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Arthur C.

Corcoran Memorial Lecture

Angiogenic Factors in Preeclampsia

From Diagnosis to Therapy
S. Ananth Karumanchi

P reeclampsia is one of the most frequently encountered hyper-

tensive complication of pregnancy that affect ≈5% of preg-
nant women worldwide.1 It is often characterized by new onset
preeclamptic placentas.12 sFlt1 protein, a splice variant of the
vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) receptor Flt-1 or
vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 1, is a circulating
of hypertension and proteinuria, usually during the last trimes- antiangiogenic protein that inhibits proangiogenic factors—
ter of pregnancy, and is commonly associated with edema and VEGF and placental growth factor (PlGF) signaling in the
hyperuricemia. Preeclampsia occurs only in the presence of the vasculature13 (Figure). sFlt1 is made by synytiotrophoblast
placenta, even when there is no fetus (as in hydatidiform mole) layer of the placenta and secreted into maternal circulation.14
and usually remits when the placenta is delivered. The placenta Several isoforms of sFlt1 have been reported; however, the
in preeclampsia is often abnormal, with evidence of hypoperfu- isoform sFLT-1 e15a seems to be predominant protein that cir-
sion and ischemia. The renal biopsy and autopsy studies from culates in patients with preeclampsia.15
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preeclamptic patients showed renal glomerular endotheliosis, a Circulating sFlt1 levels are greatly increased in women
unique form of microvascular endothelial injury that is described with established preeclampsia and before onset of clini-
as the classic lesion of this disorder.2,3 Besides affecting kidneys, cal symptoms.16–20 Consistent with the action of the soluble
preeclampsia can affect the liver, hematologic system leading receptor protein to bind ligands, as plasma sFlt1 concentra-
to hemolysis and disseminated intravascular coagulation, brain tions rise, the free concentrations of the ligands—VEGF and
resulting in seizures (eclampsia), renal failure, abruption, fetal PlGF fall in preeclampsia.16,21 Removal of sFlt1 or addition
growth restriction and in certain cases fetal and maternal death. of exogenous VEGF can reverse the antiangiogenic effects
Preeclampsia remains a major cause of maternal and fetal mor- of preeclamptic plasma, as assessed by in vitro angiogen-
bidity and mortality worldwide.4 Because of a general lack of esis assays.12,22 Heterologous expression in rodents produces
access to advanced pre- and postnatal care, most of these deaths a syndrome of hypertension, proteinuria, and glomerular
occur in the developing world. endotheliosis resembling the human syndrome of preeclamp-
Preeclampsia is about twice as common in first pregnancies as sia.12,23–26 Antagonism of sFlt1 has been shown to ameliorate
in multigravidas. Other predisposing factors include pre-existing preeclampsia phenotype in mouse models.23,27,28 Reduction of
hypertension, chronic renal disease, obesity, diabetes mellitus, VEGF expression by 50% in the glomeruli using genetically
thrombophilias, trisomy 13, and multiple gestations.5,6 It occurs modified mice leads to proteinuria and glomerular endothelial
more frequently in women whose mothers had preeclampsia and damage that resemble preeclampsia.29 Furthermore, VEGF
in women whose fathers were products of a preeclamptic preg- antagonists, used in patients with cancer, sometimes produce
nancy.7 The incidence of preeclampsia is higher in women who a preeclampsia-like phenotype including hypertension, glo-
live in high altitudes, suggesting that hypoxia may contribute to merular endothelial damage, and reversible posterior leucoen-
the development of the syndrome.8 In vitro fertilization has also cephalopathy that is often noted in eclampsia.30–33 These data
emerged as an important risk factor for preeclampsia.9 Although support the hypothesis that inhibition of VEGF signaling in
none of these risk factors is fully understood, they have provided the maternal vasculature by high circulating sFlt1 may lead to
insights into pathogenesis. The exact cause of preeclampsia is preeclampsia-like signs/symptoms.
heretofore unknown, but improper implantation and a subse- The studies on sFlt1 and VEGF in preeclampsia biology
quent imbalance of proangiogenic and antiangiogenic circulat- have also led to new insights into basic biology of vascular
ing factors are considered to be at the root of this disorder.5,10,11 and placental homeostasis in health and in disease. The cause
In this review, we will discuss the pathogenic role of angiogenic of hypertension by sFlt1 has been described to be because of
factors in the maternal syndrome and will highlight the role of decreased endothelial nitric oxide production and increased
novel angiogenic factors in early diagnosis and in the develop- endothelin secretion.34,35 However, other factors such as pros-
ment of therapies for preeclampsia. tacyclins and hydrogen sulfide that are downstream of the
VEGF receptor may also be involved.36,37 The microvascu-
Biology of Antiangiogenic State in Preeclampsia lature of organs affected in preeclampsia such as the glom-
Using gene expression profiling, our group identified upreg- eruli and hepatic sinusoidal vasculature are more permeable
ulated soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase 1 (sFlt1) mRNA in because of the presence of intracellular perforations referred

From the Center for Vascular Biology, Departments of Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical
School, Boston, MA.
Correspondence to S. Ananth Karumanchi, Center for Vascular Biology, 99 Brookline Ave, RN 370D, Boston, MA 02215. E-mail sananth@bidmc.
(Hypertension. 2016;67:1072-1079. DOI: 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.116.06421.)
© 2016 American Heart Association, Inc.
Hypertension is available at DOI: 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.116.06421

Karumanchi   Angiogenic Factors and Preeclampsia   1073

Figure. Soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase 1 (sFlt1) and soluble endoglin (sEng) causes endothelial dysfunction by antagonizing vascular
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endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and transforming growth factor (TGF)-β1 signaling. There is mounting evidence that VEGF and TGF-β1
are required to maintain endothelial health in several tissues, including the kidney and other vascular beds. During normal pregnancy,
vascular homeostasis is maintained by physiological levels of VEGF and TGF-β1 signaling in the vasculature. In preeclampsia, excess
placental secretion of sFlt1 and sEng (2 endogenous circulating antiangiogenic proteins) inhibits VEGF and TGF-β1 signaling, respectively,
in the vasculature. This results in endothelial cell dysfunction, including decreased prostacyclin, nitric oxide production, and release of
procoagulant proteins. Reprinted from Powe et al5 with permission of the publisher. Copyright © 2012, the American Heart Association, Inc.

to as fenestrations. Although it was previously known that is present in the sera of pregnant women, and is elevated in
VEGF induces endothelial fenestrae in culture,38 experimental preeclamptic individuals and correlates with disease sever-
data in genetically engineered mice that lack VEGF confirmed ity.46,47 Administration of both sFlt1 and sEng using an ade-
that endothelial fenestral density is regulated by constitutive noviral expression system in pregnant rats produces a severe
expression of VEGF.29 Therefore, it is not surprising that the preeclampsia-like animal model with hypertension, protein-
microvascular damage in preeclampsia is largely concentrated uria, glomerular endotheliosis, thrombocytopenia, and fetal
in vasculature that constitutively express VEGF and that loss growth restriction.46 Patients who presented with high levels
of endothelial fenestrae in preeclampsia is because of excess of both sEng and sFlt1 had more severe and premature form
circulating sFlt1. Experimental studies in mice have also of the disease.46–48 Patients with eclampsia, a type of severe
helped clarify that angiogenic imbalance and preeclampsia preeclampsia, have also been reported to have very high levels
may be an important trigger for the clinical syndrome of peri- of sFlt1 and sEng and very low levels of free PlGF.49 However,
partum cardiomyopathy.39 more data on the precise mechanisms of how sEng contributes
Although placenta is the major source of sFlt1 produc- to preeclampsia are needed.
tion, immunohistochemistry studies have suggested that Numerous epidemiological studies also demonstrate that
syncytial knots (degenerating syncytiotrophoblast tissue) in alterations in circulating sFlt1 may explain several risk factors
the placenta is the major site of sFlt1 production.40,41 These for preeclampsia, such as multiple gestation, trisomy 13, nul-
syncytial knots easily detach from the syncytiotrophoblast, liparity, and molar pregnancies.5,50–53 These epidemiological
resulting in free, multinucleated aggregates (50- to 150-μm studies further lend support to the hypothesis that alterations
diameter) that are loaded with sFlt1 protein and mRNA, and in circulating angiogenic factors plays a causal role in mediat-
are capable of de novo gene transcription and translation.40,42 ing the maternal syndrome of preeclampsia.
Other studies using autopsy material have suggested that The underlying events that induce placental disease acti-
shed syncytial knots may contribute to circulating sFlt1 in vating the cascade of placental damage and antiangiogenic
preeclampsia.43 Because these synytial microparticles are of factor production remain unknown.5,54 An array of insults may
fetal origin, this process of syncytial microparticle shedding contribute to placental damage that is proximally linked to the
may lead to chimerism, as fetal cells can be retained in the production of soluble pathogenic factors. Numerous pathways
maternal blood and organs for decades after delivery. The have been proposed to have key roles in inducing placental dis-
long-term consequences to the mother exposed to excess ease, including deficient heme oxygenase expression, placen-
fetal material are unknown. tal hypoxia, genetic factors, corin deficiency, autoantibodies
Soluble endoglin (sEng), another antiangiogenic protein, against the angiotensin receptor, oxidative stress, inflammation,
that is expressed in the synyctiotrophoblast may also contrib- altered natural killer cell signaling, deficient catechol-O-methyl
ute to preeclampsia.44 The role of this protein in producing transferase, complement activation, and more recently aber-
preeclampsia phenotypes was evaluated based on the hypoth- rant vasopressin production.11,55–62 Interestingly, several of
esis that sEng may impair transforming growth factor-β1 these pathways were shown to increase placental production
binding to its cell surface receptors and decreasing endothelial of the antiangiogenic factors in cell culture or animal models.
nitric oxide signaling45 (Figure). sEng is placental in origin, However, human studies describing the temporal relationship
1074  Hypertension  June 2016

between the angiogenic factors and the upstream pathways are has been developed using models that incorporated angio-
still lacking before one can draw definitive conclusions. genic factors, maternal characteristics, biophysical and other
biochemical markers. Poon et al81 evaluated 7797 women with
Biomarker Studies in Preeclampsia singleton pregnancies, during gestational weeks 11 to 13. This
Free concentrations of plasma VEGF during pregnancy are study yielded very good results using an algorithm developed
low and often below the detection of most commercially avail- by logistic regression that combined the logs of uterine pulsa-
able diagnostic kits. As a surrogate of VEGF impairment, PlGF tility index, mean arterial pressure, PAPP-A (pregnancy asso-
levels during pregnancy has emerged an attractive candidate. ciated plasma protein A), serum-free PlGF, body mass index,
PlGF, a member of the VEGF family, is a proangiogenic protein and presence of nulliparity or previous preeclampsia. At a 5%
that is made abundantly during pregnancy and it binds to Flt1 false-positive rate, the detection rate for early preeclampsia
receptor but not the other VEGF receptors. Because sFlt1 levels was 93.1%. The calculated positive likelihood ratio was 16.5
rise, free PlGF levels drop and ratio of sFlt1/PlGF correlates and negative likelihood ratio was 0.06.82 The same group more
with preeclampsia phenotypes.48,63 Working with industry part- recently confirmed that maternal factors when combined with
ners, we and others have developed highly sensitive, specific, PlGF levels and uterine artery pulsatility index can detect
and robust assays with rapid throughput to quantitate levels of 75% of cases of preterm preeclampsia in a study of >35,000
total sFlt1 and free PlGF in plasma and serum.64–66 Using these patients.83 Circulating angiogenic factors measured during
automated assays, we have attempted to answer the following early gestation have a high negative predictive value in ruling
4 questions: (1) How well do plasma/serum sFlt and PlGF dif- out the development of severe adverse maternal and perinatal
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ferentiate between disease and no disease? (2) How well do outcomes among patients with systemic lupus erythematosus
these biomarkers predict prognosis in patients with suspected or antiphospholipid antibody syndrome.84 In a prospective mul-
preeclampsia? (3) Do alterations in angiogenic biomarkers ticenter study, we demonstrated that among high-risk subjects
serve as early predictive markers for adverse outcomes related with systemic lupus erythematosus or antiphospholipid anti-
to preeclampsia? and (4) Can we use the angiogenic biomarkers body syndrome, the combination of sFlt1 and PlGF was most
as an intermediate outcome to measure response to a specific predictive of severe adverse pregnancy outcomes when mea-
treatment? sured early in pregnancy (16–19 weeks), with risk greatest for
Several groups have demonstrated that measurement for subjects with both PlGF in lowest quartile (<70.3 pg/mL) and
sFlt1 and PlGF can be used to differentiate preeclampsia sFlt1 in highest quartile (>1872 pg/mL; odds ratio, 31.1; 95%
from other diseases that mimic preeclampsia, such as chronic confidence interval, 8.0–121.9; positive predictive value, 58%;
hypertension, gestational hypertension, kidney disease, and negative predictive value, 95%). Severe adverse outcome rate
gestational thrombocytopenia.67–71 Angiogenic markers have in this high-risk subgroup was 94% (95% confidence interval,
also been shown to be promising in preeclampsia-related 70%–99.8%), if lupus anticoagulant or history of high blood
disorders, such as idiopathic fetal growth restriction and still- pressure is additionally present.84 We have therefore proposed
birth.72,73 To demonstrate clinical use of these biomarkers, we that among a high-risk population, measurement of angiogenic
led a large clinical study to evaluate the role of angiogenic profile would allow clinicians to identify subjects with low risk
biomarkers in the prediction of preeclampsia-related adverse for severe adverse outcomes and in this group the number of
outcomes among women evaluated at our institution for sus- medical visits could be substantially reduced. Patients at low
pected preeclampsia.74 We demonstrated that the plasma risk can be reassured and healthcare costs for their pregnancies
sFlt1/PlGF ratio on presentation predicts adverse maternal decreased, whereas those at high risk can be managed by spe-
and perinatal outcomes (occurring within 2 weeks) in the cialists with close monitoring and delivery for severe maternal
preterm setting. This ratio alone performed better than the or fetal disease. Future studies in other high-risk populations to
standard battery of clinical diagnostic measures, including evaluate the clinical use of early prediction using angiogenic
blood pressure, proteinuria, uric acid, and other laboratory biomarkers because it relates to preeclampsia-related adverse
assays. Several recent studies have confirmed that levels of maternal and fetal outcomes are needed.
sFlt1 and PlGF in the triage setting can be used as a robust Angiogenic factor levels have also been used as a surro-
prognostic test and these levels correlate with the duration of gate marker in clinical trials.85–87 In summary, data from mul-
pregnancy.74–77 In addition, we have also provided evidence tiple groups support the hypothesis that angiogenic factors are
that women with clinically diagnosed preeclampsia, but who useful in risk stratification of women with preeclampsia to
have normal angiogenic profile have no adverse maternal or accurately diagnose preeclampsia and predict development of
fetal outcomes.78 sFlt1 and PlGF testing may be, therefore, complications. More studies are needed to evaluate the impact
useful in women with symptoms of preeclampsia to identify of clinical decisions based on results of sFlt1 and PlGF testing
those with normal angiogenic profile and a reduced risk of on health outcomes, and assess the cost-effectiveness of man-
preeclampsia-related complications, thereby avoiding unnec- agement strategies based on sFlt1 and PlGF testing.
essary intervention. Recently, Zeisler et al79 demonstrated in
a prospective multicenter clinical trial that serum sFlt/PlGF Therapeutic Studies
can be used to rule out preeclampsia among patients with sus- Human and animal studies as outlined above have strongly
pected disease with negative predictive value >99%. suggested that targeting angiogenic pathway may be a viable
Numerous studies evaluated the performance of angiogenic strategy to prevent or treat preeclampsia. We summarize 3 dif-
factors in prediction of preeclampsia alone or in combination ferent strategies that have been evaluated in either preclinical
with other markers.80 In particular, first trimester prediction or early clinical studies.
Karumanchi   Angiogenic Factors and Preeclampsia   1075

Therapeutic Apheresis arterial pressure without any adverse effects on pups.95 Several
Removal of toxic circulating factors in preeclampsia has met groups have also demonstrated efficacy in animal models of pre-
with limited success. Plasmapheresis to remove circulating eclampsia for sildenafil and endothelin antagonists, both drugs
antibodies and toxic proteins has not prolonged pregnancy in acting on pathways downstream of the VEGF receptor.96
preterm preeclampsia. Because sFlt1 has a large volume of dis-
tribution and that circulating plasma levels of sFlt1 represent Long-Term Complications of Preeclampsia
<20% of the total body sFlt-1 burden,88 we hypothesized that Epidemiological studies have shown an increased risk of
a selective adsorption column would create a concentration chronic hypertension, cardiovascular disease (CVD), and
gradient and augment its removal. We identified dextran sulfate chronic kidney disease in women with a history of preeclamp-
(a polyanionic derivative of dextran) columns as one potential sia.97–100 Recently, the American Heart Association has recog-
strategy for use in preeclampsia as dextran sulfate bound sFlt1 nized preeclampsia as a novel risk factor for CVD in women.101
efficiently.85 Dextran sulfate columns bind apolipoprotein B– It is currently thought that the background metabolic milieu
containing low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and is Food and of women (ie, shared risk factors) confer risk for both pre-
Drug Administration–approved for use as an apheresis strategy eclampsia and for long-term CVD. Romundstad et al102 have
in patients with familial homozygous hypercholesterolemia. suggested that at least 50% of the long-term hypertension can
Among pregnant patients with familial homozygous hypercho- be explained by pre-existing risk factors. However, it is also
lesterolemia, dextran sulfate apheresis using whole blood has possible that seemingly transient vascular injury induced by
been used throughout pregnancy without any major complica- preeclampsia, subclinical in nature, predisposes to the develop-
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tions. In a small pilot proof-of-concept study, we demonstrated ment of chronic hypertension, and CVD. The absence of hyper-
that a 30% to 40% reduction in circulating sFlt1 levels using tension in the siblings of women with preeclampia who might
dextran sulfate apheresis is sufficient to ameliorate preeclamp- be expected to be at similar risk of CVD and increased risk
tic signs and symptoms and prolong pregnancy duration by 2 to of CVD in women with recurrent preeclampsia supports this
4 weeks with no neonatal or maternal morbidity.85 During the hypothesis.103,104 Data from a recent epidemiological study sug-
course of the treatment, the extracorporeal adsorption device gested that increased risk of chronic kidney disease after pre-
only lowered soluble sFlt1 levels by 35% on average, validating eclampsia seems to be explained by the pregnancy exposure per
the idea that modest lowering circulating sFlt1 levels is sufficient se and not by familial aggregation of risk factors.105 Recently,
to successfully prolong preeclamptic pregnancies. In a follow-up using the sFlt1 overexpression model in mice, we demon-
study, Thadhani et al86 using plasma-specific apheresis strategy strated that preeclampsia exposure potentiates the adverse vas-
further validated this concept and demonstrated amelioration cular remodeling response to injury later in life.106 The vascular
of proteinuria and stabilization of blood pressure by reducing injury response in mice is enhanced after preeclampsia despite
sFlt1 levels on average by 18%. Interestingly, among women complete normalization of blood pressure and other cardiovas-
treated once, pregnancy continued for an average of 8 days and, cular parameters after delivery, as in women with preeclamp-
among women treated multiple times, pregnancy continued on sia. Moreover, examination of uninjured vessels reveals that in
average for 15 days, which is in contrast to 3 days in untreated the absence of a vascular injury stimulus, there is no difference
contemporaneous preeclamptic subjects. A more specific apher- in vascular remodeling after preeclampsia. Experimental pre-
esis cartridge that selectively removes sFlt1 and other toxic pro- eclampsia in mice has also been shown to induce long-term
teins such as sEng with antibody affinity columns may be a more changes in the global plasma protein profile (proteome) that
effective strategy with predictable clinical outcomes for patients correlate with changes associated with CVD.107 This supports
and with less side effects. a new paradigm in which preeclampsia causes changes in vas-
cular physiology that enhance the response to future vascular
Recombinant Ligands
damage that may be mediated by pre-existing or new risk fac-
In animal models, several groups have tested whether the
tors to which women are exposed after preeclampsia. A greater
naturally occurring ligands for sFlt1, such as VEGF or PlGF,
understanding of the mechanism of postpreeclampsia CVD
would be of benefit in ameliorating preeclampsia.23,27,28,89,90
will improve screening and suggest novel targets for preven-
However, no data are available in humans, if this strategy
tion of future CVD in this high-risk population of women.108
would be safe. Experimental studies suggest that the hor-
mone relaxin may also be used to ameliorate preeclampsia
by improving vascular compliance and upregulating VEGF
During the past decade, epidemiological, experimental, and
locally.91 Clinical studies to test the safety of human relaxin in
therapeutic studies have provided evidence that altered antian-
women with preeclampsia is ongoing.92
giogenic state because of altered circulating sFlt1 and related
Small Molecules proteins, such as PlGF and sEng leads to preeclampsia.109
Compounds that upregulate proangiogenic factors such as statins Recent study suggests that sFlt1 and sEng are largely expressed
have been used to ameliorate preeclampsia in animal models.24 in syncytial knots in the placenta and released into maternal
A clinical trial to test safety of statins in women with established circulation as syncytial microparticles.42 Understanding the
preeclampsia has been initiated in the United Kingdom and in dysregulated antiangiogenic pathway in the syncytium and its
the United States.93,94 More recently, hypoxia-inducible factor role in mediating maternal vascular disease marks a significant
inhibitors have also been evaluated in preclinical models. In a advance in our efforts to explain the origins of preeclampsia.
rat model of placental ischemia–induced hypertension, ouabain Further study on the basic biology of placentation and syncy-
acting as hypoxia-inducible factor-1α inhibitor reduced mean tialization may shed clues on fundamental molecular defect
1076  Hypertension  June 2016

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I thank Dr Ravi Thadhani for help with this article and for providing 18. Chaiworapongsa T, Romero R, Kim YM, Kim GJ, Kim MR, Espinoza J,
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Angiogenic Factors in Preeclampsia: From Diagnosis to Therapy
S. Ananth Karumanchi

Hypertension. 2016;67:1072-1079; originally published online April 11, 2016;

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doi: 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.116.06421
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