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1. According to Nos. 18 and 19 of your JAR, you said that your mother, Evelyn Reyes, emailed you
a photo of the construction of a restaurant at the Last Resort. The said construction occupied
the WHOLE open area of the beach, is it correct?

2. So Ms. Witness, the wedding ceremony could still be conducted beside the constructed
restaurant, correct?

3. That there are still MANY spots in the OPEN area of the beach where the wedding ceremony
could be held, is it right?

4. Ms. Witness, you also mentioned in your JAR that you and your husband decided to get married
in the United States on May 1, 2016, correct?

5. That the real reason for the action for rescission is that your August 8, 2016 beach wedding will
be superfluous since you already got married, right Ms. Witness?

6. It is therefore clear Ms. Witness, under the Memorandum of Agreement, that your wedding
should be on August 8, 2016 and not on May 1, 2016? YES or NO!


1. According your JAR, you took a photo of the construction of the restaurant. Can you describe
before this Honorable Court, on how you took a photo of the construction of the restaurant?

2. Would you agree with me, Ms. Witness, that the construction of the restaurant is ONLY part
and parcel of a wider open area of the beach?

3. Did the said construction of the restaurant obstruct the whole OPEN area of the beach?

4. Would you agree also Ms. Witness that there are still a lot of spots in the open area of the beach
side where the wedding can be held?

5. So the obligation of Mr. Ricky Sueco can still be complied with NOTWITHSTANDING the said
construction of restaurant, correct?

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