Twi Phrases/Words: Twi Is A Dialect of The Akan Language Spoken in Ghana by About 6

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Maakye (Machee) / Maaha

More than 250 languages and dialects are spoken in Ghana. However, English is the
country’s official language and is used by the government and in most business affairs.
It is also the standard language used within the schooling system of Ghana. This
English language that Ghanaians speak was levied upon them by the British, their
Though the Ghanaian people would have established an official language due to
colonialism, they would have also established a second language. This language is
known as the Akan language.
Twi is a dialect of the Akan language spoken in Ghana by about 6–9 million Ashanti
people as a first and second language. Twi is a common name for two former literary
dialects of the Akan language; Asante (Ashanti) and Akuapem, which are mutually
intelligible. There are about 9 million Twi speakers, mainly originating from the Ashanti
Region and about a total of 17-18 million Ghanaians as either first or second
languages. Akuapem Twi was the first Akan dialect to be used for Bible translation, and
became the prestige dialect as a result.

Twi Phrases/Words

Maakye/ me ma wo akye- Good Morning

Maaha/ me ma wo aha – Good Afternoon
Maajo/ me ma wo ajo – Good evening

Ono- That person

Omo- they

AAne- Yes

Daabi- No

Medase- thankyou

Akwaaba: Welcome

A beg: I beg, Please:

- 'A beg no wound me'

- 'Please don’t hurt me'

Awam: The word awam meaning fake is derived from the abbreviation for the Association of
West African Merchants that duped citizens out of their heard earned money.
Chao: a lot, plenty
Saa: Really / Is that so? (Akan term)
Chop Money: money for household keeping, money that husbands gives to wives
JuJu: Witchcraft
Kose Wae: I’m sorry okay
Ma aye yei o – I am well/ I’m okay/ I’m fine

The Family

Family is a very strong bond in Ghana and is the primary source of identity, loyalty and responsibility.
Family obligations take precedence over pretty much everything else in life. Individuals achieve
recognition and social standing through their extended family.

An interesting cultural variation among the Akan, or Ashanti and Fanti people, is that affiliation within the
clan is through women. Mothers have a higher status as in their point of view people get their blood from

It is important for Ghanaians to maintain dignity, honour, and a good reputation. The entire family shares
any loss of honour, which makes the culture a collective one. In order to protect this sense of face there is
a need to maintain a sense of harmony; people will act with decorum at all times to ensure they do not
cause anyone embarrassment.


Ghanaian society is hierarchical. People are respected because of their age, experience, wealth and/or
position. Older people are viewed as wise and are granted respect. In a group one can always see
preferential treatment for the eldest member present. With respect comes responsibility and people
expect the most senior person to make decisions that are in the best interest of the group.

Etiquette and Customs in Ghana

Meeting Etiquette

 Traditional or native greetings vary among the various ethnic groups.

 With foreigners the most common greeting is the handshake with a smile.

 When shaking hands between themselves Ghanaians will hold the right hand in the normal manner but

will then twist and click each other’s middle finger.

 Unless you are experienced it is best to stick to a normal handshake!

 Christians will generally shake hands between the sexes; practising Muslims often will not shake hands

with people of the opposite sex.

 Address Ghanaians by their academic, professional, or honorific title and their surname.

 As a sign of respect, males over the age of 30 may be addressed as "pah-pah" while women of the same

age may be called "mah-mee". People over the age of 50 may be referred to as "nah-nah".

Gift Giving Etiquettee

 Gifts need not be expensive; the thought is more important than the value.

 If invited to dinner at a Ghanaian’s home, you are not expected to bring a gift.

 However, a gift for the children is always a nice touch as it shows a concern for family.

 Gifts should be given using the right hand only or both hands. Never use the left hand.

 Gifts should be wrapped, although there are no cultural taboos concerning paper colour.
 Gifts are not always opened when received.
Dining Etiquette

 Ghanaians enjoy entertaining in their homes and you should accept any invitation as a sign of friendship.

 Dress well; Ghanaians place a lot of emphasis on how people dress. You may need to remove your


 Greet elders of heads of family first.

 Ghanaians table manners are relatively formal.

 Wait to be told where to sit.

 A washing basin will be brought out before the meal is served; use it to wash your hands.

 Food is generally served from a communal bowl.

 Do not begin eating until the eldest male does.

 Eat from the section of the bowl that is in front of you. Never reach across the bowl to get something from

the other side.

 If you do not want to eat with your hands then ask for utensils.

 If you use your hands then scoop the food with the thumb and first two fingers of the right hand. Do not

use your left hand.

Business Etiquette and Protocol
Meeting and Greeting

 Handshakes are the most common means of greeting.

 It’s generally common to wait for a woman to extend her hand first.

 Take time to inquire about people’s health, family and jobs. To rush a greeting is extremely rude.

 Maintain eye contact during the greeting.

 Titles are important. Use the honorific title plus any academic or professional title and the surname.

 Wait until invited before moving to a first-name basis. The younger generation will tend to do so rapidly.

 Business cards are exchanged without formal ritual.

 Present and receive business cards with two hands or the right hand, never with the left.
Communication Style

Ghanaians are more indirect communicators. This means they take care not to relay information in any
way that could cause issues, whether that be giving someone bad news, turning down an invitation,
refusing a request or any other such matter. Ghanaians always want to protect their own and others’ face
as well as maintain harmonious relationships.
As a result they tend to use proverbs, wise sayings, analogies readily. This allows ideas or messages to
be convened in a manner that does not seem so blatant. In fact people who are viewed as wise frequently
speak in proverbs.

Silence is a common means of communication. If someone is uncomfortable with a question or do not

think the asker will appreciate response, they will say nothing rather than make the other person

Business Meetings

 Initial meetings are really all about finding out about one another and if a personality fit allows for future,

more business specific meetings. One should therefore expect to spend quite a good deal of time in

relationship and rapport building. Do not be surprised is business is not really discussed much at all.

 First meetings may also tend to be a little more stiff and formal although once a rapport has been built this

will soon dissipate. It is important to maintain a polite and somewhat reserved demeanor.

 Hierarchy is respected so the most senior person is greeted first. He/she may be the spokesperson for

the group or may deputise key stakeholders to speak.

 Ghanaians have a keen sense of humour and enjoy telling jokes. However until you have understood

their sense of humour it is best to refrain from telling jokes yourself. If a

 Ghanaian teases you take it good-naturedly. For the most part, this shows they are becoming more

relaxed with you.

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