely ne bi to noth ut mt the coy earn ihe som hl 0 Desir, wd pick thes to fos we the monn fl. Bay cn of he ties ees the ao yung ye tes oe in the ground boenth your ‘act and oe het Biden eens yor plows ome. hse dss i, Sour et vc sal car oar sie Teese ren the ly ois oed u inpse and patio forthe ating one oul ae ie ets drunks the sae ome the vere Isburoed This simpler um te pesormed Sun th, Sy ddl io Vena aod ney src a ed. he pun pring of ts apical fool feed of a meeps Fang love ant vee ‘ied yes aed walks 8 ey sca ad ver pris is wane proce a Sie Bats onion a Charm: Vomsion Ete Peon Vera Yor: rit al alge sexual simulans woul no doubt, {earl ot ein mane xr “Yer snoes her to whisk age abated magickal Fovoiningtotiebeert Redacattoa fie powder Ait apne on food oflered tothe beloved ‘Woman ca abo wear the mbt love cae sore the atest of 68, The hers Kwa laden, Hair is snc scaly with the planet Venus, andes sch Inte tong srs powers 1 we i alas he Spits take the herb and inimere in wer rng 4 Pay we cigs "Most Noble Ansel, Tow Sprit of Love and lapinese, Ubesaeh The w Mes my ME vith tuner es. Some the.” Having femoved the ecb om the ware, i hen wa power lore charm iy 4 man or To prac this epndary lve potion you ake # pinch of the herbs cnguef, ervaia and pt lak, which have boon mised tetera Ie Yo seep for bao ay, ad ad wo 3 gs of ed (One ofthe planetary hers ssscned with Venus, the Planet of Love, te Yersin i sed when one "Thana fst sok nj which has oo, quent from a sereain pus, ad ansone who Is ‘cued with he et hat bc acu Le, ‘al elie 3, i's maried oman wes to Keep her fshand ‘ruc forsee ines even Yat thon ll se sto Ades pice old witcher and ang me yao tre tsi which th se nd er husbané have steps Any one of the foregoing chars pains and ponders fr love an flo could be the magical ttn toa Jour rrantic ‘sets and lick of rcpecated aetion, FINDING THE PERFECT PARTNER Having ll thelave pon ia exieace st yur heck sod eal worst do you ane i af ged without lis having someone une thes on.” So the fst tig that yom uve to do foe Sou can Be ces in se af thang peopl’ motions wih Sui hrm an potion, tpt Sous in’ postion where eat Despleané poten! pute area yur disposal, Thane lt oe at tb oa nn em sl ca fore haecking on yur ra doe Gd ick! CHAPTER FIVE THE SECRETS OF OCCULT POWER ‘Tre fn sep toward relesing accu power sto your if the ‘etal cotrlingof yur tough, This achieved trough the Climination a serine conc ic lave Been ora ‘nit each oe of ws ora very early age, ‘The subconscious Seytnds to alle ayche-ommands (thot) sem 9 eaing da bihiysegatve nate efltng abel belo ack, disap, Tanti ad despair, ening thee gave enti, hich te fenemted fom whi jour om mun, wo take on sd hd (Sn fer Un pour nie Remember, the hires sors produced during Rival Magick tut a magnet ike ality fected y your thong andl can dt {you Unlrendly Fores and the pyc equal’ o thse Frcs fn the shape of failure and alas. ‘Begin to change this roptve programing of your mind rdsy! Replace epative bof with a pestve bai in bright and uppyfture.Esertine Ot yo fad youve epg (oak ang angie escent gy a he Thin eon Replace Se agave Caughts with one or sore ofthe pie tei pve in teflon te NNepave Thought Concepts Pesive Thought Conepcn ‘War Pease Poverty Weal Dee Heats Bait Sir Ba God Hanger Penty Hue Love Sette. Hippies Reston Feeder, Disc Hiemeny File Sic Reneater, whatever ppeho-cmmscids ou sed Se ind al come 10 pas with the powers of genine ances? aaick. "Send ourself constan flaw of postive coms. Think and spk inn aude o poste aeptance, a your es Lie wil gin vo ake ov new meaning, depth and haps PROJECTION OF CREATIVE MAGICKAL POWERS ‘As mented in Chspter Two, mosiasien en pemerf ngr it inning exer mail eer ino every aes of Your ie. Tean lp you tosteceed m yor ever ncevaking. Ya can become mre sense to the ive foes hh uct (neath and every ride. Your Kets powers can become more ‘developed Tecan ep your ba el sl of ema nd phys lesen Sormich canbe achieved hough the single peice of ‘maditatoe meth. Remember, do sc aemp ofr ary mage or medion unt ou have achieved the rig mental atid If Yoor mid silt {She high pesentage of nya boughs ud cones, mail vu son foun norton gee cing a DE Epping reas “THE TECHNIQUE OF TRANSCENDENTAL MEDITATION ‘eae then the method owe for uhieving deeply rene tte mimiy and in so doing tem &pties chun! forthe Nae of (rete egal poner TY Set side fra tn ofits mues of you vie ec ay fe netic the ort of eeseaemal tation, Ea in {helporning bes, when the mind eee from 0 sight deep 2, Retz to yous Magick Room, where set are conn that soul rc Bede during your mediation session. 3, Siete ere ged pon the flor erin confortable Shir wi beh fet lt wpa he for. you cham he Tater ay sour band pals up in Sour a. ‘Vow your sanding i the cote of ish green forest, AL sur era gently bubbling bok of fresh ad {Sowa lee ter, Belt sm pon soar face ad the fess beneath your fee Walk over and touch one of the {Gant ak res which cea 30 aroma sou en vey ie Fea the iterchange of een Petron yourself and the tne. Next immerse sour in the wonder feng of min beeen so9 ond theo ak ee, Remain i hs Erosive and receive vate or a mdaue Fo feoee [pvesting on tthe sex tage of meta. «6. Tom your ated to the eaton ofthe pcul thinheye ‘inate inthe aa ach space Dewwen De ees, 4, Vianlize aw” eounidovn fm 30 to 0 With exch Posing mabe, fst vrs sping into a deep lad Inte of ind om continue to tere evenly ad deeply: 8, Tranaler you uertion to the exact ceate of sour Ney imagining sou do hat te sce af YouE ead 8 DS 5 Iw onde with an inky dans, aa wali a hat Spots pinpsint of righ don eng Del tn ts pont of ple Hit Fr fa ve inate, ‘thonghts 10 run fee. Make notes of all note ad foepes whi appr in yor ind ing ir pid of your mattaton, Answers to important quesioas and the soln to prablems wil ten appeal sour mic or yn 10, Rely form « sv image in your sind of sme special ese you would ike have materalze im youre Del nea fra fl Bie re 12, Repeat day Sic ina rlsed mative tat fat est sm to cen mites ofeach day. Vinbze what you wh achieve with he cote overs of peauine ancient magick, and ble Ua twill dead forme tops. This wl sir your neat hie poner lr nto “ymami nd serve atin, soon appear in your hie Te veal iss simple gett THE MAGICKAL WORLD OF OCCULT POWERS ‘There ars mince working powes tent within ve al. Kine and sczle powers the mind which cn ach tino the nether oul of time and spice. Powers capable of llecting and Inilening the minds ees the Las of Nata a the Spit See You can rate material objets as if ba fh icy ing the mottling power of criti vixton, A inanimate abject ‘an “speak" to you through the media of pyehomete trations Imibearmosphere. Hiden deposi ofgoldandoilean be revealed to you, whem you once [cam the ancient art of dowsing for tchse lok a the ken work! benenth out fest. AM thee ‘things pls whole lor me "can De ours when ou ace deslan {i ur atnt oso oes. You maybe tk yourself the quston, “If these powers ate 30 6 ocd for ws, then why doesn't everyone use them all he sme” ‘Ths is tecase ao any pooped o Their musgun ligne, Tesch and comactans,grsty lea he cul wordy believing,” Tony an i ermen ho the hae the Dele hd owe of any kind fis demoas fn die Tet ae esse yous ght Ree and fxm, chat thing coud be furhe Hom the tah adh ws han wate wl ely 8 ‘fining thee aring ies and cel powers win wl Tris caper yu wil ea the sample methods nd exces for developing hee ocealtpowess with which to materialize tose Ase fo bapines love, mene ucts, health and enone Sci tannin soor He All a ne tener ad ¢ Fran blct in your aii ease success sd Mappings tom the ‘poms 6! which you ae aeat to earn. Ture as all apparetiy ani objec are compsed of nue partly energy Ka or too: to Is be oma mind made pelts houghs which ae, nfs, compels of eet-magnctic heegy onlin from icin the Unieral Mind When 8 though comm i ent t the soheomacous, thee parties of nied enegy amet dna ae eee aon to oie ppp cole acordance ih he onal command. 1 IS them same energie mich ee th corel factor bind the ‘access dovlopune a implementation facet power yout ie "Po form thet energie inthe vari inet powers which ae Ince within our min yo sows lige practise ach ome of the follwing development cher each day for fem oF twenty HOW-TO “SEE” YOUR WAY TO A NEW TOMORROW ‘The pons of eentivevinubation i jst one ofa vast ary of inctc eoeegy fnses which ve an ise 0 tery change the eatve ape of vr il ina mara weeks even afew ds Wik thr miracle power you can materialize rmmey, power and ern happins As Wty magick, you am daw 10 youre ‘Schand evst ate! possi Yo desire tow and eos fe your lie 7 ih the motivating power of sane vssiaon, you ete vivid metal age ofthat which ou dea he mot oar pe tnd then iprss it upam an imagnars sereen before your mind's el Sto tl Introd een oge oat eae amt Sine he ative He ener of te sabomsios mi to bmi aig proce the des objec in sid nd aie foro Your every thought and acti wll be diet toward ining the spec and worth yo. Kinetic ene ‘imate he wl ind mae il he be hw st Inu the abjecive word, hia the se ine ging you create ‘atv piace om whgho eve of waren han 4 ptaon tenon the materi lee of cnet The power wil ow ls and coin. bring your vey ksi it shrp cer feu "Your visualised dees becomes git pulsating sd cresting vortex drawing iat i cent al your kines ener ori + {stand mites power with whi ocsslie and materiale 3 Foner ei old ely. This mt etc pow Frey rc ard hg ces van, lotic omc Sour seaet ss to pe You potest the powers ork donna yur ie a ia "To pu the maximum Benefit fan the erenive power ofthe biker mind cents sou sbeutd spend east en mines cach dy in tekxed edive med, wsulng what you wih (0 etm wh war etek acral i, ed fuente ures ot The ols rut that you poses ase di aa “inure ith incon ment cary, yous fommuaing new tnd orgial moaeyaing est and ice that ca ae you Sch and financial secure. Se yourself a besming 4 human toney.magnt to draw an endless fom of sages to yo fc all ssn Se mice dlr ep ino al ‘und yon, Go onan shopping pce baie Whatever our her ies; aething concer be deed so sai. ~ “Gratin visit an acura bs deri dave with intent and parpnes Mon capireame are, by Ther ry ” ature, as dimensional age af wacomecied hough devi of ‘Srecton oc purpose, The mind images crete by wsliation fun hve depth of shure, chines of ar und most important Malta sone oowire. Srv wo create the mos iid mex Ghdpc acu cane Pel arf you weve ony co eat ot tere Sr cht so oul wooch he visualized ie of dese ch ts Ribas ot ear ad fle ofimage. Row hat tts beady Ieppenc inthe Aa Plane, and ch it wilson cme 0 Fas 0 the pial word of mate. “Cheng azn us the poten 9 make ou tc, Ho tray dese rent eal and lp you to tan our every goa in ie Havca sons erounnal desis wo possess pi materi (tag suchas tor icevison stereo Stem oF ee 1 Ue Tce sulzaon to lal sour Kiar energies en te 08¢ Sjevibe gol You wil generate powesl ays of etermazad TESS Sy wit which to den your dese 9 gow and make i seal. (Gre an Occlt Seapboak of Flint to ely csi and sisting gout desi to sod cay throug the extras Tank cocrgye'spele an rw Cyt out eight and colorfl Ram ean ages a theme eso wn Hae our fe and pate thes om the lark ges ofan oer Eooks Je rhes amdlace pea these ages of sais dese fora beast eon mute each day then wml, forthe nex ie zues of SoM ath he wed or abe enjoying the Rapist il ‘Bre ow. Tor tale if you with wo evel to cstant and ext ands wet somnrochures om yr fel travel agent and paste the os SARL e Rte your Ocel Seropens of ames. aes ‘Secnure pin your mind and bebre tnt ithashappenss You (Pilate your next Kies power ao aon t make happen. ‘Witcrer you desire ot fife can now Be Yours. PSYCHOMETRIC VINRATIONS: WHAT THEY ARE AND HOW THEY CAN BE USED TO FIND Los PEOPLE AND HIDDEN TREASURI ‘Brey animate and tarimste objet and hing, ors ama » {eing to sal pebbles on the tach, dies an ivi every fa t “The Kinetic pve of pico i te an. of sensing and ndcsanding the laine eld and scores ‘how and mon eae te vbrutass conus ca be the bey tt van orang of ee infra aad ros "We hat all en in the moves hw te plese a mare by swing oe npr et yt llr othe san The San toplist the vise Kins tions emanating fs these ery, ashe roe of enc ton and sum ‘ering we cme tn cttw incinerate ike Gh of sate homes te, fac pore pychooce ‘lion rapped hin the sid cenfine is at ape Brey irs et tye ah bese id nrsning fe pschometic nL sway a tn fer example, can seve rch show an niu al se imo, taps an, ome css fue happenings Al of teething carte mde Logen you toh he oan ‘ommted whi the ens he perch bens ‘We psa brain wi who hak sd a sea special manrert hp soe the vated pees of day ving, The tiger pec id ares penton Jee ehh is eo lag Sd ron intrarenal the abut felags Saown ar emonoos, Ian "es and “sie” of people bigs an be dec ae a the poche virannstertog ih te eerie oh Ihe i ony. ‘Wecteteing el habs bythe nsec sen four srs ery dy." Tang in hse sen ato on te mt revealing roan to the tre charter and maa of series west sensor hoten seni en ‘Fu your phe mind o ay ese ang or daptonet hich may ate fa faced formed i's fon Oar the ge: sig Bek > the port pers Rapin ny a srs, ning ks nf Your eam boa Foes tater acer » “The kinetic power tnown as prochomery cin Help you 10 sentine your even oselt per foes cores to these rae ‘nce ooforming sou io 4 gait, poses car iC mec ae ly ogy ne and rte nr eis ry od ee ng ch ton Se bc he of eam ne eclopment of pavchomety si, att any occult power fen ses mits et SSSPESI ere mooie ec Fm en ‘is ed RW en's ero se ech fat Sia and igo ay ml tem bobs 0 tether ecco asomer aba fey mitn a 2 Sle te sc in 1 mat porta at Seuini Pipe sil tee 4. Cnet ma tee oe 5 Geter here ctome ations The onl may come moans wos + fer tg epg pe Tage mom taco mt pao win une nd ys ice cy ral te nd Ste TRA ye em hoc a see atteap spetonal ceran: mm Me ie Scio Act ean peal ROME etey fr poem eg Thome he ne ‘rltca pi nl he et eves oy ‘ora hee ae Tne metro my hand rs oe ites i ie a tat emp vey " Basope along wih ating of cldnes. “Thi as” remark ‘om om acold aes of Nortern Ensope Teas phase sll jewelery so occ in lange ity. Tae she vm loge alone ai trace mci wee The young ka a en seamen, “Yes ha is ie, “Tha abc ight” was alae cal ey Tes importan oie out wheter eu see seme ov Gein the ‘i few minutes a boldng theo fom which the prchoneric seading sb aken Dp not alt ogi se of out mad {Oaks cool during te ey sagseetdewlopment. The pet ‘of pyehaneey sone a he east and simp tobe mastered i Using psrehomesy to find mang prairies the Roding ‘fan ta of jens osm arte of cating worn hy te prion ‘esto the sudden dappeatance Pilon The ene Pye. ‘metic Deelopaet Ril Revord in yout book of Sados any {eings you rere. "The paychometic vibrations canbe sed st sues to locating he msingpesson. You cans fi het pts i much the same manner by balding thecal write oy Tenino the isin a ‘You ca as ete peer of peu detection (in ‘find lest cast or aknble mira des, You wil mod thi to construct the it of Sour sea soe 4 Pycumeical Dining Rod Gotoa ee, no more han oa year of and naps ranch wich is two extaded tig forming Yhap Pace East and speak aud the falowsneeeierxo. L canjore Thee, Ti Spirits who gute lost eanwes sbowet me, sro tls wus branch whet ts ad elds hidden beneath my fot.» So mete be you lve nat aea which it short on one ol ees ke and rina ntl coathange: and, urog the honk he bs, foe Into a Y-sope. In this ewe, the abore confront ed ‘The divining od wil pickup the psvehomere beans ain Soom the desed substance." ‘The ro wil ster pot doin 81 spoc om the ground if made of mood ot fen Worn iyi withthe pychometac vibatone if made of net ‘To use the per of pychomerry in this way ts nec or sot an yews mina to concestae pon a metal mae {Peimlasune of hat which you ack Hold the ding ad feu, eth ye thro Emon the wal in pce the pate Shur hank, As you walk sly around the aes yo are acing, ‘gp sour sense lee to the sine rsspose em the You ‘then be cern tht the rust pou ae seeking the fumed uc ofthe spot You ae sana ‘emerbe, tne and patie are dhe magi Keys cee the amazing work of occ powers 8 CHAPTER SIX HOW TO USE THE ANCIENT POWER OF ASTRAL PROJECTION TO BECOME AN INVISIBLE ASTRAL TRAVELLER practioner ofthe Sacred Sclenoes as she potent to gai the Total peat dances inthe tinklingof aneve 0 arer he scret enon of Cends sod rangers and explo any Par ‘is pl hen pasa faace 28 iy fellow nese nsrcton cosines with 1S EME ov earn the oar sestt for spurting an inca se¥0 Tilvcr of concourse the hysial ard asaly to become an Mitahc waver, siaiiewooal the most sled of pvehcs. You ‘ites cn tn aunt aby for acety fporose, neat finding out what your esihbours reall ge up in bef wiht? PQ in tu ave ata seat you wil beable 0 anezed ‘eal dimerion of tine and space, vit the Spt Work wee fi canese with dparedfved oes acover 267 infreanton 8 1 person may be Keeping feo: soa, tpeone sour it ie, amd fener have onc bl fu gue ue! ‘re sou realy emia pea the most theiling advenane of Fs Macy Bsa Pac Afr Tig eA Si Reality Aeuareness as The female bjs ofthis prscolr Case icy i very well les Aastra pyc mo wa ence an asian of mine n ‘he not too distant pst, Celehies trom beth Astra a Aaa wl tans sins adhe fst ele things as what tek t testy wih sur set tale or marge, nd al points west. She was, when The be, erring Indra of coils every We, te weeks a tbe yer. sory tek adr be sr Mary nother el name) wa taba chy Ae yeas eae, May ws jut anther boaerfy pra ell ono, lvog i sustain ty the Olson Ue Frwgeriy. Realy dered, Mary found ie aH har acing We times drienreht inponble ~ bor mungged to rmlmn & peste Rely and apr disposition inthe face eer ars. Se ws nr living he plete, bu his could ave een at Then ane ay Fate seamed deal berth hardest Bow of al ening home ing th wsklspis, eu fled ahem Ss Sc, cla The next thing she semembesol war yng in a host bed surrounded by coosermed decors who could eat find» ule reason for he sen clap During the time she spea within the coins of her boeita room, Mary bad a spontnente sl experience which wae 4 Gates hecey lien reine wera Tay gg Wop the wee herr, ding ee % ‘int elo Aowers of what promi 1 be» wonder Song, Mary mueny fund ering” in te ir abore ber bs TLooiog back athe bake saw fer phy form apacenty ‘opin wncmrted bexwcen the ees The som seed 10 (Soo aroud her and Mary fing somewhat unsettled by frond Hemet inthe aud of «fro sbrgia camp somewhere Inthe Ausra wieres. Rewrning 0 her physical bods, ‘Mary fou to ber sugpie that or pache had undergo Atonfration sd that she now posse 8 er high gee of Jateat ESP and ther pyc aes. "Ta was quite + Hk, since pro ois asl expense Mary a fo theft bt Deve The rn ou aca En Taka the ancem powcs afasral proecton, Mary's Ie ws ever avg ever sea ‘THE FOUR LUVELS OF REALITY AWARENESS a the iumlction co tis chapter, Tad mention of the fst shat i an posible for the esperienoo ata tell 10 0 0 ‘eed aay to esis beyond tne and pace, ruck Sr Spase orld of meter Perhaoe mow i as aod ne 25 cea bope for celia eval what I meant by tht epleing at iy unui, tate There ae four and nly (our ~ levels of whaccan We termed es selty stron an a poeottincr of he ecu on Be fee contact wih al or “Phe mos ingot rom & magi tpt Aste Splat Work, fr fst Ince Planes ofthis dnension in hich Sie he Rents Reims yr lB call ua for elp chi oogh {he lem perfierance of the vas spelled tals deeb Shin the pages of tic aol The Asal Plane asthe aby fa {jute amasag mart beng excitement ao an ctber wie ul ie "Pe een evel of awareness te lens The List ‘enn Itligere) “Toe Aaral Pe {Spin Weed) The Level of Bleed Darknes (Nepative Osclt Pores) "The Physical World (Ete an Ne) All hese celes ave maf: within evecy man, woman and fd, Reng farm “The Soar of Lie ‘he Liskin The Spit Boy (Te Asal Neate Thos (The Dashes) “The Piysial Boy ‘Tne Psyc So it can be try mid tha ma i the perfect reflection of the ‘Commo in oats, divine sate of being, wil ew tpn the mya enenps of ind, srl nd spat tea wha nto bing abou poive changes eum The Man Wh Agpsared ie Taw Pace t One °U thee i sch a thing 20 animal by ten tore is alo @ spiritual fay" The man who made that profound state wat ‘ai for it — none other thn Saint Ato of Pa, a rl ceury Porugese Hasan Iran pape now bet as to mast a you m the patron sito the por and owes, Sc Amon gained something of repatatia southern France Somon in's hatch i Limges dung 1205 that Se ANON Induced sn asa expense. ! Susy eomecserng that he a omit Rimi 9 chi ‘fessor wo a grup af mink sseibled ia char clear aes town, St Anthony ead his sermon, mich the confi of tose q bere hin, Row och ioe and remain thee seat tle {ors namberof mines. During that ime, St Athy sadeniy Sting Aahoays arial atthe ater chute, pe his son 0 ‘tefl sass ad aio uduny she had apne the pot ‘Sin promply vane. Meal, back the ober crc St “Antony os oi fst and resumed sermon WHAT YOU WILL. EXPERIENCE WHILE IN THE ASTRAL, STATE OF BEING Puy simply, wie 9 person proj onto the asta ht emite consiganss tht par ech poses thse ~ eee an amogptous mas of motile itligece, wl the psi bst Tray remlne safe ane cure upon the be “Aipselpses oi ona neal |The bee ‘upped the bodys digestive sytem func st pe ptf face, the niad sameness mores about quite ely tout ‘he rentictions of esi led pa oy o old back, 10 ‘pas unseen through wal an dors ‘During the asl wate of Eng,» peion's seme of sight and hesvog ate heignsd Asta cols are trey td ‘tal sounds are cryval ier. Asa the ast se of realy 6 ‘mech, mach move sing than thew which we are now Clsusg "Incanto te ui ranparet a 5 ight "rt power ether which ena one to stiraneoy ros the vst denies of psc soaces und to ated secret pate ‘neces compeely nde ‘Aut jet er and absolutely ae proving yo ake dete preenns porto yoor departure foe the ysl plane existence, An Amal Proteion ie ge i Cull ter on in Shcchoiee “Wr of a ann returning i Your Shc bale Souramemacy of everthing the yous hes and lt unig out ‘Sur adventares ocr sd precise your ind ‘THE ASTRAL TRAVEL PROTECTION RITUAL, ‘When Jou tively pou fave your physical boy an empcy Shell ani asesiy fr Yow eat hic Sie and mal bore fo retes Yu Heng dy gate psi By negetive "Tite aeptve omc foes canbe casi under thee main ‘ype, and re follows: Demons Desig ro poses your mind ands Se that they muy wre jou i ee en Stougaleagnine he pie magical eves af the Lig. Premeatle Desiring t posses jour mind and bay so a they may aus dangers fos ‘tenet and cane pt eer a0 nendng ces ogres. ul pies Doig yl at et 5 may ence agin Walk the ct [No ith time to potest youself agalaetteseunscen danger Proce flows 1 Pefor the emi Siri Pasig Crction Ril, ad ak she pee and Hind spi to Blend is tga energies wit Kini 2 Lic dwn ot yon bed ao eles, Vissi men eta ‘ho ase, ha es, above abd low your hed. AS each oe decreed iy the Powers of Jehava, Hoh and Adon, am prose 2 Rega hei Bal eye ea Ws ase elo The per of genie aint tags mill tou ity the ara sae of blag easly and sph raced allem Fis al you mn oe the Ase Travel Prosi Ritual, ing ‘your Spt Pamir to spree tbe preci powers. Ths a It vial pura sou qos Tor ptivehfesniching capeinces (asi pact, ot wil eneare thn your bya all ies Troveling seals to soar predetermined destination bef i Sime space or beyond. ‘Nest an fe down on sour bed ant both our mind ad tony sp eats int = pursine aod cise sat This i mest importante trom of aky Riad ll only aepate the ire fepetment. Sein your aind the detntion ou wish each (re aveling sn the alse. On your ft few stem it {Stew reach an aren bi fe aly ew fet fom yt od ‘ethape thal ner rom, beats ats by esa » efor ican ers hoe rl 9 toe ust the ws aver eat ‘Deon and dct tie ost sought afer oat ability Then “nao yursel tobe ata tes, i he fs 392 ea Tr n,n ore et here she a waking rect he flowing Invxaoa He Caarans of tis power ‘Scale, Haoriom Elvi, Gael, Semtrion, Mentnaba, erably Cae, Bab Cate, Time, Bors, an al ye Site lines Temmand Thee by the powers Ye pees, BY the fmpire which ye commands grat his ey state dese, 30 that 1 may bosom iis ZO ye Mighey Spits of ess, an all things which © sons by man's er Icon roman The ons ‘Spoor ecu abe so ha sy and widooe depo, Tay facome ene whos invisible thee fis flow man. Further 1 nutes by te Names One, your pins ns maser 10 eve tee asians by cowering Oss experiment, without ls of the They and oul wbich pew posses. So mot it be.” ‘Coe your esa elon uth your mind and ody; Do ot epi ar anything ding this peso. Fear i a barr co ae vd ra ne alloyed to tke of You. Sepertien of ‘ete badi wil car i oe of 0 PH Tiere ll be some sight Gngng and. pecking sessions tteoughoot he Wada fhe bait colors before the ol tes spur consianes mse tide of your physeal tod eur pererdon af yr immoliateenroament ay be slightly os a fin cae yo wl be eguring yous Bedrom o tn ara above sou ep oy “Sra cm a sect Sng the hows of Heep, when she ioc fas roche very doo sate felon tne. ‘The farm of separaoon wll be of a isaac rue one ‘homer pou be pel deecnng ad a an instant you wll, find youre st your presterbined estinaton a me and pe, Tin betto pact tal projec ight pew he onset fey, abensne can sur an ate of wet to a. ative {dy of law consuming evens, Pree thi ality to eke the ‘te werd sad all aging on spt you fora ess han teen IMimutes cach ay, an! on yo wl be able osu this sate o ‘ejection easly and automaticaly Th the srl sa of beng Sau il be able to hecme ome wit the Bevefc Beings invoked by Risul ad Ceremonial Magick — ‘a NOW YOU CAN BECOME AN INVISIBLE ASTRAL TRAVELLER TO ANYWHERE IN THE PHYSICAL WORLD AND BEYOND! Practise makes perf. Nothing could be move tue when i comes tothe nisl ‘devebpment of the aby 10 astally project one's conciousness beyond ht or hr phil! hady. Do ao espect to succeed oe your fest fe aempts. Asal projection, oboe ll ther cl Powers ture ime and pene. But once You poe fr the frst time ~ either spoatanswnly ery an act of will yout bie wil ner sem quis the sme eve ae, ‘No mer ew rd oer pony conn and ned you can we asa projec to become aa ive cari thit Drvate ofc or setuded hone Ising o his erry or nd ‘watching thir every move! ‘Asta project i, wot dost one of the est emer ccc ables oe can poses infer Hine Proce — youll be very pad you dl 2 CHAPTER SEVEN ‘THE SECRET SPELLS AND RITUALS. (OF ADVANCED CEREMONIAL MAGICK You cam we the acct spells and ital af Advanued Ceremonial ‘Magick doce i hina chapter bring oa beter health, Tuinent in Tovey and anyother pose experiences In your tine, . ancient power fons. which fas the pose for Being the geet ‘Mui of thera woyonr sery own aay of inet pers. The ‘Rye energies imbued in the sane chant, nections, and ‘Roasts es helps droite Su eal he stesso), lives powe aod hepanes yu Soi ever hae o eo i Your fe te on earth The prs invoked by Advanced Ceremonial Magik te among the mont pomerfal ofall the mail fors ever interact wis incivdul person, ou wills ft, be dealing with te endary Occult Forces of Creation of which so nc his teen writen, set sori experience Magick cons is ane cam grat power se ae, wth atc be smut and ed rough a tf Sincere deseo inte ajc werd ttle, Fei. power ne caabi of testi ces eit and “eon neta rsh tv ali of om mat “The world af magick and aris oat powers i tray SIS ea ppv iy Sse i ae ‘ord nthe oun pentium ie, Jun ati ta Imeny sender aterenem arouse, te Senos hppines which soul! be mad o spear he wold Takin prac! ce iene Ar of age. “Mooey would appt when led. Eenskips woul i conc Sal stu swear fend "Thre would be no mote war, No mote hunt, No more poverty. "No toe diane ThE word wl bec th Prrsis shoul! sna have Bost "then fou tin to une he por of eminent magick, rane appre ls wil begin bapa in yor lee ah mow daly tas Mince ser ite of iment, ove, ‘ines bd con. in ac many of Joo wil have aay tests tha new and scr pen sheave edo be" wees Soret ace of pra al se st sal Bnd vou ie mith apps sd as ao he Avene of fay cbt pve regra of om, ut the acter aime ice mg thee tin your or cl Sus asin snd amine the pela! a de i th prosenychgteryf thie take you wl et he erica rove ofa sw nein nour see, oo 5 occult power centres ene the myc nk bereeen yu yours Goi he Deca Fagcso ean, which pvt apace ics Can bain hapesing or enews of lesa tot Aancs, The ahs taut ofthe Pyrmids ‘The slew monoliths of kastr Ian ‘Tore ae ll expesans of etre Tuck cneg¥ and of he pwsive interaction down trou the ages terncn mankind and The ped Bence Beings iavoked hy mick. The ancien pists td tay eu were the ting perimsatn of these Higher Magia! Foe and Face Rew tp the hiss power of ‘Nitnced Gerenatal Mapck toworkappret aco ve ad Ths mighty power fn shundan a he air we rete, et tte ast majority af people ee nae exe, or ow vey Sle ic he api gia ener for ceva amazing ‘Rte il 0 te brn wi peste ife capes The power and he fat, ere Win Ul ‘YOU CAN BECOME A NEW PERSON swat il Bapgen” yOu may ay "when T begin to we the power f Advanced Csemont Magis?” You wil ben to gain Ftmcr sength of orp, confines, and an abundant spply of fourthimensicnl powers With his mew scan, emis, nd power wl coe te sly to ace the gals you Inve et in Sour fe. The ssemen ht Your pjsbesexxps Ga this eile eae of occ power actualy xi mahal energy wi et afin out frm sor aun and ie you the ess, one om ota, yo ie, At fs be els may em 1 908 SS Rtime or sw tm caing, hut the ore seu vuke ns Thnk ewe che ulcer and tre definite shal very one of Your wih be gre "You wl avn tenn 9 mote ube anges in yours and in heard yous Every aspect of yor fe wil become moze Inemiagfl a5 your aun boy ad soul beg to rade fourth (Teasfanal occul pomer, Allyr buses ad pera aurscan fe inprevedy beoming mere sccesful and fling. You will Tvome tacky succol an hoppy india wi he Keowee that — despite what ethers may say oF do — you ae the ay ‘hin you to ahiere whatever yo deste ou ie “May of fou wil nd yoorsces teeing mystic insight ite ‘This tn sre sign that teeta of vanced Coens Nach fave forge srg and everastng mt! ink betwen ou ad the fees Behind all aagick. It th winlom wth wed on ‘cealective seal of thought, ald bring pee tthe wack anda nd to ers fran sf wlierng "This wsdoo es Kr tall the gree spa leaers of the past; peuple suchas Master Jey Buddah, Plo ad Soeate ‘eva rte bnvandg sed toh thi eating oe as ‘lings ave posible one you yourself of de aad agate mins and concep. Advanced Ceremeal Magic cabin ‘amar ransermaten within yours sag ear es perfect nial, reling the pov ems of happiness fa uses in everaing you ey ado. ‘Ceremonial Magician everlasting seu fee whic works in ‘lent and unoheryed was Yo ake dreamed wishes come #2 HOW TO TUNE IN TO THE POWER. (OF ADVANCED CEREMONIAL MAGICK he contling ee behind Cetetonal Nick Asta Light ‘whi, a ts name ampley originates te Asal Pane of our fomsioinese Avra Light aa best oe desibed a a intang be Jor of electrmapnetic eter which his the apace to bacome limped with het emanation ef tot a re ‘timgick.”" (This whe he somo fox hts a inthe cst fr personal ceult power) Your mind the entrlizg fcve bah the cco appliction of this pose esi the da to-day ls of your le. Wem yr mind line with the pose forces of magi it ean, tough un act ‘nvoction and sncentstiae, diaw foio your very being his magical power ab! produce the desied. posal or ert! ‘icon ftom such an I uf pestive stra ener. “he procs ery simp "You merely ern to sono his 9% merce spy ou wth oni i niche This achieved by coling the inate mack powcr of Ase Tighe ith the puvers imbued ia the ancient Latin chats {avec osatadens eich can Be found i hi ae ‘Remeber, your ma and soul mt be nth pote and cept sate in onder to ain the masa bene om one mplemcotaions of Advanced Ceremonial Magick o's hi. you are many dot whatioever as wo your eaerent sate of il eat, | soa sages that you elgnty rae orm tind ease” technique Uke the ne dried in Chapter Fie uftus books When sare conden: that you have achieved ‘hele fe sind with whic to Barnes apd manila Axed ight Ronee hes and ely then proce onto the Aaranesd (Geemnrial Magick cechnagues describ athe fllosing pugs of ‘scare. "Yam ily however, ind ha once yo ave beta using the Asal Light Arropomerr Rit on» daly bats your mind wl be cessed fee al negate hoop cance "You ate a rad (Bi “THE ASTRAL LIGHT ATTUNEMBNT RITUAL Ree oon orn Magick Roo. Loosen a gh ting sou'may be wes Daskea the rem so tht ou a 20 Dhuned ty an cate anunt of Ege” Stand eet an he Nom peed fon he een es deer ets 1 PIRSHES set sr anding ia tem x very ig wie lec ere want 3. Tate vee mre deep tras od fel the Light How. in tod ig our by or ead a Eaton 5. Repeat dy Pausing afew ines cach dy, eisaizing youre surrounded be ‘hs Tight ll po riafors your atone 93 BEGIN EACH DAY BY ATTUNING YOURS! 'TO THE POWERS OF ASTRAL LIGHT To nour ta every dy oe the tet af ot ies ‘the moenngscson of al Ligh Asoc Thi wl lp yw to arterte pontiv experiences on a dn-to-lay bass 6 the ‘Sonam re rit ow fom yur mind and raf arse the actos und thought otersnslet end were ways “iviag ean ow to tune ino this vesting magickal power all bc remiss for you te patio werk it yeu e Ingrotients: "Tie teen candles, tcene of ms, grsnakar lot oy and pour: Fray. ‘The xemth hour of the dy, oF the lath hour of he nih Prose 8 flows: 1. Taube on parchment i ereen ink he Astloia Symbel of ‘ens (Figure 4), ad pace the cate of ou? a 2. Ligh de ts gers color se place that ow ther side a {he pechnest trad the reno he sar. 4 Dell upon tbe Asta Synbol of Venus fora few ‘minus yo allo i clestal powers of lore cb eeu To ee with Jour yee 4, Preuptheprchment nth the Symbol inscibed upon ad a i ee your bear, 5. Pevlor the etre Astral Ligh Atonement Rita the bh white fight has changed Peni shade af eure et coin super os Ang foes, sine gue eters in nomine On Hey, Hes, Fa Fe, Adana, Sedge mine Sala. creme quadrepedia ce anamalia repli Tomes in sexo dint Ane dit pesaten ster ois aiala tne Benedict st omen seth ne ‘agel Angco Magho, principe Fr agua pte et pe Pea * ‘namin Stla que es Veni tp Sg es que suid est “ctu, et per omion pas comro super et Anat cu et rapes di seta, rome ators." fr iia Sina ie oe Rae US ‘boning ince ad then cicey 283 tsa to den love snd romance ita your ie est sre tit ths Chant has the potent t sek owt an asa he deal ie purer, sone who wil share terest with ow seca ill his erin sppear i your ile? "Tha wll depend en jst how sincere sorely ae in Haig USING THE POWER OF ANCIENT MAGICK TO ATTRACT RICHES, You have within son the pert tec al de money yu il cr sed to meet the franca on ial denmd of mer ie Does ht sate enn you? Ie shuld, rnoy tages with ick draw to seu aa ellos instant ho ‘i ane al of your ainda deste. ‘AIT so you ft be abot ft us alight power foe to meting Four final des. Once 1 real Acceptance oye oven fact fas een ain you en ate all the mony you ful ns! nd desire Thine ytrings for nc ley nthe sim, new ths, n mews teens af a bees ple lee con fe fl, a inumeainet, vith he motaten pover of seca agick Hoy wil te worey coe? ‘The armen to at sna finite arity of way. T shall te aferent for cach nda pesca who wes the pet of magic to mime res a he es ters win ‘An unespeced py. “Money that is owe eo you is sudden ei You find te sacs isthe moet anexpected plas such ata the "Yu are wade isd with an uge to create ot mvet some new Their payin on led 0 ou Aca writer, Psa thik long the ines of an ea for & new beak. The money can coe any umber of ways fe yu te, Fee snd posses member, thog tat tbe magick power sould cay be wed ac aime f Guise toed. «usagi tata roncy just fer the INCANTATION 10 DESTROY AN ENEMY Ingredients: Two black les, nceae of my ack altar doth, potoraph of ene Das and nour; ‘Tucadty. The trsh uf the day; or the ahh Hour of eit, Plone Note: “Tht it gennine Black Mogick frm the Mike ‘ncn oft mmc rss me Sch Sul aly eappaached whet care. Iie dtniely sot smetiag te played wound with. Wein Sealing wih highly destructive forces ‘ah that wearing cea in Sour ind, yeu tay proced as follows: 1 Pesfons he entire Cabainti Gre of Protection Ria ft ral pupa lee icin ere cere Se seroien 3 Light two bck canes und pls the on ithe sie the photograph rtd the rear of the sar. 4, Guat the ghotogaigh ef he inte oti sn ld th “Anta, Lapiditor, Omaor, Somniaes, Subseror, Igua, gator, Sositr, Camburor, Papratr, Ductor, Soluce, Ca ‘ertoredinerde ct racibuset gpd et noc 05 cnltae ies Tos 100 omit dopseeu, gu a mine cone iene ‘odie mr ls name of tim) et nome ri." CDs the pooograph of te tended ici 38 You give» nd no atcrop shad be me 40nd the Ritual wile an Stice of destractve Kate enegy temins within you 6, End the Rito! only west expended int energy has ef dom sate of ter pial sd emoonal eshaistin USING THE POWER OF ANCIENT MAGICK TO HELP HEAL YOUR BODY OF DISEASE iin tered Yes totes to uations tem plese read and ara hon io cotel he mst He of Sack Healing ergs "a urn ama illness and dsc Goo fh sade pose by eles the sing quis sf se seen ool per centres, a the cing spore om the eae rs of te Bos. The vat cainty a all ise oot les beings 26 ioe “ds Spr spin inthe sora somes oth fore td ease occurs — which ultimately manifests a6 9 phskal ee notional dwsder.”Tais disepion sy mice often than ay ‘se Hy acgaiiy — so pec hin 1 em he most posse ‘ony erin sn perpetual pod Real "Words bought, ad acne which reflect aay kine of weatve concept in ae sor beats a hight erative maser. ‘inp eath aod iat The aint magick teres nd uals as descr in this took can help to esp Boh your mind and aur fe fom demon ‘ete epi iens, lowing Sor physica body oben © ‘Rune more alti and dvaumac asthe Dow of magick emerey ‘sinc fl your Body mith he sete gle oF coi italy Tr elas Magick Heabag Ener ino Your ie pesorn the cevie Asal Light Aitinerent Ril aod fom a meatal pcre of theeneay Bowing psi ce of oer hsaceding te bling mo (bral, the magick power sould only be use in cojunction with prescribed mnie tenet. Use seas a rpplement ad boca cael min you wiles fee oe boy rom al lies ha ‘li ude result of nepve thinking ‘Dt ee demon of aati thing in oar bappinss nat pene of mind by maniferingillnes and Sexe. Use the nor {the Asta Light Heath Ritual dal fl your body and ara ‘wa the suriog power af lack Heng Hoey to belp prevent Tins a dese for pening i your ‘ean incrane she flow of postive ocatency through your bay ‘ll: making you 2 heats, happier and more sucess in daca of sciesing whatever you dese oof Be! INVOCATION TO SUMMON SPIRITS OF THE DEAD Ingredients: Two black candles, ane whit cand, ey lar clot, phan of dase! peo, yeaa be performed oa an day a he ae Soke of ii. Poe tes ‘This frm af blk magick and deze ae cetin logue daggers asicted Wh Its lease, Jo be ct Proce! flav Perform teenie Cabal Crk of Protection Rit “Case besa stu Calum pee Neng Bi Anis ince Sena, ut ait mi combs Scutmat Protection Dei vid leis vine conta race, “Ia Namie Dei Pars Des File De Spits Sat. Amnen.” 2."Phce pooyrph if he decal peso ate entre af Your al. 4, Light the thse candles and st them in rene with the ioreeranh es cee 5, Gave a the phatoraph of the departed fore ane and see we the ftloming ioscan al of dc ee: ‘urgent mara ct ne vari! “go rum, te pet ive quo.” alow “rfc whe dlls in the aber ofthe Most High, ho aids in the Shadow of the Alig 1 wil yuo the Loud, “My refuge aed my oes in who Test "ox he wl deer yu Som the soar of the fowler a ram the deadly pale find rele : "yi fartfuloets shield and ber. “You will ot fear the tte of the agnor the aro th is, by day, nor the pestilence tat sts an the des nor the Assirtion that wees nada iA mhonsand nay fall at your Sten thw your ight Aun bc abl 0 come nih yo. wit: “ecamse you have made the Lord your rfp, the Moat High our babfeon, noe sal Beal yom warp cme nee your "Eee be wl gv hs nels chaps over you to guard you i all your ways, “On hk hands they wil Ber ou up, es ou dash your for Cod, serpent you wl em under fot Toate he eves he mes wil dtver hi vil tect fan became bs kanes i aa, ‘enh als wo x, [wl n5bor hi “tl wih hin i rouble “Ll ese bi andor bi, "ith Jong fe Tw sa hm, and show hi my salvation. ‘Aner. 0s During the nigh you will havea dream in which yo wl conver with esp af the deceed pers, ‘Whenever ou we a spel cheat, tual or casas youre, a ft, using te powers of suze l-hyparis. Whenever an nda belicne a mental ces, homever wero it may bess ‘ze psjchopisal condo bens vo react tothe srulison Ini clminats wth hn ery He foring set 10 fumeion ‘Reondance nbs bai Foc enmple ell erect eat tod norm individual Cat ‘clus i esiug es and wana seadvly show peo ib ‘ve pjchogphacal sytem wl uadero drmaticand Fadel harge~ culminating vith the perm becoming rundown and Tears USING THE POWER OF THE 91a PSALM FOR HROTECTION FROM EVIL. ‘Yo can use che mask powers of he St Pst ro gerne 2 2d al ofthe varied negative deal foceswbich eum than st Sinners ch ay wl beawne v happy and fling experience wen you semen yor mind snd bac tht macula prac ne Simpl have ith ad betes ha this oer Wi protect ot a ie mowt definitely stall in moge mas tat ene, You wl beable 9 sense appronching danger before ie appears, The Si hr am your Sey tre Fn fe perf the entre Asa Light Atonement Rte and, a= [Eins the Ligh fae your very bring, rece the Peal in fl you were w sed the words of the Olt Psa row the Bible, ‘hey woul produce nly aml sense of ptentnen, but ein them while bathed inthe warm gw of Astral Light ean erate the rete fore apical il ad Dotnet Cores. Try Fora few diye sad yl bein tien very dint ee of el ‘eng and peace of mind athe potetive are bul imo your sie energy fe "Once sou have scesuly were he protective fre around Snroundigs IF tere reel the ampere your Degen ‘Shoe sly ike « hain Kinetic deccdon Sst, warn you of Spmeching danger ‘Graig the protective kins barter on ly bass can bel 0 progamme sour td to airomatcally warn su of unseen dager Behe nay. Tris aay ada to perform the Asta Light lf Poets eyo ren abe hl ere [Rong wih your comsiomnese dig Ue hous of ep when the mind i age for tsi inte. USING THE POWER OF TALISMANIC MAGICK TO ATFRACE GOOD LUCK AND PROTECTION “The craton and sensation of aan uy has bee, ard aways wl fe an fuga pt in mas pars for x magical or ‘SSeclunand owe Up keh shin hr ded str ard ‘Rese pce fem the emia of demoic and pyc wack ata ste Tin te lot age of saga monders hse legendary’ powers Shine Tike w beacon in the nigh, unig mapeians does eau ‘he age othe ner mrs of time, space sul Beyon. “The four a lover aa ati’ lot charm of moder da Life ‘uve the origins oe in Talismans lagi and the inking The Talaman Syl Searbed on the flowing pages, the fam and legendary Talsnan of Alma reeset of 35 ‘Advanced Carmi. Mas Rie; however, welt estates that the posessing of any anomil root, heb, stone ef. has Hs om ‘pechl kindof magical per asocted whi. The oveckars te doched in Chapt Four ae ups example ofthis widely cul i “Te taman ts origi lost im the miss of sas psi id co tings posessor gon ac sco, pote an te power © cael sprit, 0s THE TALISMAN OF ALMADEL, Ingen: Torr canes, one orange nl nse of sks salmon clr star cet, pushes a Day and hour: Wednesday. Thee o'lck in the mcning shsing the ist quar oft meen, Passa a flows [liserise on prchment, st inches aaa ino ik the Talisman of Alnadel Figure 2) and pice h upon you ale 2. Light tb tse candles and ttm in tangle with the fast entre, sll ts mupick to scep dap win vous pcb, 4. Passe talmman bck td forth thug the ames ring up {bom the bmi incense, me sig the Gling eo ‘Laur Mahlon Atbonta Supicaisine, ates go shoo servi tw dees jana ftssar qu ade tabercul a ser tt Saneticer aks bus ie presethus pater vittem tific Mibiebnt "Amen Wrap he alman ned kan cnr is upon yous person at ail mes HAPPINESS AND SUCCESS ARE NOW WITHIN YOUR REACH 1 son have been nding it fen to eapeicge te joy ‘our past magick tide, Yu camrexpertace at which you Relive, however rang, doesnot estat i teed our ciputlies as a poem to ated, Tau can only capeince ‘Something you tal Bele exist at jst Fra Hk individual, but ao for you to swhenerec yo Ges to bes "You inst tx o tz tha ac horizons are beckon sa that withthe par of gente sae magick you can ahi the things you deste mont ot of ie ~ be they psa moa! oF Sia 16 Figue 41 The Ausologial Srbol a the Plat Venus wor y iE 5 2 j | Faure +? 6 Negtveness asi donbe ae the greatest ofall bis othe axauent nf happiness and ruc. ice sour fem these ‘Semone of the mind ad soa sl be amazed at how fst you ean ‘cbme de hapy se esl perce hae les dreamed cing Beleve inthe powers of ancient magick o being yo bapiness and soca an they mon amar chal! USING THE POWER OF ANCIENT MAGICK TO RECEI PSYCHIC AND INTUITIVE GUIDANCE ‘ho amen say sometime ei, ngs 0 ese ‘Rosmes nporeant aso Satins To presing problems Pesce of in (Gomssurent od wi confidence. ‘Mise thing saa be scicwod when you once put te power of ‘ota Light two in our hfe. TAB metaphysical power i ur ith now ely the varing energies of the Aral Pane, bat Mate AULRnowing un Al Seton Unie Mind ‘Whenewe you Tee the amwer at porattqueston the soliton toa seemingly unvaabe pean, or creative glance, Spy petfrm the Aste ight Attunement Rita, wie cose traf your question as mic to your dig eponse to oor rouet for hep wil be rceveda a very shor space tine — nome een iastantanenesy Ty bowever. you ne tose ot att yoor mind wil be unable so tonemir gr and ive euldance 10 Your Coseoases Sou ced toe isla an esl ute om ae Tceve the sgh afer el. “Won po! we Anal Light ower Ritu as dessa in this haper, su lnk yur ad and woul postive eral forse, amd they wil belp you to contac the Universal Mind (Ged) fr giance ‘au be in youre epesences, and to eae all the dees, als Sa wishes your have deep within sou. ‘Ths meta is Meal whenever nun elp pede ia xh reczn be he soli 10 tan of e's ever pest probes sch romani, fina an ema trltatean cause em (epeince creme sees and aero, This bonk has ben weiter the express pe ing you to achieve al ef your dares withthe sill stc karte Pres by the poweril Ancient Adept of Magick as rsd ances eimoize and Mees alee Reenter, every man, woraa and ch fas the power within themto cree th ged ard badexpereacsin tele Anca ‘Magi means drewing this amr pre ont ne the bj ‘ey dea and Sse fied “The ance spells aed scons within the pages ofthis revealag book san all of thew things for ya Your if ean ein to hang fe the Rete, taking en new depths mening ard the increased sense of poss yr sven act oer ents beg o vibrate with power: deaing to sou the pty of pret succes andthe jy of achisremn. You wil become the you possess aston an peatige doe fr atining a cen objec, the esas wil be of al so amazing hat 0" Bein te ofthe less per ste sour fgets. ‘Gensine arent magick the man powell weap that ‘ne cin pases nthe personal war agin the give reais ‘he word in wtih we live ‘With his amesome and iitess power at your xk ani al, you foals dream and amhitions nie.” Bogin sight this er ae Soros sll or lua Yo scien sour at ~you wil Be ey ld ‘hat you di no 1AM IN COMPLETE CONTROL New Dimensions in Wo Serban Daria aaa Rc eeateen Ss yess an SP indi TONNE em WORK wean Tod aetbe ie noose at Stents yeu meta Tom poner dno sor wae Sor pps ew Serine te toe gor Sat eee, Tre"inglige deer the in Sy ahaa evel Sake Sate IRE voit i HRSAREE aati Me roseyet tery caa, Yor ot a gat te este “your do Sedumaping nae smn reine To ‘crn ep bg ene of mind RST SS dite Wheaton no aesthetic Soy°5t awe ne comPurTe CONTROL” FoR DETAILS OF OTHER BOOKS PROM FINBARR, PRICES FOR USA ON OUTSIDE BACK ‘COVER. mn

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