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Submitted in partial fulfillment of requirements to





October- 2009


(Approved by A.I.C.T.E)
(Affiliated to Acharya Nagarjuna University)
Chandramoulipuram : : Chowdavaram
GUNTUR – 522 019




Certified that this project work titled Library Management System is the bonafide work

of Mr. Ramanujan G. S. S. (Y6IT900), Mr. Rajesh Kumar Gandla V. (Y6IT896),

Ms. Naga Tejaswi R. (Y6IT874) who carried out the work under my supervision, and

submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements to IT-452, Software Engineering

Lab during the year 2009-2010.

Mr. R. Mabubasha Dr. B. Raveendra Babu

Lecturer Incharge Prof. & HOD, Dept. of IT


The successful completion of any task would be incomplete without a proper

suggestion, guidance and environment. Combination of these 3 factors acts like backbone
to our mini project report on “LIBRARY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM”.

We regard our sincere thanks to our principal Dr. P. S. SANKAR RAO sir for
proving support and stimulating environment. We would like to express our gratitude to
the management of R. V. R. & J. C. COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING for providing us
with a pleasant Environment and Excellent Lab faculty.

We are greatly indebted to our Professor and HOD, Dept., of Information

Technology Dr. B. RAVEENDRA BABU for his valuable suggestions during our course

We express our sincere thanks to our Lecturer In charge, Mr. R.

MABUBASHA, Lecturer in Department of Information Technology for timely help,
guidance and providing us with the most essential materials required for the completion
of this report.

Ramanujan. G. S. S (Y6IT900)
Rajesh Kumar Gandla. V (Y6IT896)
Naga Tejaswi. R (Y6IT874)


1. Problem statement

Use case view
2. Identification of Actors.

3. Identification of Use cases and sub use cases.

4. Flow of Events.

5. Use case diagram.

6. Activity diagram.

Logical view
7. Identification of Analysis classes.

8. Identify the responsibilities of Classes.

9. Use case realizations.

10. Sequence diagrams.

11. Collaboration diagrams

12. Identification of attributes and methods of classes.

13. Identification of relationships among classes.

14. UML Class diagram.

15. UML state chart diagram.


16. Designing classes by applying design axioms.

17. Refining attributes, methods & relationships.

18. Refined class diagram.


Problem Scenario:

The first problem is that members waiting in large queues for issuing or
returning of books. Moreover, the arrangement of misplaced books in order at the shelves
is also a laborious process as each book needs to be picked out/opened to find its right
location. Entering the data manually into the database is time & effort consuming
process. It is also difficult for the library management to trace out which books are scarce
and which are excess in number.

Proposed Solution:
The idea is to generate a library system that knows where every book is and
allows visitors to return and issue books automatically. Online library system is nothing
but the maintenance of digital library. Once we enter into the library by using ID
card or Thumb impression the borrowers details are maintained in the database.

The details, which are maintained in the database, are shown below:

1. Entry time of the borrower.

2. What are the books we are borrowing?
3. Issue date of the book/journal.
4. Return date of the book/journal.
5. Expire date of the book/journal.
6. Extend date of the book/journal.
7. Serial number of the book/journal
8. Name of the book/journal.
9. Logout time of the borrower.

Database Administrator (librarian) will maintain the database of the system

(catalogue). Once we scan the book, the details will automatically maintain in the system.

Use-case view

Actors represent system users. They are NOT part of the system. They represent
anyone or anything that interacts with (input to or receive output from) the system.
An actor is someone or something that:
• Interacts with or uses the system
• Provides input to and receives information from the system
• Is external to the system and has no control over the use cases
Actors are discovered by examining:

• Who directly uses the system

• Who is responsible for maintaining the system
• External hardware used by the system
• Other systems that need to interact with the system
The needs of the actor are used to develop use cases. This insures that the system will be
what the user expected.
An actor is a stereotype of a class and is depicted as a "stickman" on a use-case diagram.
For example,

The name of the actor is displayed below the icon.
Questions to help to identify actors
1. Who is interested in a certain requirement
2. Where is the system used within the organization?
3. Who will benefit from the use of the system?

4. Who will supply the system with information, use this information, and remove
this information?
5. Who will support and maintain the system?
6. Does the system use an external resource?
7. Does one person play several different roles?
8. Do several people play the same role?
9. Does the system interact with a legacy system?
Actors identified are:
1) Member:
User is a person who uses the banking system, and performs transactions.
He/she may be anyone in the society. He must have a valid account to use the services of
banking system.

2) Librarian:
The person who maintains the whole banking system; He interacts with the
user and provides services to him. He also forwards the necessary information sent by
user to bank manager.


Use-case diagrams graphically represent system behavior (use cases).

These diagrams present a high level view of how the system is used as viewed from an
outsider’s (actor’s) perspective. A use-case diagram may contain all or some of the use
cases of a system.
A use-case diagram can contain:
 actors ("things" outside the system)
 use cases (system boundaries identifying what the system should do)
 Interactions or relationships between actors and use cases in the system including
the associations, dependencies, and generalizations.
Use-case diagrams can be used during analysis to capture the system requirements
and to understand how the system should work. During the design phase, you can use
use-case diagrams to specify the behavior of the system as implemented.
In its simplest form, a use case can be described as a specific way of using the system
from a user’s (actor’s) perspective. A more detailed description might characterize a use
case as:
 A pattern of behavior the system exhibits
 A sequence of related transactions performed by an actor and the system
 Delivering something of value to the actor.
Use case provides a means to:
 Capture system requirements
 Communicate with the end-users and domain experts
 Test the system.
Use cases are best discovered by examining the actors and defining what the
actor will be able to do with the system. Since all the needs of a system typically cannot
be covered in one use case, it is usual to have a collection of use cases. Together this use
case collection specifies all the ways of using the system.

Use case is a sequence of transactions performed by a system that yields a

measurable result of values for a particular actor. The use cases are all the ways the
system may be used.
The UML notation for use case is:


The basic shape of a use case is an ellipse

• A use case may have a name, although it is typically not a simple name. It is often
written as an informal text description of the actors and the sequences of events
between objects. Use case names often start with a verb. For example, names of
possible use cases for an ATM machine might include Dispense Cash or Transfer
• The name of the use case is displayed below the icon.
The set of questions used to identify the use-cases are:
1. What are the tasks of each actor?
2. Will any actor create, store, change, remove or read information in the system?
3. What use cases will create, store, change, remove, or read this information?
4. Will any actor need to inform the system about sudden, external changes?
5. Does any actor need to be informed about certain occurrences in the system?
6. What use cases will support or maintain the system?
7. Can all functional requirements be performed by the use cases?

Purpose of use cases:

 Well-structured use cases denote essential system or subsystem behaviors only,
and are neither overly general nor too specific.

 A use case describes a set of sequences, in which each sequence represents the
interaction of the things outside the system (its actors) with the system itself (and
its key abstraction).
 Use cases specify desired behavior; they do not dedicate how the behavior will be
carried out. It helps you to communicate with your developers (who build system
that satisfies your requirements) with out getting hung up on details.
 A use case represents a functional requirement of the system as a whole.
 A use case carries out some tangible amount of work. From the perspective of a
given actor, a use case does some thing that’s of value to an actor, such as
calculate a result, generate a new object or change the state of another object.
 Use cases represent an external view of the system.

Use-cases identified for our system are:

1. Use-case name: Log-In:

This use case provides the member to login in to the system.


2. Use-case name: Check validity:

This use case provides that when the user login in to the system it check
the validity of his account (expired or still alive) and also determines whether login
user is a member or not. This checking is done by the librarian.

3. Use-case name: Return Book:

Use case that is used return the book to the librarian after a limited period
of time given by the Librarian to the member.

4. Use-case name: Extend Book:

After the completion of the period of the book the member may extends
the book. Then this use case is used to extend the book from the library.

5. Use-case name: Borrow Journal:

The member may be no only eligible to take the books from the library.
He is also eligible to take the journals from the library. Then this use case is
going to provide the functionality for that action.

6. Use-case name: Return Journal:

The member may be no only eligible to take the books from the library.
He is also eligible to take the journals from the library. Then this use case is
going to provide the functionality for that action.

7. Use-case name: Registration:


If the new member is entered into library, in order to have a membership

to him, this use case will be use. In this, it will have a form in which member should
fulfill the details so that he will have a membership.

8. Use-case name: Update Catalog:

It is a one type of data base, which stores and maintains the library
information day by day.

9. Use-case name: Borrow Book:

This use case is used to take the books from the library if accepts by the

A flow of events is a sequence of transactions (or events) performed by the
system. They typically contain very detailed information. Flow of events document is
typically created in the elaboration phase.
Each use case is documented with flow of events
 a description of events needed to accomplish required behavior
 written in terms of what the system should do, NOT how it should do it
 written in the domain language, not in terms of the implementation
A flow of events should include:
 When and how the use case starts and ends
 What interaction the use case has with the actors
 What data is needed by the use case
 The normal sequence of events for the use case
 The description of any alternate or exceptional flows
The flow of events for a use case is contained in a document called the Use Case
Specification. Each project should use a standard template for the creation of the Use
Case Specification. Includes the following
1. Use case name, Brief Description
2. Flow of Events -
1. Basic flow.
2. Alternative flow.
3. Special requirements.
4. Pre conditions.
5. Post conditions.
6. Extension points.

Use case specification for the login Use Case

1.0 Use Case Name: Login
1.1 Brief Description
This use case begins with the member. It provides the login to the member in to
the library.
2.0 Flow of Events
2.1 Basic Flow
This use case begins when the Member logs on to the Registration form and
enters the password. Then the system verifies the password of the Member.
2.2 Alternate Flows
2.2.1 Invalid Password
An invalid password is entered. The user can re-enter a password or terminate the
use case.
3.0 Special Requirements
There are no special requirements for this use case.
4.0 Pre conditions
There are no pre conditions.
5.0 Post conditions
There are no post conditions.
6.0 Extension Points
Next the member will place the request for the catalog to the Librarian.

Use case Specification for the Check Validity Use Case

1.0 Use Case Name: Check Validity
1.1 Brief Description
It checks the member account that the account is still alive or expired.
2.0 Flow of Events
2.1 Basic Flow

Generally for a particular account librarian will place the validity. Then librarian
checks the account of the member.
2.2 Alternate Flows
2.2.1 If account expired simply exit from the system.
3.0 Special Requirements
There are no special requirements for this use case.
4.0 Pre conditions
There are no pre conditions.
5.0 Post conditions
There are no post conditions.
6.0 Extension Points

Use case specification for the Borrow Book Use Case

1.0 Use Case Name: Borrow Book
1.1 Brief Description
Basic function is to borrow a book from the Library.
2.0 Flow of Events
2.1 Basic Flow
After a valid login member will have eligibility to take the books from the library.
3.0 Special Requirements
There are no special requirements for this usecase.
4.0 Preconditions
There are no pre conditions.
5.0 Post conditions
There are no post conditions.
6.0 Extension Points

Use case specification for the Return Book Use Case

1.0 Use Case Name: Return Book
1.1 Brief Description
Basic function is to return a book to the Library.
2.0 Flow of Events
2.1 Basic Flow
After a valid login member will have eligibility to return the books to the library.
3.0 Special Requirements
There are no special requirements for this usecase.
4.0 Preconditions
There are no post conditions.
5.0 Post conditions
There are no post conditions.
6.0 Extension Points

Use case specification for the Extend Book Use Case

1.0 Use Case Name: Extend Book
1.1 Brief Description
After the valid login once the period of the book is completed then the member
will extend the book by using this use case.
2.0 Flow of Events
2.1 Basic Flow
After a valid login member will have to extend the book form the library.
3.0 Special Requirements
There are no special requirements for this use case.
4.0 Preconditions
There are no post conditions.
5.0 Post conditions

There are no post conditions.

6.0 Extension Points

Use case specification for the Borrow Journal Use Case

1.0 Use Case Name: Borrow Journal
1.1 Brief Description
Basic function is to borrow a Journal from the Library.
2.0 Flow of Events
2.1 Basic Flow
After a valid login member will have eligibility to take the journals from the
3.0 Special Requirements
There are no special requirements for this use case.
4.0 Preconditions
There are no post conditions.
5.0 Post conditions
There are no post conditions.
6.0 Extension Points

Use case specification for the Return Journal Use Case

1.0 Use Case Name: Return Journal
1.1 Brief Description
Basic function is to return a Journal to the Library.
2.0 Flow of Events
2.1 Basic Flow
After a valid login member will have eligibility to return the Journals to the
3.0 Special Requirements
There are no special requirements for this use case.

4.0 Preconditions
There are no pre conditions
5.0 Post conditions
There are no post conditions.
6.0 Extension Points

Use case specification for the Registration Use Case

1.0 Use Case Name: Registration
1.1 Brief Description
This use case begins with the member. It provides the member to register to use
the system.
2.0 Flow of Events
2.1 Basic Flow
For a new member this use case is going to provide the login capability to the new
2.2 Alternate Flows
3.0 Special Requirements
There are no special requirements for this use case.
4.0 Preconditions
There are no post conditions.
5.0 Post conditions
There are no post conditions.
6.0 Extension Points

Use case specification for the Update catalogue Use Case

1.0 Use Case Name: Update Catalog
1.1 Brief Description
This use case is used to update the information of the Member after any updations

2.0 Flow of Events

2.1 Basic Flow
Once, after taking the books or journals from the library this is going to provide
the updation to the user account.
3.0 Special Requirements
There are no special requirements for this use case.
4.0 Preconditions
Member must execute login use case before update catalog use case begins.
5.0 Post conditions
There are no post conditions.
6.0 Extension Points


Use-case diagrams graphically represent system behavior (use cases). These

diagrams present a high level view of how the system is used as viewed from an
outsider’s (actor’s) perspective. A use-case diagram may contain all or some of the use
cases of a system.
A use-case diagram can contain:
• Actors ("things" outside the system)
• Use cases (system boundaries identifying what the system should do)
• Interactions or relationships between actors and use cases in the system including
the associations, dependencies, and generalizations.
Use-case diagrams can be used during analysis to capture the system
requirements and to understand how the system should work. During the design phase,
you can use use-case diagrams to specify the behavior of the system as implemented.

Association Relationship:
An association provides a pathway for communication. The
communication can be between use cases, actors, classes or interfaces. Associations are
the most general of all relationships and consequentially the most semantically weak. If
two objects are usually considered independently, the relationship is an association
By default, the association tool on the toolbox is uni-directional and drawn on a
diagram with a single arrow at one end of the association. The end with the arrow
indicates who or what is receiving the communication.

Bi-directional association:
If you prefer, you can also customize the toolbox to include the bi-
directional tool to the use-case toolbox.
In An ASSOCIATION Relationship, we can provide Stereotype COMMUNICATE also
as shown below



Dependency Relationship:

A dependency is a relationship between two model elements in which a change to one

model element will affect the other model element. Use a dependency relationship to
connect model elements with the same level of meaning. Typically, on class diagrams, a
dependency relationship indicates that the operations of the client invoke operations of
the supplier.

We can provide here

1. Include Relationship.
2. Extend Relationship
• There are two types of relationships that may exist between use cases: include
relationship and extend relationship.
• Multiple use cases may share pieces of the same functionality. This functionality
is placed in a separate use case rather than documenting it in every use case that
needs it
• Include relationships are created between the new use case and any other use case
that "uses" its functionality.
An include relationship is a stereotyped relationship that connects a base use case
to an inclusion use case. An include relationship specifies how behavior in the inclusion
use case is used by the base use case.




An extend relationship is a stereotyped relationship that specifies how the

functionality of one use case can be inserted into the functionality of another use case.
Extend relationships between use cases are modeled as dependencies by using the Extend

An extend relationship is used to show

• Optional behavior
• Behavior that is run only under certain conditions such as triggering an alarm
• Several different flows that may be run based on actor selection
• An extend relationship is drawn as a dependency relationship that points from the
extension to the base use case
The extend relationship sample demonstrates how you can use an extend relationship to
connect use cases. The sample illustrates two important aspects of extend relationships:
· An extend relationship shows optional functionality or system behavior.
· A base use case does not need to acknowledge any specific extended use cases
Finally we can conclude

«extend» is used when you wish to show that a use case provides additional functionality
that may be required in another use case.
«include» applies when there is a sequence of behavior that is used frequently in a
number of use cases, and you want to avoid copying the same description of it into each
use case in which it is used.

The following is the complete use case diagram for our application i.e., (Library
Management System).

Login <<include>>


Check Validity



Member Borrow Book Librarian Update Catalog

Return Book

Extend Book

Borrow Journal

Return Journal

Use case diagram for Library Management System



An Activity diagram is a variation of a special case of a state machine, in which

the states are activities representing the performance of operations and the transitions are
triggered by the completion of the operations.
The purpose of Activity diagram is to provide a view of flows and what is going
on inside a use case or among several classes.
You can also use activity diagrams to model code-specific information such as a
class operation.
Activity diagrams are very similar to a flowchart because you can model a
workflow from activity to activity.
An activity diagram is basically a special case of a state machine in which most
of the states are activities and most of the transitions are implicitly triggered by
completion of the actions in the source activities.
• ACTIVITY DIAGRAMS represent the dynamics of the system.
• They are flow charts that are used to show the workflow of a system; that is, they
show the flow of control from activity to activity in the system, what activities
can be done in parallel, and any alternate paths through the flow.
• At this point in the life cycle, activity diagrams may be created to represent the
flow across use cases or they may be created to represent the flow within a
particular use case.
• Later in the life cycle, activity diagrams may be created to show the workflow for
an operation.
Activity diagrams can model many different types of workflows. For example, a
company could use activity diagrams to model the flow for an approval of orders or to
model the paper trail of invoices. An accounting firm could use activity diagrams to
model any number of financial transactions. A software company could use activity
diagrams to model a software development process.
The following tools are used on the activity diagram toolbox to model activity

An activity represents the performance of task or duty in a workflow. It
may also represent the execution of a statement in a procedure. An activity is similar
to a state, but expresses the intent that there is no significant waiting (for events) in an
The activity icon appears as a rectangle with rounded ends with a name and
a compartment for actions.


Transitions connect activities with other model elements and object flows
connect activities with objects. Transitions are used to show the passing of the flow
of control from activity to activity. They are typically triggered by the completion of
the behavior in the originating activity.
A state transition indicates that an object in the source state will perform
certain specified actions and enter the destination state when a specified event occurs
or when certain conditions are satisfied. A state transition is a relationship between
two states, two activities, or between an activity and a state.

The name of a state should be unique to its enclosing class, or if nested,
within the state. All state icons with the same name in a given diagram represent the
same state.
Actions on states can occur at one of four times:
• On entry
• On exit
• Do
• On event

When modeling the workflow of a system it is often necessary to
show where the flow of control branches based on a decision point. The transitions from
a decision point contain a guard condition, which is used to determine which path from
the decision point is taken. Decisions along with their guard conditions allow you to
show alternate paths through a work flow.
A decision represents a specific location on an activity diagram or state chart
diagram where the workflow may branch based upon guard conditions. There may be
more than two outgoing transitions with different guard conditions, but for the most part,
a decision will have only two outgoing transitions determined by a Boolean expression.

Decision Point
An end state represents a final or terminal state on an activity diagram or state
chart diagram. Place an end state when you want to explicitly show the end of a
workflow on an activity diagram or the end of a state chart diagram. Transitions can only
occur into an end state; however, there can be any number of end states per context.

End state
A start state, (also called an “initial state”) explicitly shows the beginning of a
workflow on an activity diagram or the beginning of the execution of a state machine on
a state chart diagram.

Start state

Swim lanes may be used to partition an activity diagram. This typically is done to
show what person or organization is responsible for the activities contained in the swim
Swim lanes are helpful when modeling a business workflow because they can
represent organizational units or roles within a business model. Swim lanes are very
similar to an object because they provide a way to tell who is performing a certain role.
Swim lanes only appear on activity diagrams.
When a swim lane is dragged onto an activity diagram, it becomes a swim lane
view. Swim lanes appear as small icons in the browser while a swim lane views appear
between the thin, vertical lines with a header that can be renamed and relocated.
In a workflow there are typically some activities that may be done in parallel. A
synchronization bar allows you to specify what activities may be done concurrently.
Synchronization bars are also used to show joins in the workflow; that is, what
activities must complete before processing may continue.
Means, a synchronization bar may have many incoming transitions and one
outgoing transition, or one incoming transition and many outgoing transitions.

Horizontal synchronization Vertical synchronization

1. Click to select the State Transition icon from the toolbar.
2. Click on the decision and drag the transition to the successor activity.
3. Double-click on the transition arrow to make the Specification visible.
4. Select the Detail tab.
5. Enter the guard condition in the Guard Condition field.
6. Click the OK button to close the Specification.

Modeling a workflow in an activity diagram can be done several ways; however, the
following steps present just one logical process:
1. Identify a workflow objective. Ask, "What needs to take place or happen by the end of
the workflow? What needs to be accomplished?" For example, if your activity diagram
models the workflow of ordering a book from an online bookstore, the goal of the entire
workflow could be getting the book to the customer.
2 Decide the pre and post-conditions of the workflow through a start state and an end
state. In most cases, activity diagrams have a flowchart structure so start and end states
are used to designate the beginning and ending of the workflow. State and end states
clarify the perimeter of the workflow.
3. Define and recognize all activities and states that must take place to meet your
objective. Place and name them on the activity diagram in a logical order.
4. Define and diagram any objects that are created or modified within your activity
diagram. Connect the objects and activities with object flows.
5. Decide who or what is responsible for performing the activities and states through
swim lanes. Name each swim lane and place the appropriate activities and states within
each swim lane.
6. Connect all elements on the diagram with transitions. Begin with the "main"
7. Place decisions on the diagram where the workflow may split into an alternate flow.
For example, based on a Boolean expression, the workflow could branch to a different
8. Evaluate your diagram and see if you have any concurrent workflows. If so, use
synchronizations to represent forking and joining.
9. Set all actions, triggers and guard conditions in the specifications of each model

The activity diagram for the overall system is:

Login Transactions


If new user? Yes Create


Enter into If you want an

Library extension?


If for No Return a
selection? book

Select a Yes If you want a

book book?

Refer a book Yes


If he likes


Update User Update

Account Catalog



The class diagram is fundamental to object-oriented analysis. Through successive
iterations, it provides both a high level basis for systems architecture, and a low-level
basis for the allocation of data and behavior to individual classes and object instances,
and ultimately for the design of the program code that implements the system. So, it is
important to identify classes correctly. However, given the iterative nature of the object-
oriented approach, it is not essential to get this right on the first attempt itself.


We have four alternative approaches for identifying classes:
1. The noun phrase approach;
2. The common class patterns approach;
3. The use- case driven TO sequence/collaboration modeling approach;
4. Class Responsibility collaboration cards (CRC) approach.
The first two approaches have been included to increase analysts
understanding of the subject; the unified approach uses the use-case driven approach for
identifying classes and understanding the behavior of objects. However, these can be
combined to identify classes for a given problem.


In this method, analysts read through the requirements or use cases looking for
noun phrases. Nouns in the textual description are considered to be classes and verbs to
be methods of the classes All plurals are changed to singular, the nouns are listed, and the
list divided into three categories relevant classes, fuzzy classes (the "fuzzy area," classes
we are not sure about), and irrelevant classes as shown below.

Using the noun phrase strategy, candidate classes can be divided into three
categories: Relevant classes, Fuzzy Area or Fuzzy classes (those classes that we are not
sure about), and irrelevant classes.
It is safe to scrap the irrelevant classes, which either have no purpose or will be
unnecessary. Candidate classes then are selected from the other two categories. Here
identifying classes and developing a UML class diagram just like other activities is an
iterative process. Depending on whether such object modeling is for the analysis or
design phase of development, some classes may need to be added or removed from the
model .Analyst must be able to formulate a statement of purpose for each candidate class;
if not, simply eliminate it.
1 Identifying Tentative Classes:
The following are guidelines for selecting classes in an application:
• Look for nouns and noun phrases in the use cases.
• Some classes are implicit or taken from general knowledge.
• All classes must make sense in the application domain; avoid computer
implementation classes refer them to the design stage.
• Carefully choose and define class names.
Identifying classes is an incremental and iterative process. This incremental and
iterative nature is evident in the development of such diverse software technologies as
graphical user interfaces, database standards, and even fourth-generation languages.
2 Selecting Classes from the Relevant and Fuzzy Categories :
The following guidelines help in selecting candidate classes from the
relevant and fuzzy categories of classes in the problem domain.

a) Redundant classes. Do not keep two classes that express the same
information. If more than one word is being used to describe the same idea, select the one
that is the most meaningful in the context of the system. This is part of building a
common vocabulary for the system as a whole. Choose your vocabulary carefully; use the
word that is being used by the user of the system.
b) Adjectives classes. "Be wary of the use of adjectives. Adjectives can be used
in many ways. An adjective can suggest a different kind of object, different use of the
same object, or it could be utterly irrelevant. Does the object represented by the noun
behave differently when the adjective is applied to it? If the use of the adjective signals
that the behavior of the object is different, then make a new class".
For example : Single account holders behave differently than Joint
account holders, so the two should be classified as different classes.
c) Attribute classes: Tentative objects that are used only as values should be
defined or restated as attributes and not as a class. For example, Client Status and Details
of Client are not classes but attributes of the Client class.
d) Irrelevant classes: Each class must have a purpose and every class should be
clearly defined and necessary. You must formulate a statement of purpose for each
candidate class. If you cannot come up with a statement of purpose, simply eliminate the
candidate class.
As this is an incremental process. Some classes will be missing; others will be
eliminated or refined later. Unless you are starting with a lot of domain knowledge, you
probably are missing more classes than you will eliminate. Although some classes
ultimately may become super classes, at this stage simply identify them as individual,
specific classes. Your design will go through many stages on its way to completion, and
you will have adequate opportunity to revise it.
This refining cycles through the development process until you are
satisfied with the results. Remember that this process (of eliminating redundant classes,
classes containing adjectives, possible attributes, and irrelevant classes) is not sequential.
You can move back and forth among these steps as often analysts likes.


The second method for identifying classes is using common class patterns,
which is based on a knowledge base of the common classes. The following patterns are
used for finding the candidate class and object:
a) Concept class: A concept is a particular idea or understanding that we have
of our world. The concept class encompasses principles that are not tangible but used to
organize or keep track of business activities or communications.
Example: Performance is an example of concept class object.
b) Events class: Events classes are points in time that must be recorded.
Things happen, usually to something else at a given date and time or as a step in an
ordered sequence. Associated with things remembered are attributes (after all, the things
to remember are objects) such as who, what, when, where, how, or why.
Example: Landing, interrupt, request, and order are possible events.
c) Organization class: An organization class is a collection of people, resources,
facilities, or groups to which the users belong; their capabilities have a defined mission,
whose existence is largely independent of the individuals.
Example: An accounting department might be considered a potential class.
d) People class (also known as person, roles, and roles played class):
The people class represents the different roles users play in interacting
with the application.
Example: Employee, client, teacher, and manager are examples of people.
e) Places class: Places are physical locations that the system must keep
information about.
Example: Buildings, stores, sites, and offices are examples of places.


One of the first steps in creating a class diagram is to derive from a use
case, via a collaboration (or collaboration diagram), those classes that participate in
realizing the use case. Through further analysis, a class diagram is developed for each use
case and the various use case class diagrams are then usually assembled into a larger
analysis class diagram. This can be drawn first for a single subsystem or increment, but
class diagrams can be drawn at any scale that is appropriate, from a single use case
instance to a large, complex system.
Identifying the objects involved in collaboration can be difficult at first,
and takes some practice before the analyst can feel really comfortable with the process.
Here collaboration (i.e. the set of classes that it comprises) can be identified directly for a
use case, and that, once the classes are known, the next step is to consider the interaction
among the classes and so build a collaboration diagram.

From collaboration diagram to class diagram

The next step in the development of a requirements model is usually to produce a
class diagram that corresponds to each of the collaboration diagrams. The class diagram
that corresponds to the use case E-Pay is shown below.
Collaboration diagrams are obtained by result of reasonably careful analysis, the
transition is not usually too difficult.
The similarities & differences B/W Collaboration and class diagrams are:
First, consider the similarities:
Both show class or object symbols joined by connecting lines. In general, a class
diagram has more or less the same structure as the corresponding collaboration diagram.
Next, the differences are:
1. The difference is that an actor is almost always shown on a collaboration diagram, but
not usually shown on a class diagram. This is because the collaboration diagram
represents a particular interaction and the actor is an important part of this interaction.
However, a class diagram shows the more enduring structure of associations among the

classes, and frequently supports a number of different interactions that may represent
several different use cases.
2. A collaboration diagram usually contains only object instances, while a class diagram
usually contains only classes.
3. The connections between the object symbols on a collaboration diagram symbolize
links between objects, while on a class diagram the corresponding connections stand for
associations between classes.
4. A collaboration diagram shows the dynamic interaction of a group of objects and thus
every link needed for message passing is shown. The labeled arrows alongside the links
represent messages between objects. On a class diagram, the associations themselves are
usually labeled, but messages are not shown.
5. Finally, any of the three stereotype symbols can be used on either diagram; there are
also differences in this notation.
When the rectangular box variant of the notation is used in a collaboration
diagram it represents object instances rather than classes, is normally undivided and
contains only the class name .On a class diagram, the symbol is usually divided into three
compartments that contain in turn the class name, its attributes and its operations.

4) Class Responsibility collaboration Cards (CRC Cards)

At the starting, for the identification of classes we need to concentrate completely
on uses cases. A further examination of the use cases also helps in identifying operations
and the messages that classes need to exchange. However, it is easy to think first in terms
of the overall responsibilities of a class rather than its individual operations.
A responsibility is a high level description of something a class can do. It reflects
the knowledge or information that is available to that class, either stored within its own
attributes or requested via collaboration with other classes, and also the services that it
can offer to other objects. A responsibility may correspond to one or more operations. It
is difficult to determine the appropriate responsibilities for each class as there may be
many alternatives that all appear to be equally justified.


Class Responsibility Collaboration (CRC) cards provide an effective technique for

exploring the possible ways of allocating responsibilities to classes and the collaborations
that are necessary to fulfill the responsibilities.
CRC cards can be used at several different stages of a project for different
1. They can be used early in a project to help the production of an initial class diagram .
2. To develop a shared understanding of user requirements among the members of the
3. CRCs are helpful in modeling object interaction.
The format of a typical CRC card is shown below
Class Name:
Responsibilities Collaborations
Responsibilities of a Collaborations with other
class are listed in this classes are listed here, together
section with a brief description of the
purpose of the collaboration

CRC cards are an aid to a group role-playing activity. Index cards are used in preference
to pieces of paper due to their robustness and to the limitations that their size (approx.
15cm x 8cm) imposes on the number of responsibilities and collaborations that can be
effectively allocated to each class.

A class name is entered at the top of each card and responsibilities and collaborations are
listed underneath as they become apparent. For the sake of clarity, each collaboration is
normally listed next to the corresponding responsibility.
From a UML perspective, use of CRC cards is in analyzing the object interaction
that is triggered by a particular use case scenario. The process of using CRC cards is
usually structured as follows.

1. Conduct a session to identify which objects are involved in the use case.
2. Allocate each object to a team member who will play the role of that object.
3. Act out the use case.
This involves a series of negotiations among the objects to explore how
responsibility can be allocated and to identify how the objects can collaborate with each
4. Identify and record any missing or redundant objects.
Before beginning a CRC session it is important that all team members are briefed on the
organization of the session and a CRC session should be preceded by a separate exercise
that identifies all the classes for that part of the application to be analyzed.
The team members to whom these classes are allocated can then prepare for the
role playing exercise by considering in advance a first-cut allocation of responsibilities
and identification of collaborations. Here, it is important to ensure that the environment
in which the sessions take place is free from interruptions and free for the flow of ideas
among team members.
During a CRC card session, there must be an explicit strategy that helps to
achieve an appropriate distribution of responsibilities among the classes. One simple but
effective approach is to apply the rule that each object should be as lazy as possible,
refusing to take on any additional responsibility unless instructed to do so by its fellow
During a session conducted according to this rule, each role player identifies the object
that they feel is the most appropriate to take on each responsibility, and attempts to
persuade that object to accept the responsibility. For each responsibility that must be
allocated, one object is eventually persuaded by the weight of rational argument to accept
it. This process can help to highlight missing objects that are not explicitly referred to by
the use case description. When responsibilities can be allocated in several different ways
it is useful to role-play each allocation separately to determine which is the most
appropriate. The aim normally is to minimize the number of messages that must be
passed and their complexity, while also producing class definitions that are cohesive and
well focused.

The following are the responsibilities of each class in our application Library
Management System.
1. Login:
This provides the responsibility that the users who are going to login to the
system. If the user is unauthorized then it does not provide the member to login to the

2. Librarian:
This class controls the total maintenance of he Library system and controls all the
operations in the system.

3. Registration:
This creates the account for he user for those who are not having the account in
the library. This is the main responsibility of this class.

4. Updation:
The main responsibility of this class is whenever the user or member going to take
the books immediately it update the account of the member.

5. Book Details:
It provides to the user to get all the details of all the books available in the library.

The Classes, Responsibilities, and Collaborators process consists of three steps:

1. Identify classes’ responsibilities (and identify classes)

2. Assign responsibilities
3. Identify collaborators

These are main responsibilities of classes in our application.



Use case realization is nothing but an instance of a use case which involves the
identification of a possible set of classes, together with an understanding of how those
classes might interact to deliver the functionality of the use case. The set of classes is
known as collaboration.
In the UML, use case realizations are drawn as dashed ovals and relation ship symbols
are as shown below.

Realization relationship

symbol for use case


A use case realization is a graphic sequence of events, also referred as a scenario or an

instance of a use case. These realizations or scenarios are represented using either a
sequence or collaboration diagrams.
Use case Realization can be provided using
Sequence diagrams,
Collaboration diagrams and
Class diagrams.
These diagrams can also be given by considering any scenario from the system or sub-

The following are the use case realizations in our project:



A sequence diagram is a graphical view of a scenario that shows object
interaction in a time based sequence----what happens first, what happens next….
Sequence diagrams establish the roles of objects and help provide essential
information to determine class responsibilities and interfaces.
A sequence diagram has two dimensions: the vertical dimension represents time;
the horizontal dimension represents different objects. The vertical line is called the
object’s lifeline. The lifeline represents the object’s existence during the interaction.
1. An object is shown as a box at the top of a dashed vertical line. Object names can be
specific (e.g., Algebra 101, Section 1) or they can be general (e.g., a course offering).
Often, an anonymous object (class name may be used to represent any object in the
2. Each message is represented by an Arrow between the lifelines of two objects. The
order in which these messages occur is shown top to bottom on the page. Each message is
labeled with the message name.
Time normally proceeds down the page. However, a sequence diagram may be drawn
with a horizontal time axis if required, and in this case, time proceeds from left to right
across the page. Each object is represented by a vertical dashed line, called a lifeline, with
an object symbol at the top. A message is shown by a solid horizontal arrow from one
lifeline to another and is labeled with the message name. Each message name may
optionally be preceded by a sequence number that represents the sequence in which the
messages are sent, but this is not usually necessary on a sequence diagram since the
message sequence is already conveyed by their relative positions along time axis.
Sequence diagrams and collaboration diagrams are together called the interaction
diagrams. These are two of the five diagrams used in UML to model the dynamic aspects
of systems. An interaction diagram shows the interaction consisting of a set of objects
and their relationships including the messages that may be dispatched among them.
Interaction diagrams are models that describe how groups of objects collaborate in some
behavior. Interaction diagrams commonly contain – objects, links, and messages.

Purpose of sequence diagrams:

• A sequence diagram is an interaction diagram that emphasizes the time ordering
of messages.
• The sequence diagram is used primarily to show the interactions between objects
in the sequential order that those interactions occur.
• One of the primary uses of sequence diagrams is in the transition from
requirements expressed as use cases to the next and more formal level of
refinement. Use cases are often refined into one or more sequence diagrams.
• In addition to their use in designing new systems, sequence diagrams can be used
to document how objects in an existing (call it “legacy”) system currently interact.
This documentation is very useful when transitioning a system to another person
or organization.
• The main purpose of a sequence diagram is to define event sequences that result
in some desired outcome. The focus is less on messages themselves and more on
the order in which messages occur; nevertheless, most sequence diagrams will
communicate what messages are sent between a system’s objects as well as the
order in which they occur.
• The diagram conveys this information along the horizontal and vertical
dimensions: the vertical dimension shows, top down, the time sequence of
messages/calls as they occur, and the horizontal dimension shows, left to right,
the object instances that the messages are sent.
There are mainly five elements in sequence diagrams. Three of them are common to the
two interaction diagrams and two are for sequential diagrams. They are-
• Objects
• Links
• Messages
• Focus of control
• Object life line

An object is a concrete manifestation of a class to which a set of operations can be

applied and which has a state that stores the effects of the operations. Objects are
instances of classes.

A link is a semantic connection among objects. In general, a link is an instance of an

association. Whenever a class has an association to another class, there may be a link
between the instances of the two classes; whenever there is a link between two objects,
one object can send a message to the other object.

A message is the specification of a communication among objects that conveys

information with expectation that activity will ensure. The receipt of message instance
may be considered an instance of an event. When a message is passed, the action that
results is an executable statement. An action may result in a change in state.

The focus of control is a tall, think rectangle that shows the period of time during which
an object is performing an action, either directly or through a subordinate procedure.

An object lifeline is a vertical dashed line that represents the existence of an object over
a period of time. Most objects that appear in an interaction diagram will be in existence
of an object over a period of time. Most objects that appear in an interaction diagram will
be in existence for the duration of the interaction.

Message to self: A message to self is a tool that sends a message from one object back to
the same object. It does not involve other objects because the message returns to the same
object. The sender of a message is the same as the receiver.

Sequence diagram for our system is as follows:

Sequence diagram in Member View:


:Select Book :addbook :return Book :extend Book

:Borrower : control:
:Book Options librarian
1: enter password

2: verify password

3: process
4: get book
5: refer book

6: get add book

7: set add book

8: get return book

9: set return book

10: getextend

11: set extend

Sequence diagram for our system in Librarian view is as follows:

:Member :Updation :User :Catalogue

: Librarian Information Option Account
1: get memberdetails
2: set details

3: maintain updations 4: update user account

5: update librarycatalogue


A collaboration diagram is an alternate way to show a scenario. This type of diagram

shows object interactions organized around the objects and their links to each other. A
collaboration diagram contains:
 Objects drawn as rectangles
 Links between objects shown as lines connecting the linked objects
 Messages shown as text and an arrow that points from the client to the supplier

Message labels in collaboration diagrams:

Messages on a collaboration diagram are represented by a set of symbols that are
the same as those used in a sequence diagram, but with some additional elements to show
sequencing and recurrence as these cannot be inferred from the structure of the diagram.
Each message label includes the message signature and also a sequence number that
reflects call nesting, iteration, branching, concurrency and synchronization within the
The formal message label syntax is as follows:
[Predecessor] [guard-condition] sequence-expression [return-value ':='] message-name' ('
[argument-list] ')'
A predecessor is a list of sequence numbers of the messages that must occur
before the current message can be enabled. This permits the detailed specification of
branching pathways. The message with the immediately preceding sequence number is
assumed to be the predecessor by default, so if an interaction has no alternative pathways
the predecessor list may be omitted without any ambiguity. The syntax for a predecessor
is as follows:
Sequence-number { ',' sequence-number} 'I'
The 'I' at the end of this expression indicates the end of the list and is only
included when an explicit predecessor is shown.
Guard conditions are written in Object Constraint Language (OCL), and are only
shown where the enabling of a message is subject to the defined condition. A guard
condition may be used to represent the synchronization of different threads of control.

A sequence-expression is a list of integers separated by dots ('.') optionally

followed by a name (a single letter), optionally followed by a recurrence term and
terminated by a colon. A sequence-expression has the following syntax:
Integer {‘.' integer} [name] [recurrence] ':'

In this expression integer represents the sequential order of the message. This may be
nested within a loop or a branch construct.
The name of a sequence-expression is used to differentiate two concurrent
messages since these are given the same sequence number.
Recurrence reflects either iterative or conditional execution and its syntax is as
Branching: ‘[‘condition-clause‘ ],
Iteration: ‘* ‘‘[‘iteration-clause ‘ ]’
A collaboration diagram emphasizes the organization of the objects that
participate in an interaction. Collaboration diagrams are a static construct to show objects
and messages involved in accomplishing a purpose or a set of purposes.

Purpose of collaboration diagrams:

• A collaboration diagram emphasizes the organization of the objects that
participate in an interaction.
• Collaboration diagrams do a better job of visualizing complex iteration and
branching and of visualizing multiple flows of control than do sequence diagrams.
• Collaboration diagrams model the flow of control by organization. Modeling a
flow control by organization emphasizes the structural relation ships among the
instances in the interaction, along which messages may be passed.

Elements of Collaboration Diagrams:

There are mainly five elements in collaboration diagrams. Three of them are common to
the two interaction diagrams and two are for collaboration diagrams. They are:
• Objects
• Links

• Messages
• Path
• Sequence number
An object is a concrete manifestation of a class to which a set of operations can be
applied and which has a state that stores the effects of the operations. Objects are
instances of classes.

A link is a semantic connection among objects. In general, a link is an instance of an

association. Whenever a class has an association to another class, there may be a link
between the instances of the two classes; whenever there is a link between two objects,
one object can send a message to the other object.

A message is the specification of a communication among objects that conveys

information with the expectation that activity will ensure. The receipt of message
instance may be considered an instance of an event. When a message is passed, the action
that results is an executable statement. An action may result in a change in state.

A path is used to indicate how one object is linked to another. A path stereotype is
attached to the far end of the link. The link of the path should be rendered explicitly.

A sequence number is used to indicate the time order of a message. The message is
prefixed with a number which increases monotonically for each new message in the flow
of control.
Two types of Numbering Sequences are:
1. Flat Sequence
2. Decimal Sequence
Difference between sequence and collaboration diagrams

 Sequence diagrams are closely related to collaboration diagrams and both are
alternate representations of an interaction.

 Sequence diagrams show time-based object interaction while collaboration

diagrams show how objects associate with each other.
 A sequence diagram is a graphical view of a scenario that shows object
interaction in a time based sequence
 A collaboration diagram shows object interactions organized around the objects
and their links to each other.
 The Create Collaboration Diagram Command creates a collaboration diagram
from information contained in the sequence diagram. The Create Sequence
Diagram Command creates a sequence diagram from information contained in the
interaction’s collaboration diagram.
Collaboration diagrams for our system are as follows:

Collaboration diagram for our system in Member View is as follows:

2: verify password

1: enter password
3: process

8: get return book

:Borrower :Book Options

4: get book Book

:addbook :Select 10: getextend

5: refer book
6: get add book

7: set add book 9: set return book

11: set extend
: control:

Collaboration diagram in Member View

Collaboration diagram for our system in Librarian View is as follows:

1: get memberdetails
3: maintain updations
2: set details Option

: Librarian

4: update user account

5: update librarycatalogue

Account :Catalog

Collaboration diagram in Librarian View

These are the collaboration diagrams in our project Library Management System



Attributes are part of the essential description of a class. They belong to the class, unlike
objects, which instantiate the class. Attributes are the common structure of what a
member of the class can 'know'. Each object will have its own, possibly unique, value for
each attribute.
Guidelines for identifying attributes of classes are as follows:
 Attributes usually correspond to nouns followed by prepositional phrases.
Attributes also may correspond to adjectives or adverbs.
 Keep the class simple; state only enough attributes to define the object state.
 Attributes are less likely to be fully described in the problem statement.
 Omit derived attributes.
 Do not carry discovery attributes to excess.

Some questions are there which help in identifying the responsibilities of classes and
deciding what data elements to keep track of:
• What information about an object should we keep track of?
• What services must a class provide?

Answering the first question helps us to identify the attributes of a class. Answering the
second question helps us to identify class methods.

The attributes identified in our system are:

• Attributes for member class: name, member ID.

• Attributes for Book class: book name, author name.issuedate,duedate.
• Attributes for Journal class: journal name, comp.
• Attributes for Librarian class: name, number.
• Attributes for Updation class: name, ID;

• Attributes for bookstatus class: issued,duedate

• Attributes for login class: name,id.

The responsibilities identified in our system are:

• Methods for Librarian class: Updatecatalog,UpdateAccount,allocateID.

• Methods for Login class:checkavailability,getDetails,registration.
• Methods for Member class: login,addItem,returnItem,extendItem.
• Methods for Student class: attendClass, subscribeInfo, postFAQ’s.
• Methods for book_status class: checkintime,penality,checkcount.



All systems are made up of many classes and objects. System behavior is
achieved through the collaborations of the objects in the system.
For example, a passenger can perform reservation operation by submitting form to
reservation clerk. This is often referred to as an object sending a message to another
object. Relationships provide the medium or tool for object interaction.
Two types of relationships in CLASS diagram are:
1. Associations Relationship
2. Aggregations Relationship

An association is a bidirectional semantic connection between classes. It is not a
data flow as defined in structured analysis and design data may flow in either direction
across the association. An association between classes means that there is a link between
objects in the associated classes.

An aggregation relationship is a specialized form of association in which a whole
is related to its part(s).
Aggregation is known as a "part-of" or containment relationship. The UML
notation for an aggregation relationship is an association with a diamond next to the class
denoting the aggregate (whole).


These allow objects to be build from other objects. The super-sub class hierarchy
is a relationship between classes, where one class is the parent class of another class.

The following are the different relationships exits in our applications:

 Association between Login and the Librarian:

Login/checkavailabil <<entity>>
ity Librarian (from
name usecase view)
address name
Borrower-id number
1 1
checkavailability() updatecatalog()
getdetails() updateaccount()
registration() allocate-id()

 Generalization between Book and Book Status

itemname Itemstatus
itemnumber issuedate
issuedate duedate
duedate itemcount

assignissuedate() checkintime()
assignduedate() penality()
extenditem() checkcount()


• Class diagrams are created to provide a picture or view of some or all of the
classes in the model.
• The main class diagram in the logical view of the model is typically a picture of
the packages in the' system. Each package also has its own main class diagram,
which typically displays the "public" classes of the package.

A class diagram is a picture for describing generic descriptions of possible

systems. Class diagrams and collaboration diagrams are alternate representations of
object models.

Class diagrams contain icons representing classes, packages, interfaces, and their
relationships. You can create one or more class diagrams to depict the classes at the top
level of the current model; such class diagrams are themselves contained by the top level
of the current model.

• AN OBJECT IS a representation of an entity, either real-world or conceptual.
• An object is a concept, abstraction, or thing with well defined boundaries and
meaning for an application.
• Each object in a system has three characteristics: state, behavior, and identity.

STATE: THE STATE OF an object is one of the possible conditions in which it may
exist. The state of an object typically changes over time, and is defined by a set of
properties (called attributes), with the values of the properties, plus the relationships the
object may have with other objects.
• Behavior determines how an object responds to requests from other objects .
• Behavior is implemented by the set of operations for the object.

• Identity means that each object is unique even if its state is identical to that of
another object.
CLASS: A CLASS IS a description of a group of objects with common properties
(attributes) common behavior (operations), common relationships to other objects, and
common semantics.
Thus, a class is a template to create objects. Each object is an instance of
some class and objects cannot be instances of more than one class.
Classes should be named using the vocabulary of the domain.
In the UML, classes are represented as compartmentalized rectangles.
The top compartment contains the name of the class.
The middle compartment contains the structure of the class (attributes).
The bottom compartment contains the behavior of the class (operations) as shown below.


As like stereotypes for relationships in use case diagrams. Classes can also have
stereotypes. Here a stereotype provides the capability to create a new kind of modeling
Here, we can create new kinds of classes. Some common stereotypes for a class
are entity Class, boundary Class, control class, and exception.
Notations of these stereotypes:

B o undary clas s E ntity class C ontrol class

Entity Classes
• An entity class models information and associated behavior that is generally
long lived.
• This type of class may reflect a real-world entity or it may be needed to perform
tasks internal to the system.

• They are typically independent of their surroundings; that is, they are not
sensitive to how the surroundings communicate with the system.
The first step is to examine the responsibilities documented in the flow of events
for the identified use cases. Entity classes typically are classes that are needed by the
system to complete some responsibility. The nouns and noun phrases used to describe the
responsibility may be considered for identification purpose. The initial list of nouns must
be filtered because it could contain nouns that are outside the problem domain, nouns that
are just language expressions, nouns that are redundant, and nouns that are descriptions
of class structures.
Boundary Classes:
Boundary classes handle the communication between the system surroundings
and the inside of the system. They can provide the interface to a user or another system
(i.e., the interface to an actor). They constitute the surroundings dependent part of the
Boundary classes are used to model the system interfaces.
Boundary classes are also added to facilitate communication with other systems.
During design phase, these classes are refined to take into consideration the chosen
communication protocols.
Control Classes
• Control classes model sequencing behavior specific to one or more use cases.
• Control classes coordinate the events needed to realize the behavior specified in
the use case.
• Control classes typically are application-dependent classes.
In the early stages of the Elaboration Phase, a control class is added for each
actor/use case pair. The control class is responsible for the flow of events in the use case.
In the early stages of the Elaboration Phase, a control class is added for each
actor/use case pair. The control class is responsible for the flow of events in the use case.

The following is the UML diagram for Entity Class

The following is the UML diagram for Boundary Class

The following is the UML diagram for Control Class

The following is the UML Class Diagram for our project:


Login/checkavailability <<Actor>>
name Librarian (from usecase view)
address name
Borrower-id number
1 1
checkavailability() updatecatalog()
getdetails() updateaccount()
registration() allocate-id()
1..n 1

Borrower Itemstatus
Borrower-id issuedate
name duedate
login() 1..n 1..n
additem() checkintime()
extenditem() penality()
returnitem() checkcount()




Use cases and scenarios provide a way to describe system behavior; in the form of
interaction between objects in the system. Sometimes it is necessary to consider inside
behavior of an object.
A state chart diagram shows the states of a single object, the events or messages
that cause a transition from one state to another and the actions that result from a state
change. As in Activity diagram, state chart diagram also contains special symbols for
start state and stop state.
State chart diagram cannot be created for every class in the system, it is only for
those class objects with significant behavior.
A state represents a condition or situation during the life of an object during
which it satisfies some condition, performs some action or waits for some event.
UML notation for STATE is

To identify the states for an object its better to concentrate on sequence diagram.
In our application the object for Account may have in the following states, initialization,
open and closed state. These states are obtained from the attribute and links defined for
the object. Each state also contains a compartment for actions.

Actions on states can occur at one of four times:
 on entry
 on exit
 do
 On event.

On entry: What type of action that object has to perform after entering into the state?
On exit: What type of action that object has to perform after exiting from the state?
Do: The task to be performed when object is in this state, and must to continue until it
leaves the state.
On event: An on event action is similar to a state transition label with the following
event(args)[condition]: the Action

A state transition indicates that an object in the source state will perform certain
specified actions and enter the destination state when a specified event occurs or when
certain conditions are satisfied. A state transition is a relationship between two states,
two activities, or between an activity and a state.

We can show one or more state transitions from a state as long as each transition
is unique. Transitions originating from a state cannot have the same event, unless there
are conditions on the event.
Provide a label for each state transition with the name of at least one event that
causes the state transition. You do not have to use unique labels for state transitions
because the same event can cause a transition to many different states or activities.
Transitions are labeled with the following syntax:

event (arguments) [condition] / action ^ target.sendEvent (arguments)

Only one event is allowed per transition, and one action per event.

Actions that accompany all state transitions into a state may be placed as an entry
action within the state. Like wise that accompany all state transitions out of a state may

be placed as exit actions within the state. Behavior that occurs within the state is called an
An activity starts when the state is entered and either completes or is interrupted
by an outgoing state transition. The behavior may be a simple action or it may be an
event sent to another object.
UML notation for State Details

entry/ simple action
entry/ ^class name.eventname
do/ simple action
do/ ^class name.event name
exit/ ^class name.event name

Purpose of state chart diagrams:

• We use state chart diagram when working on real-time process control
applications or systems that involve concurrent processing. It will also be used
when showing the behavior of a class over several use cases.
• State chart diagrams are used to model dynamic view of a system.
• State chart diagrams are used to emphasizing the potential states of the objects
and the transitions among those states.
• State chart diagrams are used to modeling the lifetime of an object.
• State chart diagrams are used to model the behavior of an interface. Although an
interface may not have any direct instances, a class that realizes such an interface
may. Those classes conform to behavior specified by the state machine of this
• State chart diagrams are used to focus on the changing state of a system driven by
• This diagram is also for constructing executable systems through forward and
reverse engineering.
• To model reactive objects, especially instances of a class, use cases, and the
system as a whole.


1. State: It is a condition or situation during the life of an object during which it satisfies
some condition, performs some activity, or waits for some event.
2. Event: It is the specification of significant occurrence that has a location in time and
3. Transition: It is a relation between two states indicating that an object in the first state
will perform certain actions and enter the second state when a specified event occurs and
conditions are satisfied.
4. Action state: An action state is shorthand for a state with an entry action and at least one
outgoing transition involving the implicit event of completing the entry action.
5. Sequential sub state: A submachine state represents the invocation of a state machine
defined elsewhere. The submachine state is depicted as a normal state with the
appropriate “include” declaration within its internal transitions compartment. As an
option, the submachine state may contain one or more sub states, which represent already
created states.
6. Concurrent sub state: A concurrent state is divided into two or more sub states. It is a
state that contains other state vertices. Naturally, any sub state of a concurrent state may
also be a composite state of either type. Any state enclosed within a composite state is
called a sub state of that concurrent state.
7. Initial state: A pseudo state to establish the start of the event into an actual state.
8. Final state: The final state symbol represents the completion of the activity.
9. History state: History state is a state machine describes the dynamic aspects of an object
whose current behavior depends on its past.
10. Vertical Synchronization: This merge branch bar symbol is also known as a
“Synchronization Bar”. It merges concurrent transitions to a single target. It splits a
single transition into parallel transitions.

11. Horizontal Synchronization: This merge branch bar symbol is also known as a
“Synchronization Bar”. It merges concurrent transitions to a single target. It splits a
single transition into parallel transitions.
12. Guard conditions: Activity and state diagrams express a decision when conditions are
used to indicate different possible transitions that depend on Boolean conditions of
container object. UML calls those conditions as guard conditions.
13. Forks and joins: A fork construct is used to model a single flow of control that divides
into two or more separate, but simultaneous flows. A join consists of two or more flows
of control that unite into a single flow of control.

The Statechart Diagram for Library Management System:



During the design phase the classes identified in object-oriented analysis must be
revisited with a shift in focus to their implementation. New classes or attributes and
methods must be added for implementation purpose and user interfaces.
Axiom: An axiom is a fundamental truth that always is observed to be valid and for
which is no counterexample or exception.
Axiom 1. The independence axiom.
Maintain the independence of components.
Axiom 2. The information axiom.
Minimize the information content of the design.
Axiom 1 deals with relationship between system components and Axiom 2 deals
with the complexity of the design. Axiom 1 states that, during the design process, as we
go from requirement and use-case to a system component, each component must satisfy
that requirement without affecting other requirements. Axiom 2 is concerned with
Occam’s razor says that, “The best theory explains the known facts with a
minimum amount of complexity and maximum simplicity and straightforwardness.”

Theorem: A theorem is a proposition that may not be self-evident but can be proven
from accepted axioms.
Corollary: A corollary is a proposition that follows from an axiom or another
proposition that has been proven.
Corollary 1. Uncoupled design with less information content. Highly cohesive objects
can improve coupling because only a minimal amount of essential information need be
passed between objects.
Corollary 2. Single purpose. Each class must have a single, clearly defined purpose.
When we document, we should be able to easily describe the purpose of a class in a few

Corollary 3. Large number of simple classes. Keeping the classes simple allows
Corollary 4. Strong mapping. There must be a strong association between the physical
system (analysis’s object) and logical design (design’s object).
Corollary 5. Standardization. Promote standardization by designing interchangeable
components and reusing existing classes or components.
Corollary 6. Design with inheritance. Common behavior must be moved to super classes.
The superclass-subclass structure must make logical sense.

Using corollary 6 in Library Management System the book class inherits the properties of
Book_item class shown as follows

itemname Itemstatus
itemnumber issuedate
issuedate duedate
duedate itemcount

assignissuedate() checkintime()
assignduedate() penality()
extenditem() checkcount()

The above UML diagram indicates the Generalization relationship between the books
and their status.



During analysis Stage we need to consider in detail the data types of the attributes
also. Common primitive data types include Boolean (true or false), Character (any
alphanumeric or special character), Integer (whole numbers) and Floating-Point (decimal
numbers). In most object-oriented languages more complex data types, such as Money,
String, Date, or Name can be constructed from the primitive data types or may be
available in standard libraries. An attribute's data type is declared in UML using the
following syntax:

name ':' type-expression '=' initial-value '{'property-string'}'

The name is the attribute name, the type-expression is its data type, the initial
value is the value the attribute is set to when the object is first created and the property-
string describes a property of the attribute, such as constant or fixed. The characters in
single quotes are literals.
Attribute declarations can also include arrays also. For example, an Employee
class might include an attribute to hold a list of qualifications that would be declared
using the syntax: Qualification [O ... 10]: String

Each operation also has to be specified in terms of the parameters that it passes
and returns. The syntax used for an operation is:
Operation name' ('parameter-list ') “: “return-type-expression
An operation's signature is determined by the operation's name, the number and
type of its parameters and the type of the return value if any.
Object visibility
The concept of encapsulation is one of the fundamental principles of object-
orientation. During analysis various assumptions have been made regarding the
encapsulation boundary for an object and the way that objects interact with each other.

For example, it is assumed that the attributes of an object cannot be accessed

directly by other objects but only via 'get' and 'set' operations (primary operations) that
are assumed to be available for each attribute. Moving to design involves making
decisions regarding which operations (and possibly attributes) are publicly accessible. In
other words we must define the encapsulation boundary.
The following are the different kinds of visibilities, their symbols and their
Visibility Visibility Meaning
+ Public The feature (an operation or an attribute) is directly
accessible by an instance of any class.
- Private The feature may only be used by an instance of the class
that includes it.
# protected The feature may be used either by instances of the class
that includes it or of a subclass or descendant of that
~ Package The feature is directly accessible only by instances of a
class in the same package.

Generally a class may present more than one external interface to other classes or
the same interface may be required from more than one class. An interface in UML is a
group of externally visible (i.e. public) operations. The interface contains no internal
structure, it has no attributes, no associations and the implementation of the operations is
not defined. Formally, an interface is equivalent to an abstract class that has no attributes,
no associations and only abstract operations.
The following figure shows two alternative notations for an interface. The simpler of the
two UML interface notations is a circle. This is attached by a solid line to the classes that
support the interface.

The alternative notation uses a stereotyped class icon. As an interface only specifies the
operations and has no internal structure, the attributes compartment is omitted. This
notation lists the operations on the diagram. The realize relationship, represented by the
dashed line with a triangular arrowhead, indicates that the class supports at least the
operations listed in the interface
<< interface >>

Refining Attributes:
In the analysis phase, the name of the attribute was sufficient. However, in the
design phase, detailed information must be added to the model. There are three basic
types of attributes. They are:
1) Single-value attributes.
2) Multiplicity or multi-value attributes.
3) Reference to another object, or instance connection.
Attributes represent the state of an object. The following is the attribute presentation:
Visibility name: type-expression=initial-value
Where visibility is one of the following:
+ public visibility
# protected visibility
- private visibility
During analysis, we identified the following attributes for classes:
Refining attributes for Librarian class:
• name
• number

At this stage we need to add more information to these attributes, such as

visibility and implementation type.
+ name : String
+ number: String
Refining attributes for member class:

After refining
+ id : String
+ name: String
Refining methods:

A class can provide several types of methods.

• Constructor. Method that creates instances of the class.

• Destructor. The method that destroys instances.
• Conversion method. The method that converts a value from one unit of measure
to another.
• Copy method. The method that copies the contents of one instance to another
• Attribute set. The method that sets the values of one or more attributes.
• I/O methods. The methods that provide or receive data to or from a device.
• Domain specific. The method specific to the application.
The operation syntax is:
Visibility name : (parameter-list) : return-type-expression
Refining methods for Librarian class:

After refining
+updateCatalog(String id)
+updateAccount(String id)
+allocateID(String id,String name)

Refining methods for Login class:



After refining
+checkAvailability(String id)
+registration(String id,String name)
+getDetails(String id)

Refining methods for Member class:


After refining
+login(String id)
+addItem(String name)
+returnItem(String name)
+extendItem(String name)

Refining methods for Book class:


After refining
+assign_issuedate(String name)
+assign_issuedate(String name)
+extendItem(String name)

+returnItem(String name)

Refining methods for BookItem class:


After refining
+Checkintime(Stirng id)
+Penality(String id)
+checkAccount(String id)

Refining relationships:
The relationships are already been drawn, there are no modifications to be done to
those relationships.



The overall class diagram after refinement is:

Book Status
Availability Librarian
Name Name
Address 1 1 Number 1..n 1 itemcount
Update Catalog()
checkavailability() Update Account()
getDetails() Allocate Id()
registration() 1
1 1..n

Book Member
itemname 1..n Borrower-id
itemnumber Name
duedate Login() 1..n
assignissuedate() Extenditem()
assignduedate() Returnitem()



Component Diagrams show the dependencies between software

components in the system. The nature of these dependencies will depend on the language
or languages used for the development and may exist at compile-time or at runtime.

<<includes>> LMS system.cpp
LMS system.h

<<Object code>>
LMS system.c




Deployment Diagrams are used to show the configuration of runtime processing

elements and the software components and processes that are located on them.

PC Client LMSDB: Database



PC Client: LMS System LMSDB: Database



1. Object Oriented Analysis and Design by Simon Benett.


2. Visual Modeling with Rational Rose 2002 by Teny Quatran.

3. Object Oriented systems development by Ali Bahram.



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